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Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 04:36 AM

READ THIS if you are part of the Barrow-Down's Birthday Party
I can't post on the Barrow-Downs party. Is it because that topic is all filled up? If it is we can keep going here.

Veritas 06-06-2002 04:56 AM

Yes, I posted after the REG-post, but it didn't show up, but at the main page i could see that I had posted something.

It just began to be fun, i was planned to kick Caleaedwen again (soory if I spelled your name wrong!) I don't know, maybe the topic is just full. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 05:01 AM

We can keep it going here. I'll continue.
Back to Story:

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 05:08 AM

Even though Stacy tried to be quiet while getting out of her tent she still woke the half asleep Rose in the next tent over. Rose hadn't slept well the whole night. The longing for new adventure made her wide awake. So she walked over to where they sat by the fire.
"Sam, that coney stew would be absalutly wonderful." She sat down beside him intending to have a chat. But being nest to Sam seemed to finally comfort and relax her and she felt her eyelids get hevey. She rested her head against her hero's sholder hoping that wouldn't hurt him and fell asleep.

(ooc:Com'on everyone! We can't let anything stop us!!!!!!!!!!)

Veritas 06-06-2002 05:44 AM

Veritas looked around, that elf Celeaewen was disappeard in the oak, and she didn't want to join her. So Veritas walked away and saw Pio standing near the river, another mysterie solved.

She found Kettle waking people by sprankling water over them. Veritas shook her head when she saw that the people didn't like it very much.

"Come on, Kettle, stop it, say, can you found out if we can use the boat, he's unused, maybe we can sail a bit over the river."

And they walked/hopped to the boat.

Celeaewen climbed out the tree, and followed them, her revange hadn't finished yet...

Child of the 7th Age 06-06-2002 07:00 AM

[off topic & out of character-- Rose, I did post on that last thread. I saw you were sulking and deciding whether or not to go on that boat. I had what I thought was a good way to gently and humorously shove you into sailing to the Far West which stemmed from Child's blundering mistakes, but it was right after you posted and you indicated you wanted to stay. So when I saw that I erased it.]

[It might be fun to do something other than chase after the REG. I actually thought that ship was a great idea for a number of reasons, including the fact that Frodo and Sam presumably have some knowledge of those lands.]

[If we don't want to do that, does anyone else have a good general idea?]

Kettle of fish 06-06-2002 07:26 AM

[My exams are here, so I won't be posting for a few weeks. Feel free to include or exclude my character in your adventures according to your discretion. My love to the dragon.]

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 09:40 AM

(Well Rose, I do not know how it happened, but I'm here. And you beat me to it as for posting about a continuation.)

Back to story

As for wondering how Frodo was feeling, he is pretty much all right. The Maia knife and orc clob in the same spot did him in a bit. He did not think anything was broken however. He was still quite weak, still not fully abe to stand on his own. Other than that, I'm fine

Frodo woke to see Prim, but Sam and Stacey were gone.
"All right you two." he said, "This is not funny. WHRER ARE YOU???!!!"

Child of the 7th Age 06-06-2002 10:26 AM

Child went over to check on Frodo and see how he was feeling. She was pleased to see that he had consumed a bowl of Sam's coney stew. At least his face was no longer green!

Actually, Child had been searching some time for Samwise. She thought Frodo might be able to let her know where Samwise was. She needed to find Sam and deliver one of the last pieces of her mail which was addressed to him.

Under her arm, she held a large and bulky envelope which had official looking stamps on it. Usually, people who used the messenger service put their return name on the envelope, but this particular package had no identification of any kind whatsoever. Quite strange, she thought.

Actually, Child was snoopy enough to want to stick around and watch Sam open his mail. She had often found that she could learn a great deal just by looking at the person's face and standing on her furry brown tiptoes iin close proximty.

"There you are, Frodo," she said. "Have you seen Sam? I figured you'd know where I could find him. I've got a funny looking package here marked "Urgent delivery" which seems to have his name on it. You wouldn't know where he is, or what this strange parcel is all about, would you?"

piosenniel 06-06-2002 10:56 AM

ooc:: I PM'd Mithadan, he said that perhaps this board site might not accept threads that long and closed it (of course, he also mentioned it might be the work of an evil administrator!) I thought it extremely interesting that the last post was from 'someone' named "reg" - I was beginning to think the REG had come back to life and taken over the thread!!! I did try to post the opening to a new story line. I'll post it after these comments. We can either try to blend it in with the ship idea, or save it til later - if so, I'll delete it for now. I'd reallylike to see the birthday crowd party and adventure til next year's celebration!!!!::
Rose was still sitting in the bar when Pio walked in. She was slowly sipping on a soda and staring dreamily into space.

Pio motioned for her to come sit in a booth in the corner, out of earshot and eyesight of most of the customers in the bar.

'I can see you've got a little case of wanderlust going, Rose. I know just how you feel - the open road, the adventure around every corner, a wealth of new sights and sounds that can make you quite dizzy with delight. It doesn't seem that long ago that I first started my travels with Gildor Inglorion and his Wandering Company of Kindred. Such a lovely, and rich life . . .', sighed Pio with a faraway look in her eyes.

'O! I would love to have done that!', said Rose.

'Yes, I know - which is why I have come to you with this proposition. What would you say to an expedition to Gondor to see if we can retrieve the copy of The Red Book of Westmarch given to king Elessar. I believe it was called Thain's Book, and I know it was recopied during Eldarion's reign (Elessar's son) and given to the Hobbits. This is the volume which survives to this day. What I don't know, exactly, is where it is! In addition to this, I was thinking we might have a look-see for the Stone of Orthanc, the palantìr that King Elessar used during his reign.'

Rose's eyes lit up, then narrowed, 'Isn't that going to be a LOT of walking considering we have no idea where we're looking?'

'Well, Rose, that's where I thought your talents as a thief extraordinaire would come in handy. I thought we might head back to the Barrow Downs and from there to the Shire where we might pick Child's brain as to where she thinks those items could be located. & then, we might, perhaps, "borrow" Angara since that would cut our travelling time to a fraction.' Pio glanced at Rose, inquiringly.

'Sounds interesting', said Rose. 'When do we start?'

'As soon as we find someone who knows Child's address we can be off. Now, who might know it?', asked Pio.

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 01:51 PM

When Rose woke up she found herself at Sam's feet by the fire. She looked up at him and he smilled back at her.
"You fell asleep." he said.
"Oh." she replyed. She got up and told Sam she was going to get a drink of somthing. Then walked over to the bar. She still wanted adventure.

When Pio took Rose aside she felt her heart flutter with anticipation. But then she thought about the party. She had promised herself to stay as long as she posibly could but.....was there anything left to do?

"Would it be only us on this venture or shall we choose companions to go too?" she asked. It would be alot more fun if they could have more people.

ooc: Your right Pio. It's freaky that that last post was by "reg". I thought it was Mithadan because HE was the one who showed up to the party as another person untill he decided to reviel himself. Perhaps he knows somthing.

Veritas 06-06-2002 03:01 PM

<<good luck with your exams, Kettle!>>

By the boat they could see no-one, and so Kettle and Veritas hopped and walked to the bar, they heard Rose and Pio talking about an adventure, and they seemed to find more people to join.

"We want to join!" Veritas said, "If you like it, of course!"

When Kettle began a conversation with Rose, Veritas looked around and saw Celeaewen dive behind a table.

"i know you're there..." Veritas said to herself when she turned around to join with the conversation.

piosenniel 06-06-2002 03:08 PM

:: ooc -- I think it would be fun to include others, but it looks as if they are off the board at the moment. I'd like to wait and see what Child might like to do with the ship idea. I don't think she'll be back 'til (?)Sunday. So, let's just hang out at the Fields and enjoy ourselves for a while until some others show up::

Pio and Rose scanned the area for a likely informant. 'I wonder if Frodo might know where Child lives', mused the elf.'Perhaps you could go over and chat him up a bit.'

Rose went back to sit by the dear hobbit, who was now dozing by the fire. She waited patiently for him to wake up.

Pio wandered over to help Kettle straighten up the tavern's common room. Gimli had knocked over a few chairs when he attempted to stand up and walk across the room. He was now in a crumpled heap by the door, the latch on it having proved far too complicated for a well-aled dwarf. As she helped Kettle resettle some of the fish which had been inadvertently knocked out of him, she thought about who might prove best to come on this little adventure. 'Say, Kettle,' she asked off-handedly,'you doing anything tomorrow that you can't get out of?'

Kettle paused in his track and assumed a considering manner. 'I think the Tavern could probably run itself for a while. What have you got in mind? & please don't tell me it involves a dragon ride!!'

'Well, only a short one . . . or two!' laughed Pio.

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 03:46 PM

ooc: great! I'd like to hang around a bit.:

Rose was going to wake Frodo up but when she saw how peacefull he was she decided just to wait.

"What was that about?" asked Sam.
"An adventure." she replyed with a grin.
But Sam looked worried.
"I beg your pardon, but are you sure you want an adventure NOW?"
"Well...ya. I like the feeling that somthing new is coming from every corner. Oh Sam, when you and Merry and Pippin and Frodo came back from your adventures I wished that I had gone with you. I want to do somthing worthy of a song." and he could see the light of adventure burning in her eyes.

Then Frodo stired.

VanimaEdhel 06-06-2002 04:14 PM

OOC: I haven't been on the other one yet, so I don't know how it is, but...

Menelduliniel follows the others, desiring now to actually do something other than drink!!!

Samwise 06-06-2002 05:01 PM

OOC: Uh...could I ask a favor? I know sometimes other characters have to be played when their alter-egos arent around, but as much as possible, could you let me play mine myself? I enjoyed the last adventure except that is was downright confusing enough without other folks saying stuff/acting for me (us....). [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
Yours confusedly,
************************************************Pr imrose got up and stretched. Seeing no one else in the tent, she crawled out and shook herself, then spied Miss Stacey and her Papa by the fire. She wandered over.

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

Samwise 06-06-2002 05:04 PM

OOC:Yeah, I thought it was freaky that the last post on the other thread was by 'reg' too...and that "he" was unregistered to boot....*cue spooky music*....

VanimaEdhel 06-06-2002 05:10 PM

*continues spooky music*


Menelduliniel sneaks up behind everyone and scares them, to add to the tension...

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 05:38 PM

ooc: I'm sorry Sam. It won't happen again.::

As Rose waited for Frodo to feel fully awake she heard someone behind her. She turned to see Primrose running up to Sam.
"Hello Primrose. Your father doesn't seem very keen on adventure right now. Though I don't blame him. What do you say?"

Losthuniel 06-06-2002 05:43 PM

Celeaewen was, for the most part, able to follow Veritas silently enuf that she did not notice. now, if Veritas had been an elf, that would have been another matter altogether. but thats not the point. she overheard the conversation about an adventure, and Celeaewen's eyes lit up. she was feeling better, and this sounded like a very safe, battle-free type adventure. she decided that she would tag along. Unfortunalty, in her excitement, she had allowed herself to creep from behind the table. Veritas turned around, and Celeaewen dived behinde the table, cursing her stupidity

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 05:43 PM

"NO!! No more adventures now!! Please! (yes I heard you)

"No Child, I know nothing about the package to Sam. I would tell you if I did. It seem's he's skipped off somewhere, all three of them, and left me. Oh well."

"Piosenniel, Come over here. You'll have to do most of the talking, but chat away."

Samwise 06-06-2002 06:04 PM

Stacey, hearing Frodo's voice, turns around.

Stacey: Frodo, we're over here!

Sam: [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] Sorry, Mister Frodo, when I woke up my joints were stiff and I needed to loosen 'em up.

Primrose: Don't feel bad, Uncle Frodo, they scared me, too. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Gimli Son Of Gloin 06-06-2002 08:07 PM

gimli drains his 426,890th mug.

Samwise 06-06-2002 08:35 PM

Primrose walks over to Frodo's side.

Prim: Did someone say something about a package for Papa?

Gimli Son Of Gloin 06-06-2002 08:46 PM

Gimli all over a sudden gets a drinking urge and drains his 600,076th mug.

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: Gimli Son Of Gloin ]

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 08:46 PM

Rose was disapointed that she didn't have very many takers on the adventure.

"Oh, Frodo. I was supposed to ask you, do you know where Child's hobbit hole is?"

Samwise 06-06-2002 08:58 PM

OOC: 'Sokay, Rose, like I said, I just get too easily confused.
Prim: *Whispering* I wouldn't mind adventure, but the last one was kind of hard on Papa and Mister Frodo...
*Aloud* Miss, what about the package for Papa?

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 09:01 PM

Child has the package, find her and ask her. And no I do not know where Child's hole is.

Sorry, I do not mean to sound cross, I just am tired and don't feel well.

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Frodo Baggins ]

piosenniel 06-06-2002 09:06 PM

It had been a quiet day at the Fields. The party grounds had been cleaned up by the remainder of the guests, and many of them were packing up and on their way home.

Frodo was still snuggled in by the fireplace, and Rose sat patiently by him. The dear old Hobbit kept drifting off midsentence. 'And no wonder!' thought Pio, 'It's been a long hard two weeks for him!'

Pio wandered over and sat down by Frodo , next to Rose. He stirred from is nap and fixed a kindly eye on the elf. Rose ran to get him a hot cuppa tea to warm his bones, and Pio tapped him lightly on the knee and asked for a story or poem, if he pleased, from the old days, one from the Red Book. She liked those tales of adventure and danger -- perhaps too much.

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 09:08 PM

That's alright Frodo. I realize our last dealings took alot out of you two. You know when I had the REG I tried to use it to make you feel better. But I guess it has no healing powers.

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 09:13 PM

As Rose went to get Frodo somthing she noticed the feued between Veritas and Celeaewen and forgeting about the tea she went over to investigate and maybe join in.

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 09:14 PM

That's all right Rose. Frodo began telling the both if them about the three trolls that Bilbo and the dwarrves ahd run into. And how Gandalf had very intellgently kept them arguing until the sun rose.....

Samwise 06-06-2002 09:39 PM

As much as Sam loved to hear Mister Frodo's stories, hearing his cross words reminded him of long ago, and he became sad. Quietly, he got up and walked away from the group.
He still could not breathe without a little pain, but he would just have to bear it.

Sam: *Sighing* Poor Mister Frodo. He wouldn't be in such bad shape if it weren't for me...

He walked off over the feild.

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 09:45 PM

There wasn't much happening with Veritas and Celeaewen so she looked for somthing else that would grab her atention. Then she noticed that that boat was still there. Just as beautifull and mysterious as ever. And noone was with it. Not even the elf capion. She was curious so Rose walked over to it.

But as she was about to board it she felt her guilt again very strongly. It was a warning against going on the ship. But it was just a boat. What could it do? Rose climed up onto it with some difficulty as it was built for elven use and onto the front of it. She felt enchanted to be on it. The wood, was it wood? It felt so smooth under her hands. And the sails were as gentil looking as clouds. She could see far from there and gasing across the fields noticed Samwise walking slowly by himself.

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Samwise 06-06-2002 09:51 PM

Sam walked for a while, then finally found a tree to sit down by and leaned his back against it.

Sam: None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. Oh, poor Mister Frodo. He was just tryin' to save me....

A tear slid down his cheek. After a moment he looked up and gazed over at the Anduin. There was Miss Rose...Miss Rose!?!
That ship! What was she doing???
Sam: *struggling to get up* Miss ROSE!

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 09:57 PM

Frodo had finished the story..

"Now where is Sam??" Frodo saw Sam just as he called out after Rose. Frodo stood leaning on Pio (hope you don't mind) and said "OH no!! Rose!! NO wait!!!"

Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 10:13 PM

ooc:Am I cursed to cause trouble forever? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] ::

As Rose watched Sam he sat down next to a tree and looked up at her. Then suddenly he looked very distressed. And there was Frodo going at it too. What was wrong? She was just looking at the boat. But then Rose felt the boat lurch benieth her feet and caught off guard she was flung onto the floor. The ship was moveing?!

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Samwise 06-06-2002 10:21 PM

OOC: oh, dear, oh, dear.....
Well, we've got to have something to do, don't we?
Sorry to say, but I've got to get off line for the night. Stop the boat 'til tomorrow!!

Frodo Baggins 06-06-2002 10:25 PM


Rose Cotton 06-06-2002 10:34 PM

ooc: I think Sam is right Frodo. I have to go to bed too. We will save me tomorow. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ::

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