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Knight of Gondor 09-21-2003 08:09 PM

Support Group for...RETURN OF THE KING!
Hi guys. Sorry if this is a bit of a clone from my TTT: EE support group, but we all need to support each other here until RotK comes out, and that period will be much longer than TTT:EE will be!<P>Help yourself to some crackers and cheese...we're in for the long haul!

arianrod 09-21-2003 08:16 PM

Ohh, I deffinatly need to join this support group. I don't think I can make it on my own. The wait to see Shelob and Sam's heartwrenching scene with his 'dead' master... *sobs* it's more than I can take! *continues sobbing and grabs a cracker* <P>Only 86 days, 03 hours, and 53 minutes until its release (American Central)! ...I don't think I can make it!

Meela 09-22-2003 05:06 AM

Oh, this is the place for me! I need the most help. I'm going <I>crazy</I> with the waiting for Denethor!! *has a nervous breakdown and quickly stuffs her mouth with crackers to block her screams*

Goldberry 09-22-2003 05:20 AM

I'm going crazy waiting for everything! *bounces all around so as not to scream loudly*<P>And it will be okay Meela, when it finally does come you can have the worship of Denethor all to yourself...I don't think there will be too many Denethor fangirls...

Meela 09-22-2003 05:23 AM

I met one a while back but I showed her... she won't be worshipping my man any more *grrr*

Carorėiel 09-22-2003 06:23 AM

My friends and I have dubbed today Hobbit Day--use it as an excuse to watch FotR or tTT again. Maybe that'll help (just for today) in the wait for RotK.

Elentįri_O_Most_Mighty_1 09-22-2003 01:21 PM

You met a fellow Denethor fangirl, Meela? Wow, I hadn't thought it possible...he freaks me out...<P>The Shelob bit will indeed be interesting. Or just plain scary. I screamed in Harry Potter, for goodness' sake!

The Elusive Spirit 09-22-2003 03:05 PM

I can't wait to see the battle of Pelennor Fields. It's going to be so sad. I'm also excited to see Denethor. Not trying to get your man Meela.<BR>The crackers and cheese are little sustenance but what else can we do? Better here than anywhere else. *takes cracker*

Meela 09-22-2003 04:11 PM

*hands round slices of charred cake in honour of Denethor*<P>If I meet another Denethor fangirl, I'll slap her one. Nobody gets my man. Nobody. *more grrr's*

arianrod 09-22-2003 05:21 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>If I meet another Denethor fangirl, I'll slap her one. Nobody gets my man. Nobody.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>May Eru have pitty on her soul... Mordor hath no wrath like Meela's Denethor-defence fury... <P>Hobbit day! Happy birthday Frodo and Bilbo! This calls for another round of crackers! *passes them out and stuffs her own face*<P>Another scene I just can't wait ANY longer to see is Frodo's goodbye to Sam, Merry, and Pippin in the Grey Havens. I'm gonna sob 'til the cows come home, then I'll make them sob along with me.<P>Only 85 days, 06 hours, and 47 minutes left!<p>[ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: arianrod ]

Finwe 09-22-2003 06:54 PM

I think I'm probably going to cry my eyes out at the movie itself, especially during the part where Eowyn kills the Witch-king. I've even got my costume planned out and everything, and I'm so excited just thinking about the movie that I'm half-coherent right now.

Amarantha_Daisy 09-22-2003 07:51 PM

Ooo! I've gotta join! I can't wait... *sob* *grabs some crackers*<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Another scene I just can't wait ANY longer to see is Frodo's goodbye to Sam, Merry, and Pippin in the Grey Havens. I'm gonna sob 'til the cows come home, then I'll make them sob along with me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Mmmm... me too. I was looking through the <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>How do *You* Want it to End</A> thread, and it just made me think... and sob! *sniffle* I want to see that scene... and Sam's "goodbye" to Frodo after Shelob... And Eowyn killing the Witch-king... everything! *sob*<P>Wow, Meela... there are other Denethor fangirls out there? I always thought you were lucky for having a lack of compitition. <P>Anyone care for some lembas? *pulls out batch of homemade lembas*<P>This whole waiting thing is torture... But then again, I think the one or two weeks before it comes out will be even worse... And can you imagine how we'll be the day before?! I'll be a wreck!

Knight of Gondor 09-22-2003 08:19 PM

Stay strong, fans! In the meantime, I brought cheesecake! (Elven cheesecake of course)<P>By the way, float your way on over to the Rumors about RotK thread, there's some interesting stuff going on over there. (And the fact that I posted it has nothing to do with it... )

Meneltarmacil 09-23-2003 06:26 AM

Mind if I join you? I brought popcorn.<BR>*sits down and helps himself to cheese*<P>From what I've heard from the behind-the-scenes preview, ROTK is supposed to be the best one yet. I hope the Pyre of Denethor is done well!

Meela 09-23-2003 08:36 AM

ha ha ha ha ha... don't put "Pyre of Denethor" and "done well" together... poor guy gets enough grief about his charred appearance as it is <P>*rolls on the floor laughing her head off, stops to eat some popcorn, then continues to laugh*<P>The part I'm most looking forward to is seeing Denethor toast himself. Only problem is, I'll have to get rid of all matches and lighters in our house in case I go straight home and torch myself in honour of him.

Elentįri_O_Most_Mighty_1 09-23-2003 09:42 AM

You'd better not do that, Meela, or Denethor would lose his only fangirl!!!<P>Wow, would you guys actually be able to get away with dressing up? This must be an American thing, no one would dare to do it would be funny to see them see all the scathing looks they'd receive...ah me!

Aduyuldaiel-MirkwoodPrincess 09-23-2003 03:32 PM

DUDE... im in this support group for the long haul... i cant wait until it comes out...ill end up buying 3 or more posters by the time they start playing comercials for it on TV...that would make 11 on my wall...i dont have enough wall space for that... <P><BR>*btw: the cheese was good...

Amarantha_Daisy 09-23-2003 07:56 PM

Mmmm... I love cheesecake! thanks, Knight of Gondor! *grabs rather large slice of cheesecake*<P>Yeah Elentįri, we could get away with dressing up Not too many people do it where I live, in the suburbs, But it's been done by the obsessors *like me* <P>When I went to see Harry Potter on opening day there were about... 10 or 15 people dressed up. It was actually pretty cool.<P>I hope I'm not the *only* one dressed up this year... It's gonna be my first year dressing up for the movie... I'm sewing an Elvish dress

Imladris 09-23-2003 08:17 PM

May I join? <P>*Looks longingly at the cheesecake -- turns resolutely away.*<P>I, personnally, can't wait to see Eowyn and Faramir kiss (it was dramatic in the book, but I normally don't go for the kissy stuff) and to see Arwen's and Aragorn's and Eowyn's and Faramir's wedding. *Looks menacingly at PJ and hisses, "You better have that in there." OF course, if he doesn't think he has time to do the wedding the kiss would be okay too....he better have that love story in the movie. That was like one of the main parts.

Knight of Gondor 09-23-2003 08:32 PM

Stay strong, guys! The preview comes out in just three short days!<P>Then you will get to see my city, the City of Men, Gondor! Yay!

Gorwingel 09-23-2003 11:19 PM

Actually I am not really having a hard time with the wait. I am actually really surprised at how short of a time we have until ROTK, and how time is moving so quickly towards that December 17 date. To keep myself from dwelling on the time, I just keep thinking of all the exciting things to keep us busy (the tralier, the extended edition, the film books, Halloween, premiere night planning, the holidays, conventions, school), there is of course a part of me that wants to desprately see ROTK, but then there is another part of me that is going to be really sad to see all this excitement come to an end (Imagine how quiet the movie part of the B-D's is going to be). I just saw a ad for the tralier with Secondhand Lions on TV, that had a few new scenes, and that just makes me realize how short of a time we really have. I still think I need to be part of the support group though. But just remember this time is going to be gone before you know it, so appriciate it before it has disapeared forever

Elentįri_O_Most_Mighty_1 09-24-2003 01:55 AM

Yeah, the time has gone amazingly fast. There's been loads of distraction, like POTC and Ned Kelly comes out on Friday. So I suppose there is quite short a time left to wait. But still, it's like 3 months! THREE MONTHS!!! *Takes a deep breath*

The_Hand 09-24-2003 09:41 AM

god is it that long?? three months? whao. I really need this support group. I'm going to start counting the days.... do you think that'll make it worse or easier to wait?

dancing spawn of ungoliant 09-25-2003 04:14 AM

I really need some support now. I found out that RotK trailer is released next Monday and my Quick Time player's not working! There's some security thing that doesn't allow me to use QT.<P>Three months...maybe it's easier if one doesn't count the days. I just came up with an idea if I should go to watch RotK alone on the first time (I'm going to watch it 2-3 times in the theatre). I could cry my eyes off and my friends didn't have to be shamed because of me. Really, I'm serious. It would be cool!<P>Ahem. Is there by chance any cheesecake left? <p>[ September 25, 2003: Message edited by: dancing spawn of ungoliant ]

The Elusive Spirit 09-25-2003 01:48 PM

I live off popcorn, thanks Manltarmacil *grabs handful*<BR>When I saw the preview thing on the TT DVD I almost cried. I'm sure I will in the movie.<BR>Oh, it's hard to wait!<P>Knight of Gondor, have you met Beanimer of Gondor?

Sapphire_Flame 09-25-2003 03:06 PM

OMG, I so need this support group...<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>There's some security thing that doesn't allow me to use QT.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Oh, that's so sad! My condolences, dancing spawn!<P>I did hear that the new RotK trailer was going to be showing with the movie Secondhand Lions. I have vociferously insisted that my dad and I go this weekend to see it. I can't wait!<P>Mmm, popcorn...<P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~<P>PS: <I>ONLY 83 DAYS UNTIL ROTK!!!</I> <p>[ September 25, 2003: Message edited by: Sapphire_Flame ]

Orominuialwen 09-25-2003 04:07 PM

I desperately need this group!! At first I was worried that PJ would mess the plot up a lot (like the Galadhrim in Helm's Deep *grrr*), but I realized that there would be mass revolt on the Downs and PJ can't risk getting us angry because we're the biggest group of LotR fans (probably), so it's all good. (Wow, that was a long sentance!)<P>I brought fudge!! *helps self to cheese and popcorn and cheesecake*<P>I'm gonna see RotK with my friends for my birthday(I'll do that on the weekend and see it with my family on the 17th) even though it was Sept. 3rd- my party'll just be 3 months late. Before TTT came out I changed my screensaver every day so it said how many days were left untill it came out- I should do that now.

Knight of Gondor 09-26-2003 09:07 PM

I brought some more cheesecake and some Little Debbie snack cookies! But I think I like the looks of that fudge, personally...does it have any yucky nuts in it? We Knights of Gondor are very particular about no nuts. (And when we found out that our Steward was one...)<P>Anyway, here's a few spoilers from, in the words of a person who visited with the Hennahs. <P>**Spoiler alert!**<P>-----------<BR>They brought a One Ring (I got to try it on!), and other items. Most I had seen, but among them was a diamond vase thing. I asked Dan what it was, and he took it and took of the top. As he pulled the top off, I saw that a inky rats tale with spikes was hanging off the lid. <P>He told me that it was Wormtounge’s poison jar, I asked when does he use that, and he said that he uses it to kill Theodred. I was surprised because I thought that that was really clever. It would make his character more evil. He went on to say that it wasn’t in the books, and I asked him if it would appear in the EE of the TT. He said most defiantly. <P>I then looked around, and on the wall was two pictures of the encampment seen in the DVD trailer and on previous posts. I asked if that is from the third film (obviously fishing for info), and Chris Hennah said yes, it was at Dunharrow. <P>It had an inside shot of the the Kings tent (Theoden), with skins and shields, and kingly stuff. <P>Another picture showed Arwyn looking very sick in a bed with Elrond at her side, re-enforcing the whole, sick of grieve theory. <BR>In the actual question and Answer part of the afternoon, I asked Dan, what his favourite part in the trilogy was and he said he couldn’t give too much away, but he said when Farimir storms the Orcs out of Osgiliath onto the Pellenor Fields. He said it is quite an important part of the story. I can’t remember if it happened in the book. <P>Any way, it was an enjoyable morning, and he said that filming will finish in the next week. At the moment they are filming background battle shots and Mumukil etc. <BR>So I hope I have some new news in there, oh and that Wormtounge vase thing, was really foul. I think my friend summed it up by saying “They really do a good job at making things look evil don't they!”

Knight of Gondor 09-26-2003 09:33 PM

P.S. P.S. 89 days, 19 hours 58 minutes 00 seconds!

Arvedui III 09-26-2003 10:37 PM

Ye Gods! I've been off by a minute. <P>Herm, following that last statement I think I need to join this support group. *Puts down big bowl of chips* Has anyone gone to see 'Secondhand Lions' and watched the trailer yet?

Sapphire_Flame 09-26-2003 11:25 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>We Knights of Gondor are very particular about no nuts. (And when we found out that our Steward was one...)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <P>*brings in ten two-liter bottles of soda* I thought I should contribute a little...<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Has anyone gone to see 'Secondhand Lions' and watched the trailer yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>No. But I also heard that the trailer will be up on on Monday. Since it is doubtful that I will get to a theater tomorrow, I'll have to wait for that.<P><I>Only 82 days until RotK!!!</I><P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

Oddwen 09-26-2003 11:31 PM

Sweet Witch-King Lollipop-Man, how I need you guys...<BR>I've just seen the trailer...I am going to cry...<BR>AHHHH! *Sorry, Oddwen must collapse into a blubbering blob of incoherency for a moment*<P>Much better. *helps herself to cheesecake*<BR>Well. It was a very dark asian subtitled version, but it was soooo worth it.<BR>My favorite part:<BR>"We will have the Precious, after the hobbitses are dead!" Gollum drops the stone in the water, and then there is a reflection of Sam! Ooh, chills!

dancing spawn of ungoliant 09-27-2003 05:56 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"We will have the Precious, after the hobbitses are dead!" Gollum drops the stone in the water, and then there is a reflection of Sam! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Wow, that sounds so cool! So...can't...wate. *helps herself to cheesecake and soda (thank you guys!)*<BR>I found a solution to my non-working Quick Time problem: I watch the trailer at school where QT works! It's funny how a trailer can make my day!

The Elusive Spirit 09-27-2003 01:27 PM

Glad you found a way dancing spawn! I'm contemplating going to see the trailer. I'm not sure I have enough time. Ah, well that's life. Actually I must confess that I'm<BR>so busy with school that I don't think about ROTK to much. (Only every other minute.)

Sapphire_Flame 09-27-2003 06:22 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"We will have the Precious, after the hobbitses are dead!" Gollum drops the stone in the water, and then there is a reflection of Sam!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>*squeeee!* I can't wait to see it! *grabs a piece of lembas and begins nibbling on it, if only to keep from shrieking*<P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

Lomadia 09-27-2003 07:44 PM

>he better have that love story in the movie. That was like one of the main parts.<P> Actually, I'm very worried that it'll be ruined, and so now I think I actually would rather it be left out. It's one of my absolute favorite parts of the book, and I don't see how they can make it work, with what they did to Faramir in TTT. Plus, how can they have that beautiful image of their 'raven and golden' hair if Faramir's hair is red?!?!?! All my friends tell me that I'm probably the most supremely angry person on earth about the color of Faramir's hair in the movie!<BR> Anyway, I saw the trailer today and it looks AWESOME! It is SO worth the seven dollars just to see it, plus SL is a cute little film. Two of my major concerns are: 1. The Darkness in the Seige of Gondor doesn't look very dark. 2. I don't think that they're going to keep Dernhelm's identity a secret!!! But you have got to see it, preferably on the big screen because it is so good! The Stairs of Cirith Ungol look so cool, and my sister, who hasn't read the books, was immediately blown away by how impressive and beautiful Minas Tirith looks! Get thee to the cinema! Now!<BR> Namarie,<BR> Lomadia

Knight of Gondor 09-27-2003 09:14 PM

I'll wait 'til Monday. My brother can get it downloaded to his laptop from super-fast college computers, and then we can see it on the laptop any time! We have Fellowship, and Two Towers previews on it too!

Elfchick7 09-27-2003 09:50 PM

*Steps out of corner of the room where she has been quietly listening to the ongoing conversation*<BR>Worry no more Lomadia, For in TTT extended edition they show what really happened with Faramir. Clearing Him so he won't look like a jerk and a seccond choice for Eowyn. Ya'll I am already starting on my costume!!!! I can't wait!!!! *Set's down a couple gallons of Blus Bell Homemade ice-cream* I brought some ice-cream to share. *Helps herself to some water which she brought* There are so many things which I can't wait to see in ROTK. <P>God grant me patients!!!!<BR> -Amen<P>( I meant that in the utmost sincerity with no disrespect meant towards the most Holy Lord.)<P>P.S. I am a Roman Catholic for those who don't know. Just in case you were wondering.

Finwe 09-27-2003 10:04 PM

SQUEEE!!!!! I SAW IT!!!!!!!<P>*takes a few deep breaths*<P><BR>All right, I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm collected. The trailer was just so beautiful, I'm still slightly queasy out of nervousness. I can't wait for Return of the King to come out!!!! Me and my friend are going to dress up (I as an Easterling spy and she as Eowyn) and we'll be bawling in each others' arms. <P>*brings out boxes of Indian cashew sweets*<P>Here, all! Enjoy! They're really very good. I think that they could even be lembas, considering one of them keeps me full for like, twelve hours, and three of them could fit comfortably in your hand.<P>*grabs one and compulsively starts chewing*

Knight of Gondor 09-28-2003 08:42 PM

Only a few short hours before the preview is fully unveiled! ANd only 78 days, 20 hours and 27 minutes until the movie comes out!! How ironic that I also get my TTT poster and pins from Blockbuster tomorrow...

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