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Ainaserkewen 04-28-2003 09:28 AM

Weirdest places you've seen LOTR
Being a very popular book and movie, people everywhere have been adding LOTR. TV shows, fund raisers everywhere!
Where are weird places you've seen it mentioned?
I've been to bible camps with LOTR baised topics,
Last night on the new Simpsons, one of the characters was obviously a Gollum knockoff,
"My precious, my preeciouus, gollum!"
He said as he carried away a bag of garbage walking Smeagol style.
I went to a V-ball tourney at UBC and there on the wall was a poster of undergrads who wanted to celebrate TTT. I'm still researching that and I'll come up with a link for those who are interested.

Rose Cotton 04-28-2003 12:18 PM

On the Sci-Fi channel there is this show called "Mystery Science Theater 3000". The show is about these three guys who watch this horrible movies and make funny coments while watching them.

Well in one episode they were watching this sort of medevil movie. At one point the heros are captured by these tree people. When the heros try to escape the tree people start running around and one of them keeps shouting "I'M COMIIIIING!". Finally, one of the guys watching the movie says "Shut up Legolas."

Then later in the movie, the heros enter a cave and one of the guys watching says "Hello Gollum."

Rynoah, the Overly-Happy 04-28-2003 12:30 PM

*giggles* I adore MST3K. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I was on a bus headed for school, just kinda gazing out the window like I usually do. I suddenly heard:

"He was in Goldeneye." So my attention was slightly averted from the scenery outside. I idly thought, "That'd be cool if they were talking about Sean Bean, but nobody knows about him, so it's probably Pierce Brosnan or something." My stop came up some few minutes later and as I stood to leave, I glanced in the seat in front of mine and there staring back at me was a huge larger-than-life Boromir picture. One of the kids had purchased a LotR movie book and was reading up on Sean Bean. I almost choked right then and there and was rather happy for the rest of the day (despite a parting shot that the kid said: "He's really ugly." *sigh* Can't win 'em all....)

Airehiriel 04-28-2003 12:35 PM

Yes, Rose, they have often made LotR remarks on that show. I think I've heard them mention Gandalf, too, in one episode.

Meela 04-28-2003 02:07 PM

These dimwits in one of my classes one day suddenly started blabbering on about Lotr. They got it all wrong, of course, but it surprised me to know that they liked it. Okay, so I expected the fact that they only liked Orlando Bloom...

Arafangwen 04-28-2003 02:40 PM

I'm told that there is a christian camp where the total theme is LOTRs, and that all the halls and stuff in "Rivendell", the main center, are filled with pics of LOTR characters.........

Sillabub 04-28-2003 08:44 PM


Anyways, For some reason things on so many websites are named after stuff from LOTR. For example, I attempted to name a pet after Luthien and it wouldn't work, so I tried every other character I could think of and it was taken! Spooky. Well, not really.

Ainaserkewen 04-29-2003 09:33 AM

THe one I went to is called Camp Homewood, on Quadra Island, which is a little island off Vancouver Island in BC in Canada. It's so much fun there. I could get you info if you like.

Ainaserkewen 04-29-2003 09:38 AM

Mondieu, you will not guess what I saw this morning!
A normal Toyota Corola in front of me with the liscence plate...
I started laughing and my dad thought I was nuts.

Melephelwen 04-29-2003 01:04 PM

Don't know if this counts, but my chocolate Easter Egg this year was made by Rohan, France.
And off course my Math teacher always mentions LotR in classes, mostly that he saw the dvd yesterday, or wants to borrow the game from somebody etc.

Ainaserkewen 04-29-2003 01:31 PM

Hee hee!
There's a Rohan, France?
It's like Vulcan, Alberta!
Anyway, I wanna go there!

Melephelwen 04-29-2003 02:12 PM

I'm not sure it's a place called Rohan, but then again, those French people can do anything... (No offence any French, just have to say it, whenever I figure out a comment [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] ) I'll check it next time I get a map! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Meela 04-29-2003 02:13 PM

Its a royal line or something, isn't it?

Melephelwen 04-29-2003 02:24 PM

Rohan is a town/city!! In Bretagne! Would be cool living there... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
And it's also a royal family...
And a place where you can buy clothes in Great Britain.
And somehow the word Rohan is connected to San Diego State University...
And there's a Rohan Group...

Oh dear, that was just a quick search... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Ainaserkewen 04-29-2003 02:32 PM

Okay okay.
This kind of ties along with signs and word hallusinations as well.
Now that I've admit that I'm obsessed, I started to see LOTR everywhere. Everything would remind me of it.
I would be reading a Macleans mag. and there was a huge 4 page spread about Tolkien, or reading another magazine and they'd have done an interview with Elijah Wood(Not a teen mag. I swear)
I guess my keen site is now keener for LOTR.

Luinalatawen 04-30-2003 04:30 PM

On TV, I have seen references to LotR on Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live, and most recently (last night), Gilmore Girls.

Donlammenion 05-01-2003 06:05 AM

well this really does take the biscuit i went in to a public loo and on the under side was a stick on poster thingy of LoTR.
i mean what a place to stick little frodo. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Ainaserkewen 05-13-2003 09:32 AM

As you can see in my new signature, my cadet band 386 Komox kicked butt at Band Comp. 2003!
The organiser or the competition's name happened to be Jerry Underhill, and I started to wonder how many other Underhills there are in my area. There are loads! Also, in a town close to me lives a fellow by the name of Frodo Baggins!
I checked my phone book once and found numerous Tooks and Brandybucks. Check your's and you might find something.

Coriel 05-13-2003 09:40 AM

hmm, i think the weirdest place to have seen LOTR would have been in my bed. i was looking up and i swore i saw Gandalf in my was weird.
and a little note to Ainaserkewen:
YAY CADETS! i wanna joing urs! (i happen to be in sea while she's in air) ours is cruddy and badly organized

Brinniel 08-16-2003 01:00 AM

Several months ago, I was watching the Shakespeare play, The Comedy of Errors, when one of the Dromios did what appeared to be a Gollum impression. It went something like this:

Smeagol Dromio: We must help master.
Gollum Dromio: No! Master will suck our blood.

I'm not sure if those lines were exactly from Shakespeare's play. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Also, during my vacation last week in Newport, Oregon, I visited the Wax Works museum. In the museum, there were several wax figures portraying celebrities, historical figures, and fictional characters. I was just finishing staring at the Loch Ness monster when I came across Bilbo and Gollum. It was the Riddles in the Dark scene! Ok, the wax figures looked rather fake (nothing like Madame Toussante's wax creations), but I was so excited by the fact that they had used a scene from one of Tolkien's books that I couldn't help but jump for joy.

elfearz1 08-16-2003 10:23 AM

A lot of people in my church youth program like lotr. (we even all went to see TTT after an event, but I was still surprised this one time when I went to this event and it was lotr themed. We took this whole walk and my youth pastor put on a cloak and started telling us about our walk and he said to watch out for goblins and ringwraiths and along the way people on horses dressed as characters gave us these bags and said "keep it secret, keep it safe." and at the end my youth pastor told this story about his dwarf friends. It was kind of odd, but fun. I kept saying things like "where do I get one of those cloaks?" "some lembas sure would be good right now" I think some people who don't like lotr were getting really annoyed with me. hehe

elfearz1 08-16-2003 10:29 AM

ooh! I thought of another one. ok I was watching this special on a sunken ship and the ships name was DerbySHIRE (it wasn't pronounced like that but it was spelled that way) and the captains name was Captain Underhill. I thought that was really wierd.

Tinuviel of Denton 08-16-2003 01:23 PM

Okay, I spell my name a little differently than other people (not going to tell you what it is though) and my sister looked up LotR last names in the phonebook, and lo and behold! there was someone with my first name (spelling and all!) and the last name Underhill. That was very strange. I'm going to call her and scare her to d.eath. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ August 16, 2003: Message edited by: Tinuviel of Denton ]

Amarantha_Daisy 08-16-2003 02:51 PM


hmm, i think the weirdest place to have seen LOTR would have been in my bed. i was looking up and i swore i saw Gandalf in my was weird.
That's creepy... but it makes me laugh [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I'm not the only one! Sometimes I could swear I see random characters out of the corners of my eyes... Then I look and see that "Frodo" was a laundry basket...

well this really does take the biscuit i went in to a public loo and on the under side was a stick on poster thingy of LoTR.
Hee hee...That makes me laugh. Ewwwww... Still funny, though.

arianrod 08-16-2003 11:09 PM

I was watching a new episode of The Twilight Zone and saw several LotR posters on the walls of some kid's room in the background. Turns out New Line runs the Twilight Zone show now... so that explains that.

Yesterday I saw Duracel commercial that had an advertisement for the TT DVD attached to it. It started with a kid playing with LotR action figures with a voice over saying something like:

"When trying to decide the best battery to illuminate your playing field, consider this: the crew of the LotR movies (shoot to some screen shots of TTT) trusted Duracel in the production of their movie. (blah, blah, blah...) ... and buy TTT on DVD on Aug 26th."

Yea, it was all quite strange. Oh well. Buy Duracel!

Brinniel 08-17-2003 01:18 AM

Oh, I've seen that commercial hundreds of times. It has something to do with the light meter on every camera being run by Duracel. It's not that bad of a commercial, though I swear that the two shots of the action figures are identical. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Sleepy Ranger 08-17-2003 01:29 PM

I know most of you will think Im not telling the truth or something but I'll say it anyway my friends name is Rohan(really) and in my country thats a very common name.My names a elvish word(thats scary).actually theres a one letter difference the 'C' should be a 'K' but C is pronounced as K(atleast I think). And well im saying the truth.You want to believe me or not thats up to you.

the guy who be short 08-17-2003 02:24 PM


Last night on the new Simpsons, one of the characters was obviously a Gollum knockoff,
"My precious, my preeciouus, gollum!"
He said as he carried away a bag of garbage walking Smeagol style.
Hehe, they just aired that in England. It was really quite funny.

Amarantha_Daisy 08-17-2003 04:15 PM


I know most of you will think Im not telling the truth or something but I'll say it anyway my friends name is Rohan(really) and in my country thats a very common name.My names a elvish word(thats scary).actually theres a one letter difference the 'C' should be a 'K' but C is pronounced as K(atleast I think). And well im saying the truth.You want to believe me or not thats up to you.
Oh, I believe you. You shouldn't be so skeptical. We're all nice here. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] One of my friends has a friend who's name is Rohan. He's Indian, and I guess it's a common name in India. Your name is an Elvish word?! Lucky... My name's boring...

Sleepy Ranger 08-18-2003 04:26 AM

I know your all nice but its fun bein' skeptical. Anyway my name means red. It should be easy to know what it is now. But I aint telling. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 08-18-2003 01:46 PM

A few days ago I was listening to the radio and I came across this:

Guy 1:Hey dude, what's your favourite movie?
Guy 2:LotR: TTT.
Guy 1: Guess what. You can get it free with these two way radios.
Guy 2: Free?!?
Guy 1: Yeah, when you buy bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.
Guy 2: You suck, man.

And that's the long and short of it.

Daewen 08-28-2003 02:01 PM

There was a southpark knockoff of it, but I didn't see it. My friend Justin just told me about it. Also, if anyone here reads the comics, Get Fuzzy and/or Foxtrot, they have LOTR topics in them sometimes. I cut them out and hang them on my bedroom door. In Get Fuzzy, it was an ongoing 'story' for about a week where the cat, Bucky, wants his friend, a cat named Frodo, to throw his collar into the furnace. Also, in Fox Trot, Jason wants to use his dad's wedding ring to see TTT premerie, and there's another one where Jason and his friend are stuck in a tree and his older brother Peter comes out and says, "why if it isn't merry and pippin".
On this gameshow, Beat the Geek, there was a question "who were the actors in the movie Lord of the Rings and what charactors did they play" I named them in like fourty seconds. Heheehehe...I'm obsessed

Annalaliath 08-29-2003 11:53 AM

One day after getting my newest Led Zeplin CD I was listening to Ramble on. And suddenly the words, " In the darkest depths of Mordor I meat a Girl so fair, but Gollum and the evil war creapt up and sliped away with her..."

Not to mention the other day I had my copy of the JRR tolkien's letters at church and I was just highlighting things that seemed realavent while the preacher was talking about making peace with God. And I can drag LOTR into any conversation especialy if it envolves getting my copy of the Hobbit back from my cousin's boyfreind. " We wants it, my precious...."

Orominuialwen 08-29-2003 12:42 PM

I once saw a girl with a shirt on that said "Do not meddle inthe affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup." Weird.

Thalionmar 08-29-2003 02:39 PM

I was in Hull on Wednesday and I spotted a docked ship called Bilbo Baggins which bought a smile to my face. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Also in York yesterday there was a giant billboard poster heralding the release of TTT with a large Gollum on it which made me smile.

Historical York very much reminds me of parts of ME but so does anything historical. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Anything but Arwen 08-30-2003 12:34 PM

I saw it on the back of a chocolate bar when I was in was a competition thing, but for some reason it ws only on the BACk of the chocolate...Ive also seen LOTR socks. Actually, I have a confession. I OWN LOTR socks XD

Orominuialwen 08-30-2003 06:15 PM

Once there was a girl in my class at school named Arwen. At the time, I hadn't yet discovered Tolkien, so I didn't really get where her name came from, but when I read LotR, I thought it was really cool that her parents named her that.

Amarantha_Daisy 08-30-2003 10:43 PM

I saw a LotR refrecnce on an episode of Friends the other day. Chandler and Ross had a friend they called Gandalf, and this is how the conversation went:


Joey: But why do you call him Gandalf?
Chandler: *in a you-should-know-what-I'm-talking-about voice* Gandalf? Gandalf the wizard?
Joey: *blank stare*
Chandler: Didn't you read "The Lord of the Rings" in high school?
Joey: No... I had sex in high school.
*audience laughs [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]*
Sorry about the language [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I do think that was an insult to us, my friends... I still thought it was funny, though... I was quite excited about the refrence [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Oh yeah! I was shopping in Cape Cod, Massachusettes and found a jewlery store called "Galadriel's" Woo! That made me quite happy! I was hopping around going "Galadriel! Galadriel!" My mom didn't get it... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Oddwen 08-31-2003 03:37 PM

I've been to Bilbo's Pizza in Kalamazoo. The menus were cute. There was a selection called "The Choice of Master Samwise", and then a poem:

"Ho, Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo,
By dill dip and rye bread,
Lettuce and tomato!"

That's all I can remember though, alas.


Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
My hot glass instructor had a bumper sticker with that on it.

Orominuialwen 08-31-2003 07:52 PM

One of my neighbors has a bumper sticker that says "Not all who wander are lost." I also once saw that on a t-shirt that had nothing whatsoever to do with LotR. There is also a store in my city called Lothlorien co-op and a company called Bag End Sound Productions. Plus, there are a couple of streets with LotR names like Ent, Merry, Greenwood, and Greenleaf, but alas, I have no digital camera, so I can't send them into the Signs section [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] .

P.S.Hey Oddwen, did you mean that your instructor is hot or that he instructs you in hot glass [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] ??

[ August 31, 2003: Message edited by: Orominuialwen ]

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