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Finwe 04-03-2004 11:33 AM

Welcome everyone! I haven't been here this past week, so I have to welcome all the newbies again. Hope you guys have fun!

Bekah 04-04-2004 01:53 PM

Welcome Silent Sam, Vilyon, Araswoon, Paulus of the Shire, Ngole Yaviemiel, Aria, Gandalf (Greyhame), and welcome back Ainur, or Radagastly, whichever you prefer...

Enjoy the Downs!!


~ Elentari II

Vanya 04-14-2004 03:30 AM

Well, I am new member of this interesting company. Since I am already member of a similar site in Serbia, where I live, I have a lot of experience with Tolkien geeks (as we named ourselves). We have gatherings quite often, and some of members became friends in real life. It will be fun to participate here, I am sure.
Let me tell you few facts about me. I am 34, architect, live in Belgrade; I read Tolkien since highschool, and I still find time to read his books again, not to mention Cristopher's work, which I find very helpfull and interesting too.
I also like SF, as well as Douglas Adams and Terry Prachet. Fantasy books in general are good places to hide from everyday - life.
Excuse me for eventual misspelling, since this is not my native language, and I don't use it frequently.

tar-ancalime 04-14-2004 07:58 AM

I joined this site about a week ago, but this is my first post. I did, it seems, neglect to capitalize my username....oops!

I have been a Tolkien fan for 15 years now...not going to tell you how old I was then!

Legoli 04-14-2004 11:19 AM

Um, yeah, hey. I'm new and all that... still jetlagged, so if I appear slow, sorry.
I first read LoTR... ooh, when I was about 11-12, I think. Read the Hobbit when I was 9, found it all rather grooveh, but LoTR was my fave... TTT is still my favouritist book ever. When the FoTR movie came out, I didn't wnt to watch it, in fear that I wouldn't be able to read the books properly again, but in the end I did, and I'm glad I did. Superb. I have been a Legolas fan since I first read the books, so I naturally was sceptic about Orlando Bloom's portrayal, but he did very well, I was rather pleased. Plus, he's not too shabby in the looks department... ;)
So yeah... hey all!


dkhyrosha 04-14-2004 12:33 PM

Hello! I thought I'd introduce myself (I have time before class, a really rare thing)

My name is Dani (at least that's what everyone on line calls me) I've been a LOTR addict since I was a kid and read the books as often as time permits.

My favorite character is Legolas since well before the movie (which helped)

I'm willing to talk to anyone when I get the chance to get on line

I am a poor college student with too much free time


Ainaserkewen 04-14-2004 01:34 PM

Legoli is that Legolas plural? :D

dkhyrosha- How the heck do you pronouce your username Dani?!

Vanya, it always amazes me how well people learn english as a second or third or fourth language and then use it practically flawlessly on the internet. I couldn't do that if the internet was all in French. I am humbled by people's language skills.

And to all newbies...welcome and enjoy!

dkhyrosha 04-14-2004 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ainaserkewen
dkhyrosha- How the heck do you pronouce your username Dani?!

I had a character named Dannin Kaylyn Hyrosha (hence the ID dkhyrosha) and that became my on-line name. People called me DK for the longest time, then I started going by Dani and it just stuck.

Lhundulinwen 04-14-2004 07:43 PM

Hey! Cool, another writer! A favorite character can be really hard to not become. LOL, at least all my favorite characters are the (mostly) good guys! ;) Glad to have you with us, Dani.

Amanaduial the archer 04-15-2004 09:16 AM

Dkhyrosha - well, however you say or whatever you're called, welcome to the Downs! A student with too much time you say? You'll fit right in!

Legoli - good grief, we've got two legolas fans at once! Plural of legolas just gave me an odd image of hundreds of Bloom clones... Jetlagged from Florida? Jealous...jealous...;) Welcome to the Downs.

Tar-Ancalime - named after a character I haven't posted for a week? Well, you'll just have to make up for it now! ;) Welcome.

Vanya - I wouldn't have guessed it wasn't your native language, seriously. And as for the 'Tolkien geeks' - welcome to paradise! ;) You have excellent taste in books (I love Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams)

Radagastly - Loving the name...and the first editions. Nice. Welcome back.

Welcome all new members! Why not drop in on the RPG forums? The Green Dragon in the Shire is always ready to recieve new players...

Vanya 04-16-2004 03:29 AM

I want to thank Amanduial and Ainaserkewen for nice words about my English, and I can asure you that it's only average. Most of serbian Tolkien geeks read fantasy books in english, since most of them are not translated yet. For example, History of Middle Earth, Lost Tales, Wheel of Time 2-10, Discworld 15-25 etc. SF books are in much better position. Not to mention that original is original, regardless how good the translation is.

Gothmog 04-16-2004 04:34 AM

Newbie, newbie, newbie...
OK, another newbie then... I´ve read the books since I were 10, always loved fantasy. I used to think I knew pretty much about Middle-Earth, but after a time browsing through this forum, I´ve realised that I´m only a beginner.

Somebody mentioned Douglas Adams, and The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy is one of the funniest books I´ve ever read...actually the only one I´ve laughed out loud while reading. If you want some great fantasy, I recommend David Eddings, a personal favourit of mine...after tolkien of course...

Don´t know what else to say. I´m here to watch and learn. By the way, if something is misspelled, it´s because I´m swedish..

Thorongil 04-16-2004 05:32 AM

Welcome to the Downs! Ooh, another scandinavian! There aren't too many of us here. You'll probably learn a lot here. I've only been here for a few months, And I know a lot more now. Happy posting!

NightKnight 04-16-2004 05:57 AM

Hey, another Swede. Welcome to the Downs. :) If you have Helgon, I have a few nice quotes from HGTTG there. My name there is NightKnight. Once again, welcome to the Downs!

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-16-2004 12:15 PM

Welcome all, and may your deaths be prolonged and interesting. Although it's already been commented on, I too would like to register amazement at your English skills, Vanya. You seem to have a better grasp on the language than some of my friends... and they've all been speaking English since birth.


I am a poor college student with too much free time
Ah, Dani... I don't think I've ever met a college student with much cash, but free time can be easily burned by putting your two cents in on various threads. Welcome.

Araswoon... Welcome also, and do you know the screen name of the person who directed you here?


Vanya 04-16-2004 03:03 PM

Thanks again, but as I already wrote, comparing wih some peple I meet every day at "The prouncing pony"(our serbian site), it's" nothing spetial. Somethimes they disscus in english, and it is not rare that they throw some elwish too.
Sweeds,mmmmmmm, I love them. Beautifull country, and handsome men. They are model for Rohirim, in my oppinion. Also, they could have been casted as Elves, the blond ones, with much bigger succes than PJ-s, which I can not immagine with sword, not to mention in the great battles of the old days (at lest, they would have had the same color of eyebrows and hair - blond)

Gothmog 04-18-2004 06:28 AM

hey Vanya, glad you like my country :)
About those rohirrims... They WERE made to look like swedes, or at least scandinavian people. Peter Jackson wanted something viking-like (or is it wiking with w?). The vikings were quite poor horsemen as far as I know, but who cares...

Vanya 04-18-2004 08:28 AM

In my oppinion, PJ didn't do Rohirim very well. Costums are great, but Edoras looks very poor and village-like. Also, his rohirim are very much different than in the book, where they were discribed as very tall, with long limbs and musculs, wit blond long hair... In the film, they were rough, even wild, short or chubby (remember Hamma), and hair is more red than blond (and they obviusly didn't brush it very often). Eomer was OK, as character, but I always immagined him more elegant. I hope I explained myself good enough.

Gothmog 04-18-2004 09:35 AM

I agree with you Vanya...Especially about Edoras, it looks like a small farmer village...
If PJ wanted the people of Rohan to look like vikings, they should be a little rough and wild and I can´t picture a viking using a hairbrush. Maybe the Rohirrim looks TOO much like vikings...

dkhyrosha 04-18-2004 03:11 PM

Thanks for the welcome :D
Off to find some thread to invade, hehe

Vanya 04-19-2004 03:21 AM

Yes, Gothmog, they look too much like Vikings. Not that I have anything against them, on the contrary, but they were quite wild. Did you read " The long, dark tea time of the soul" by Douglas Adams? I recomend it to you and the others. It is about Scandinavian gods and Valhalla, in his very spetial point of view. I think it was the last book he wrote.
As for Rohirim and their haircuts,, they should have pleits, as far as I know, and therefore to brush their hair thoroughly.

Etharius 04-19-2004 07:24 AM

Hello, i am new.

Nobody probably cares but, ill go ahead and introduce myself anyway.

You beings may call me Ethiumer for now. I am a loving fan of Tolkienism for many countless reasons. I am currently a student strudying Business, Politics and Computing and I am merely 19 years of age.

Unfortunately, i live on a rainy piece of land surrounded by water called England. It is very dull here and one day I will travel elsewhere before I die.

I have tried to join other Tolkien based forums, but they mostly seem to contain god-loving worshippers which i can't bear to communicate with.

Other than that, i want to say that I will like to stay on this forum as long as it stays fun and useful, and feel free to pop into my turf @

Gothmog 04-19-2004 07:59 AM

Thanks for the book-tips Vanya. I´ll look for that title...Actually there is a scandinavian god in The Hitchhikers Guide... You remember Thor at the endless party??

And Ethatius (oh, 19 like me!), I´m new here too, but it seems like a good place. Welcome!!

Lhundulinwen 04-19-2004 08:23 PM

Actually, Etharius, most people here do care, and I think the weather is geting to you. Anybody would!! But seriously, I hope that you find that there is a vast variety of topics in the forumns, and I hope you find a place in our community!

Hello to all the other newbies too!!

Vanya 04-20-2004 03:58 AM

To Gothmog: Guide is one of my favorite books, I laugh loud when I red it!
And as a new member ( for whom the most importan rule is to read more and write less) I can say that this place has nice atmosphere, but there is a huge problem: it is very hard to post, since people alredy wrote everything or almost everything there is to say about Tolkien. The newcomers can mostly read previous threads if they don't want to repeat someone else's posts. Maybe it's time to form few new sections, like other literature, history, philosophy, art, mythology, etc. I think that members have to say a lot on other topics too. Of course, focus should be on Tolkien and fantasy.

Alia_ 04-21-2004 07:51 AM

Hallo.. newcomers o-0

Bloody Glamdring 04-22-2004 11:22 AM

Well, I'm back...
Hello all...

I've returned following a lengthy absence. My reasoning for leaving was very close to what was posted above, namely that it seems everything's been covered here. But, I'm back on a mythology kick (inspired by Quentin Tarantino's KILL BILL saga, of all things), so I thought I'd return to my roots a bit.

Oh, and I went by Greyhame my first time around, in case anyone remembers...

Anyway, I've finished school since then, have gotten married, and I'm preparing for a year in the employ of the Central Illinois Red Cross in the disaster response department.

I'm currently reading the Letters, and so am very intrigued by Fordim's historia thread in Books.

Tolkien's philology interests me, but since I am a poor student of language, it's the mythology he built around his languages that fascinates me most.

Well, there's one post at least. :smokin:

Bekah 04-22-2004 06:22 PM

Welcome all newcomers!!

Yes, I think I do remember you as Greyhame, Bloody Glamdring. Congratulations on your marriage. I hope your spouse enjoys LOTR too...

Terry Pratchett is, IMHO, even funnier than Douglas Adams, and I consider the Hitchhiker's guide to be hilarious. Anyone who likes Adams will probably like Pratchett and vice versa.


~ Elentari II

ArathorofBarahir 04-22-2004 06:27 PM

I would just like to welcome all the newcomers and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Calypso 04-23-2004 05:53 AM


I registered here last year but only posted once before today so I thought I may as well introduce myself; better late than never I suppose.

I first read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings c. 1991 and have been a member of various Tolkien forums since 1999. I am a student of Philosophy and English at the university in Wellington, New Zealand. Old English and Medieval Literature are my specialty but I also plan to branch out into Middle English and do a bit more Chaucer.

I missed out on being an extra in LOTR -- I know a few people who were and they had a blast -- but I think I might just try out for King Kong later this year :D.

That's all for now,


By the way, anyone familiar with Homer should know the gender of my name but to avoid any confusion -- of which there has been some elsewhere -- I'd like to state that I am, in fact, a woman.

Everdawn 04-23-2004 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Calypso

By the way, anyone familiar with Homer should know the gender of my name but to avoid any confusion -- of which there has been some elsewhere -- I'd like to state that I am, in fact, a woman.

Not only Homer but common mythology, the nymph who held Odysseus and offered him eternal youth. Welcome!

Orophin 04-26-2004 10:20 PM

I'm new too
I just joined as well. I'm a pretty huge lotr fan and I've looked at this site for a while but I just joined the forum. I go under the name Orophin and for those of you who do not know who he is he is haldir's brother and the only time you see him in the books is in the trees of Lothlorien when the fellowship first enter the forest. I belive that he says only one word, in the book but that does not mean that he is not awsome. I am a senior in high school and I too am going to college next year.

samwise8504 04-27-2004 07:42 AM

hi im new as well. Im quite a big tolkien fan and have read the lord of the rings, the hobbit and the silmariliion. I've choose the name samwise because he's my favourite character and probably the biggest hero of all.

Marared 04-27-2004 11:25 AM

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Marared and I've been reading Tolkien every year since 1987. I was a fan after the first time I read LOTR, now I'm a bigger fan since the movies were released. Recently, I've discovered there are not many people in my day to day life that share my passion for middle earth. I'm glad I found you guys.

Lhundulinwen 04-27-2004 03:46 PM

Greetings to everybody, including Marared, samwise8504, (of course Sam's the biggest hero! He just doesn't get all the glory) and of course Orophin. Hope everyone has a lovely time at the 'Downs!!

Ithaeliel 04-27-2004 09:07 PM

Hello! It's nice to see some more fresh faces after having been absent so long. I hope all of you have a wonderful experience here at the Barrow Downs! Get yourself acquainted with some of the veteran members here; it's the best thing to do if you want to "get into the groove" of the forum. Check out some of the other boards here as well; the roleplaying is great, the people are great, and I hope you have a good time getting to know us here at the Downs!

Erebrandir 04-28-2004 05:23 PM

Hullo hullo. I was once an acountless lurker, but I've recently decided to step into the light. I, as any and every other newcomer, look forward to wasting my time on the forums. :D I've read more of Tolkien's books than I care to name off, and I hope to meet people who don't just smile, nod and back away when I refer to Middle-Earth!

Idril Groenblad 05-02-2004 12:31 PM

Hello everyone,

I've visited this site a few times, and I thought, why not make an acount?
So here I am then...

I come from Holland, the north of Holland actually, and I hope that there are not too many faults in my writing (I am not that good in English!)

I am 18 years old now, and I first began to read The Hobbit when I was about 11. I didn't really liked it then, but I read it again when I was 14, and finished also the whole LotR. Now I am busy reading the Silmarillion, but that is not going very fast, because I read it really carefully (I don't want to miss anything!) and I also have my exams in a few weeks.

I hope I will find my way here, and please forgive me if I am doing anything stupid!

I have only one question, who do I need to ask if I have any problems? (like avatars or logg in problems)


Everdawn 05-02-2004 10:53 PM

You can read the FAQ or find the answers to most of your questions about this forum in the "Barrow-Downs" section which is near the bottom of the main page.

Enjoy being dead. :D

Idril Groenblad 05-07-2004 11:18 AM

What do you mean with 'enjoy being dead'?

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