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Kithrčna Greenarrow Legolas 10-09-2002 12:29 PM

That was very funny!

Lady_Espel, I didn't find your post all that offencive. As a matter of fact, I burst out laughing, which earned Me sevreal strange looks from My grandparrent.

Diamond18 10-09-2002 07:08 PM


That wasn't lame, that was funny.
Thanks Lady_Espel, but I have a better idea now...instead of Merry running away:

"Hey, Diamond, what say we leave these two losers? You don't need that dude, anyway, you can just call me, 'Mr. Magnificent'."

Hehe. Fantasy, gotta love it. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

NazgulNumberTen 10-09-2002 08:15 PM

"what is it?"
"eather a tree, or something wooden with boogers"

Lady_Espel 10-10-2002 02:56 PM

Oooo, I never knew I was loved until now, wow no one's ever taken notice of my posts before. I will carry on posting. And good for you Diamond, I'm sure you'll be very happy together!

Robin Headstrong 10-10-2002 03:22 PM

Pippin: "Merry, wait! I just realized I left my lunchbox at the bottom!"

Anastasia 10-11-2002 06:22 AM

new picture, maybe?

Lady_Espel 10-11-2002 10:49 AM

Yea, can we have a new picture please?

Anastasia 10-11-2002 11:00 AM

Can I do it?

Anastasia 10-11-2002 01:27 PM

OK, I'll take that as a yes [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: Anastasia ]

Nevfeniel 10-11-2002 01:35 PM

Boromir: Geez, Aragorn. I know rangers don't really have time to do much grooming, but would it kill you to brush your teeth?!

Elven Mistress 10-11-2002 03:11 PM

Boromir: Why did Legolas dye Gimli's hair blue?
Aragorn: I don't know, why is he running at us with the blue dye in his hands?
Boromir: Don't know
*They glance at each other*
Aragorn: RUN!

Elenna 10-11-2002 04:14 PM

Boromir: Duh, what's that?
Aragorn: Aaaaah! Legolas must have forgotten to do his makeup this morning!

Lame, I know - I'll think of another one soon!

Brinniel 10-11-2002 06:49 PM

Boromir: What's that?
Aragorn: Fangirls from Dublin! Everyone hide!
*Unfortunately, the fangirls spot Legolas before he is able to hide and run straight towards him. Legolas is caught by surprise and is unable to escape the fangirls.
Legolas: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!
Boromir: Uh oh. I think Legolas is in trouble. Should we help him?
Aragorn: Nah, he can take care of himself. I'll just shout out a few words of encouragement and he'll be fine. Run, Legolas! Run!!!
*Legolas continues to scream for help as fangirls pile on top of him*

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: Brinniel ]

Diamond18 10-12-2002 12:08 AM

*Laughs with unbridled delight at Brinniel's post. Tehehe...words of encouragement...*

Boromir: "Do you think that if I pucker my lips like this I could get as many fangirls as Legolas and Frodo?"
Aragorn: "Ahhhhhhhh!"
Boromir: "What?"
Aragorn: "My reflection! Am I really that ugly?"
Boromir: "No, no, that's not your reflection in that pool, it's a dead orc."
Aragorn: "Phew, what a relief. But, where are the others?"
Boromir: "I don't know...does it matter? You never answered my question. Do you think that if I—"
Aragorn: "Ahhhhhh!"
Boromir: "Would you stop doing that???"
Aragorn: "Now I'm looking at your reflection!"
Boromir: "This could go on forever...where is Lurtz when you need him?"

Anastasia 10-12-2002 08:49 AM, if you get really old clothes , don't brush your hair for a week, and get that *glint* in your eye, you'll be as handsome and popular as me, Aragorn son of Arathorn (sp?) who is the heir to the throne, AND I'm gonna be king, and... Are you listening to me?
Boromir- eh?
Aragorn says something rude and frustrated in orkish. Everyone looks at him. Big tense silence.
Aragorn- What? What'd I say?
Everyone stares as his mask peels off. Its really an evil orc!
Aragorn/Evil Orc- oops.

OK, kill me someone, that was tres mal!

[ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: Anastasia ]

Amanaduial the archer 10-12-2002 11:08 AM

Aragorn: Man, I hate sunburn!
Boromir: What are those orcs over there doing with the torches?
Aragorn: Erm...planning to enhance the sunburn.
*look at each other*


*the philosophical moments of Boromir...*

EDIT: diamond18 that was classy!

[ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: Amanaduial the archer ]

Diamond18 10-12-2002 02:23 PM

Why thank you...I was kind of hoping it would be funny, but I'll take what I can get. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Elenna 10-12-2002 02:36 PM

Boromir: What's that terrifying image I'm being subjected to?

Aragorn: What, you mean that huge advancing army of orcs?

Boromir: Nah, that's not scary. I mean who's that running away from them?

Aragorn: AAAAAHHHHH! They scared Pippin out of the shower! RUN!!!!

Rec the Hedgehog 10-12-2002 04:45 PM

(Yep I'm back)

Aragorn: Holy cow It's a leminade stand.

Boromir: Wait a sec it says "Anything. Price your soul".

Stand owner: Welcome. I will give you anything for your soul.

Aragorn: What's a soul?

Boromir: Oh no.

(okay so it's bad. Oh well)

Eruialiwen 10-12-2002 06:04 PM

Boromir: Whoa...who is that beautiful woman bathing over there?

Aragorn: Errr...that's Legolas, Boromir.

Boromir: Oh. Wow...duh...hehe...durrr...hmm

Aragorn: Legolas, HIDE! Boromir forgot to take his medication!

Bad, I know...couldn't think of anything else!

Anastasia 10-13-2002 08:05 AM

New picture, d'you think?

Lady_Espel 10-13-2002 08:20 AM

Wait for me. Sorry, I kinda had the same idea as Amanaduial. :S
Boromir: Do you think we over did the blusher?
Aragorn:Blusher? Blusher is for trashy people, i pinched.

Dismal, really.

Lady_Espel 10-13-2002 08:22 AM

We can have a new one now.

Anastasia 10-13-2002 11:02 AM

Shall I do the honours?

Anastasia 10-13-2002 11:08 AM

*Every Facelift Surgeon's Nightmare*

Diamond18 10-13-2002 11:16 AM

#1: "You know, my mom says that I spend too much time at the Barrow-Downs."

#2: "That's silly."

#1: "Yeah, she says I don't get outside enough...that I don't get enough sun."

#2: "Too much sun gives you skin cancer, you know."

#1: "You don't think I'm too pale?"

#2: "Nah."

Rose Cotton 10-13-2002 11:28 AM

They were once fans. Great kings of fans. Then Peter Jackson the deciever made them wait too long for the next Lord of the Rings movie. Blinded by their obsession they tried to endur the long wait, one by one falling into madness.

Elven Mistress 10-13-2002 11:39 AM

#1 is on the left, #2 is on the right...

#1: Aragorn! Stop moving! They'll notice us!
#2: I gotta get outta this thing! I think i'm becoming alergic to the make-up!
#1: lucky for you! Now the fangirls will surely start after me again!
#2: hey! this was YOUR idea!

Lady_Espel 10-13-2002 12:04 PM

#1:Have you ever had one of those days?
#2:Yea, you wake up and you're dead.
#1:You get used to it.

Raefindel 10-13-2002 01:29 PM

Rose that was hysterical!

Amanaduial the archer 10-13-2002 01:56 PM

hey, can i just make one rule for this thing? Robin do u mind?

please dont all keep putting yourselves down ok? Some of these are really good, but y'all keep saying theyre lame. Theyre classy!

anyway, diamond, when i said classy, it goes for funny as well.

Rec the Hedgehog 10-13-2002 08:36 PM

(This kind of goes with the one I did for the last picture)

Borimir: I told you not to agree to that "Anything for your soul" guy!

Aragorn: Well atleast I got that lemonaid

Borimir: Ummmmmm Aragorn......

Aragorn: What?

Borimir: That's acid.

Aragorn: Oh sheep I already drank it. No wonder I look like this.

Eruialiwen 10-13-2002 09:03 PM

LOL!!! I'll have a go at this one... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

#1: They shall never find the Ring this way! Haha! Gandalf has some really good ideas sometimes. Disguised as one of these ugly wraiths, we can sneak the Ring into Mordor, right, Sam?


#1: Oops, wrong wraith...-_-'

Amanaduial the archer 10-14-2002 07:52 AM

lol eru, lovin it!

Nevfeniel 10-14-2002 09:49 AM

1: Last time I go to your beautician!
2: Look, I said I was sorry, okay! Geez, can't make any mistakes, can I. . .

Anastasia 10-14-2002 10:37 AM

When you people have had enough can I do the nexct pic? PWEETY PLEESE?

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: Anastasia ]

Elven Mistress 10-14-2002 04:06 PM

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but no one's holding you back, Anastasia! Go ahead! I'd enjoy a new one...

#1 - would you PLEASE close your mouth! Your drooling is disgusting me!
#2 - I'm surprised you can even see me through your half open lids!
#1 - at least my mouth isn't hanging open!
#2 - at least my eyes aren't shut so much!
...and on and on and on...Being in the same place with the same people can get a little tedious at times...

NazgulNumberTen 10-14-2002 08:28 PM

wow. so there are people uglier than me.

Anastasia 10-15-2002 12:15 PM

OK, shall I do one now?

Amanaduial the archer 10-15-2002 12:24 PM

You thought all you had to worry about was disease, war, famine, pestilence, plague and death...but you hadnt met the hobbits from hell...

Frodo: Wooooo! You alright down there Gandalph? Wheeee!
Bilbo: Whoohoo! Yeah dude, I told you the ceiling was low.
Frodo: Man, that pipeweed was strong stuff! I can see little flying orcs!
Bilbo: Not pipeweed Frodo. Just weed. I can see flying dragons!...
Frodo: Uh oh...where are Merry and Pippin?
*Look at each other*

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