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Nessa Telrunya 06-16-2009 09:06 AM

Ask a Question to an LOTR Character
Okay, this is like a game. The first person will specify who they're asking and ask a funny question. The next person will make up a silly reply and make up a question of their own, so the game goes on and on.


Gandalf, what did you have against Pippin? Everytime he did something, you freaked out on him.

(Next poster)
Gandalf:He stole the last Klondike Bar.

Boromir88 06-16-2009 09:30 AM

Ooh...I think I got it. I think it would be only appropriate to start with this one...

To Tom B.: What are you? :D

Nessa Telrunya 06-16-2009 09:58 AM

Tom B: I, good fellow, am a male.

To Frodo: Why on Earth did you send Samwise away? Gollum is not trustworthy!

Morsul the Dark 06-16-2009 09:52 PM

Frodo: see that never happened! and yes I am in courts suing Peter Jackson for slander, the Baggins's good name has been dragged through the mud!

Mr. Ted Sandyman, why are suuch a meany?

Oddwen 06-16-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Chippy
Frodo: see that never happened! and yes I am in courts suing Peter Jackson for slander, the Baggins's good name has been dragged through the mud!

Mr. Ted Sandyman, why are suuch a meany?

Sandyman: It is because I too wished to see Elves in the woods someday; despite my rough and crude exterior is the soul of a poet who doesn't know it.

O Entwives, why did you see fit to disappear forever?

Hakon 06-16-2009 10:25 PM

Entwives: We needed something new to nag, preferably something smaller.

Sauron why did you fail at taking Middle Earth?

I almost put why didn't you kill Peter Jackson.

Andsigil 06-17-2009 03:28 AM

Sauron: You wouldn't believe the labor troubles I've had since the Orcs unionized. Getting things done has been impossible.

Maeglin, why are you such a jerk?

Erendis 06-17-2009 03:42 AM

Me?Jerk?Oh,not at all!Idril was trying to saduse me and when I resisted to her lasty intentions-because of my friendship with her husband:D-she spread all those nasty and totally not true rumours!

By the way,Idril,why did you prefer this useless rat to me?

Nessa Telrunya 06-17-2009 06:58 AM

Idril: He can cook up a MEAN tuna casserole.

Glorfindel: How does it feel to be a twice-born Balrog slayer?

Erendis 06-19-2009 08:20 AM

Absolutely perfect!It is a miracle that after so much hardship I still look so gorgeous!:D

Nerdanel,how inGod's name you managed to have 7 sons with that idiot?

Nessa Telrunya 06-20-2009 09:00 AM

Nerdanel: His crafting of balls is excellent. I have no idea why he saw fit to call them silmarils. What silly names.

Treebeard, how are Ents made?

Erendis 06-20-2009 03:31 PM

They spring out from holes in the ...ground;).
Like the rest of the creattures,of course!

Sador,why did you insist in using an axe when you knew you couldn't avoid total distruction?

Andsigil 06-20-2009 03:59 PM

I'm actually half dwarf (the good half, that is).

Fëanor, why is Caranthir so temperamental?

Nessa Telrunya 06-22-2009 04:44 AM

Feanor:Aww, he's just mad because I grounded him for staying up too late. :)

Arwen, why did you steal Glorfindel's horse and scene in the movie?

skip spence 06-22-2009 08:41 AM


Arwen, why did you steal Glorfindel's horse and scene in the movie?
He asked me too. Glorfindel was having a bad hair day.

Daeron, Beren's birthday is coming up... What are you getting for him?

Nessa Telrunya 06-23-2009 10:00 AM

Daeron: I may get him a members account on Runescape so that we can go questing or something.

Gimli, has it ever ocurred to you that asking for a strand of Galadriel's hair is kinda stalker-fanboyish?

Andsigil 06-23-2009 01:01 PM

Do you think anyone has the guts to serve me with a restraining order?

Glaurung: Why toy with your enemies all of the time instead of just killing them?

The Elf-warrior 06-23-2009 05:52 PM

I am part cat, so I like to play with my prey.

Elrond, do you have a sense of humour?

Nogrod 06-23-2009 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior (Post 601249)
Elrond, do you have a sense of humour?

Nope, I lost it thousands of years ago dealing with men - which I know are a part of me. Lesser things might make one lose gaiety in life.

Isildur, if you had a wife at the time we were inside Orodruin, would you have acted differently?

TheGreatElvenWarrior 06-23-2009 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 601256)
Isildur, if you had a wife at the time we were inside Orodruin, would you have acted differently?

No, instead of giving it to my future wife as an engagement gift, I would've given it to my big toe!

Oh, Saruman of Many Colours, Why did you see fit to help Scour the Shire? It never did anything to you!

Nessa Telrunya 06-24-2009 05:36 AM

Saruman: Are you kidding me?! I tried to start my own weed and beer business, but those hobbits already had a monopoly! It was the only way!

Haldir: Why do you act so arrogant?

Erendis 06-26-2009 02:08 AM

I do not act arrogant;what can I do if the others are inferior to me?

Amarie:Will you finally marry Finrod?-we got really bored by the vague situation between you!-

Andsigil 06-26-2009 03:25 AM

Nope. After all, my name rhymes with "namarie", which means "farewell".

Eärnur: what were you thinking???

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-26-2009 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Andsigil (Post 601691)
Eärnur: what were you thinking???

"I just... lost my mind for a while. I hate goths so much and..."

Sauron, any comment on the complaints of poor working conditions directed at you by your sla... workers?

Lindale 06-27-2009 03:49 AM

"Occupational hazards of working in Mordor. They complain, they get fired, lots of others waiting for job opps. Now don't you talk of workers unions or I'll toast you!"

Legolas, why address your father all the time with "my elven-lord"?

Nessa Telrunya 06-30-2009 07:12 AM

Legolas: One cannot helpl but admire such a genius at poker.

Sauron, why craft a ring of gold? I believe silver would complement your compexion much better.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-30-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nessa Telrunya (Post 602120)
Sauron, why craft a ring of gold? I believe silver would complement your complexion much better.

"To be honest, result of a drunken boast I made to Gothmog. You know, you exterminate one village, I exterminate a larger village; you make a silver ring, gold is way more expensive..."

Gothmog, how does it feel knowing that the Pig-Orc from the film assumed your name?

Eönwë 06-30-2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 602151)
Gothmog, how does it feel knowing that the Pig-Orc from the film assumed your name?

"Ermm.... that really is how I look"

Witch-King, why wear black?

Nessa Telrunya 06-30-2009 02:47 PM

Witch King: Black is the most intimidating color; why do you think I do not wear pink, despite it being my favorite? If I had my choice, free of bias due to who I am, I would wear this:

Gollum, how do you feel after hearing why Sauron made the ring gold?

Erendis 07-15-2009 04:23 PM

Gollum:See now why I managed to escape.Easy with the liquors,Dude!:D

Aragorn,why did you refuse to become Ecthelion's heir and set an end to the whole story earlier?:smokin:

Nessa Telrunya 07-16-2009 04:54 AM

Aragorn:Well, Arwen got to be all "I'm going against my father", so she got more drama, and I just wanted to have some too.

Gimli, why wear your beard in braids?

Lindale 07-16-2009 08:13 AM

"Well, imagine having all your hair in your face while in a council of Elves with their impeccable hair, or a battle. And I'm not one for haircuts."

Saruman, how many colors did you choose to complete the "Many Colors" title of yours, and what were they?

Erendis 07-16-2009 09:22 AM

Saruman:Ah,all of them with a slight,a tiny preference to pink's palllet.(Actually,I originally wanted to be Saruman the Fuxia,but the other :mad: istari/jerks:mad: called me names so I changed to white,waiting for the time of my colourful revenge to come:D)

Eowyn,since you declared you wished to be a free,independent etc.etc woman,why have you ended up a housewife?

Nessa Telrunya 07-17-2009 05:04 AM

Eowyn:Er, I am independent! It's just, no one knows...;)

Tom Bombadil:What do your made up words mean?

Lindale 07-18-2009 02:31 AM

"If I told you what my independent words mean, well, I won't be independent anymore! Those poor words will be bound to the rules of language, no more freedom, oh noes!"

Elrond, how does it feel to be a father of twins?

Kitanna 07-18-2009 01:52 PM

Elrond: It's a real hassle. Even now that they're all grown up they still put rubber spiders in my breakfast and pull pranks all across Middle-Earth.

To Frodo: After your performance at the Prancing Pony (though it ended in near disaster), did you ever think to join the musical theater?

Lindale 07-19-2009 03:27 AM

"Actually that moment was an epiphany for me. I took the burden of Ring so that when Sauron's regime ends, I might open a theatre somewhere in Bree or the Shire."

Gollum, was your grandmother the stern type, or the one who spoils everyone?

Nessa Telrunya 07-21-2009 11:52 AM

Gollum:She sssspoilssss nicccce fisssh!*gollum*

Bobby the balrog, why did you see fit to pursue the fellowship in Moria?

Morthoron 07-21-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nessa Telrunya (Post 603987)
Gollum:She sssspoilssss nicccce fisssh!*gollum*

Bobby the balrog, why did you see fit to pursue the fellowship in Moria?

Pursue? Pursue! I'll have you know I was taking my usual afternoon stroll through Moria when some old bearded geezer with a nasty stick was blocking my way onto the bridge (he seemed to be drunk). He then started swearing at me and calling me all kinds of nasty things. Then he broke the bridge under my feet! Well, I can tell you, I was quite upset. Perhaps pulling him down into the chasm with me was rather over the line, but he was so rude!

Gandalf, wouldn't it have been smarter to cross the Misty Mountains just east of Rivendell (the way you took in the Hobbit) and travelling along the Anduin to Lothlorien, rather than getting so close to Sauron's spies and eventually having to go through Moria? I mean, doesn't that make more sense?

Nessa Telrunya 07-24-2009 05:32 AM

Gandalf" My good fellow, have you ever tried explaining anything to Aragorn? The man has no sense of reason whatsoever!

Galadriel, why didn't you just take the ring from Frodo? It would've been so easy.

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