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King of the North 11-04-2004 05:43 PM

Who is your favorite Silmarillion character and why
I personally, of course, chose Fingolfin the King of the North. He gives the house of Finwe a good name. Even though Feanor stayed him with his sword, Fingolfin remained forgiving. Even after he was deserted by his half brother, he still pushed forward. When his journey came to a halt in Middle Earth he stayed with these morals. After Feanor's death he becam High King of the Noldor. After facing defeat on almost all fronts he charged valiantly to Angband and faced Morgoth in a duel. He fought with utmost skill but at the end he was defeated, not before he hewed away the Dark Lord's foot with Ringil. Fingolfin was by far the bravest and most honorable son of Finwe.

Encaitare 11-04-2004 05:57 PM

Wow... how to choose? There are so many noble characters; it's difficult to pick!

Fingon is one of my favorites, because he managed to get past petty rivalries and prejudices and saved Maedhros, reconciling the stife between their houses.

My other favorite is Maglor, the poor guy. This is because he was the most well-intentioned of the sons of Feanor, and the only one who really understood that their oath was a curse more than anything -- Maedhros came close but was still corrupted. And let's not forget that Maglor was a musician -- always a plus! No doubt he would rather have stayed home and made pretty music than go gallivanting off with his brothers to get some shiny jewels back.

I definitely agree with you on Fingolfin as well. What a tragic but valiant end he met.

turgon 11-06-2004 10:12 AM

Fiingolfin. Huan and glorfindel of gondolin fame. The honour and loyalty they displayed was remarkable

Nimrodel_9 11-06-2004 05:47 PM

Hmmm... too many favorites
Fëanor-Sticks up for himself. I believe everyone needs to do this once in a while.
Beren- The story of Beren and Luthien is one of my favorites.
Finrod Felagund- Very brave, and super cool!. (And I like my mental picture of him ;) )
Ëarendil- Also very brave. :D

turgon 11-06-2004 06:32 PM

Agreed Nimrodel_9. everyone needs to do this once in a while. And I agree about Finrod as well.

Sapphire_Flame 11-08-2004 09:22 AM

<==The Lofty Tree of Gondor
I'd have to agree with Encaitare about Maglor. *nod nod* Couldn't have put it any better myself.

One of my other all-time favourites is Ungoliant. I mean, really, she's a giant spider, what's not to like about her? :D Spider spider! ^^

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morgul Queen 11-09-2004 01:52 PM

Mine? Celeborn again.

What can I say? I have a weakness for a certain silver-haired sinda...

Dûrbelethwen 11-12-2004 06:53 PM

My favorite is Turin. I do not know why exactly, maybe it is because I naturally compare him to his cousin. Also he was allowed to go to Valinor.

mark12_30 11-12-2004 09:10 PM

At the moment: Melian. I love how all of Valinor halted to listen to her sing-- even the birds and the fountains.

New favorite tomorrow...

Fingolfin II 11-12-2004 09:14 PM

I like Turin and Feanor, because they're both hot-headed, yet tragic and are perhaps (like Gollum) the most complex characters in Middle-Earth. Also, Fingolfin, Tuor, Hurin and Fingon strike a chord in me because they're so steadfast and brave- willing to stand by their friends even if it means death.

Dûrbelethwen, are you referring to Tuor? He was the one who was allowed to go to Valinor and Turin was the crazy one :).

Morgul Queen 11-12-2004 11:50 PM


Also he was allowed to go to Valinor.
Wasn't that Tuor?

Dûrbelethwen 11-13-2004 07:17 PM

Sorry I get the two names mixed up and I do not have a copy of the Similarion on hand.

Ancalagon-the-black 11-19-2004 11:20 AM

Morgoth, the Dark Enemy of the World. Sauron is only a baby pup compared to him. Whats not to like about that? :)

Encaitare 11-19-2004 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ancalagon-the-black
Morgoth, the Dark Enemy of the World. Sauron is only a baby pup compared to him. Whats not to like about that? :)

How right you are, Ancalagon. Sauron wishes he could be as hardcore as Morgoth. :p

Elven-Maiden 11-19-2004 02:34 PM

Luthien Tinuviel. I wish I could have as brave as that woman. It's a real fairy tale - love conquers all.

Snowdog 11-19-2004 02:46 PM

Turin Turambar

A tragic and dark character this son of Hurin. Always enjoyed reading his story in te Sil, and better yet, in Unfinished Tales!

And he caught the fancy of the ladies! The elf maiden in Doriath, Findulas, and his very own sister Nienor!

Aule 11-20-2004 11:55 AM

It changes everytime i read it, sometimes its Feanor, other times its Luthien and Beren. Its not always one of the good guys either, sometimes i just love reading about Melkor or Sauron.

Durfuiniel 11-21-2004 11:35 AM

Luthien 'cause she's a really brave woman and I admire her.
Beleg because he was a very faithful friend to Turin.

Amrod the Hunter 11-27-2004 06:16 AM

Maybe he is hot-headed,but he is the greatest of all Eldar,and if Morgoth didn't stole Silmarils,Feanor would create many more beautiful things like Palantirs and Silmarils.

Elwe Singollo 12-18-2004 05:12 AM

I would have to say Thingol. I don't know why he just seems really cool. And his Quenya name is really cool to it kinda roll of the tongue. Although Mandos is also good. I think he has the best lines in the whole book. Especially the Doom of the Noldor.

Apple juice 12-19-2004 12:18 PM

I like Yavanna 'cause I like nature :D

Gil-Galad 12-20-2004 01:08 PM

mine would be Gil-Galad, he stuck true to the cause and even sacrificed his own life for the better cause... he didn't do something great like fingolfin battling Morgoth, Gil-Galad did something that affected the whole world, to me, i think Fingolfin kinda was stupid attacking Morgoth through anger, he should have prepared himself...

Elwe Singollo 12-20-2004 02:38 PM

However, if Fingolfin had prepared himself then he might have actually had seconds thoughts realising that to try to take on Morgoth was stupid. And then there would really be no story there.

Gil-Galad 12-20-2004 04:37 PM

i didn't mean it like that. Elwe Singollo, i meant that if Fingolfin prepared himself to face Morgoth he might have won the day, i never comment to make the story unintresting, just think about it seesh....people always get me mad by throwing my comments back into my face...

mark12_30 12-20-2004 07:32 PM

Cheer up, Gil-Galad, I doubt it's anything quite so personal as that. But in general, on a discussion forum, what do we have to go by beside the words typed into the post? That's why I end up rereading my own posts... sometimes two or three or five or six times. I edit them aplenty, too, because if it's worth posting, it's worth being as clear as I can be about what I really mean.

Tolkien re-wrote things all of the time...

Squatter of Amon Rudh is a master at saying exactly what he means. So is Mister Underhill. There are others, plenty of 'em. It's an art. I'm not saying, examine everything you type as you type it. But you can check it again afterwards when you are out of steam, so to speak, and see if it has the general impact you had in mind.

I'm intrigued by your idea about Fingolfin (one of my favorites.) What kind of preparations are you suggesting? Mental, emotional, physical, other? Do you really think he could have finished Morgoth off by strength of arms? A romantic thought, but appealing.

I like Gil-Galad, mostly because of Sam's song which I always thought was totally cool. I was thinking today about trying to 'finish' it. Kinda sacreligious, I know. Part of the appeal is that it's unfinished... But I love the song. And I love the Stephen Oliver tune, too.

Lhunardawen 12-21-2004 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Gil-galad
to me, i think Fingolfin kinda was stupid attacking Morgoth through anger, he should have prepared himself...


Originally Posted by mark12_30
I'm intrigued by your idea about Fingolfin (one of my favorites.) What kind of preparations are you suggesting? Mental, emotional, physical, other? Do you really think he could have finished Morgoth off by strength of arms? A romantic thought, but appealing.

Hmm...interesting topic of discussion!

You're right, Gil-galad. Fingolfin could have undergone some kind of preparation first before battling with Morgoth. After all, as we have seen in their fight, he was not completely out of his league, and surely more preparation wold have enabled him to defeat Morgoth. As a matter of fact, he has hewn Morgoth's flesh so many times, and that gave him and his house the right to earn the Dark Lord's wrath. However, it was the moment's adrenaline rush that gave him all the strength and courage he would have needed...more than he could ever muster. I believe that had the battle been delayed, Fingolfin would have been more helpless.

As for the thread's question: I'll go for Ereinion, too. ;) And Beren and Luthien. Oh, and Huan. Best non-biped character of all!

mark12_30 12-21-2004 10:59 AM

ps. Oddly and to my own surprise, Melian has been my favorite-character-of-the-moment for over a month now.

EDIT: Whups, I forgot to say why. Because she sings! And I'm frantically trying to pull together a CD of Christmas Carols, and I am gaping wide-eyed into the barrel of a fully-loaded Christmas trying to get my software to put together two WAV files so that one is the left-channel and the other is the right-channel-- AUGH-- and the days tick by and the clock ticks by and I stay up til midnight. AUGH.

So I need to remember that the point is, The Song and how you sing it. Melian, Melian... Yes, good reminder.

Gil-Galad 12-21-2004 11:11 AM

Well it would probaly be more Phyiscal and mentally training, if Fingolfin thought of a plan, liek draw Morgoth out farther from the gates and such, he might have had greater impact, and no interupttions, maybe even direct his blows as mind is rather blank so i got to re-read Silmarilion, but when i do i'll post here again

ohtatyaro 01-31-2005 07:12 AM

Gelmir guy. I simphatize with him, indeed. To be so badly used - have brother killed, be enslaved, escape, and than having your girlfreind fall for the guy you count to be your friend.

Formendacil 01-31-2005 12:58 PM


His story, while full of trials, tribulations, and hardships, nonetheless seems to end a more-or-less happy one. He and Idril seem to be granted eternal life together...

Besides which, as Gelmir and Arminas noted to Turin in Nargothrond, he was a genuinely nice guy, which you can see for yourself in his "Coming to Gondolin" and his portrayal in the original "Fall of Gondolin".

yavanna II 02-01-2005 12:17 AM

The Sacred Feminine

Originally Posted by Elven-Maiden
Luthien Tinuviel. I wish I could have as brave as that woman. It's a real fairy tale - love conquers all.

She portrayed my idea of an ideal Sacred Feminine... and so very unlike Mary Magdalene, who's hailed by some freaks as the real sacred feminine.

Gosh I got carried away. At this moment I'm not holding the Sil but the Da Vinci Code! :eek:

ohtatyaro 02-01-2005 12:27 AM

Silly post 29
Gwindor. I meant Gwindor. Gelmir was the brother that was killed.

Nilpaurion Felagund 02-01-2005 12:30 AM

Finrod Felagund
He is wise. He is very kind to Men, risking his life to fulfill his oath of friendship to one dirty mortal. Thus he is the only one not to fall under the Doom of Mandos.

Oh, and I forgot one more reason: He's my father!

Really? I don't see any resemblance, physical or temperamental.

I know. Every now and then I find myself crying, "Where, O where are the Edain of old?" Most of these new Men seem too self-absorbed.

Eruanna 02-03-2005 02:53 PM

I too would choose Finrod Felagund. Noble, wise, faithful, brave...his beloved, Amarië had stayed behind in Aman, so he never married.
I also have an admiration for Fëanor, so talented and so driven.

Mithalwen 02-03-2005 03:26 PM

Finrod ... butI am also fond of Beleg ...... though I resent these elves dying at the expense of useless men especially that drippy Beren.... ;)

I liked Idril too - she was a clever girl whose forthought saved many of her people - and to my mind made the best of the Elf/man matches. And she was Elrond's grannie :D

Lhunardawen 02-05-2005 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nilpydude
He is very kind to Men, risking his life to fulfill his oath of friendship to one dirty mortal.


*Fordim, please allow me to use this. It's for a noble cause. Thanks.*

*Lhunardawen slaps Nilpaurion Felagund across the face with her gauntlet, then tosses it at Nilp's amazed feet*

Sir, I must ask you to accept this gauntlet in earnest of a more serious confrontation that I suggest we undertake early tomorrow upon the heath, where I shall answer your slanders in the most vigorous and peremptory manner.

Do you prefer pistols or swords? I shall await you in the appointed place at the appointed hour where, if you shall fail to appear so that I might pay you as you deserve for your words, I shall consider you the most arrant and cowardly knave.

Gil-Galad 02-05-2005 12:24 PM

...*sneaks away to Denny's*

Lhun...calm down.... have a Big Slam!

Beleg Cuthalion 02-05-2005 12:54 PM

Wow, this is a tricksie one. I like Ecthelion, Egalmoth, Voronwë, Turin, Tuor, Finrod, Finarfin, Fëanor, But I'm going to say (This should be obvious folks.) Beleg Cuthalion. Reasons? Hmmmm....His black bow, the fact he had Anglachel the black sword, his wood craft (He was the only one who could walk in the girdle of Melian with out becoming hopelessly lost.). Aww man.I just like everthing about him.

Gil-Galad 02-05-2005 01:03 PM

i do beleive that beleg wasn't the only one that could walk through without getting lost...Luthien, Turin, and Hurin i beleive are some...

Neurion 02-05-2005 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gil-Galad
i do beleive that beleg wasn't the only one that could walk through without getting lost...Luthien, Turin, and Hurin i beleive are some...

Not really. All of those mentioned were driven by some great force of doom. Beleg was the lone being who could walk freely of his own will within its boundaries.

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