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Volo 01-14-2008 02:00 PM

Werewolf XLII: The meaning of life forever
Then it was that the Ar-Pharazôn, King of Kings sent his men East to find famed warriors from all over Middle-earth. For a great competition was to be held at the Golden Temple of Armenelos. Heroes of valour would battle each other and the last one standing would be deemed worthy and granted immortality. The trial of skills would last 15 long days and after a party to honor the winner, also lasting 15 days.

Only the best of the best were invited but even so many fell back in fear of the Númenóreans. The warriors finally chosen to set sail for the Island were of a truly mighty lot, each more fearsome than the preveous and each with a glorious past, all unlike.


18 beautiful ships arrived to the port of Rómenna that day, each bearing one of the warriors who sought eternal life. Or did they have more reasons than that to leave on this dangerous quest? At least most of the compeditors pondered most of their journeys about their preveous life, not all of course, as they were given free access to their favourite food, being a part of the greatest event to take place in Númenor. As their ships reached the harbour they were lead away into their personal lodgings for the night.

On the next day each was personally brought in front of the most important persons in the whole world. A third of the warriors had permission to enter the Ar-Pharazôn’s palace and were blessed there by the King of Kings himself, an other third was brought to the great altar of the Golden Temple where Sauron the servant of Melkor gave them the strength of Melkor. The last third was taken to Ar-Zimraphel the Queen. None but the six warriors themselves knew that Tar Míriel secretly showed them the hights of Meneltarma, the Pillar of Heavens where she prayed Eru to save the warriors from peril. Little did she know that this was forseen by Sauron…

The third day was the last day before the first battles were to begin. Ugh-Friedrich, the host showed the 18 heroes the arena prepared. He should have known better though. As soon as they entered the Temple’s large circle, all the doors around them were shut.

Something was wrong, quite clearly. Ugh-Friedrich tried his best to look calm and knowledgeable, but the warriors didn’t pay any attention to him. It took him some time to notice that it was primarily because Ar-Pharazon stood on a high balcony. He welcomed the warriors once again and told them that they weren’t allowed to leave this building. All exept Ugh-Friedrich. He told them that he wanted them to spend the last days of their lives together, but when somebody dared to ask him what was the reason of it, he glared at the brave one with slight madness and left the balcony while humming to himself.

After a short while of sulking around a new person entered the balcony, this time the Queen. Ar-Zimraphel panted hard and shouted to the warriors that they were being betrayed. As they looked at her in alarm they saw that she looked more afraid than anybody they had ever seen before. Even more afraid than the poor buggers some of them had killed in most painful ways. The first warrior to come to her senses asked the Queen to tell more, but she never got the chance to say another word because two of Melkor’s priests jumped at her from from behind the balcony curtains and dragged her away.

It wasn’t true horror the warriors experienced. The feeling was of such high bafflement that horror had to wait for another moment. And then Sauron entered the balcony and just stood there for a while. Then he started laughing and told them that six of them were now his servants. Werewolves to be precise. Quite strong as such. This caused anger in the warriors and they wished they could attack Sauron. The brave one shouted at him and challenged him to a duel, but Sauron just continued laughing and left the balcony.

The 19 waited for somebody else to appear, but nobody did come, Slowly a discussion began.

Shastanis Althereduin
Legate of Amon Lanc
The Might
Groin Redbeard
Azaelia of Willowbottom
A Little Green
Ugh-Friedrich (host)

Nogrod 01-14-2008 02:29 PM

"That sweet talkin' honeylipped apprentice of Melkor is no good news! Now talk heroes so that we may aim our hammers right when the battles begin."

Nogrod the 'almost refused a request on him' -dwarf looked sternly around.

"We need to get a picture of everyone for the battles may otherwise come to pure random."

Nogrod spat on the sandy ground.

"I say everyone votes toDay for someone thus showing a commitment to this. I for one will go after a non-voter in the battle-rounds unless there are some better reasons to go after the other one. Now what say you?"

Valier 01-14-2008 02:47 PM

Ackkk!! Sauron! I too spit at this!! evil minions in our midst, dare I say they shall perish!! They and all that are evil!! I will do my part to bring them to justice, let us all gather our thoughts and talk, talk like there is no tomorrow. Let us weed out these baddies among us.
I am not sure I concur with Nogrod here but I will give it some thought. His way might just be the most productive way today. We shall see...

Groin Redbeard 01-14-2008 02:51 PM

Groin watched as Sauron left the balcony. Never in his entire life had he been in such a predicament.

He listened to the words of his fellow dwarf, Nogrod.

"Are you saying, Nogrod, that we should now choose whom we wish to do battle against?"

Nogrod 01-14-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Valier
I am not sure I concur with Nogrod here but I will give it some thought. His way might just be the most productive way today.

"You show me a more productive way and I will follow the lead." There was a mild sarcasm in his tone.

Nogrod the dwarf who had woken up this morning scanned the heroes around him in astonishment.

"Okay. I do appreciate the valour you show us by sleeping on this. Yes I do. That's brave. But I also know that everyone is not sleeping! Daydreaming in Melko's lap now are we?"

Nogrod sat down and cursed silently.

Thinlómien 01-14-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 543352)

"I say everyone votes toDay for someone thus showing a commitment to this. I for one will go after a non-voter in the battle-rounds unless there are some better reasons to go after the other one. Now what say you?"

"I says AYE, agreed!" boomed Thinlómien with her most orcish voice. "Even though we aren't obliged to vote", she added sweetly, her tone now melodical as a nightingale's, "we'd do each other a great favour by doing so. It will leave tracks and something to ponder for everyone of us. I can see no reason not to vote - but seems no one has even claimed there are any this far." :D

"What else? It is oddly quiet around here. Almost an hour has passed (okay, I'm exaggerating here) and only that world-famous loudmouth Nogrod of Nogrod has voiced an opinion on anything. I can't believe timezones, other businesses and/or ambitious plans hinder this many people."

"Well, there's still, of course, plenty of time for everyone to appear. Meanwhile, would someone like to play some a-footbaging with me?"

EDIT: cross-posted with Valier, Groin and Nogrod... that much for my musings on it being quite here

Nogrod 01-14-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 543363)
"Are you saying, Nogrod, that we should now choose whom we wish to do battle against?"

"I'm afraid we're not granted that luxury mate. They will set up against each other the way they will. In the worst scenario as He wills. That's why we need to have some talkin'... We need to have an idea of each other before we enter the battle-arena for real"

Nogrod kicked a rock in slight frustration but soon grinned for a thought that occured to him.

"Anyway if one wants to be a hero this is the chance... Just think of it. Gladiatorial fight threesome! One makes a move, another makes a move... Where should you look at, whom should you watch out for? Or should you make the first move? If the innocents make the first moves the evil one will just capitulate with an easy kill... So we need to get the baddie on defence and not leave her/him a room to outmanouver her/himself in the trio."

Nogrod sighed again.

"The only way to that is that we have some talkin' here as to form an opinion and with some brains and luck to have a chance of catching a wolf".

Valier 01-14-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod
"You show me a more productive way and I will follow the lead." There was a mild sarcasm in his tone.

Please, master Dwarf, your sarcasm has no use, I for one am no leader, but I can and do find what I seek in the end. For I am a famed tracker!! I have faith in myself. It is others I do not trust. So I say your way may and (usually does) give plenty to talk about and speculate about in days to come.
But on a day such as today, when a vote does not really count, sometimes it muddles the minds of others later on. The first day is for the most part pretty random, but think with the vote not really counting today, it gives the evil doers among us a way to minipulate us with their votes . Seeing as most things today can be argued later as being first day not knowinness.

I say yes there should be some sort of a "vote" but keep in mind the implications of this being a free vote.

Valier pulled back her large hood and leaned on her bow. Now lets hear from more people. What say you all?

THE Ka 01-14-2008 03:12 PM

Taliesin wasn't much for speaking anymore. Simply, as for historical reasons in his own life, it wasn't the best course of action for him to take. As his old memories would tease him at times, he tended to remember how both his assumed parents recited with glee and also stiffled guilt at the great gift he had with words, in some ways. The story was repeated often, how upon finding his little self in a tattered skin of a bag, his 'blessed' caretakers declared a name for him immediately, to which the little Taliesin nodded and said, 'That'll do.' Apparently this meant that Taliesin was prime cut for helping those great, and advancing his family socially. Mostly, the latter.
Taliesin also had a perchant for honesty, and as for words, that meant at times he would find himself without control, spewing out what people needed to hear, not what they wanted. This of course, brought him much trouble with the folks who socially worked above not below. Which, even his dotting parents seemed to take with a new grain of salt, and sought out a way to control his 'wild tongue'.
He couldn't remember much inbetween that time and what caused him to take up the habit of the open road, only that it instilled his phobia, and left his parents and neck of the community without much 'appropriate' reknown. He probably knew well why, but didn't choose to remember how his simple guidence to local authority almost cost his life, and being seen as 'a great bane undone at the tongue!' He sometimes remembered that, and it gave him a little chuckle.

As for today, this was yet another path along the original plan of his own to gain greatfully in youth and sit back and relax in old age, wherever, and whenever that might be. Usually, he looked like a serious and 'greatly interested' being during the past day or so, but his mind was usually wondering off somewhere, in another field of thought, singing out the tune, " Give me plenty open fields with the starry skies above, don't fence me in...". While witihn the temple, and reaching the last line of his little song, the open fields disappeared and he indeed was fenced in. The doors shut. Every bloody one of them.
This wasn't his phobia. His phobia lay way off, to the east with simple folk. This factor though, did indeed miff him a bit. The building by standards wasn't bad, but it wasn't exactly his taste, and probably would get on his nerves eventually the longer he remained.
The others about clammoured their equipment and some yelled in protest to the act, as the above Maia in disguised seemed amused by it all and simply walked away. Taliesin just stood there with his hands on his hips and his equipment, starring at Sauron with slight intrigue and a little interest.

"Damn. How does he do it?", laughed sarcastically one voice in his mind. He held back a little laugh as a throat cough.
He hadn't heard much of Sauron, and was far too concerned with other beings, and collecting wealth from any services he didn't mess up with his words. Though, he had heard how this Maia had a perchant for words also, but his words seemed to be the better resume than that of the simple mortal, and indifferent Taliesin.

"Well, whatever might be certain is that I - erm, wait everyone else, the lot of us are stuck. What a way to waste, I've had such better adventures than this. With a lot more front up pay too. Hrmm, whatever may be, I might as well become some member of the society here."

The dwarf nearby was rallying for words, and that everyone come forth, especially with honest words.
" Oh no..." Taliesin muttered and dragged a hand down his long face. He bit his tongue and battled with the otherwise willing words in his mind. He had forethought alright, but he knew very well that no one particularly means real honesty when they praise it. If they did, Taliesin might have to give them an embrace of utter astonishment. Either way, he might get knifed.


"The only way to that is that we have some talkin' here as to form an opinion and with some brains and luck to have a chance of catching a wolf".
"Or we could randomly end up gutting one another, either way that is progress by your assumption.", another sarcastic voice cracked within his mind.

Taliesin shook his head, and hoped no one took it as some mystical sign of body language. He took a gulp of water from his supplies and tried to focus his mind, before he lost his head.

Most men might descriminate the fighting abilities of other races in spite of their own, but Taliesin had no doubt anyone around him could easily kill him, and turn him into a wonderful batting effigy that all races great and small could enjoy a swack at.

He was not so much a gentleman, but just plan conscious enough to know that words at their sting too. As for that, eveyone so far that had spoke was throwing arrows. Clearing his mind again, he carefully said his next words, albet maybe too quite and stern than some of the others might have approved of in a 'warrior' type.

" Sorry for my silence, I must choose my words carefully. 'Tis only a bad habit, my speech can be horrible to minds who want certain answers... Anyways, so that we may not end up on the wrong start of things, I am Taliesin of Nothing. You may just call me Taliesin, because as for being 'of something' I own naught. It is safe to say we know nothing beyond our names and other little things, with this in mind I believe we shouldn't jest with ourselves that minds are really so simple - "

"Well no great wonder there genius!" ,laughed another thought in his mind he chose to ignore it for the time being, and cleared his throat softly again.

" Even if we do learn more of one another, there are many faces to a gem, what we wish to show is fortunately and unfortunately that of choice. So in short, if I may suggest that simply making a vote isn't going to change the fact we all can be responsible for many things. I really wish it was that simple, for this challenge turned into something we all didn't bargain for. Unless you enjoy surprises with great naive, which does have its charms only if you have the time. Anyways, putting pressure on everyone's words only aids those conditioned to lie, and gives suspicion to those who otherwise only mean to speak and reason simply. Which, Nogrod, I do believe that your words call for reason, but to hold at knife point only makes the wolf sing sweeter as you gut the lamb. So, instead of maybe near torture, or complete silence, as for a touchstone we can simply introduce ourselves and go on from there. "

Taliesin finished with an exhale and decided to kept his mouth tightly shut for the next hour or so, giving only a nod when called for. He prefered to take the observant stance, take notes, maybe put it into song, and then speak. Very carefully of course. He did have some vainity for living still.

~ Taliesin Ka

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-14-2008 03:24 PM

A figure before unnoticed stepped out of the shadows. The more fascinating on it was the fact that there were no shadows around at all.

"Fellow warriors," the figure spoke with an accent resembling too closely the accent of the Avari of Mirkwood. "I believe all of us acknowledge the advantages of voting for the odd one out -" he gazed at all people except for Azalia the Average "- even though it will not bring immediate results now, it will give us some guidance in the future. The other advantage is that we can retract and change our opinions the way we wish, and only our last decision can mark our real choice. Maybe this will make this day even more vocal than normal. Or at least I would like to hope so."

*dice roll: Sense Motive check*

"I would also like to say that even though Nogrod brought up this nice idea, I have a bad feeling about him. Look at his face. Look at his words. Is he hiding behind this helpfully-seeming proposition of his?"

*dice roll: Diplomacy check*

"Anyway, I am not suggesting anything, this is just a feeling, but I'm airing it."

*dice roll: Knowledge (psychology) check*

"Because I know that people may seem different when they behave in-character. A little different. Maybe. But not always, and also not totally."

*dice roll: Sense Motive check*

"No one here seems behaving totally different from how I know them, though. Or at least I know (or think I know) what I can imagine under this difference. Valier looks strange, Groin seems good though I have nothing to compare his behavior to, and Lommy seems okay as well. Nog is the most suspicious to me this far. I find that funny myself that I make such conclusion that early, but that's just it. Anyway, there is a lot to see today yet, this is just preliminary analysis."

*dice roll: Diplomacy check: Critical miss*

"Let's wait what the others have to say. Though I know there will be only a bunch of other mindless reapers who think they can be clever or they can fool us if they are Werewolves, or cannot even behave correctly when they are Gifted. I am not wishing you good night, because you don't deserve it. And I don't even know whether I won't come back. And no, I'm not going to tell you!"

EDIT: Crossed with all since Lommy

Nogrod 01-14-2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by THE Ka (Post 543373)
Taliesin prefered to take the observant stance, take notes, maybe put it into song, and then speak. Very carefully of course. He did have some vainity for his life still.

"I do promise to quit this now. But how if we all acted like this Taliesin fellow here? Sit back and take notes of what others do? What notes there would be but notes of others trying to take notes on others who do and say nothing? Sorry milady, or dear sir? I always took you as a lady with my folklore but maybe appearances drive people to wrong tracks in this place?"

Nogrod reached for his cask and took a long draught.

"I have no major complaint anymore as people seem to be gearing up. But a thing I don't like is saying something while stating that saying something is not worthy of saying. On this kind of initial situation every word is valuable for without them the discussion will never take off. All those who discourage the discussion can be suspected of trying to hide and to hope of having as large silent crowd around them as possible."

Suddenly he noticed a new guy coming from the shadows and listened to what he had to say. Then he thought about it a moment before he opened his mouth.

"Now see what I mean. I can already say I'm getting quite weary of this stranger I have a bad feeling I need to face in the battle. Just look how nicely he lays the grounds for his attack on the actual battle. There is nothing there and he knows it, so he goes on saying

I find that funny myself that I make such conclusion that early, but that's just it.
But that's exactly what he can rely on when the actual battle begins..." :)

Nogrod looked at the figure again but he had already turned to leave. Nogrod shook his head but then turned back to his seat quite pleased.

"This is the way we should discuss here I think", he said. "This generates thoughts and suspicions. There's no other way of catching the wolves but action and reaction - and coming up with the reasons behind them".

McCaber 01-14-2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Legate
A figure before unnoticed stepped out of the shadows. The more fascinating on it was the fact that there were no shadows around at all.

Hmm, interesting. Then where have I been lurking for the past few hours? (checks sign on door) The "coat room." So that's why my vision was so obstructed.

Now the day is still early yet, so I don't see a real reason to throw around suspicions. This is my first encounter with werewolves, but it doesn't seem too different from some of the other minions I've finished off back home. Sauron always did like the flashy ones.

But if I'm supposed to throw out suspicions, here I go. Nogrod has been the most vocal here, by a long shot. If he's a werewolf and keeps this up, it could be easier to trap him under his lies.

Valier and Groin haven't said much one way or another. This could work against them as well.

But at the moment my suspects are Taliesin Ka and Legate. I don't believe in long monologues or dice. My suspicions will change as the day goes on, so don't value them too much.

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-14-2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 543379)
"Now see what I mean. I can already say I'm getting quite weary of this stranger I have a bad feeling I need to face in the battle. Just look how nicely he lays the grounds for his attack on the actual battle. There is nothing there and he knows it, so he goes on saying But that's exactly what he can rely on when the actual battle begins..." :)

*Hide check: failure*

The figure appeared again out of the shadows.

*Wisdom check*

"I am very well aware of that, sir," the figure spoke to Nogrod. "Nevertheless I can also say that the fact I focused on you with my first words had nothing to do with any private battles happening in the future. Which is intriguing by itself."

*Spot check: failure*

"Nevertheless, there is one person whom I would like to see here as well, for reasons you can imagine yourself, Nogrod. I fail to see him, now, but that does not matter - he will come. I would like to see him here for my picture to be complete. Yes, I challenge you for a duel, Nogrod, as you have forseen - but there is one more we need, and then it won't be a duel, it will be..."

*Speak language check: critical miss*

"...a trial!"

*Wisdom check: Success*

"Wow, actually, that's true... great..." :D

"Anyway, don't think I am here only to prepare my thoughts on you two. The biggest advantage of us being together here is that we can talk to everyone, and others can base their thoughts on our ideas even when we are not with them. And we know that when we meet again, lots of us will be gone..."

"Oh, and a note about this Taliesin guy. All the bards I ever met were chaotics, so take care. But I can't serve with any strong opinion about this one, because he is too..."

*Spot check: success*

"...long." *gazes upwards*

EDIT: X-ed with McCaber. This fella looks good to me. Probably neutral good. Almost lawful.


"Oh, and I suggest whoever is not in invisible mode should do so. It does not matter much now when we are all here and it's day, but later it is most adviseable. You go into invisible mode like this. Look:"

*Hide check: Total success*

Groin Redbeard 01-14-2008 04:04 PM

Groin listened as Nogrod led the others in conversation. He listended and watched while the others expressed their opinions. When all grew quiet he rose to offer his advice.

"I admire Nogrod's assertiveness in calling for action, but this dosen't mean that he is one of the few who are under Sauron's controll. Nogrod has done more to help us than any of us put together!" Groin's voice rose nearly to a yell.

"Look at one who who calls himself Legate of Amon Lanc. He is quick to cast judgement on the rest of us. What say you to that?"

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 04:07 PM

(OOC: *blows dust off BD link* Let's see if this still works...)

Roa stepped forward. "So this is what it's come to?" she said quietly. "I agree with the rather loud dwarf on one point at least. Voting today may give us all tools that we'll need in the future. (OOC: It will certainly help give me something to analyze. :D) That said, I do hope some here offer suggestions in their future posts rather than continue in this... 'character typing.'

"Right now, my eyes are watching Thin. Quick to agree with the loudest voice that we should all offer opinions, and yet voicing no opinions of her own? Agreement in words and not in action is not truly agreement."

(I don't know how long I'll continue IC, but I'll certainly be wary of those who continuely make long posts that consist of nothing more than role-playing, and no real suggestions, suspicions, or ideas. *coughKaandlegatecough*)

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 543383)
Groin listened as Nogrod led the others in conversation. He listended and watched while the others expressed their opinions. When all grew quiet he rose to offer his advice.

"I admire Nogrod's assertiveness in calling for action, but this dosen't mean that he is one of the few who are under Sauron's controll. Nogrod has done more to help us than any of us put together!" Groin's voice rose nearly to a yell.

"Look at one who who calls himself Legate of Amon Lanc. He is quick to cast judgement on the rest of us. What say you to that?"

I say it's an improvement. Better to suspect many than to suspect none. At least he's saying something and stirring conversation.

As clever as the dice rolling is, though, I could do with out it. And besides, most of those skills belong to the rogue class. ;)

Nogrod 01-14-2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 543382)
The biggest advantage of us being together here is that we can talk to everyone, and others can base their thoughts on our ideas even when we are not with them.

"With this I truly agree with you o' figure of the shadows. Those people who disrepute the discussion toDay forget that the battles will shed a lot of light to the actual truth of the matter for those who come out alive from them... There are things to gather in there. And I do appreciate that you bring the discussions forwards. That's what we need to do.

It's a trial yes. I think everyone knows it will be a trial. That's the interesting thing. I mean it's not only who survives the "battle" but also how they do it. Some innocent kills in the trials may turn out victories for the enemies of Melkor in the end if people stay alert.

I'm waiting to hear from that Mighty warrior as well. But in the meantime I think I take a little nap and listen also to the others."

EDIT: X'd with Roa x2

THE Ka 01-14-2008 04:17 PM


"I do promise to quit this now. But how if we all acted like this Taliesin fellow here? Sit back and take notes of what others do? What notes there would be but notes of others trying to take notes on others who do and say nothing? Sorry milady, or dear sir? I always took you as a lady with my folklore but maybe appearances drive people to wrong tracks in this place?"
Taliesin had a little smile, which did give his heart some optimism but not much. When his actual gender came into question he gave an innocent laugh and wore an even bigger smile.

" Well, it is sometimes assumed that those with words tend to be of the female sort. Somehow, we all loose our form when others speak of us. Either in tales or simply the discussion we're having right now. Same as men have this silly assumption dwarves come from the earth, though I've only seen plants do such a thing. Then again, rumor has it you can makes Taliesin out of stormy sea water, a cauldron, and an angry crone. Though, for sanity purposes, I am pretty sure I am male in this life and form. Now you know two good things, my name and that I'm of the male sort. All in all, I believe anyone should speak a little if they want now, before this building and its decor drives us insane."

Taliesin found a comfy share of a colomn to rest upon, and listened with his little lute and other things, but he didn't dare play it being as it was only for the worst of circumstances. It seemed so far to him that humor quited the otherwise abrasive thoughts in his mind, and make his speech easier.

~ Taliesin

Meneltarmacil 01-14-2008 04:37 PM

*nibbles on moose jerky*

To be honest, I don't know that there's anything we can really do toDay that would really matter. There aren't going to be votes, so there won't be anybody trying to persuade villagers to vote for others. Of course, discussion about wolf strategy is a possibility, but that does not often lead to productive conclusions and can get the innocent lynched for suggesting "the wrong idea" to the village. Also, if people start sharing ideas on what could give a wolf away by his/her posts, that would most likely backfire and give the wolves a tip as to how better to remain undetected.

If there's anything that could make a good talking point, I'm all ears, though.

Thinlómien 01-14-2008 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Valier
But on a day such as today, when a vote does not really count, sometimes it muddles the minds of others later on. The first day is for the most part pretty random, but think with the vote not really counting today, it gives the evil doers among us a way to minipulate us with their votes . Seeing as most things today can be argued later as being first day not knowinness.

I don't really know what to think of this statement. While it seems to be plausible - a thought that should maybe be thought about more - my initial reaction to this was suspicion. For two reasons. One, it plays down the importance of discussion and accusation. Two, it looks like a statement that will be followed - by the stater herself or from some other person - debate that is mostly about the vocal players who might be manipulating the village! How horrible! :eek:


Instead of being mean and orcish to anyone, I simply meant that we ought to concentrate on someone else than the loudmouths toDay. We need to focus our attention at trying to provoke discussion or reactions from the more silent ones. The chatterboxes will come out with their thoughts anyway. I would hate to have my trial with two people I have absolutely no opinion on. Lastly but not least importantly, as there can be no disastrous results from wolves trying to manipulate us toDay (as long as we have our wits back in the Days to come) , let them do it and catch them doing it. I'm far more concerned about the wolves who will try to slip under the radar, as that is what I suppose many of the furry fellows here are trying to do toDay.

Ka has been all the time in character. It really makes her less suspicious to me. A wolf might be more concerned about her appearances. Yet, on the other hand, a wolf might count on that no one minds a little in-charactering at the start of the first day and use it as an excuse for saying nothing constructive...


Originally Posted by Groin
"Look at one who who calls himself Legate of Amon Lanc. He is quick to cast judgement on the rest of us. What say you to that?"

I say, he could very well be either provoking discussion or a wolf throwing suspicion around for fun, knowing he can always say he was trying to provoke reactions. So, in conclusion, I say nothing. :rolleyes: Or then I can say that while I have no clue of his alignment, I'm laughing all too much at his posts, it's not good for my health, maybe we should lynch him. Wait, lynch? No lynch toDay... how sad.


Originally Posted by Roa
"Right now, my eyes are watching Thin. Quick to agree with the loudest voice that we should all offer opinions, and yet voicing no opinions of her own? Agreement in words and not in action is not truly agreement."

You see, I was supposed to force myself write an English research paper instead of really writing anything (except a short "hello") here tonight, but looking at this post, it looks like I couldn't keep the decision and it's going to be a long night for me...

EDIT: xed with our local pessimist :-P

Nogrod 01-14-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil (Post 543397)
If there's anything that could make a good talking point, I'm all ears, though.

Now there's a tree-way battle ahead of you man and you know who they will be there with you - unless Sauron will twist that for his own amusement. If I were you I'd first of all wish to contact those that are going to share the arena with you and try to make them talk so as to have something to base your ideas of them on the actual battle. Then I could think of trying to look at other trios and to see what happens there - to be that much wiser after the initial matches are over.

I think there is exceptionally lot to do toDay - and there's no lynch toDay so you can quite be all over the place and still survive - until the threesome battle that is but anyway. And if you're an innocent your death might actually help the village if you press those in a death-match with you wisely enough.

EDIT: X'd with Lommy

THE Ka 01-14-2008 04:51 PM


Ka has been all the time in character. It really makes her less suspicious to me. A wolf might be more concerned about her appearances. Yet, on the other hand, a wolf might count on that no one minds a little in-charactering at the start of the first day and use it as an excuse for saying nothing constructive...
Oops. I thought we had to stay in character. :confused: Sorry for being a dunce, I've had neverending study for a literature class, and forgot about that.


I would hate to have my trial with two people I have absolutely no opinion on.
That or being plagued by a guilty conscience because you end up having to randomly vote. Probably why I tried to stay in character. :rolleyes:

~ Ka

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 04:55 PM

Psst.. Ka, Menel, you're visible.....

Wolf strategy? My understanding is that each wolf will be on their own in each battle. They can't even have a relevant strategy toDay, since they don't know who each other are. (At least that's my understanding of the rules....) It appears that each wolf is going to be on their own for the most part. It will go almost entirely to luck, especially if one supposed to fight has been killed, either by a wolf or the gaurdian. Wolf strategy will assuredly be to survive, but they will have to do so separately. And in this we have a great advantage indeed, for they enemy can't work together to confuse us.

Our strategy, as it is, will have to rest primarily on toDay. This will be difficult, since the wolves don't know each other yet, and we won't be able to look for connections. But the more we discuss and post today, the more ammunition we will have in coming days to battle the evil in our midsts.

That said, Thin, who has not returned, still has my interest, as do Ka (for lack of substance- you're a wonderful writer bu that's not helping) and Menel (for trying to dampen discussion.)

EDIT: X posted with everyone from post 19 down.

Nogrod 01-14-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 543401)
Now there's a tree-way battle ahead of you man and you know who they will be there with you - unless Sauron will twist that for his own amusement.

How stupid can you get? :o

I had kind of a nauseating feeling as I didn't understand why Volo told us not to reveal the Day we were going to be on the "trial" and still thought he had revealed us the actual trios in his example (which it was, I checked it). It was only now it bothered me enough that I checked it.

But I'm not sure if that changes anything. Knowing with whom you would have played threesome would have been quite interesting but I'm not sure if this is any less so... Anyone here might be with you in a threeway game. Would you like to face two people of whom you have no idea?

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 05:28 PM

Thin, glad to see you. I knew you could come up with some ideas, so I was surprised when all you did was agree and disappear.

I agree that the quiet are dangerous (I've noticed that Werewolf ninja Naria is on the play list....) but don't forget that loud wolves are just as dangerous because they can sway the village. I strongly encourage everyone to post, but your statement that the loud manipulative wolves aren't disastrous rings false. They could easily confuse discussion today, stir up innocents into making mistakes that get them lynched.

Ka, it's not that you're in character. It's that you're ONLY in character. Other's who have posted in character have still made useful conjecture in character. You haven't. By all means, post in character, but have your character do more than observe, joke, or clarify gender. Perhaps he could offer some help.

Thinlómien 01-14-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Roa_Aoife (Post 543414)
I agree that the quiet are dangerous (I've noticed that Werewolf ninja Naria is on the play list....) but don't forget that loud wolves are just as dangerous because they can sway the village. I strongly encourage everyone to post, but your statement that the loud manipulative wolves aren't disastrous rings false. They could easily confuse discussion today, stir up innocents into making mistakes that get them lynched.

I know loud wolves are dangerous. I just think that in late games, everybody's been paying too much attention them compared to the attention payed to quiet or relatively quiet people and more importantly, what I meant by that disastrous-comment, is that as long as we recover our senses and see through their manipulation before our trial days, they don't pose a great threat.

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 543415)
I know loud wolves are dangerous. I just think that in late games, everybody's been paying too much attention them compared to the attention payed to quiet or relatively quiet people and more importantly, what I meant by that disastrous-comment, is that as long as we recover our senses and see through their manipulation before our trial days, they don't pose a great threat.

I see. I haven't been around lately, so I didn't realize people were letting the quiet ones go. You're quite right then. Thank you for clarifying your statement.

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 05:57 PM

*whistling wind sound effect*

Where'd everybody go?

*thinks* I know!

LYNCH NOGROD!!!!!!!!! He's a wolf I know it this time! No really, THIS time I'm telling the truth!!!!!

That oughta get a response....

Seriously people, get talking.

Thinlómien 01-14-2008 06:24 PM

I'm still here, Roa, but as nothing new springs to my mind and it's past 2am here, I'm rather concentrating on finishing my research paper. But nevertheless, I'm watching this thread. *coughshouldIposttotoptensignsyou'readdictedtotheB arrow-Downscough*

As for lynching Nogrod, why not? :cool: After all, he might be a wolf as well as anyone else and we're not going to lose him anyway, even if we voted him. Seriously though, I don't know yet who will I vote and who do I really suspect, I'm eager to see more people around...

And I'd like to state the obvious and underline the fact that this Day is of the utmost importance, for it is the proof on which many accusations on the trial Days will be based on. And one can hardly get rid of a wolf then if s/he has no idea of his/her "rivals'" doings. And we really should get rid of more wolves then than is matemathically probable, for otherwise our final village of 14 villagers will be including four or five wolves, which is all too much. It would be actually quite cool if we got rid of all the wolves on the trial days... :D Sadly that's quite an optimistic vision.

PS. This systems wants to split my ultralong word, even though it is on one line. Why? :confused:

THE Ka 01-14-2008 06:39 PM

Pretty much the same here. Except, not a paper but reviewing +900 years of literary theory, oh the joy...:rolleyes:
As you may guess, this is probably far more interesting.

I dunno if everyone else knew completely about the pre-trial day, but I would guess it was pretty well spread so that at least people would come look at it. Though you are right, it is pretty bloody (no pun intended completely) important to at least post something or read. I dunno, we have a few more hours I guess, there has to be a few more players that will come in. Hopefully... Before our eyes glaze over.
So, I guess we can just wait or randomly vote for fun.
*stares off into space*

~ Ka

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 07:27 PM

Wow, I left, had dinner, went home, called the cable company, and came back to two new posts.

I wonder, do you think some people got confused and thought they weren't supposed to come till their assigned day? I almost did that...

Still, when my day in the arena comes, should niether of my opponents seem particularly suspicious I'll probably (probably, mind you, not definitely) vote the one who posted the least on this day.

Thin, our village of 12 (not 14), will have equal odds of a high number of specials, so it's not all bad. And should we do well today, we can certainly aid our fellow innocents in their battles and really hurt the enemies' odds.

Also you put a space between the b and a in Barrow, so that's why it wants to split it.

Shastanis Althreduin 01-14-2008 08:03 PM

I hadn't been posting because I thought it was Day 0.1 and there were only three people supposed to post. o_o;; Apparently not!

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-14-2008 08:07 PM

I wasn't entirely sure when I was supposed to post, either, but I thought I'd just swing by here and double-check. So I'm here now. :rolleyes: at myself.

Sorry for not showing up sooner.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-14-2008 08:20 PM

And now on to a little actual substance...


Originally Posted by Roa_Aoife (Post 543414)
I agree that the quiet are dangerous (I've noticed that Werewolf ninja Naria is on the play list....) but don't forget that loud wolves are just as dangerous because they can sway the village. I strongly encourage everyone to post, but your statement that the loud manipulative wolves aren't disastrous rings false. They could easily confuse discussion today, stir up innocents into making mistakes that get them lynched.

I agree with Roa to a point... Loud wolves are just as effective (if not more so) as quiet, sneaky ones. However, I think it's important to keep in mind that loudness and quietness are not always indicators of role--they could indicate personal playing style regardless of whether one is innocent, wolf, or gifted. A person's loudness or quietness could have basis nowhere in the game but instead on other demands on their time.

It is very important not to throw today away completely, and also that it is probably worth a bit more than it normally might be, but I also don't think I will be basing my decisions about the innocence of the other two people on my trial day on today alone. This is a day one. It's always going to be a little weird, and things aren't going to really get going until we all get to know each other.

*shrug* just a thought.

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 08:33 PM

The unfortunate thing, Azaelia, is that this is our only opportunity to help each other out. When the trial day comes, this is the only context each of will have to work with. I've always been a Day 1 advocate, true, but this day 1 is much more important than usual. We won't have any other context for our opponents actions when the trials start. Unless you want a day 1 repeat with little to no evidence when it comes, and you're one of three lynch candidates along with a wolf, we need to get down to business today.

Also, Thin and I wre not suggesting that loudness or quietness be the deciding factor in whom to lynch (although it does tend to end up that way). Thin was saying we should focus on the people who are quiet now because wolves could be hiding among them and they tend to get ignored. I was saying that wolves can just as easily hide among the loud and we shouldn't focus one way or another but be open to all possibilities. Thin, of course, had knowledge that people really HAVE been forgetting the quiet ones, which is always dangerous, but especially today.

I for one, do not look forward to sharing the arena with someone who hasn't posted much or at all toDay, because then I'll have nothing to look at, and no way to gain context on what people are saying.

Roa_Aoife 01-14-2008 09:04 PM

I must be going now. I'll try to log back in before the end tomorrow- my computer acess is a bit limited at the moment- I just moved and I don't have internet set up in my apartment yet. (Hence the call to the cable guy). Right now I'm forced to get to the Post's library to get acess. That said, I'll do my best. I hope something interesting happens while I sleep.

Meneltarmacil 01-14-2008 09:10 PM

Ah, we now have the good old "loud vs. quiet" debate. Trouble is, this is precisely the sort of thing that causes villagers to turn on each other and say "He says we should lynch the quiet ones, so he must be a wolf!" Furthermore, I don't remember that any wolves were actually caught due to being suspiciously quiet or loud. To me, a loud person becomes a loud wolf, and a quiet person becomes a quiet wolf.

Between the two of them, however, I'd say a loud wolf is more dangerous than a quiet wolf due to its ability to affect votes, unless it's an inept loud wolf, in which case it ends up as a Fenris.

McCaber 01-14-2008 09:38 PM

Thank you, Menel. I was getting worried. Just because I don't feel a need to say everything that crosses my mind doesn't mean I'm a wolf.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-14-2008 09:39 PM

Roa, thanks for clarifying. I'm glad you did, since now that I see where you stand, I agree. :) Cheers!

I also think you're right about not wanting to start with a completely blank slate on the trial day. With no frame of reference on someone, it's hard to get anywhere.

Seems the debate isn't much of a debate after all. ;)

For the record, I think the loud wolves are just as dangerous as the quiet ones. The loud ones can attract votes for their cause, but I'm a bit more unnerved by the idea of a wolf flying under the radar so to speak, and just letting the rest of the village lynch each other.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-14-2008 09:41 PM

Last post crossed with McCaber. I just felt the need to add on to what I just said, and I know the policy about editing posts in WW threads.

I agree with McCaber somewhat, too. I think it's not a good thing to be too silent, keeping every thought to oneself, but too much talking from one person just serves to muddy the waters and can attract the wrong kind of attention from the direction of the wolves or from that of innocents.

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