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Thorongil 03-22-2004 11:30 AM

Ok, lets try this...
What is the relationship between Thorin II and Gimli?

luthien-elvenprincess 03-22-2004 12:14 PM

third cousins, once removed.

Thorongil 03-23-2004 12:19 AM

(Now I understand the removed thingy :D )

luthien-elvenprincess 03-23-2004 07:18 AM

What is Hathol to Arwen?

NightKnight 03-23-2004 07:42 AM

Hathol is Arwen's great great great great great grandfather.

luthien-elvenprincess 03-23-2004 07:49 PM

Yep, Nightknight...your spin :)

NightKnight 03-24-2004 01:32 AM

I happen to know Arwen's family tree quite a way back. ;)

Anyway, what was Celebrimbor to Elrond?

Thorongil 03-24-2004 03:12 AM

I don't have the family tree right now, but I'll give it a shot: second cousin, once removed?

Firefoot 03-24-2004 02:41 PM

second cousins, twice removed?

luthien-elvenprincess 03-24-2004 08:45 PM

or third cousins, in-law :rolleyes:

NightKnight 03-25-2004 11:48 AM

Firefoot has it.

Luthien, could you explain that?

Firefoot 03-25-2004 06:19 PM

Give both ways that Túrin and Tuor were related.

symestreem 03-25-2004 06:42 PM

Turin's maternal grandfather was Tuor's maternal grandfather's brother; their fathers were brothers.
So, you could say that they were first and second cousins.

Firefoot 03-25-2004 06:51 PM

Yes. Go ahead. :)

luthien-elvenprincess 03-26-2004 07:35 AM


or third cousins, in-law

Luthien, could you expain that?
Elrond was married to Celebrian. Celebrian and Celebrimbor were third cousins. (or half cousins).
Finwe>Finarfin>Galadriel>Celebrian (married to Elrond).

NightKnight 03-27-2004 05:49 AM

Ah, yes. Now I see. Thanks. :)

symestreem 03-27-2004 02:01 PM

Serinde's husband's son's daughter's son's lover's friend was the ancestor of _______.

alaklondewen 03-27-2004 03:05 PM

I'm thinking either Galador, the first Lord of Amroth, or further down the line and more debatable...Imrahil. Here is my line of thinking:

Serinde married Finwë, who's son was Finarafin, who's daughter was Galadriel. Now it has been proposed that Amroth was Galadriel and Celeborn's son (some controversy over that, but some places do claim it). Amroth's "lover" was Nimrodel, who had Mithrellas as a friend and maiden. Mithrellas, in turn, bore Galador. There are two proposed heritages of the Princes of Dol Amroth, and lineage from Galador is one of them. If that is the case, then Mithrellas would also be an ancestor of Imrahil.

Or, it could be that I am completely off on all accounts. ;)

symestreem 03-27-2004 03:23 PM

It's the former; any one in the line of Dol Amroth would do. Go ahead!

alaklondewen 03-28-2004 07:14 AM

Thanks, symestreem.

Her brother's grandson's wife's grandmother sang for Morgoth.

symestreem 03-28-2004 09:36 AM

This is like one of those backwards arithmetic problems...
Is it Aredhel?

The Perky Ent 03-28-2004 09:49 AM

symestreem, if the answer is Aredhel, then it would be Luthien who sung for Morgoth. I know she sung for Mandos, but i don't recall her singing for Morgoth. If she did, i must reread, but otherwise, it's wrong.....i think.

alaklondewen 03-28-2004 10:04 AM

Symestreem is right. Here is the passage:


[Luthien] was not daunted by his eyes; and she named her own name, and offered her service to sing before him, after the manner of a minstrel....Then suddenly she eluded his sight, and out of the shadows began a song of such surpassing loveliness, and of such blinding power, that he listened perforce; and a blindness came upon him, as his eyes roamed to and fro, seeking her.
She did indeed sing for Morgoth. She sang so powerfully that she was able to lull him into a dream.

The Perky Ent 03-28-2004 10:07 AM

Oh right! I was un aware how she got Morgoth into a deep slumber! Sorry! But she did sing for Mandos! So i get 1/2 points for that!

symestreem 03-30-2004 08:45 AM

What was Chica Chubb's father-in-law's youngest brother's eldest grandson's wife's mother's mother's maiden name?

NightKnight 03-30-2004 03:13 PM

Adamanta Chubb?

symestreem 04-01-2004 01:01 PM

Yep! :)

NightKnight 04-01-2004 04:12 PM

Who was Tuor's wife's mother's father-in-law's younger brother's youngest son?

symestreem 04-01-2004 07:40 PM

Tricksy, NightKnight!
Is it Aegnor?

NightKnight 04-02-2004 03:52 AM

'Tis indeed. And I like being tricksy. :rolleyes:

symestreem 04-05-2004 02:52 PM

Olwe's sister-in-law's son-in-law's father's elder nephew's daughter's cousin's husband's younger uncle's grandson was _______.

It seems that on these family trees, the eldest sibling is the farthest left. The youngest is on the far right.

Firefoot 04-05-2004 04:04 PM

Brandir the Lame.

symestreem 04-05-2004 05:19 PM

These family trees are so twisted. Turin killed his something-cousin, and Brandir wanted to marry his.

Firefoot 04-06-2004 08:15 AM

Hobbit Family Trees!
Holman Cotton's first grandson's wife's youngest brother's sixth child's father-in-law's aunt's husband's father's youngest daughter's grandfather-in-law's oldest brother's fourth child's son.

Have fun! :D

Thorongil 04-06-2004 08:30 AM

I'm probably way off, but...Odo Brownfoot?

Firefoot 04-06-2004 08:45 AM

Do you mean "Odo Proudfoot?" I don't know of any "Brownfoots", but Odo Proudfoot is correct.

Thorongil 04-07-2004 03:01 AM

Well, sorry about that. It's difficult with norwegian names for those hobbits. A lot of weird translations. Well anyway...

Frodo Baggins's mother's oldest brother's son's wife's grandfather's wife's father's youngest brother's great grandson is...

I liked these family trees.

Firefoot 04-07-2004 06:09 AM


Thorongil 04-07-2004 07:51 AM

Yup :D

Firefoot 04-07-2004 08:53 AM

Tar-Aldarion's oldest aunt's grandfather's aunt's father's niece's three known great-great-grandfathers are...

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