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Eönwë 07-22-2008 01:38 PM

When you spend time (and your school makes you revise) for some national tests (SATs) and all of one subject's papers go missing. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at these three links.)

*slaps ETS*

Kath 07-22-2008 02:01 PM

Oh yeah I heard about that happening Eonwe. Just look on the bright side if you can and be glad it wasn't something like A levels so you wouldn't even know whether you'd got into uni!

I shall assign unpredictable weather. When I left this morning it was gorgeous sunshine so I dressed for it, when I came back it had turned rather chilly. It irritating to be summery and yet carry an umbrella and a jumper!

Aganzir 07-22-2008 02:48 PM

I would like to assign people with stupid whims - or rather the whims. Especially if they have something to do with my precious little laptop. Or net connection.

As a matter of fact, I have had several dreams in which the person in question (my father) was Sauron.

Eönwë 07-22-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 563425)
I shall assign unpredictable weather. When I left this morning it was gorgeous sunshine so I dressed for it, when I came back it had turned rather chilly. It irritating to be summery and yet carry an umbrella and a jumper!

Yes, that is the problem with England. We get the good old British weather!

THE Ka 07-22-2008 04:07 PM

People who lull me into a false sense that they're fairly okay customers, then they binge on drinks from the bar and don't pay for a single one.:mad: To top it off, they're 'regulars'. I hate first days...

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-04-2008 11:21 AM

I assign - with great conviction - the fact that if I hadn't had to take so many useless general education 'liberal arts' classes (which taught me - guess what! - things I already knew), I would have had time to take classes worth taking and I wouldn't feel like I was two semesters short of a totally useless degree.

I also assign standardized testing. I really thought I was done after the SATs. :(

Rikae 08-07-2008 01:32 PM

I assign...
Coworkers who tell you not to finish a task until they're done with something, then tell you to finish it, and when you ask if they're done yet, just repeat that you should do it... and then, when you start doing it, yell at you because they aren't done.

Oh, and working alongside high school students after graduating from college. :mad:

Kath 08-08-2008 02:04 AM

Racism from people who should know better. It doesn't matter whether you've lived in the country or seen a few families from it, racism is racism and there is no excuse. Passing this on to your children as acceptable is also inexcusable.

Lindale 08-08-2008 09:51 AM

Professors who assign impossibly thick books in a very short time. Come on. Sentimental Education in three days?! No wonder most turn to Sparknote. bwahahaha.

Also, this habagat, or southwest monsoon that makes the weather utterly unpredictable. One moment it's impossibly hellishly hot, the next, you're stranded because you left your darling umbrella at home. T_T

TheGreatElvenWarrior 08-12-2008 01:47 PM

I assign not being able to meet other BDers and having to be stuck at home when you could be out, and plus I assign watching Doctor Who with the little brat in my house...

Aganzir 08-15-2008 09:51 AM

The matriculation exams. My own laziness to study. Being constantly tired. Control freaks.

It's only been five days of school and I feel dead already.

THE Ka 08-16-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae
Coworkers who tell you not to finish a task until they're done with something, then tell you to finish it, and when you ask if they're done yet, just repeat that you should do it... and then, when you start doing it, yell at you because they aren't done.

Ach, reminds me of working on Sunday nights... The mess never ends and the tasks are like bacteria.

I assign becoming too confortable in my misanthropy. Working again with a mass amount of the public has made me despise all age groups universally more than I probably should.
Also, having customers trying to hit on you at work as you stand there in workclothes splattered with food and any other random stains. Yeah, I'm definately on the market guys...:rolleyes:

~ No, I despise your foul attitude equally Ka

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-26-2008 02:44 PM

The cost of school books for the coming semester. Are you serious? Fifteen books for ONE class!?

That's got to be something cooked up in the fiery places of the world...

Lindale 08-26-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 566004)
The cost of school books for the coming semester. Are you serious? Fifteen books for ONE class!?

That's got to be something cooked up in the fiery places of the world...

Poor you. And then there was me complaining, when asked for five books for half a semester: a Flaubert novel, portions of Das Kapital, Manifesto, and a couple of art books. Which I'm all assigning to Mordor by the way. I don't like Marx, he makes a point but that's just that--he just makes a point.

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-26-2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lindale (Post 566005)
Poor you.

I barely got them to my apartment by myself. I needed help to get them all upstairs in the bookstore. Twenty-three books thus far, not including the one text book my room-mate already has a copy of, and the two philosophy text books that aren't in yet. :(

Lalwendë 08-28-2008 03:44 AM

Being so stressed that you feel sick should go to Mordor. On top of worrying yourself into insomnia about finding and then affording childcare (even though in your heart you do not even want to dump your son in childcare because you know how much you hated it as a child) you come home to find that the evil neighbour you despise has started works on their house without the common courtesy of informing you - it's a nightmare. Plus you've grown to hate where you live (no family around and a neighbour with the manners of a pig) and all you want to do is move a hundred miles away and know how difficult it will all be to achieve... :(

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-28-2008 09:29 AM

I assign ultimatums and people who think it's wise to try to bully me with one. Really, they've known me long enough that they should have guessed I'd pick the option they'd like least.

Brinniel 08-31-2008 01:44 PM

I assign msn messenger. No joke, it's been acting very odd lately and I've become increasingly frustrated. When I leave/go to bed I will sign completely out before closing up my laptop. But somehow when I'm away msn will sign itself back in (and my settings are set so that it shouldn't automatically sign in) and people message me thinking I'm online. And I feel bad for missing them because I don't want them to think I'm ignoring them. :(

Sometimes I feel like there's a ghost in my computer...

Lalwendë 09-01-2008 01:53 AM

I assign my cat, who has done a poo in my handbag. :mad:

Alright, it is sort of funny.....;)

TheGreatElvenWarrior 09-01-2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lalwendë (Post 566592)
I assign my cat, who has done a poo in my handbag. :mad:

Alright, it is sort of funny.....;)

How does that happen?

Eönwë 09-01-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior (Post 566628)
How does that happen?

Well, er, cats are quite agile and flexible.

Lalwendë 09-01-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Eönwë (Post 566632)
Well, er, cats are quite agile and flexible.

Mine is just mucky :(

I also assign to Mordor wondering whether to throw out the bag, which is quite a cool one. And the way the cat gives you that whole 'big eyes' look once found out.

Mithalwen 09-09-2008 11:17 AM

People who pointlessly and thoughtlessly destroy your confidence.:(

Lalaith 09-09-2008 12:03 PM

Where? Who? *glares*

Mithalwen 09-11-2008 12:45 PM

Colleague. Though on top of the other stuff it didn't help. Just went home and cried, got about 3 hrs sleep ... not good.

Nogrod 09-12-2008 03:48 PM

The situation when the Who's online says 1 member 0 guests.

Alone in the cyberspace... alone in the net... *shivers*

Lalwendë 09-12-2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 567591)
The situation when the Who's online says 1 member 0 guests.

Alone in the cyberspace... alone in the net... *shivers*

Yeah, imagine the mayhem you could cause....mua-ha-ha ;)

I assign having to go to bed at night when your head is buzzing with a zillion ideas and things. If I had been born as Tolkien or Blake or someone I would be justified in staying up all night writing mad things.

Oddwen 09-12-2008 06:52 PM

I'm certain that this won't sit well with everyone, but I'd like to assign waking up to (especially) AC/DC in the morning. In fact, I would be happy to just send the whole of the nineteen-eighties to Mordor, my birth therein notwithstanding.

Also, I would like to follow all stubbed toes, wether or not they lead to broken bones, and reoccured injuries thought long laid to rest.

Brinniel 09-12-2008 11:09 PM

The price it pays to be a media production student. When the teacher told my film class that there's a good chance we'd be spending $500 over the semester, I couldn't help but cry a little on the inside. And that's not including the $25,000+ tuition per year! :eek: I really hope I won't have to spend quite as much for future classes once I switch my specialisation to post-production, but we'll see...

Gollum the Great 09-14-2008 05:55 PM

I assign being forced to eat garbage when you could eat something decent.

-Getting behind in school

-Putting up with idiots. If we have don't have enough asylums, we should make more.

-Teachers who don't teach much.

Lindale 09-14-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gollum the Great (Post 567812)
I assign being forced to eat garbage when you could eat something decent.

However do you judge garbage from decent food? :D Microwavables compared to real food cooked with mom's/the wife's/the gf's love?

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-15-2008 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Brinniel (Post 567608)
The price it pays to be a media production student. When the teacher told my film class that there's a good chance we'd be spending $500 over the semester, I couldn't help but cry a little on the inside. And that's not including the $25,000+ tuition per year!

Wow, that's it?

You should have heard my mom's enthusiasm when I told her that my first choice grad school would, in total, cost about half the price of one year where I am now. :rolleyes:

Speaking of, I assign around half of campus congregating outside the president's house to appeal [loudly, for a week] to his generous side and get him to give us a [traditional] day off. We all know he has no generous side...

Lindale 09-15-2008 12:11 PM

I assign my own not being able to dance even a very simple waltz, and the fact that my eighteenth is approaching faster than it should and I have yet to practice the violin pieces I am supposed to play for the guests' horrible entertainment, and that my birthday falls on the exact same date that I have three exams on a row so that my party has to occur three weeks later. And that I am born into a family that regards old traditions too much--eighteen roses! Where the hell do I get eighteen men to give me roses and to dance with me? :(

Yes, I'm sure I want to assign these to Mordor, not Orthanc. Besides, I've always asked the father to give me a car or at least a really good piano and not a traditional debut.

Kath 09-15-2008 12:32 PM

Having a cold. It's been a while since I've had one this bad and I forgot how much it wears you out! And when you're that tired you become really sensitive to the slightest thing as well so you just spend all your time mildly upset. 'Tis probably quite lucky I'm out of that werewolf game or I'd either have been (non-literally) biting people's heads off or just crying! :D

Brinniel 09-16-2008 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fea
Wow, that's it?

You should have heard my mom's enthusiasm when I told her that my first choice grad school would, in total, cost about half the price of one year where I am now.

Well in all fairness, I was just estimating. :p I looked it up and apparently the tuition is now $28,352 per year to be exact. And that doesn't include room and board. Add that in and the total becomes approx $40,000.
But goodness, how much does your school cost? And I thought I was suffering...

I assign something I know a lot of other Facebookers would like to assign: New Facebook. I've managed to wiggle my way out of using it up until tonight...and now it seems I'm stuck. I've always been someone who's a bit weird about major format changes, and this one particularly bothers me. Mainly because it's slower and the layout's clunky. Though I think what bothers me most is the fact it's not centered. I don't know why I'm so adament about having things centered, but if the designers at least fixed that I wouldn't feel so annoyed...

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-17-2008 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Brinniel (Post 568080)
tuition is now $28,352 per year to be exact. And that doesn't include room and board. Add that in and the total becomes approx $40,000.
But goodness, how much does your school cost? And I thought I was suffering...

$32,000 tuition, $10,100 room and board as of this year. Then you add fees (another grand and a half on average). Then you can go buy your books (I spent around $700 this term). Worst part? I don't even like my school.

Lindale 09-17-2008 10:45 AM

I assign to Mordor that the fact that most of the books I need right now from the library are either on loan, lost/damaged, and long overdue. I hate our school. :(

Laurinquë 09-17-2008 08:39 PM

I assign good books to Mordor. They call out to you, begging you to read them when you know you should be doing homework or cleaning, or for that matter sleeping. The same can be said for The Barrow-Downs and Facebook.

Lalwendë 09-18-2008 03:16 PM

I assign Capitalism because it's caused a certain bank takeover which is making us worry about the certainty of our household income. :mad:

Lindale 09-19-2008 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lalwendë (Post 568271)
I assign Capitalism because it's caused a certain bank takeover which is making us worry about the certainty of our household income. :mad:

poor you.

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