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Iaragarwen 05-22-2002 07:35 PM

do die-hard LOTR fans like Star Wars?
Ok, I'm just wondering how many of you LOTR fans like or LOVE (like me [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]) Star Wars. For me, I think they are about on the same level as far as my favorite movies are concerned (except episode 1; not the best).

Waenfalathiel 05-22-2002 07:56 PM

i agree with you. I think that LOTR is a little better though.

Daisy Sandybanks 05-22-2002 08:26 PM

I am not a die-hard Star Wars fan, and to tell you the truth, I don't quite see why everyone loves it so much, though I will have to admit that Episode 1 and the one with the Ewoks(?) in it I liked (though, those were the only two I have ever watched relating to Star Wars).
But in my mind (and in my heart) I will always be a LotR fan, not just for its movie either.

Laiedheliel 05-22-2002 08:28 PM

Ah, me, I have been obsessed with Star Wars since like 1995, and LotR is my new obsession. Honestly, don't get me started on Ep.1, all I have to say about that is Jar Jar. Personally, I like both the books and the movies of LotR better, but I still love SW!

piosenniel 05-22-2002 08:36 PM

I loved the original Star Wars trilogy. The newer ones, imho, are long on special effects and low on storyline, good dialog, and action. SW1 was tolerable, but the newest one was awfully boring.

Lindolirian 05-22-2002 08:39 PM

As a die hard LotR fan i would say that Star Wars is the best science fiction out there. That is only if you count LotR as fantasy. The trilogy is great. Episode one was okay but Jake Lloyd is just a bad actor.Episode Two was verry good tho.... GO YODA!!!

Aosama, the Wandering Star 05-22-2002 09:49 PM

One word...
(he's my favourite character). My dad got me interested in Star Wars back when I was way too young to be watching such loong movies, so I'll always have a soft spot for the originals. They were pretty cool! I tried to use the force when I was little. Didn't work...

Eärendil 05-23-2002 03:50 AM

I really like Star Wars, since I was a little kid! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Always thought it is very fascinating. But LOTR rules, of course... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] (Star Wars is my 3rd biggest obsession, and LOTR is my biggest, note, I´m not including music in this.) Though, I only like the fantastic trilogy, the never ones...*sigh* piece of s***... [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Lady_Báin 05-23-2002 04:48 AM

hear hear!! i don't know about die hard but.... i love star wars though i am reluctant to go and see the seemingly mushy ep.II. i love the origionals and my personal fave was A New Hope. I totally agree that the news ones are a little too close to the sucky side for comfort. (episode one sucked bum, i mean star wars and comedy do not go together [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] ) sigh but i will have to deal [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img]

[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: Lady_Báin ]

Nevtalathiel 05-23-2002 06:20 AM

Yeah, the original three were WAY better!
Star Wars is good, but I don't think I could become as obsessed as I am about LOTR!

WillowStarmist 05-23-2002 06:58 AM

I really like both, however I would have to say Star wars is my favourite film but lord of the rings is my favourite book... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Frodo Baggins 05-23-2002 09:20 AM

Well... Star Wars is good but LOTR RULES!!!!! Of couse that's just the opinion of a Hobbit hugging Elf-friend. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I will say that i was very upset yesterday when 99% of the people on the chatroom (barrowdowns supposed to be a lotr chat room) Shanged their names to Starwars names and started talking Star Wars. I ahve been a LOTR fan since December 13 2001 (the first day I began reading The Fellowship of the Ring) and I will cherish it and defend it with my life.

Araen 05-23-2002 09:20 AM

My parents let me watch Star Wars at around age 5, I loved them and I have the movies memorized from those days. Epi 1 was horrible, not enough action with Light Sabers, and Epi 2 was much better. But I'll keep on watching them because I love the orignal 3. I was a Star Wars fan before I was a Middle Earth one, [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] .

Morquesse 05-23-2002 11:41 AM

I'm not a "die-hard" LotR fan, but I still like STAR WARS. And I didn't think EpisodeI was THAT bad, I mean, there ARE a lot of movies that worse.(and sadly, I've quite a few of them)
And I thought Episode II was very good, diffenetly near the top of my fav.s list. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img](LotR And the Sixth Sense are still tied for first)


ElanorGamgee 05-23-2002 12:34 PM

I really like the original Star Wars trilogy, but I like the LotR movie a lot more. I don't care at all for the new Star Wars movies, though.

Starbreeze 05-23-2002 12:48 PM

Well, I like Star Wars, and I am very upset that my parents won't let me see Attack of the Clones because of my exams.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-23-2002 01:42 PM

Ah, does that explain why you've been missing from us for a while Starbreeze? Take a break and go to the movies for sanities sake.
I have actually explained before that my office where this lovely computer lives is decorated with Star Wars (original trilogy) stuff like the film posters and a five foot high cardboard Darth Vader and a dark blue ceiling covered in stars (glo-dark ones) so you can see that I'm a Star Wars enthusiast but my heart belongs to Middle Earth. If I didn't have to share my house with a partner I'd decorate a room Middle Earth style. I may yet persuade him, you never know. He got the 'Speedy Gonzales' mural on the kitchen wall! Sorry I'm way off topic again, I'll shut up.

nilturiel 05-23-2002 01:55 PM


gollum*elf*pup 05-23-2002 02:35 PM

lol. star wars is okay, but lotr is much better!

Nufaciel 05-23-2002 02:52 PM

I like Star Wars, but I'd be lying if I said I could ever like it better than Lord of the Rings. What I love is the fact that George Lucas has said that his inspiration was Lord of the Rings! (Kinda noticed that by the name of his moon, Endor.)

Arwen Imladris 05-23-2002 03:55 PM

I obsess over 3 things:

Star Trek
Star Wars

I cannot even begin to compare them they are all so good and so different. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Iaragarwen 05-23-2002 07:17 PM

Yes, I knew it! There are some LOTR and Star Wars fans out there! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I do think that the LOTR trilogy is wayyy better than any Star Wars books. But I love both LOTR and Star Wars when it comes to the movies! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

QuickSlash 05-23-2002 07:27 PM

What? No Star Trek? ^_^ I do like Star Wars, but just the original trilogy. The new movies are a disgrace, and I blame it on his kids, but we won't go there right now. In my opinion, Star Trek is better than Star Wars, but LotR beats them both because of its originality when it was written. Star Trek is this close, though. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

The Fifth 05-23-2002 07:29 PM

I haven't seen AOTC yet. Poor me.

Elven-Maiden 05-23-2002 07:38 PM

You'd better believe it! Anyone who disses either is looking for a fight!
Personally, I prefered Episode I to Episode II, just as I prefered the LotR books to the movie.
I know it sounds strange, eh, but that's just the way I am! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Kalessin 05-23-2002 08:02 PM

Unfortunately the Star Wars films (like John Milius' Conan) are underpinned by such a feeble moral (or spiritual) philosophy, which is so central to the narrative, that I have a bit of a problem with them. But they can certainly bear comparison to Lord of the Rings as "well-made adventures". And, if I can switch off from the dubious philosophising (don't start me on Yoda), the Star Wars films are indeed reasonably entertaining and visually impressive.

But surely William Shatner is beyond competition. He, Kirk - so much more than effeminate Spock and his ineffectual Vulcan Mind Meld - bestrides modern culture like a slightly chubby but irresistibly pheremonal colossus [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img].

I know you all hate me now. Sorry [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] But for a fantasy with more of an edge, try "Solaris", or even Boorman's "Excalibur".
If it helps, there are of course lots of things I like a lot which I know to be not very good. But I like them anyway ...


Arod 05-23-2002 08:33 PM

I saw the first when I was 5. Have been and always will be a Star Wars fan... I even have an alarm clock (from the 70's) with C3P0 and R2D2 that works! No I'm not selling it! I have some of the Jedi comics and some limited edition sets. Not selling those either! But I've loved these movies eversince I was a kid... always have always will... I just saw AOTC today and WOW!!! I must say it was really impressive... TPM wasn't all that great of a film, but because I'm a fan of the series I do own it. This one (AOTC) was much, much, better! Of course right now my all time favorite is Return Of The Jedi...

So YES I am a fan... of both!

orlandoandsaran 05-23-2002 08:51 PM

I just saw Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.
I never saw any star wars flick before and this is my first time. I used to think the old ones were boring. But the AOTC was really good. But it can't beat LOTR...that's for sure. Let's see how loong it will stay in the cinema.

Naaramare 05-23-2002 09:38 PM

I'm a Wars fangirl, but the comparison between my love for SW and my love for LotR is much the same as between coke and tea. The former is a good jazz; the latter is a near-spiritual experience. ^^

Thinhyandoiel 05-24-2002 01:06 AM

I don't get what's with all the Star Wars. I saw the first three and didn't really like I just odd? (Most likely, eh?)

Nevtalathiel 05-24-2002 10:37 AM


The new movies are a disgrace, and I blame it on his kids, but we won't go there right now.
Please dogo there Quickslash, why are his kid to blame? I'm intruiged!

Morquesse 05-24-2002 02:04 PM

I think I agree with orlandoandsaran & Thinhyandoiel, about the old STAR WARS. I mean, I like the older ones, but I also thought they were slightly boring. And I like episode II better, I think. And Thinhy, if you're odd, then join the club! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Beatrice 05-24-2002 02:56 PM

To be honest, guys, I'm not that big on Star Wars... sure, I know the basic plot, and most of names and characters, but I don't know my Star Wars like LotR! I quite well know the history and big names! Not to mention places! I can usually tell anyone anything about lotr, which is not really the case with star wars. I like it, and I could see the movie (though, sadly, I haven't gotten to seeing attack of the clones, yet- [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]), but I'm not a hard core fan for star wars, as I am for lotr. somehow, all the talk of The Force just gets me confuzzled!

Eowyn of Rohan 05-24-2002 06:54 PM

Hello..I'm new to this board but I would like to say that I have been a Star Wars fan for years and only recently a LOTR fan..another movie that I love and like to put up with Star Wars and LOTR is The Matrix although it doesn't have the same concept as LOTR and SW..of course some of my favorites are historical type of movies (not necessarily about true events)like Gladiator, Braveheart, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, etc. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

GreatWarg 05-24-2002 06:59 PM

*bounces around irritably* Lookie me! Don't get me started on Star Wars. Epi. I was good, Epi. II was not so good. LOTR I hope can do better than them in the Oscars, considering that Epi. II didn't seem to be good enough. But Saruman aka Count Dooku was cool!

Jennah 05-25-2002 08:23 AM

How very funny, Starwars and Lordoftherings being compared. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
Each story is unique in their own field as are a ballet dancer and a gymnast. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Nevtalathiel 05-25-2002 08:53 AM

But also similar, both ballet and gymnastics and LOTR and SW can be seen as similar.

Cimmerian 05-25-2002 09:28 AM

Star Wars the story has been around longer(in terms of exposure) and to a wider range of people because it was initialised as a movie, with a basic concept of good triumphant over evil with a lot of attractive special effects. This appeals to a lot more people than say 'the read books form cover to cover again and agian' people that are more likely to read LOTR.

Of the people who like movies, and there are a lot more of them than the ones who just read, many have found LOTR rather hard to follow.
Yes diehard fans of LOTR will enjoy the movie but may not like the more basic and glossed over approach of SW. Lotr has a theological approach that appeals only to the true readers of the story. Star Wars is meant for entertainment.

TPM was far from bad, it has become a fashion for so many to parrot the opinions of some selfcentered critic. SWep1TPM made more money than Titanibleah.
AOTC tops TPM however.

Tarlondeion Of Gondolin 05-25-2002 02:00 PM

I love Star Wars I thought Episode 1 was pretty bad but I think that Episode 2 was as good as the first three. Tolkien is better though

Arod 05-25-2002 02:04 PM

Okay I've seen LORT 6 times and AOTC 2. They are totally different. With the exception of very, very, very awesome special effects artist!!! They creat things we can only dream.

Both were great films. I must say though AOTC is really awesome with the effects! Not that LORT is below it in any way shape or form but it was really good and I was much happier with this second edition than with TPM. The two have similar underlying conflicts to overcome... destroying the evil forces that threaten the very exhistence of life as they know it. Oh and they both have evil characters played by the same actor!!! LOL! Is Count Dukoo like Saruman? Well, yeah. LOL!

Both films were long. Only AOTC had more of a "wrapped up" ending... Which doesn't really matter too much to me cause as I've said before it really isn't over til the third one anyway...

The special effects category is heating up!!! So far this year I've been a very happy movie goer!! Several times...

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