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Lalaith 04-21-2006 11:58 AM

Another quiz!
Have we done this one? Which of the Sons of Feanor are you Most Like?
(The ads and stuff are very annoying)

I was most likely to be Maedhros, least likely to be Celegorm.

Caranlondien 04-21-2006 12:03 PM

I'm Maglor! Give me a Silmaril, I'll chuck it in the ocean...

Valier 04-21-2006 12:04 PM

I am Caranthir.........Hmmmmm I can't remember if that is good or bad!...Silly me!:eek: Have to check on that and see if he is like me......

Edit: Ok I remember who he was now....quick to anger...the harshest of the brothers.....:( Maybe I did it wrong....I know I'm a little bit forward, but the HARSHEST? No way!!!:eek:

JennyHallu 04-21-2006 12:11 PM

Maglor...and Caranthir second. Poor Caranthir...he only gets a little blurb in E of Arda!

Anguirel 04-21-2006 12:17 PM

I suspect I've done this before. There's also a Quizilla one with lovely pictures somewhere...

I got, I think, exactly the same as Lalaith-


which shows I may praise and defend the Cs, but I don't necessarily emulate them...

I actually think Caranthir isn't so unlike me at times...but this is broadly accurate...

Formendacil 04-21-2006 12:30 PM


Probably a very accurate list... I'm pleased enough to have the Coppertops as my my closest counterparts.

Now... is it Amrod or Amras who was Fëanor's favoured twin?

JennyHallu 04-21-2006 01:03 PM

So I got the gentlest brother, followed by the harshest. Odd.

Glirdan 04-21-2006 01:29 PM

My list is not so much unlike Formendacil's with a few exceptions:


When I look at that, it doesn't actually really surprise me. Yet, I do think that I'm more like Maglor...

Anguirel 04-21-2006 01:52 PM

No one's going to get Celegorm, because nobody's going to have the balls to say being disrespectful to women is extremely important to them...and hunting's a somewhat exclusive hobby into the bargain, sadly...

Mithalwen 04-21-2006 02:11 PM

Maglor - like music, more of a cat person ....

the guy who be short 04-21-2006 02:29 PM

Hey! What happened to my results... I posted them. Sigh.

From memory:

Maglor first, Caranthir second.

I am the male Jenny.

Diamond18 04-21-2006 02:38 PM

#1 Amras
#2 Amrod
#3 Maedhros
#4 Caranthir
#5 Maglor
#6 Curufin
#7 Celegorm

wilwarin538 04-21-2006 02:40 PM

I got:


A bit like Ang's I believe.

Anguirel 04-21-2006 02:48 PM

It'll be interesting to see if anyone is even marginally like Celegorm-he's at the bottom of all the lists so far. Sniff. And poor Curufin isn't getting love either, though Caranthir's an unexpected smash hit...

Eomer of the Rohirrim 04-21-2006 02:48 PM

I was (and predicted) Maglor, but was least like Maedhros. How does that work? Those two were close.

Caranlondien 04-21-2006 02:57 PM

Yeah, Celegorm was at the bottom of my list, too. Mine went:

Diamond18 04-21-2006 02:57 PM

I don't understand how I was like Amras and Amrod. There isn't really anything to say about them except that they were alike and they hunted. Otherwise there's nothing distinguishing about them.

Eep. Did I just answer my question?

I predicted that I would be most like Maedhros and he was #3, so I guess I wasn't too far off.

Anguirel 04-21-2006 02:58 PM

Here's a better quiz-sorry to one-up you, Lalaith! Fewer ads, the nice pictures I was talking about and interesting questions and answers...

Which Son of Feanor Are You?

Formendacil 04-21-2006 03:06 PM


You are Maglor. You are the greatest minstrel of the Noldor, greatest among all the elves after only Daeron of Doriath. You are an artist and a lore-master, and very close to your eldest brother Maedhros. Of all your brothers, you have the kindest heart, and are the last one left alive: you wander the shores of Middle-Earth in grief, singing your sorrows to the forbidden Western Sea, and feel the waves lapping at your feet.
Well that REALLY agrees with Lalaith's test....

The only thing that's clear is that I am not Celegorm...

Diamond18 04-21-2006 03:16 PM
- You are Maedhros. You think always of your people, and are always looking after your younger brothers, keeping them in check. Your skills at sword wielding are unsurpassed, and were it not for you, Beleriand would not have stood for so long. You are also very handsome, and many maidens are smitten with you; however, you have chosen to remain unmarried. You have committed suicide by throwing yourself into a fiery chasm after realizing that you had slain your kin thrice in the serving of an Oath that was void.

Anguirel 04-21-2006 03:24 PM

I was Maglor when I did this long ago...but the school server now blocks the results...

I suggest that respondents post the pic as Diamond did-it'll be nice to see these drawings again...

Lalwendë 04-21-2006 03:46 PM

I got Maglor in both!

Piccie, just for Anguirel. If it works... ;)

Celuien 04-21-2006 04:39 PM

Ang's test:

You are Maedhros. You think always of your people, and are always looking after your younger brothers, keeping them in check. Your skills at sword wielding are unsurpassed, and were it not for you, Beleriand would not have stood for so long. You are also very handsome, and many maidens are smitten with you; however, you have chosen to remain unmarried. You have committed suicide by throwing yourself into a fiery chasm after realizing that you had slain your kin thrice in the serving of an Oath that was void.
Lalaith's test:
1) Maglor
2) Amras
3) Amroth
6) Caranthir
7) Celegorm

Morai 04-21-2006 04:53 PM

Random Titles get personality!
I predicted Maedhros (mostly because I recognized the name.) Apparently Caranthir has the most in common with me. And I am least like....Curufin. I'll have fun researching the backgrounds on these characters. :D

Alcarillo 04-21-2006 06:23 PM

On Lalaith's quiz I got

1. Maglor (Ha! The only one to survive :cool: )
2. Amras
3. Amrod
4. Curufin
5. Maedhros
6. Caranthir
7. Celegorm

And on Ang's quiz I got

- You are Curufin. Quite the strange one, aren't you? You enjoy being mysterious and unreadable and detached, however heavy a burden loneliness can become -though this you will never admit, even to yourself- You are very smart sweet-tongued and manipulative, though you do not wish for political power; it would be far too boring. You were born an artist, like your father, although you seem to have forgotten than in the later years of your life, or have changed the nature of our art. Accept it, your life is denial. You died at Dior's hand in the Kinslaying of Menegroth.

The Only Real Estel 04-21-2006 06:57 PM

Lalaith's test:


I actually guessed I'd get Caranthir but that was just a blind, scroll-down-the-list-&-pick-one kind of guess. :D A little surprised at it actually but...oh well.

Lalaith 04-22-2006 03:31 AM


because nobody's going to have the balls to say being disrespectful to women is extremely important to them
Actually, I did nearly put that... because I don't respect women, I respect people....I'm wary of talk of "respect" for women because it either implies that you don't respect men, or that your "respect" is patronising.
But hey, that's a whole new can of worms....

Just off now to look at the pretty pics in Ang's test. Don't apologise for posting it, I'm sure its much better and with less irritating adware...I just found this one when I was looking for stuff on the sons so I could cast Joaquin properly...

Lalaith 04-22-2006 04:59 AM

Oo-er! I'm

....Celegorm. Don't know how that happened....

Anguirel 04-22-2006 05:44 AM

Well done Lalaith and Alcarillo ! You're the first Barrow-Downers to be declared worthy of my adoration. I only lament the fact that I myself seem to lack your capacity for stylish evil...

Meela 04-22-2006 06:06 AM

Maglor on the first one, and Curufin for the second (gorgeous pictures!). It said Curufin was strange, so I guess that's fitting...

Lalaith 04-22-2006 06:29 AM

Adoration is of course always most welcome and gratifying but I think it was confusion, rather than stylish evil, that led me to Celegorm. I started off answering as myself, then, when this became impossible (my quite ordinary daughterly fondness for my own father bore no resemblance to any of the choices on offer, for example) I had to switch to 'pretend if you were a son of Feanor' mode.

Oh, and I forgot to acknowledge thanks to milady Diamond, who taught me the dark arts of image-posting...evil, hunting, Luthien-bully or no, he is rather fine, isn't he...

JennyHallu 04-22-2006 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by TGWBS
I am the male Jenny.

This is very very scary.

Oh! Wait!

Maybe you can help me take over the world!

narfforc 04-22-2006 08:16 AM

I am,
1. Maglor
2. Maedhros
3. Curufin
4. Amras
5. Amrod
6. Caranthir
7. Celegorm

This will ruin my reputation in The Ork Den tonight!

wilwarin538 04-22-2006 08:46 AM

I somehow got:


- You are Amras. Poor child. You were sweet and innocent and then the world came crashing down on your head. You never quite recovered from the death of your twin at Losgar. Many think that you are mad, but you know that it is not so, don't you? You have severe personality disorder, and identity crisis. But that allows you to see beyond yourself, into something that you do not completely comprehend, but know about, unlike the others. You died at the Kinslaying of Sirion, and do not regret it.

87 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 2475 times.
4% of people had this result.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Diamond18 04-22-2006 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Wilwa's result
You never quite recovered from the death of your twin at Losgar. ... You died at the Kinslaying of Sirion, and do not regret it.

I though Amras and Amrod died together at the Kinslaying of Sirion. Eh? Is this one of those unfortunate side-effects of my not having read HoME? (Except for Unfinished Tales which I haven't read in a few years.)

At any rate, Amras was my result for the first test so that's interesting.


Oh, and I forgot to acknowledge thanks to milady Diamond, who taught me the dark arts of image-posting...evil, hunting, Luthien-bully or no, he is rather fine, isn't he...
He is indeed Well, you know what they say about the bad boys.

the guy who be short 04-22-2006 02:38 PM

I am Curufin the Crafty. Hah! And yet, I felt much of it to be fitting.


Originally Posted by Jenny
Maybe you can help me take over the world!

Deary me. Warning. This thread contains 13 year old TGWBS and therefore immaturity.

Diamond18 04-22-2006 03:40 PM

That thread was hilarious. Makes me want to find one of my old threads but then I don't really think I've changed that much from 18 to 21. *shrug*

Anyway, Lalaith you didn't post the description for Celebrimbor! And Lalwende didn't post the description for Maglor. Are you going to make me go manipulate the test to find them? :p

THE Ka 04-22-2006 09:29 PM

Result ( from the second post quiz):


Always has reminded me more of a Morrissey figure than anything else. Hmmm. Well, it was interesting none the less. I don't know really if Curufin and I share much in common. Oh well, I enjoyed it.

Lovely chalk and charcoal drawing though! :)


Lhunardawen 04-24-2006 04:07 AM

Lalaith's: Most likely Maglor (accurately predicted), least likely Celegorm.

Anguirel's: Maedhros.

An unica hija always looking after her five brothers? Unmarried? What say you, Nilp?


Originally Posted by Jenny
Maybe you can help me take over the world!

*turns to someone* We have company. Or is that competition?

Anyways, tgwbs, I can almost hardly believe that that was you. No, that wasn't you. That was some guy's account, which you hacked into after a few years and made your own.

Last thing, I promise. This is beautiful:

It was once fair, yet today we dwell in Arda Marred; I have faith in my heart that one day the world shall be Broken and Remade, and all evil banished from it. Then maybe I too shall be swept from its surface, but it does not matter, for I trust Iluvatar to forge a better place of eternal bliss for all his worthy children; and I would not wish to tarnish his final work.
Is this a quote? I don't recall reading it anywhere.

Anguirel 04-24-2006 04:38 AM

I suspect it is a quotation...from a Maedhros/Fingon fanfiction if I know anything!

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