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Gandalf_theGrey 03-08-2003 11:12 AM

Lady Aerowen:

Just received your PM ... please meet me for a brief chat if you're available, my friend! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Gandalf the Grey

TheLadyAerowen 03-08-2003 11:16 AM


Okay, I should be there all day, but whether or not I'm paying attention, is a whole different story [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Just page me (say LadyAerowen) and I should look in, unless I'm away, which will be obvious by my nick [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I'm there now, so talk to you soon!

~The Lady Aerowen

VanimaEdhel 03-09-2003 04:17 PM

I think I'll let Varda to our next post, as I have done the past few. Although she voted in each aspect that required a choice, I think she should have a chance to have things more from Poppy's view about now...

*Varda* 03-09-2003 04:22 PM

Sounds good, but any post will have to wait till tomorrow night. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] I did intend to post yesterday, but the sudden realisation that I had a 2000 word essay due in tomorrow (as yet I've still only written about 300 words, and will probably be up most of the night) and I have a french exam in the morning put it to the back of my mind. Writer's block didn't aid matters either [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Hm. In fact, maybe I'll just post just now (procrastination....)

EDIT: Gandalf, if we go through the northern door in the Great Hall, what will we see?

[ March 09, 2003: Message edited by: *Varda* ]

Gandalf_theGrey 03-10-2003 12:08 AM

Child of the 7th Age:

Very nice posting! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I've had my own personal response to Andreth's actions thought out, but am waiting just a bit for others who want to post, because some have informed me of school responsibilities. Things are indeed in motion behind the scenes, in any case, and you'll soon see the results.


Monday night will be soon enough, am looking forward to your post. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

To answer your question, through the North door in the Great Hall, you enter an inner corridor running East-West. In this corridor, if you look directly East you will see an opening that goes into a kitchen. Along the Northern wall are three locked, plain-looking steel doors.

Things You May Wish to Keep in Mind:

Is Poppy exploring on her own, or with Estelarion while Menelduliniel reads through the Butler's papers? Or is Poppy now aware of what Menelduliniel has read, about the green book with the hidden deed?


I've just sent you a PM ... I hope it's coherent, because I was sorta half asleep when I wrote it, but wanted to get you a quick answer. So if you have any questions, please feel welcome to let me know! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Happy to see progress on our way to lifting the curse of Castle Maladil,

Gandalf the Grey

[ March 10, 2003: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

*Varda* 03-11-2003 05:01 PM

And my connection is finally kind enough to let me on to post [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

What do we see now we're in the kitchen?

Gandalf_theGrey 03-11-2003 05:37 PM

Dear Varda,

As you enter the kitchen, you see three skeletons ... one Elvish, the other of the race of Man fallen, another Orcish, where they struggled in battle. An nearby axe to this day bears dried black blood dating from the Second Age. (For the purposes of background information, the Elvish skeleton is that of Tella the Cook, and the other skeleton near the axe is that of Anna.)

Below is a picture of what the kitchen looks like. I've actually been inside this kitchen, for it is part of the French Castle at Old Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York, which still stands. (They've cleaned the kitchen up a bit since taking the picture, btw, ... I've eaten inside this very kitchen while re-enacting the Siege Battle of 1759.)

There are no closed doors leading to other rooms from this kitchen ... however, there is another opening. This other opening leads East, back out to the Inner Courtyard and the front of the Castle.

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf_theGrey 03-12-2003 07:07 PM


Last Call for Posts !!!

As all the ingredients are now in place for the curse to be lifted ... that is, the Green Book has been found, the Key has been found, the Note among the Butler's papers has been found ... the Castle Maladil RPG draws successfully to a close.

Please note the following deadlines:

1) Wednesday, March 19th --

Is the last day on which I'll accept new posts dealing with any last-minute action your character wants to take before the curse is lifted.

2) Wednesday, March 26th --

Is the last day on which I'll accept new posts dealing with the aftermath of the lifting of the curse ... how your character responds, what happens to your character, where your character may go from here.

Many thanks to all who've shared this path of adventure and assisted in fulfilling this quest! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

* deep bow *

Gandalf the Grey

TheLadyAerowen 03-12-2003 07:32 PM

*sob* I can't believe we're drawing to our close! It seems like two weeks ago we just started [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Okay, maybe not -that- short, but you know!

Anyhow, my most recent RPG post was Aylwen and my work once again. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

~The Lady Aerowen

VanimaEdhel 03-13-2003 06:33 PM

As Gandalf knows, I will be leaving the 15th and returning on the 22nd. I will taking a much-needed vacation (as any of you that have spoken to me recently can attest to, I'm one step away from a nervous breakdown, what with school, softball, etc.).

I will be back to post my reaction though! And I can try to post once more before I leave. Things are kind of hectic, though, so I don't know how much I can do...I'll try though!

VanimaEdhel 03-14-2003 05:06 PM

Well, I got one more post in. Do with it what you will! Mithadan: if Gandalf wants it changed in any way, as I will not be here, and as you are an Op, feel free to edit my post if you do desire (I know it's extra work for you, but if anyone wants anything different in my post).

Good luck! I will see you on the 22nd or the 23rd, when I return!

Gandalf_theGrey 03-16-2003 09:53 PM


I am pleased to announce that awards will be given for the following three categories:

1) MVP - Most Valuable Player

Only (1) one person will be selected to receive the MVP award. This person has contributed to Castle Maladil in a way which has vastly enriched the entire RPG, going far above and beyond the call of duty.

2) Successful Quest Lifter or Entrenched Castle Ghost -

If you were part of the living company, your character was instrumental in lifting the curse after reaching the Castle right up through to the end of the game. If you were a Castle Ghost, you hung around through to the end of the game.

3) Honorable Mention -

You were a writer who participated in the RPG long enough for your character to reach the Castle and enter the Castle grounds, without needing to be carried for more than two weeks. Or, you were a writer playing the part of a ghost who participated in the RPG long enough to greet at least one member of the living company, but did not stay through to the end of the RPG.

LISTED BELOW ARE THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO HAVE EARNED AWARDS, along with the prize(s) they may claim:

1) MVP AWARD - Susan Delgado

Congratulations, Susan! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] You have earned this award hands-down, for the awesome map of Castle Maladil that you created especially for this RPG! Please select one prize each from the following two prize categories, A and B, for a total of two prizes:

A. Either a 27 x 40 poster for $15.99, or a Barrow Downs t-shirt, and ...

B. Your choice of either a 22 x 35 poster for $8.99, an action figure for $9.99, a Barrow Downs coffee mug, or a Barrow Downs golf cap.

2) Successful Quest Lifter or Entrenched Castle Ghost Award -

Aylwen Dreamsong, Belin, Child of the 7th Age, The Lady Aerowen, Mithadan, tangerine, Vanima Edhel, *Varda*

Please select one prize:

Your choice of either a 22 x 35 poster for $8.99, an action figure for $9.99, a Barrow Downs coffee mug, or a Barrow Downs golf cap.

3) Honorable Mention -

The Fifth, piosenniel

Please select one prize:

Your choice of either a Barrow Downs coffee mug or a Barrow Downs golf cap.

Thank you and congratulations! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

As to how this all will work, I will need to contact the Barrow Wight or whoever's in charge of the Barrow Downs store at I suppose, to figure out who you'll need to e-mail with a shipping address so that the people at the Barrow Downs store will know where to send your prize. (I will also need to contact them to figure out the best way for me to make payment.)

As for the actual information regarding which prize you're selecting (or two prizes if you're the MVP!) ... please send me a PM to let me know what you wish to choose.

We still have about a week and a half left to go in this RPG, but I wanted to make this announcement before the very end. Remember, Wednesday, March 19 marks the deadline for submitting posts regarding the lifting of the curse of Castle Maladil. And Wednesday, March 26 marks the deadline for submitting posts regarding how your character responds after the curse has been lifted. Thanks again for helping to make Castle Maladil a success! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

* bows *

Gandalf the Grey

piosenniel 03-17-2003 04:13 PM

Letter via the wandering feet and good graces of Volondil:

The Tower Hills
At the western edge of the Westmarch

25 Rethe

My Dear Gandalf,

So happy to hear that the quest to Maladil's Castle has turned out in the companions' favor. Bird, Olo and I fared favorably from our unfortunate and frightening encounter with the Mewlips, and the gold we carried away has served us well. Your kind offer of a souvenir cup as a remembrance of the quest will be treasured.

Bird is still wandering about the wide world, but her worries have been eased by a pursefull of gold coins. Volondil's heart is with his duties as a Ranger and he has returned to them, as you can see if you have, indeed, received this letter.

Olo and I have handfasted and heart joined, and have set up our own little place here at the far end of the Shire. He continues to employ his admirable skills as a hostler, and I am enjoying the freedom to pursue my sketching. Occasionally, our feet do get the itch to wander (Yes, I'm afraid that stay at home Hobbit that used to be Olo, now likes to see new sights and meet new friends!)

We won't be journeying too much in the coming months, as we are expecting the birth of our first child and wish to get set up for it. But as soon as the wee one can travel, we may come see you to see how you are faring. And of course, you are always welcome in our home.

We remain your affectionate friends,

Holly and Olo

p.s. Peri sends his greetings. And wonders, I'm sure, what has happened to Midnight. - H

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-17-2003 09:06 PM

Wow! I can't believe how quickly the game went by! Kind of like summer vacation...

Anyways...My last post was brought to you by the Lady Aerowen and Aylwen Dreamsong (We'll be right back after a commercial break [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]).


TheLadyAerowen 03-18-2003 06:12 AM

Commercial breaks? Ha! Well, at least they'd be paying us.. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Anyways. Our last post leaves a kind of cliffhanger. I've always liked those when a friend or I gets to be the one to finish them...because then you know what happens while others have to wait. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] As I ramble..okay. Gandalf, extraordinary kindness coming from you! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Thanks a whole bunch and thanks to your imagination and/or life experiences for making this RPG happen! ^^


Susan Delgado 03-18-2003 09:15 PM

Wow, Gandalf, thank you very much. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
I've really enjoyed playing with all of you. It's been a wonderful few months.

And here's the map, for anyone interested:
Castle Map

[ March 18, 2003: Message edited by: Susan Delgado ]

Child of the 7th Age 03-21-2003 02:07 AM

Thank you indeed for this game. It has been fun.


*Varda* 03-21-2003 04:10 PM

This game has been great fun for the past few months, and thanks to everyone, especially to Gandalf, for having put so much effort in [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

tangerine 03-21-2003 06:25 PM

I would like to thank everyone, especially Gandalf, for allowing me to be part of this truly excellent game over the last few months, even though I came here as an unfamiliar face.
I thank you all, and hope to see you soon,
Tangerine (eM)

VanimaEdhel 03-22-2003 07:47 PM

I would like to quickly thank Everyone, as I hate being repetitive, and it seems that all of you have beaten me to all of my compliments towards our other Games.

I regret that I was away these past few days. I am sorry if my last post was not my best work, but I found it somewhat hard to come back after baking in the sun for a whole week.

I would, however, like to especially thank the two people I worked most closely with on this RPG:

Varda: I would especially like to thank you for being my "travelling partner" of sorts. Menelduliniel and Estelarion greatly enjoyed Poppy's company!

Gandalf: Thank you for understanding and making allowances for my insane schedule (even my school advisor thinks I overextend myself, apparently).

All of you have made this an exceptional game that I loved immensely (I think my school friends will hurt me if I mention it once more)! I look forward to working with you all again!

Gandalf_theGrey 03-30-2003 08:19 PM


Originally, I had intended to end this RPG with a final post at this point in time of the story. However, the more I've been thinking about it, if I post ... a whole bunch of loose ends are going to become immediately and clearly evident.

1) Orcs still surround the Castle. Even if the company were willing to fight their way out of the Castle by night or leave more safely under cover of day, that would leave the Castle completely unguarded, ... easy pickings for Orcs to plunder and set up a fastness of their own before a House of Healing can be established. (I envision perhaps sending Midnight with a message to the Ranger's hideout back near Sarn Ford, so that any Men who might be spared can be sent to help.)

2) Anna's fate still needs to be determined. Susan Delgado, the awesomely talented Castle Mapmaker, has sent me a wonderful idea regarding the fate of her character! It's too good to miss. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

3) Treasure. Some of your characters may wish to claim their fair share of gold from the sack Gandalf brought. Your character may choose from their portion of gold, or else take one treasure from the Castle itself (as long as two characters don't take the same treasure, of course!) Or, your character may choose to be a generous soul and donate his or her share of the treasure to help finance the House of Healing.

Therefore, it's been suggested to me that I extend the game for a small bit until this unfinished business be taken care of, and that I open the matter for discussion here on this discussion thread, for your input, and to see how many of you might be interested in continuing. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Conversely, if anyone feels that they would prefer to end their own personal participation in the RPG at this time, I perfectly understand and honor that. Everyone who's made it thus far to this point has contributed so much already, that you've already earned my deep appreciation and gratitude, and I expect no more (especially since I was in fact originally planning to end the game here, myself!) [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Please feel welcome to let me know your thoughts, feelings, and suggestions. Am open to either ending the game now, or continuing it further, depending on the amount of interest, and I highly value your input.

To Those of You Kind Enough to Have Thanked Me for the Game:

Be assured that the pleasure is mine, and that you're quite welcome. * low bow * [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Your mention of a cliffhanger goes along with what I've been saying about loose ends. And I'd like to take this opportunity to compliment you and Aylwen Dreamsong on your awesome writing collaboration ... as well as extend the same compliment to the team of VanimaEdhel and Varda! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


I'm always telling you in private how wonderful your posts have been, now here's some much-deserved public praise for you! Celumëomaryu was a stunningly vivid, powerful character portrayed with incredible depth. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Very glad you've come along with us! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Hinura's shown quite a knack for appearing at crucial, decisive moments in the game, and putting her bardic talents to excellent use.

~~ Happily At your Service,

Gandalf the Grey

[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Susan Delgado 03-31-2003 05:02 PM

Gandalf, et al,

I would certainly be willing to continue the game long enough to tie up loose ends. My idea for Anna is that she stay in the House of Healing and offer her services to whomever needs them.

Waiting for everyone else to speak,

TheLadyAerowen 03-31-2003 06:08 PM

Hear hear, I'm throwing my two cents back in and I'd be more than happy to continue! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I already have a few ideas floating in my head, so I'm for continuing.

~The Lady Aerowen

By the way, Gandalf, please check your Private Messages; Thanks!

[ March 31, 2003: Message edited by: TheLadyAerowen ]

*Varda* 04-01-2003 12:13 PM

I'd be happy to put in another post to tie up loose ends.

[img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] The RP's almost finished...I kind of miss having to come online to check new posts and stuff. But I have like 2 exams a week now until June, so no RPing for me. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]


Child of the 7th Age 04-01-2003 12:49 PM


I'm also willing to tie up loose ends, if that will make a better story. Like Varda, however, this is a heavy time of year, but will try to do my best.


Aylwen Dreamsong 04-01-2003 04:44 PM

I'd be happy to continue for a while, to tie up loose ends. It's kind of busy over here too though, but I'd certainly try my best to help out and finish!


tangerine 04-01-2003 06:46 PM

I will be happy to help tie up loose ends as well.

VanimaEdhel 04-01-2003 06:46 PM

Well...I can't promise I'll be here that often, as I'm back in school, and I have to get all my paperwork in for my trip to Russia/Finland this summer, along with selecting my courses for next year, practicins piano, practicing and playing softball, and doing my normal courseload. I'll try though!

Yavanna Kementari 04-01-2003 11:52 PM

Hello I am going to be playing the cameo role of a Silvan Elf named Calenoreien.
I am aquainted with the Rangers at Sarn Ford. I am looking forward to helping your
Company in any way I can. ~Calenoreien

Gandalf_theGrey 04-02-2003 12:12 AM

Welcome, Yavanna Kementari! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

You know what they say about saving the best for last, eh? Thank you so much for agreeing to take on the cameo role as Calenoreien. * bows *

Susan Delgado, TheLadyAerowen, *Varda*, Child of the 7th Age, Aylwen Dreamsong, tangerine, VanimaEdhel:

Thank you all for continuing on. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Now that I have a clear reckoning of who still wishes to actively participate, it will be that much easier for me to post with a sense of purpose towards wrapping up the game. Am planning to post Wednesday, April 2nd sometime between after dinner and midnight.

At your Service,

Gandalf the Grey

Mithadan 04-02-2003 08:31 AM

Nardol also has some issues to wrap up.

Yavanna Kementari 04-02-2003 11:19 PM

Stopping back to introduce myself. As you know I am Calenoreien, an Elf.
I am 5’7” and a medium-built maiden, not too thin. I have shoulder length light brown hair braided back and very bright green eyes.

I wear a white long-sleeved shirt with a green leather bodice decorated with elvish inscriptions, a pair of brown suede leggings and black leather boots that stop just above the knee. I wear a brown leather belt with three small pouches on the right side. The pouch closest to my stomach contains Athelas, the middle one contains a small carving that I am working on and the last pouch contains a picture of my husband.
My elvish sword in sheath hangs on the left side (because I am right handed). My sword has a black double-handed hilt with a green gem and a small leaf. The blade has an elvish inscription on the side that says (in Sindarin) ‘Meleg carach-en-Edehel na Calen” in case you find it and I am not attached to it. I sport a quiver and carry an Elvish bow in hand or on my shoulder. My father, who received it from his father, who was Maedhros, gave it to me, it is black with a design of silver leaves and vines. I also carry a small elvish blade in my boot.

When I know I am going to fight I wear my mail coat and my breastplate. The mail is made of mithril. The Naugrim made it for my Grandfather. The breastplate is Green steel with a design of a sword in the center.

Though I travel with the Rangers from time to time, my closest and most faithful companion is Celebrama my horse. He is silvery gray with a white mane and tail. He is also the only family I have left. He will let me saddle him but will not allow a bridle. (That’s okay, who wants to talk with their mouthful anyway?)

I am a good-natured elf. I try to be kind and patient to everyone I meet. I am honest, trust worthy and loyal. I am strong willed, will fight for what I believe is right and just and will defend fiercely both in conversation and physically. I will also humbly beg pardon for something that I may have done or said to offend for I am not too proud to say I am sorry.

But I also expect to be apologized to when wronged. I can be confrontational when need be. I try to share wisdom with those who seek folly and try to lighten the hearts of those that carry burdens. I can be a great friend and I am easy to get along with.
I also make a very terrible enemy … best to stay on my good side. I have a fiery passionate spirit when it comes to anger. Once I get angry I have a hard time controlling it. I take my anger out on my enemies though, not my friends. If I encounter a friend while I am angry I will most likely shrug them off for a little bit just to try to contain my anger, but then all is well. ~Calenoreien

p.s, you may call me Calen for short.

Mithadan 04-03-2003 11:48 AM


Everyone, I am going away and will not be back until Monday. Feel free to use Nardol as appropriate.

VanimaEdhel 04-05-2003 04:05 PM

Stop toying with my emotions. Now I am going to get all sentimental and start crying yet again when we close it. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] ... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I'll get over it. Again: this has been one of my best RPG experiences! I look forward to working with all of you again!

TheLadyAerowen 04-06-2003 09:23 AM

I'm still typing up my post; I just got another question for Gandalf, but I thought I should let you all know that it is 3:30am (edit: Game Time, that is). And Gandalf, please meet me in the chat sometime today! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]


~The Lady Aerowen

[ April 06, 2003: Message edited by: TheLadyAerowen ]

*Varda* 04-06-2003 03:28 PM

I really do feel rather weepy now [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] And I thought I'd already been through this before [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Maybe good things don't come to an end, after all.

Again, special thanks to Gandalf for starting it all off in the first place, and Vanima for being a great RPG companion, especially later on. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


[ April 06, 2003: Message edited by: *Varda* ]

Child of the 7th Age 04-10-2003 07:33 AM


Regarding Kenelm fading away....

Can I assume this is a "permanent" fading and removal from Maladil to the lands beyond?


Mithadan 04-10-2003 08:04 AM

Yes. This is also implied by Nardol's promise to return the harp to him.

Child of the 7th Age 04-10-2003 12:39 PM

Thanks, Mith, for that clarification.

TheLadyAerowen 04-10-2003 07:04 PM

Okay. I'm back...for the moment. My meet on Tuesday was canceled because of weather, and I had a meet tonight against 'the-best-team' but um. We kinda beat them 138-12. *nods* (I guess they were assumed..'the best' because it was one of those rich schools that get like twenty trainers. Psh) I got first in all my events [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Now, to the RPG. I see a save-post about Alearindu; so, Gandalf, plan on meeting up with me in chat or over PM sometime tomorrow night, or the weekend [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

~The Lady Aerowen

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