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HerenIstarion 08-17-2002 02:41 AM

ME jokes and funny stories
Well, methinks it would be fun [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] In this thread ME related jokes and funny stories are to be posted . Here we go:

* * *

Elrond, Gandalf and some elves sitting near the hearth at Rivendell. Sound of steps from the roof, coughs, swearing. Then a ring falls into the hearth. Gandalf:
“Don’t you worry, chaps, that’s Frodo practicing”

* * *

When Ar-Pharazon’s fleet approached Aman, Valar laid down their authority and applied to Eru:
- What is to be done, oh the One?
- Make the sea swallow Numenor, and paint Sauron green
- But why green?
- I knew that the first one would not meet any objections at all

* * *

Once Celeborn was beating his wife. Gimli, hearing her cries, took his battleaxe and rushed to her aid. When he came back to his senses with a horrible head-ache, he asked:
- What happened to me?
- You felt the power of the Lord of of the Galadhrim, answered Haldir

* * *

Before the beginning of time Eru asked Melkor:
- Whom you want to be, o Ainu?
- I wanna be a warlord
- But the Enemy may beat you
- Than I wanna be an Enemy

* * *

Bilbo sailing to Valinor: “how old I am now, gollm, gollm... er, I mean, eh, eh”

* * *

Pippin in the battle at the gate of Mordor: “Goats, Goats are coming”
“This one also was watching Palantir-night shows” – thought Gandalf

* * *

Saruman sitting in Orthanc amidst a dirty pool. Gandalf passing by:
“What happened? Ents again?”
“not ents. Plumbers”

* * *

Lo! Lords and knights and men of valour unashamed, kings and princes, and fair people of Gondor, and Riders of Rohan, and ye sons of Elrond, and Dúnedain of the North, and Elf and Dwarf, and greathearts of the Shire, and all free folk of the West, now listen to my lay. For I will sing to you of Beren of the One and, Frodo of the Nine Fingers, Sauron of the One Eye, Samwise the Brainless and other cripples and maims of Middle-Earth...

* * *

“Nice-ss-s fis-s-sh” hissed Smeagol climbing down to water
“Fatty Smeagol” – thought piranhas gathered near the bank, but their hope was vain...

* * *

Minas-Anor at the begining of the 4th age. Tiny black-skinned creature runs to and fro with a tiny golden ingot in hand and yells: “I’m a Lord here, obey me”
But nobody believes it...

* * *

A pillar near nargothrond with an engraved announcement:
“Talking lizard draconius glaurungus escaped from Angband Zoo. Please return if found. Don’t keep, don’t feed– an animal is ill (Megalomania)”

[ August 17, 2002: Message edited by: HerenIstarion ]

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: HerenIstarion ]

Aroaraniel 08-17-2002 09:03 PM

Haha! Hilarious!

burrahobbit 08-18-2002 07:13 PM

How do you keep Samwise in suspense?

Nevfeniel 08-18-2002 07:17 PM

Heehee, I liked the first one best, HerenIstarion. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

HerenIstarion 08-18-2002 11:37 PM

heh, Burra, nice sig.

another one:

When in Sammath Naur Frodo claimed Ring for his own, and announced himself a Master of it, he said in a deep voice:
- Now we can play a fool for a bit

It is reported that Sauron was cast from wall to wall in his tower for more than two hours

Starbreeze 08-19-2002 01:40 PM

Hehe, they are very funny! I wish I could come up with things like that, I guess I'm just not a very funny person!

Lady_Galadriel 08-23-2002 06:12 PM

Haha! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Those are great! I like the first one, and the one about plumbers! Those are the best!

HerenIstarion 08-29-2002 03:18 AM

new entries:

* * *

Gandalf grumbling climbs up the Endless Stair:
“what a bad taste in jokes this Legolas has. Just imagine me walking on a narrow bridge and him yelling “Balrog , Balrog”

* * *

Gimli: Gandalf, you are white now!
Gandalf: Yes, son of Gloin, deep is the abyss that is spanned by Durin's Bridge, and mighty are the chalk-fields at the bottom of it…

HerenIstarion 08-31-2002 03:37 AM

For a month after the battle with Balrog Gandalf had no news of the world, so he was very puzzled when he got rumours of Dark Lord's diminishing in stature and feet hair growth.

Lady_Galadriel 08-31-2002 09:32 AM

In geometry our teacher was reading the days lesson aloud to us when farther down the page we came to tiny little drawings. There was a question following.
"Which of these has the characteristics of an ork?" Honestly thats what it said!!! All of us lotr-freaks were sitting in a corrner and pointing to one another then to the book and laughing. it was werid..

dark_one 09-01-2002 08:14 PM

Ha ha ha ha ha those were good!!! I liked the one w/ Eru and Melkor and the other one about painting Sauron green. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

HerenIstarion 09-05-2002 02:02 AM

9 worms are crowling beneath the feet of Midolluin. Not far away newly rebuilt gates of Minas Anor are gleaming in the sun. One of the worms applies to another, who's wearing a golden crown:
- Com'on, Angmar, let us dig under Aragorn
- Hush, don't you remember how we tried to dig under Gandalf?

HerenIstarion 10-23-2002 02:52 AM

Gimli: Dear Sam, today your cooking was extraordinary...
Sam (blushing): Really?
Gimli: Yeah, even [i[my[/i] stomach rises...

* * *

Gimli is visiting Legolas in Mirkwood. On the wall of elf’s chamber there is a hide of fell beast hanged
Gimli: whoa, Lego, how many arrows did you spend to get this thing?
Legolas: 47
Gimli: And how many times did you hit it?
Legolas: never
Gimli: yet how did you manage to kill it?
Legolas: It suffocated because of laughter

* * *

“What a cracked idea – set a hedge in a cellar! What for?” Thought drunken Bilbo walking around the barrel in Thrandul’s cellar

Arwen Imladris 10-23-2002 02:02 PM

hee hee! These are good!

akhtene 10-26-2002 04:51 PM

How would you like that?
A Nazgul comes to Hobbiton and asks:
-Is Baggins here?
-No, he’s left.
The next day he comes and asks again:
-Is Baggins here?
-No, he’s left. Don’t know when he’ll be back.
The next day
-Is Baggins here?
-No, he’s left. If you don’t stop haunting me, I’ll call Gandalf!
On the fourth day the Nazgul comes again and asks
-Is Gandalf here?
-No,- answers the perplexed hobbit
-And baggins?
The beginning of the Fourth Age. Some hobbits are sitting in a clearing drinking beer. From the bushes there darts Frodo madly shouting ‘Nazgul!!!’ The company scatter in all directions. When everyone calms down and gets out of the bushes, Frodo is nowhere to be seen. And neither are beer and snacks…
Once Merry and Pippin indulged in elven liquor and made a row. The next day they woke up on the ruins of Isengard. And don’t you blame the Ents, that’s that!

Nilwen 10-26-2002 09:15 PM

How many hobbits does it take to change a light bulb?.......None .Thay don't have light bulbs.
Thats stupid I know.

HerenIstarion 10-28-2002 05:18 AM

hya Akhtene, we drink from the same well there, I surmise [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

akhtene 10-28-2002 05:18 PM

Most probably. "Kulichki", right?

Arwen1858 10-28-2002 11:04 PM

akhtene, I loved those!!!

HerenIstarion 10-29-2002 12:14 AM

not only, but yes, definitely [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

HerenIstarion 11-12-2002 03:52 AM

Archery Contest in Mirkwood. Tall, but slender elf comes out with a medium bow, bends it sends an arrow right into the aplle of the mark
"I'm Legolas" proclaims he and goes back to his seat

Another one, still taller and kingly looking, approaches the spot, bends his large bow and hits the feather of Legolas' arrow, which is torn apart

"I'm Thranduil" Cries he out loudly and goes back to his seat

Third one comes out. One of the astonishing height, large limbs and enourmous breast. He bends his gigantic bow, sends an arrow size of a log which hits Thranduil, knocks him over and drags Legolas who happens to be seated right behind deep into the forest.

Third elf looks up and roars:

"I'm Sorry"
...and goes back to his seat

akhtene 11-14-2002 05:44 PM

As you know, Finwe had three sons. Feanor was the most skillful and eloquent; Fingolfin – firm and valiant; Finarfin – fair and wise. If there had been a FOOL among them – the tale would have had a HAPPY END.

-How did elves call Morgoth?
-They didn’t call him. He came by himself.

Who said that Smaug drowned? The Loch-Ness monster is still alive, so why should Smaug be dead?

- Who’s there?
- Do you want the ring, my preciousssss?
- Nooo!
In the morning Bilbo wakes up with a thick head, but the Ring is gone…

HerenIstarion 11-18-2002 05:20 AM


alas, but Morgoth came by himself indeed

HerenIstarion 02-19-2003 04:11 AM

new entries:


Among the ents Sam was known as a gifted barber


'Well, what may you be doing here, bum-burarum?'
Asked Fangorn
'Nothing! Leastways I was just trimming the grass-border…'
Those were the last wors of Sam Gamgee…


In the Internet-cafe “Prancing Pony” some of the PCs were supplied with Windows 98 special edition – RoundWindows ™ 98 -
just in case hobbits came along...


HerenIstarion 07-14-2004 08:02 AM

some more, after a break
When Beorn was young, he was quite thin, bald, cachetic and undersized, But once he fell into the Entwash...


Two doctors in an asylum:

Doctor #1: And this here chap is our gravest case - he thinks he's an elf
Doctor #2: I can't believe he's incurable!
Doctor #1: Do believe me, he's here since 1645, and still there is no improvement, no imrovement at all!


Imrahil comes up to Minas-Tirith walls. There is disorder and panic there.

Imrahil: What's the matter?
Some soldier: We've heard rumours, Lord, that Rohirrim are coming,
Imrahil: So it is a good news, what are you scared of?
Soldier: They say that when the Riders come from Rohan each would bring behind him a halfling warrior, small maybe, but hard, bold, and wicked. And that on top of those here orks and haradrim! May the Valar turn them aside...


Elrond complains to Galadriel:

E: Crazy ways of my daughter will break my heart. She refuses to go to the West, and weeps for this Aragorn guy all the time. What have I sinned to deserve it?
G: Don't you worry, Elrond, dear, it's just awkward age of hers. Wait couple of millenia, it will heal itself, you'll see



HerenIstarion 07-14-2004 08:08 AM

an another one
The following one refers to movie version (and actually was concerned with crocodiles, to be honest :))


Gandalf on Caradhras raises his hands and starts murmuring

Aragorn: What is all about, Gandalf?
Gandalf: I'm scaring Crebain away!
Aragorn: But there are no Crebain this high!
Gandalf: Exactly, As I'm very good at scaring them away!

One of the Nine 07-14-2004 11:43 AM

All these are funny! But, alas, I am not the funny type and am otherwise incapable of making such merriment. Although, I am known, not so fondly at that, to meddle with minds and confuse the unaware. :D Keep the jokes flowing, though!

HerenIstarion 07-15-2004 12:00 AM

Do pay for your passage, dear trolls...
Trolley-bus is a carrier devised by Morgoth in mockery of an Ento-bus

Nilpaurion Felagund 07-15-2004 12:09 AM

So a fork is made in the mockery of felves?

HerenIstarion 07-15-2004 12:19 AM

But yes! Its mere shape is a hint at cruelty of its essense...

'twas a good one, Nilpaurion, kudos! :D

Nilpaurion Felagund 07-16-2004 10:52 PM

You shouldn't really compliment him. His ego grows quite exponentially.

Hush, Adam. He said "kudos!"


The nine ships of the faithful were borne by a giant wave, and are carried to Middle-earth. Elendil, upon landing, said,

"I think I forgot my glasses back in Númenor."

HerenIstarion 08-05-2004 01:54 AM

new new
- What is it: Huge, black, hairy, leggy, eats everything?
- It's a huge, black, hairy, leggy all-eating Ungoliant!

alternative answer: Shelob
another alternative: pig ;) (not the pink one, black one, :p)


Five steps to become a hero:

First, it is required to kill an elf - one's enemy. As the second step, it is recommended to kill another elf - one's freind this time. Third move is to fall in love with one's close relative, preferably sister, but cousins will do too, and marry them. And, of course, it is essential, as the fourth step, to stab some huge animal of the species on the brink of extinction. But one will not get anywhere unless one commits suicide as the fifth step.

Than one becomes a hero and qualifies for nice epitath on one's grave.


more to follow, folks

cheers for now

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-06-2004 12:17 AM

Uh, H-I...
There is another step between the second and the third step. It's the step where someone is required to fall in love with the hero, preferrably an Elf. Some variants of horrible death may follow thereafter.

The Perky Ent 08-06-2004 12:41 AM

Here's one. It's not the best, but it's the best I can come up with for right now

Elf 1: I love being immortal
Elf 2: Nothing can kill us!
Elf 1: Actually, we can be killed by fire, metal, and a broken heart!
Elf 2: Oh...but that's it right?
Elf 1: Right
Elf 2: Whoo!

(later that day by the mirror of Galadriel)

Elf 2: Guess what Galadriel! Did you know we can't die! Isn't that cool!
Galadriel: You're 8,000 years old, and you just realized that?
Elf 2: Yeah, but we can die by fire, metal, and a broken heart! It's true watch!
(Elf 2 sticks his face in the mirror)
Elf 2: See! I'm not in fire, metal, or am broken hearted! I could do this for days!
Galadriel: Idiot, you're gonna run out of oxygen!
Elf 2: No i wo....*dead*
(Celeborn walks in)
Celeborn: Wow! So we can die of more than fire, metal, and a broken heart!
Galadriel: no, the water had lead poisoning in it!

HerenIstarion 08-06-2004 04:54 AM

It was funny, perky, it was :D

new entries:


The Lord of the Rings (a.k.a. Rocky VI) is a movie where a small time boxer Frodo Bilboa gets a once in a lifetime chance to fight the heavyweight champ in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect


In the FA, Frodo was employed by ork ready-to-wear clothes company to advertise for them


One of the greatest chapters in the History of ME deals with deeds and doings of Joan d'Ork


cheers :)

The Perky Ent 08-06-2004 10:26 AM

new entry!

Aragorn: Gandalf, we must go back!
Gandalf: No (starts doing some magic against Gandalf)
Saruman: (doing magic) wha-- whoooo! (a gust of wind knocks him off the roof)
Saruman: Ahhh! I'm falling! I'm falling! Oh well, I'll fall into some nice trees! Wait, I cut the trees down! Noo! (Saruman falls into a forge and becomes completly metal)
orc: Are you alright my lord?
Saruman in a robotic voice: I'll be back, Gandalf!

****much later when gandalf comes back to Isengard****

Gandalf: I will take you of your power!
Saruman: Terminate! Terminate! Danger Will Robinson! Terminate!
(Gandalf shoots a magic blast at Saruman)
Saruman: I' the threequil!

The Perky Ent 08-08-2004 06:47 PM

Here's this:

Gimli: Do, I can go to Valinor...right?
Legolas: Of course! Would I lie to you?
Gimli: No. Of course not! I won't bring it up again
Legolas: Good
*at the edge of the world, the boat doesn't cross on*
Gimli: Legolas? You know how I said I wouldn't bring it up?
Legolas: Yeah?
Gimli: I'm gonna take that back now!
Legolas: Ok

HerenIstarion 08-09-2004 02:21 AM

some more

Bilbo and Frodo in Rivendell:

B: 'What’s become of my ring, Frodo, that you took away?’
F: ‘I have lost it, Bilbo dear, I got rid of it, you know.’
B: ‘What a pity! I should have liked to see it again. But no, how silly of me! (starts rummaging in his chest) Here! Lucky I've kept the original!


(With regards to chapter 07 discussion ;))

Tom Bombadil and Frodo in Tom's house:

F. How come you can see me with ring on?
T. (Putting off his glasses) Have you never heard of infrared binoculars, silly?

Evisse the Blue 08-09-2004 04:48 AM

LOL! and the first one as a contribution to the thread Mysterious 10th Bearer. As in- Bilbo replaced the Ring with a fake one when he changed the chain in Rivendell. Aw, people, don't roll your eyes! :p

Hookbill the Goomba 08-09-2004 01:24 PM

Heres a bad one;
What is Dearon's favorate sweet (candy for all you americans out there)
:D :eek: :confused:

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