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mark12_30 03-26-2003 05:50 PM

"Walk To Rivendell" aka "The Eowyn Challenge"
Several people have expressed interest in the "Walk To Rivendell", also known as "The Eowyn Challenge."

There is a link below. The idea: between now and the Dec. 17 release of ROTK, walk the equivalent distance that Frodo had to walk from Bag End to Rivendell.

For those who walk or might like to, check it out.

This thread is for those who are walking on the Barrow-Downs, to encourage each other, and to track progress.

For example, Frodo walked 18 miles his first walk. Most of us have a life-- it'll take us days to catch him! But... off I go; 12.5 miles so far over the past five days. In a couple more days I'll have hit Frodo's first camping spot. (I may chart progress in Fonstadt's atlas...)

Speaking of the which here are some links to maps:

By Fonstadt: FrodoToRivendellAndBilboToo Frodo's trip is in Tan, Bilbo's trip is in black.

By Barbara Strachey: JourneysOfFrodo The trip to Rivendell is covered on the first five maps.

So-- this thread is for Tolkien-oriented, hobbit/elf/Middle-Earth related discussion, encouragement, and cameraderie "on the road to Rivendell"... a mere 458 miles = 738.7 km. For those starting around the end of March, that's about two miles a day or 3.2 km per day.

I'd also like to encourage posting Tolkien-oriented poetry especially walking songs. Personal anecdotes and progress reports must be voiced as a denizen of Middle Earth! RPG skills may come in handy. If you like handwriting, Nurumaiel has created a printable page to keep a journal of your adventures. Be Hobbit, Elf, Dwarf, Man!
Journal can be found here:
journal page.

Also, see the The Barrow Wight's version of the mileage tracker, in Walking To Rivendell!

Who's in?

The list as of May 28:


alaklondewen : 139
Alatariel : 144
Annunfuiniel : 119
Arvedui III : 119
Arafangwen : 82
ArwenBaggins : 100
Aylwen Dreamsong : ?
bain_edhel : 12
Bulelainwen : 108
Durlossiel : 90
dragoneyes : 123
Eärendil : 77
Eruwen : 70
Estelyn Telcontar : 150
Faenaduial : 11
Firondoiel : 43
Gorwingel : 289
Hilde Bracegirdle : 237
Horsemaiden Of The Shire : 120
Ilsanie : 5.5
Joy : 14
Kalel : 32
Keowyn : ?
Lalaith : 128
Lindolirian : 170
Linzielf : 270
LotrMaster02 : ?
Lyra Greenleaf : 127
Maiden of the Dry Waterfall : ?
mark12_30 : 236
Naz : ?
Neferchoiren : ?
Niluial : "lots"?
Nurumaiel : 81
peony_foxburr : 166
Raefindel : 225
Ranger Jewel : 35?
red : 52.5
Rochelle : 59?
Salix : 11?
Schmendrick : 70
Sindafalathiel : 8?
Sophia the Thunder Mistress : 93
SwordMaiden of Rohan : ?
Tar-Palantir : ?
Tarvasa : 43
Tefalathiel : Tom's house
The Real Findorfin : ?
Tigerlily Gamgee : 18
Tinuviel of Denton : 100
Tira O Alata : ?
Vanwalossien : 71
Vardamar : 134

Pedometers are **not** required; distance may be estimated by time (est. 3 to 4 miles per hour) or by map or by the odometer on your car, or whaatever other reasonable estimation method you choose. However, several people have expressed interest in getting a pedometer so here is some information about them.

Before You Buy a Pedometer at

How to Measure Your Stride - Step Length

Enjoy following Frodo!

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way,
And take the hidden paths that run
Towards the moon or to the sun.

(LOTR, Fellowship, p. 76 in the Omnibus paperback.)

[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ May 09, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ May 28, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ May 28, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ May 31, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

[ June 02, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

alaklondewen 03-26-2003 07:26 PM

All I need is a walking stick. I will be with you all 458 miles! This is a wonderful idea. I've been looking to start a fitness program, but have been lacking the encouragement from others. With your support, I'm sure I can do it with you all.

Now, are there any online sources that give the miles Frodo walked, so we can keep track where we are in ME, or do I need to invest in a book?

*walks away humming to herself..'The road goes ever on and on...'*

[ April 02, 2003: Message edited by: alaklondewen ]

Arvedui III 03-26-2003 07:37 PM

Really cool idea, but 458 miles [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]
Neh, it will be good to get off my lazy but for once. I'm in.

mark12_30 03-26-2003 08:09 PM

458 miles sounds scarier than it really is-- it averages out to a little under two miles a day from now til Dec. 17. Vaguely 12 miles a week, I think.

(edit) boots calculator: 458 / 264 = 1.73 mi/day. Call it 1.75 mi/day.

1.75 mi/day * 7 days = 12.25 mi/week. Call it 12.5 or 13 for good measure and to give you some future leeway, room for sick days, etc.

Not bad. And if perchance we get there a little late, fortunately the doom of the world isn't hinging on our timely arrival!

(That Frodo was one tough cookie...)

[ March 27, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-26-2003 08:20 PM

Cool. I walk to school everyday, and I walk through the school hallways...does that count? Or does soccer and track count? I hope so.

Regardless, I'll grab my walking stick, grab a buddy, and get walking! It's about time I start enjoying the spring weather!


Rochelle 03-26-2003 08:54 PM

*takes a deep breath*

458 miles...I think I can do it [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I am going to join with the advice of my dear Bilbo Baggins:

"It's a dangerous business...Frodo, going out your door. You step out onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

I guess it's off to go download a map!!

Raefindel 03-26-2003 11:27 PM

Yes, this will be fun!

Estelyn Telcontar 03-27-2003 01:52 AM

Helen, thanks for the link to an interesting site and project! I walk quite a bit normally; probably 2 miles fast, alone, early on an average of four mornings a week, and another mile or so with the dog, slower, during the day. It's my favorite way of compensating for all the sitting I do at the computer! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I like the direct contact with nature and the fact that walking gives me time to enjoy it.

This project will give an interesting additional dimension to my favorite exercise! Count me in - without a stick, though. Now for a map...

Telchar 03-27-2003 02:27 AM

Just to put some of you down a little: The hobbits were of course about 60% of your height which means you should add at least 50% to the distance = 687 miles. Then remember that they carried their gear along with them. There is also the positive fact that they rode a good part of the distance - you should find a horse and do some riding. Most of you will notice that riding for the unexperienced is pretty good exersice [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Maybe if you took 10 riding lessons and then cut it down to say 500 miles? - Then of course you must remember that the hobbits did the journey between 22 sept. and 20 oct. if you leave out the three days on horseback and the rainy day in Toms house you get 25 days of walking to do the job... thats 20 miles a day (the hobbits did app. 14 m/day) or just alittle above 32 kilometers. Enjoy!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

T [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 03-27-2003 02:56 AM

Yay! this sounds grand... although my campus is pretty small so it'll likely get real boring by the end [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] wish me luck in dragging my roommate out on the road with me [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

mark12_30 03-27-2003 04:24 AM


Just to put some of you down a little...
Sweetie, that's not a big requirement on this thread. Most of us really don't need any more of that. If we work up a little enthusiasm, please cut us some slack. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Interesting idea about doing some of it on horseback, if possible; but the trip from Crickhollow to Bree was only a small portion of the overall miles (135 - 73 = ... uh... 62? somebody check me), and for some, horses are hard to find and expensive to hire. I suppose, if one really wanted to, one could substitute a bicycle, if that sounded like a fun idea.

I don't think anyone should get bogged down or discouraged about a detail like that. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Indeed, the folks who put the idea together allow for any self-propelled mode of travel (yikes! Swimming 458 miles???) [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

This is meant to be fun. Fun! Playing with maps and following Frodo's wild and wooly hike-- yep, FUN! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I wish I could do it barefoot. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] Not likely.

I'm hoping to scan some of Fonstadt's map pages for Frodo's trip (she shows milage rather nicely) and put them on my website; if I have room... I had to delete some stuff to put up the Bag End layout! Could be tight.

[ March 27, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

mark12_30 03-27-2003 10:27 AM

So far 8 people are walking. Cheers!! Who has already started? Who's got a map? Where are you all walking? I found a great trail today close to my house; it goes by a pond, & through lots of woods.

Rae, thanks for suggesting this thread!

Lalaith 03-27-2003 11:01 AM

This is an excellent idea and just what I need. I'm in.
I was thinking of getting a pedometer in fact the word I am looking for?

Oh, and as I cycled to the dentist today rather than drive, I'm already five miles into the journey! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ March 27, 2003: Message edited by: Lalaith ]

mark12_30 03-27-2003 11:26 AM

Hey, here it is!!
From Fonstadt's atlas, THE MAP:


Frodo's trip is in Tan, Bilbo's trip is in black. Check it out!

This is the map used by the folks who came up with this whole idea. Fonstadt's atlas is pretty readily available if you want to buy it. Or, you can save the picture, open it in Paint, and print off a fullsized version.

[ March 27, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

mark12_30 03-27-2003 02:46 PM

Here are Barbara Strachey's maps... sadly out of print, but luckily online! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Scroll down to the bottom and enjoy. The trip to Rivendell is covered on the first five maps.

Strachey's book is older than Fonstadt's atlas and out of print, but she also does a nice job on the maps. I was very relieved to find them online.

[ March 27, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Rochelle 03-27-2003 03:16 PM

Which map is everyone using? I haven't yet downloaded mine [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I ride horses about once a week, and am actually going today! *lol* I guess this means my journey begins in about an hour [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

ArwenBaggins 03-27-2003 03:52 PM

I'm in! Yay! I'm going for a walk down my road, aprox. 2.2 miles. So I'm ahead for the day!

mark12_30 03-27-2003 04:42 PM

Which Map? Why, all of them, of course. Being (like Bilbo) very fond of maps, and having a hard time resisting their lure, I am using both the Fonstadt map and the Strachey map; as well as using a map of my neighborhood, and a map of the reserve I walk in with my friend.

I plan to put them all up (in addition to the other M-E maps on my walls) and (like Bilbo, and Frodo) trace the routes I take.

Now... to come up with elvish names for all these paths...

Tar-Palantir 03-27-2003 05:50 PM

Do you get to count just walking about town/school/work? People can get a couple miles or more just from going shopping at the mall! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I'll do it - always looking for another energy outlet. I used to run 120 miles or more a month, on hiking trails! But since the accident... [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] Anyway, I'm with you - do we need to sign up somewhere?

mark12_30 03-27-2003 06:23 PM

As far as this thread goes you just did. If you want to you can also sign up at the site (link on opening post.) The site does have some fun and/or handy things and is worth checking out. For instance I like Frodo's itinerary. It's under milestones.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Eruwen 03-27-2003 07:34 PM

This is very cool! Of course I am going to do it. Whoever thought up something like this, is very cool. I always wanted a way I could interact my life into Middle Earth. I guess this is one of the best ways possible. This is going to be fun.

alaklondewen 03-27-2003 08:43 PM

I started today by taking advantage of the short breaks between by classes and walking a bit on campus. I covered approximately 1.5 miles. Not bad considering I have classes from 9am to 9 pm. I'm looking forward to my coming days off when my daughter will be joining me in a stroller. Ah, to be a toddler.

The Saucepan Man 03-27-2003 09:03 PM

Erm ... think I'll just sit here on my nice comfy sofa in my nice warm hobbit hole and lend you all some moral support ... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Eärendil 03-28-2003 03:30 AM

I´m in. I go walking (especially in the woods) and bike-riding quite often, and I guess this is an excuse for doing it more often. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
And anything connected to Middle-Earth is interesting to me.
I will start right away, after finding out how many miles (or, as I am from Sweden, kilometers) I walk every time I go out.
What a great idea! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

mark12_30 03-28-2003 08:56 AM

I think I've counted thirteen walkers. (somebody check me)

Today I got to Frodo's first campsite. Whee!

(We went to the "top" of "Mount" Tom, all of four hundred feet in altitude... Good Old Rhode Island.) Oh, and we made walking sticks today. They came in REALLY handy going over rocks and through brush. I'm convinced! It's in my car now, very awkward (small car!) I think I'll put a rawhide loop on it, after I whittle off the bits that stick out and catch clothing.

Rae, it reminds me of you.

(edit) for the list of walkers, check the opening post.

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

alaklondewen 03-28-2003 10:10 AM

Thank you for the links to the maps. I have just printed them, and they are wonderful. Ooh, this is fun. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Hilde Bracegirdle 03-28-2003 11:26 AM

Hmm, well I think I may have a go at this! (Just need to get a whats-it to keep track of the miles.) No reason why I shouldn't make it to Bree at least!


Erm ... think I'll just sit here on my nice comfy sofa in my nice warm hobbit hole and lend you all some moral support ...
I think some us will need as much support as we can get come November & December (Brr... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]), So please do stick around Saucepan-man!

mark12_30 03-28-2003 12:19 PM

I wasn't going to get one of those "whatsit-thingies" to keep track of mileage: til I got curious, and gee, they look kinda cool. I might get one after all.

I found this interesting and helpful, and there was some good advice about how to set the thing up. I especially liked the stride measurement ideas:

Before You Buy a Pedometer at

How to Measure Your Stride - Step Length

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Salix 03-28-2003 05:34 PM

I'd love to do the walk. Today, to get to a friend's house to do homework [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] I had to bike 1.5 km. Er, how many miles is that? I kinda am not to good at conversions. Later in the summer, I will be doing a 16 km hike, so that will help my goal.

Hilde Bracegirdle 03-28-2003 07:07 PM

Well, I starting walking but haven’t a clue how far it was. I’ll have to drive it later to measure it. A guy at work said the average person walks about 2 miles per hour. I only had a half an hour, so hopefully it was at least a mile! Finding time is definitely going to be a factor. Heavens it may even cut into my time on the Downs! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

If one can figure out how far one walks in a given time period, maybe one could get a reasonable estimate of how far one goes by how long one has walked. Or would that be cheating? Please say it’s not.

Oh boy, counting steps is way beyond me…especially after work! I’d have to get one of those thingy-mah-bobs to click off the steps! (Was that 5,486 or 4,568?!) [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Salix, 1 km is equal to .62 miles so 1.5 km x 0.62 = 0.93 miles. Just multiply by .62

Ooo…say… is a imperial mile different than a U.S. mile? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Arvedui III 03-28-2003 07:25 PM

Did four miles today! yay! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Sorry, just had to say that. Anyway, where are y'all getting your maps? I can't find one that will work for me.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Arvedui III ]

mark12_30 03-28-2003 07:52 PM

Arvedui, You tried the links to TOlkien's maps and they didn't work? PM me, and tell me what went wrong. There are tricks, if the problem is printing them.

Hilda- estimating by the time is OK according to the Eowyn Challenge website. It's what I've been doing most of the week. I went to Walmart today, though, and got a pedometer for about eight bucks (I was going to get a "serious" one, but the sports store I tried didn't carry them... anyway...) Since it was the only one available, I settled for the Walmart digital edition despite the fact that the reviews warned me about its shortfalls. I did the settings, rather bummed that it wouldn't let me set my stride length in anything bit 6-inch increments (cheesy!!)

My stride length averaged at 28.7 inches. I had to choose between 24 and 30. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] So I chose 30 since it was closer, and went once around my neighborhood which I know is 0.9 miles. (Did it in the car once.) The pedometer read 1.07 mi. So I set it to 24 inches and tried again, and it read 0.8 mi. Grumble. (edit: But then I realised I hadn't reset it at the bottom of the driveway. So I set it back to 30 inches and tried again, and it read 0.96 mi. That's better.)

So, option 1 is to leave it at 24 and add 11 percent; option 2 is to put it back at 30 and subtract 5%. Being closer, the 30 setting wins, and I'll have to subtract about 5%. I use an XL spreadsheet to track the distance anyway so it's no biggie.

Extra features included a clock, stopwatch, and alarm. Not bad for eight bucks. If only they'd given better granularity on the stride!!

Well, now I've calibrated it, it'll be useful enough. On the plus side I did log an extra 1.8 (edit: 2.7) miles tonight testing the silly thing. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] If I overestimated my arrival at Frodo's first campsite (which is possible since I was estimating by elapsed time) then I should have gotten there by now.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

mark12_30 03-28-2003 09:23 PM

Before I crash for the evening I just want to let out a rousing cheer. It's fun to hike, fun to see folks pulling together on this thread, and fun to be playing with maps and walking sticks and such. I've done more exploring int he past week than I have in quite a while.

Thanks to Rae for the idea of starting this thread; thanks to Child of the Seventh Age for giving me a "little push out the door", Bilbo-style. And thanks to all who've signed up.

"I don't think you need go alone. Not if you know anyone you can trust, and who would be willing to go by your side..."

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.

Raefindel 03-29-2003 12:18 AM

Wow Everyone You're all doing so great!

I swam for an hour yesterday -how do you count that in miles? and I walked 3 miles at work today.

Hilde I don't agree with what your friend told you. I believe the average is closer to 15-20 min = 1 mile.

Wow! Great links Helen! Great maps!

mark12_30 03-29-2003 07:30 AM

...and a fine foggy barrow-downs morning it is... here in NE, anyway.

Rae, good for you! Swimming... I dunno! How many laps or lengths did you do? You can figure it out that way...

I went through the woods this morning on paths I didn't know were there. I had a wonderful time.

I've discovered the main danger of buying a pedometer: it's so much fun to see the thing count up, you just keep going, and keep detouring to log more distance... after dragging m'dawg three times around the nieghborhood last night, I dragged her three miles thru the woods this morning and another mile on the road. The poor thing was very ready to come home.

She's napping now. "The road goes on forever, " said The Little Yaller Dawg, "but I can't without a rest. It is high time for lunch." Or breakfast, anyway.

Legolas 03-29-2003 08:21 AM

Running or cycling would take you no time at all.

Niluial 03-29-2003 08:36 AM

Hey Guys I might be a little late but can I still join?
I do Ice-Skating everyday (4 hours). Don’t even ask me where I find time for home-work, boyfriend, friends and of course myself! I am a professional Ice-Skater I have won 6 first place positions and sev… no eight second place positions (I won my eighth, second position this weekend, last night [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]) enough showing of, sorry about that I am just proud [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]! I am sure I can join because I do speed ice-skating and Ballet on ice. And on Saturdays I do ballroom dancing on ice (its like the tango and you know dancing&#8230 [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]. My only free day is Sundays and then I have to go to church [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]!

Annunfuiniel 03-29-2003 09:05 AM

Oh, I'm absolutely in for this walk! Great idea! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
Ok, I counted that I've so far walked about 8 miles so where does that take me? I haven't checked the maps yet so I've most likely got lost already. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Now it's time to rest a while but I'll continue my journey later today. If you hear someone singing or calling "Seda!" somewhere en route, it's just me! (Seda is my black German shepherd)
I wish everyone a very merry trip and hope you won't meet any Ringwraiths during your journey! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ March 29, 2003: Message edited by: Annunfuiniel ]

mark12_30 03-29-2003 10:00 AM

Niluial, of course you can join. Welcome, and welcome Salix and Hilde since the last list was made; here's the current list:

(edit: for the list of walkers, check the opening post.)

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

ArwenBaggins 03-29-2003 06:23 PM

I've walked 5 miles today. I am bout 2 or so miles short of Frodo's campsite, so I need to get going!

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