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Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 10:27 AM

The Mount Zoom Challenge – Discuss
1 Attachment(s)
Greetings Downers, new and old, rotten and fresh!

The Mount Zoom joke has grown and grown. From its humble beginnings here and here. The Fortunately / Unfortunately thread has much to answer for.

So, Nilpaurion Felagund and I have been devising a little game for the mirth Forums. Much alike to the Werewolf games, it’s a sort of RPG, but a little too silly for the RPG forums. By "a little silly" I of course mean "completely insane". ;)

Here is how it will work:

We (me and Nilp) will select some drivers and helpers from volunteers who can take on the personal of a character to drive the 'vehicle'. For example Sauron for Mount Zoom, Denethor for Minas Taxi, Frodo for Bag End and so on.

The race begins from The Lonely Mountain and the finish line is in The Grey Heavens.

As the drivers go along the moderators of the game (for this one, me and Nilp) set different challenges, depending on how you complete them will decide which way you go. Challenges could be things like, "A great chasm has randomly opened up in the earth, decide how to get your vehicles over it." Or "You have to cross the river Anduin, GO!"

The winner is the one who thinks of the funniest way across the obstacles. They can be voted for in this topic here.

If that is okay then good! But if anyone wants to suggest changes, please state them here. This is, of course an experimental game and may well (read: probably will) go very wrong. :D

So, the vehicles and drivers and assistants are as follows: MOUNT ZOOM = Sauron + Mouth of Sauron Bag-Endless-fule = Bilbo + Frodo Orth-Tank = Saruman + Wormtong Barad-Dash = Gothmog + Orc (player can chose name) Medel-zoom = Eowyn + Eomer (or a maiden, if circumstances allow) Minas Mor-go = Witch King + Ring Wraith #4 (s/he always gets left out) Minas Taxi = Denethor + Faramir

Okay folks, Discuss away!


Caranlondien 04-07-2006 10:46 AM

Oh, excellent game idea!

To clarify, is the concept that there are two players per vehicle (a driver and a passenger)? So, for example, Saruman and Wormtongue would PM to decide how to respond to the challenge, with Saruman having final say, as the "driver"?

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 10:48 AM

Quite right, Caranlondien. :)
That way there can be more players. 14 instead of 7.

The way I see it is that there will be an initial challenge, "get away from the Lonely mountain" and the driver and assistant will discuss which way to go: North, South, East or West. This they can decide after each challenge they are set.

Farael 04-07-2006 10:56 AM

Hmmmm sounds interesting... recruiting already? If you are, I'm definitely in!!! And I call dibs on Medel-zoom :D Just wait 'till I go on a Theoden-like rant :D

The only thing is.... who will decide which player(s) win each challenge?

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 11:14 AM

Well, I've thought about this and Nilp will correct me if he has a better idea...

A general challenge will be set to all, along the lines of "There is a hole in the ground" or "its raining and the ground is slippery" and each must use their surroundings and wit to get past them. They will all, hopefully. get past them and move on, but on this thread people can vote for the winner based on wit, quick thinking and imagination. Voting* will be by any players (can't vote for selves) and when someone wins Nilp or I will move them on further than the others.

* Like WW, ++ Vehicle.

Caranlondien 04-07-2006 11:21 AM

For the voting, maybe to avoid tricky situations (where a player might cast a throwaway vote to avoid being beaten) the votes should be PM-ed to the moderator. If people want to see the votes, the mod could always post them later.

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 11:31 AM


For the voting, maybe to avoid tricky situations (where a player might cast a throwaway vote to avoid being beaten) the votes should be PM-ed to the moderator. If people want to see the votes, the mod could always post them later.
Good idea.

Oh, by the way...

If you want to use the icons I posted up thar, you can. The idea I had was to make it obvious what car you were driving... For example:


Originally Posted by Erm... That guy! Mount Zoom

Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah,Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah,Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah, Blah blah, blah.

Also, I'll update the map after each challenge so people can keep track.

Incidentally, I'll be playing as Dwarfy the Dwarf, commentating and giving challenges. Nilp will probably end up doing the same unless he wants to play a role.

Maeggaladiel 04-07-2006 11:53 AM

If you're accepting players already, I'd love to give it a try!

[EDIT] Every time I edit my post or refresh the page, Hookbil's got more "blah's" in that quote box of his. :D

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 11:56 AM


If you're accepting players already, I'd love to give it a try!

[EDIT] Every time I edit my post or refresh the page, Hookbil's got more "blah's" in that quote box of his
Yup. I'll add your name to the list. Oh, and I was adding more "blah's"... To make it look better. :D

When we have 14 players I'll assign you your vehicles. If you wish specifically to be a driver or assistant, do say.

Valier 04-07-2006 12:26 PM

Oh I am so in!!! But why may I ask are there no female drivers? I would like to be a girl in a carriage or something. Eowyn and a maiden perhaps? :D

Any Thoughts?:p

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Valier
Oh I am so in!!! But why may I ask are there no female drivers? I would like to be a girl in a carriage or something. Eowyn and a maiden perhaps? :D

Any Thoughts?:p

Hm. Good point. I think we should then replace Théoden with Eowyn on Medel-zoom. Nazgûl #4 can be female, as can the Orc. Anyone got any ideas?

Meneltarmacil 04-07-2006 12:31 PM

I suppose I could drive something... though I'm not going to be able to post during the time frame from Thursday to maybe mid-Sunday of next week.

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil
I suppose I could drive something... though I'm not going to be able to post during the time frame from Thursday to maybe mid-Sunday of next week.

Don't worry. We need to wait for another 9 players before we can even start.

Formendacil 04-07-2006 01:04 PM

Dibs on Denethor and Minas Tirith!

Sounds really interesting, Hookbill and Nilp (and I by interesting I mean wacky and insanity's illegitimate child...). Sign me up!

Formendacil 04-07-2006 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
Quite right, Caranlondien. :)
That way there can be more players. 14 instead of 7.

The way I see it is that there will be an initial challenge, "get away from the Lonely mountain" and the driver and assistant will discuss which way to go: North, South, East or West. This they can decide after each challenge they are set.

QUESTION: Will this Driver/Assistant discussion be on the thread? And, after the discussion is the Driver (or the Assistant) supposed to write it up rather RPesque?

Gurthang 04-07-2006 01:10 PM

I think I might give it a try. :D Although, I am wondering, if all the drivers choose different directions, will they all still have the same challenges?

Also, how long do you think this will last? Two weeks, two months... two years?

Oh, and because of my likely lack of time, would the assistant position be any less time consuming? If so, I'd like to be there, if at all possible. Thanks. :D

dancing spawn of ungoliant 04-07-2006 01:18 PM

Sounds crazy = fun! :D I love those little icons, especially Minas Taxi.

Do you have any estimation, how time-consuming this will be? I'd love to drive or be a 'map-reader', but right now I'm not supposed to have a social life whatsoever... not even at BD.


Originally Posted by Gurthang
Oh, and because of my likely lack of time, would the assistant position be any less time consuming? If so, I'd like to be there, if at all possible.

I second that.

Caranlondien 04-07-2006 01:21 PM

I'd like to sign up... although I'm signed up for the next Werewolf, and I don't want to be greedy, so if anyone else wants my spot here, that's okay. :D

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
QUESTION: Will this Driver/Assistant discussion be on the thread? And, after the discussion is the Driver (or the Assistant) supposed to write it up rather RPesque?

Both can post if they wish. The Driver should be the 'leader', if thats the right word, and the assistant can... well... assist. This way they can have converse and have a much more amusing time... I would hope.
The driver and assistant should discuss the course of action in the thread itself. Here is an example.

********* : There is a hole in the road! assistant: Perhaps we could build a ramp? : It'd need to be a bleeding big one. Perhaps we can send a message to Gwihir? He mau carry us. assistant: I don't think they are strong enough.


And so on.


Originally Posted by spawn
Do you have any estimation, how time-consuming this will be? I'd love to drive or be a 'map-reader', but right now I'm not supposed to have a social life whatsoever... not even at BD.

Oooh, I don't know. Not as much as a WW game. It's not THAT serious. I would like to see how long it takes people to get past the first obstacle and go from there. I'd hazard a guess at saying around 4 days for each challenge (considering time differences and all that jazz). No idea of how many challenges there will be. Nilp and I will discuss it. We shall see, is all.

The idea is to figure out a good way of going about the challenges. If you wish, you can plan your course of action via PM and make a more RP style post. Which would be preferable. The example above is a little short, but its just to give an idea. The discussions should be lengthy.

Caranlondien: you are now listed. :)

Formendacil 04-07-2006 01:40 PM

Thanks for the reply, Hookbill.

So, Spawn...

You like Minas Tirith, and you want to be an assistant. Want to be my Faramir?

(Provided, of course, that Nilp doesn't swear everlasting revenge on me... But he IS the moderator....)

Glirdan 04-07-2006 01:45 PM

Ooo!!! This sounds interesting!! I'm in! As for where I'd like to about you choose for me...I can't decide....

Valier 04-07-2006 01:48 PM

I would like to be an assistant for someone. I have final exams soon so I will have somewhat limited time, but enough to converse and come up with some wacky plans.:D

Hookbill the Goomba 04-07-2006 02:04 PM

Right, hopefully Nilp will be posting while I sleep. (Its getting dark round here)

But here is what I have so far:


Caranlondien = ____ Passenger

Farael = Medel-zoom - Driver

Maeggaladiel = ________

Valier = Medel Zoom - passenger

Meneltarmacil = ________

Formendacil = Minas Taxi - Driver

Gurthang = ______ passenger

dancing spawn of ungoliant = Minas Taxi - passenger

Valier 04-07-2006 02:17 PM

So it looks like Farael you will be the driver and I am the passenger for Medel-zoom right? Do you care to be Eomer or a fair maiden?:p :D

Glirdan 04-07-2006 02:54 PM

I'll be a passenger in something if there's room.

Maeggaladiel 04-07-2006 11:19 PM

Well, I took a look at Hookbill's latest list, and it seems like we've got a bunch of passengers but a few drivers. I'll apply for a driving position, then.

I'd like to play as either Saruman or Sauron, whichever the mods prefer.

Alcarillo 04-07-2006 11:52 PM

I am sorely tempted to join this race in spite of schoolwork. Count me in.

Gurthang, would you like to team up with me, maybe on Minas Mor-Go?

Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Maeggaladiel
Well, I took a look at Hookbill's latest list, and it seems like we've got a bunch of passengers but a few drivers. I'll apply for a driving position, then.

I'd like to play as either Saruman or Sauron, whichever the mods prefer.


Yes, we need more drivers!
We have 5 passengers and only 3 drivers!

So far:


Caranlondien = No vehicle yet

Valier = Medel-Zoom

Gurthang = Minas Mor-go

spawn = Minas Taxi

Glirdan = No vehicle yet


Alcarillo = Minas Mor-go

Maeggaladiel = Mount Zoom

Formendacil = Minas Taxi

Farael = Medel-Zoom




Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 12:59 AM

So lets put it another way:

Sauron = Maeggaladiel
Mouth = Glirdan
Eowyn = Valier
Eomer = Farael

Witch King = Alcarillo
Nazgul #4 = Gurthang

Denethor = Formendacil
Faramir = Spawn

Glirdan 04-08-2006 05:42 AM

Ok, I'll be the passenger for Mount Zoom then. :D Go Mouth of Sauron!! :D :D

The Saucepan Man 04-08-2006 06:02 AM

When is this likely to be starting? I'm interested, but I will be away for most of next week, not returning until 17 April.

If timing allows me to play, I would be interested in applying for the position of Driver of the Bag-Endless-fuel vehicle. :D

Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 06:19 AM

Humm... You may have a problem there, Saucepan. I was thinking the game could start some time next week, being the holidays and all, I had guessed that more people would have time... I'll give it some thought.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 04-08-2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill

Denethor = Formendacil
Faramir = Spawn

Excellent. :)

Valier 04-08-2006 10:07 AM

uummmm Hookbill, I am not so sure Farael will want to be Eowyn, can you switch us around perhaps?:D :rolleyes:

Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 11:08 AM

Fun for the Family

Originally Posted by Valier
uummmm Hookbill, I am not so sure Farael will want to be Eowyn, can you switch us around perhaps?:D :rolleyes:

Can do. Goes to show how much attention I was paying to it. :p
It was just after I'd woken up...

So, let's recap:


Sauron = Maeggaladiel
Mouth = Glirdan
Eowyn = Valier
Théoden = Farael

Witch King = Alcarillo
Nazgul #4 = Gurthang

Denethor = Formendacil
Faramir = Spawn

Bilbo = ?
Frodo = ?

Saruman = ?
Wormtong = ?

Gothmog = ?
Orc = ?


Caranlondien and Meneltarmacil still need to decide which they want to drive. We also need four more players.

Do you still want to be a part o' the fun Saucepan?

Farael 04-08-2006 11:51 AM

No!! Not Eomer!!!
Well, actually he's not that bad... but would you kindly change me to Theoden? I want to be able to go on rants... and Valier, you better join my chant of "DEATH!!!!!" (Movie style)

Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Farael
Well, actually he's not that bad... but would you kindly change me to Theoden? I want to be able to go on rants.

Can do.

Farael 04-08-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
Can do.

Very apreciated.... by the way, will observers be able to vote? (i.e: People who are not in the race but have been reading through it)

Hookbill the Goomba 04-08-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Farael
Very apreciated.... by the way, will observers be able to vote? (i.e: People who are not in the race but have been reading through it)

This, I have given thought to. We'll probably use this thread for outside votes, but player votes must be cast by PM to Nilp or myself.
The outside voting power will go as such:

Players = 5 points

(5 or more posts on this topic) = 4 points

(3 posts on this topic) = 2 points

(first or second post) = 1 point.

That’s my initial idea. Any thoughts?

Gurthang 04-08-2006 01:22 PM

Well, I was going to say yes to being Alcarillo's passenger, but it looks like I don't even have to. And it also means I get to be a left-out Ringwraith. :D

So, what I'm wondering now is what happens after voting for each challenge? Does the team earning the lowest score get knocked out? Or are the scores not relevant until the end of the race? Or is it like on "Who's line is it anyway?" where 'the points mean nothing'? :p :D

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