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mormegil 09-02-2005 04:34 PM

I am most partial to SpM's Corpus Cacophonous. I know it's probably been stated before but I really think it's very clever. If you haven't looked it up do so at which after the downs is probably one of my favorite sites.

Orominuialwen 09-02-2005 04:59 PM

I rather like Orofaniel's Mighty Mouse of Mordor. I don't know if it's new, or if I only just noticed it for the first time a few weeks ago, but it definitely fits her avatar (a jumping mouse). I also find it funny, since I know somebody in RL whose nickname is Mighty Mouse.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 09-03-2005 01:03 PM

Congratulations to the newly titled! They are well-earned. :)

Nilpaurion Felagund 09-04-2005 09:55 PM

Re: My PT

I had to look up . . . Scion . . . [a]nd . . . that did make me appreciate Nilp's PT more, even if it does imply that all the rest of us are heretics... :p (the short prince--hey, this reminds me of something--or someone)
Don't worry, we all can't be scions of the greatest Quendi who ever lived. ;)

(No, I'm not referring to Legolas!)

wilwarin538 10-09-2005 06:20 AM

Well a few of us got some PT's yesterday. Kath is now Everlasting Whiteness and Kitanna is Child of the West and I am Fluttering Enchantment. :D

I love um all, there so pretty! ;)

Is there any one I missed that got one? :)

Kath 10-09-2005 06:52 AM

wilwa thanks for bumping this thread up, I hadn't seen tht mine had appeared :rolleyes: Yours is very pretty and I like Kitanna's too - though she kept hers very well under wraps, I didn't even know she was getting one!

Encaitare 10-09-2005 07:33 AM

Nice choice, Wilwa! Congrats to all three of ye. :)

Nilpaurion Felagund 10-09-2005 07:49 AM

Everlasting Whiteness
I love your personal title, Kath. Who thought it up, and what does it mean? ;)

Flattering Enchantment, how fitting, Wilwa! :D

Child of the West. It's so simple, so wonderful. Great choice, Kitanna! :)

Congratulations to you three on getting your PT's!

Mithalwen 10-09-2005 09:53 AM

Something to do with Taniquetil maybe?

Glirdan 10-30-2005 09:14 PM

Love your choice there Wilwa. Fluttering Enchantress suits you perfectly.

Kath, i'm in love with your Everlasting Whiteness. It's great.

Kitanna, exactly why did you choose Child of the West?

And Perky, still can't think of yours? You really should get a move on with that. :p Just kidding! I still think you should take Eatible Ent. :rolleyes:

Kitanna 10-30-2005 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Glirdan
Kitanna, exactly why did you choose Child of the West?

I was flipping through my ROTK book looking for something I could use as a personal title. And then I found:

Sing and be glad, all ye children of the West
So I liked it and for some reason I thought it fit me.

Kath 10-31-2005 09:27 AM


Something to do with Taniquetil maybe?
Sorry Mith never saw that. No actually it never was to do with anything LotR. Nilp and I were communicating while I was on holiday and when I told him I didn't tan he came up with that and suggested it for a PT if I was ever given one. That is why there's a wink at the end of his question:


I love your personal title, Kath. Who thought it up, and what does it mean?
It does sound quite LotRish though which is good!

Lhunardawen 11-02-2005 03:36 AM

I don't have The Silm with me so I can't quote it, but Everlasting Whiteness *does* have something to do with, if not directly pertaining to, Oiolossë. So, Kath, you know that wasn't a Nilp original. ;)

Nilp: :p

Kath 11-02-2005 04:50 AM


So, Kath, you know that wasn't a Nilp original.
I knew that, but I thought I'd give him credit seeing as how he did suggest it.

Gurthang 06-12-2006 04:05 PM

Maybe I'm off my hinges, but I think Diamond's title is new.

Regardless, I like it. :D (Although I had to look up eidolon. :rolleyes: )

Lalaith 06-12-2006 04:19 PM

Nay, Gurthang dear, I think Diamond's title pre-dates both my and your arrival on the Downs....

Gurthang 06-12-2006 05:07 PM

Ah, so then it was just me not noticing it. :rolleyes:

Still like it. ;)

mormegil 06-12-2006 05:09 PM

I like Eidolon, in fact I wanted to use that for mine but then realized Diamond had already taken it.

Diamond18 06-12-2006 05:57 PM

:) Thanks!

I don't remember when I first got it, but I had it as of May 2003, when this thread was started.

Glirdan 06-12-2006 08:26 PM

Speaking of PT's...I haven't seen anyone since the last bunch (which was Wilwa, Kath, Kitanna and Perky [who still hasn't sent his in] if my memory serves me right) and that was actually back in Octoberish. So, any idea of when someone else is to get one? (That was based towards a moderator).

Lhunardawen 06-12-2006 09:10 PM

Perky already has his. Maniacal Mage. :)

Mithalwen 06-13-2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
Sorry Mith never saw that. No actually it never was to do with anything LotR. Nilp and I were communicating while I was on holiday and when I told him I didn't tan he came up with that and suggested it for a PT if I was ever given one. That is why there's a wink at the end of his question:

It does sound quite LotRish though which is good!

LOL .... If I had an HI-like inclination towards surveys.... I am sure that it would reveal that a disproportionate number of downers don't tan. We have an awful lot of redheads and the two rarely combine and a number of our brunettes are of the pale and interesting variety. I wonder if it because a pale complexion is generally regarded more positively in Tolkien than in the outside world or just that we spent more time inside reading.... :cool:

As for Child of the West well as Gwaihir's song, Bilbo is described as thus by Thorin on his death bed " There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. " Another lovely choice :D

Encaitare 06-13-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mith
I wonder if it because a pale complexion is generally regarded more positively in Tolkien than in the outside world or just that we spent more time inside reading.... :cool:

I'm pretty sure it's the result of staying inside and reading while others go to the beach, but perhaps we can use the first thing as a snobby excuse for our paleness. ;)

~ Enca, who abhors tanning, and who indeed burns up in mere minutes when exposed to the nassty Yellow Face.

the guy who be short 06-14-2006 09:51 AM

Perhaps we should have some sort of tanning survey. I can see HI undertaking it as part of his Public Research.
As a brown boy, it's very hard for me not to tan. :D Though my sister does burn, inexplicably.

In addition, I read outside. Well, now and again, if the pink blossom trees are in bloom.

Kath 06-14-2006 11:34 AM


I wonder if it because a pale complexion is generally regarded more positively in Tolkien than in the outside world or just that we spent more time inside reading.... :cool:
Mith, while I love the Tolkien theory, I fear that if I tried to use it as an excuse my friends might just disown me!

Mithalwen 06-14-2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Encaitare
I'm pretty sure it's the result of staying inside and reading while others go to the beach, but perhaps we can use the first thing as a snobby excuse for our paleness. ;)

~ Enca, who abhors tanning, and who indeed burns up in mere minutes when exposed to the nassty Yellow Face.

Eek ... I thought my lack of tanning unless the freckles join up was due to inheriting super delicate and pale skin from my welsh grandmother ... now it seems I am relate to gollum :(

Gurthang 08-19-2006 08:44 AM

If my mind serves me correctly (and I've been wrong about this before) Formendacil's is new. Anyway, it gave me a pretty good laugh. :p

I still think my bright shiny new one is best for me. :D

Glirdan 08-19-2006 08:47 AM

I agree, form's made me chuckle when I read it. And I do find yours suits you as well.

the guy who be short 08-19-2006 10:27 AM

Formendacil's is wonderful and well-suited.

Gil-Galad 08-19-2006 10:36 AM

Aye, Form's is hillaurious, i love it...and if only i had used it... so i must go back in time!!1

Glirdan 08-19-2006 10:37 AM

Nice on Gil!!

Gurthang 08-19-2006 10:48 AM

Gil! Congrats on the PT. I like it; it has a certain... flare. I don't think I would ever have thought of the word 'psyche', but it fits well with the Downs.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-19-2006 01:21 PM

Congratulations! :)

Rune Son of Bjarne 08-19-2006 01:45 PM

Yeah congrats everyone, I was wondering when you guys would get a PT.

You realy deserv it

Diamond18 08-19-2006 05:20 PM

Oooh, new PTs! You all know what this means -- new clue opportunities for Which Downer Am I! :D

Congratulations to the newly annointed ones.

Lush 08-19-2006 10:47 PM

Congratulations. :)

It seems like ages ago that I got mine.

(My boyfriend is snickering about all of this in the background).

Formendacil 08-19-2006 11:47 PM

My thanks to the kind comments regarding the new title beneath my name... It was a rather painful wait, seeing as I thought it up within a week of joining the 'Downs, knowing full well it'd be months or years before I could even hope to have one...

Lhunardawen 08-20-2006 01:55 AM

*looks at Form's PT*


Congrats everyone! :)

Lalaith 08-20-2006 03:52 AM

Congratulations everyone. Some very well-deserved anointings, indeed, and great PT choices.
(I assume that Ang was included in the wave. I look forward to seeing what he comes up with on his return...)

Hookbill the Goomba 08-20-2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Dead Serious

Strangely enough, that was going to be the motto for The Downer newspaper. If you look at where it now says "Dead and rotten" it was going to be Dead Serious. I can't remember why I changed it... 'Dead and rotten' isn't even funny.

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