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Kath 05-26-2006 11:31 AM

Hi, poking my nose in again.

Could everyone currently signed up for my game please PM me with their occupations. I forgot that before.

Also, could no one else sign up by PM now please. I have everyone I need if the few I have as maybe's say yes.

Therefore could those I have as maybe's (I think that's only Mith, morm, and SPM) give me a definite answer within the next day or two.

Thank you!

Nogrod 05-26-2006 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Kath
Hi, poking my nose in again.

Could everyone currently signed up for my game please PM me with their occupations. I forgot that before.

Should these occupations be of a certain nature, or just anything we come up with?

And anyone realizing being left out of Kath's game, check the TiGJ-thread: the elves are going to pass the Helcaraxë in WW-style there! :cool:

That game will begin after Kath's is underway, most probably in the first days of June.

Kath 05-26-2006 11:56 AM

They can be anything you like!

I already have a poet, a butcher, a ninja and a gravedigger, so really, anything.

Lalaith 05-27-2006 12:40 AM

I am going on holiday and probably won't be able to get online for at least 24 hours if not longer. This should be ok for the purposes of the game, but as getting online will be quite difficult, I won't be on for very long when I do get on.

Kath 05-27-2006 10:59 AM

Since lmp's game is now techincally finished could I make a request please that any talk about that game be kept in the game thread so I can use this one to finish up the planning for my game.

Thanking you in advance :)

I will wait til lmp has done the final narration to begin though.

Boromir88 05-27-2006 01:36 PM

Kath, I hope there's some room for me in your game. :D I can squeeze in a game before the busy busy work comes in.

Kath 05-27-2006 01:47 PM

Well, alright :D

But that's it guys! No more spaces!

And I'll post the player list now with as many occupations as I've received so far so people know they're playing and whether they need to post an occupation.

Lhuna - traveller with absolutely no sense of direction
Cailín - tragedienne
Nilp - ex-world champion in chess
Fea - confectionist
Celuien - ketchup grower
Form - homeless wanderer
TGWBS - Pokémaster
Lommy - AA-adviser
Nogrod - owner of ME's first hamburger restaurant
lmp - gravedigger
Tom - tree surgeon
Caran - town poet
Findëasëa (from now called Fin) - alpaca herder
spawn - lumberjackess
Mith - aura consultant
morm - butcher
Durelin - ninja
Boromir - undercover assassin
Sauce - retired Arda-famous chariot racer and playboy millionaire

Eomer of the Rohirrim 05-27-2006 01:55 PM

Haud on. I didnae volunteer for this game, did I?

Sorry Kath, but I'm giving Werewolf a break for now. Good luck with your game, though. You're a true Werewolf heroine. :)

Kath 05-27-2006 01:57 PM

I shall cry my eyes out over it but I will remove you. :(

Blame Lhuna, she kept telling me people were joining and I just believed her!

Eomer of the Rohirrim 05-27-2006 02:00 PM

I blame Lhuna for everything anyway so it's all in order.

Kath, dear, all you will miss from my absence is my getting lynched on the first day. You know I speak the truth. I'll be watching, though.

Ah, I remember! I told Lhuna I would play but that was only because I wasn't in LMP's game at that point. Things changed, of course. Sorry!

Kath 05-27-2006 02:02 PM

Fair point! Especially after this last game :D

Cailín 05-27-2006 02:38 PM

Kath, if you start your game before Wednesday / Thursday, I fear my brother won't be able to play at all. You should do whatever is convenient for you, though. There'll be other games and he's not addicted yet. ;) (shame, shame)

Kath 05-27-2006 02:40 PM

Well I was planning on beginning the game at 11pm tomorrow (Monday) so, is there anyway he can just miss the first Day and then appear? If he'll miss more than the first Day then I'm going to have to say no to him, but in that case he can always join Lomgrod's game.

EDIT: No, tomorrow is Sunday! Sorry Cailin, I don't think it's going to work :(

Nogrod 05-27-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
If he'll miss more than the first Day then I'm going to have to say no to him, but in that case he can always join Lomgrod's game.

He will be most welcome to meet the horrors of Helcaraxë...

Cailín: ask your brother to check the TiGJ-thread. We will start in the beginning of the first whole week of June the earliest... (June 3rd, 4th... or something)

Cailín 05-27-2006 03:18 PM

Then I'm afraid he cannot participate. The stress of final exams in Holland is inconcievable to anyone who has not been through them. Seriously. I really must be supportive sister here.

And I'm totally blaming Eomer for this, by the way. If he'd just died already... :p

edit: I missed your post, Nogrod. Thanks, I shall tell him that.

Lhunardawen 05-28-2006 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer
I blame Lhuna for everything anyway so it's all in order.

Indeed? *glare*

I'm sorry, Kath. I swear it's all Eomer's fault.

And no, the apology doesn't mean I'm a wolf.

Occupation...hmm...I'll be a traveler with absolutely no sense of direction.

Nilpaurion Felagund 05-28-2006 04:23 AM

Fegatello Variation of the Three Knights Game!

Originally Posted by Garin
I've received a rep point sans name saying I was missed. I have met the perfect storm of a non-participation-causing maelstrom.
Lost my job, had to move, lost my companion, my felines were taken away by aforementioned companion and then my lousy little lap top completely crashed and burned and I hope it will return home soon from the shop.
Anyways, I hope things will be close to normal soon and I hope to kick your behinds in the next WW. Cheers all.

That was me. Blame the clumsy fingers for the anonymous state of the rep. You are missed.

And envied?

Yes. The 100% lynch rate remains a wonder to behold.

Enedwaith, hope everything turns out well. Then get your behind back here!

Oh, and Kath, I'll be an ex-World Champion in Chess. With suicidal tendencies, of course. ;)

Kath 05-28-2006 04:45 AM

Celuien and Lommy I need occupations from you.

Sauce I need a yes or a no from you.

Now, to other matters.

Deadline will be 11pm GMT - please don't ask me to translate that into EST or CST or anything because a) I won't be able to and b) my head will explode if I try!

NO double lynchings - if there is a tie the first person to get the most votes will be lynched.

Retractable votes - because I love the mad frenzy at the end when we have those.

3 werewolves
Changeling - the person with this role will choose another player each Night and will gain that players power for the Night, in place of the real Gifted. For example, if I was the Seer and Lommy was the Changeling, if Lommy chose me that Night she would dream in my place, but I would be informed of who she dreamed of. If the Changeling chooses a wolf, that wolf cannot join in the Night's PMing (once they know they've been chosen) but nor can the Changeling. However, the Changeling does get final decision on the kill. They cannot choose the same person until 2 Night's has passed, and they cannot reveal anything they have learned about people's roles at Night, but while in posession of a Gift (be it good or evil) they are on that teams side. So, as a wolf they could kill the Seer if they knew who the player was, and as the Seer they could dream of a wolf to let the real Seer know who one was.

If that makes any sense to anyone I will be amazed. I'm not going to be here for quite a lot of the day but please ask questions, argue amongst yourselves, and will try to sort it all out when I come back, which should be at around 7.

The game will be starting today at 11pmGMT with a Night phase.

Celuien 05-28-2006 04:49 AM


Ketchup grower. Yes, it does grow on trees. :p :D

Kath 05-28-2006 04:51 AM

Of course it does! Thanks.

Thinlómien 05-28-2006 05:42 AM

I will be an AA-advisor. :D

edit: or consultant, or whatever you call those guys. Kath, feel free to rephrase my occupation, I think you know what I mean anyway.

Celuien 05-28-2006 07:00 AM


They cannot choose the same person until 2 Night's has passed, and they cannot reveal anything they have learned about people's roles at Night...So, as a wolf they could kill the Seer if they knew who the player was, and as the Seer they could dream of a wolf to let the real Seer know who one was.
:confused: Does that mean the Changling gets to tell you to tell the degifted Seer about dreams received while usurping the gift?

the guy who be short 05-28-2006 08:52 AM

Kathwen, I didn't know we were having silly occupations. In this case, I would like to be a Pokémaster.

Celuien 05-28-2006 09:04 AM

I can help with time zones, at least for those of us on EDT:

According to the line at the bottom of the Downs index, EDT = GMT -4.

So the deadline works out to 7 PM EDT.

Caranlondien 05-28-2006 09:55 AM


Changeling - the person with this role will choose another player each Night and will gain that players power for the Night, in place of the real Gifted. For example, if I was the Seer and Lommy was the Changeling, if Lommy chose me that Night she would dream in my place, but I would be informed of who she dreamed of. If the Changeling chooses a wolf, that wolf cannot join in the Night's PMing (once they know they've been chosen) but nor can the Changeling. However, the Changeling does get final decision on the kill. They cannot choose the same person until 2 Night's has passed, and they cannot reveal anything they have learned about people's roles at Night, but while in posession of a Gift (be it good or evil) they are on that teams side. So, as a wolf they could kill the Seer if they knew who the player was, and as the Seer they could dream of a wolf to let the real Seer know who one was.
This sounds like an interesting role... but I have a couple of questions. Which team are they on (i.e., under what circumstances does the Changeling win)? And it says that they can't reveal what they've found out at night... But if they find a wolf they'll obviously vote based on it, so are they allowed to hint at it? Finally, does the Seer dream of the Changeling as the Changeling or as an ordo?

Nogrod 05-28-2006 10:13 AM

Some more questions about the Changeling.

- Is the Changeling in the acquired role only during the night-phases? You say they are on that team's side when in possession of the gift, but what does that mean? So what are her/his primary goals?
- If the Changeling picks a wolf, will s/he just contact the moderator to decide the kill?
- What constitutes "revealing the information" gotten during the night? If someone learns that X is a wolf, can s/he make a case against the X on the next day with all might if s/he just doesn't say, that s/he knows it because of last night? It may become quite hard to remain sane if you come to change sides everynight - and trying to remember not to disclose any information gained at nights while taking part to the discussion.

The Saucepan Man 05-28-2006 10:18 AM

Kath, if you're starting tonight you can count me in. :)

I shall be a retired Arda-famous chariot racer and playboy millionaire. :smokin:

I would echo Caran's questions about the Changeling role. If he/she swaps sides with every new role, then it would make sense to play with that in mind. In other words, since the likeliest night-time pick is an innocent (whether gifted or not), it will surely be in the Changeling's interests always to play for the good side as this is the side s/he is most likely to end up on.

Would it not make more sense to say that the Changeling is on one side or the other throughout the game and that s/he can use his/her gift to that end? So, if on the side of good, s/he can use an assumed Wolf role to try to kill off a Wolf. And, if on the evil side, s/he can use an assumed Seer role to try to dream of other Gifteds.

I would suggest that the Changeling be on the Wolves' side (but without knowing their identities) and that s/he gains only the roles of the good Gifteds, making him or her rather like a "powered-up" Cobbler. Alhough that might require something to balance the game out, though, as otherwise the Wolves might be too powerful.

I don't know. Just some thoughts off the top of my head. But the Changeling role does need some clarifying though, I think.

mormegil 05-28-2006 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by SpM
I don't know. Just some thoughts off the top of my head. But the Changeling role does need some clarifying though, I think.

I agree. I'm not sure how well this role will work out. I thought that you were going for a simple game Kath! :)

I'm rather perplexed at the general purpose of the role and how it all fits in together. I just spoke about shifting alliegances in Dueling Wizards and how difficult it felt for me the first day and I cannot imagine if you switch back and forth multiple times. Also this role has the potential to be super powered if he/she makes the correct picks. Let's say he picks the seer and dreams of somebody and it's the ranger. Next night he chooses a wolf and becomes one. Then the wolves know of two gifteds and dispatch them without delay. Now this is a bit far fetched I'll admit but possible and the changling could have far too much impact on this game in my opinion.

The Saucepan Man 05-28-2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by morm
Also this role has the potential to be super powered if he/she makes the correct picks.

Quite so. But if the Changeling is on the Wolves' side, but unable to communicate with them and unable to direct kills, the only way s/he would be able to use the knowledge would be to try to influence lynchings. Ergo the "poered up" Cobbler comment.

Mithalwen 05-28-2006 12:26 PM

Befuddled already - can I change my role to village idiot? :rolleyes:

Does this mean that the changeling could unwittingly as wolf lill another wolf then being normalised next day get the wolf they chose killed...

Kath 05-28-2006 12:32 PM

Alright let's see if I can answer these questions.


Does that mean the Changling gets to tell you to tell the degifted Seer about dreams received while usurping the gift?
Yes, everything the Changeling does will go through me. The people chosen by the Changeling will never know who it was.


Which team are they on (i.e., under what circumstances does the Changeling win)?
During the Day they are on the villagers side. At Night they are on whatever side the person they have chosen is.


And it says that they can't reveal what they've found out at night... But if they find a wolf they'll obviously vote based on it, so are they allowed to hint at it?
They can hint in that they can find evidence in game to support it. They cannot say 'last Night I was a wolf' because they are not allowed to reveal.


Finally, does the Seer dream of the Changeling as the Changeling or as an ordo?
An ordo.


Is the Changeling in the acquired role only during the night-phases? You say they are on that team's side when in possession of the gift, but what does that mean? So what are her/his primary goals?
Yes. That means that if they are a wolf at Night the primary goal is to kill all the villagers, and if they are a Seer it is to scry a wolf.


If the Changeling picks a wolf, will s/he just contact the moderator to decide the kill?


What constitutes "revealing the information" gotten during the night? If someone learns that X is a wolf, can s/he make a case against the X on the next day with all might if s/he just doesn't say, that s/he knows it because of last night?
Exactly yes, I believe that answers Caran's question.

Sauce, nice to have you in! But I'm going to say no to any ideas about the Changeling because it took me long enough to work out what I was doing with this version. Thank you anyway :)


Also this role has the potential to be super powered if he/she makes the correct picks. Let's say he picks the seer and dreams of somebody and it's the ranger. Next night he chooses a wolf and becomes one. Then the wolves know of two gifteds and dispatch them without delay.
Wrong. The Changeling cannot PM with the wolves, so they don't know who s/he may have dreamt of previously. And yes I know I said this would be a simple game, but that was compared to lmp's :p

As to being too powerful, that depends. If the Changeling were fortunate enough to choose all three wolves one after the other and was able to persuade the rest of the village to lynch them then yes. But how likely is it that one player is going to be able to do that? Half the time people argue against the Seer when they tell them who to vote for :rolleyes:

Kath 05-28-2006 12:34 PM


Does this mean that the changeling could unwittingly as wolf lill another wolf then being normalised next day get the wolf they chose killed...
I'm actually still undecided on that. Should the Changeling be able to kill a wolf as a wolf?

What do you think people?

Kath 05-28-2006 12:52 PM

Thread's open, yell at me if I've forgotten to put anything in. Roles are coming out now. I won't be back until about 15 minutes before the game starts (go my planning :rolleyes: ) so apologies if anyone has problems.

Mithalwen 05-28-2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
I'm actually still undecided on that. Should the Changeling be able to kill a wolf as a wolf?

What do you think people?

I'd say yes will be interesting ..besides if they don't get a kill they will know a second wolf.... well unless the Ranger is around ...

But if so can a Ranger protect a wolf from the Changeling uber wolf?

And if the hunter hunts the changelings changee who dies?

Mithalwen 05-28-2006 01:34 PM

So should I have had my role or should I go home since it won't be out till late...?

the guy who be short 05-28-2006 02:26 PM

I have had my role. So you probably should have.

Mithalwen 05-28-2006 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
So should I have had my role or should I go home since it won't be out till late...?

Well I haven't *pouts* ... I know why don't you all tell me yours so I can work it out :p

the guy who be short 05-28-2006 02:29 PM

Okay, that should work. I'm Pokémaster. :D

Try PMing Kath; she is notoriously forgetful.

Kath 05-28-2006 03:04 PM

Right, I hope everyone has their roles now. Mith I just PMed you yours.

Anyone who hasn't I'm sorry! Just PM me and I'll try to get it all sorted before day begins tomorrow.

I won't be around for the first few hours of this Night so I apologise. I'm also going to start it now because I may not be here at 11.

Good luck all!

Sorry for the rushed start, RL suddenly hit me.

Kath 05-29-2006 04:48 AM

Sorry Mith didn't see these before!


But if so can a Ranger protect a wolf from the Changeling uber wolf?
Yes, though presumably not on purpose. Whoever the Ranger protects is immune to death, whatever they are attacked by.


And if the hunter hunts the changelings changee who dies?
The person the Hunter is hunting will die, not the Changeling. So if the Changeling took the role of a wolf, and the Hunter chose the same player, it would be the player that died, not the now lupine Changeling.

Oh yes and, how the Changeling can win:
If the Changeling is a wolf at Night and kills the final innocent during this phase, they win as a wolf.

If the last wolf is lynched during the Day, they win as an innocent.

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