The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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wilwarin538 06-18-2004 02:47 PM

Hey Im wilwarin538,
I`m obviously completely obsessed with LOTR(books and movies). I saw the movies then read the books, LOTR then the Hobbit and Ill be reading the sil soon. The movies were great but I enjoyed the books better, mostly cause the movies cut out alot of good stuff, like Tom Bombadil for instance. So anyway, Im happy to be able to discuss my opinions with you guys. :)

Ophelia 06-18-2004 03:20 PM

Enjoy being dead ! It does only good to you !
Welcome to the Downs Wilwarin ! Enjoy your stay !


Carnimírië 06-18-2004 08:39 PM

Welcome, wilwarin538! Enjoy your stay, and enjoy being dead. I know I sure have.:)

AngalotWen 06-19-2004 10:26 AM

Alrighty then..

My name is Angalot Wen, and here's the story of how I ended up here:

I read and fell in love with the LotR in the year of 2001. I was completely obsessed with it, and at that point I didn't even know that they were making movies! So when I found out, I went mad and died out of happiness. Since then I've been hanging around here, but I've never taken the time to register until now.

Now i'm learning how to speak and write the noble tounge of quenya. (There's a very useful course at Ardalambion)

Ohh! BTW: Guess where i'm from! (Hint: Look at the location-thingy to the left)

Child of the 7th Age 06-19-2004 10:33 AM

Angalot Wen, Wilwarin, and other recent arrivals,

Please feel free to come to the Shire and introduce yourself in character in the Green Dragon Inn! Once you've done that, we'll be glad to let you know about new RPGs.

Again, welcome to the Downs!

~Child/Cami Goodchild (Shire Moderator)

Alda 06-19-2004 01:32 PM

Hello Everyone! :p

I have been meaning to join the forum for some time now. Better late than never I suppose. Some of you may know me from the Barrowdowns chat room, I spend way too much time there! lol! Perhaps this forum will provide me a more productive outlet for my spare time.

I have loved the world of J.R.R. Tolkien since before I could read. My father introduced me to the Hobbit as a bedtime story. The imagery and wonder the stories imparted are with me today. And in my minds eye Middle-Earth is still viewed with the color and clarity of a child's imagination.

I joined in hopes of finding like-hearted folks, who share Tolkien's love of beauty, and nature, and living things. I have a feeling I won't be disapointed. ;)

piosenniel 06-19-2004 02:45 PM

Welcome, Alda!

Looking forward to seeing you about the forum! :)

~*~ Pio :D

nawherra 06-20-2004 12:34 PM

Hello everybody
I'm Nawherra, I'm french and sorry but I don't speak english very well...
I'm 17 yaers old ans studie in letter's section...
I love LOTR ans all art of Tolkien ;)
If you want to know things about me, I wait your question :rolleyes:

Thnaks to read me

Lûthien Nénharma 06-21-2004 01:54 PM

Im new
Um yeah Im 3 minutes new, this is my first post. :)

Estelyn Telcontar 06-21-2004 02:59 PM

Welcome, nawherra, Lûthien and all other newcomers! Hope you enjoy yourself here - if you have any questions that aren't answered on the Barrow-Downs FAQ thread, you're welcome to send one of the moderators a Private Message. We'll do our best to help!

Lady Kealin 06-24-2004 10:25 AM

Lady Kealin
Greetings and Salutations,
I am Lady kealin a very old newcomer. I am soon to be 51 years old and have been a fan of Tolkien since my early teens. I am married to a scotsman, kilt wearing , bagpipe playing, head of Clan Gordon for Indiana and Kentucky. He reminds one most of a cross between Gimli and one of the Urukhai. Gads what a
picture. :D I am the eldest girl of seven children. Being sixteen years older than the younger siblings, I used the Hobbit and LOTR as bedtime stories. That begat the rest of the family as Tolkien addicts. Well that should be enough to be going on. I rather jumped in here without even a pocket handkerchief. Elen silva lummen omentilmo. Lady Kealin

Estelyn Telcontar 06-24-2004 10:48 AM

Welcome, Lady Kealin! You'll find that quite a few forum members have been fans of Tolkien's books for many years! To get to know some of them, check out the Tolkien Coming of Age Club thread, where you'll not only find a comfortable rocking chair to sit down in, but also lots of entertaining stories to read. (The first post there links to the predecessor thread, where everything started.) Hope you enjoy yourself here!

Erkenbrand 06-26-2004 12:14 PM

Hello everyone,

My name is Dylan, and I'm a Tolkien fanatic as well as an internet junkie. I spend most of my time online obsessing about the work of Tolkien. I'm a moderator on and I have recently taken the decision to build my own forum to show my admiration for Tolkien and my love for his work.

Offline, I'm a student at a 6th form college in the North-East of England, UK.

Lígligàst 06-27-2004 12:20 PM

I am new here, and I joined because I am a fellow LOTR lover. I found this site through another LOTR forum- LOTRfanaticsplaza. WEll, I from the States, and have loved LOTR since about 5th grade, but I have renewed my interests recently with the advent of the movies. some other random stuff- I am a hobbit fancier... (secret diaries rock!!) (and a Faramir/Eomer/Haldir/... fancier) Rohan rocks!!!

Fallinel 07-04-2004 07:32 PM

Hello, I'm Fallinel, a Shoreland Piper. I am not new to Tolkien's works; I've read and re-read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion , and Unfinished Tales . I've read a few volumes of HoME, and I love the Lays of Beleriand . I hope I can add something to a few of the discussions here.

This site has an excellent reputation for RPGs, and I hope I can work my way up from the Shire, to participate in some of the more advanced RP threads here. I am not new to storytelling or Tolkien-themed RP writing either, and I have played a variety of roles and invented many different characters with colorful, heroic, or tragic pasts. There are many more waiting in the wings of my imagination, and I think a few of them can find homes here.

Mad Baggins 07-04-2004 09:11 PM

Welcome, everyone! Enjoy the Downs! :)

ElentariGreenleaf 07-05-2004 12:42 PM

Welcome Fallinel
Welcome to the realm of the un-dead Fallinel. I saw your post in the Green Dragon. I liked it! Look forward to seeing more RPG posts from you. Don't forget to practically end up 'living' in Middle Earth Mirth! It rules. :D

| Tari

Curufinwe 07-05-2004 08:50 PM

Hi I'm Chris and I'm 14. I started liking the LotR after i saw the first movie and after that i have loved the books.

Gil-Galad 07-05-2004 09:43 PM

Welcome Chris! or Curufinwe whichever you perfer

Aredhel 07-06-2004 09:20 PM

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
Once upon a time I was here, can't even remember my member name. I was the one with the "Aliens" lime green piccy of Sigorney Weaver. I thought I was Beruthiel, but I'm no longer on the lists. Well, that's what happens when you don't show your face for 8 months.
Anywhoo, for all you Tolkien newbies, I'll be the one scratching my head and looking things up for you, right along with some of the older members here.
I'm turning 40 this year, and I've recently (within the last 2 years) read some of the extra texts floating around, like The HoME, War of The Jewels...and so forth. Wonderful stuff. I learned about it here.
I'll never be able to remember everything, but I do know things Aragorn. You might call me an Aragorn fan. I got hooked after I learned all about him.
Yes, first it was Bilbo, then Frodo, then I graduated to Aragorn. There's no telling if I'll ever latch onto another character. Right now I'm stuck - and it's lasted 10 years.
So let me have it. :D

Gil-Galad 07-07-2004 02:38 PM

ummm...get the broom?

Aredhel 07-07-2004 07:27 PM

Perhaps that's a reference to sweeping out the cobwebs of a dusty Tolkien reader's mind, eh?
Not a very good welcome, especially coming from A Prince of Cardolan.
*grumble* :o
Nevermind. ;)

Thorongil 07-08-2004 03:49 AM

Then I'll do it properly. Welcome back! How is it to have died twice?

Gil-Galad 07-08-2004 10:51 AM

Meh, i'm on my way to "Dancing Piano-head of Doom" oh yeah, what Thorongil said

goldberry bombadil 07-08-2004 09:24 PM

hi im jaimee
i got this site recommended to me by gil-galad.
i've loved lotr for a while now .
we bought the first movie and i loved it so i read the books .
i loved them to.
none of my friends have read the books though.
so i hope to find some people who love the books as much as me. :)

Gil-Galad 07-08-2004 09:26 PM

Bravo Bravo!!! that gil-galad guy sure sounds great! why i would take a bullet for him! and give him so much praise, you people should do that too!

"Ah! so cool"

Elven Hunter 07-09-2004 07:12 AM

hi I'm mato
I'm just here to have fun. :D
I joined because a friend told me so. I like LotR, but I havent read the books yet.
I'm looking for my friend who says she looks like dee dee. that's all.. :)

elronds_daughter 07-09-2004 07:38 AM

welcome, all you newbies (and not-so-newbies...coughAredhelcough)! goldberry bombadil, glad the movies made you want to read the books. Elven Hunter, you'll get more than fun here! Aredhel, do sweep out the cobwebs. we'll all pitch in and help! anyway, hope you all enjoy being dead...


Elrond's (other) daughter

Aredhel 07-09-2004 02:57 PM

Thank you, one and all!
Yes, yes, it's good to be dead again. I found my old member name: Tirned Tinnu.
I'm just waiting for the admins to reply to my plaintive email about resurrecting and rekilling?! my old member name. I had registered at work, and that was a big mistake...not remembering my old password is another! Oh, well. All comes to those who wait.
As for cobwebs, I've none, having been involved with another forum for quite a while. Let my bones rot profitably here for a while, i say. With the slowdowns of conversation on other sites, I'm finding my daily post needs are unfulfulled!
Must... talk...more...Tolkien! :D

Rilwen Gamgee 07-09-2004 11:29 PM

Welcome, all new 'Downies! :) I'm glad to see you are enthusiastic about talking Tolkien, Aredhel! Enjoy your dark, eternal stay.

Gil-Galad 07-10-2004 09:34 AM

Thats like the fourth welcome Aredhel has gotten.... meh i'll add soem more

welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome email welcome welcome welcome welcome stay in school welcome welcome welcome welcome well...i lost count...

Pippin Pondlily 07-12-2004 10:05 AM

Hullo, I'm Pippin Pondlily. And even though my name is Pippin i'm actually a girl. Fancy, eh? Well I'm new here at the Barrow Downs I think it looks like a pretty fancy site and a good place to enjoy the rest of my lazy summer days and hopefully be able to continue my time here even with school coming up in a little over a month ...

I grew up reading Tolkien and enjoyed the movies. (I'm 16 by the way) I had to re read the books for a summer reading project, actually, and I got absorbed in it again so I thought I'd see what's going on with Lord of the Rings in the superwide world eh?

I also wanted to check out the RPGs hereabouts and see how that works. I'll probably start looking at that as soon as i post this. Anyways, c'est tout.

- P. Pondlily

Thorongil 07-13-2004 03:45 AM

Welcome, Elven Hunter! Now we have a Squall too. Another member in the Final Fantasy bunch. We already have Cloud and Sephiroth, and I think I saw a Quistis. Welcome to the rest as well!

Elen 07-13-2004 01:39 PM

Hello evrybody,

I am Elen, and I live in Holland (Uquendor). I discoverd this site last week, it has been a long time, since I had my english classes, so I hope my English will do. I read most of Tolkiens books.

Shadow 07-13-2004 02:23 PM

Hi there! I'm new here but I'm not new to forums at all. I'm a mod on the Gamezville forums ( My name's Joe and I'm from Manchester. I've mainly come here to role-play as this place has some excellent looking scenarios. I am new to role-playing, since almost all of my friends think it's nerdy so I've been put off the idea a little.

I've read the LoTR trilogy, the Silmarillion and The Hobbit. Peter Jackson's my favourite director, but not for the LoTR movies, but for a film called Braindead some of you may have heard of.

ninlaith 07-13-2004 02:36 PM

salutations my fellow LOTR lovers,

I just got started on this web-site for the fact that a friend of mine told me how much fun it was. My username is ninlaith because a long time before I knew about the discussion forum I found out what my name meant in Elvish so there you go.

I just graduated highschool and will be persuing a theater major when I attend college. My passions are LOTR of course, acting, singing, musicals, and movie going. Just a warning I get very passionate about the books and movies and have spasms of the mouth and can't keep it shut, so if I offend anyone, which I will desperately try not to, i sorry in advance. But thank you for reading if you did and maybe I'll read you out there.


Gil-Galad 07-13-2004 03:24 PM

Welcome all Newcomers to the Downs! I'm Gil-Galad and i'll be your guide, if you look to the right you can see a dramatic reinactment of Fingolfin versus Melkor! don't mind Steve the janitor folks!

elronds_daughter 07-13-2004 04:52 PM

hey all you newcomers! (sorry for using your word, Gil-Galad, but i couldn't think of a suitable substitute) hope you all enjoy being dead. its been fun for the rest of us so far. key words: so far. :D just kidding.:D


Elrond's (other) daughter

Gil-Galad 07-13-2004 05:07 PM

so if your elronds other daughter...what was your mothers name, your brothers, and your grandmothers fathers mother?

elronds_daughter 07-13-2004 05:55 PM


so if your elronds other daughter...what was your mothers name, your brothers, and your grandmothers fathers mother?
oh, dear... do you like tormenting innocent bystanders or something?? anyhoo, now for my answer: just ask Arwen! my brain is too fried right now to do that much research... not that i shouldn't know it right off the top of my head. rats. my memory is going... and i'm still young!!! scary...

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