The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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THE Ka 04-26-2005 04:46 PM

The Gashlycrumb Downers
After re-reading The Gashlycrumb Tinies for the zillionth time, a thought came upon me. What would happen if there was a Gashlycrumb version of the Downs? ( This is the book i'm discussing.)

So, here's what you do. First, start with your or some other member's name (ask first!) and devise a simple way for them or someone else to pass on. Then someone else writes about a name, and another, ect. Most important of all,
don't forget to go in alphabetical order!

Lastly, remember to make it original! You can draw inspiration, but don't repeat someone else's idea. Oh, yes, before I forget, have morbid fun! :D

~ K is for Ka

Gil-Galad 04-26-2005 05:36 PM

mmmmkay....well i guess i can try at this...

Abercombie and her obsession of Eomer of the Rohirrim

(So i guess the theme is realtions between downers)

The Barrow-Wight 04-26-2005 06:33 PM

I'm sure I hate this topic, but I haven't figured out exactly why yet. Perhaps it is because it is one of those idea topics that don't start with an example. Maybe it is because I have no idea what the topic is really about. Most likely I hate it simply because it seems to have nothing to do with Tolkien and very little to do with the Downs. BUT I like the picture. It reminds me of myself, herding all of the tiny Downers into a neat circle. And because of that, I will allow it to linger a bit longer to see what it becomes.

With low expectations,

AbercrombieOfRohan 04-26-2005 06:53 PM

Here's an excerpt from the book if you're confused:

I think what THE Ka is saying is that we take a downer's name like mine Abercrombie and create a gruesome death for that person.

S is for Shelob speared by a Spam Viking...

I hope I'm giving you the right info...

THE Ka 04-26-2005 10:28 PM

All Apologies...
You're right BW, that was the picture's first response to me about the downs...

In any ways, thank you abercrombie for clearing it up :) . My allergies (and spring pollen) have taken a hit on my brain... Sorry. Also to make it more Tolkien related, we could add some bio's about characters as well. Also, you could make the deaths tolkien related.

Here are some examples what you can do:

Member example: (I'm using my own as to not spoil anyone's fun. Or apperance.)

'K is for Ka who fell down the barrow...'

Character example:

'D is Denethor who was caught by the match...'

Sorry for being horrible... It's completely my fault for forgetting examples. You can boo now...

Have fun none the less...

~ Gloomious Doom Ka

Ainaserkewen 04-26-2005 11:43 PM

Naw, I wouldn't do that to be mean. I'm just pullin' your leg The Ka.

I'm not sure about the Alphabeticalness of this thread? Would it be easier to let it fly without that border?

'A' is for Ainaserkewen who stopped to smell the daisies under a falling Piano.

THE Ka 04-27-2005 04:19 PM


I'm not sure about the Alphabeticalness of this thread? Would it be easier to let it fly without that border?
Alright, sure... :rolleyes: But, if you really want to, you can.

And if you still are not sure who or what the Gashlycrumb tinies are, here is a brief description...

The Gashlycrumb Tinies, or After the Outing is an alphabetical phantasmagoria of rhyming couplets
in which twenty-six infants meet dreadful ends,
from Amy falling down stairs and Basil assaulted by bears,
to Yorick whose head is knocked in and Zillah who drinks too much gin.
Each demise is bizarre and unsettling, messy or lonely, and unerringly Gorey.

Okay! Let's get this train of endings beginning!

~ Ka

Oddwen 04-27-2005 05:46 PM


'A' is for Ainaserkewen who stopped to smell the daisies under a falling Piano.
'B' is for Boromir88 who was smothered under an orange beaded sombrero

Celebuial 04-28-2005 03:04 AM

C is for Celebuial who was cut into peices and eaten by cave trolls.

(is that the kinda thing you're looking for?)

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 04-28-2005 04:56 PM

I love the Gashlycrumb tinies. Must these rhyme? I'm no Edward Gorey, and this is stretching my powers a bit... I'll venture a "no" and come back and edit if there are enough protests?

D is for Diamond18 smashed flat by an ent.

wilwarin538 04-28-2005 05:39 PM

E is for Eomer of the Rohirrim who choked on a 200 year old peace of lembas.

Oddwen 04-28-2005 06:14 PM

Well, I like to rhyme anyway, so don't mind me...
'F' is for Formendacil, who was cut with some glass

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 04-29-2005 11:52 AM

G is for Guinevere, who choked on a scone.

Maeggaladiel 04-29-2005 12:27 PM

H is for Heren, attacked by a gnome.

(Heren Istarion, for anybody who didn't... y'know.. get the connection. And yes, those garden gnomes are evil.)

wilwarin538 04-29-2005 03:52 PM

I is for Imladris who attempted to fly off Mount Doom.

The Barrow-Wight 04-29-2005 04:39 PM

We don't have any active J's, so I'm skipping to K.
K is for Ka, hit by a kar.

These are much better with pictures.

wilwarin538 04-29-2005 04:49 PM

L is for Lalwendë, attacked by a mutant daisy.

Oddwen 04-29-2005 08:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
'M' is for Maeggaladiel, who went absolutely crazy.

The Wonderful BW is right - a picture is worth a thousand words.
(My computer drawing skills are rusty - I hope it at least slightly resembles you, Maeg ;) )

Gil-Galad 04-29-2005 09:25 PM

N for Numenor, who can get pretty vicous at Pong

THE Ka 04-30-2005 06:19 AM

O is for Oddwen who's head was used for a gong...

~ H D Ka

wilwarin538 04-30-2005 02:40 PM

P is for poisenniel, who died from laughter.

Son of Númenor 04-30-2005 09:00 PM

Skipping Q....
1 Attachment(s)

wilwarin538 05-01-2005 06:00 AM

S is for Sharku, eaten by a shark.

Gil-Galad 05-01-2005 07:23 AM

T is for Telchar, who forget his bread-crumbs when he got lost in a park

wilwarin538 05-01-2005 02:01 PM

skipping U.

V is for Vuelve who tryed to touch the Titanic.

Son of Númenor 05-02-2005 08:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

THE Ka 05-02-2005 08:24 PM

W is for Wilwarin, who's head was used to strum a cello...

As seen below...

~ Morosely humourous Ka

Oddwen 05-02-2005 08:29 PM

'X' was for The X-Phial, who was squashed into Jell-o.

wilwarin538 05-03-2005 01:47 PM

Y is for Yavanna II who drowned in some glue.

Mithalwen 05-05-2005 06:42 AM

Z is for Zebedee impaled by gnus

Orominuialwen 05-05-2005 03:29 PM

I love this idea. My math teacher has a poster of the book on the wall in her classroom, and I always love to look at it during class.

So do we start over again at A?

wilwarin538 05-05-2005 05:24 PM

Yepperz, you can go ahead.

bilbo_baggins 05-05-2005 06:39 PM

Or can I?
A is for alatar , pierced by arrows.

THE Ka 05-05-2005 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Orominuialwen
I love this idea. My math teacher has a poster of the book on the wall in her classroom, and I always love to look at it during class.

So do we start over again at A?

Of course, especially since you've had some experience... ;)

~ Bauhaus Ka

THE Ka 05-05-2005 07:07 PM

B is for Bandobras Took, who choked on Italian vegetable marrow...

~ Veggie Ka

wilwarin538 05-06-2005 04:04 PM

C is for Child who got lost in the wild.

Encaitare 05-06-2005 05:14 PM

D is for davem who smiled at a crocodile.

Gil-Galad 05-06-2005 08:21 PM

E is for Enca, who went on a cruise an lost her file

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-10-2005 01:44 PM

"F" is for Fea who choked on a pickel.


wilwarin538 05-10-2005 01:47 PM

G is for Gil, deathly allergic to dill.

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