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Vuelve 04-13-2004 03:21 PM

If you could have.....
If you could have played one of/or been the voice of one of the characters in LOTR, who would you have been?

I would have been Galadriel. She is by far my favorite character.

Elianna 04-13-2004 03:39 PM

I would've liked to be Éowyn because then I could say those great lines "Be gone foul dwimmerlaik..." and "...Begone if you be not deathless, for either living or dark undead, I will smite you if you touch him!"...............(and I'd get to kiss Faramir!, no! bad! I didn't say that!!!)

But with my acting skills, I probably would've been stuck with Random Elf/Hobbit/Rohirric Chic #2.

dragoneyes 04-13-2004 04:12 PM

Pippin, but that would require a sex change. Ah! C'est la vie!

Knight of Gondor 04-13-2004 09:05 PM


Pippin, but that would require a sex change. Ah! C'est la vie!

I'd probably chose to be one of the nameless Dunedain. Wait, do you mean the books, or the movie? In the books, it would be the Dunedain. In the movie? Agh! Probably either Aragorn or Boromir. Faramir? That'd be a tough one.

Vuelve 04-14-2004 05:00 PM

Characters from the movie,or characters that weren't in the movie that you would have played given the oportunity.

Knight of Gondor 04-14-2004 08:18 PM

Then I suppose it would be a combination of the two. To play a brave soldier who does not get a lot of heavy focus. :)

Thorongil 04-15-2004 03:09 AM


I would've liked to be Éowyn because then I could say those great lines
That's why I would want to play Aragorn. He says a lot of good stuff too. Besides, I would be the Hero. :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-15-2004 01:07 PM

I'd want to play a guy, because they get cooler parts than the girls. The girls all have the whole "Lets stay home and take care of the house while our menfolk save the world" (with some obvious exceptions).

I'd like playing maybe Forlong, or the archers (I haven't got my book with me to remember the names) who were killed shooting out the eyes of an oliphaunt. What's better than a really cool death scene? If I got to be Forlong, I'd get to lead tons of troops to Minas Tirith, and so have an excellent introduction, and then I'd die in battle, unhorsed and completely surrounded by enemies, until I was hewn down with an axe.

Actually, I might change my mind about the girl parts, as long as if I could be Galadriel, Celeborn and I could lead our troops into Mirkwood and clear out Dol Goldur. Can you picture if they'd included that in the movies? Having the assaults on Lothlorien and then all of the Elves eventually coming out to kick some serious butt? That's possibly my favorite part of the Appendices, and its only about a paragraph long.


starkat 04-15-2004 04:05 PM

either an elf archer or someone from Rohan.

Gorwingel 04-15-2004 11:41 PM

Can I say that I wouldn't have really wanted to play a part... but actually I would have most wanted to take part in the behind the scenes action, more specifically the design of the costumes. The books are so descriptive, and give so many great details about the characters. That creating costumes that would perfectly fit them would be a dream job :D

A dream job that I would die for :cool:

But, hey, I wouldn't have to design them... I would have just sewed, or taken part in the fabric selection... I would have even just passed out the coffee.

But alas... I was much too young at the time, to take any part in any of this :(

Fingolfin II 04-16-2004 01:54 AM

I'd like to play Aragorn (not just 'cos of Arwen!) or Imrahil, because I don't think he was in the movie.

Elianna 04-17-2004 07:55 AM


Imrahil, because I don't think he was in the movie
I did see the silver swan on a blue field at Aragorn's coronation: from Aragorn's pov, to the right, behind Éowyn and Faramir. I was so happy when I saw it. I think Pete does it on purpose, makes the movies with some huge departures from the book so when we see something that should've been there all along, we're thrilled. :rolleyes:

I think I really would've liked being Random Elf Chic #2 (if I couldn't be Éowyn): she's the one behind Arwen's left shoulder when the Fellowship is leaving Rivendell. See, then I'd get to meet most every main actor/actress person and be on the Rivendell set! Then I could look around New Zealand and go home, and not be stuck there 15 months.

dkhyrosha 04-18-2004 03:19 PM

As long as I was an elf, I would be happy. Legolas would be hard (concidering I'm a girl) but I could be an extra elf (under all that armor, I don't think anyone could tell I wasn't a boy)

but I wouldn't want to die either

The Saucepan Man 04-18-2004 05:45 PM


... but I could be an extra elf (under all that armor, I don't think anyone could tell I wasn't a boy)
Indeed, it might be a positive advantage given the "Chorus Line" which turned up at Helm's Deep. ;) :D

THE Ka 04-18-2004 06:00 PM

ooh , ooh ! i wanna tell i wanna tell! i would be BOROMIR! but, i can't , sadly , i'm not a man... sniff... sniff... but, i would like to have been Sean Bean's make-up artist or the designer for his costume... or, if there was a part, i would of liked to play his mother... but, i don't think she has any part in the movies because she isn't during the time of the fellowship... sniff, sniff. either that or Galadriel, but i have auburn hair... and i do not have melodic voice... but, i can make men cry... ;) and i would nake a good elf... i'm too tall, i'm a musician and artist, and i love trees. i hug two trees a week. just for my mother earth! ok. i'm sorry. too mush personal information... :rolleyes:

THE Ka 04-18-2004 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
I'd want to play a guy, because they get cooler parts than the girls. The girls all have the whole "Lets stay home and take care of the house while our menfolk save the world" (with some obvious exceptions).

I'd like playing maybe Forlong, or the archers (I haven't got my book with me to remember the names) who were killed shooting out the eyes of an oliphaunt. What's better than a really cool death scene? If I got to be Forlong, I'd get to lead tons of troops to Minas Tirith, and so have an excellent introduction, and then I'd die in battle, unhorsed and completely surrounded by enemies, until I was hewn down with an axe.

Actually, I might change my mind about the girl parts, as long as if I could be Galadriel, Celeborn and I could lead our troops into Mirkwood and clear out Dol Goldur. Can you picture if they'd included that in the movies? Having the assaults on Lothlorien and then all of the Elves eventually coming out to kick some serious butt? That's possibly my favorite part of the Appendices, and its only about a paragraph long.


"I'd want to play a guy, because they get cooler parts than the girls. The girls all have the whole "Lets stay home and take care of the house while our menfolk save the world" (with some obvious exceptions)."

I don't think the women's rights' movement has happened yet in middle earth. But, you should not forget what Eowyn did, for, no man could kill the leader of the ringwrights... and Galadriel, and Arwen... i'm not being rude, or too femininistic, i just thought you might like to be re-informed. and it is not kind to label, though you are speaking your opinion. and i repect that. blessed be, THE Ka. :)

Shy Hobbit 04-18-2004 07:09 PM

Well, if we put aside all gender restrictions, I would have loved to be Boromir, simply because he's such an emotionaly complex and interesting character.

Of course, I would have probably been happy with random hobbit/elf/rohirrim, etc :cool:

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-19-2004 02:32 PM

Perhaps I misphrased... I didn't mean to come off quite like that. What I mean is not that women didn't do anything (hence the 'obvious exceptions'), because although they weren't headed off into battle to help save the world (for the most part) they were doing things, such as keeping the rest of the populations going so that the men would have something to come home to, among other things. I just meant that I, personally, would be far more interested in playing the parts where you can be hero.... or bad guy. There are few women (I understand the restrictions of the time period, don't get me wrong) playing active roles in The Lord of the Rings, and those particular roles (Eowyn, Galadriel, Arwen, Rosie Cotten, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Ioreth, etc) don't really interest me. My own acting tends to be self-restricted to roles that involve some sort of violence. As I said, what's more fun to act out than a death scene? As most of the parts that involve swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, bloody and gruesome deaths, or archery are the parts of men, I simply meant that I'd prefer one of those. I suppose I could play Eowyn... I guess this mentality stems from growing up playing 'war games' with my older brothers. Cops and robbers... Navy Seals... "Marine Corps Training"...


THE Ka 04-19-2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Shy Hobbit
Well, if we put aside all gender restrictions, I would have loved to be Boromir, simply because he's such an emotionaly complex and interesting character.

Of course, I would have probably been happy with random hobbit/elf/rohirrim, etc :cool:

Yes! Finally, someone understands! put ALL gender restrictions away! lock them in a heavly locked closet! And, that is exactly WHY i would choose to play Boromir, the emotional complexity! always changing, new plots and turns! or you could say bi-polar... but not that in a bad way! I have asked my friend about this excluding all gender restrictions and the such, and she said that she would do anything to be a hobbit. When i asked her why, she said she had always wanted feet that large... ;) strange reason? i think not. I asked her i could be her hobbit friend, but she replied that i was too much of an elf... that situation i cannot give you an answer that makes any sense... my friend is just like that. :) and that, for many reasons is why she's my friend.

Meela 04-20-2004 05:08 AM

I would like to have been Denethor. I want to understand him better.

If not Denethor, I suppose I'd make a good Eowyn, and an even better Faramir.

Failivrin 04-20-2004 02:06 PM

i would've been Faramir so i could have got a say in his lines and changed them.

Otherwise, Galadriel because i would be able to pronounce Earendil correctly and i think she was the female who kept most faithfully to the book.

Incanus 04-20-2004 02:29 PM


Well, if we put aside all gender restrictions, I would have loved to be Boromir, simply because he's such an emotionaly complex and interesting character.
Ah yes, that's why I would've enjoyed being an Istar, most likely Gandalf or even Radagast.

Playing Glorfindel wouldn't be bad either, he's so overlooked.

Elianna 04-20-2004 03:30 PM


...Galadriel because i would be able to pronounce Earendil correctly...
hehehehe That bugs me so much.


Glorfindel.... he's so overlooked.
I say we start a Glorfindel fan club.

Gender aside, I would play...............Faramir, if I could be Book-Faramir, not Movie-Faramir.
In the movie, I guess I'd like to be..........Haldir: bow, Elvish, Galadriel, Helm's Deep, death scene...Yes, Haldir would be nice.

THE Ka 04-21-2004 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Meela
I would like to have been Denethor. I want to understand him better.

If not Denethor, I suppose I'd make a good Eowyn, and an even better Faramir.

Hmm. Me as Boromir... (chuckle, chuckle.) I wouldn't mind having you as a father... just kidding! Besides, my hobbit-wanna-be friend said i'm too much of an elf anyway. In that case, if i was an elf, i would live in the Grey Haven... because i'm infatuated with the ocean. i think this is a fact since i am a serious Ictheofaegi ( Eater of fish...) Many other things i'm imfatuated with: deserts, ancient Egypt, golden bracelets, ABBA, being a scorpio, Octapus (eating it.), boats, Spongebob Squarepants, my laugh (which has been refered by a close friend as muderous), and many other stupid, useless talents I use and have... I think i've said too much... :( Okay, with that in mind, just ignore all the above useless junk of my life... :rolleyes:

The Only Real Estel 04-21-2004 07:54 PM

If we're talking dream character I'd have liked to be Frodo, but if we're talking what I actually could've done with my raw acting skills, I'd have to settle for something considerably less maybe an orc extra or something ;).

Essex 04-22-2004 03:43 AM

Like Fingolfin above, I would have loved to have been Aragorn, mainly because he gets to french kiss Liv Tyler. I also would have forced Jackson to make more of the eternal love triangle with Eoywn as well......

Everdawn 04-22-2004 06:01 AM

I would have been Éowyn. Just her strength of character is so empowering to her character. Her complexity would have made her a fantastic acting challenge.

Elianna 04-22-2004 04:33 PM



I also would forced Jackson to make more of the eternal love triangle with Éowyn as well...
By this you mean you as Aragorn would kiss Miranda Otto too? :rolleyes: boys...

ArathorofBarahir 04-22-2004 06:00 PM

I would have been Aragorn, if I couldn't have that then Faramir or Boromir.

Eriathiel 04-23-2004 01:47 PM

I'd be Eowyn because then I'd be able to kick some serious Nazgul ***! (With the help of my assistant Merry!) Also I'd be able to be the only girl in the big fight scenes. But, if I couldn't her, then I'd be an extra in Hobbiton so I could wear those funky fake feet! :D

Lindir 04-28-2004 07:19 PM

Ooh! Ooh! I would like to be the witchking. (but it isn't alot of fun being the living dead.) I would get to say, "Come not between the Nazgul and his prey!Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shrivelled mind be left naked to the lidless eye!" (hence my signature. Isn't that an awesome line though? :p ..But those of you that want to play Eowyn would kill me.......that could be a problem.)

Laitoste 04-28-2004 09:08 PM

I'd like to be GOldberry, or Tom Bombadil...I've always liked them. But since they aren't in the movie, then I'd like to be an Ent. Ents are cool. Or maybe Faramir. His character was always one of my favorites. So was Eomer.

Enorëiel 05-11-2004 03:10 PM


I'd be Eowyn because then I'd be able to kick some serious Nazgul ***! (With the help of my assistant Merry!) Also I'd be able to be the only girl in the big fight scenes. But, if I couldn't her, then I'd be an extra in Hobbiton so I could wear those funky fake feet!
Right on!

I would love to be Eowyn. Talk about "girl power" (and no I'm not reviving the spice girls :rolleyes: ). I love that she gets to use a sword, break tons of rules, get hot guys... yeah, I think I could go for that :D . Course the feminine side of me really likes her clothes (Can we say amazing?). I don't think I'd mind wearing those all the time...

Course, If Eowyn was already taken, I wouldn't mind being an extra hobbit or elf. Elf-bit power! :D

Iris Alantiel 05-11-2004 09:13 PM

As much as I would love to play an elf maiden with their beautiful gowns and pointy ears, I have to admit that I'm a hobbit at heart, and that is what I would end up choosing to play. I would love to be either Sam or Rosie . . . but having said that, I would have done anything at all to get the chance to be a part of the movie. I would have been happy doing absolutely anything at all just to be able to say "I was part of the making of The Lord of the Rings movies". :)

Mad Baggins 05-13-2004 03:51 PM

Humm...I would like to be involved in one of the battle scenes, simply because they're such beautiful pieces of work. It would be a lot of fun, too! It wouldn't matter what I was.

samwisethebrave9 05-14-2004 11:39 AM

:D I would have loved to be Eowyn, she is so amazing. She just never gives up and fights to the finish. If I had a deeper voice (meaning if I were a male) I would have wanted Sam...He's my fave character out of all of them! lol. ;) :rolleyes:

Lhundulinwen 05-22-2004 08:12 PM

I've always liked *slightly* sicotic (so misspelled) characters, so gollum would have been cool. But any of the characters who got to speak in elvish would have been great, too. (cougharwencough) Third and 4th choice would be one of the riders of Rohan or an orc.

Kitanna 05-22-2004 09:08 PM

If I were a guy I would have played Pippin, only because I'm clumsy. Or Theoden because Theoden is the greatest man ever! So brave and wise and a down right good guy. But since I'm not a guy I'd be one of those random Hobbit lassies, because Hobbits rock my world.

Gil-Galad 05-23-2004 03:13 PM

the characters i think i could play weren't actually seen in the movie, but i feel like i could play them....Imrahil...he is so cool! since i'm kinda young to play a adult, i would say that Eric Bana might be a good choice for Imrahil...

The Only Real Estel 05-24-2004 05:42 PM


I also would forced Jackson to make more of the eternal love triangle with Éowyn as well...
O for god sake, I think the last thing we need to lobby for is more of that :eek:! (aside from the House of Healing, which I, or course, think are quite necessary to RotK) Not that I'm against romance (;)), but I think we got entirely to much of Arwen, in TTT & RotK in particular. She managed to blend fairly well with the movie in FotR, but stuck out like a sore thumb in TTT & RotK. I especially wished Jackson had dropped the whole Haven idea if only so that Aragorn didn't have to be suprised by her at his crowning...although that scene wasn't as annoying as some of the others :/. I think they did Aragron & Eowyn's relationship pretty well, though. Anyway, I think to much was made of Arwen in the first place, or at least to much that they couldn't blend in well later on, so I don't need any more of it :rolleyes:.

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