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piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:20 PM

An Adventure of Hobbit Proportions Discussion Thread
Valier and littlemanpoet invite you to play in their game:

An Adventure of Hobbit Proportions



#1 (as of 09/08/2008):

Gwathagor is now the main facilitator for this game with Kitanna as his back-up facilitator


#2 (as of 10/09/2009):

Valier and Kitanna are now co-facilitators


piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:20 PM

Basic Storyline: An adventurous young Hobbit lass decides to go on an adventure to search for the Entwives she has heard of in stories. She enlists the help of a varied group of hobbits. They have many surprises as they travel; they also socialize and form relationships and friendships along the way. They travel by foot to the bottom of the Hills of Evendum in search of the Entwives.

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:21 PM

The purpose of this story is to: travel to the North Moors and find the (a) Entwives/ Entwife

This means we know the story is over when: The Entwives are either found or they are nowhere to be found and they adventurers return home.

Starting location: Buckland

Likely destination: Hills of Evendim/ The North Moors

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:21 PM


This game takes place in the year 125 Fourth Age or the year 1547 SR (Shire Reckoning) - 6 years after King Elessar passed and Gimili and Legolas set sail.

The storyline itself or plot covers about 3 weeks

This game requires a time commitment of 3 months from me, the game owner and from the major players

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:22 PM


01.) ValierBella (Bunny) Took - 30 y/o

02.) Thinlómien - Tansy Bogsworth - 44 y/o

03.) Boromir88Rufus (Rudy) Hilldweller - 38 y/o

04.) Finduilas - Mira Hilldweller - 20 y/o (NO LONGER PLAYING)

05.) Gwathagor - Browning (Brown) Barrabury - 37 y/o

06.) Kitanna - Peony Chubb - 35 y/o

07.) Legate of Amon Lanc - Michael (Mishka) Smallburrow - 28 y/o

08.) littlemanpoet - Hugo Chubb - 100 y/o (NO LONGER PLAYING - character deceased)

09.) Sephiroth - Foldo Grubb 32 y/o (NO LONGER PLAYING)

10.) Iras Sabir - Elizabeth (Lizzy) Smallburrow - 42 y/o (NO LONGER PLAYING)


Character types which would NOT belong: Anything other than Hobbits

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:24 PM

Valier’s character:

Name: Bella (Bunny) Took


Race: Hobbit

Gender: Female

Weapons: A small wooden bow with 20 small feathered arrows and leather quill.


Bunny is 2'4 and slightly chubby. She has long, curly, unruly, bushy dark brown almost black hair, which she hardly ever wears up. She has bright, sharp, startling dark liquid eyes. Her features are quite dainty, and her cheeks always scarlet, which embarrassed her as a youth. Bunny has always dressed in very unHobbitish coloured dresses, preferring Blues and Purples to the very popular green and yellow of daily Hobbit wear. She always wore a dress, no matter what she was doing, from domestic duties to Romping over the Shire. Her Ma always insisted that she be lady- like and this was the only thing in which Bunny still obeyed her Ma on. Her Ma was always saying things like "Bunny dear mind your manners or try not to chatter too much or don't spill anything..."


Bunny is an exuberant, joyous young Hobbit. She has been known to talk a mile a minute and usually about things others could care less about. She is very outspoken and forward which sometimes makes others uncomfortable. She is considerate of others though, wanting everyone around her to have a good time. She has a bit of a mischievous streak to her and enjoys a little practical joke every once and awhile. Very loyal to her family and friends. She is proficient at most Hobbit activities including cooking (and eating of course) She does not fear water and enjoys wading in up to her waist. She was good with her hands and could start a fire quickly and have food and tea prepared in no time( with minimal burns) when needed. She is very intelligent and enjoys problem solving. She was taught her letters and could read very well and enjoyed reading and telling stories with her Pa. Bunny tends to be a little bit of a daydreamer, which people take as her being flighty. She is extremely clumsy at times due mostly to being preoccupied with something else. She has a fear of heights, which she does not do a good job of hiding.


Bunny is the youngest of four children born to BellaDonna Bracegirdle and Borgo Took. She has 3 brothers Peter at age 58, Hank at age 46 and Henry at age 40. Her family is very overprotective of her, always treating her as a child and nicknaming her Bunny at a small age. Her family is all farmers, raising chickens and pigs and growing vegetables in an impressive garden. All three of her brothers had married respectable and admirable Hobbits and moved to live with their wives. Only her brother Peter still lived close with his wife Balinda, in a hole not too far from their own. Her Ma taught her all the things useful to a Hobbit Lass, like cooking and sewing. She learned writing and archery and farming from her father. Her Ma was constantly correcting Bunny's posture or the condition of her dress. She was the only daughter and she had best be as presentable as possible. Bunny was hardly ever allow to tag along with her brothers, when they did fun un-girlish things. She was always left behind with a book or just her imagination to keep her company.


Valier’s post – FIRST FOR GAME:

The bright afternoon sun beat down upon the young girl’s face, she stifled a yawn and opened her eyes. She lazily watched as clouds slowly drifted by, it was a beautiful spring day in the Shire. A little breeze blew a curly tendril of hair across her face, she made no move to remove it, she sighed and closed her eyes again. "Bunny? Bunny! where have you got to?" The young Hobbit lass sighed again and rolled over trying to hide herself further in the lush green grass. "Bunny Took, you get in here this moment!" she bellowed. " I need you to come set the table. Okay Okay Ma I'm comin' " Bunny protested loudly. She yawned and stretched, smoothed her dress and headed back towards her awaiting Ma.

I told you not to go anywhere, I need your help." "But Ma settin' the table only takes a few seconds and well, it's such a lovely day......and." "And nothing Bunny, just look at the condition of your dress, all covered in grass stains." Belladonna gave a little kicking motion towards her daughter and ushering her inside. "you know your Pa will be home soon and you know how he gets if there isn't food on the table." Bunny stuck out her tongue and made a face hoping her Ma wouldn't see it, which of course she did. "Oh Bunny how unladylike! Now hop to it!" Bunny began to set out the plates and teacups, dropping utensils as she went, her Ma hummed a tune as she stirred a pot on the small fire. Finding this task extremely boring, Bunny began to make a little hill out of sugar on a small side plate she had just set down. Completely engrossed with her little hill, she added more and more until it began to spill onto the freshly washed and set table. " Her Ma's tune stopped short "Oh Bunny look what you've done, why oh why do you insist on doing things like that?" She gave her daughter a stern look as she stared back unabashed. I'll clean up here you go and fetch a few eggs from Old Hazel, she should have a few by now. Bunny shrugged, tossed her hair and skipped out the door. " When will that girl ever get her head outta the clouds....she shook her head and began to wipe the mound of sugar from the table. As Bunny fetched a basket from beside the little bench outside the door her Pa came up the steps dirty and tired from working in the field. She stopped to kiss his dirt streaked cheek then gave a little wave and continued towards the chicken coop.

The coop was dimly lit, but Bunny knew where the old hen Hazel say. She quietly approached the dark corner. " Ok Hazel...You don't like me and I don't like you, but Mama needs some eggs." The hen clucked and looked like she was about to lift off her eggs. Bunny made a quick lunge towards the eggs, but Hazel had other plans. She reached out and seized Bunny's out stretched fingers in her sharp beak, breaking the skin. " Ouch you ol' cow! Git over!" she shoved the hen and pulled three warm eggs from the nest and put them gently into the basket.She eyed the fluster hen once more then shut the door. Storming into the house sucking her injured fingers, Bunny's lightly hairy foot tripped over the mat in the hall and sent her sprawling onto the floor. She just barely caught the basket of hard fought eggs with her fingertips. " Bunny dear are you alright?" Bunny smiled and nodded, she scrambled to her feet and joined her parents at the table.

“You really must do something with that old cow, she bit me again." "Old cow?.... Oh Hazel, yes she really is a nasty Ol' piece of work, isn't she." "Yes she is and I swear she's got it out for me." “Bella don't talk with your mouth full" Pa said as he buttered his bread. He was the only one who called her Bella and she loved him all the more for it. " So I hear you want to take a trip to Buckland?" He said, putting the now fried egg onto his bread. "When did you want me to take you? Or I guess Peter could take you." “Pa I know I act a little silly at times, but I am almost of age, You know I can handle myself, and I know the way." Yes Bella" He said as he reached for her hand," I know that you are not always so silly." Her Ma frowned and began to protest. "Now BellaDonna, she is old enough and she does know the way. How long shall you be gone and who shall you stay with?" " well not long I suppose perhaps a week? And I shall stay with that lovely hobbit Tansy, the one who tells the most intriguing stories. I'll be back before you know it." “Well I still think there is no reason to go by yourself" exclaimed Belladonna. “Well Love" her pa said lovingly to his wife, "She won't be a little lass forever." Bunny grinned as honey slipped down her chin.

Lying in her bed with the lamp blown out that night, Bunny went over her plans in her head." Ok so I head to Buckland, find Tansy and try to convince her to come with me, I am sure she will. She should hopefully be able to help with getting us more supplies and more food, if I take too much from here they will know I plan to be gone more than a week and they'll question my going. I have a map of the Shire from one of Pa's books, I have a coil of rope, cooking gear... boy will Ma kill me when she finds out their gone. I must take my bow with me just in case. I can hide it in my travelling cloak and stash it before I go. Then after we top off our supplies... We're Off!!! to adventure and to make the search I have always dreamt of taking. To find the Female treeherders. To find the Entwives, if there is any. She had heard many stories of the Master Peregrin Took and his friend Meriadoc Brandybuck, who had met the great Treeherders the Ents and had talked to the great treebeard who told them of the Entwives and their long search for them. They would like the Shire he said and Bunny was sure they would too. She had heard rumors of a Treeman long ago being seen in the North Moors, and that was where she was headed. She would see for herself if they were there or not... Or if they had indeed vanished from this world.With her mind still racing she lay awake, far into the night. The next day would be the beginning of Bunny Tooks greatest adventure.

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:28 PM

All prospective players:

Have you played in one of the Inns on the Barrow Downs? YES/NO (If YES, you are eligible to play in this game.

Character Description Form:

(Your-Name)'s character





WEAPONS (No magical, super-hero, mithril weapons. Just good solid Middle-earth weapons and armor only that is appropriate to the race of the character and the time period.):


PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: (No half-Elven characters. No mixed-type characters. No super-heroes. No assassins. No one all powerful, martial arts proficient, or having any magical traits. Just regular characters with normal abilities for their races only):



The Game Owner, Valier, does not require First Posts to be done until the game opens.

piosenniel 10-18-2007 03:30 PM

The Discussion Thread is now open for posting

Have fun, Hobbits!!

~*~ Pio

Valier 10-18-2007 04:59 PM

Hello all players!!! We are still in need of more people, so if anyone is interested please feel free to pm me. I have Thinlomien and Boromir's bios that I shall post soon, Valesse if you are still playing I will need yours as well. Noggin...are you still playing? :D

Gwathagor 10-18-2007 09:06 PM

I've only submitted three posts at the Inn. Do I need more experience to play? If not, then I'd love to.

Valier 10-19-2007 12:46 AM

I believe that is enough for you to play Gwathagor . You are gladly welcomed. :D

I do want a promise from all players that this story will not go stale. I will try my best to keep the storyline rolling and make it interesting. All I ask is that you all post fairly frequently and let me know if you will be away.

piosenniel 10-19-2007 03:15 AM


Valier is correct. Please create a character using the posted character bio form and post it on this Discussion Thread.


~*~ Pio

Kitanna 10-19-2007 10:33 AM

I would like to join, but am willing to step aside for someone who has not had a chance to do an RP outside the inn.

piosenniel 10-19-2007 10:38 AM


Please do come join this game! :)

There is plenty of room for old and new. I'll put your name in as one of the prospective players.

~*~ Pio

Kitanna 10-19-2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by piosenniel (Post 534300)

Please do come join this game! :)

There is plenty of room for old and new. I'll put your name in as one of the prospective players.

~*~ Pio

Well then, I'm quite excited. This should be fun and a welcome relief from my classes that are threatening to crush me. It seems like forever since the last time I joined an RP.
Should I post my character description here?

Valier 10-19-2007 10:52 AM

also if you could Pio add Littlemanpoet as a prospective member. He has shown some interest and maybe putting him on the list would encourage him more so:p Also please place Valesse on the maybe list as well I have not got a conformation on her commitment yet.

Hello Kitanna!!! I would love to have you join our little adventure!!

we are getting close to having all our members and I will wait till we have a full and concrete cast before we debate the name and begin discussions about family relations and what not.

All concrete players may post their character bios on this thread A.S.A.P so we can work out all the kinks (if there is any) and edit anything before we start work on our first posts.

And sorry to ask but....Gwathagor are you a male? and Finduilas you are a girl I believe? Just wanted to make sure so I don't mess this up later.:D

Finduilas 10-19-2007 11:15 AM

Yes, I am a girl.

Would you prefer me to play a male or female? I am fine with both. I am making my bio as a female, but have worked it in such a way as to make it easy to change genders, should that be preferable.

I hope to get it in sometime today.

My history may not be totally complete when I first post it, as I wont know what other characters my character is to know. I will work that in once we have it figured out.

Gwathagor 10-19-2007 05:21 PM

I am definitely male. For the record.

Character Bio:

NAME: Browning (Brown) Barrabury

AGE: 37

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS: Oak staff; Sling and stones; A strange and ancient knife, which he discovered while out rambling

APPEARANCE: An extraordinarily ordinary-looking hobbit. He is about 3' 7" and has dark brown hair and greenish-brownish eyes (whatever color that is). He wears, alternatively, dark green breeches and a brown shirt, or brown breeches and a dark green shirt. In either case, he also wears a wide leather belt, a practical tan waist-coat, and his shirt sleeves rolled up past the elbows.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: He is, as stated above, ordinary and boring. If anything, he is, perhaps, somewhat quieter than other hobbits, but only because he listens and thinks a great deal. His philosophic disposition also sets him apart, to some extent. When he does speak, it is generally well thought out and intelligent. He rarely displays noticeable signs of sadness, and is characteristically a very cheerful, calm fellow. Being intelligent, however, he can be critical of foolishness in others, and is quick to silently identify stupid hobbits, though he is equally critical of himself. In many cases, he can be actually over-critical of himself. Fortunately, his critical nature usually manifests itself in a broad and quick sense of humor. He is swift to defend things dear to him, and always sticks to his guns.

HISTORY: Several centuries prior to the War of the Ring, the Barrabury clan moved to the Shire from Bree-land, where they burrowed near within sight of the Barrow-downs. His father is Banning Barrabury, and his mother is Emma Brandybuck. The family is very closely related to the Brandybucks, among whom Brown has many friends and cousins. The Barraburys of the Shire lived in Bywater until their holes were dug up during the War of the Ring. The families then dispersed. Some, like Brown's family, went east to Willowbottom and Buckland. Some rebuilt in Bywater and Hobbiton, and a very few moved back to Bree-land. On the whole, however, most of the Barraburys agree that the Shire is far more pleasant and civilized than Bree. Brown moved out on his own when he turned 33, to make his own way in the world. He lives in Woodhall, where he works at a variety of trades: lumberjack, shepherd, farm hand, stable boy, inn server, and cook, depending on the season. He lives there alone in a rather small hole, and spends most of his spare time in the hills and forests. He is an expert outdoorsman and hiked the entire circumference of the Shire alone when he was 25. His family and younger sisters live at Willowbottom, where he still visits them when he passes through on his frequent walking expeditions to the south Bounds. Currently, he is hiking his way to Buckland, where he has friends.

Valier 10-19-2007 07:26 PM

Finduilas you may make your character a female Hobbit, that makes it even with 5 males and 5 females, with the maybe players included. Not that it matters, if someone wants to play the opposite sex I'm ok with it.

Gwathagor your character bio is great:)

I understand if your histories are a little vague for now until we start to get relations settled. I want everyone to think about a good reason why your character would go on this journey and we can all work out how we meet. I figure we don't all have to be in Buckland, we can meet someone or someones..later on as we travel a wee bit.

I expect our first few posts to be more or less, our all meeting in someway or another, adding more people, then getting on our way....hope that makes sense..:p

Boromir88 10-19-2007 08:45 PM

Name: Rufus (Rudy) Hilldweller from Buckland

Age: 38

Race: Hobbit

Gender: Male

Weapons: Ash staff

Appearance: He was tall compared to hobbit measures and had a curly black mop for hair. He was also lean, another unusual trait for a hobbit.

Personality: Contrary to his appearance, Rudy is really a simple, ordinary hobbit. He just wants to continue living his simple hobbit life. Since he never seemed to care about grand adventures, or the outside world (plus he was usually very polite), everyone who met him often revered him with great respect. However, beneath those desires, there still dwelt the flame of the youthful childhood he never had.

Rudy can get quite grumpy and irritable at times. Anyone who knows him, thinks that he does too much and tries too hard. Rudy gets very little sleep. His friend always tell him he needs a break, a rest, but he rarely ever listens (another problem he often has).

History: Rufus Hilldweller, son of Hugo Hilldweller and Rosemary Chubb. Rosemary had died while giving birth to Rudy's much younger sibling (18 years younger to be exact) Mira. Hugo was a shiriff, and he took his wife's death hard. Everyday he would return home, lock himself in his room and stay in his room until he fell asleep. While Hugo never harmed Mira, Rudy believed he blamed Mira for Rosemary's death (which may have had some truth to it). But, Mira looked a lot like her mother, and Hugo couldn't look at her without being reminded of his wife.

This caused Rudy to be very protective of his young sister (Mira of course believed he was, at times, too protective). Rudy would do anything for Mira and there was a great bond between them. Even though, Mira never liked being told 'No,' she knew Rudy just didn't want anything bad to happen to her.


I see there was something about perhaps a younger sister hobbit being a possible character? If Val has no objections, and if anyone is interested, feel free to take Rudy's younger sister :D. If anyone does want to take "Mira" feel free to change her name, info, whatever and I can change my bio to make everything fit. If not, that's fine too. ;)

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-20-2007 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Valier
I want everyone to think about a good reason why your character would go on this journey and we can all work out how we meet. I figure we don't all have to be in Buckland, we can meet someone or someones..later on as we travel a wee bit.

Actually I thought about this possibility before. I thought it might be better that someone could be "picked" during the journey, it's more "natural". I don't have my character done yet, but I'm pondering the idea that this could be the case. My question on this will be, where I could expect my character to join, because most of the personal info stems from it. Of course, I could make some changes later according to the development of the story if you don't know already. But if you could tell me if you have at least vague idea through which places the company will travel, so that I could pick the place where I dwell.

Valier 10-20-2007 08:34 AM

We will be traveling North along the Brandywine river for a distance, Legate. I am sure you could be doing something along the river or the road where we could pick you up, if that is to your liking.:)

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-20-2007 08:50 AM

That's what I wanted to hear. So that's along the Brandywine, not any short-cuts through the Shire itself (nothing like turning westward and taking the road to Oatbarton or or anything like that)? And the company is not taking any roads - just going along the river?

Thinlómien 10-20-2007 10:50 AM

My character
Hello all! We seem to be having a merry little party here, yay! :D

Here's my character description form:


NAME: Tansy Bogsworth

AGE: 44

RACE: Hobbit

GENDER: female

WEAPONS: Tansy carries her father's old hunting bow. It is a light and short bow, made of fir. She also has nineteen arrows with red feathers. Like always on longer journeys, she has her two knives: a broad and heavy one and a tiny one with her initials carved on the blade.

APPEARANCE: Tansy is 3'1'' which makes her relatively tall for a Hobbit woman. She is plump like most Hobbits and has a broad, friendly face (which is not uncommon for a Hobbit either). Her hair is brown, but there is no hint of red in her hair colour: it's a dry, slightly greyish brown. Tansy's eyes are green but there's brown and grey in them as well. She could be called pretty, even though the acne from her teens has left its marks on her face.

Tansy dresses as befits a Hobbit woman of her age and class. Her favourite colour is green and that shows in her choice of clothing. She is seldom seen in bright colours, with the exception of often wearing a yellow scarf.

Tansy is a dutiful, family-loving, outgoing and hospitable woman. She's probably more reserved and less cheerful than the average Hobbit, but seems to share the general amiable Hobbit spirit. Still unmarried at 44 and having some un-Hobbitish interests, she is considered slightly odd in Brandy Hall, her home town.

Caring and brave, Tansy is ready to stand by those she loves and fight to the bitter end for them. She has courage to question the authorities and the norms. She is skilled in her work as a seamstress and has some special skills as well. She is specialised in different teas and loves trying to make new tea blendings. She knows also some minor healers' herb teas, the recipes of which she has either learned from her grandmother or discovered by herself. Tansy's fingers are nimble and she is more agile than the average hobbit.

Tansy's weakness is her pride. She takes pride in her work and in her choices, sometimes up to the point of arrogance. It is sometimes difficult for her to apologise or to admit she has been wrong. Her stubborness also makes her sometimes stick to the past and prevents her from seeing herself, others or the situation at hand from a new angle. She is nearsighted, which can cause her trouble, but she has learned to cope with it.

Tansy Bogsworth, the firstborn of Robin Bogsworth and and his wife Maylily (originally surnamed Burrows), was born on a rainy autumn night in year 1532 S.R. Two years after her birth she got a little sister who was named Daisy. Six years after Daisy's birth the third child and only son of Mr and Mrs Bogsworth was born. He was named Fredegar after the famous guerilla leader Fredegar Bolger.

Tansy and Daisy were different, but close. In their teens and tweens they displayed curiousity that was remarkable even for young Hobbits. They roamed the towns and woods near and far, meeting new people and discovering new places. Sometimes they took their brother with them, but he was too young to be truly part of what his sisters shared.

When they grew up, Daisy gave up her adventures and independent life, but Tansy didn't. Daisy married the year she turned 33 and she's currently living with her husband Tom, their six children and Tom's old parents. Tansy remained unmarried, even though there was no lack of suitors for her. Though people didn't generally approve this behaviour, they understood that maybe the young woman didn't want marry just yet. ”Wait a year or two, now that her sister has married, and Tansy Bogsworth will be married happily just like her sister”, they said.

But Tansy Bogsworth didn't marry. She declined all proposals. When she was asked why didn't she accept any of her suitors, she replied: ”None of them has been the kind of man I'd want to share my life with.” This absurd statement was repeated in the taverns of Brandy Hall for years, usually accompanied with a laugh.

However, a more important reason for her to stay home and unmarried than the poor character of her suitors was Tansy's own family. Fredegar, a lumberjack, had been in an accident and his legs had been paralysed. His hands had been damaged as well. Some days, they were shaking so much he couldn't hold anything in his hands. Sometimes, they seemed normal yet even then they were weak and his fingers stiff. Grandmother Bogsworth was very old and sick, unable to do almost anything by herself. And Fredegar and Tansy's parents weren't getting any younger either.

”You need me here, mum. Grandma needs me, Fred needs me and you can't manage all the household chores alone. That's why I can't marry and move away and start having children”, she explained her mother one day when she had asked why didn't she even seriously consider the proposals she received. Her mother had answered that she needed to have a life of her own and that she could bring her husband to live with them, if he would agree. Tansy's reply was: ”If I'd find a husband who'd want to move here, I could consider marrying. But husbands want children and there's enough people in this household to take care of already!” So the matter was settled and Tansy Bogsworth remained unmarried.

Tansy loves to go for long walks and sometimes she is away even for days. She also has the fame of an incurable flirt. These facts combined with her marital status have made her a juicy subject of gossip for many of the townsfolk and a sort of idol to the local teens. Being blessed with the gift of storytelling and having more knowledge about the surrounding ares than most other townspeople, she has made friends with many young Hobbits who are eager to hear her stories. She has also made friends with some older women who admire her work either as a seamstress or as a tea-maker.

Though Tansy has lots of friends and is very close with her family, she sometimes feels alone. She does not know if it's because she has no friends of her age (they are all too occupied with their families), because she does not have a husband and children like everyone else (she rebukes herself for even considering this the source of her unhappiness) or because she has some unidentifiable yearning in her, the same yearning that makes her feet restless in the autumn, the yearning that was only satisfied in her wild teen and tween years.

Finduilas 10-20-2007 11:25 AM

Boromir, taking your younger sister would fix every problem I was having. I couldn't think of a last name, and I always have problems with the history part. I will make my bio to fit yours, and the name Mira works.

Would it be possible to change her age slightly? 16 would be a bit young... Maybe having her 18 years younger? That would put her at 20, and as I was planning my character to be youngish (23) that wouldn't be far off.

Tell me what you think, and I'll finish the history, then post my bio.

Finduilas 10-20-2007 07:51 PM

Well none of ye have been around, and me bio is mostly finished. So I'll here post it...

Finduilas's character

NAME: Mira Hilldweller

AGE: 20

RACE: Hobbit

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: 3’3" She has a very jovial face, with light brown, curly, long hair, and brown eyes. She is round but not particularly fat. Prefers light buttery yellows and moss green as dress colors, with brown accents.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Skittish of anything behind her that she can’t see, and is liable to squeak if she is touched unexpectedly. She dislikes being teased, and so rarely teases anyone else. She is generally happy and carefree, and is mostly unadventurous.

HISTORY: Mira’s mother died at her birth. Her father, Hugo Hilldweller, seemed to some to blame Mira for Rosemary’s, her mother, death, and therefore was slightly cold towards Mira. Mira’s older brother Rufus was extremely protective of Mira, occasionally to a point of being annoying. Rufus, or Rudy as he was usually called, was 18 years older that Mira, therefore he was very fit for the job. Mira, though as afore said occasionally annoyed by Rudy, loves him greatly, and would follow him around on occasion.


Should I changer her appearance or personality? Or at least her personality?

Valier 10-20-2007 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Legate
That's what I wanted to hear. So that's along the Brandywine, not any short-cuts through the Shire itself (nothing like turning westward and taking the road to Oatbarton or or anything like that)? And the company is not taking any roads - just going along the river?

Well.... I believe we will travel through Buckland and cross the bridge. After the bridge .....well I have some ideas....:p but there is always room for a little side tracking is'nt there? I am sure if you had somewhere in mind that you wanted to start, we can find a way to "find" you. I think we should wait till we start and get going and let our characters find there way. I will be having Bunny lead the way a little bit, because of her map, but I am sure others will have other plans or ideas.

I love the bios. Hopefully we will hear from the maybes soon and then we can get down to discussing things and picking our name.......speaking of the name does anyone care for the one we have? It was just a spur of the moment thing, so I won't be hurt if anyone wants to change it.:)

Finduilas 10-21-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534387)
I love the bios. Hopefully we will hear from the maybes soon and then we can get down to discussing things and picking our name.......speaking of the name does anyone care for the one we have? It was just a spur of the moment thing, so I won't be hurt if anyone wants to change it.:)

Actually, I think it's cute... but some people might not like that...

Gwathagor 10-21-2007 11:43 AM

I haven't been able to figure how the calendar switches between the Fourth and Fifth Ages. How many years after the War of the Ring is this taking place?

Valier 10-21-2007 11:47 AM


I haven't been able to figure how the calendar switches between the Fourth and Fifth Ages. How many years after the War of the Ring is this taking place?
Well 1541 is the year that King Elessar passed and Gimili and Legolas set sail. So this story is set about 6 years after this. We can change the year a bit, but I thought this would work.

The fourth age began in 1422

Gwathagor 10-21-2007 03:38 PM

So it should be the Fourth Age?

(It says Fifth Age up in the game description, but I see that was just a typo).

Valier 10-21-2007 05:32 PM

No it is not a typo Gwathagor, the games year is 1547 early springtime to be exact. So 1547 would be in the fifth age I believe.:)

Boromir88 10-21-2007 08:40 PM

Finduilas na it looks good to me...and I'll go and edit Mira's age in my bio. :)

Gwathagor 10-21-2007 08:54 PM

Wow, ok. So when did the Fifth Age start? I'm really confused, I fear.

Valier 10-21-2007 10:32 PM

Well Gwathagor, this is all the info I could find to base my storyline on. In all the sources I looked at they didn't say when the fifth age started, but I assumed it would be when King Aragorn died. For the stories sake lets just say that that was when it was., and we are newly into the fifth age.

Gwathagor 10-21-2007 10:56 PM

Oh, I see. Splendid.

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-22-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534438)
Well Gwathagor, this is all the info I could find to base my storyline on. In all the sources I looked at they didn't say when the fifth age started, but I assumed it would be when King Aragorn died. For the stories sake lets just say that that was when it was., and we are newly into the fifth age.

Interesting, I also thought the word "fifth" was a typo. But if you found it, then it could be right. But it's also that when a new age starts, you normally start counting anew. So it should be either 1547 Fourth Age or 6 Fifth Age. I don't want to be picky, but when we are trying to make the adventure as much "real" as possible, then the Tolkien-perfectionist awakes inside me :rolleyes: (and I'm afraid this happens very often to me, so I'm warning you beforehand that you don't get surprised when it happens next :D).


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534387)
Well.... I believe we will travel through Buckland and cross the bridge. After the bridge .....well I have some ideas....:p but there is always room for a little side tracking is'nt there? I am sure if you had somewhere in mind that you wanted to start, we can find a way to "find" you. I think we should wait till we start and get going and let our characters find there way. I will be having Bunny lead the way a little bit, because of her map, but I am sure others will have other plans or ideas.

Yes, I thought that the characters could probably spend some time discussing the way. I'm almost done with my character, and from the looks of it I'll be possible to pick some time after the company crosses the bridge. I have already some ideas on that. I don't want to join too late so that half of the story goes without the character, but on the other hand, it is always more interesting when a character joins later and the impression of his coming may be better than if he were there from the start (Strider, for example). I need just a little more time to make the image in my head absolutely clear; then my character is completed and I will post it here.

Kitanna 10-22-2007 10:28 AM

Name: Peony Chubb

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Race: Hobbit

Weapons: A small knife she tends to keep tucked away unless some great need arises and an oak walking stick.

Appearance: Peony is around 2’8” and of a pretty average weight. She has a bright and cheery face with pink cheeks and rarely wears a frown. Her hair is a light brown that falls in a mass over curls, usually into her green eyes. Peony prefers to wear dark greens and light blues on occasion. When the mood strikes her she can sometimes be seen out in vibrant red.

Personality: Peony is an ordinary and well-mannered. She tends to be shy and even a bit withdrawn at times, but she is quick to make friends and even defend them if need be. Despite her shyness and relatively ordinary life, Peony has always felt a great want to travel. Though few saw that side of her, it always set her apart from her siblings and close friends.

History: Peony is the daughter of Sancho and Melilot Chubb. She is the middle child of three, Hamfast (40) and Nick (30). The family had always lived quite happily in Buckland. Near Peony’s twenty-second birthday Sancho died quite unexpectedly. It was up to Peony and her brothers to care for their mother until she fully recovered from the death of her husband. Years passed and slowly Melilot returned to her old self, but every once in a while she lapses into her depression over Sancho. But with a relative return to normalcy Peony is again feeling the tug to travel where she can.

littlemanpoet 10-22-2007 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534414)
Well 1541 is the year that King Elessar passed and Gimili and Legolas set sail. So this story is set about 6 years after this. We can change the year a bit, but I thought this would work.

The fourth age began in 1422

If I may, I think that both the "1422" and "1541" referred to above were in Shire Reckoning. With the Fourth Age beginning in Shire Reckoning 1422, the year 1541 would thusly be Fourth Age 119. The Fifth Age, according to Tolkien's scheme, would not be on the horizon for another two to three thousand years.

Well, since I'm posting, I guess that means I'm saying "I'll play." Would a "gaffer" fit into this little expedition? Could various of the younger hobbits be grandkids? Like Rufus and Mira? I realize that would put my character at well nigh onto his hundredth year, but he could be hale. Thoughts?

Finduilas 10-22-2007 05:18 PM

Hehehe. That would be halarious.... But that is really old. I don't know. It'd be fun, but after all I'm Rufus's sister, so his(Boromir's) opinion matters more than mine.

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