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the guy who be short 12-15-2005 01:58 PM


Thursday, December 15, at 6:00 p.m., EST
LMP's official ending time, which gives us three hours.

So, Encai, I hope you get here in time to get us there. We could, you know, coincidentally end up right next to the resort. Infact... I wouldn't much mind somebody picking us up, interaction seems extremely limited in this RPG. *Looks at Mardil's stunning new automobile* ;)

Incidentally, I didn't make this very clear in the last post, but Mr Swanky isn't dead! The lightning struck the gorilla, as it was higher - Mr Swanky should be alive and well.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-15-2005 02:48 PM

A fight scene. And a joyful reunion. And all sorts of other things, as well as a trip to Mount Doom.

Coming right up.

the phantom 12-15-2005 04:09 PM

If you write about the arrival at Mount Doom, Mardil uses some of his extra cash to buy some ritzy rooms at Mount Doom's best hotel. Alli and Mardil can get into it a bit once they are there, but it doesn't have to be right away. We can argue during the "night", during the dead space between the trials- unless lmp doesn't want us to. And at one point during the journey, Roggie squeezes Mardil a bit too hard and Mardil responds by pricking his hand quite deeply with a knife coated with a slow working laxative that will hit Roggie after they've arrived at their destination. Everyone wonders why Mardil smiles so much after delivering the prick.

Celuien 12-15-2005 04:47 PM

Okay, Durelin, we are at Mount Doom. Please go ahead and redo the trip if you'd like. :)

I have one more post to make to tie up the the traffic violation and hair dye loose ends, but I guess that can fall in the 'night' or at the beginning of the next challenge, depending on how lmp wants it arranged.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-15-2005 05:06 PM

Subthread of LMAO

Originally Posted by Celuien
An enormous peg-legged pirate-Balrog stood in the road.

I love it. Tolkien is probably rolling in his grave. Only in ATM does a balrog get cast in a movie with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. :D

And TP: you can write the check-in scene if you like. I've got too much work to do tonight to add anything.

Kath 12-15-2005 05:10 PM

I can't make a post tonight - out of time. Would someone, Fea or phantom, mind just mentioning Sai's arriving at Mount Doom. I'll do a long post once the next test has begun and get everything in.

the phantom 12-15-2005 05:59 PM

I would've had more things happen and I would've added more details, but some very unexpected emergencies came up today. And actually, I'm not done taking care of them yet, so I won't be able to post a check-in scene until very late tonight- 2 AM or so. But that doesn't matter too much, because Fea put Alli, Sai, and Mardil at Mount Doom, and that's what really matters.

Encaitare 12-15-2005 06:53 PM

Okay, Wilhelmina and Fléin have reached Mount Doom. Later tonight (toNight?) I'll put up a check-in post in which the poor old lady gets to relax a bit.

littlemanpoet 12-15-2005 08:49 PM

You're going to have to have Queen Quon come back to life. No, scratch that. Anakron will have Queen Quon not really be dead, show up at Mount Doom Casino and Resort, and we'll have our own "Monster A Versus Monster B" B Movie script, featuring Roggie and Queen Quon. I'll work it into the next Scenario. Which I have to prepare. If I can do it in one day, we're cool. If not, we'll start in very early January.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-15-2005 09:52 PM

If we end up starting in January, will we have a very prolonged "night"?

If so, will we be able to post? It would give ample opportunity for a bit of interaction between characters, not to mention individual character development. A sort of a Council of Elrond for ATM. You know... a reeeeeeally long break from the action in which you learn all kinds of things about each character. :smokin:

Encaitare 12-15-2005 09:53 PM


You're going to have to have Queen Quon come back to life. No, scratch that. Anakron will have Queen Quon not really be dead, show up at Mount Doom Casino and Resort, and we'll have our own "Monster A Versus Monster B" B Movie script, featuring Roggie and Queen Quon.
Great minds think alike. ;) Sounds pretty sweet.

And since it's rather late and I do actually require sleep to function (despite what I keep telling myself), I think I'll wait till tomorrow to put up another post. In case anyone cares. :rolleyes:

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-16-2005 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Encaitare
In case anyone cares. :rolleyes:

I care. :)

As for me... I'm probably not going to be posting again for a few days. I'm going home today! Yay. Only the roads are horrible due to a precariously timed winter storm, so it's probably going to be an all day trip and then I've got plans once I get there.

See y'all t'morrow or the next day and can't wait to catch up on what I miss.

littlemanpoet 12-16-2005 10:51 AM

A Change in Plans
Due to circumstances beyond my effective control, we're going to take a break from the "Test" pattern of ATM. From today until January 2, 2006, Anakron will have given the Offending Party "a couple days" off from the Challenge. Feel free to post as often or seldom as you like.

Your characters must remain at Mount Doom Casino and Resort, and vicinity. Here's a geography for your rpging fun:

The great cataclysm of the destruction of the Ring caused the Sea of Nurn to expand westwards, then northwards, such that it now extends between the western mountain range (no books with me so I can't bring up all the names) of Mordor, and the arm that extends northeast before halting, separating "Nurnia" from the desolation of Mount Doom. The Sea of Nurn widens and extends northeastward, coming within 25 miles of Mount Doom on the western side. Between the Sea and Mount Doom lies the new city of Lost Angles, wherein lies Trollywood, the centre of the film industry of Mordor, such as it is. You guys drove in on the east side, even if you thought otherwise. At this northern extremity, the Sea is called the Pathetic Ocean, since it's way too small to be a real ocean, so it got to be said about it, "how pathetic", and the name stuck. So what if it's circular logic? I'm the moderator. nya. :p

That's it for now. Have at it. From time to time I'll add pieces of info such as geography, this, that, and the other t'ing.

So be ready to start back up ON January 3.

Have a happy Christmas!

Durelin 12-16-2005 02:12 PM

*sighs* This is what happens when I have mid-terms right before Christmas break.... Sorry, Celuien.

Celuien 12-16-2005 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin
*sighs* This is what happens when I have mid-terms right before Christmas break.... Sorry, Celuien.

Why, 'tis nothing to apologize for, I'm sure. We've both arrived safely at Mount Doom, which is what counts. :)

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-17-2005 06:29 PM

I've just found out (yesterday in the car) that my parents don't think it necessary to have the internet at my house and therefore my access is going to be, severely to a point of I'm just going to say right now "I have no access", limited.

Sorry guys. I'm not going to have more than extremely sparse and extremely limited internet access until the second weekend of January. :(

If somebody could be so kind, have Alli go to her room for the entirety of the trip? If people try to get her to come out, her answers will be short, snippy, and stubborn. She's going to be moping that Mardil had her tranquilized, that he had a knife to her throat, that etcetera, and that she's still attracted to him. Oh, and she's watching a lot of television coverage of the Mario incedent. I'll post if at all possible, but it probably won't be.

the guy who be short 12-20-2005 10:43 AM

Behold! A new list
Up to P20. 1034 things.

$2 bills
18th November 2005, Fea's psych class
20 year old goody-good 2nd cousin
24 hours in seven day week
25th of October 2005
28 hour shifts that end when there's too much light outside to fall asleep
50 Cent and other rappers that can't really rap and have horrible personalities
6 am flights
60s folk music groups
6th Form
A levels
Accidentally deleting replies to PMs
ache that comes from flossing after a long hiatus
Aching muscles after a new exercise routine
Active voice
acute paranoia
adjectives used in place of adverbs
adults who do not remember how it is to be young
adults who think moody teenagers care about the difficulties of being a parent
adults who think teens' negative thought are due to hormones and moodiness alone
adverts that are noisier than programmes
after-date paranoia
Ages 20-25
alarm clocks
Alcarillo's teacher
Alexander Pope's works
All cats, except ones with no claws that can play without biting and come when you call them.
allergic conjunctivitis
allergies and all of their varied symptoms
Alternating sun and rain within a day
American spelling
Ancient Philosophy teacher
annoying English teachers
annoying guys who provide the voiceovers at the end of infomercials and commercials
Annoying people
Anti-Cyclonic Depression (i.e. clouds and general greyness and an absence of any weather, even rain)
Any piercings other then earrings
Anybody who doesn't understand the concept of personal space
Anyone who thinks it's incorrect to make up words
Anyone who thinks not having a significant other lowers your value as a human being
Anyone who thinks that something is wrong with a girl who has no interest in fashion, looking "pretty," marriage, or dating
Anyone who uses more than two acronyms in the same sentence
anything boring
anything that keeps one from playing WW games
AP Physics II
apathetic English teachers
Apathetic teachers
apostrophe mis-users
Art projects involving negative space or still art or soldering
Art teachers
AS levels
ATM thread being longer than ATS
attempting to accomplish Orkish havoc characterized as "doing nothing"
attendance office at school with wrong information
attraction to the opposite sex
authors of 'bad-ism' allegories
Axe-murderers (in a soon to be released ATM near you....)
Baby on Board
Bad architecture and office rooms full of cubicles that make every worker feel like s/he's a creature in some kind of weird sci fi exhibit
Bad attitudes
bad email software
bad habits
Bad housemates
Bad lawyers
Bad moods
Bad scripts
bad thinking behind banning computer access while allowing long phone calls
bad translations
bad weather
badly designed tests
Bags of candy that come to an end too soon
Balrog Wingers
banning of the internet
Bar chords...hardest notes to play on the guitar
Baranthil's town
baseball playoffs
BD breaking
Because you don't need to
beer commercials that make you thirsty
Being a poor college kid
being bashful around people you know you'll get on excellent with
Being called to do something at the end of the day
Being Forbidden from entering The Barrowdowns
being introverted
Being left at school because answering machine didn't work right
being out of clean clothes
Being peerless on New Year's Eve
Being told you have to do something
Being too ill to walk
being too shy to say what you think or feel
being too sick to flirt (watch out, ATM ladies - 'she was just about to flirt with the cute boy when suddenly she felt sick enough to puke')
Being unable to turn down a good RPG
'Big Brother' television
Biology Lab partner who looks down your blouse
Black Eyed Peas
black flies
black licorice
blades on small hacksaws
blisters from flip-flops
blisters from unbroken argyle flats
blisters from unbroken flip flops
blisters from wearing huge boots
Blow up christmas things
Books that look interesting on the covers but are not inside.
books written by Roald Dahl
boring days at work
boring English teachers
Bowling machines
Brand Snobs
Breast cancer
British spelling
British Telecom
British television miniseries
British transportation system
Britney Spears
budget cuts
Building renovation
burning of fossil fuels
bus drills in gym class where they make you jump off the back of the bus
Business accounting such that labour is a liability
Busy trains
Cailin's argumentation teacher
Cailin's Medieval Irish project
Cailin's pronunciation teacher
Cailin's vocal coach
Campaign electioneering phone calls / adverts
candles that fail to produce enough scent to counter stinky shinguards
CAPs lockers
CaptainofDespair (cameo role?)
Casual discrimination, especially from anti-discriminatory bodies / people
Cat litter
Catch 22
'Caucasian' used to categorize or describe white people
celebrity magazines
Celebuial's college's security guards
Celebuial's dance teacher
cell phones
chapped lips
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (book & movies)
Checking bulbs are working
chewing gum spat out, covering pavement
Child Molesters.
children who cannot see how much they mean to their parents
Christmas adverts
Christmas sweaters with pom-poms
Chronically drunk college kids
cigarette smokers
City of Madison
classes where everybody's opinion is different from yours
Classes where homework isn't checked every week
classes you hate but still do well in
classy heels required for business attire
Clogged toilets
Close-minded people
Cold snaps
cold viruses
college applications
college applications as more important than wreaking Orkish havoc in an RPG
college dorm parties
college placement tests
Collegiate insomnia
comic sans font
commercial breaks, especially long and frequent.
Commercials for weight-loss pills or exercise machines
Commericialised Christmas
Common names
Commuting for education
computer game which does not let you save your progress whenever you want
Computer problems
computer viruses
computer-monitor induced headaches
Computers that keep breaking down
computers that screw up while using them
Concertgoers who tap out beats half a beat behind the band
Confusing people who do something that means one thing, then tell you something contradictory
Confusing sombody's sexuality
country music
Crass commercialism
Creepy teachers
criticism about, not to, a person
Crossovers in fanfiction
crystal clear bad memories
customer service departments that keep you on hold a little bit longer than forever
Customs checks
Cutting red tape
dangling prepositions
Dark circles under eyes
David Cameron
David Davis
days that are too warm for windows to be opened for fresh air
Declaring feelings to somebody and them not returning them
Department of Motor Vehicles
Deus Ex Machina
diarrea (you ATM players are really in for it!)
difference between English and American spelling
Differences in levels of education
Dirty bathrooms
dirty dishes
disappointment of having asked someone out only to learn that s/he doesn't feel the same way
Discrimination against the stupid
Disputes with long time friends
Distraction due to hot guys / girls / food
distributors of speed cameras
dog bites
dog clothes
dogs that bite (mean, nasty, clothes wearing dogs that bite in ATM)
dogs that can't be housebroken
Doing things the right way
door to door sales people
double negatives
Drama Queens
Dread Backspace Button Of Doom ... which works like internet 'back' command
dread from finding a check you thought you mailed to pay a bill
drivers who drive through a flood at top speed
drivers who ignore pedestrians
Dry coughs
Dying prematurely
early classes
easy driving tests
Easy driving tests!
elastic bands in braces
emergency rooms
employers who send your parent on a business trip on holiday
empty tubes of chap stick
Encai's English teacher
English classes
English metric inconsistency
English teachers who don't read Tolkien
English teachers who don't understand English
english-latin mumbojumbo
Eomer of the Rohirrim (cameo role?)
errant pronunciations of the name "Bach"
Esgallhugwen's brother
Esgallhugwen's brother's bird
Essay writers using big words to say simple things
Ethan frome
Euphemism to sell something hard to stomach
Everybody who was mean to Gil-Galad in junior school
Everything that can go wrong on a Monday morning
Evil bowling alleys with malfuctioning computers and unhelpful help
evil, sarcastic, sadistic teachers
excess mucous
Excess phlegm (and I mean, really in for it!)
Extra maths lessons
extroverts who try to make conversation when you are not in the mood
facial spots
Fake Christmas Trees
fake food (ie spray on butter, etc.)
Fake powdered Christmas drinks
fan fiction
Farael's beard
fathers who think they know everything about computers & delete your programs
Feeling of overeating
feeling older than your age
Filipino used to teach
Films based on books that radically alter storylines
final exams
finding a whole chick pea lurking in your braces 6 hours after your last meal
Finger- or toenail injuries
Firefoot's locker neighbour
First ay of school
First week of school
Fish that snap lines
Five year old asking if another five year old is Fea's daughter
Flash Harrys
flash software
Flashless cameras
flat tires
flight delays
Flourescent lights
food poisoning
Fordim Hedgethistle
foreign homophones
Forests and hills levelled for a gold course
forgetting how to draw
Forgetting ideas
Forgetting what you wanted to post
Fossil fuels
Fourth draft of research papers.
frat parties
French teacher
friends being sick
Friends talking about you behind your back
Frodo and Sam with cameo roles in LMP's Mordor RP
frog ring tones
Frozen milk
fume and stench
furry animals
general heat
Generic, uninventive Tolkien fanfiction
geography teachers
Getting a grade you don't deserve
getting a paragraph in reply to a five page letter
getting lynched on the first Day of Werewolf
getting up early
Getting up on weekends
Getting worked up over nothing
Giant Pandas
girls that claim to be LOTR fans because of Legolas
Glirdan's dance teacher
Glorification of drinking and being drunk.
going to bed when it's light out
Going to school after a long weekend
Going to the dentist
going to work on Saturday
Going to work on Saturday to Mordor.
government trying to improve people
Governments that only throw money at good schools
Green Bay Packers
ground spitters
Group projects
Groups of people who walk four across in a hallway only four people wide
Guy Fawkes Day
guys who think pretty girls are always dumb
halitosis (bad breath caused by gingivitis)
Hard maths tests
'have got'
Having a dancer's feet when you really are only pretending to be a dancer
having no common language
having the wrong textbook with a looming test
Having to reval two hours to get to school for a single class
having to share a laundry facility with 140 women
having to spread around the reps
Having to work until 12:30, 1:00, or 2:00 in the morning
havng to wait until LMP says so to watch that madly fun sounding RP unfold
Heart of Darkness
Heavy backpacks
heavy traffic
Highschool freshmen
history of language
History seminars about interestng sounding subjects
Holiday reading that must be journaled.
Hollywood and its fruitcakes
Hookbill the Goomba
hormone driven girls
Horrendously early Christmas preparations
Hot water running out when hair is full of shampoo
hot weather
Housemates who wont play trivial pursuit
hovering parents
How xxxx is that?
huge workloads
Hugs 'n' Learning
human tongue
hundred degree greenhouse
hurting knees
hypocritical parents
i.b. exam (?)
Idiotic bees
ignorant fools
Ignorant people.
Impatient people
inability to breathe
Inability to hold a standard.
Inability to take short showers
inability to turn down food dares
Income tax forms
Incompetent people on the day, despite lots of practice beforehand
inconsiderate customers
incorrect written use of its and it's
incorrect written use of your and you're
Infuriating internet connections that randomly commit suicide every so often
institutional food
internet when it isn't working
interpretation other than the artistic creator's
intolerant people
inventor of shoes that are loose around the ankles but tight on the toes
irrational fear of phone calls
Irregular verbs
Irresponsable pet owners
Isaac Newton
Jack Russells
Jamesian English speakers
Jam-throwing chavs
JK Rowling (cameo?)
Johnny Depp (cameo?)
Kath's psychology teacher
Keboards with rubbish spacebars.
know nothing nurses
'kotex fits. period' (billboards in ATM)
lack of a good Porter
lack of published Quenya
Lack of snow
lack of the Assigned to Mordor RPG (now that would be weird!)
Laitoste's family members
last day of holidays
Law school application process
lawn mowing
Lazy people not setting up sound systems
Leaders that use their powers for evil
Leaking rooves
Leaving a post at school, then having to hack into the school network to get hold of it again.
Level 81 in the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
liability paranoids
library freeloaders
light Mayonnaise
lima beans
lima beans
linguistic imperialism
little French cars with no guts
living on the third floor when you take dance classes
local press
Locker combinations that get stuck
London metropolitan road system
London public transport system
London Underground
Long distance relationships
Long rehearsal hours
long road trips
Lord of the Rings note books ... sold out
Losing / misplacing things
Losing a post on downs due to crap internet stuff
Losing elections
Losing wallets
Lost passports
M25 Motorway
make-up work at school after illness
mandatory meeting right after sweaty excerise
Marketing executives
Mary Sues
Math exams scheduled at seven in the morning on a Saturday
medication tolerance
Memorising lists
Memory lapses
men who hit women
men who proposition random girls
Men who unintelligently assign a woman's bad mood to hormones (is there an intelligent way of doing it?)
Mice that don't do what they're told
Michael Moore
Michigan winters
Mismatched socks
misused homophones
Mixed messages
mobile phones
modern world's way of taking all the fun out of life
monosodium glutimate
Most vegetables
Multiple lynching in Werewolf (need to work this into ATM somehow...)
musicians' managers.
'my bad'
My philosophy is...
'myself and ______'
Mysteriously temperamental showers
nagging mothers
nagging parents
nagging thoughts you realize you should have listened to
Napoleon Dynamite
Neighbours staying up late laughing loudly or playing music
neighbours who put up large aluminum sheds which block all sun from your garden
New computers
news report sound bites
Newspapers exaggerating PC stories
nights when there is a full moon (so it's always a full moon in Mordor)
Nilpaurion Felagund
No graphing calculator rules
No paper currency smaller than a five pound note
noisy air conditioners
nonstandard word users
Norman Conquest
Not being able to refrainfrom sarcasm, cynicism, or snide comments
not being able to spend time with your girl/boyfriend
not being in the same class with your friends
Not having enough money
Not having enough time for PMs
Not teaching foreign languages until the age of 12
nuclear bombs
Numbers outside basic maths
'official Wendy's guy'
offspring who don't understand the difficulties of being a parent
off-topic posts
Old ice cream
Once respectable people who sell their soul by acting in lousy commercials
online college application forms
Opponents to the metric system
Organic Chemistry
osteopaths who try to crush you
Overdone christmas decorations
Overplayed songs
Oversalted popcorn
overzealous political correctness
pain from first ever dance class
Painting apartments on Friday night and having to go to work on Saturday
panicked atmosphere that unprepared students create before tests
parents and their children
parents when they're in a bad mood
Parents who abuse their children
parents who brag about their children
parents who cannot understand their children
Parents who don't like tongue piercings
Parents who mould consciences
parents who name their kids badly
parents who think that you're nervous about leaving for college in the morning when you're not
Paris Hilton
Parking around malls
Passive voice
Patina that doesn't work
Pedestrians who walk in the street when there is a perfectly good sidewalk ten feet away.
Pens that don't work
people always in a rush
People in chatrooms with names like 'webcamguy16wantstits'
People misusing the word assign
People on IM who sign in and out repeatedly
People on robotics team
People right in front of you who randomly stop
People that can only answer questions by saying 'yes', 'no' and 'I don't know'
People that don't understand introverts like me.
People that don't use proper or close-to-proper spelling in messages and chatrooms.
People that think they are so great and so funny while they aren't.
People who "don't get" fantasy or sci-fi.
People who "don't get" Strong Bad.
People who act knowing that their actions are going to hurt/upset/offend
People who allocate blame to political correctness or bureaucracy randomly
People who are constantly worried about offending someone
people who are easily offended
People who are easily offended should go to Mordor.
people who are horrified by 'weird' food combinations
people who are overly worried about offending others
People who assign people to Mordor for convenience in the RPG
People who assume that to live a life with no romantic interests must be the greatest of hardships
People who ATM for convenience
People who believe that they are the only important beings in the universe
people who believe they are animals
People who blind with their brights after you flash your brights to warn them of a speed trap
People who bring smelly food to the cinema
People who buy stupid things
People who buy the last tub of Ben and Jerry's
People who can't be quiet
People who can't comprehend that two people of opposite genders can be friends with out being romantically interested in each other
People who care too much about pro football
People who chat in-thread
people who claim that the advert breaks are no louder than the programmes
people who complain about not being able to find shoes one time in their lives
People who delight in interfering or spreading ill news
People who dismiss Tolkien without reading it
People who distribute tacks over pavements
People who do not believe in the philosophy that when something is boring you make it fun, and when it’s still not fun after you tried, you drink lots of tequilas and dance on the bar
People who do not understand the need for representation
People who do not understand the satisfaction of a half-formed desire
People who do things behind your back
People who don't indicate at roundabouts
People who don't know directions and give false directions.
people who don't turn up for meetings they set
People who don't turn up when invited weeks in advance
People who don't understand cross cultural views of personal space
People who don't understand introverts
People who drive exactly the speed limit
People who drive really slow and stop at corners that don't have stop signs and generally act lost.
People who drop pronouns
People who find love no proper motivation to move to Scotland
People who flash-blind people with their photography
people who forget about the "grey area" in between what's black and white
people who give away spoilers to books and movies without warning
People who give instructions on car driving when you're fine
People who glare
people who hate white chocolate
people who have no regard for others
People who litter instead of using a trash can 15 feet away
people who make fun of people with asthma
People who make out in the hallways at school between classes
People who misuse the word work
People who offer unsolicited academic advice
People who only complain about bad things, never mentioning the good
people who pay with change
people who pronounce it Ray-min noodles
people who repeatedly don't show up when you invite them
People who run their stop/yield sign and then glare at you like you should've stopped for them
people who say 'it's not rocket science'
people who spill liquor wantonly
people who spit gum out on to the pavement
people who spread stupid tales around the workplace
People who stand in the middle of a crowded hallway
People who step on your feet
People who tailgate when you are going the speed limit or above
People who talk during performances
People who talk loudly into mobiles
People who think dog taxes exist so the government can do nice things to dogs
People who think everyone should get out and vote.
People who think families of more than 2 children are huge
People who think popularity equals quality.
People who think Republicans should go to Mordor.
People who think that - just because you dance with someone in a flirty manner - you are in love
people who think that a Straight Edge lifestyle means you've got a gang mentality
People who think they are the bomb because they have a Honda Civic
People who think Tolkien is boring
People who think writing is a waste of time and effort
People who use ATM thread as a blogspot
People who use dictionaries as if English were a dead language
People who use others as a dumping ground for problems
people who use personal grief as an excuse to treat other peple badly
people who wearing sockless sandals bring small space heaters to warm up the space under their desks
People who wont go to the back of a bus when it fills up
People who would deprive us of a story
people with gender double standards
people you thought were your friends stabbing you in the back
permanent paranoia of law enforcement officers
Personal space desecration
Personal statements on college applications
pervasive media
Pharmaceutical company ads
Phony fish oil ad
Phys. Ed. teachers who ignore the fact of your asthma
Physics teachers
piles of wet tissues that come with allergies
Plain potato chips
Plumbers with no idea what they're doing
Pointless homework assignments
political correctness
political correctness
political correctness ignoramuses
pop drinkers
pop-up ads
Portfoli projects
Portuguese men of war
post-delivery routes in Gentofte, Denmark
Practice job interviews with your parents
Prefab fish and chips
Presidential Fitness Test
pretentious pronunciation of foreign words and phrases
pretentious pronunciations
pretentious silent letters
pretentious use of silent letters
Printers that don't print important things
Private medical insurance
process by which one's wisdom teeth are removed
Professor's not allowing profanity in work
Profs who give four multiple choices, varying only the sifnificant figures
Property developers
Provincial road planners in Alberta
Psych tests
Psychology coursework
PT Cruisers
pulled muscles
pungent, musty smell of shinguards
purple ketchup
pushy and angsty cousins
pushy extroverts
Quadratic Function
Qu'est-ce que c'est que ca?
queue cutters
Quick passing of time
Quiet hours
rabbit bites
rap music
Rap music
reality television
Reality TV
really great cartoons on too late to watch on a school night
really heavy textbooks
Recurring nightmares
red food coloring
religious fundamentalist terrorists
Religious fundamentalists.
rep surges
repair shops that are behind schedule
Report-writing teachers
Research papers
ridiculous conspiracy theories
ridiculous conspiracy theorists
rising gas prices
Roa_Aoife's sister
Road Construction during the worst time of the year
road rage
road tests
Roald Dahl
role of Ranger in werewolf
rotten vegetables in cupboards
RTS games with hegemonous empires nearby
Rubbish films on Saturday "premieres"
rumors that idiots spread
Rumour creators.
SAT supporters
Saturday morning classes
Saturday schooldays
Sauron's finger and its army
scary professors
School computers blocking BD
school districts that separate best friends to different schools
school uniform
school when it is absolutely pointless
Screwing up a simple drawing
Seaside rain
Selective meanness
Sexist radio hosts
Shin splints
shoe companies that don't find it economically viable to produce shoes in your size
shoe stores that are all out of the cool shoe in your size
Shops building over nature
Short blankets
Show nights
Shows overlapping on TV
shrieking early birds
Siblings who wake up early
sickness causing you to miss last seven basketball games of season
Significant figures
skinned knees
Sleeping at inappropriate times
Slipping on garbage left by others in streets
Slow walking people
Small cars that aren't made for a larger man
Small dogs
Smart students
smoke generated by firecrackers
Smut writers
snotty Sarumans
snotty upperclassmen
Snow followed by warm weather
Snowy stairs
soap operas
social conventions of enduring arrogant people with politeness
Socks with holes
Soda & coke drinkers
Sophomore year in high school
Sore throats
Speed cameras
spell checkers
Spending too much on unsatisfactory smoothies
spider bites
spoilt kids that howl on the street
sports physicals
spotting speed cameras and slamming your brakes on
Stalling a standard car in the middle of an intersection
standard English
Standard Of Learning tests that force teachers to teach "to the test"
standardized tests
Stepping in a bucket of paint
strip searches at airports
stubbed toes
students who fail easy tests
students who insist on coming to school when they are sick
students who start moaning when they have to take a test
studies aka homework
stupid people
Stupid people earning higher wages than you
Stupid people that walk off with girls that I would like to walk off with myself.
Sudden returns to school
summer air conditioning that is set far, far too cold
summer reading books
sweat patches
switching schools
Tall people in front of short people
tax code writers
tax collectors
Teachers assigning huge projects
Teachers making things up
Teachers' timekeeping
Teachers who don't make maths interesting and explain it properly
Teachers who lose coursework
Teachers who make up phrases
Teachers who memorise long words to sound clever, using them repeatedly, or out of context, or both
Teachers who talk about their children
teens who don't understand that parents see their children as extensions of themselves
Telemarketers who switch the long-distance service you've told them you're happy with
telemarketing companies
Telesales people
Tests that it is impossible to finish on time
text books that cost over a hundred bucks a piece and that they have no used versions of
Text books.
The "ghetto" or "gangsta" look
The Aeneid
The Canonicity Thread
The fact that it's always easier to find things to complain about
The gunk left in the sink when you're done washing dishes
The gunk people leave on their plates when it's your turn to do the dishes
The gunk that you find in the sink while you're washing dishes
The job of dishes in general
The O.C.
The phrase "bust a cap"
The Saucepan Man (cameo role?)
The system that allows less intelligent people into positions of authority
The week before finals week
Thinlómien's boring geography presentation
thoughts that won't get properly organized to post a serious post to a Books thread
three large assignments due on the same day
Time being snatched away
tomato hornworms
Too much to do, not enough time
Tooth fillings that begin to peel off
TORE's lack of driving licence
Traffic jams
Train services on New Year's Eve and Day
Trick or treaters
trying to decipher Shakespeare
trying to figure out where to go to University
trying to file incredibly small pieces of metal
Tteens who don't understand that parents see their children as extensions of their own bodies and souls,.
TV companies maximising profits and forcing their shows on you
UCAS applications
unfriendly computers
unidentified phone caller
University fees
unnecessary aspects of plot
unpredictable kilns
Unsigned positive reps
unsigned positive reps received for a post condemning unsigned positive reps
Untranslatable texts
Use of academic language
used Handkerchiefs
vacation being over
vending machine
Vinyl gloves
Waiting lists in hospitals
Waiting rooms (or lack therof) inside car repair shops
wanton destruction of your memories in the form of great old edifices replaced by blah new
Warranties that expire right before something breaks down
water that accidentally gets inhaled
watered down drinks
Werewolf games
wet used handkerchief in your pocket
When it's winter and should snow, but isn't.
When the Downs is quiet
When you really like a thread but can't think of anything to say
When your friend's parents see you as odd
When you're washing dishes and you have to leave off suddenly, and the nasty cold water drips down your elbows
Whining Roommates
white chocolate
Whoever cancelled masters in Astrophysics ay Keele University
whoever decided to make Lucius Malfoy so attractive in the Harry Potter films
Whoever made the Packer game and the UW men's basketball game on at the same time
Whoever moved Monday Night Football to ESPN
Whoever raised Laitoste's county sales tax to pay for the new Packers stadium
Whoever stole Oro's final project
Whoever stole SPaM's who, the toerag
Wimpy snow
windshield wiper blades that always streak in the line of vision (the orcs behind the wheel driving cars - with flat tires - too fast in Mordor should love this)
Winged Balrogs
'witch' at the other end of the office
Working any time before noon
working any time before noon
worries that pick at the mind whether traveling will be safe
worst subjects all in the same semester
Yankees announcers
year-long redundant teachers
Yellow cars (and all PT Cruisers at that!)
You are judged by the company you keep. (to be on billboards in Mordor)
Younger brothers

piosenniel 12-20-2005 11:30 AM


And you alphabetized them . . . At last - someone as obsessive as I am!

~*~ Pio :p

littlemanpoet 12-20-2005 09:45 PM

Boy am I glad I left that to you, Guy. I may be obsessive, but not THAT obsessive. :eek: ;)

Encaitare 12-20-2005 10:05 PM

Wow... kudos, Shorty. This is how cool you are for doing that --> :cool: :smokin:

the guy who be short 12-21-2005 05:31 AM

Thanks guys, but technically Microsoft Excel sorted them alphabetically for me, and LMP did most of the listing.

Alas, I was going to write a post but I'm being swept away to the North (not that far) for two days. Encaitare, Fléin's odd and dubious attraction to Wilhelmina must remain only in my mind for a few days yet. :p Yes, I'm serious.

Encaitare 12-21-2005 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
Alas, I was going to write a post but I'm being swept away to the North (not that far) for two days. Encaitare, Fléin's odd and dubious attraction to Wilhelmina must remain only in my mind for a few days yet. :p Yes, I'm serious.

Heehee, I look forward to that! :p

Fordim Hedgethistle 12-21-2005 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
The 900ish things sent to Mordor in the first 18 pages are as follows:

food poisoning
Fordim Hedgethistle
foreign homophones
Forests and hills levelled for a gold course

What the...???!?!?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

I mean, really, who could.....what kind of perverse person's not like.....

*pant pant pant*

Can someone please explain to me -- and I think I am owed an explanation -- why FOG has been assigned to Mordor????

piosenniel 12-25-2005 03:12 PM

~*~ Announcement ~*~

You are all invited to post in The Yule Log in Rohan. Just read Bêthberry’s introductory post and join in at The Green Man Free House for the next few weeks.

Come share a story of ghosties, and ghoulies, and sharp toothed goblins for the days of the Winter’s Yule while the fire burns bright and warm and the drink flows freely.

~*~ Pio

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-27-2005 03:25 PM

I have a colossal post (four pages of single spaced size 10 Verdana in Microsoft Word) to put up when I get a chance (meaning when the computer I have the post on is the same one as the computer I access the internet with).

If anybody else posts, don't bother with Alli. An overview is this: she waits impatiently for instructions, finds out the proceedings are delayed a few days, and meets up with some of the Wrong Sort in a seedy corner of the casino to call in a favor. Shortly thereafter, she is gone from the casino. If anybody (Mardil, maybe? P'raps Sai?) feels like following her, her desinations are as follows: into casino, sketchy corner, private room (for a few hours), street, coffee shop. Before she enters the shop, she forgets to look behind her. Once there, she sits alone in a dark corner staring moodily into her drink. I'll account for Roggie's whereabouts later.

the guy who be short 12-28-2005 10:21 AM

Would anybody *looks at LMP* mind if I brought Queen Quon back into the picture in my next post? It would only mention her appearance, then the post would probably end.

littlemanpoet 12-28-2005 07:12 PM

Do it. Queen Quon needs to come back in anyway, as both she and Roggie are going to appear in ATM as if in a new hit movie of monster versus monster. Maybe you could have her in her oversized make-up room or something. Or not. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-03-2006 03:24 PM

My dear LMP, surely I won't have to keep revisiting Roggie's story to make sure the world is made aware that he is not a monster and is simply... of man-shape, but greater?

Totally misunderstood. Balrogs are just like people... even if their fumes are carcinogenic.

littlemanpoet 01-03-2006 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fea
... even if their fumes are carcinogenic.

Or that they were given their marching orders by Morgoth, but he's in the Void anyway so how can that count?

Anyway, we're underway again. Sundown will be at 7pm, Wednesday, January 11.

Happy hunting! And may the celebrities find themselves with all their dignity missing. Oh. Yeah. That's true already. Then whatever you can take from them! Have at it. Should be fun. :D

Edit: Sundown will be as of 7pm, Sunday, January 15.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-04-2006 03:27 PM

Oh dear, restarting already. I'll have full access back on Sunday when I'll post, and hopefully Pio or someone else will place, Alli's Casino-and-surrounding-areas piece. Apart from that, I'll simply have to play catch up when I get back to school. I'll fill in the blanks where necessary when possible.

Good gaming 'til then, m'darlings.

And LMP, you can't pick your master when you're a slave, can you? Who ever said that the Balrogs worked willingly for Morgoth? Perhaps they feared retribution if they didn't follow his orders and pretend like they followed his dogma? Just because Balrogs are less courageous than you, shouldst thou scorn them? :p

the guy who be short 01-05-2006 11:58 AM

*Wanders in*

Starting up again? Sigh... A little sooner than I expected. I have a ton of maths to do, and I just stepped in a bucket of paint whilst wearing my suit. A combination of these factors mean I cannot / don't want to post today. I'll get something done on the morrow.

By the way, unless anybody has got him already, I'm calling dibs on Mr. Depp.

Kath 01-05-2006 05:00 PM

Ok I have an idea but it has led to a question. Does the thing to be taken away have to be able to actually be physically taken?

Durelin 01-05-2006 06:06 PM

Celuien - Valde would like to join Panakeia, as I just can't pass up the opportunity to see William Shatner in Middle-earth, even if it is only through my character's eyes. :D

He of course has another mission, though.

Sorry for the random nihilism.

Celuien 01-05-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin
Celuien - Valde would like to join Panakeia, as I just can't pass up the opportunity to see William Shatner in Middle-earth, even if it is only through my character's eyes. :D

He of course has another mission, though.

Sorry for the random nihilism.

Okay. :)

By the way, this is the Cap it all records building. It's visible from the Trollywood Freeway (the 101 on this map - sorry for adding it.)

littlemanpoet 01-05-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Celuien
Okay. :)

By the way, this is the Cap it all records building. It's visible from the Trollywood Freeway (the 101 on this map - sorry for adding it.)

Talk about pianist envy! :eek:

Kath, use your imagination and make it work in ATM.

Kath 01-06-2006 03:01 AM

Cheers! Now to see if it will . . .

Celuien 01-06-2006 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Talk about pianist envy! :eek:

Really, the only reason the map is there is that, believe it or not, once upon a time, this child of cheesesteaks and the Liberty Bell lived in the city of tinsel and glitter and couldn't wait to go home. I can't pass up the chance to spoof LA itself along with the celebrities. And I'm planning to be more or less geographically correct.

That Capitol Records building is ugly, isn't it?

littlemanpoet 01-06-2006 10:33 AM

Some concern has been voiced regarding the earliness of our start. Though I was clear back in December that we would be starting on january 3, I'm sure real life is more pressing and one can lose track of such things as rpg restarts. My main reason for starting when I did was that some of you voiced concern that this not drag on into February. As it is, we have three weeks to go unless we cut out one of the three remaining scenarios:

Scenario 3: Celebrity Hunt: Jan. 3-9
Scenario 4: Werewolf in Mordor: Jan. 10-16
Scenario 5: University Hospital of Mordor: Jan. 17-23.

That gives us a week to spare. Maybe the concerns about February are not so pressing? Maybe that extra week can be worked with? If you like, we can stretch this first week a few days. If so, I'd like us to plan together how the rest of the time is going to fall out. Let me know, everyoffendingone. :)

Celuien 01-07-2006 12:27 PM

I'm fine with extending the current challenge a few days or so. February isn't an issue for me.

the guy who be short 01-07-2006 01:03 PM

Save filled.

I think it would be wise to extend Celeb hunting by a few days, considering the fact that most of us have just started.

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