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Meneltarmacil 05-04-2005 04:19 AM

Menel awoke from his unnatural sleep rather suddenly.

"I'm sorry, everyone, but my alter-ego in what some would call 'the real world' has been neglecting to post here."

"As far as Tom Bombadil's true nature goes... Do you suppose that he's really a Balrog in disguise? I'll admit it's a little strange, but think about it: Balrogs have unspecified magical powers, which could include the ability to transform, and here's the kicker: We're all sitting here discussing whether or not he has wings! What else could possibly fit that description.

Menel reachedfor a tortilla chip, dipped it in some salsa, and ate it. However, he had forgotten that he had actually put the salsa out there in the first place and was quite surprised when...


Smoke started coming out of Menel's ears.


Menel started breathing fire.

Firefoot 05-04-2005 05:01 AM

"Farewell, everyone! Cheers, Barrow-wight!" called Firefoot. With the wrap-up of the party, it was time for her to be getting back. She was not precisely sure just where 'back' would be for the time being; it may be Rohan, or the Shire, or somewhere else. There would be time to decide later.

She made her way outside and looked around. Neither horse nor dogs were in sight, so she whistled. Shortly she heard the sound of hoofbeats and Maggie's trademark woof. They came into sight, but Maggie and Marco quickly departed again after greeting her briefly. The two disappeared into the barrow. "Gone to say good-bye to Codijune, I suppose," Firefoot mumbled. She mounted her horse to wait for them; as soon as they came back, they would leave.

They reappeared from the barrow, looking at her expectantly. "Ready to go?" she asked. "Then come on." She nudged Firefoot into a pace just slow enough for the Shelties to keep up. "Till next year, everyone," she murmured. And then they were gone.

wilwarin538 05-04-2005 06:16 AM

After chatting abit more and listening to some great songs Wilwa decided it was time to leave, for real. She waved good bye to everyone though pratially everyone was to drunk or tiered to ntice, then she walked out of the barrow laughing about everything that had happened in the past few days.

Hapy Birthday everyone! :smokin: :D ;)

Gil-Galad 05-04-2005 07:11 AM

"Do i type with boxing gloves on! well...yeah actually, more the challenge!"

THE Ka 05-04-2005 07:20 AM

She sat quietly watching everyone began to either wake up, or finally say their leaves as they left the party. Maybe she should too?

By far, for the Ka at least it was a party full of little social events or happenings and just much painting and mantience of the room's order, even as drunk as it could be. Her guises were mostly likely up at this hour, trying to make something to eat or trying to retrieve a book from the bookshelf in her absence. In a way, she did and did not want to go.

"Maybe a little longer", she told her self.

Ealasaide 05-04-2005 07:37 AM

As the crowd began to thin with many of the other wights saying their final good-byes and taking leave of the party, Ealasaide finally caught up with the dog who had taken off a bit earlier in a furious chase after someone's cat. She found Codijune standing under the buffet table with the cat pinned beneath her paws. She was giving the cat's coat a good licking.

"Oh, Codi..." she sighed and grabbed hold of the dog's collar, pulling her off the poor, soggy cat. Freed at last, the cat jumped to her feet and stalked away with as much dignity as she could muster, her bottlebrush tail quivering with anger.

Codi woofed softly after the departing cat, then looked up at Ealasaide and wagged her tail.

"Yes, I saw you bathing the cat," said Ealasaide. "I don't think she enjoyed it. You're lucky she didn't scratch your big ol' ears off." She bent down and took hold of the leash, figuring it was about time they took their leave as well. She looked around for the Barrow Wight, hoping to pay her respects, but found him already in conversation with someone else. Not being the sort to interrupt, she waved across the room and, placing her palms together, bobbed a quick, shallow bow.

"Thank you & a very Happy Birthday to the Downs!" she called. "May there be many, many happy returns of the day."

With that she turned and stepped through the door into the fresh night air. With each step she took away from the barrow, her image and that of the dog grew fainter and fainter until eventually they disappeared entirely, vanishing into the mist.

Estelyn Telcontar 05-04-2005 09:00 AM

'H' watched the guests (and their respective dogs) leave. The party had been fun, but "life - I mean, death - goes on", she reminded herself. She packed her beloved Yamaha grand piano onto a cart, thankful that virtual pianos were easier to transport than 'real' ones. Then shedding the 'H' identity and becoming the efficient, all-seeing Estelyn again, she headed for the broom closet. She would have to look around to make sure everyone was gone and had taken their possessions (and none of The Barrow-Wight's!) before finally closing the door. Then the occasion would fade into memory, memory would become legend, legend... - anyway, she would then sweep the thread into Elvenhome as a mathom - no longer useful, but not a thing that one would want to throw away.

She waited politely while the last party guests paid their respects to The Barrow-Wight...

Hookbill the Goomba 05-04-2005 09:20 AM

Patting the Barrow Wight on the back, Hookbill left the party with the sense of a job well done... or at least done. And not so much a job, more a sequence of events. But all the same, it had seemed a success. Hookbill floated over the Barrow hills before going back to the Old forest to learn more poetry from old Bombadill.

Formendacil 05-04-2005 11:31 AM

Having finally found the broom closet and retrieved his items, Formendacil timdly made his way back to where the party had been. Had been, for most of the people had left by now. Sneaking through the kitchen, he grabbed the last articles belonging to him, and then dashed for the door, hoping to make it out before the Barrow-Wight noticed.

Overstaying one's welcome was not a good idea in this, of all places.

He made it to the door with nary a hitch, and with a mental prayer of joy, dashed out into the Downs.

Oh megablox, he muttered. The Downs were covered in their famous fog. Just another adventure/mishap in the life of a crazy Tolkien fan.

I really should stick to LEGO, he thought, and set off into the mist.

Mithalwen 05-04-2005 12:12 PM

Having got word of the party late and had a fearfully long drive in an ancient car then getting appallingly confused in the one way system at Bree and thus making a detour via Tharbad, Mithawen's possesing spirit arrives just as everyone else is leaving. A tall black-clad figure with a lot of unkempt rusty blonde hair )think funereal and anxious highland cow)briefly emerges leaves her present on the step and beetles of again, desperately hoping that the car starts before anyone notices. It does and she heads back to her home on the coast, tossing a badge with "Adanverieth" written in tengwar on to the passenger seat and feeling quite relieved that she doesn't have to go through the ordeal of being sociable.

Encaitare 05-04-2005 01:19 PM

As she watched everyone filtering out of the barrow, Enca realized that it was high time for her to leave as well, what with two more AP exams in her near future. She therefore packed up her flute and said goodbye to her friends who were still remaining.

And then there was one last thing to do. She approached The Barrow-Wight, wished him a happy birthday, and handed him a large gift bag laden with curling ribbon. Inside was a fluffy green towel with the Barrow-Downs logo on it.

"It's a dangerous world out there, full of wings that may or may not exist," she told him gravely. "You need to know where your towel is."

With that, she doffed her befeathered fedora and bowed in parting.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-04-2005 01:24 PM

"I must leave?" Fea whimpered as she returned for the final time. "But... but... this was so much fun..." She looked over to the phantom, wondering if he could once again read her mind.

"Yes," he said to seemingly no-one in particular. The last few ghouls looked around, wondering to whom this simple word was directed.

Ah well, in that case... the phantom is a weeny head and um... hey, I should really be doing stuff right now... oops... wrong dimension... and um... wow! I just got another compliment on how nicely I clean up! wait... yeah, so the phantom is a doofus.

He laughed helplessly as Fea's scattered thoughts reached his "ears". Do you always think like that? he laughed.

I... well... yeah. I tried to concentrate on one thing at a time, but there are so many things happening at any given time... like Trent just tapped his foot next to me... and it breaks my concentration. That's why sometimes my posts are really scatterbrained.

"Ah, well, m'boy, I suppose we ought to make our way to the door, but what, oh what, is there to be done about that beautifully large trunk? 'Tis your call... but it's sadly getting near time to leave..."

the phantom 05-04-2005 04:59 PM

"Yes, yes- what should we do with my final gift. BW isn't around... I suppose I'll have one of his servants take it and leave it someplace he'll be sure to find it."

"But what is it?" asked Fea.


"Coupons? And here I figured you'd saved your best for last."

"I did. The coupons can be redeemed at any Phantom Construction Inc location. He'll probably work with the office in Bree. The coupons entitle him to a free furniture move as well as an entirely free newly constructed home of any kind- castle, house, or barrow (what he'll probably pick). He merely designs the home, picks the location, and my people will take care of the rest at no charge."

"Aww, that's very nice of you," said Fea, "but my gifts had better be just as good!"

The Phantom winked. "See you at my castle in two weeks. Bring some old grungy clothes- I thought we might do a spot of orc hunting in the mountains if the weather is decent."

Before Fea could respond, The Phantom melted back into the shadows of a poorly lit corner of the barrow.

THE Ka 05-04-2005 05:43 PM

Ka watched as everyone began to leave. It wasn't a good idea to play "i'm actually part of the decore, you see... ', in the BarrowWight's home, since she would soon be discovered, or would be confronted with new owners as the Wight moved away. Quietly getting up, ka glanced around to find only a few stragglers left. It would be time to leave now, she had to prepare for the arrival of Queen Melora of The Fantastic Celloness and her Rasputinanites. What fun it would be in less than five days!

The room, now quiet and guilty with some clutter was bare and empty except for that of BW's plentiful gift table, where Ka viewed her presentation of a top hat being fitted by the Wight. They seemed to have liked it. She waved at the Wight in recognition, who after being viewed admiring itself in the mirror quickly removed it and gave her a smile and a glance of, 'Leave now before I turn you into a feather for this authorative headpiece...' She could just laugh at the incident.

Giving a slight wave in farewell, Ka left the barrow and into the mists for other haunts in her more favored hill in Eryn Vorn...

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-04-2005 05:59 PM

Hm... two weeks... thought Fea as she made her way around the nearly empty barrow retrieving her lost items. Well... she thought, picking up a stuffed rabbit, this weekend I'm seeing a show, and next weekend I'm hosting a picnic, and then there is the art show with a large corner devoted solely to me... she smiled. I only wish I could mat the caracal... now that's one nice drawing. What, oh what, am I doing in two weeks time? Field trip for science... um... Things are just all adding up. I'm so busy this time of year. she thought. I wish he hadn't planned for mid-May... it's just so dratted inconvenient. He had certainly better post his plans in the Downer Dinner Party thread...

Retrieving her large and mostly unobtrusive bag, she looked inside, pulling out a tidily wrapped item about the size and weight of a small child. She smiled as she read the label:

To your own party, you sadly were late,
But as your guest, be sure I won't hate
You, and as for your gift, I simply must say
That the best gift of all to come all this way
Is brand-spanking-new life sized, and talking,
Singing and dancing and through-Mordor stalking,
(including feet with traditional shag):
A life sized and cool hobbit punching bag!

Fea hoped with all sincerity that this modest gift would appeal to her respected leader. After all, she thought... he never did get a chance to beat up those thieving little halflings, and what with that brand new hand that the phantom bought him, he should be quite capable of pounding this new toy into the ground.

With a final laugh and look around at the dreadfully dank and dark (and spookily empty) room, Fea remembered that she was supposed to be doing her English homework and while touching a careful finger to her nose to see if it was still bleeding from her own utter stupidity, she gracefully floated away into the night.

Estelyn Telcontar 05-05-2005 02:28 AM

Estelyn put on an apron and donned a scarf; cleaning the barrow would take some hard work, but she didn't mind. She hummed the tunes of several songs that guests had sung and was happy that a number of them had written theirs in the Guest Book. She wrapped it carefully in order to bring it to its final destination in the Mirth barrow before wiping the tables and sweeping the floor.

The Barrow-Wight woke up after a hard day's night of attempting to be in at least two places simultaneously. Waving at his helper, he faded into the morning mists, in search of a new and better hobbit trap - umm, barrow. Estelyn opened the door wide to let in the sunlight that now shone brightly on the Downs. How appropriate! she thought. It was a fine day for sending the party memories westwards, to Elvenhome.

Finally she blew out the last flickering candle, closed the barrow door, and walked home. "Well, I'm back!" she thought, rather unoriginally...

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