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Beleg Cuthalion 11-20-2006 02:55 PM

The Best of the BD'ers
I’ve been thinking about this since I started to post a little bit here again, I was looking through the few posts I had made and looking back find that some of them (made by a younger less wise me) made me laugh. Now I know the Memorial of Members thread is similar, but my idea is that as apossed to lamenting the abscess long gone members, instaed to show everyone what made them so great and so enjoyable to interact with. ", a compendium of greatness. The best post you’ve seen someone make. Sort of a "hall of fame" if you will. This is what it is, so Quote that old post that you still remember from long ago, or the lighting whit that someone showed, and let’s get on with it!

Anyway It's only a suggestion for a thread IF of course that the Mod’s think that this is a acceptable idea.



A little full of ourselves, our we? Oh, and there's a little brown on your nose there...
Anyone want to own up to this cute little addition to my reputation??

Like maybe frodo1021........

ninja91 11-20-2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Beleg Cuthalion
Anyone want to own up to this cute little addition to my reputation??

Like maybe frodo1021........

Hohoho! It was probably him.
It wasnt me, I added to yours like 5 seconds ago...thanks for the smilies!

Amanaduial the archer 11-21-2006 01:59 PM

Three posts in and we already appear to be off-topic. Oh, do keep up, gents ;)

Puzzled: does this relate to quotes, or members, or, hey, both? There do appear to be some rather similar threads actually, buried deep in the Downs...

Ghost Posts: Lines with a longer shelf-life than most thread elements (Bethberry)

What do you like about people? (Naurwen_of_Lothlorien)

Best Post of the Week (Bethberry)

To the merriment (Eomer of the Rohirrim)

They're all worthy threads - worthy, in fact, of bringing up again, if anyone feels the inclination - and all deal with pretty similar aims as this one, especially the first, dealing with particular quotes/posts, and the second, dealing with people. Oh, and then there's Favourite Roleplaying Characters, which is in fact focused more on members than characters, and was a thread I quite enjoyed reading. I'm not doing any RPGing currently - shame, really - but this is such a good idea, as I'm sure any other addicted RPGers would agree ;)

Amazing what fossils and gems you can find amongst the old bones...

Beleg Cuthalion 11-21-2006 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Amanaduial the archer
Three posts in and we already appear to be off-topic. Oh, do keep up, gents ;)

They're all worthy threads - worthy, in fact, of bringing up again, if anyone feels the inclination - and all deal with pretty similar aims as this one, especially the first, dealing with particular quotes/posts, and the second, dealing with people. Oh, and then there's Favourite Roleplaying Characters, which is in fact focused more on members than characters, and was a thread I quite enjoyed reading. I'm not doing any RPGing currently - shame, really - but this is such a good idea, as I'm sure any other addicted RPGers would agree ;)

Amazing what fossils and gems you can find amongst the old bones...

Fine, fine I made a fool of myself, would someone be so kind and delete it already please.

(Fool of a Took! Next time throw your self in!)

Amanaduial the archer 11-21-2006 02:21 PM

Not at all: it wasn't my aim to attack you, or the idea of the thread! I just remembered a few threads from the distant past (look at some of the dates on the threads - we're talking really pretty darn distant, I was trawling...) which struck me as being similar.

Hey, it's a good idea - after all, if it wasn't, why would there be several other very good threads based on the same on? :) And besides, it allowed me to unearth some of my favourites...

Estelyn Telcontar 11-22-2006 06:49 AM

Since those threads to which Aman linked (thanks!) have been dormant for a long time, it's fine to have a new one, Beleg. You can look back to the past entries to see what members who are no longer around have contributed. I hope lots of newer members will post on this thread - preferably on topic! ;)

Boromir88 12-11-2006 12:41 AM

Let's see if we can get this thread started, as I definitely like the idea. :)

One of the best recent posts I greatly enjoyed reading was from Brinniel in Thinlomien's 'I don't understand this either...' I would simply just nominate this whole entire thread. Some excellent posts and contributions from everyone involved.

I enjoyed Brinniel's post as it was some nice insight into homosexuality and the United States. Also her points about PJ and team, just being brave enough to come out and film 'close male relationships' was something I really never considered before about some of the good things with the movies. ;)


...Ooops is this supposed to be older posts only?

Brinniel 12-11-2006 01:47 AM

Thanks, Boromir. It's a topic I feel strongly about, and I really appreciate the acknowledgement. :)


...Ooops is this supposed to be older posts only?
I think it can be anything, old or new.

I actually have a list of funny quotes/posts by BDers that I compiled long ago. I would've posted a few of my favorite ones that deserve recognition by now, but unfortunately the document is on my computer back at home, so it'll just have to wait until Winter Break (only a week away).

Beleg Cuthalion 12-11-2006 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88


...Ooops is this supposed to be older posts only?

Nope, it's the best of everything. Threads, posts, people, something long gone but still remembered from that old thread, anything of that nature.

And btw, thanks for the interest both of you. (And too Amanaduial and Estelyn to whom I did not respond too) I had been hoping up till now that this thread would just disappear, and hide under my rock.

Also Could someone edit the “or best of you” part out of the title? It rather makes me cringe when I see it. (Unless someone likes it that way of) The best of the Downs or Downers sounds far better. IMHO



Oh yeah, I'll have to look into that thread, it sounds very interesting. :cool:

Lush 12-11-2006 02:08 PM

I nominate the following from Aiwendil:


full thread


Yes, Tolkien was born in the late 19th century. He was born into a world that had already seen the work of Marx, a world in which the stirrings of class-revolution were already visible in many places in Europe. The world in which he grew up was a very modern one in many respects; it was certainly one that did not take notions of class-structure for granted. Tolkien was aware of all this and he still chose to portray class-structures as he did. I'm not saying that he was necessarily wrong to do so; but I do not think that the views of class presented in LotR can be put down to it being written a long time ago.

Nor, I think, can one say that Tolkien was not interested in modern political theory and leave it at that. It's true that he did not much care for many things post-1500 or so. But this is avoiding the question. Why did he not like things post-1500? And, specifically, why did he choose to portray and even glorify the class structures that he did? One would hardly excuse a proponent of slavery by saying "he doesn't much like developments since 1865"; and while I think the charge made here against Tolkien is far less serious, it should still not be thus dismissed.

Mänwe 01-11-2007 07:47 PM

I would like to nominate Alcuin's profile, whose 'post profile' showcases fantastic work both intelligent and insightful. Particularly those submitted in the "Was it 'Legit'?" thread.

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