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secretfire 03-21-2003 04:44 AM

No Prince Imrahil?
I wish I hadn't read in one of the spoilers here that the Scouring of the Shire had been totally left out of the film. To me, it's the formal end of the War of the Ring and for it not to be filmed...<BR>Anyway, I've also noticed there's no Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth in the cast list. Please don't tell me Peter Jackson excluded him too. ü

Ruler of the Frogs 03-21-2003 06:57 AM

I did hear about them leaving out the Scorning of the Shire. I do love that part of the book, and I feel it's more than essential to the story - but I can guess at why they left it out. I think that PJ was getting short for time. The movie can't be five hours long! If any part was needed to be taken out, Scorning of the Shire was it. That's not because it isn't great, but probably because it's not needed for the movie audience. Say you haven't read the books, once you see that the ring was destroyed, you don't need to think twice about anything. It's the end. Yay! The war was won! It's really too bad that they're leaving it out, and on a personal level, I was wanting to see it very badly. I'm dissapointed myself, that I won't be able to see it now. But, I can see the logical reasons for them leaving it out *sniff sniff*

Mordor_Queen 03-21-2003 07:43 AM

That's what I heard as well, and the Scourning of the Shire is one of the main parts of the book, and also where Wormtounge and Saruman get murdered. How are they going to end the film without Saruman's death and Sam's vision in Galadriels mirror? (well it was Frodo's vision in the film)

HCIsland 03-21-2003 08:47 AM

When Frodo sees the Shire burning it is quite clearly stated that this is what will happen if you fail. Also, although Jackson calls this his tribute to the Scouring of the Shire in the director's commentary, what Frodo sees doesn't seem like the Scouring but instead the enthrallment of the Shire by the forces of Sauron.<P>As for how will they deal with Saruman? This if my guess only, but I think it will be early in the film at Orthanc.<P>H.C.

Meela 03-21-2003 10:40 AM

saruman dies at orthanc in the film. same as book, just diff. setting, and diff. death for mr. slimy.<P>*faints* Prince Imrahil was one of the best characters. <P>*starts a petition to get peter jackson to add him to rotk before it comes out*

Airehiriel 03-21-2003 01:54 PM

Here, Here, Meela! I will sign it!

Meela 03-21-2003 02:50 PM

*hands over the petition*<P>hand it round to everyone whos interested

Sapphire_Flame 03-21-2003 03:37 PM

I'll sign the petition too!

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 03-21-2003 06:10 PM

Give me that petition!

The Saucepan Man 03-21-2003 09:17 PM

I'm surprised that he's not on the cast list. I am sure that RotK will have the armies turning up from the various regions of Gondor to defend Minas Tirith, and Prince Imrahil would seem the logical character to bring to the fore in this. Also, I had the feeling that he was that guy in the ridiculous feathered helmet ( ) that was posted on another thread, given his association with swans.

HCIsland 03-21-2003 09:21 PM

As was mentioned in another thread, I think there's a good chance he won't have any lines like Elindel or Gil-galad in the prologue of FoTR. I may be drawing fire here, but I really don't see the necessity in giving him any lines.<P>H.C. ducks for cover.

Lily Bracegirdle 03-21-2003 09:48 PM

I doubt Imrahil will show up, but I was wrong about Ghan-buri-ghan and now Beregond, so maybe there's still hope. tORn has the name of Beregond's actor up on their news page.<P>-Lily

Arvedui III 03-21-2003 10:40 PM

Eh, I think Imrahil will show up, but his part will be slashed in half. He's probibly going to end up being a nameless commander standing by Aragorn, yelling a charge, but nothing really substancial.

Kalimac 03-21-2003 11:44 PM

Arvedui - I think you've got it. Obviously somebody has to command the armies, but there's really no reason to name the person or give him any lines except "Forward!" and stuff like that. Imrahil is a good character, but like Bombadil, he can be cleanly lifted off without much trouble.<P>The main difficulty with that is that Imrahil is the one who takes charge of the city after Denethor is dead and Faramir is in a coma. They might just leave that part out though - I imagine that that span of time will be short enough that nobody really wonders "Hmmm, I wonder who was in charge of Gondor for those 12 1/2 hours that Faramir was out of it?"

Meela 03-22-2003 04:31 AM

wheres Beregond????????????<P>*hands round another petition*

HCIsland 03-22-2003 09:41 AM

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Right here!</A><P>Courtesy of Arwen Imladris.<P>I really hope we get the scene where Beregond and Pippin eat breakfast at the top of the inner wall. I always liked that scene and thought visually it would be gorgeous. The calm before the storm.<P>H.C.<p>[ March 22, 2003: Message edited by: HCIsland ]

Meela 03-22-2003 11:46 AM

OMG!!!!!!! *huggles forever and ever and never lets go* thank yoooooooooooooouuuuuuu!

Luthien_ Tinuviel 03-23-2003 03:09 PM

Yes! We have a Beregond! Thanks so much for posting that! Anyway, I'll sign the petition, too. The Scouring of the Shire seems to be a sort of necessary part. Otherwise it will be just like some old fairy tale. "And they all went home where everything was perfect and wonderful and everyone welcomed them back and they lived happily ever after". That is <I>not</I> real life, and it is <I>not</I> LOTR, either.

Tinuviel87 03-23-2003 04:09 PM

I too am very upset about there being no scouring of the shire since it is very important to the plot <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Otherwise it will be just like some old fairy tale. "And they all went home where everything was perfect and wonderful and everyone welcomed them back and they lived happily ever after". That is not real life, and it is not LOTR, either. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I agree, you hit the nail on the head Luthien. LotR may be fantasy but we have to give Tolkien credit for never throwing in the happily ever after. I mean, who expected Frodo to fail his quest, none of us. That is why these books are so amazing, because we can relate to them.. ok I'm done ranting!

Tinuviel87 03-23-2003 04:11 PM

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my heated anger over my favorite scene being gone that petitions won't do any good as the filming is over And petitions, sadly enough, never seem to accomplich much anyway

Schmendrick 03-24-2003 03:32 PM

Oh,I'm so happy to hear that Beregond is going to be in the film! The scenes between him and Pippin are my favourites! They show a more serious side of Pippin...(and I sincerely hope they do in the film, too!It's about time for Pippin to "grow up"!)<BR>And as for Prince Imrahil - I hope there will at least be some character in the film that we can recognize to be Imrahil, even if he doesn't have any lines...<p>[ March 24, 2003: Message edited by: Schmendrick ]

secretfire 03-25-2003 04:09 AM

Okay so Beregond is in the film. Good. But what about his son Bergil? Is he going to give the dried & weeks-old athelas to Aragorn?

dunadan_aragorn 03-28-2003 02:34 PM

gimme that petition!

Everdawn 03-29-2003 05:01 AM

WHAT??? NO IMRAHIL!!!!.... but there HAS to be an Imrahil!!! there just has to be!... There has to be or i dont know what ill do!

Himaran 04-01-2003 09:25 PM

Sadly, Arwen will replace the noble prince in the story. But we all knew it would happen, did we not? I feel just like I did when I saw Haldir die; angry!<P>GIVE ME THAT PETTITION!!!!! I will sign it several different times, if possible.<P>Himaran

Arpinor Romenel 04-02-2003 11:20 AM

No Scouring of the SHIRE?!?!?!?! GIVE ME THAT PETITiON!!!! i bet Tolkien's rolling in his grave at the moment. even TTT had a lot added in and a lot taken out, did anyone notice??? In any case, HAND THE PETITION TO MEEEE!!!!

Arpinor Romenel 04-02-2003 11:30 AM

ok, so a list of all the stuff that Peter Jackson changed, apparently:<BR>~no Prince Imrahil<BR>~no scouring of the Shire<BR>-no Bergil<BR>-Saruman dies in Orthanc??<BR>-Arwen takes Imrahil's place???<P>Correct me if I'm wrong, i'm just typing what i've seen. hey, what about that ummm, Ioreth i think, who prepares the athelas for Aragorn in the Houses of Healing? and there are a million other things,keep talking, i'm going to ask my friend to post a petition on her website

HCIsland 04-02-2003 11:48 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> -Arwen takes Imrahil's place??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I'm not sure where this is coming from. It sure seems Arwen will replace the Dunedain and Elrond's sons in bring Anduril to Aragorn but I've not seen anything to indicate that she will be replacing Imrahil in any way. I've not seen anything to indicate that she will even be fighting at Pelenor Fields.<P>If I'm missing something, let me know.<P>H.C.<P>PS: In case no one has pointed this out to you all yet, the films are already shot and in the can. You can protest all you want but nothing is going to change. Change what you can, accept what you can't.<p>[ April 02, 2003: Message edited by: HCIsland ]

Meela 04-02-2003 11:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> PS: In case no one has pointed this out to you all yet, the films are already shot and in the can. You can protest all you want but nothing is going to change. Change what you can, accept what you can't. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>i heard they were going back to do some final work. or was that a long time ago? i know they went back to do extra on ttt and rotk, but i thought they were doing more on just rotk this year.

HCIsland 04-02-2003 12:02 PM

I believe those would be pick-ups which are just extra bits dialogue or shots for already existing scenes or extremely brief scenes. For example, in FoTR the shot of the Nazgul saying "Shire, Baggins" to a very frightened hobbit with a dog (Farmer Maggot?) was a pick-up.<P>These are not intended to add completely new sequences (Scouring of the Shire) or characters (Imrahil).<P>H.C.<p>[ April 02, 2003: Message edited by: HCIsland ]

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