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Feanor of the Peredhil 09-13-2010 09:20 PM

Werewolf LXXXI: Under the Misty Mountains
The clan gathered around the fire, their eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. Several torches made of femurs, rags, and animal fat were smoldering.

"Thus far," said Feanorc, "the only deaths have come from rival clans."

"Curse them!" growled Niennorc. "Cut out their spleens and eat their eyes!"

"You are needlessly violent," Feanorc admonished.

Niennorc bared her teeth at Feanorc and shot her a nasty look. "Let them kill the beastly goblins that steal our food!"

"They'll come to us next!" shouted Shastorc.

Sallyorc stamped her foot, at a very sweet and well decorated grub, and, nodding to the grub, said, "They'll eat all our khup-kahks."

Losloblin fell over and muttered from the floor, "I think my feet will be safe from their appetites... they are unusually small..."

Borc leered drunkenly at Losloblin, but said nothing. Nerwoblin eyed her most reliable customer with disdain. Not even she would drink the brew she concocted from fermented things Shastorc discovered in the depths of the mountains. But Borc would drink anything, and tended to order the worst of her wares on purpose!

Storc suddenly muttered something that nobody quite heard.

"Hark!" called Vanilwoblin, "the vagrant has said something!"

"I doubt it was important," said Mirandoblin.

The Little Green Goblin crushed a spider that crawled up her leg and studied the remains intently. "Not so hard to squish, are they?"

Lommoblin scraped the spider's goo from Little Green Goblin's fingers and smeared it on the cave wall. "It will serve as a record," she said, though nobody listened. They were rather too busy trying not to hear Glorc's rather terrible singing.

He cried:

Forc is withdrawn and is terribly quiet
And Runorc the pool orc ought to go on a diet
because we all know it's true, we all know we've seen this:
his scandalous swim trunks barely cover his-

Nogroblin shoved a dead fish into Glorc's mouth. "You can't carry a tune," he said simply. Izzoblin and Celuioblin cheered as Legoblin and Kathorc began to ponder what Glorc could possibly have intended to rhyme with 'seen this.'

Inzoblin and Phantoblin coughed meaningfully. "If we could please get back to the discussion?"

Feanorc nodded. "The song was lovely, Glorc, and I'd love to hear what you have to sing about each of us, but we really rather need to discuss the very pressing problem of genocide that is occurring in the next cave over."

And it was true, for in the sudden moment of silence, screams could be heard echoing through the mountains.


Night One is currently in session. Please do not post to this thread.

Nienna 09-14-2010 06:59 PM

There is no visible difference between Night and Day in the caves beneath the Misty Mountains. As such, though days and nights above ground followed the rising and setting of the sun, the Days and Nights underground followed the internal rhythms of the goblin folk. Awake for twice as long as you sleep. Perhaps some of this rhythm was provided by the sheer discomfort of sleeping on craggy wet stone. The goblin folk stayed awake as long as they coherently could before collapsing into the rag piles that served as their beds. Once asleep, though they tossed and turned, the orc clan slept soundly, exhausted past any real notice of their physical pain. Except for one orc that held a secret.

This orc knew many secrets, to be fair, but they all stemmed from one, the biggest secret. All other bits and pieces of knowledge came from the unfortunate truth that this orc had never, ever slept an entire night without receiving vivid and prophetic dreams. The orc knew the dreams were true, and found no comfort in this fact: the orc knew all manner of distasteful things about every other being. It is hard, for one who sees the inner truths of those around them, to interact with others without revealing too much information. For, after all, how many individuals desire to spend time with a person who mysteriously learns all their darkest thoughts?

Of course this orc was not the only one with a secret; it was merely just that this orc was the only one whose secret affected the rhythms of the Night. The other orc with a secret desperately wanted to fit in with the clan, but couldn't help but think they were raging idiots.

As such, this latter orc watched every other little goblin tremble with fear of the legendary Sons of Elrond and their minions, and thought a little guiltily that maybe they all deserved whatever they got. Still, this orc felt a little tied, at least, to its roots... Conflicted, this orc simply tried to stay out of the way until it could figure out which side it was on.

Still, Feanorc and Niennorc knew nothing of this prophetic orc or this orc of questionable allegiance. They only knew that they'd been voted to stand guard over the rest of the clan while everybody slept. The congressional attempts to cast out the fiends of the clan would begin in the morning. Feanorc and Niennorc were simply required to keep an eye on the cave passages until Day.

As they paced and bickered, for they were bored and they were goblins, and that tends to mean grumbling, they managed to completely miss the one thing they should have noticed: creeping up behind them were four forms with calamitous intent.

Clad in rags and makeup like orcs, they approached Feanorc and Niennorc.

"Borc, is that you?" asked Feanorc.

Niennorc elbowed Feanorc in the trachea. "No, idiot, it's obviously Shastorc scavenging for noms!"

The forms moved closer, hazy in the poor lighting. Niennorc's torch did nothing to illuminate the situation.

Feanorc asked, "Glorc?"

Niennorc brandished her torch. "If it was Glorc he'd be singing really horrible songs!"

"True," said Feanorc.

By then, the four had finished their approach. "They don't smell right," said Niennorc. "They smell... good. Like... like baths. Or like... like perhaps they aren't covered in slime and whatever that thing that died out in the cavern is."

Feanorc cocked her head, curious. "You... you aren't one of us."

"No," growled Elrohir, straightening from his crouch, letting his orc rags and rusty helm fall from his gleaming hair. "But I'm good enough at pretending to KILL YOU!"

With that, Elrohir, Elladan, Arathorn, and Other Guy pounced on Feanorc and Niennorc, cutting their heads from their necks.

"I think that counts as half for each of us," laughed Elladan. "Which means I'm in the lead by two thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and a half. Take that, brother!"

Arathorn and Other Guy moped, for they knew that in their puny Man lives, they would never behead more than a few hundred goblins.


Day One has begun. You may begin posting.

Feanorc and Niennorc - beheaded in the dark


Loslote 09-14-2010 07:13 PM

I would go look at the site of the murder for clues, but the past few times I've tried to walk over, I've fallen over, so I'll just take you guys' word that Fenorc and Niennorc are dead. Dark times, dark times...(pun intended :p)

satansaloser2005 09-14-2010 07:15 PM

I didn't do it. I was too busy making the moddesses cookies. The end.

And now to vote, because I probably will be busy most of toDay (first half, anyway) and I have nothing better to do. Besides, I'm pretty sure Fea wants to be entertained. ;)

for cookies

++Boro for snuggles

++Greenie for catchiest tune

++Mira for asylum

++Sally for coolest kid ever

++Lottie for game losing

++Steve for most mispronounced name

++Vanilwa for noms

++Phantom for representative

Totally not even kidding. Well, on the last one, anyway.

Repeat, for later ease of vote counting....

++Phantom for representative

EDIT: x'd with Lottie. No, seriously, I just noticed her post. Go me, right? >.<

Loslote 09-14-2010 07:21 PM

That's a lot of red text, Sallycake. Written in blood, per'aps? ;):p

Inziladun 09-14-2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 638999)
Totally not even kidding. Well, on the last one, anyway.

Repeat, for later ease of vote counting....

[highlight++Phantom for representative[/highlight

Really? That amazing phantom gets a vote for rep in the first two posts of Day 1 without even showing up first? :eek::rolleyes:

the phantom 09-14-2010 07:39 PM

Lottie and Inzil- why have you not voted me for representative yet?

Nice to see at least Sally knows how to do this thing properly.

satansaloser2005 09-14-2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639000)
That's a lot of red text, Sallycake. Written in blood, per'aps?

Only if you got careless last Night, my dear Lottiepop. :Merisu:


Originally Posted by Dun Dun Dun
Really? That amazing phantom gets a vote for rep in the first two posts of Day 1 without even showing up first?

Well, if he's good, I'll trust his judgement (for toDay, anyway). If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One. It's a win-win from my perspective, as he either is good and tries to do something helpful or he's evil and isn't dumb enough to do something horribly destructive....yet. ;)

EDIT: x'd with our beloved shadow itself....or, as I call it, BS :smokin:

Loslote 09-14-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 639003)
Well, if he's good, I'll trust his judgement (for toDay, anyway). If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One. It's a win-win from my perspective, as he either is good and tries to do something helpful or he's evil and isn't dumb enough to do something horribly destructive....yet. ;)

This makes sense, and looks rather innocent of you, but I'm going be around, so Phantom, no vote for you. :p


the phantom 09-14-2010 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sally
If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One.

To be perfectly frank, with sides as they are (only one gifted goodie) I would as a baddie most certainly try to off the Seer with a Day 1 lynch. It'd totally be worth it, and I'm sure I could disguise my intentions well enough to get away with it. I'm just daring and awesome like that.

Ah, but lucky for most of you I am not a baddie. Or, erm, I should say that I am a baddie, seeing as the enemies in this community are good guys. What do you folks think- should we reverse our terms for the sake of accuracy? It's rather weird to refer to the species that exists to kill and rape as the "good" side.

And Lottie, really, there is no need to delay. Every last villager is going to vote me as representative today, as it would entertain the mods as well as be historic and funny. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me if I received all the rep votes every day of the contest. If the Sons win then all the orcs can say, "That blasted Phantom didn't vote well and lost it for us! Let's make fun of him!" And that would be great fun, of course. Or if the Sons lose then all the orcs can say, "Ha- I chose my rep well, didn't I?" And that would be fun as well.

Nerwen 09-14-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom
Or, erm, I should say that I am a baddie, seeing as the enemies in this community are good guys.

Ya hoi! What's this, lads? An Elf-friend in our midst?:eek:

satansaloser2005 09-14-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639005)
And Lottie, really, there is no need to delay. Every last villager is going to vote me as representative today, as it would entertain the mods as well as be historic and funny.

I'll make everyone cookies if this happens. (Assuming Phantom pays the postage to mail them, of course, 'cause Sally is poor.)

And actually, sir, you do have a point. Stupidly, I'd looked over the rules and roles and then promptly forgotten them. So yes, you would do that, but you'd at least be classy about it, so you're still worth the vote.

satansaloser2005 09-14-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 638969)
Sallyorc stamped her foot, at a very sweet and well decorated grub, and, nodding to the grub, said, "They'll eat all our khup-kahks."

Somehow I missed this before, but I approve SO hard.

Also, Chrome won't let me format as I type? That's SO lame. :(

Loslote 09-14-2010 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639005)
And Lottie, really, there is no need to delay. Every last villager is going to vote me as representative today, as it would entertain the mods as well as be historic and funny. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me if I received all the rep votes every day of the contest. If the Sons win then all the orcs can say, "That blasted Phantom didn't vote well and lost it for us! Let's make fun of him!" And that would be great fun, of course. Or if the Sons lose then all the orcs can say, "Ha- I chose my rep well, didn't I?" And that would be fun as well.

Or, of course, you turn out to be evil and utterly destroy us all. And then we can all go "oh, that Phantom!" and we'd all be having a right good time! :p

Nerwen 09-14-2010 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 639009)
And actually, sir, you do have a point. Stupidly, I'd looked over the rules and roles and then promptly forgotten them. So yes, you would do that, but you'd at least be classy about it, so you're still worth the vote.

Now, this is what I don't understand, my lass: why do you think one of these filthy Elves or their sneaking friends wouldn't want to murder our Seer first chance they get, no matter how the rules work exactly? Because they'll give 'emselves away? Nah! There's four of 'em, remember?

Boromir88 09-14-2010 10:48 PM

Borc starts one of his usual drunken performances late at night, in the middle of Nerwen's establishment, which always grabs everyone's attention. This time he's drawn his scimitar on a stool.

"I'll run you through, I will, if you don't leave this place, Demons!...What's that you say? You go around instructing everyone to hunt us for sport and you have the stones to come here to claim some kind of moral high ground? Bahahaha. You disgust me, you filth."

"Do you hear this lads, this pure Elf thinks we are cockroaches?" *Borc points to the stool. Some of the orcs who know Borc better laugh, other stare confused* "We are cockroaches huh? Better to live as a cockroach then live in fear of creatures who have done no harm to you. So while you spend your entire life in a wasted, and miserable existance, to rid your world of cockroaches, I will continue enjoying the simple things in life: good draught, free food, and pretty orc-women." *At this most of the orcs laughed*

"Oh, so you're not doing this for sport, but because a group of orcs several hundred years ago, committed some act of violence against you? Have you never heard this thing called, the sins of the father will not pass to his children? I would have thought you smarty-pants high elves would know this...but you continue to wantonly kill for crimes that have long passed and that I had no part in...Begone foul elf! Begone, I say" *Borc swung his scimitar down on the stool with such force two of the legs snapped*

This seemed to snap Borc back to attention and reality. "Ehm, hai hoi there, sorry 'bout that Nerwen jus' add it onto my tab."

"You mean the tab with the hole in the wall you left yesterday or the tab with the tray of my best china you dropped last week?"

"Erm...ah...can you just put it on a new tab?"


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639005)
Ah, but lucky for most of you I am not a baddie. Or, erm, I should say that I am a baddie, seeing as the enemies in this community are good guys. What do you folks think- should we reverse our terms for the sake of accuracy? It's rather weird to refer to the species that exists to kill and rape as the "good" side.

"Villains and goodies you say? Alright, let's talk about who's good, and who's bad. We may be cruel, and we may be harsh, particularly to our orclings, but it's necessary because it's the only way to make sure they stay alive in this world. They are still young and naive enough to assume the best in others. To think those nasty Men and Elves, won't care they are different, and that they will be accepted for who they are. Not judged on a history they had no part in. These young'uns don't know this yet, but I've seen the hate in the eyes of those nasty tarks and prissy elves. If any one of our boys went up to an Elf, he would be gutted like a pig, before he could even finish the hai in hai-ho."

the phantom 09-14-2010 11:18 PM

Come now, Boro- what's with all the useless justification?

Face it- we orcs are evil. We were created for it. We can't be punished for the sins of our fathers? You know good and well that we'd commit those same sins if given the chance. If everyone keeps trying to paint Elrond's sons as the baddies here I'm going to start being deliberately unhelpful in disgust.

We orcs are the vicious and cruel baddies, and we're going to kill Elrond's sons and their helpers, NOT out of some sort of misplaced sense of justification, but because it's what we do, and we enjoy it!! We're going to capture them, and hurt them, and deliver their bodies one piece at a time back to their father, and their grandmother in Lorien. I say we work on plans to use them to draw her out of her woods. Heh heh heh... Oh the things we would do to that elf-queen.

PS If you haven't voted me as your representative yet, please do so. Let's make history.

the phantom 09-14-2010 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lottie
Or, of course, you turn out to be evil and utterly destroy us all. And then we can all go "oh, that Phantom!" and we'd all be having a right good time!

Well no, but I would have a good time, so it all balances out, yes? So yeah, um, vote for me. Vote for me now.

Need a second opinion? Let's ask Emperor Palpatine-

Emperor Palpatine: "Do it!"

Loslote 09-14-2010 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639017)
So yeah, um, vote for me. Vote for me now.

I'm honestly considering it...I won't be able to get online until an hour before DL, and I'll probably not have much time to catch up, much less form opinions, and it is Day 1, after know what, fine.

++The Puddintom for Representative

Shastanis Althreduin 09-14-2010 11:39 PM

Not. Happening. I don't particularly think Fea and Nienna want their game hijacked.

As of right now, I'll probably give my vote to anyone (besides Phantom) who promises to try and get either Sally or Lottie lynched, because they're both pretty clearly trying to hide behind 'oh it's Day 1 I can do whatever I like and it won't matter'.

the phantom 09-14-2010 11:49 PM

Threatening my constituents, eh? And requesting kickbacks as well? "Do me this service and I'll put you into power."

You are just the dirtiest sort of politician!

Well done, lad. I'm glad to see someone who knows how the system is supposed to work. *snicker*

Nerwen 09-14-2010 11:54 PM

Now, lads, let's look at what we know: there's four of these sons of Elrond slinking around the place. Won't they be trying to get themselves elected? And won't they be able to get it done easier than you can roast a Dwarf? And if the phantomorc is one of them, mightn't he be talking treason just to confuse us? Regular Elvish trick!

EDIT:X'd since Lottie; originally quoted this post by accident– have deleted post in question.

Loslote 09-14-2010 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639021)
And if the phantomorc is one of them, mightn't he be talking treason just to confuse us?

What treason is he talking? This sounds important, but I'm not following your logic.

Loslote 09-15-2010 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 639019)
As of right now, I'll probably give my vote to anyone (besides Phantom) who promises to try and get either Sally or Lottie lynched, because they're both pretty clearly trying to hide behind 'oh it's Day 1 I can do whatever I like and it won't matter'.

Or we're sleepy and know we won't be around, so we're voting for someone who's not likely to be easily manipulated by the wolves. Either way, really. :p

Nerwen 09-15-2010 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639023)
What treason is he talking? This sounds important, but I'm not following your logic.

Gah, didn't you hear him praising those murderers and Elf-friends? Maybe we're supposed to think, "oh, he wouldn't say that about himself..."

the phantom 09-15-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen
Gah, didn't you hear him praising those murderers and Elf-friends?

Praising them? All I did was correctly state that they are the good guys, while we orcs are the evil side. Any orc pretending otherwise is not being true to his Morgoth-given nature! Know thyself. Embrace your true evil nature. We cannot hope to win if we adopt this namby-pamby attitude towards who we are! Give in to the dark side!

Need a second opinion. Let's ask Emperor Palpatine again-

Emp Palpatine: "I can feel your anger. It gives you focus- makes you stronger."

What do you think, Lord Vader?

Vader: "It is useless to resist."

(Remember- vote Phantom for representative.)

Loslote 09-15-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639026)
Gah, didn't you hear him praising those murderers and Elf-friends? Maybe we're supposed to think, "oh, he wouldn't say that about himself..."

Now, that I wouldn't believe of him. Far too obvious. No, I'd look for at least a triple- or quadruple-bluff in tp's posts.

EDIT: xed with TP

the phantom 09-15-2010 12:34 AM

Oh, and I also thought I'd mention that anyone that votes me for rep is completely safe for that day. No lie.

Nerwen 09-15-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639028)
Now, that I wouldn't believe of him. Far too obvious. No, I'd look for at least a triple- or quadruple-bluff in tp's posts.

Then look for it. I don't trust him.

Who's this Emperor Palpatine he keeps talking about? Some filthy tark, I'll warrant!

EDIT:X'd with the phantom; typo.

the phantom 09-15-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen
Who's this Emperor Palpatine he keeps talking about? Some filty tark, I'll warrant!

"Palpatine, Palpatine," said Phantom, shivering and licking his lips, as if the word had a foul taste that he savoured painfully. "You speak of what is deep beyond the reach of your muddy dreams, Nerwen," he said. "Palpatine! Ah! A tark?! One day you'll wish that you had not said that. Ape!" he snarled fiercely. "You ought to know that he's the apple of the Great Eye."

Shastanis Althreduin 09-15-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639030)
Then look for it. I don't trust him.

Who's this Emperor Palpatine he keeps talking about? Some filty tark, I'll warrant!

EDIT:X'd with the phantom.

For this, Nerwen is probably getting my vote. I'm just saying.

That and I love her to pieces, yes I do. <3

Edit: X'ed with Phantom.

Loslote 09-15-2010 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639030)
Then look for it. I don't trust him.

Based on what, banter? He hasn't actually said anything provocative yet. While this is in itself almost odd, it's hardly something to mistrust him for. *shrugs* Then again, you have the advantage of sleep over me, don't you? :p

EDIT: xed since the post I quoted - and Shasta, you're looking at Sally and I for easy Day 1 votes? ;)

the phantom 09-15-2010 12:55 AM

I realize the thread is "UNDER" the Misty Mts, but every time I read it I get that tune stuck in my head from the old Hobbit cartoon. You know, the dwarf song-

"Far o'er the Misty Mountains cold...."

Shastanis Althreduin 09-15-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639033)
Based on what, banter? He hasn't actually said anything provocative yet. While this is in itself almost odd, it's hardly something to mistrust him for. *shrugs* Then again, you have the advantage of sleep over me, don't you? :p

EDIT: xed since the post I quoted - and Shasta, you're looking at Sally and I for easy Day 1 votes? ;)

Yes, I am. Differences -

1. I said probably. You already voted, making it impossible to analyze your vote tomorrow should you live.

2. Of the posters right now, Nerwen is the most likely (besides myself) to not go along with any games Phantom might be playing, which is not an attitude I'd trust you or Sally to take (sorry, but it's true).

Nerwen 09-15-2010 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639031)
"Palpatine, Palpatine," said Phantom, shivering and licking his lips, as if the word had a foul taste that he savoured painfully. "You speak of what is deep beyond the reach of your muddy dreams, Nerwen," he said.

Call my dreams muddy, will you? Enough of that, snaga, or I'll make you squeal, that I will!


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639033)
Based on what, banter? He hasn't actually said anything provocative yet. While this is in itself almost odd, it's hardly something to mistrust him for. *shrugs* Then again, you have the advantage of sleep over me, don't you? :p

Said it before, Orcling: it's too easy for the Sons of Elrond to take over, right out in the open. I'd be careful trusting anyone too much– even if I didn't know half of you would stab the other half in the back, soon as look at 'em! No better than Elves, some of you lads and lasses are! And what's with all his Elf-talk? Bluffing? Trying to signal to someone? Yah!


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 639027)
Praising them? All I did was correctly state that they are the good guys, while we orcs are the evil side.

From the Elvish point of view! From our point of view, the Elves are evil!:p

EDIT:X'd since Lottie.

Loslote 09-15-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 639035)
Yes, I am. Differences -

1. I said probably. You already voted, making it impossible to analyze your vote tomorrow should you live.

2. Of the posters right now, Nerwen is the most likely (besides myself) to not go along with any games Phantom might be playing, which is not an attitude I'd trust you or Sally to take (sorry, but it's true).

1. No matter when I voted, there wouldn't have been any difference in how much there was to analyze.

2. True - there's really no point to it, in my mind. Either he's working for the Orcish Folk or he's not, same as everyone else. He happens to be louder and less likely to be manipulated by the SoE. See, my thinking is it's about 25% chance he's evil normally, but for most people, I'd have to add between 5 to 10% chance of accidentally working for the SoE. TP does his own thing, not very influenced by manipulations - other than his promise not to vote for those he is representing, which doesn't bother me - as I am not a SoE, which lessens the chance of him voting for a true Orc. Since I don't have a chance to really look at people toDay, this is the least risky move I could make, in my mind.

EDIT: xed with Nerwen

Loslote 09-15-2010 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639036)
Trying to signal to someone? Yah!

Who, in this game, is trying to signal to anyone? Even the Undecided Orc is, in fact, undecided. If the SoE signaled to xe, and xe noticed, and chose to remain true to xyr people, the SoE would be in huge trouble.

On second thought, it's an amazing idea for the SoE to signal to the Undecided Orc! You guys have nothing to lose! In fact, just reveal! It'll be so much more efficient! :D

the phantom 09-15-2010 01:25 AM

I never should've gone to YouTube to get that link, as there is so much LotR stuff I haven't watched in forever. I ought to be asleep now. *sigh*

Have you heard the news?

Classic voice-over

Sped up version

Just for Sally

Nerwen 09-15-2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 639038)
Who, in this game, is trying to signal to anyone? Even the Undecided Orc is, in fact, undecided. If the SoE signaled to xe, and xe noticed, and chose to remain true to xyr people, the SoE would be in huge trouble.

That's a second option. First is (double–, triple–, quadruple–) bluffing. But the phantomorc could also be the Undecided Orc trying to let those cursed Elves and Elf-friends know he was on their side, couldn't he?

EDIT:X'd with the phantom.

Loslote 09-15-2010 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 639040)
That's a second option. First is (double–, triple–, quadruple–) bluffing. But the phantomorc could also be the Undecided Orc trying to let those cursed Elves and Elf-friends know he was on their side, couldn't he?

If tp was the Undecided Orc, he'd never have decided already. Surely you remember the game where he was Zeus, and killed his own Seer to even out the game? If he were the Undecided Orc, he would not decided instantly to align himself with the SoE, he'd choose whichever side was doing worst at the time when he had to choose.

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