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The Barrow-Wight 04-20-2004 02:29 PM

The White Tree
mark12_30 has created a nice looking "White Tree" that fits in nicely with the rest of our icons. Thanks!

Estelyn Telcontar 04-20-2004 02:39 PM

I just noticed that and was pleasantly surprised! Well done, Mark/Helen!

Luthien_ Tinuviel 04-20-2004 03:06 PM

Huzzah for the new White Tree! Thanks, Helen!

The Perky Ent 04-20-2004 04:06 PM

Thanks a lode Mark! The tree is a great addition. Now if we could just get some more...

Imladris 04-20-2004 04:35 PM

Most Excellent, Dude
Very nice, mark12_30! Did you draw it in a computer graphics program, or did you manipulate an already existing image?

mark12_30 04-20-2004 04:51 PM

Just good old "Paint", and several retries. Glad it's acceptable. Thanks, everyone!

Bêthberry 04-20-2004 05:07 PM

wonderful addition
Oh, quite lovely indeed! Thank-you, Helen for your work and your imagination and your caring.

I thought just now of that old song "When the white rose blooms again", sung by Nana Mouscouri, about freedom and democracy in Athens.

Lush 04-20-2004 07:04 PM

Helen, you rule, and so does the tree.

The Saucepan Man 04-20-2004 08:31 PM

The Downer and the Tree

Then Saucepan hit Reply, and there was a box in front of him white like newly fallen snow and skirted by codes and smilies; and as he looked he was aware that there among the icons another thing had appeared. And he scrolled to it, and saw that at the very end of the line of icons there sprang a sapling tree no more than a centimetre high. Already it had put forth small branches, silver against the dark behind, and upon each slender branch it bore a small flower shining white like the click button next to it.

Then Saucepan cried: "Yé! utúvienyes! I have found it! Lo! here is a scion of the Eldest of Trees! But how comes it here? For it was not here when I visited the site earlier today."

And the Barrow-Wight coming looked at it, and said: "Verily this is an image of the creation of Helen the fair. Who shall say how it comes here in the appointed hour? Well I could, but you wouldn't understand if I did. It's something to do with coding. But it makes a rather nice addition to the icons, don't you think?"
Good job, Helen. :)

Gorwingel 04-20-2004 11:19 PM

What a wonderful little tree! I absolutely love it! :D

I can't believe that you created it just in paint!

Bravo Helen, I will make sure to use it as many times as possible :cool:

Eowyn Skywalker 04-22-2004 10:48 PM

I must agree that the tree is a really great icon. We needed that one here, I know that I had thought of that one earlier, that the BD needed the White Tree. And now it's there! Yay!

But I feel that we need more icons yet... there are none for the dwarves... I've made one as an axe...


Oh well, the tree is a really great icon! Thanks, Mark\Helen, or whoever you are that made it.

-Eowyn Skywalker

piosenniel 04-23-2004 12:46 AM

Very nice, Helen! Thank you!

And I would like to see a dwarvish icon added, as Eowyn Skywalker mentioned.

Niluial 04-24-2004 09:09 AM

Wow, with paint? That is very, very brave Helen. Well I love it! It is truly beautiful, defiantly like a great white tree! Well done and thank you very much indeed!


ArwenBaggins 04-24-2004 10:14 AM

Great Job Helen! I dubbeth thee the 'Microsoft Paint Champion'!

I love it, and thanks again. :)


Mad Baggins 04-24-2004 03:30 PM

Wonderful job, mark12_30! And on Paint, too. Wow...

Lindolirian 04-25-2004 03:53 PM

Awesome white tree... It's become my new favortie above the horse of Rohan.

But I feel that we need more icons yet... there are none for the dwarves... I've made one as an axe...
It's quite nice. :D

And I would like to see a dwarvish icon added, as Eowyn Skywalker mentioned.
And I third the motion!

mark12_30 04-30-2004 12:09 PM

I like the axe too.

Imladris 04-30-2004 12:15 PM

The axe is awesome...

Eowyn Skywalker 04-30-2004 06:48 PM

Tree <----- Axe?
Yay! More people like my axe! Umm, six or seven of you now! Someone told me that I should send it in to get it as an 'official' icon...

But I think the tree is better still.

-Eowyn Skywalker

The Perky Ent 05-04-2004 06:12 PM

Make that seven or eight. Great icon. If only i had that for Last Hope for Moria. But oh well. It's non non non heinous! You should get it 'official'! It would be a great contribute to the downs. Plus, it can go right under the hand! Talk to the barrow wight about it! BTW, what application did you use to make the ax?

Eowyn Skywalker 05-04-2004 07:00 PM

Paint. Nice and easy... though I had to put it into another program to make it a JPEG. You'd be surprised what being bored, and having a few grafics programs will do for the persona... tee hee.

So, I suppose that the words of seven or eight people is to be trusted. I'll PM or Email the Barrow-wight with my axe icon to see if my icon can become 'official'.

Thanks, Perky, and everyone else who liked mine, but I still think that the tree is soooo cool.

-Eowyn Skywalker

The Perky Ent 06-19-2004 08:31 PM

So, have you asked the Barrow Wight for clearance for the icon yet? I would really like to use it in posts!

Eowyn Skywalker 06-19-2004 11:09 PM

I PMed B.W a long time ago, and never got a reply... I'd've liked to have used the icon too... but no such luck, as I never got an answer.

Maybe you should PM him... I don't think I want to try again *is afraid of Mr Wight*. Plus, the tree is still better than mine.

-Eowyn Skywalker

Saraphim 06-19-2004 11:40 PM

I'm a bit afraid af the Barrow-Wight myself. (Knowing my luck, he'll post about that) I love your little axe too, ES. (may I call you ES? I heard you don't like to be called just 'Eowyn')

On topic: I'm a tad late, but the little tree is cute! And I love what The Saucepan Man did. :D

The Barrow-Wight 06-20-2004 07:16 AM

When mark10_20 sent me the White Tree icon, I immediately could see that it belonged on the Downs. It was crisp, clear and complete - you could see the entire item - and it looked good hanging in the darkness of the barrow. Since that is how I had designed all of the exisiting forum icons, it was an easy choice to add the tree to our roster.

Unfortunately, I don't like the axe very much. It's a bit larger than our icons, and it is incomplete - only the axe head is visible. Also, it's color is pale and washed out looking. I appreciate the effort you took to make it, but I just don't feel I can use it. mark10_20's tree was the first icon I had ever used that I hadn't personally created, because I have always been picky about the graphics on the site. I intend to continue being picky, but that doesn't mean you can't try again.

If I like an icon that someone sends to me, I just might use it. Since each post can only have one icon, there's no way someone can abuse them by filling the screen with them (like smilies). So, there's no reason why we can't have a larger list.

Eowyn Skywalker 06-20-2004 07:07 PM

Yeah, E.S. is fine, or Eowyn, since I've grown out of the screaming stage... snrk. So Eowyn will work, or Eowyn S., or E.S.... doesn't really matter, I was merely being immature, on MY OWN SITE!!! I don't know whether I was screaming about my full name here... wait, you are on my site... right.

I see your point, Mr Wight... it wasn't THAT clear... *I told you the tree was better, Perky*. Hmmm... maybe I'll try again... I still think we need an axe, so I'm going to persist! *makes odd face* Effort? I took about ten minutes doing that icon... snrk. But if B.W. made the icons... well... wow... he's a GOOD graphics designer!

*hops away, glad that she is still alive... snrk, and is still very afraid of the mods*

And I am incredibally picky on my own site, so I understand the Barrow Wight very well there... *goes off to make sure that the windows didn't stretch all weird again, and make a new axe icon, or something of the like...*

-Eowyn Skywalker

The Perky Ent 08-16-2004 08:04 PM

Eowyn, just scale it down, and redo the color, and resubmit it! I'd love to be able to use it. I tried doing a Beacon of Gondor, but it didn't come out too well. I'm thinking of doing an Isengard, or a horn of gondor, but it will have to wait. Oh well...

The Perky Ent 09-11-2005 07:11 PM

No plague can kill this tree
Does anyone know a good, free program i can use to paint with on Mac. I still wanna see that axe, but I don't have the means to do it.

I understand why the barrow wight is against it. That's why I, because I haven't heard from Eowyn in a why, wanna see if I can reforge it. I was also thinking about making a horn of Gondor, and a beacon. :D

Alcarillo 09-11-2005 07:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Perky, I think a horn of Gondor would be great. I'm just worried that there will be too many Gondor icons.

I think a leaf would make an excellent addition to our collection of icons, too.

EDIT: I just made a nice leaf in a paint program, and now I just need to figure out how to stick it online.

EDIT (again):

The Perky Ent 09-13-2005 06:29 PM

Probably just send it to the BW. Make sure it fits the color theme and size though, or you'll go the way of the axe!

Ps. Post it on this thread. I wanna see!

Glirdan 09-13-2005 06:38 PM

Great tree Mark/Helen!! Great idea for the horn Perky. As for the leaf Alca, I'd really like to see it. Post it here if you can. I'm trying to think of another icon we could use on here....

Alcarillo 09-14-2005 08:24 PM

Drumroll, please....
1 Attachment(s)
Well, here it is: the leaf icon, suitable for representing wood-elves, ents, Old Toby, perhaps even Druadain.

The Barrow-Wight 09-14-2005 09:24 PM

Barrow Leaf
The leaf is very nice. So nice that I have added it to our icon collections. Thank you!

The Perky Ent 09-14-2005 09:31 PM

Just noticed it! You did good! I'll make sure I use it during my entings...

Glirdan 09-15-2005 02:18 PM

Awsome!!! Very well done!!!! Now all we need is a, is a......Oh darn! I can't think of anything. Wait a minute!!! BALROG WINGS!!!!! :rolleyes:

wilwarin538 09-15-2005 02:21 PM

Very nice. Its really cool looking. I will need some time to get used to seeing it though. ;)

Alcarillo 09-17-2005 04:55 PM

I'm glad all of you like the leaf so much! I was a little unsure of it. The veins in the leaf are a little difficult to see and look a little too brownish, I think.

BW, Wilwa has used the leaf in the title of the new WW game, but the leaf only shows up when looking at the thread and not on the Middle-Earth Mirth page. Why is this? Can it be fixed?

The Perky Ent 09-17-2005 05:20 PM

Wow. Your'e right. It just appears as a black square until you actually read the thread (or post, as I just have :p ) If only my Mac had a better painting program other than apple works. For a company so focused on the arts, you'd think they'd have at least a decent paint program. But of course, in the eye's of apple, it would have to be $$$

Snowdog 07-04-2023 10:07 PM

Cool Post Icons
Even after twenty years, Barrow Downs has the bestest post icons!

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