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Groin Redbeard 11-27-2009 10:13 AM

I got a post up in defense of Lithor. It is obviously bias, but I could not stand to watch everyone tare him up without some type of defense. I'll have to think hard on how to change Lithor's attitude back around, I don't want him to be a depressed angry character (that is what Erbrand is for).:D I'll have Lithor lay low for a while, stay in the shadows and pop out every now and then when needed.

Durelin, Lommy, nice posts. I like Coen a lot and I hope that we hear more from him in the future and I want to see those twins interact more with original Scarburg characters.:D

Nogrod, are you going to post for the grumpy old man character soon? I want to see how he fits in with his new surroundings. :)

Folwren 11-27-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617060)
You love my new characters, Foley, don't you? :p;)

Love is hardly the word I would use to describe my feelings for them. ;)

Groin, I don't think that Lithor need become a depressed, angry sort of character. His actions, words, and behavior thus far in the game seem to make him out to be the sort of man that eventually, he would let his ill feeling go. If he indeed knows he's not guilty, then he'll be more likely not to be depressed. As for the angry...well, I can see him being angry as long as Athanar and others continue thinking he was guilty and he feels he wasn't. That will make him think he's being unjustly judged and condemned. But if he's a responsible fellow, he'll do his best to get rid of the anger and carry on with life, allowing them to be wrong in their impressions of him.

Don't hide Lithor. Take the opportunity to build his character.

-- Folwren

Groin Redbeard 11-27-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 617114)
Don't hide Lithor. Take the opportunity to build his character.

I won't hide him forever, but building his character might be dangerous to his reputation. The thing I like about Lithor is that nobody knows the intricate details of his past, so I can throw little tidbits of information in as I go. After the details of something is known, especially history, it loses its attraction.:)

Formy, that was an awesome line at the end of your post: "elvishily impractical." What a great line!:D

Formendacil 11-27-2009 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 617147)
Formy, that was an awesome line at the end of your post: "elvishily impractical." What a great line!:D

Thank you, sir. It was a happy little moment of inspiration, I though.:p

And because I've been asked elsewhere, I'll clarify Náin's situation so that the rest of you are clear...

Because Náin has the misfortune to have as his writer a student who is sporadically able/unable interested/distracted, depending those sordid things known collectively as "real life", what I've told Nogmod is that Náin will still be attached to Scarburg--but he doesn't permanently live there. It fits well with his history/situation thus far: he's something of a goodwill ambassador from the Dwarves to the Rohirrim, so he's back and forth between Gimli at Aglarond and the Rohirrim--in theory Éomer in Edoras, but mostly on loan to Scarburg as a "consultant," to use the modern term, and as a sculptor for some of the finer bits of the hall, like the fireplace mantle, etc.

What this means, in practical terms, is that Náin will around as often as I am--if it's month or two when I'm too busy or distracted, Náin will conveniently be away that day/week at Edoras or Aglarond... but otherwise he'll be at the Hall. And if things turn out that I am able/interested to be around all the time... then it'll conveniently just be the days that we don't roleplay when he's off.

Sound good?

Groin Redbeard 11-28-2009 10:50 AM

Hurry back soon Formy.:(

I have decided to take Folwren's advice and expand on Lithor's thoughts, though I was very careful not to expand on his past (that must be kept allusive and alluring;)). I also took the liberty of speaking for Kara for two sentences. Kath, let me know if I need to change anything.

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-29-2009 04:27 PM

I'll be out of touch for a bit- my computer got sick and needs some organ transplants, so I won't have it for a few days at least.

Make good art while I'm gone!

Nogrod 11-29-2009 04:59 PM

What a perfect timing to come and read the thread! :D


Originally Posted by Groin
Nogrod, are you going to post for the grumpy old man character soon? I want to see how he fits in with his new surroundings.

Ahh... I had actually forgotten about him... Yes, sure.

But now I'm off to sleep.

Btw. I used the quite modern expression of a "good cop or a bad cop" for I wanted you all to understand what he means (even if it's just him thinking to himself). But if anyone of you would suggest a bit more ancient sounding metaphor to it's place I'd gladly change it as it kind of sounds a bit off to my ear at least...

Folwren 11-30-2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 617235)
Btw. I used the quite modern expression of a "good cop or a bad cop" for I wanted you all to understand what he means (even if it's just him thinking to himself). But if anyone of you would suggest a bit more ancient sounding metaphor to it's place I'd gladly change it as it kind of sounds a bit off to my ear at least...

I agree. I wondered why you used it. :D I'll try to think of something.

Groin and I have written a post together. I didn't want to post it until someone had posted after Groin's last post to see if people really cheered for Saeryn. I will not post it quite yet, although Nogrod did post. I will wait to see if anyone else has aught to say.

How much more of this night needs to happen?

-- Foley

Thinlómien 11-30-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
How much more of this night needs to happen?

A bit of Wulfric and Wilheard... ;) But I shall do that today or tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Groin
I want to see those twins interact more with original Scarburg characters.

You just want Erbrand to get mad at them, eh? :p

Folwren 11-30-2009 12:23 PM

ooh! I hope you post soon, Lommy! I like reading about those two infidels!

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-30-2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 617374)
ooh! I hope you post soon, Lommy! I like reading about those two infidels!

Haha! Exactly. While they are absolutely disgusting, I really like reading about them. (Well, but even then, they are funny. I really liked that first post where one of them made the sound of the horse :D That was actually cute!)

I am not sure if I have any particular inspiration now to write for Hilderinc, sufficient to say, he cheered too :D But if I get any brilliant idea, I may write for him... or then if anybody wants to interact...

Folwren 11-30-2009 04:21 PM

I posted the post that Groin and I wrote together. I would have waited for Legate to post, but I don't know if I have internet at home and I will not be anywhere with sure internet again for a few days. Legate can still post, though.

-- Foley

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-30-2009 04:30 PM

Wow, that's a great post (in several senses of the word, for sure... :) ).

Nogrod 11-30-2009 05:55 PM

Let's wait for Lommy to post - and anyone who wishes!

But then we could roll this thing forwards.

Are the writers of the soldiers willing to write something on the practising the next day? We might make a few posts for the next day just to get in the mood of how people feel when sober after a confusing banquet. :)

Lord Athanar at least should settle the matter with Lithor... and that should involve Thornden, Coen and maybe Lithor himself, I think. We should decide on that here.

Talking of that: great post Foley and Groin!

Mnemosyne 11-30-2009 07:06 PM

Nog, do you want our characters to debrief the whole day in private discussion?

Aside from that I'm fine with moving forward. Tomorrow (in game) I'm planning on addressing the matter of Javan with Saeryn so we can come up with some sort of effective consequence... provided my two good-for-naught sons don't come up with something on their own! :eek::eek::eek:

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-30-2009 07:38 PM

Degas needs to have a Very Important Conversation, but not until after the feast, and the only people who need to know what the Very Important Conversation is about already know.

So whenever all y'all are ready to move on, no need to wait for me.

Nogrod 12-01-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 617496)
Nog, do you want our characters to debrief the whole day in private discussion?

We probably should make a post for the two. The situation in general and the issues with Javan and Lithor in particular should be discussed by the two at least shortly - and that way we could also start building their relationship as to how they talk and behave when together.

Fea, would that "Very Important Conversation" take place after the banquet but on the same day, or the next day?

Legate of Amon Lanc 12-01-2009 04:40 AM

I was thinking about making some interaction of Lithor and Hilderinc tomorrow (game time) - that is, if Lithor is available for the training and Groin is not too busy otherwise. I PMed Groin about it, so let's see.

Thinlómien 12-01-2009 06:42 AM

I'm sorry the two are messing up a bit or possibly prolonging stuff, but I think that if

a) someone wants to come up with a random or intended distraction for them, go for it, and we need not prolong the Lithor issue

b) Groin will post for Lithor soon (he can notice he's being followed) and we can settle it quickly

it need not take so long. But yes, if anyone wants to see Wulfric & Wilheard stalking after Lithor or run to them randomly, go for it.

Nogrod 12-01-2009 07:28 AM

I think action takes precedence over ending a day... :D

This is actually going crazier every day! What a soap-opera one could make from this! :rolleyes:

So get yourselves involved people and let's have some more fun with this!

Although I think people should be able to post also for some "post-banquet" things already as well (if you have some such things in mind), as long as they deal with the same evening.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-01-2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 617512)
Fea, would that "Very Important Conversation" take place after the banquet but on the same day, or the next day?

Either one's fine. I'll slip it in when an opportunity arises, so don't worry about me.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-01-2009 10:12 AM

The boys know that Saeryn is as much a noble as they do, right? They're just being crude creeps?

Don't get me wrong, I love the problems they cause, and every time I see them trashing Saeryn I want to go slap them silly, I just want to make sure they know that if Degas heard them refer to his sister like that, he'd be torn between either pounding the snot out of them or going to Athanar to report their behavior.

Hey now... *has idea*

Not now, though. No time now for ideas... Sigh.

Groin Redbeard 12-01-2009 11:11 AM

Everything is looking grand!:D I'll get a post up for Lithor soon.

Groin Redbeard 12-01-2009 01:20 PM

I posted for Lithor. Let me know, Lommy, if it was alright that Lithor found the boys out. Old people just seem to know things like that.:D If you would rather have the boys approach Lithor, I'll change my post.:)

Folwren 12-01-2009 02:34 PM

Once more, I'm offline for less than a day and I come back to find people busy and bees....

To se records straight, I, too, feel very protective of Saeryn, and I don't think Degas will be the only one infuriated if he finds out about their thoughts/behavior/words. :eek:

And, Fea, that is MEAN to say "Hey now" and then not give your thought! That's like saying, "Hey, [put any name here]!" "What?" "Never Mind." :mad:

I'll go read the thread.

EDIT: Lommy, Lommy, do manage to make people riled up. You have developed two wonderfully perfect jerks. I like 'em.

Also, Nogrod, how 'bout for you 'good cop, bad cop' thing, he could just think 'hero vs. villian' type of thought.

-- Foley

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-01-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 617548)
And, Fea, that is MEAN to say "Hey now" and then not give your thought! That's like saying, "Hey, [put any name here]!" "What?" "Never Mind." :mad:

I was thinking it might be highly entertaining to have the boys overheard while they're talking smack, but while I was trying to think who the opportune person to overhear them might be, I had to run off on errands of Major Importance.

Good news is that my school deadline got pushed back in the wake of my computer's need for gastrointestinal and optical surgery (hear that, Ni? My camera should be all better soon), so I'm not as rushed or as stressed.

Now that I've got a minute, I'm thinking Degas might not be the best person to overhear the boys. Maybe their own mother. :eek:

Everyone knows the threat of a mom is worse than just about any other one...

Folwren 12-01-2009 05:15 PM

But when? The boys were talking like that when they were outside the hall and everyone else was listening to Lithor and Athanar duke it out? You're talking about later, right?

I am sincerely hating school this evening. Bah!

-- Foley

Mnemosyne 12-01-2009 05:18 PM

Fea, is that a request?

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 05:30 AM

*feels worried for her two little darlings* ;) :p

And yes, Fea, they know she's a noble, but they think a "countryside" noble who has close relationship to her folk is as good as peasant herself... :rolleyes:

Your post was good, Groin. I'll think of a reply later today and post it. Mnemo, if you want to overhear them talking to Lithor, you can take over after my post (if that's ok for Groin). Actually, wow, that would be really cool, Lithor sort of "saved" by Athanar's wife. Ooh...

Gwathagor 12-02-2009 10:13 AM

Hey, great posts everyone. This is coming along splendidly!

Folwren 12-02-2009 11:17 AM


Your post was good, Groin. I'll think of a reply later today and post it. Mnemo, if you want to overhear them talking to Lithor, you can take over after my post (if that's ok for Groin). Actually, wow, that would be really cool, Lithor sort of "saved" by Athanar's wife. Ooh...
I had a thought. Any time now, Javan and maybe the other boys will be slipping away from the tables....they could come across them first and then run in for help, maybe...if Lithor is being maltreated.

Mnemosyne 12-02-2009 01:07 PM

If they end up finding Athanar and/or Wynflaed first, we still don't know specifically who hit Aedre... It could make things a bit more interesting for later.

Plus the boys already talked about beating up Javan, and once we've put everything together this would make excellent motivation.

I don't, however, know whether it's in character for the lads to go and fetch help from the new eorl and his lady, especially if they're worried that they're going to be in trouble at some point.

Just some thoughts.

Groin Redbeard 12-02-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 617746)

I don't, however, know whether it's in character for the lads to go and fetch help from the new eorl and his lady, especially if they're worried that they're going to be in trouble at some point.

Perhaps they could run to Thornden and have and have Wynflaed overhear what they say.:)

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 01:14 PM

You think my rascals would beat Lithor or something? *innocent face*

I think they need not to start with violence... :smokin:

Folwren 12-02-2009 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617759)
You think my rascals would beat Lithor or something? *innocent face*

That's somehow what I thought their intentions were. Innocent face, indeed!

Mnemosyne, you are right - they would not go directly to Athanar or his wife, but they might go to Saeryn, and very probably go to Thornden. He can be back at his place by then, if that's how we want to do it.
And then Wynflaed can over hear. If I write a post, I can stop it right where they are speaking their stuff and then Mnymosyn can take from there?

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 01:20 PM

Werewolf deadline is in two hours, I'll start writing after that at the latest. :) If you Foley want to write for the boys, feel free to.

Folwren 12-02-2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617765)
Werewolf deadline is in two hours, I'll start writing after that at the latest. :) If you Foley want to write for the boys, feel free to.

I shall wait until you have at least posted the beginning of a quarrel worth noticing....from the boys' perspective, you must understand.

I guess this means I can borrow Cnebba and Garmund?

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 617767)
I shall wait until you have at least posted the beginning of a quarrel worth noticing....from the boys' perspective, you must understand.

I guess this means I can borrow Cnebba and Garmund?

Yes, I actually meant you may write after me, sorry for being unclear. :rolleyes: :) And yes, you can borrow them.

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 03:30 PM

There you go. Foley and Groin, you may continue.

And just a general reminder: Wulfric and Wilheard might be two ridiculous idiots, but they are two dangerous ridiculous idiots, don't take them too light-heartedly. They might overestimate themselves, but they are warriors with excellent training and strong and swift young men, not to mention that they are Athanar's sons, so their status protects them.

*evil grin*

Folwren 12-02-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617867)
And just a general reminder: Wulfric and Wilheard might be two ridiculous idiots, but they are two dangerous ridiculous idiots, don't take them too light-heartedly. They might overestimate themselves, but they are warriors with excellent training and strong and swift young men, not to mention that they are Athanar's sons, so their status protects them.

What! Are you saying they're better than all of us ol' Scarburgians? ;)

Good post. It makes me wonder what will be said when they tell Athanar, "You're right hand man, Thornden, is plotting against you." :rolleyes: :eek:

I can't post just yet. I may wait until Groin posts, or something. We'll see. But regardless of who posts when - my paper must be done before I write on this.

-- Foley

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