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Encaitare 09-02-2005 05:33 PM

Werewolf IX: the Saga Owns You and You Know It
Hail and welcome to the latest [and, hopefully, greatest] village of horrors. This is the village of Swankytown, all but a ghost town ever since the exodus of villagers with broader horizons, whom most people would probably dub “the smart ones”. And we shall see that they were indeed smart to get away, before the accursed Werecreatures fell upon the unsuspecting, provincial little village…

For this is Tol-in-Gaurhoth IX! (Or 9, if you prefer.)

The game shall be run thusly:

DAY and NIGHT shall be 24 hours in length, and 24 hours in length shall be the NIGHT and DAY. During the DAY, Villagers will vote for one of their number to lynch. During the NIGHT, Werewolves and Beorning will each choose a hapless victim to slay.

I, your humble Moderator, dwell upon the Eastern shore of the nation called the USA, and so I shall refer to the times in Eastern Standard Time. In EST, the DAY and NIGHT shall begin, alternately, at approximately 7:30 PM. For the ease of those in other time zones (and to save you from having to do any mathematics), you can simply refer to the time on my posts, translated into whatever your local time is.

The game shall end when either the three Wolves and the Beorning are killed, or when the Wolf to Villager ratio is equal. Let us hope that it does not come to this, O Swankytowners!

Remember to stay invisible!


The roles in the village of Swankyton are as follows:

Ordinary Villagers: The so-called “ordos” shall converse during the DAY and vote for someone to lynch. Hopefully, they can hold their own against the evil creatures.

Werewolves: Wolves communicate at NIGHT and only at NIGHT to choose one victim, and then PM their choice to the Mod. The clever fiends do their best to evade suspicion during the DAY.

Black Beorning: The Beorning turns into a bear and chooses one victim per NIGHT to kill. This player wins if s/he is the ONLY surviving Villager.

Hunter: The Hunter makes a choice of another Villager each NIGHT to take down with him if s/he is slain or lynched.

Ranger: The Ranger chooses one Villager each NIGHT to protect from Wolf attacks. S/he cannot protect against Bear attacks.

Seer: The Seer chooses one Villager each NIGHT to dream about. It shall then be revealed to the Seer who/what that Villager is. The exception is the Cobbler, who appears to be an Ordo.

Cobbler: The Cobbler despises his/her pitiful existence. S/he wants you all to die, and the Wolves or Bear to win. (You all must have ostracized the poor Cobbler to Sammath Naur and back to make him/her so bitter!) S/he will do anything within his/her limited power to confuse the Villagers and so ensure a Werewolf victory, including letting him/herself be lynched. S/he does not know who the Wolves are. The Cobbler appears to be an innocent villager to the Seer.

Shirriffs: The Shirriffs go back a long way, and therefore know that each other is innocent. They PM by DAY to discuss strategies and suspicions. There are two Shirriffs.


Other stuff:

Votes are irrevocable, and must be cast like this:


Multiple lynching is allowed, but remember that it is a strategy which should be used sparingly, if at all.

Let us know if you will be absent by posting on the original Tol-in-Gaurhoth thread. Otherwise, please refrain from posting on that thread, whether you are dead or not.


These are our players (I have made up occupations for a couple of people who did not give one):

1. Folwren - blacksmith
2. Shelob - student of the Ancient and Long-Dead Gadian Language; a llama famer on the side
3. Holbytlass - seller of "zoo-doo" fertilizer
4. the guy who be short - politician
5. Meneltarmacil - zookeeper
6. WaynetheGoblin - dentist
7. wilwarin538 - tailor
8. Alcarillo - mayor
9. Durelin - Mistress of 1337
10. Saucepan Man - mushroom harvester
11. Kath - gardener
12. the phantom - apothecary
13. Azaelia of Willowbottom - flower-selling lass
14. Cailín - constant crocheter
15. Nilpaurion Felagund – irritatingly deep-thinking philosopher
16. Kitanna – cable tech (aka the obligatory anachronism)
17. mormegil - merchant
18. Gil-Galad - lawyer, has a pet bird
19. SamwiseGamgee - philosophical badger farmer
20. Glirdan - cheese seller
21. Bergil - very bad carpenter

And I, Encaitare the aspiring writer.

There are:

3 Werewolves
2 Shirriffs (who may reveal themselves if they deem the time to be right)
1 Black Beorning
1 Cobbler
1 Seer
1 Hunter
1 Ranger
11 Ordinary Villagers

It is now NIGHT one. DAY one will commence in 24 hours. I've already got a name from our Seer, so no worries about that. Wolves may PM; Shirriffs may not.

Encaitare 09-03-2005 05:26 PM

DAY 1 begins...
A pale sun rose over the near-abandoned village of Swankytown. An eerie mist had descended, settling upon the rooftops and making the villagers, who were just getting out of bed, feel vaguely uneasy and wonder if maybe they ought to go back to sleep. The village square was abandoned in the morning’s early hours; a tumbleweed rolled halfway across it before realizing that this was not the Old West.

Gradually, the villagers left their homes, opening their dilapidated shops and socializing in the square.

WaynetheGoblin admired his new dental tools, including a wicked-looking pair of tongs that Folwren had forged for him.

With a sly nod, The Saucepan Man sold some ‘medicinal’ mushrooms to the phantom.

“600|) |\/|0|2|\|!|\|6,” Durelin said to Shelob. “’Tai,” Shelob responded. Neither understood a word the other said.

Glirdan fed a piece of cheese to Gil-Galad’s pet bird; the bird’s beak got stuck and Gil threatened to press charges.

Holbytlass tried to sell some of her “zoo-doo” to Kath at the same time that Azaelia of Willowbottom tried to sell Kath some flowers. “I’m a gardener!” Kath admonished. “I’ve plenty of my own flowers!”

Azaelia had more luck with Wilwarin538, who bought a carnation to place in the buttonhole of a suit she’d just finished.

Alcarillo and the guy who be short glared at each other from opposite sides of the street, trying very hard not to blink. Cailin kindly crocheted some blindfolds so they wouldn't have to look at each other.

Meneltarmacil eyed the lopsided animal cages Bergil had made, and wondered if they’d hold much longer.

Nilpaurion Felagund tried to philosophize with Kitanna, but she was too confused by the lack of TVs to repair to listen to him.

And Mormegil was doing whatever it is that merchants do early in the morning.

But by ten o’clock they realized that one of their number was absent. Where was Encaitare, the writer?

“She said she’d let me read the first draft of that novel of hers this morning,” one of them said.

“I bet she got caught up in her bizarre stories and forgot she had an appointment,” another suggested. “Let’s go snap her out of it.”

They all decided to go down to her house and see if everything was alright – they really had nothing better to do, anyway. Plus, there had been mysterious howling almost every night for the past week from the woods which bordered Swankytown.

Encaitare’s home was silent, but they found that the door was unlocked. They let themselves in.

Inside, a gruesome sight accosted their eyes. Encaitare was on the floor, impaled all over with her quill pens, which through a display of capillary action which would have impressed any geek, were stained with her blood halfway up their length. Several pages from her manuscript lay scattered around her body; one was pinned to her chest with a particularly large quill. Gingerly, one of the villagers removed it – the words were written in browned blood. The villager read it aloud:

Dear Village of Swankytown,
Looks like Encaitare’s tale has come to its conclusion. Don’t get too upset over the manuscript. It was pretty lousy.
The Werewolves

The villagers were horrified, so they hurried out of the house. Next door was Kath’s home, and they noticed that her side garden was looking oddly trampled.

“My magnolias!” Kath cried. “My petunias! My sweet honeysuckles! They’ve been squashed!” She peered at the curious footprints.

“What could have made those huge prints?” the villagers wondered. They followed the tracks to Shelob’s house, where they nearly tripped over a mutilated llama.

Thunder crashed as Shelob looked at her fallen pet in disbelief. Rain began to pour. She dropped to her knees and raised her face to the sky, arms outstretched. She shrieked something in the Ancient and Long-Dead Gadian Language: “Jeeeyyyyyyyy!!!!! Ved ko???”

“Huh?” the villagers asked, miffed that they were both getting very wet and ignorant as to what she was saying.

“Noooooo!!!” Shelob translated. “Why? Why?”

“It’s a bear!” they realized. “There’s a bear on the loose, too!”

“Whyyyyyy???????” Shelob continued to moan.

“Because,” they grumbled. “Forget the stupid llama. Let’s get to finding these horrid werecreatures.”


The Deceased:

Encaitare (Moderator) - Stuck full of quills by Wolves on NIGHT 1
Llama (Mammal) - Mauled into oblivion by Black Beorning on NIGHT 1

It is now DAY 1. Werewolves may not PM; Shirriffs may. 24 hours until NIGHT falls, so use the hours well: start talkin'!

[Reminder: don't edit your posts more than to correct little things like spelling or bolding names. If you have something more to say, don't be afraid to double-post.]

mormegil 09-03-2005 05:51 PM

My Wares
I've just the things for this situation. I've just aquired recently some charms that are sure to keep away those pesky Were creatures. Now that demand has gone up due to recent events I would like to double the price. If charms are not your thing I've got enough weapons to help defend yourself. Let me know what you want and it's yours.

Holbytlass 09-03-2005 05:54 PM

What a shame, Enca wasn't much a customer but she and her stories will be missed, especially the scandals about the politicians. And that poor llama, one less supplier for my business.

Alcarillo 09-03-2005 05:57 PM

Alas! My poor village of Swankytown is infested by werewolves! If re-elected I promise to take measures that will ensure that such a tragedy will never happen again in our village. Maybe I should outlaw pointy quills.

And remember to re-elect me, Alcarillo, as mayor of Swankytown!

Alcarillo 09-03-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Holbytlass
especially the scandals about the politicians.

Pure lies. Except for those about tgwbs.

WaynetheGoblin 09-03-2005 06:30 PM

My teeth will never be the same now that we lost someone.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-03-2005 06:46 PM

What a terrible loss...Enca was always happy to buy a flower or two from me, no matter how wilted they were.

mormegil 09-03-2005 07:15 PM

My accusations
I've been among this town for only a short while, however I have given attention to all members of the village and I have some ideas. If I were a betting man I would say that

Wilwarin of the numbers

are all wolves and that


is the bear.

Just in being among this town I've always felt something strange about them, not least because of their strange request. They were constantly asking for raw meat and other products such as large quantities of hair care products. Had I had the presence of mind to suspect them I would have known at the time they were wolves and a bear. Well there is my judgment for the time.

Meneltarmacil 09-03-2005 07:21 PM

Well, this was a terrible tragedy for Swankytown. I remember Enca well, always used to come and watch the monkeys, somehow they seemed to to really bond with each other.

As for the wolves and bears in the zoo, I can assure you that they are fed regularly and well-taken care of, with plenty of space to move around in, and cannot get out of their pens (I don't trust Bergil's skills enough to let him build a box, let alone a pen for large carnivorous animals!).

I'll check back here later, but now I've got to go feed the boa constrictor.
*gets a cage full of white mice and heads over to the reptile house*

The Saucepan Man 09-03-2005 07:23 PM

Lawks a Lordy! Looks like we've got ourselves an outbreak of lycanthrope in this here village. I heard of a similar thing happening in another village over yonder when I was harvesting mushrooms in the area. They say that the villagers there prevailed, though many died before the fiends were vanquished, both through the creatures' night-time activities and through the lynching of poor innocent villagers.

Seems it may be time for me to move on, being as I'm itinerant an' all. Then again, this village has treated me kindly, so I feel duty bound to stay and help in this time of need. That and the fact that there are still mushrooms in these parts to be harvested.

Let all speak! Mayhaps the beasts will drop their guard and we will be able to tell who is foul and who is fair.

Who am I kidding? We are just going to have to hang whoever seems the most suspicious and keep our fingers crossed. :rolleyes:

Personally, I have four main suspects:

Menaltarmacil and

Kath's garden was clearly visited by this Werebear. Could it have come from her house? And the tracks led to Shelob's house. Is that because that is where it lives? Meneltarmacil seems far too well-acquainted with beasts of all kinds. As for Bergil, he's on my list because the shelves that he put up for me keep falling down.

Mark my words. It's those four that we should be keeping our eyes on.

Kitanna 09-03-2005 07:46 PM

Oh my! Not dear Enca, she was always such a sweet girl. And the llama, well the llama never did no harm to anyone. What sort of heartless monster would do that?

Folwren 09-03-2005 07:59 PM

Great scott...someone dead! I never thought I'd see the day. It's no wonder, though. Enca's doors don't have any proper locks. If I'd had known, I would have made her some. And if she felt threatened (one would have thought that something would have made her feel threatened if she were going to be slaughtered), she might have said something and iron could have even been put on the lower windows of her house. The possibilites of what might have been done to prevent such a murder are tremendously numorous.

And my dear Saucepan Man, I have to say that I agree with you on at least one of your suspects. I think that Menaltarmacil is the Bear.

(And I find Alcarillo rather questionable, too. What time to ask for votes! Heavens, man, one of your people just died. You didn't even mention a day of prayer or fasting...I'll warrant you didn't put the flag at half mast, either.)

Glirdan 09-03-2005 08:03 PM

Oh poor Enca! Poor, poor Enca! She was my best customer! She always came to my shop and bought the mozzerella cheese! Now my sales profits will greatly decline!

On a sidenote, please don't press charges Gil! How was I supposed to know your bird didn't like cheddar cheese? From now on, whenever you come to my shop, you get free cheese!

On another sidenote, I'll buy a sword and shield my dear mormegil.

Getting back on topic, I believe it's to early to cast any votes. We should approach this disaster with caution. We could end up lynching an innocent if we just randomly accuse people. If I had any suspicions, it would be the Saucepan Man and mormegil (don't get mad at me for that my dear old friend) due to their rashness in automatically accusing people. But as I said, I'm not casting my vote yet. Let's wait and see what the other villager's have to say about this.

Meneltarmacil 09-03-2005 08:05 PM

Well, perhaps it's best to look at the motives behind this attack. Clearly, someone wanted Enca to die. Why would somebody want that? Alcarillo's comments are interesting, perhaps he didn't want public opinion to be swayed against him and did away with her. Or maybe tgwbs wanted to make it appear that Alcarillo was incapable of protecting the town against the wolves and bear so he would fall out of favor and tgwbs would become mayor in his place.

However, it is hard to tell at this point who is a beast and who is not. My 20-sided die (we have 21, but subtracting my name gives us an even 20), useful for choosing things at random, says Alcarillo is the one we should look at, though like I said, this choice is random.

The monkeys have really been taking Enca's death hard. I'd better go try to cheer them up. Maybe a few bananas will help. *sigh* Such hard times have fallen on us lately... Why did it have to be our village?

Shelob 09-03-2005 09:53 PM

Sorry all, about coming somewhat late to the proceedings. But seeing as you all ran back to town so quick I was left alone to burry my poor Llama before it started to rot, and take it from me, that would have been a lot easier had some of you stayed to help.

To your proceedings though, it doesn't seem that I've missed all that much...Mormegil and Saucepan Man seem to be the only two with suspects for all four of the accursed beasts. Menaltarmacil, Bergil, and Alcarillo seem to be the names being thrown around the most though...and five others of us (Suacepanman, Mormegil, Myself, Kath, and Wilwarin538) have been suspected but once. At this point I'm inclined to wait and let more people have their say before settling into accusition/deduction mode. Though I would like to point out to the Pan Man that my Llamas are probably the easiest things to kill around here, the tracks just lead to Swankytown's equivalent to Fast-Food... parting question to our esteemed dentist WaynetheGoblin before I go to feed my remaining Llamas, how exactly does our loss effect your teeth, unless maybe you chipped them on something unusual last night?

the phantom 09-03-2005 10:08 PM

Hmph! Looks like this month is ruined.

I had finally saved up enough money to buy a few nice things and enjoy myself a bit, but instead I have a fair chance of being killed sometime in the next couple weeks.

My, how fortune turns.

If I had any suspicions, it would be the Saucepan Man and mormegil (don't get mad at me for that my dear old friend) due to their rashness in automatically accusing people
Though I might be inclined to have a similar gut reaction to their early finger pointing, the fact remains that we must decide on someone to lynch before the day is out, and we can't reach such a decision without a bit of finger pointing first. I don't really see anything wrong with people making guesses and speaking their mind.

For one thing, it gives us some information to work with. The more people accuse and defend, the better idea we villagers will get of who is in league with who, and who is avoiding who. Perhaps one of the culprits may even slip up? Not likely, but we can hope.

Of course, I'll probably get all upset when someone points a finger at me, so I'm not saying you can't get mad if a finger is pointed at you- but try not to use that as a basis for guilt. It is simply the way this must be done.

I'd also like to make a proposition- a deal with the devil, you might say.

Whoever the werebear is, listen carefully.

If the reports from the trackers are true, we are dealing with three werewolves and one werebear. Whoever the bear is, please realize that the wolves are your enemies just as much as we villagers are. The only way you can rule supreme is if you kill the wolves.

I would like to ask you if you could try and kill the wolves at night. Chances are you will be wrong most of the time and will end up killing an innocent (which is something you want to do anyway, so failing won't hurt your cause), but if you are trying your best then perhaps you will take at least one down. Yes, it will help us innocents, but it will help you as well.

You, as a solitary operative, will be much harder for us to find than the wolves, therefore you should fear the wolves more than us, for the wolves can kill you at night and also win the game by leveling the population. And if you think of it that way, by killing an innocent each night you are actually helping the wolves reach their population goal twice as fast.

I think it might be beneficial for you (and for us) to try and take out wolves at night to thin their ranks.

And I don't want to hear any of you people whining about me trying to cut a deal with the bear. Cutting a deal with the bear is how I'm trying to help this village. There is not much we can do against the evil that has risen against us, so we need to use every means available.

Gil-Galad 09-03-2005 11:33 PM

next thing you know my bird is going to be werewolf food!

Cailín 09-04-2005 01:52 AM


Not Enca! I never truly enjoyed her tedious stories, but still, she was always very polite... And my scarves looked ever so good on her.

I don't want to believe anyone of us could be so violent and cruel. But if I have to accuse someone, I am inclined to suspect Wilwarin538, for with her fast needlework, she's been trying to put me out of business since forever. Surely that is a clear sign of evilness.

But I don't know. *wails* And I'm scared.

I will crochet something nice for poor Enca. Let's hope she finds peace in a better place than this cursed, were-infested town.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 06:26 AM

Alas my dear friend Encaitare, she always had marvelous taste in clothing. I will indeed miss her greatly.

I've noticed people have already tossed names around, I'm not at all suspicious of those who have already suspected someone, since its such a bold move. I am more suspicious of those who have hardly said a thing, like Alcarillo, Wayne, Holbytlass and Azealia, just to name a few.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-04-2005 06:32 AM

I think perhaps we should wait until we have heard from almost everyone before we start pointing fingers...How can anyone be truly suspected until we get to know everyone? Or, barring that, at least hear from them once or twice. There are many people who haven't said anything at all yet...Surely they should get a fair say?

Kath 09-04-2005 06:47 AM

Poor Enca! She was such a lovely girl, and had promised to write me all those little signs for my flowers in that beautiful handwriting of hers. Her death was a tragedy to be sure, but so was the trampling of my garden! Now it seems that we have a bear and wolves on the loose I don't know if there's any point in trying to repair it before they go digging everything up again. I was trying all morning to at least tidy things up a bit so I apologise for my late arrival here.

Anyway it seems that there have been a lot of random accusation flying around with my name among them for my misfortune in living next to Enca. I suppose though that this is the best strategy we have at the moment to find these accursed wolves so I'll live with it and make my own. If I had to choose three people who were wolves I think I would go for:

The werebear I have no idea about. the phantom's plan for a deal with this creature does seem a good one. At least if it is trying to kill wolves it is less likely to kill the rest of us. But I fear that the creature may not agree to this plan. Still, if it doesn't we are no worse off than before (it would be difficult to imagine being any worse off actually) and if it does then it helps us. I was almost inclined to suspect the phantom for making the plan as some kind of double-bluff but after weighing it up I think it is too helpful to us to be the invention of a werecreature. Though he still merits watching.

But then, all of this is pure speculation. We have no facts and won't for a while yet.

SamwiseGamgee 09-04-2005 07:54 AM

Alas, and so doth poor Enca pass to shadow. Would that I could muse with her once more, discussing the metaphysical beauty of a badger's snout or the sollipsistic whinings of a barbershop quartet of weasels. Ah, she shall be missed as a lover misses his heart, stolen by his maiden.

But wait, what do I see: Kath accuseth me of foul, wolf shaped treachery! Oh, the outrage! Still, I shall not hold such wild accusations against her, she merely saw that I had yet to talk, forgot that today was badger milking day and so accused me. I shall let it slide.

Such first day lists are just crazy antics, fuelled by the inherit paranoia of living in a village with four murderous wretches wandering the streets by night. There is little that one can draw from them. When, however, they occur down the line of Swankytown, they should be viewed with some suspicion.

Now, Herr Phantom, you talk of striking a deal with the devil? But I put it to you, good sir, that you are in fact the devil himself, that is: the bear! *gasps from the gallery* Did you not formulate this plan to kill the wolves, thus helping yourself, and then almost fall off your seat when you realised that an audacious twist could be added: you would plead with the bear and then later in the game, when the wolves were all dead and suspicions turned on you, quote this post and say something like "Hey, why would the bear appeal to himself? Don't waste my time!" And then we'd all spank ourselves for being so insolent as to even suspect the phantom. I look forward to your reply.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 08:15 AM

the phantom's plan at first seemed really were creature-ish if you ask me. But I think he is just thinking o this plan for the benefit of the village. I have no suspicion of the phantom at all.

I am now more suspicious Wayne. As Shelob said:


how exactly does our loss effect your teeth, unless maybe you chipped them on something unusual last night?
Please Wayne, explain yourself.

My main suspicons lie on Wayne now. I am truly sorry for ever suspecting you mormegil my friend. Even though you ahve only been here I short time, it feels like I've known you for ever. And my apologies to you as well Saucepan Man.

Durelin 09-04-2005 08:20 AM

! pwn j00
0/\/\|=6! /\/07 3/\/(4!

*whirling her dark cloak, she jumped down from somewhere above all with a z0r*

\/\/3|23\/\/01\/35 =

The Saucepan Man
Azaelia of Willowbottom

Because I have seen them associated with bad numbers (see poor Enca's second to last words)... Saucie most certainly is 'lo'...Cailín is definitely 'la'...and Azaelia has recently been seen as 'le'. Mysterious that these be so closely related, pinned as strange a trio by numbers....

And as for teh w3r3b3ar...the guy who be short, the one so closely associated with 'a'....

the phantom 09-04-2005 08:29 AM


Now, Herr Phantom, you talk of striking a deal with the devil? But I put it to you, good sir, that you are in fact the devil himself, that is: the bear!
Don't be silly. As you are aware, I am a very logical person. No matter what I am, werewolf, werebear, or villager, you can bet that anything I do is meant to help myself in a logical fashion. And my proposition to the werebear would be incredibly illogical if I was indeed the werebear.

The fact is, because the werebear has no teammates, he/she does not care who dies in each round of voting and such, therefore it is nearly impossible to spot the werebear based on votes. Because of this, the werebear will blend in with everyone else, and there is no way to stop him/her from doing this. It is obviously the safest way for the werebear to behave.

The moment I tried to make a deal with the bear, I KNEW someone would accuse me of pulling a double bluff. My deal calls attention to me- it draws a line between the werebear and I. There is NO WAY the actual werebear would do something like this.

There is no reason for the bear to "bluff" or "double bluff". There is no advantage to be gained. All the werebear has to do is play like everyone else. It would be stupid of him/her to come out and draw attention to himself/herself- even in an attempted double bluff. The risk is not worth it.

What I have done makes it much more likely that the seer will dream of me tonight- something that the bear would want to avoid at all costs.

The fact is, if I was the bear, I would not have been stupid enough to link myself to the bear. It is not logical. And I'm slightly upset that you would think that I am truly that stupid.

I am more suspicious of those who have hardly said a thing
I agree with this point, Wilwa.

If we are going to randomly kill someone, it makes sense (to me anyway) to kill someone quiet.

I say this because loud people always give you information to work with. Everyone knows that I am going to say plenty. The Saucepan Man and mormegil are also known for being extremely outspoken. This means that we are going to provide you with evidence to use either for us or against us. You will have an idea of where we stand.

That is not true of the quiet folk, which is why they are dangerous. They give us no information to base our accusations on.

When in doubt, lynch someone who you think won't say all that much. I know it seems pretty mean- but no matter who we lynch it'll be pretty mean since we obviously have no suspects at this time.

I have to be going, but I will be back towards the end of the day to help wrap things up.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 09:34 AM


I am more suspicious of those who have hardly said a thing, like Alcarillo, Wayne, Holbytlass and Azealia, just to name a few.
One of the reasons why suspect Wayne. And because of his teeth comment. You have some explaing to do! Better be a good reason there Wayne, or you could be in big trouble. But we still haven't heard anything from others, like Gil (not a whole lot anyway) and Bergil. And I'm not voting for anybody until we've heard from them.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-04-2005 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Durelin

The Saucepan Man
Azaelia of Willowbottom

Because I have seen them associated with bad numbers (see poor Enca's second to last words)... Saucie most certainly is 'lo'...Cailín is definitely 'la'...and Azaelia has recently been seen as 'le'. Mysterious that these be so closely related, pinned as strange a trio by numbers....

I'm afraid I am missing something important..."lo, la, le"? Clarification, please?

I would also like to know why suspicion is falling on me, when there are others who have yet even to speak? Of course, I understand that fingers must be pointed almost randomly, since we have no idea who is what.
For my part, I will not voice suspicion or accuse anyone until we've heard from everyone. There are still some who have yet to speak.

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 09:46 AM

I realize that some have become suspicious of me, for three reasons:

1. "Unsympatheticness" to Enca's death.
2. Menel's 20-sided die.
3. I have not said much.

The first two of these don't hold much merit. The first is simply explained by being in character. The last, the only one that seems sensible, can be explained by some people having to sleep. ;)

Who do I think are the wolves? Like the rest of you I will put forth nearly random lists, based mostly on occupations and such:

1. WaynetheDentist

That tooth comment was a little too wierd.

2. Morm

He's always travelling between the villages. Who knows if those were his previous victims?

3. tgwbs!

Because I want to be mayor for another term.

Although we should all wait to hear what they have to say before we cast votes. Like I said, this is a pretty random-ish list. I also think Menel might've unleashed a bear upon the village. Or it might be Bergil's fault, making faulty cages. Who puts animals in cages of wood? Use iron! And I like the phantom's bargain with the bear. It gets rid of those werewolves more quickly!

Kitanna 09-04-2005 09:48 AM

I'm trying to decide if Wayne's teeth comment was just to be funny or if he's trying to throw us off. Either way it's quite annoying.

Others have been saying they suspect SpM and morm. At the moment I find no reason to truly suspect them. Pulling out a group of names is just a way to start. Besides they're logical and can be a great help (provided they're not wolves that is).

phantom's "make a deal with the bear" is slightly odd, but I think if anything phantom would be the cobbler with that kind of idea.

What I have done makes it much more likely that the seer will dream of me tonight- something that the bear would want to avoid at all costs.
I think he may be on to something with that.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 09:54 AM


phantom's "make a deal with the bear" is slightly odd, but I think if anything phantom would be the cobbler with that kind of idea.
Come to think of it Kitanna, his comment did seem kind of Cobblerish. You might be on to something there. I think now we should be keeping an eye out on him and Wayne. And now, because of what Alcarillo said about TGWBS, I'm starting to suspect or beloved mayor. We have a few people to be keeping our eyes on.

Durelin 09-04-2005 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Flowery Lass
I'm afraid I am missing something important..."lo, la, le"? Clarification, please?

10. Saucepan Man - mushroom harvester
14. Cailín - constant crocheter
13. Azaelia of Willowbottom - flower-selling lass


I can only look at numbers, as there is little else to see...


Shelob 09-04-2005 10:19 AM


And I'm not voting for anybody until we've heard from them.
Same, unless of course it gets too close to days end for comfort and we still have heard little or none from them...

As to more recent doings, namely the Phantom's werebear plan, I don't see it as being necessarily suspicious. Kath's probably spoken the closest to how I see it; It's not enough to name the Phantom as a high suspect and it's not enough to dismiss him from the lists. Mind you, usually only death's enough to take you from the list of the suspicious, anyone still breathing has breath in them to lie.

For my own suspicions, I would still like an explanation from WaynetheGoblin before doing anything but he's definately high on my list. It doesn't ususally do to just "go with the flow", but seeing as we've no other clues beyond general opinion I would say that Meneltarmacil needs to address all the accusations towards him before I make any further choices. Though that probably goes for Bergil and a few others too. I would say that beyond those my highest suspects would be our political duo (it's possible they've taken they're typical wrangling to new lows), but that could just be a natural dislike of politicians making itself known.

Finally I would repeat the wish of many, that those who have said little speak up and give us more to work with.

Holbytlass 09-04-2005 10:31 AM

Do you know what would happen if I didn't collect everyday?!

All that has been said in the past 17 hours or so is all bunk. We all know it is throws in the dark, even if some accusation is true, it was pure luck, except what the seer has to say about one person. But it is still important bunk, to get the ball rolling.
As for myself I am most incline to believe The Phantom. While I do think he is smart for a double-bluff, I think he definitely would think of all possibilities about drawing attention to himself, especially from the seer.
And I agree to get rid of quiets first in these initial days even if I'm on the list.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 10:41 AM

Yes, the phantom is definitely smart enogh for a double-bluff, but I don't think he's a werecreature. I think he's probably the cobbler because then he wouldn't have to worry about the seer because the seer sees the cobbler as an ord. I would suspect the phantom as the cobbler than anything else. I know I for one will definetly be keeping an eye on him from now on. But Wayne is still ast the top of my list.

WaynetheGoblin 09-04-2005 10:46 AM

I do know now that my post was very stupid. I will not post one sentence post. Please do not leanch me. Its my first time i want to last awhile.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 11:03 AM

Well three of the people I mentioned before(Alcrillo, Holbytlass, Zali) have all posted again, and told some of their opinions, so my suspicion of them has lestened.

Wayne, my dear brother, has posted again but still little was said. All I can say is I know how much he wants to play so I'm willing to give him another chance to say his oppinion and defend himself. But if he can not clear himself I fear I will have to vote for him. :(

Also I think what phantom has said makes a lot of sence.

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 11:13 AM

Well, the first day is mostly shots-in-the-dark. If nobody does anything suspicious I too might vote for Wayne. There is little cause to suspect him aside from the teeth comment, but of all of us who have posted he has said the least. His posts say, basically:

1. My teeth are different.

2. Please don't lynch me!

Everybody else who has posted has made some sort of contribution to the discussion and has made his or her position clear. But I shall not vote yet. Even if he is lynched and he is neither a wolf nor a bear, we don't need to worry about such uninformative posting again. True, it is always unfortunate to lynch an innocent, but he seems least valuble to the village right now.

Meneltarmacil 09-04-2005 11:20 AM

As far as the phantom's plan is concerned, I don't really see him as a furry beast because of it. He may very well be the Cobbler, or merely an innocent villager suggesting an unusual course of action. However, I notice that SamwiseGamgee was the first to accuse him of being the Bear, perhaps he is hiding something.

As for the accusations that I might be hiding a rather hairy secret of my own, Shelob, the accusations by The Saucepan Man, mormegil, and Alcarillo seem to be because of my occupation as Zookeeper and not because of anything I've said here.

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil
As far as the phantom's plan is concerned, I don't really see him as a furry beast because of it. He may very well be the Cobbler, or merely an innocent villager suggesting an unusual course of action. However, I notice that SamwiseGamgee was the first to accuse him of being the Bear, perhaps he is hiding something.

As for the accusations that I might be hiding a rather hairy secret of my own, Shelob, the accusations by The Saucepan Man, mormegil, and Alcarillo seem to be because of my occupation as Zookeeper and not because of anything I've said here.

True, true. More jest than accusation, they seemed to be to me. It was an in-character stab-in-the-dark. I had no intention of actually voting for you, of course. Of those I have accused, only Wayne is based off of some sort of evidence in his posts. The rest were basically random, based on occupations. Disregard them.

But that is an interesting point about SamwiseGamgee. It's not quite enough to get me suspicious, but he does show up on my radar now.

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