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The Might 03-16-2010 06:10 PM

The Sound of Middle-earth -> reading from LotR
I'm sick of having to learn tens of pages of chemistry stuff word by word, so I took a short break to haunt through the Downs.
As I clicked on the "Powerful Tolkien experiences" thread I immediately noticed a post by Estelyn remembering important Tolkien-related moments for her.

A quote:

Oh, and that reminds me of another special reading experience that also was shared and audible, though I was sitting at my computer alone. Back in the early days of my membership here, chatting was very much a part of the fellowship of Downers. I had read about a previous voice chat which involved people reading characters and narration aloud, and we got enough of us together, despite time zone differences (in Germany, England, and the US, Canada too, IIRC), chose passages/chapters that worked for the number of people, and distributed the roles. It was amazing to put on my headphone, open my book, and hear the voices of people I'd never met personally, speaking the words I knew and loved so well. Hearing two Brits, Rimbaud and Squatter, reading the exchange between the two wizards at Orthanc with their great accents, was wonderful and memorable!
Anyone with me on this one? ;) I think it would be wonderful to have current members get together, choose passages, and read them aloud. Now, I for example, have a rather strange accent - could do a good Orc I guess - but others surely sound lovely, and even if not reading myself I would love to just listen.

Esty sums it up very well:

I think that we often don't realize how powerful Tolkien's words are when spoken aloud. He wrote with a sense of rhythm and a poetic beauty that comes across strongest when we actually hear the story. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why audio books are so popular nowadays - but wouldn't it be even better to get people together and read to and/or with each other aloud?! I find it very interesting that the powerful experiences people have shared here take place in situations like that!

The tech party is easy, Skype allows conferences with more people for example. So... I guess if there are takers we could get this going! I'm counting on your support! :)

Inziladun 03-16-2010 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Might (Post 625516)
I think it would be wonderful to have current members get together, choose passages, and read them aloud. Now, I for example, have a rather strange accent - could do a good Orc I guess - but others surely sound lovely, and even if not reading myself I would love to just listen.

I would absolutely love to do this. I confess to being quite ignorant about the technical aspects, however. I've never used Skype, and I don't even have a mic on my computer at the moment.

The Might 03-16-2010 08:59 PM

Using Skype is very easy. I can post a tutorial once enough people are interested.
A mic is however necessary, but they are really cheap these days.

starofthedunedain 03-16-2010 11:21 PM

I'd love to do something like that. Would we go through the books or just choose selections? I think it'd be fun to go through the whole thing, although that might take a long time.

Estelyn Telcontar 03-17-2010 02:29 AM

Great minds, TM! Tolkien Reading Day is coming up soon, and I've posted a thread about possible ways to experience reading aloud together. Perhaps enough people can get together virtually to read next Thursday, or if that doesn't work well, the weekend right afterwards could be an opportunity.

A tutorial sounds like a great idea, but first it would be good to collect participants and find a time that will work for most of them despite time zones (including daylight time in North America). Go for it - and please share your experience afterwards!

(By the way, I'm moving this thread to the Novices and Newcomers forum, where it will reach a maximum of interested readers.)

Inziladun 03-17-2010 08:00 AM

I've now laid my hands on a mic.
It would be fun to do the whole book, but time constraints might indeed be an issue.

Thinlómien 03-17-2010 08:25 AM

Sounds cool! I don't have enough time to be actively arranging this, but if you decide to do this, I'd like to be in if it fits my timetables. :)

The Might 03-17-2010 08:57 AM

starofthedunedain, I think we should first choose certain passages and if it all works well we can later on think about going through the books. But first definitely just a passage.

Esty, Tolkien Reading Day fits superbly with this idea. Hopefully it will work out until next Thursday.

Before deciding on a passage, I think the number of people willing to participate needs to be determined, in order to know how many parts we can give away. I think we should try having the reading on the 25th, probably late evening for CET so that Northamericans can participate as well.

So, to speed this up, anyone interested please fill out this simple form I've just thought of:

Role: (as in what race, or character type would best suit you, in order to come up with parts people are comfortable with)
Time: (based on your schedule on the 25th next week - if you can plan ahead a bit that is, best would be based on CET to avoin confusion)

For example:
Username: The Might
Role: Male, Gondorian/Rohirr or Orc, doubt I would be a good Elf/Wizard/Dwarf
Time: no constrictions that I know of on the 25th

Criticism and improvement ideas of the planned reading or the form are of course more than welcome!
Now all we need are Downers! :Merisu:

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-17-2010 09:29 AM

Incredibly interesting idea indeed. Well, I think the only downside from my part would be that I don't have Skype on this computer, for some reason I did not want to bother myself with it and just use MSN for calling home from Finland (as it serves equally well with good connection). Well, maybe if some fellow Finnish 'Downers had it :) But let's see... maybe as for the technical part, depending how many people can do it, maybe there will be other ways how to do it...? Or whatever...

The Might 03-17-2010 12:35 PM

Well... Skype would be great because it's reliable, easy to install and use and Skype audio conferences currently support up to 25 people at a time, including the host, which is about what we would need.

Other possibilites that I am aware of are Ventrilo and TeamSpeak, both of which I've used with my gamer pals.
Ventrilo however only allows 8 people, not sure if TeamSpeak has any barriers.

Biggest problem here is that unlike with Skype where everything is directed over their servers, in Vent and TS someone needs to set up their own server. Then he needs a good connection to set it up and everyone joins in... a bit more complicated than someone adding all the other downers on Skype and then adding each of them to the audio conference.

I also don't see what downsides Skype could have.

Pitchwife 03-17-2010 01:47 PM

Great idea, TM! I haven't used Skype myself, but my wife does it all the time, chatting with her Tribal Wars friends; if I can persuade her to part with the mic for a few hours, I'd be glad to participate.

Username: Pitchwife
Role: no preferences - I'm no judge of my own accent, but I'll try my best to handle whatever you throw at me
Time: I'll probably be available from late afternoon to midnight according to my time (GMT+1), which should be six hours earlier, respectively, in CET, if I have it right. (This depends, however, on whether or not Lottie's imminent Werewolf game has started by then - I'm not much good at multitasking...)

Eönwë 03-17-2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 625553)
(This depends, however, on whether or not Lottie's imminent Werewolf game has started by then - I'm not much good at multitasking...)

"Well, I'm- SHE'S A WOLF! LYNCH HER!" :p

I need to check, what I need to do, but I might be able to join this.

The Might 03-19-2010 07:53 AM

It would be nice if more people joined in! :)

Inziladun 03-19-2010 09:08 AM

Assuming the technical, networking aspects are just a minor matter to the knowledgeable, I think I could do it. Like Pitch, the impending WW game may be a factor with me though.

User Name- Inziladun

Role(s)- Dúnedain, the Mouth of Sauron(!), Rohirrim. I'm not sure about Elves, and I probably wouldn't do well as Hobbits.

Time- 2300 GMT through about 0400, during the week. Weekends should be a bit more flexible.

mark12_30 03-19-2010 11:23 AM

Does an "I really wish I could play" count...? What an awesome idea, and I'm really jealous that real life intervenes.

Can you record it as an MP3? I would love to hear it afterwards!

Thinlómien 03-20-2010 02:30 AM

I'm slightly concerned if I can participate or not... Because if we do it late European time (and especially Finnish time as we're one hour ahead of central Europe and two of Brits) I can't probably be talking aloud in this apartment 'cos my family members tend to go to sleep early. Of course, I could possibly go to Legate's place and make him use my skype too... :cool:

Pitchwife 03-21-2010 09:23 AM

So WW LXXIV has started by now, but unless I'm miscounting, Thursday evening will fall into a Night phase, so I should be able to participate after all (provided we don't start too late - I've got to get up at 5am GMT).
Any suggestions as to what passage we should pick? Depends on how many speakers we can reckon with, of course.

Aganzir 03-22-2010 10:39 AM

Yay I think this idea sounds good! I'd also be willing to participate, but my Thursday is going to be quite busy as my last lecture ends at 6pm my time (gmt +2) and I've promised to see some friends around 9pm... So my participation depends on when you're going to do it.

Also, I use Skype on Linux and it's in some ways inferior to the Windows version as it lacks some features. I've never tried conference calls yet but I think it *should* work. And as for recording the call, is it possible to do it with the full Windows version?


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 625547)
Well, maybe if some fellow Finnish 'Downers had it

*raises hand*
Seriously though it isn't a very big deal to install it (unless your computer is so crappy it can't run one more program :p).


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 625652)
Because if we do it late European time (and especially Finnish time as we're one hour ahead of central Europe and two of Brits) I can't probably be talking aloud in this apartment

Bah we Finns can have a reading session of our own. :p

But yeah in any case, I'll post my info.
Username: Aganzir
Role: annoying females or elven men (with an accent). But basically I'm fine with anything (except singing).
Time: Thu 25th: 10-14 & 16.30-19 gmt. I don't think I'll be home early enough to join in even later... But from Friday on, I have much more time and basically all my evenings (except for Sunday) are free, so if we're going to do another take, I'm in.

The Might 03-23-2010 12:59 PM

About recording, yes, there are Skype add-ons for recording, have not used one so far, but if you we do the reading I'll install one and record the whole thing.

Hope this will work out. It appears that if we do this in the evening CET Aganzir, Lommy, Legate, Pitchwife and myself could join in.
Maybe you could make it too Inziladun.

Here's my idea, hope it sounds ok - what about a scene that also took place on the 23rd in Middle-earth?
If several people join in we could do the Host of the West marching towards the Black Gate.
If only two other persons happen to join we could do Frodo and Sam towards Mount Doom, one being the narrator.

Tell me what you think of this.

Pitchwife 03-23-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Might (Post 625933)
Here's my idea, hope it sounds ok - what about a scene that also took place on the 23rd in Middle-earth?
If several people join in we could do the Host of the West marching towards the Black Gate.
If only two other persons happen to join we could do Frodo and Sam towards Mount Doom, one being the narrator.

Tell me what you think of this.

There's not that much dialogue on the march to Morannon, IIRC. But why the 23rd, not the 25th?
Possible selections:
1.)The parley with the Mouth of Sauron. Roles: Narrator, Mouth, Gandalf, Pippin (interior monologue).
2.) The Cracks of Doom. Roles: Narrator, Frodo, Sam, Gollum.
3.) The beginning of The Steward and the King up to the fall of Barad-dûr. Roles: Narrator, the Warden, Éowyn, Faramir, Eagle (doesn't have to be a countertenor;)).
I'd favour the latter, as it has a female role for Agan or Lommy. What d'ya think?

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-23-2010 02:33 PM

If we manage to organise this, it would be brilliant :)

I will talk to Lommy at least in person tomorrow, if she does not check this thread by then (which I assume she will anyway) and I guess we may just arrange it on our end along with Aganzir.

I would be also for the latter one, as I think it's quite nice - although I would not be even that worried about female roles. I think the girls are adaptable at least :)

As for me, of the people there I would for example enjoy the Warden, but I guess anybody can do that, or I could take the Eagle, if nobody wanted him (although it's a well open role). I have nothing in principle against the others either...

The Might 03-23-2010 02:59 PM

Ok, that sounds good.
Then let's see what we come up with in the end. ;)

Eönwë 03-23-2010 03:08 PM

Depending on the time, I'd quite like to do it.

Thinlómien 03-24-2010 06:07 AM


I'm all for getting sleep Thursday-Friday night, so I'm not sure I can participate. Depends on the time, I guess, and the required arrangements.

But if I participate, I can do any role - that was quite proven a few years ago when Brinn visited Finland and we did a little clip of the scene at the gates of Moria and somehow I ended up doing Boromir and Bill the Pony. :D And besides this is just reading so it has even less importance.

So I think our prime requirement is just that we have as many roles as readers, which might be tricky because the number of readers seems to be unsure.

Aganzir 03-24-2010 04:54 PM

I'm fine with anything, but the Steward & the King part sounds good, and I'd have nothing against being Éowyn, but yeah we're adaptable. ;)

However 16.30-19 gmt is the only time I'm available tomorrow unless my plans change... I'll let you know tomorrow.

Haha Lommy I didn't know that clip still exists! :D It was nice to hear it again... and for the record, I was holding my nose while talking (I was Frodo) so I don't think I sound quite that retarded normally. :p

Inziladun 03-24-2010 05:21 PM

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do it.

Pitchwife 03-24-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 626021)
However 16.30-19 gmt is the only time I'm available tomorrow unless my plans change... I'll let you know tomorrow.

That would be fine with me. I'll probably come home 16.00-16.30 GMT.

Originally Posted by Agan
and for the record, I was holding my nose while talking (I was Frodo)

I could tell you were!

So, role-wise:
Agan - Éowyn
Legate - Warden (what a pity - I'd looked forward to you and Lommy as Faramir and Éowyn:))
The Might, Lommy (or Eönwë, if she can't?) and me - Narrator, Faramir, Eagle. You choose, I'll take what's left.

Aganzir 03-24-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 626030)
Legate - Warden (what a pity - I'd looked forward to you and Lommy as Faramir and Éowyn:))

Ewwww having heard what they sound like when they're being all cuddly, that's a disgusting thought! :D:p

'Éowyn, Éowyn, cuuute silli of Rohan, in this hour I do not believe that any darkness will endure!' And he stooped and pushed her nose.

The Might 03-24-2010 06:16 PM

I too think Legate and Lommy should do Faramir and Éowyn. :)

Anyhoo, I'd do the Warden if Legate does Faramir. If not I can take Faramir as well.
Not that awesome a reader, so I wouldn't want to take the narrator who has quite a lot to say.

Aganzir 03-25-2010 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by The Might (Post 626046)
I too think Legate and Lommy should do Faramir and Éowyn. :)

...and what would you suggest I do, then? :rolleyes:

While I'm fine with being somebody else, too, I'm not entirely fond of first being allowed to choose and then told that people would like to see somebody else in that role.

Anyway I think we could maybe take turns on being the narrator. I mean, that's a lot of text for one person. Another option is that there are two (or more) narrators, because if both Lommy and Eönwë can participate, we'll be short of one role.

Thinlómien 03-25-2010 04:59 AM

I can participate if we start at 7pm GMT at the earliest because I have work before that. But it'd be cool to be in. And if I can participate at 7, Aganzir can probably too, because we were just planning (or they were planning and I was sort of with it) to see a friend then in the evening, so maybe we can postpone meeting her a bit and have a reading session first...?

Like I said, I'm fine with any role, with the exception that if Agan is Éowyn I don't want to be Faramir. That would not be funny. :p

So yeah, I can be (half of) the narrator or the eagle, if Legate wants to be the warden, Agan Éowyn and TM possibly Faramir...? (And I can be Éowyn if you insist but if Legate wants to be Warden and Agan wants to be Éowyn, I think it's better that way. :))

If the narrator and the other people don't object, I think we can have it all read by one person, if we don't have enough people to do it otherwise. I think it's better if the characters don't have the same voices as the narrator. Speaking of which, what about lines like "said Faramir", shall we omit them, or shall the character's reader say them (the narrator saying them would be ewww-y if you ask me :D)?

So, Eönwë, can you be around?

Pitch (and Eönwë), do you have any preferences about roles?

And once more about the timetables, would you think 7pm GMT is ok? I'll try to follow this thread or at least have Legate or Aganzir inform me while I'm at work or something...

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-25-2010 06:09 AM

Exactly, the timing is good (and I believe for everybody at least of us Finns that way), I am at the university up to 4 PM GMT if I'm counting right, but free after that.

I think if we have many people, it will be the best that two people could share the narrator's post. I would still like the Warden the most of all. Honestly I don't think I would make a good Faramir.

Thinlómien 03-25-2010 07:30 AM

If we're doing this at 7pm GMT, Greenie's also going to be around and she can do any role if we need, or just amuse us by reading some poem or something. :)

Aganzir 03-25-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 626056)
we were just planning (or they were planning and I was sort of with it) to see a friend then in the evening

Apparently Lommy has agreed with her on around 8pm gmt so we two have time until then.


Like I said, I'm fine with any role, with the exception that if Agan is Éowyn I don't want to be Faramir. That would not be funny. :p
It would. Which one would you like to be?


Speaking of which, what about lines like "said Faramir", shall we omit them
I say omit them. It would be pretty silly if it was like
Agan: "Sir"
Lommy: "she said"
Agan: "I am in great unrest et cetera"

But then again if there's some description about how a person reacts to the comment (Éowyn looked at Faramir kindly or whatever), those things should be mentioned...


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 626062)
If we're doing this at 7pm GMT, Greenie's also going to be around and she can do any role if we need, or just amuse us by reading some poem or something. :)

Yay that'd be cool! :D

I'm now online and talking with Pitch on Skype, is there anyone else around? If yes feel free to add me (scavengerlikeme).

Pitchwife 03-25-2010 12:02 PM

Online too.
I'm fine with Agan being Éowyn, of course (actually, having heard her talk, I must say she'll be perfect) - the other was just an idea.
As to choice of role, I don't really have a preference - I could be one of the narrators, or the Eagle, as long as you don't expect me to sing. I'll even try my luck at Faramir, if TM should be averse to doing it and you won't mind the Steward sounding a wee bit Germanish.;)
And I'm pitchwife62 on Skype.
So where is everybody?

Aganzir 03-25-2010 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 626065)
Online too.
I'm fine with Agan being Éowyn, of course (actually, having heard her talk, I must say she'll be perfect)

Aww thanks. :)


you won't mind the Steward sounding a wee bit Germanish.
Hmm wouldn't it be funny if all the Gondorians spoke with a German accent? ;)

Aganzir 03-25-2010 01:29 PM

It's Pitch, Lommy, Greenie, Legate and me now, and we thought about starting half past (in a minute). If somebody is around NOW and would like to join, you're welcome to do so (add me: scavengerlikeme).

Sorry Might but Lommy and I can't hang around here the whole evening...

Aganzir 03-25-2010 02:01 PM

Okay we got it done now and I must say it was a lot of fun even though for me it wasn't probably as exciting as it would've been if I hadn't known anybody in advance: as it is, Pitch was the only one whose voice I hadn't heard previously.

In the end I was Éowyn, Pitch Faramir, Legate the Warden, Greenie the Eagle and Lommy the narrator (assuming I didn't get the sisters' voices mixed up), and everybody did a great job. And we didn't get it recorded because all of us are quite new to Skype and didn't bother to go through all the trouble.

I'll have to leave now, just thought I'd share this with you. :)

And we'll have to do more of these, really.

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-25-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 626068)
In the end I was Éowyn, Pitch Faramir, Legate the Warden, Greenie the Eagle and Lommy the narrator (assuming I didn't get the sisters' voices mixed up)

Yes, it was exactly like that :)

I must say it was really tremendous fun and only a pity The Might or anybody else could not join at that point, but no matter, this can be - and I am actually positive that it must be - organised someday again. It was wonderful and I definitely want to experience something like that again (with both Pitch and also some others whom I didn't have the chance to hear yet :) ). I guess this time it must have been the most interesting experience for Pitchwife, because as Agan said the rest of us all know each other, but I must say that it was interesting enough for me to hear Pitchwife's real voice, which is - as we have consequently agreed with Lommy and Greenie - very pleasant and I must say he did a very good Faramir, even considering the fact that we did not try to make any "professional" acting or anything like that.

I should say for the record that the passage we have read in the end was the first part of the chapter "The Steward and the King" in RotK, up to the point before the victorious hosts come back from Cormallen, resp. up to the sentence "And she remained there until King Éomer came."

Anyway, this was probably the best way to honor Tolkien's Reading Day - and the destruction of the Ring - and I must thank again everybody for participation. It was fun!

The Might 03-25-2010 04:24 PM

No problem, happy to see this all worked out well in the end. :D

I'm the caretaker for our student hostel for this semester unfortunately and we had some technical difficulties in our house, so I had to take care about it and could not attend.

Looking forward to next time though!

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