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Hilde Bracegirdle 12-14-2006 10:54 AM

I agree, Ealasaide, and thanks for your patience. I've set a goal to have it done by the end of the year, only I'm sorry that this post is holding you up. I've been lagging on all fronts these days. :eek:

Ealasaide 12-14-2006 11:22 AM

No problem, Hilde! :) But I do agree: let's make it our official goal to wrap this up before New Year's. Sound good?

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-14-2006 11:45 AM

It doesn't leave you much time though!

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-28-2006 10:20 AM

OK, the final installment for Gilly is up on the thread. Sniff, I'm going to miss the old girl!

Ealasaide 12-28-2006 10:32 AM

Cheers to Gilly's final post!

Nerindel ? Are you out there? We would all ~*LOVE*~ to see a final post from your bunch.

I may do one last post for Benia, before the final general closing post for the story. (I'll have to see how inspired I am feeling. ;)) And then we shall be finished!

Ealasaide 01-23-2007 10:17 AM

Checking in
Oh, dear. Looks like I missed that New Year's deadline by a LOOONNNGGG shot. I do have something in the works, though, & have not fallen off the radar screen.

Hilde Bracegirdle 01-23-2007 11:08 AM

Oh, I claim full responsiblity for making you miss the deadline, Eala. It wasn't fair of me to leave you a scant 4 days in which to wrap this up! And I was beginning to think I would never post, as it seems like we're ushering out an era, (not to mention a passel of characters), that I'm rather fond of.

Still...I will await your post with bated (and not baited) breath. <*)))><|

piosenniel 01-23-2007 02:47 PM

Well now, all is not lost as far as deadlines......

2/18/2007 - the Chinese New Year day.


~*~ Pio

Nerindel 03-01-2007 11:35 AM

Hi everyone,

Just checking in ;) I know it's been a while, but I come bearing gifts.... I have made edits to Lespheria's post #340 (the second last paragraph) I was never quite happy with it hence the edit. :p I have also added a post for Lespheria in #344 (between Amandur's and Vanwe's) I may add to this post or I may just give Les and Amandur another post of their own. hmmm ponders! I also hope to do a final post for the pair bringing them to Rivendell, but if Eala get her final post in first thats ok, don't wait for me.


Note to myself: Edits done on fan-fic forum ~*~ Pio

Hilde Bracegirdle 03-01-2007 06:17 PM

Oh how wonderful, Nerindel! So nice to see more of Lespheria's side of this story, as it was sorely missed by this hobbit. I do hope that you might come up with another for L & A, as I do so wonder what is in their minds' now, and it would be nice to round out that side of things. If not before Eala's post, then maybe you could tuck something in before the last move to the fanfic page. :) One can always hope :) .

Ealasaide 03-02-2007 11:44 AM

Nerindel! how good to hear from you!!!!!

Part of my mental block in constructing my post was in wondering how to handle Lespheria and Amandur. I do hope you can place one more post from them at the end of the thread and give me a hook to swing off of! Hilde left me a good good sense of direction where Gilly is concerned. I'd love it if you could do the same for your characters. (PLEASE! :D )

Ealasaide 05-06-2007 11:20 AM

Okay, kids.... I know I've said this before but this time I'm serious:
I plan to have something up on the thread in the way of a final post by Friday. I had been waiting and waiting and waiting for Nerindel to post but I guess that is not going to happen. I have a little time this week, so here goes! :)

Hilde Bracegirdle 05-06-2007 05:42 PM

Hi Eala! Nice to see you checking in. :)

Ealasaide 05-11-2007 02:36 PM


I love deadlines. They make such a nice whooshing sound as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
But seriously, no worries. While it doesn't look like I will make my Friday deadline, I should have something to show for my efforts in the next day or so. I got so caught up in re-reading the story that I lost track of time and spent more time reading than writing. I do have something from Benia in the works that will be followed by the famous general closing post. The second post should be fairly brief.

In the words of the Terminator... I'LL BE BACK. :)

Ealasaide 05-13-2007 09:49 PM

Okey-dokey... my save has been filled. If anyone has anything to add, please put up a save so that I know to wait. Otherwise, I am setting to work on the final post. I hope to get it in place sometime this week. !?!!! ;)

piosenniel 10-05-2007 02:19 AM

Are we leaving the ending as is? Or is there a final wrap-up?

~*~ Pio

Hilde Bracegirdle 10-05-2007 10:10 AM

There will be a final wrap up, Pio. And please accept my apologies for the thread looking rather dormant (dead's closer, I should think!). Z bees are busy, but they remember, and consider, and wait for an unsuspecting chunk of time to wend it's way hither!

Ealasaide 10-05-2007 11:56 AM

Yes, sorry for the insanely long silence. I had been planning to write the closing post but ran into problems with what to do with the elves. Since Hilde is stronger on Elven history/culture, I asked her to do it instead. Thanks for your incredible patience!!!!

Hilde Bracegirdle 10-24-2007 10:49 AM

Just as a bit of an update....
Well this last post doesn't look like it will be terribly short. I seem to have gotten horribly long winded over the course of this RPG! At any rate, it seems to be falling into two sizable chunks the first of which I hazard to say is nearly done, and the second of which is sketched out but needs filling in and a lot of polishing.

Thanks for your continued and remarkable patience. :)

piosenniel 10-24-2007 12:19 PM

Go, team, go!!

~*~ Pio

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-23-2007 09:26 AM

Just checking in again, to let you know that things are still in the works. I'm currently waiting for Eala's response on the first portion, to see if I'm going in the right direction. And the second portion I have laboring with combining two drafts before sewing it up with what isn't on paper yet.

This whole process has made me marvel at how quickly Elora came up with the first post! :eek:

Hope that you both had a good Thanksgiving!

piosenniel 11-24-2007 09:06 AM I had a great Thanksgiving! Good food, good friends and family. I hope yours was the same. Take your time Miz Hilde. & get it just the way you want it!!

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-24-2007 04:22 PM

Thanks Pio!

Very glad to hear that you enjoyed your holiday. And thanks for asking, ours was nice as well. It was topped off with the best sort of pictureque snow! :D

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-27-2007 11:37 AM

Alright. Part 1 of the final post is up, and Part 2 I am determined to have up before the end of the year! :D Quite funny as I seem to have said something similar last year about a post!

piosenniel 11-27-2007 12:32 PM

Have mercy! How I do love Miz Gilly!!!

That first part of your post was a peach of an offering, Hilde. I look forward to the last with both high anticipation & regret for the fact that the story will have come to an end.

What lovely, lovely story-weavers you both are!!!!!

Your humble fan,

~*~ Pio

Hilde Bracegirdle 02-02-2008 06:46 PM

So much for determination! Honestly, I DO intend to wrap this up, I promise. Just when exactly remains the question. I've got this long end bit written, but still need to find the end of the end (and do some heavy pruning of the schmaltz that is creeping in)! Unfortunately, I have some major stuff going on that is consuming all my "playtime" and brain cells. I hope to put that particular business behind me in the next week or two, and will then have more time at my disposal. Happiness!

Do not lose hope, the end is near. :p

Hilde Bracegirdle 03-12-2008 10:46 AM

Hurrah! Hurrah! The promised post is up. And that should wind it up, unless Nerindel stops by to let us know what becomes of Amandur and Lespheria's situation. Something I would love to know, but suppose can be added in on the Fanfic side.

Thanks again to everybody, for making this such an interesting story to work on, and to Pio for her enduring patience throughout! It has been a pleasure working with everyone.

Ealasaide 03-15-2008 06:50 AM

Great closing posts, Hilde! I knew you would do a wonderful job of it.

It was pleasure working on LD! Hopefully, though, the next one won't run quite so long, eh? ;) I will miss all of these characters very much -- they feel almost like old friends.

Thanks, Pio, for your incredible patience and enthusiasm. :)

Hilde Bracegirdle 03-15-2008 09:11 AM

Thanks very much, Eala. And do hope that in the next year or so things lighten up go that we can write together again. Perhaps a reunion story? :D Gilly becomes a hobbit bounty hunter and Carl enlists Benia's aid to reform her friend? Eh...well...hmm. :p

But I was wondering, Pio.... Since the front page of leads to the forums now, I'm not sure how to get to the Fan Fiction area anymore. Is it still around...somewhere?

piosenniel 03-15-2008 04:33 PM

In a way, I'm so sorry to see this tale draw to an end. :( On the other hand, what a glorious read it's been!!!! I really do hope you two might decide to honor us with another tale at some time.

~*~ Pio


By the way - I tried the links I have for the Fan Fic site but they won't work. So, I PM'd BW & will let you know what he has to say.

Ealasaide 03-17-2008 01:18 PM

hee-hee ...Gilly becomes a bounty hunter... I love it! :p

And, again, thanks very much, Pio!!!

I hope to finish school (someday) and start writing again. I miss this place and would love to get going with another good tale! Oh, well. Hopefully that won't be too far down the road. :)

piosenniel 06-05-2008 05:11 PM

The errand rider from Gondor dismounted quickly and strode purposefully into the thread. He unfurled a parchment and nailed it to one of the walls:


Come one, come all, you denizens here and in far lands!!
All those who enjoy the reading of a good tale and the playing out of one.

A new name has been added to the list of storytellers in Gondor:

~*~ littlemanpoet ~*~

Come and give your congratulations to this wonderful wordsmith!

~*~ Free drinks/ free food/ & plenty of good company ~*~


Come to The Seventh Star Inn in Gondor and lift a glass to littlemanpoet.!!!

piosenniel 02-10-2011 12:36 PM

Sending this thread to Elvenhome.

Both the Discussion Thread and the Game Thread may be resurrected by PM'ing the Elvenhome Moderator.

~*~ Pio

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