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The Barrow-Wight 03-20-2004 05:12 PM

vBulletin 3.0 Gold Questions
We've upgraded to the new vBulletin 3.0 Gold version, and I'm sure there will be lots of questions. Ask them here.

The Perky Ent 03-20-2004 05:30 PM

Will it be permanent? Because quite frankly, i hate it. It completly throws off the mood that i used to have every time i got on the downs.

Also, what's with the green and blue dots by my avatar when i post?

The Barrow-Wight 03-20-2004 05:34 PM

As the announcement on every forum says, no, it will not be permanent. We are working on getting the graphics back in order. I just thought I'd open it up so people could continue to post.

Firefoot 03-20-2004 06:03 PM

Why does it say "registered user" next to some people's names instead of "Shade of Carn Dūm" or whatever their title is?

Another thing, I was posting in the Quotable Quotes/Quiz Room and I tried to post and got a message that said something like "you can't post because your message is under ten characters" but just before that I had posted an equally short post and didn't get that message. Does a quote not count for message length?

Diamond18 03-20-2004 06:16 PM

Personally, I really like the way it looks right now... I don't really notice that many shocking differences; just positive ones... it seems less crowded and more "open"... um... that doesn't make a lot of sense, but I suppose it doesn't matter because I'm probably the only one that's liking it right now. I like it better than the UBB and other VBulletin version. I like it that the messages cover the whole screen instead of being shoved to the right. I even like the blue lines. I hope you don't "fix" it too much.... :) The only thing I don't like is that it ate my message the first time I tried to post here. Oh well.

What is the difference between Guided Mode and Enhanced Mode? I don't noticed a change toggling between the two.

Vuelve 03-20-2004 07:47 PM

What the heck! I just got used to using the forum after the last upgrade. Now I'm all lost again.I was just here earlier and everything was fine; this is well quite shocking to say the least.Hope your iron out the graphics because right now (please don't kill me) it looks like crap.I'm not a big fan of the blue lines.Right now Its rather intimidating.I'm afraid to do anything; it looks like it could blow up or something.

Sorry for my rant,

Eruwen 03-20-2004 08:08 PM

I personally like the changes. It's different, yes, but I will get used to it like I had to when the Downs first switched to V Bulletin. I like how you can switch the look of the threads to whatever form you want.

But I do have a question. In my profile, it gives a link that says "Event Reminders". When I clicked on it, it said that I didn't have any. But how do I add events to the list?

I am also quite interested in what Firefoot asked about the titles under your name as well. I was growing quite used to being a "Shade". I've been one so long that I have grown quite fond of the title. Is it ever going to return?

Everdawn 03-20-2004 08:21 PM


I was growing quite used to being a "Shade". I've been one so long that I have grown quite fond of the title. Is it ever going to return?
Yes, I too have become very fond of my "shadeness", It seems to be the only one which isnt working.

The Barrow-Wight 03-20-2004 09:36 PM

User Ranks
The user ranks (ie. Pile O'Bones, Haunting Spirit, etc.) have been reactivated. The upgrade didn't transfer those correctly, but we've fixed it.

*edit* Hmmmm.. Now I see both Titles and Ranks. The idea was to have Titles replace Ranks. Back to the drawing board.

mark12_30 03-20-2004 10:41 PM

Love It
This new wide-screen format (text not indented) is **fabulous**. I hope it survives the graphics cleanup...?

And I was thrilled to see:
Users online (again! a-thread-stalking we will go)
Email Notification for a reply inluding the text of the reply.

**purrs contentedly**

mark12_30 03-20-2004 10:53 PM

Can a normal user input the mouse-over popup which describes the link in question? :cool:

The Perky Ent 03-20-2004 11:32 PM

Chost Prince of Cardolan
Um...Wight...if the title thingie is fixed, Why does it give your title: Wraith of Angmar and your post statue: Ghost Prince of Cardolan

Also, why is the Ghost spelled Chost? Someting is wrong....very wrong!

Imladris 03-21-2004 01:21 AM

How do you reply to a PM because for the life of me I can't figure it out, so I have to do it the long way and just craft an entirely new PM. Am I just being blind?

piosenniel 03-21-2004 01:30 AM


You aren't blind! :)

It only took me 1/2 an hour to figure the darned thing out.

At the bottom, right, of the opened PM you're reading are 2 choices:

the first is 'Forward'; the second, 'Quote'.

Choose 'Quote' to make your reply.

~*~ Pio

Gorwingel 03-21-2004 01:41 AM

Oh my Gosh! :eek: I hate the look of this version!
It just seems so unorganized, and messy. This has to be my least favorite of all the versions of the Barrow-Downs (I actually thought that the last one was pretty good, except for the whole having to adjust the size of your avatars yourself).

LePetitChoux 03-21-2004 07:09 AM

I actually really really like this one. I mean, now you can see the thread name for "last posted" in each forum from themain page, the user CP is a lot easier to use and its all very logical..
I have a question... I foolishly got rid of my avatar, and now I don't actually have a little "choose avatar" box. Hm... :confused:

Vuelve 03-21-2004 01:01 PM


And I was thrilled to see:
Users online (again! a-thread-stalking we will go)

It's gonna take some getting used to but I think I might manage it. I apoligize for my previous rant, but it was a little scary.I still don't have my "Haunting Spirit" title, but I will manage.(Accually I'm quite ready for a change, but I don't know how many posts I have to have to "move on up" to a new title on the Downs.)

Btw as questioned before, what is the difference between Guilded and Enhanced mode??

Peace, I'm sure I'll have more Questions later,

EDIT: LePetitChoux To edit avatar click on user CP. On the left hand side there are your profile opitions.Click on Edit Avatar.

Orofaniel 03-21-2004 02:08 PM

I think it's pretty:D

Just wondering about something. On my profile, it says: "orofaniel is not a member of any public groups." (Or something like that)

What is a public group? :rolleyes:

Carlas 03-21-2004 02:14 PM

Once again I leave for only a few days, and return to find the site changed! :eek:I'm sure I'll get used to it quick, but one question- In the Folder Controls there is a bar with three colours: red, orange, and green. What exactly is it for?

Firefoot 03-21-2004 02:24 PM

Vuelve - technically you are a Wight now.

But my question is about the Search. I was trying, but it said there were no matches and I should try some different terms. So then I searched "Frodo" in all open forums, entire post, with no other restrictions, figuring that would be common enough to get some results, but I got the same message. What is wrong with the Search?

Sharkū 03-21-2004 03:04 PM

Guided Mode and Enhanced Mode
Guided Mode pops up a box when you click a button asking what you want to be input in that style. Enhanced Mode simply inserts an opening tag, you do your typing, then click the button again and a closing tag is inserted.
Highlighting the text to modify and then clicking on the button is available in both modes.

User groups are mainly one way to handle permissions and privileges. They are not implemented as we have been handling this otherwise, but there could well be a group 'Canon Forum' of users who have access to the private canon forum.

Can a normal user input the mouse-over popup which describes the link in question
The hover-message is actually a preview of the beginning of the first post.

Private Message Coloured Status Bar
From what I can tell, the bar represents PMs in your inbox (red), sent items (yellow), and free space (green), giving a graphical representation of the space occupied and available.

The Barrow-Wight 03-21-2004 03:36 PM

I am re-indexing the search database now, and that usually takes several hours. This may slow the forum down a little now and then, but when it is finsihed, the search function should work correctly again.

piosenniel 03-21-2004 03:58 PM

Using the Private Calendar
When I try to add an event to my Private Calendar, I get this message:


piosenniel, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Please advise as I do like to use the Calendar function.

~*~ Pio

Sharkū 03-21-2004 04:43 PM

Calendars and Reminders
By clicking on CALENDAR at the top task bar you access the forums public calendar. This contains the birthdays of users who entered their date in their profile, and anything administration might consider important.

You can access your private calendar by selecting Private instead of Public on the Calendar Jump dropdown on the bottom right and hitting GO.
There you can add private events which only you can access, because the private calendars depend on the user name. After you've added an event, you can select 'Add reminder for this event' on the following screen.

piosenniel 03-21-2004 04:56 PM

I can view my Private Calendar with the events I've already added, but when I click on (still under my Private Calendar and logged in as piosenniel):

Add an Event

and try to add any of the following:

Single, All Day Event
Ranged Event
Recurring Event

I get this message:


piosenniel, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Also - once an Event is placed on the Private Calendar - is it possible to Delete it so that it can be moved to another date?

Eruanna 03-21-2004 05:44 PM

I like it!
Very clear and easy to read. I also like the log in at the top of the page, definitely an improvement :cool:
It will be interesting to see if there are more changes the next time that I visit.

Sharkū 03-21-2004 06:04 PM

Editing Calendar Events
After you've entered a date into your private calendar (see above), you can bring up the event's overview by clicking on it. You can see the description you entered, request a reminder for the event, and edit or delete the event under Event options.

Adding events to your private calendar is allowed for all users. This is how it is set, and I have verified it by creating a test account and editing its calendar.

Vuelve 03-21-2004 06:11 PM


Vuelve - technically you are a Wight now.
Yay!!!!I'm a Wight!!!Thats the first thing I'm gonna tell my friends at school tomorrow. :cool:
Ahem Is there anyway you can make the bold,Itallic,underline,alignment etc.... graphics easier to see??They get rather lost on the black background.


The Saucepan Man 03-21-2004 07:00 PM

Looks good - and getting better by the minute ...
Some great new functions. Particularly welcome is the fact that Quotes, Italicised words etc now get placed where the cursor is in a reply message, rather than at the end as they did previously. That's going to save a lot of cutting and pasting ...

One slight problem I've noticed. Deleted posts now appear on a thread as .. well ... deleted posts, whereas before they were simply deleted never to be seen again. Is there any way to change this, as they are cluttering up a few threads in the Quiz Room?

Also, is there still an issue with posting messages under 10 words, as this could cause problems in the Quiz and Quotes Rooms where messages are often only a few words (Yes that's correct etc)?

Otherwise, the changes all seem to me to be for the better. :)

Liriodendron 03-21-2004 08:11 PM

Wild and crazy! I'm fine. (since I figured out how to find the new posts) I don't know what half the stuff is, just like my computer. :D Still....It looks good and will be fun to play around with for awhile! :)

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-21-2004 11:16 PM

What a way to wake up!
The forum looks way better. Especially the quotes. :)

Well...I have some rants.

~ The message icons are at the bottom of the text area. Hard to reach.

~ Those tool-thingies, italics and stuff. Hard to determine. Hard to see, even.

Well, that's it, then. But, even if these weren't addressed, I'd get used, then forget I ever ranted about them.

Now, let's look at the source code...could learn a lot more about HTML here...

->Elenrod the Golden...I think...

Mariska Greenleaf 03-22-2004 04:42 AM

Again, I was lost the first couple of minutes, just like I was the last time it changed...
But it seems quite allright now.
It looks a bit messy if you ask me, but I don't see anymore of these strange chinese marks, so that's an improvement...

HerenIstarion 03-22-2004 08:02 AM

Is it the final version I'm looking at right now? For it will be a shame to confess if it the said hateful temporal thing, but I do like the look of it, with all those neat frames around posts and what-not :)

Mister Underhill 03-22-2004 09:20 AM


Saucepan: One slight problem I've noticed. Deleted posts now appear on a thread as .. well ... deleted posts, whereas before they were simply deleted never to be seen again. Is there any way to change this, as they are cluttering up a few threads in the Quiz Room?
If I’m not mistaken, the deleted post/thread notices are available only to mods. There is “delete post” and there is “physically remove post”. Only the latter actually 86-es the post from the database, while the former may be restored.

piosenniel 03-22-2004 10:08 AM


I sent you a PM about 'Managing' a post or topic thread after you've 'Deleted' the original.

Hope it helps!

~*~ Pio

LePetitChoux 03-22-2004 03:46 PM

Aah, but (going back to my wee avatar problem) I did click on the "Edit Avatar" link and it gave me this lovely message:

Your Current Avatar

No Avatar Specified

Avatars are small graphics that are displayed under your username whenever you post.

Do not use an avatar

Note: if you have a custom avatar selecting this option will delete it.

And that, as they say, is it. No box to put in my URL, no option of uploading, nothing.

The Saucepan Man 03-22-2004 05:45 PM

Aha! All is revealed (or not ;) ). Thanks pio and Underhillo. :)

What about the lower limit to the number of words in a message, though? Is that still an issue? And, if so, is it possible to remove it (at least for the Quiz and Quotes Rooms)?

Also, what's with the green box after each member's post count telling me (when my cursor hovers over it) that they have started the path to adventure? :confused:

Firefoot 03-22-2004 06:01 PM

Saucepan Man - I think the green box is like User Ratings on UBB because under "member list" everyone has a green box under the column "reputation." And also there is a little icon that looks like a scale underneath everyone's name that if you hover the mouse over it says "Add to _____'s reputation." If you click on it you get a little thing that says (I clicked on yours):

Add to Reputation: The Saucepan Man
What do you think of The Saucepan Man's post?
I approve
I disapprove
Your comments on this post:

So my guess is it is like user rating. But "_____ has started the road to adventure" is a really weird caption.

Gorwingel 03-22-2004 07:06 PM

But about the Reputation... Where can you actually read the messages about your "reputation"? Or are they destined to stay a mystery forever?

Liriodendron 03-22-2004 07:27 PM

Actually, I think this version is VERY cool! I wish I had a lot of free time to explore. :cool: Everybody's avatars look very beautiful.

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