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Celuien 10-22-2006 03:29 PM

I thought that it didn't make a lot of sense for Saethyrd to appear until all of the ladies were on their way to the White Mountains. My idea was that there would be more drama if they were already in the mountains and then - uhoh - it comes out that Saethyrd is lurking nearby. So I'm lurking too for the present.

Formendacil 10-22-2006 04:20 PM


I'm here... waiting... a bit apathetically, and with no great desire to rush on, but ready when the time comes.

Those ladies have to be all gone from Minas Tirith, before Bergil can come in. Like Fea and Celuien, my hands are tied.

Imladris 10-22-2006 07:34 PM

I have not posted the second dream meeting with Gwyllion because it hasn't felt right. Since she didn't know Bella that well, I thought that it would be better to write it when a lady who she was better aquainted with (Mellonin) disappeared as it were.

Hence, I'm also lurking.

littlemanpoet 10-23-2006 10:21 AM

This is helpful information so we know who needs to post: namely, the writers for Leafa, Bellyn, and Mellonin.

Nuru? Aelwyn? Helen?

Can you help us move the rpg along?

Aylwen Dreamsong 10-23-2006 03:24 PM

Uhm...I was the last person to post...

Leafa and Mellonin are supposed to follow Bellyn, but I don't know where Helen and Nuru went off to.

littlemanpoet 10-23-2006 06:27 PM

Okay, here's my proposal, which has three parts:

1. Make an effort to PM and otherwise contact Nuru and Helen through means that we have outside of BD to request their participation.

2. Determine what is the most likely course of action for Nuru and Helen, and based on this consensus, move forward with the thread.

3. Plan on Helen and Nuru writing catch-up posts to fill in the plot over which we have passed in order to keep things going.

So by way of summary, the time that it takes for us to reach a consensus as to what Nuru and Helen are likely to write regarding Leafa and Mellonin respectively, is the time we are giving them to post themselves, and if they don't post by the time we have reached a consensus, then we move forward and ask them to fill in later.

All in favor, put forward your idea of what you think Leafa and Mellonin are most likely to do.

All not in favor, please say so.

Or tell me to be quiet and wait. :p

Celuien 10-23-2006 06:32 PM

I vote PM. According to the members list, Helen and Nuru have been logged in within the past two days, so they can't be too far away. :D

littlemanpoet 10-23-2006 06:36 PM

I'll PM them. You researcher, you. ;)

Celuien 10-23-2006 06:42 PM

Did someone say research? *mumbles about conformation changes in 7.5 kilodalton basic proteins after phosphorylation by protein kinase C* ;)

Just as warning, starting next week and until mid-January, I'm in and out of town for interviews. I'll be around to post, but there may be delays in my replies.

littlemanpoet 10-23-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Celuien
Did someone say research? *mumbles about conformation changes in 7.5 kilodalton basic proteins after phosphorylation by protein kinase C*

tut tut, no cussing on the Downs. :D

I've PM'd Helen and Nuru.

Firefoot 10-23-2006 07:26 PM

*Loves Jorje*

littlemanpoet 10-23-2006 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Firefoot
*Loves Jorje*

Elempi does too. :) Lots and lots of fun to write. :)

Nurumaiel 10-24-2006 01:17 PM

Hello to all...

I've just recently returned from the near month-long absence I mentioned earlier on the thread, but while I'm now home I'll have no time to write for another week. I've temporarily taken over the role of housekeeper, and coupling my regular duties with the extra cooking, cleaning, and baby-sitting, as well as trying to do it all with a rather mean cold... well, I'm quite lacking in time!

Come November I'll be quite available again. However, I know you're quite anxious to continue on, so you may feel quite free to carry Leafa's character for the next week if you feel it necessary.

I apologise most sincerely for all these absences. This past month has been unusually busy. But after this final week of busy-ness, things should settle down to a quiet pace, and I'll have more than enough time.

littlemanpoet 10-24-2006 03:16 PM

Thanks, Nuru.

Okay then, we figure that either Leafa or Mellonin or both have a dream that sends them dashing off from Minas Tirith, delaying just long enough to make sure they have enough supplies to keep the wolf from the door, though they of course have no door :rolleyes: Sorry, metaphor carried me away. Anyhow, so they stop off at the Four Merry Hobbits on their way into the White Mountains, passing close to Woses country, and at some point they meet up with Jorje. Little do they know but they are also being followed at a reasonable distance by Tharonwe, starting not one day out from Minas Tirith.

Meanwhile, we need to keep the men's plot going. What do we need there? Bergil? So that means Formy, right? Formy?

Formendacil 10-24-2006 08:34 PM

So that's a nudge to get posting then. Okay, here's the schema I made a couple of pages back, which seems to have been approved:


Girls leave Minas Tirith. -DONE

Mellonin's parents report this to the Steward.

Rangers are sent out from city.

Bergil goes south (and, being alone, will eventually overtake Erebemlin et al).

Bergil meets Eledhwen on the road (whither she's wandered a day or two AFTER Erebemlin et al have gone by).

Being a mere five year old, it's impossible to get straight directions out of her.

Deciding the safest thing to do is to take her with him, and leave her in the care of someone further along the way, Bergil takes the girl with him.

Bergil and Eledhwen catch up to the Company.

Raefindan (CHANGE: With the Aeron dream, this'll likely change slightly, but that's probably not going to be my post anyway...) has some sort of weird recognition/deja vu thing regarding Eledhwen. It is decided to take her with them. The Company learns of Bergil's mission- and of the departure of the womenfolk.
Okay, in the post coming up, Bergil shows up in Minas Tirith with a company of Rangers concurrently with Mellonin's parents reporting the disappearance of the girls. Elessar will tell Faramir to make sure something is done. Faramir will order the Rangers out in various directions. Bergil will get the southern road, and will depart.

Sounds good? Excellent, 'cause that's what I'm doing. Won't come tonight, or probably tomorrow either, but I'll try and have it done by the end of the weekend (if not preferrably earlier).

littlemanpoet 10-25-2006 08:38 AM

Thanks, Formy.

Based on Helen's most recent half-post/half-save, it appears that the three women will leave separately and find each other somehow along the way; is that what we are to understand? If so, then ALL THREE must dream and react to their dreams in like manner. I'm fine with it, just trying to make sure I'm understanding this and that we all are.

piosenniel 10-27-2006 10:21 PM

7th Age RPG Invitation
Bęthberry has offered a seasonal RPG in Rohan – The Veil is Lifted.

It’s a 7th Age game, based loosely around Hallowe’en and open to all comers.

Come join us and have a little fun!

Game Thread – HERE
Discussion Thread – THERE

~*~ Pio

Formendacil 10-29-2006 07:18 PM


So it hasn't happened yet, my post. Recollection came up here, and it was "no talking or viewing of the outside world" in basic content- meaning I refrained from the Internet (for the most part) all weekend.

I'll put up a save, to prod me into it... but it won't be tonight.

Formendacil 10-30-2006 10:05 PM

Okay, the post is done.

As always, any expert advice, comments, or whatnot is much appreciated. And on my big checklist:


Girls leave Minas Tirith. -DONE

Mellonin's parents report this to the Steward. -DONE

Rangers are sent out from city.-DONE

Bergil goes south (and, being alone, will eventually overtake Erebemlin et al).-DONE

Bergil meets Eledhwen on the road (whither she's wandered a day or two AFTER Erebemlin et al have gone by).

Being a mere five year old, it's impossible to get straight directions out of her.

Deciding the safest thing to do is to take her with him, and leave her in the care of someone further along the way, Bergil takes the girl with him.

Bergil and Eledhwen catch up to the Company.

Raefindan (CHANGE: With the Aeron dream, this'll likely change slightly, but that's probably not going to be my post anyway...) has some sort of weird recognition/deja vu thing regarding Eledhwen. It is decided to take her with them. The Company learns of Bergil's mission- and of the departure of the womenfolk.
Okay, Fea, our meeting is next. We can start joint-writing that at any time... but be warned that I am lazy and in no hurry.

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-30-2006 11:11 PM

I'll nudge you along. Writing works well as motivation to get my homework done in a timely manner.

You want to write, Laura? Yeah? Do ya? Do ya? Go do your Ethics homework!!!

I've found that it's easiest to joint post via PM. MSN is too easy to ADD out on. "And then they turned left upon the road, catching sight of the - hey, my shoe is blue"

We can, however, discuss stuff on MSN while composing? Ish? We'll work it out.

mark12_30 11-04-2006 08:07 AM

Dreams, thievings, guilt and schedules
Formie, that was most enjoyable.

I've been pondering the gist of Mellonin's dream and here's what I think: Mellonin for logistical reasons can't be dreaming Nimrodel, since her brother is dreaming Amroth-- too incestuous, so to speak. And although for a while she was heavily influenced by Mithrellas, having a Thing between her and Raefindan (so to speak) also seems somehow icky (or eeermy as Jorje would growl). So I've been hunting for alternatives.

I think it highly unlikely that Mithrellas was Nimrodel's ONLY travelling companion. So I'm tossing ideas around for another travelling companion, one who was (somehow) considered faithless (in contrast to Mithrellas' astounding faithfulness.) Mellonin will now be dreaming that she is this "faithless" handmaiden, who does not think of herself as faithless, only driven by logical circumstances (heck the boat was leaving, what did you want me to do, jump off and swim??) Now, stung by the realization that she is considered faithless, will come back to try and make things right. Haunted by virtual guilt, as it were.

I'm not yet sure what her original name was, but "Unwilling maiden" might be rendered either "Avarien" or "Avarwen", and should sting a bit.

So I hope to write the dream and the horse-stealing scene this afternoon.

Meanwhile (I can hear you asking) what the heck has happened to Mark12_30? Well, it's like this. I am getting up for work early, leaving early-- the military no longer allows access to Forum sites, nor blogging sites either-- and then I come home, tend my boys, do the dinner and homework thing, and then collapse into bed immediately after the boys do.

That schedule is about to change-- but there's no indication that it will get easier or that I'll have more access. So my original estimate that I'll only be posting at most a couple of times a week, seems accurate.

Bottom line-- don't wait for me. Unless I can figure out a way to somehow involve my sons in this (a very appealing idea, but fraught with difficulties) I will have little RPG time. Please, nobody take it personally.

Love to all, and I'll have a shot at that post later today.

littlemanpoet 11-05-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by mark12_30
I've been pondering the gist of Mellonin's dream and here's what I think: Mellonin for logistical reasons can't be dreaming Nimrodel, since her brother is dreaming Amroth-- too incestuous, so to speak.

That didn't stop Tolkien: Turin. Niniel.


And although for a while she was heavily influenced by Mithrellas, having a Thing between her and Raefindan (so to speak) also seems somehow icky (or eeermy as Jorje would growl).
Yeah, I'm with you on this one.


So I've been hunting for alternatives.
Well, I think it's a clever idea and I'm glad you came to it, although I'm not convinced that all of the reasoning that got you there was entirely appropo. But hey.

mark12_30 11-05-2006 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
That didn't stop Tolkien: Turin. Niniel..

True; but that was a pretty special story, and atypical, I think. Besides, we've got enough romantic connections of connections of connections-- adding that to this seems like overkill. Anyway, I'm glad you like the idea of Avarwen (Avarien? Still not quite decided.)

She'll be glad to see Jorje.

Question: How long has Marigold been dwelling in the Anduin delta? Just curious. Seems like the elves might have heard a rumor of her being there unless she's recently arrived from elsewhere. (Where elsewhere? I dunno. Depths of Fangorn maybe? Remote corner of Ithilien? Just thrashing, don't mind me.) So anyway, do some of the elves know about her or is she always a complete surprise? And has she been hiding from elves? Tharonwe didnt know about her, did he? And he's been in the swamp for how long?

littlemanpoet 11-05-2006 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by mark12_30
I'm glad you like the idea of Avarwen (Avarien? Still not quite decided.)

I would prefer Avarien. "-wen" endings seem a bit overkill on the Downs.


Originally Posted by mark
Question: How long has Marigold been dwelling in the Anduin delta? Just curious. Seems like the elves might have heard a rumor of her being there unless she's recently arrived from elsewhere. (Where elsewhere? I dunno. Depths of Fangorn maybe? Remote corner of Ithilien? Just thrashing, don't mind me.) So anyway, do some of the elves know about her or is she always a complete surprise? And has she been hiding from elves? Tharonwe didnt know about her, did he? And he's been in the swamp for how long?

She has been there for (almost) as long as Tom Bombadil and Goldberry have been where they are. She has not usually manifested herself as the young seeming maiden that has grown upon Erebemlin's awareness. Oft-times she has taken the shape of a current of water, perhaps for thousands of years, being a water Maia (so I personally consider Tom an Earth Maia and Goldberry a Water Maia). So some elves might supposedly have heard of her, but she has had very, very little to do with the affairs of elves or Men. Not all Maia who choose to dwell in Arda concern themselves at all times (maybe hardly ever) with bipedal affairs. Tharonwe knew nothing of her. He's been in the swamp for a few centuries, corresponding with the loss of Nimrodel. So the upshot is that Marigold is "home" in the Entwash Delta region; it is her realm as the Barrows are Tom's. That is, at any rate, how I have set it up. Hope it works.

mark12_30 11-05-2006 09:11 PM

OK. So a pleasant but blindsiding surprise.

I'll go edit Avarwen to Avarien. I think that I was leaning towards Avarwen precisely because it seemed like the one I wouldn't choose-- for the very reason you mentioned. Ah, circularity.

Avarien is fine.

mark12_30 11-05-2006 09:20 PM

Anyone seen alak?

Imladris 11-05-2006 09:51 PM

sorry for kind of fading off a bit...

I seem to be finding myself exhausted for a bit (I haven't had a chance to simply breathe -- relative to my standards of non-busy-ness at least -- since august or so)...but I will try to post a decent scene with Gwyllion alerting Aeron soon.


Feanor of the Peredhil 11-06-2006 12:17 AM

Formendacil/everyone... I'm basically caught up in the sheer bafflement that is my life. Again. I basically need vacation, a good night's sleep, a home-cooked meal, and possibly my mama. But until I get that - 12 days and counting - I'm basically disappearing into my own bubble. Again. *whimper*

Form, I'm not sure how is best for you for with writing that Bergil/Eledhwen post, but let me know and I'll work something out. I'm just too tapped to take initiative just now. :(

Formendacil 11-06-2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Formendacil/everyone... I'm basically caught up in the sheer bafflement that is my life. Again. I basically need vacation, a good night's sleep, a home-cooked meal, and possibly my mama. But until I get that - 12 days and counting - I'm basically disappearing into my own bubble. Again. *whimper*

Form, I'm not sure how is best for you for with writing that Bergil/Eledhwen post, but let me know and I'll work something out. I'm just too tapped to take initiative just now. :(

Okay, I'll do the first draft, and PM it to you for revisions, etc...

But it won't be too soon. I'm so far behind RPGwise... it's not even funny.

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-06-2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
I'm so far behind RPGwise... it's not even funny.

Yeah, no joke, and I've got a WW game in the works on top of everything. What's wrong with me?

mark12_30 11-07-2006 09:22 PM

THis one's all I dare sign up for...

littlemanpoet 11-15-2006 03:49 PM

I have filled in my save. Tharonwe has escaped.

mark12_30 11-27-2006 07:25 PM

Anyone seen Alak?

littlemanpoet 11-27-2006 09:36 PM

No. Heck, I've never even seen you. Well, a picture maybe but that doesn't count. :p Sorry, weird mood.

Hey, anybody gonna write some? I want to do more with this story! C'mon peeeeplllle!

Formy! Nudge Nudge Nudge!!!!!

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-07-2006 07:23 PM

So I meant to fill my save Tuesday morning, but I got distracted, and then I had to deal with yesterday, and that was just an ordeal, and today... we just shouldn't even get into today.

Basically, I have one more day of classes and then four papers to write, and then two finals, and the biggest interview of my current life is on Monday, and...

If any of you see me writing, you should kick me hard and ask why I'm not curled up in a ball somewhere finishing my semester. :(

I'll fill it as soon as I can.

Imladris 12-11-2006 06:49 PM

Forgive me if I'm out of line...

But I'm reading the recent posts and it seems really weird for the company not to care that the ladies are off on their own in the mountains (or that they might be)...if they're not taking it seriously one of them needs to tell Aeron that he's off his rocker instead of just seemingly blithely ignoring it.

I dunno it just seems weird to me to have no one really reacting to it.

littlemanpoet 12-11-2006 07:33 PM

Well, Raefindan did react to it, but he's not the leader of the group, and not given to rebellion or mutiny, whether in spirit, speech, or action. His approach is to wait for events to prove Aeron's dream true, and then see what happens from there.

I think part of the problem, Immy, is that this story is moving forward at such a tortoise pace that writers may be having a hard time keeping their minds around what the characters would be very, very concerned about. It makes posting in a good storylike way rather difficult. :(

I suppose Ćdegard could be more concerned if Leafa is believed to be missing, and might offer some mutinous comments. Which may help, because I've been wondering what to do wtih the lout! :rolleyes:

Maybe Aeron could speak up to others in the party about it, say when the group breaks for camp? Just a thought. Thanks for posting your concern, Immy. It has me thinking more clearly about all this. :)

Imladris 12-11-2006 10:22 PM


Well, Raefindan did react to it, but he's not the leader of the group, and not given to rebellion or mutiny, whether in spirit, speech, or action. His approach is to wait for events to prove Aeron's dream true, and then see what happens from there.

I wasn't really sure how to post my concern...and was very hesitant to do so...I hope none took it to be critical or anything. =/


I think part of the problem, Immy, is that this story is moving forward at such a tortoise pace that writers may be having a hard time keeping their minds around what the characters would be very, very concerned about. It makes posting in a good storylike way rather difficult.'s rather sad when one grows up...if it's not school if it's a job (sometimes both!), then the busy holiday season coming up.


mark12_30 12-11-2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Imladris
I wasn't really sure how to post my concern...and was very hesitant to do so...I hope none took it to be critical or anything. =/

Nah. "There's a white elephant in the room" isn't critical, it's useful info. Especially if one has had one's back to that side of the room. I'll have to give that some more thought. And review how the other ladies left. Or decide how to call Aeron crazy, or SOMETHING.

Quote:'s rather sad when one grows up...if it's not school if it's a job (sometimes both!), then the busy holiday season coming up.

Me too, with the oofage.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-12-2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Imladris
if it's not school if it's a job (sometimes both!), then the busy holiday season coming up.


Both. :( With trouble at work, two more papers and two more finals in the next couple days... and yesterday I had an interview that will determine, no exaggeration, the rest of my life... *sigh*

I can't help but agree with Oof as I look at my poor misused and thoroughly abused Save.

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