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Durelin 03-18-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fea
All y'all are bandwagoning. I don't like this at all.

I still don't understand what bandwagoning really is vs. someone just getting more than one vote. There needs to be a discussion about that sometime. But no, not here, not now...

(Edit: Oh lord 9 pages...)

Mirandir 03-18-2009 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 589782)
Of course the consensus thing bothers me, too. But no one's done the old "well who are you voting for" thing yet so it hasn't quite gone that far.

Hence "precedes," my dear. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't.

wilwarin538 03-18-2009 08:36 PM

Uh, I'm at a loss, I really wish Day 1 hadn't been toDay, probably one of the worst days for me. :( I honestly tried to read everything but it's quite late for me here and I've just worked all day and have a giant test tomorrow that I'm quite worried for. So I can promise that, if I'm still living, that next Day I will be able to participate far more and my vote will be much more thought out.

I'm gonna go back and use another 10 minutes to atleast re-read this last page, then I'll come back and vote.

x'posted, with a few

Brinniel 03-18-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Stick
Nilp - Suicidal. Suspicious.

Don't mind Nilp. He's always suicidal. That why we don't let sharp objects near him.

Isabellkya 03-18-2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin
I still don't understand what bandwagoning really is vs. someone just getting more than one vote. There needs to be a discussion about that sometime. But no, not here, not now...

Wiki says..

The other Wiki says...

Sorry. Couldn't resist. Now my name can be scratched off the list of linkers. :)

X'd with Brin.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-18-2009 08:39 PM


Self preservation. On a meta-level. And now...

By a sleep to say we end the heartache...

One can hope...

Nienna 03-18-2009 08:44 PM

++ Legate

His vote as an experiment bothered me... experiments are controlled environments where only one variable has been changed... this is nowhere near being a controlled environment. Sorry i just went all psych major... Now as long as no one confuses correlation and causation we should be fine.

the phantom 03-18-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brin
I only got three hours of sleep last night...

That's what she said.

wilwarin538 03-18-2009 08:48 PM

Hmm, k, trying to read and nothing is going into my brain :rolleyes:. So I will vote now. I don't want to add any more names into the mix so here are the votes so far:

Lari and Durie- 3, Brinn and Legate - 2, Nog, Gwath, Lommy - 1

So, for the most part I'm not overly suspicious of any of them, most of them actually I don't really have a read on at all, but I need to vote so here it goes, hopefully it all works out:


I'm being honest when I say that this vote is not as founded on any suspicion as I would like.

Good luck everyone, hopefully I'll be back to this insanity toMorrow.

Durelin 03-18-2009 08:49 PM

The suspects...

Mac...I didn't like his behavior at all toDay or his vote. His straw-clutching (lol) seemed more sinister than Nog's.

Lommy just seems really off. Her vote was an easy one, and her comment about not really thinking Lari is a wolf anyway but "oh, it's just Day 1"...

Nienna for jumping on Legate's thing, as much as it is pretty...annoying.

Legate for the vengeful part of me.

Lari for the part of me that wants to survive, as well as does not like the random vote.

Little late for this. Ah well. Yeah, I need to vote...

(X'd with Nienna's vote on)

Mirandir 03-18-2009 08:50 PM

Rikae -> Nog
Mac -> Gwath
Mith -> Lari
Kath -> Brinn
Lari -> Durie
Nog -> Durie
Lommy -> Lari
Legate ->Durie
Gwath -> Legate (not bolded)
Mira -> Lommy
Izzy -> Lari
Fea -> Brinn
Nienna -> Legate
wilwa -> Legate

Legate, Lari and Durie - 3
Brinn -2
Nog, Gwath, and Lommy - 1

Brinniel 03-18-2009 08:50 PM


Legate: For his vote. Why vote someone you don't want to see lynched? It's rather absurd, and I don't like it at all.

Lommy: On one hand, she agreed with me when I said we should vote based only on behaviour. Yet she then votes Lari for banter posts. Very contradicting.

Kath: For that comment about focusing on chatterers, which is a horrible idea due to the behaviour modification and that chatting does not necessarily mean guilt. Also, I didn't like her reasons for voting me.

I didn't like Mith's reasoning behind her suspicions, but I'm not terribly concerned about her.

So, I'll be voting for one of the first three.

Or the phantom. I'd love to see the phantom get lynched for once. Plus his lynching means free cookies. :p

Brinniel 03-18-2009 08:56 PM


Of the three that are tied, I find him most suspicious. I'd rather see him go than Lari or Durelin.

Nerwen 03-18-2009 08:57 PM

Who do we appreciate?
Legate! Legate!

For making the game so much more interesting... I was kind of thinking of voting Durie because of her possible wolf-slip... only now I don't think I can... Oooo, what an exciting dilemma!:D:D:D

EDIT: X'd with Brinn

Mirandir 03-18-2009 08:57 PM

Rikae -> Nog
Mac -> Gwath
Mith -> Lari
Kath -> Brinn
Lari -> Durie
Nog -> Durie
Lommy -> Lari
Legate ->Durie
Gwath -> Legate (not bolded)
Mira -> Lommy
Izzy -> Lari
Fea -> Brinn
Nienna -> Legate
wilwa -> Legate
Brinn -> Legate

Legate - 4
Lari and Durie - 3
Brinn -2
Nog, Gwath, and Lommy - 1

Still to vote: Shasta, Durelin, Nogrod, Nerwen, and Nilp

Durelin 03-18-2009 08:58 PM



Gwathagor 03-18-2009 08:58 PM

Just in case it makes a difference:



Isabellkya 03-18-2009 08:59 PM

Nog voted awhile ago. xD

Haha @ Nerwen. What are your cheerleading colors?

Gwathagor 03-18-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 589804)


You feel very strongly about that vote, I can tell.

Mirandir 03-18-2009 09:00 PM

Rikae -> Nog
Mac -> Gwath
Mith -> Lari
Kath -> Brinn
Lari -> Durie
Nog -> Durie
Lommy -> Lari
Legate ->Durie
Gwath -> Legate
Mira -> Lommy
Izzy -> Lari
Fea -> Brinn
Nienna -> Legate
wilwa -> Legate
Brinn -> Legate
Durie -> Legate

Legate - 5
Lari and Durie - 3
Brinn -2
Nog, Gwath, and Lommy - 1

Still to vote: Shasta, Nerwen, and Nilp

Durelin 03-18-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Gwath
You feel very strongly about that vote, I can tell.

Well when you can't even decide if you want to be lynched or not...le sigh.

Edit: That would be a general 'you'

Also, wow. I didn't realize we had 3 more people to vote. Well, if they vote at all.

satansaloser2005 03-18-2009 09:06 PM

Day's over.

I just got back, so give me a bit to go through the thread and I'll have the result and narration up as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Nerwen 03-18-2009 09:07 PM

I think I just missed the deadline (as usual). I have an excuse, though– my mother arrived a few minutes ago.

Um... does my vote for YouTube count?

the phantom 03-18-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin
I've really lost my steam here.

That's what she said.

satansaloser2005 03-18-2009 09:37 PM

Lynch Result
Legate was lynched. He was an ordo, but when voting a wolf or the cobbler his voting power was doubled to help the village.

Narration will be put in another post as soon as I get it written, so keep an eye out.

Were-ducks, send me your kill, all assorted gifteds please give me like ten minutes, then send in any relevant picks. Thanks.

Sleep well, my village!

ETA: Nerwen, your vote counts, but had you retracted it I wouldn't have held it against you. Basically, I wanted my vote tally to include "Nerwen-->Youtube" so I kept it. Nilp's retraction DOES count as one of his two retractions in the game.

satansaloser2005 03-19-2009 11:44 AM

(Sorry I'm putting this up so late. I fell asleep writing it last night so I had to finish it up this morning when I woke up. Also, as a note, there are NO hints in the narrations, and anything I write that may be taken as a clue toward someone's role isn't a clue, it's just how I chose to write the narration. Also, all gifteds will be referred to as guys and all were-ducks as girls. That is all. Enjoy!)

"Yes, duck poisons are my trade. I am a duck-killer. My name is Legate the Duck-Killer. I find, suspect, and vote for were-ducks."


"You only killed the village's most powerful voter, you know."
"Well, I didn't mean to."
"Didn't mean to? You put your pickles right through his head."


"Well, we'll not risk another frontal assault. That Gwath's dynamite."


Some of the villagers met early that first morning and gathered around Sally's body.

“That,” Nienna muttered, “is disgusting....”

“Nasty,” Fea agreed.

“Well, it's only to be expected,” Mira noted. “After all, she was wearing purple and, as you know....”

“As you know,” Lari interrupted, “ducks hate purple. Especially were-ducks. I can see why they might have hated her,” she added, nodding toward Mira. “Only crazy people wear purple. And really, only crazy people who hunt were-ducks.”

“It's no wonder they killed her,” Brinn agreed, and they all looked down as they heard a groan from below them.

“Actually, I'm not quite dead yet....”

Durie walked up and poked the moddess in the ribs with her toes. “You know, things are loud enough without the dead people talking too.”

“Really,” Sally croaked, “I'm feeling much better....”

Wilwa rolled her eyes and facepalmed, and the banter continued.

A few hours later Lari wasn't enjoying herself anymore and Durie....well, Durie hadn't been in the first place. “Who can blame her?” Nilp commented dryly. “This village sucks.”

“That's what she said,” said a ghostly voice from outside.

In the corner Rikae and Noggie were bickering.

“Die! Die! God in heaven, die!” Rikae shouted at him.

Lommie walked in, looked at the pair of them, and sighed. “Shoot. Me. Now,” she mumbled.

“Tell me about it,” added Mith. “Life is worthless without Phantom.”

A few of the refugees looked toward Gwath maliciously, but before they could sign his death warrant a giant Sally shaped face appeared in the mid-afternoon sky. All the villagers fell to the ground and before long a confused and slightly hacked off expression formed on Sally's face.

“What are you doing now?”

Kath stood, keeping her gaze rooted to the ground. “Averting our eyes, oh moddess.”

Sally rolled her flipping enormous eyes.

“Well, don't. It's just like that miserable Mith, always so depressing. Now knock it off! Just don't kill Gwath and we'll all be cool, okay?”

The group pouted and began to disperse. From their midst Gwath emerged.

“Oh! Had enough, eh? Come back and take what's coming to you, you blankity-blank werewolves! Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!”

“Dude,” Lari put in, “we can always kill you toMorrow.”

“Well, crap.”

“For toDay though,” Lari said slowly. “We could always....I dunno....kill Durie.”

“Excellent!” chorused Noggie and Legate, and Durie's head shook in protest.

“Oh no you don't! Legate, you're going down for this!”

Before Legate knew what was happening they'd cornered him and Wilwa, Nienna, Brinn, and Gwath were advancing on him with tubs of pickles.

“Better you than me, man,” Gwath said with a shrug, and chucked a jar at poor Legate's head.

“But I'm here to help the village! It's Durie you want! Kill Durie, kill her! Not me!”

“Confess,” Nienna yelled, “or we shall say ++LEGATE again to you!”

“No! Never!” Legate cried. “Do your worst!”

Brinn and Wilwa looked at each other. “Meh. He asked for it.”

When Mnemo came out at sunset she saw Sally's body over by the old church, and beside her was a large pile of pickles. “What the heck happened here?”

The pickles shifted, and from the end of the pile emerged Legate's bruised and bloody face.

“I was attacked....” he responded. “I was attacked by Uuuugggghhhh....”

“Attacked by whom?” Mnemo queried, feigning interest and surreptitiously taking a hungry glance at Legate's toes, which were sticking out from under a large clump of dills.

“Uuuugggghhhh....” Legate repeated, and a voice from within the church mumbled, “That's what....”

“Oh shut up,” Mnemo interrupted, then looked back down at Legate. After a thorough examination she decided he wasn't much good to eat. After all, he was covered in some sort of foul smelling liquid. In the end, she just shoved one of the larger pickles down his throat and left him to die.

Sally (moddess, stabbed in a case of mistaken identity by a non-six-fingered Phantom on Night 0)
Phantom (narcissist, made into a very unhealthy breakfast on Night 0)
Legate (ordo, pickled on Day 1)

satansaloser2005 03-19-2009 09:00 PM

A crowd of well wishers surrounds Mira
"To swim or not to swim, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the feathers and beaks of the were-ducks...."
"What is it? The well! The well! Mira's stuck in the well!"


Night One

Mira had been so loud on the first Day that, really, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise to her when the were-ducks approached her after sunset, dragging her to the well in the center of town.

“What are you doing?” she shouted, and one of the ducks clapped a feathered hand over her mouth before she could scream any more.

“Mmhmm let mmhmm go mmhmm of mmhmm me,” Mira ordered, her voice distorted through the foul gag. One of the villains glanced furtively around the village. She thought she saw someone moving, but as she stepped away to investigate one of her packmates called for her.

“For the love of Hans Christian Anderson, she's feisty! The nasty thing just bit me,” she complained, waving her semi-wing back and forth and hissing in pain. “Didn't your father ever teach you to play nice?”

“My father's dead,” Mira put in sadly, but the were-ducks just laughed at her confession.

“Well then get thee to a grief counsellor. We're not here to listen to you cry.”

“Actually we are,” another put in, and they all burst out laughing again.

Mira continued to struggle until finally the other duck scampered off, returning with someone in tow. “Shut up and take it like a big girl or we slit his throat,” she threatened.

The hostage's face was shrouded in darkness but Mira recognized him instantly.

“No,” she begged, “not him. Please don't hurt him.”

It took two of the were-creatures to subdue him, but they finally held his mouth open and poured some kind of liquid in it. In less than a minute he collapsed, unconscious.


“It's all right, he's just sleeping,” one of the were-ducks whispered in her ear. “For now.”

“What do I have to do?” Mira asked hesitantly.

All the were-ducks smiled and looked toward the middle of their little circle, right at the well.


The next morning a few of the members of the little party walked toward the well to get a drink.

“I think there's something in the water,” Gwath noted, and Durie nodded in agreement.

They looked down into the well and gasped.


By now most of the group had gathered with them. Shasta stumbled out of the building and brought up the rear, pushing his way to the front of the group. “What's going on?”

“Mira's trapped in the well!” Nerwen shouted, bouncing up and down and looking surprisingly chipper despite both the early hour and the grim news which had just left her mouth. “She's dead. Give me a D! Give me an E! Give me a D!” Shasta glared at her and she weakly finished, “What does that spell? Dead.”

“She killed herself,” Mith theorized. “Wish I'd thought of it first.”

“Tell me about it,” agreed Nilp and Lommie, and Wilwa facepalmed again.

Shasta vomited in a small bush across the village square at the sight of her mangled body, and the rest of the villagers slowly made their way toward the local bakery to scrounge for some breakfast.

“But....” said Fea.

Izzy sighed impatiently as she walked beside her. “Yes?”

Fea shrugged. “That was it.”

“It's a cover-up,” Mac said to himself as he and Rikae walked toward the building. “It's all a conspiracy to brainwash the youth of the Downs'll get back to you.”

“Yes, dear,” Rikae agreed supportively, and stole a glance back at the well, which was far too tall for tiny little Mira to have jumped into by herself.

The Dead
Sally (stabbed in a case of mistaken identity by a non-six-fingered Phantom on Night 0)
Phantom (made into a very unhealthy breakfast on Night 0)
Legate (ordo, pickled on Day 1)
Mira (Ophelia, ordo, drowned on Night 1)

Shastanis Althreduin
The Living
Feanor of the Peredhil
Nilpaurion Felagund

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-19-2009 09:07 PM

Slightly confused by narration. List says only Mira dead. Story says other person used to threaten M into suicide. Other person significant to Night events?

Gwathagor 03-19-2009 09:10 PM

Wait, Ophelia? Wasn't there somebody putting a lot of Shakespeare in their posts? Maybe there's a connection there?

I wonder if other ordos have been cast as famous crazy people/characters (like Hamlet, for example, or Oedipus, or Charles the Mad)?

Shastanis Althreduin 03-19-2009 09:13 PM

Mira! Noooo! :(

Blech. I feel sick. (Clearly, since the narration has me vomiting...)

I'll be back later with detailed reasoning on why each and every one of you could have killed Mira.


satansaloser2005 03-19-2009 09:14 PM

the moddess speaks

Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 589920)
Slightly confused by narration. List says only Mira dead. Story says other person used to threaten M into suicide. Other person significant to Night events?

All in good time, m'dear.

Gwathagor 03-19-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 589920)
Slightly confused by narration. List says only Mira dead. Story says other person used to threaten M into suicide. Other person significant to Night events?

It's Hamlet, it must be.

Lariren Shadow 03-19-2009 09:23 PM

Aw Mira! I really have no idea right now who could have done it.

I do also want to know who this M is. But I could just easily see that the only other M is Mac. Interesting...


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 589921)
I wonder if other ordos have been cast as famous crazy people/characters (like Hamlet, for example, or Oedipus, or Charles the Mad)?

How about Juanna La Loca or Elizabeth Báthory as well?

Lariren Shadow 03-19-2009 09:24 PM

Or I read it wrong and M is Mira...

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-19-2009 09:24 PM

M is Mira, as evidenced by context. Sorry for confusion.

Gwathagor 03-19-2009 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 589921)
Wait, Ophelia? Wasn't there somebody putting a lot of Shakespeare in their posts?

Oh, it was Nienna. Hmm. Sally didn't specify whether her lover pairs would be strictly male-female or not, so maybe we've got some kind of crazy lover thing where their fates aren't intertwined? Or maybe Nienna's Shakespeare thing is just Sally's way of messing with us.

Gwathagor 03-19-2009 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lariren Shadow (Post 589926)

How about Juanna La Loca or Elizabeth Báthory as well?

I know! Don Quixote!

Nienna 03-19-2009 09:31 PM

Mira my darling Stick the course of true love never did run smooth.

Just popping in to say goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.

Lariren Shadow 03-19-2009 09:34 PM

So either Nienna is Stick's lover or just wants to throw us off. I'm too tired to try to come up with which is better so I'm going to bed.

Gwathagor 03-19-2009 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 589931)
Mira my darling Stick the course of true love never did run smooth.

Just popping in to say goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.

More Shakespeare!

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