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Miriel Undomiel 02-06-2004 06:56 AM

Pippin: Whos side are you on?
Treebeard: At the moment?

Aragorn in Fangorn: Who are you? Show yourself!
Legolas: No one. He's no one. Distant cousin of my Aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice. Eunuch.


Star Wars: the Return of the Jedi:
Aragorn: Boromir, you can't die.
Boromir: Strong am I with the Force, but not that strong.

When they enter the Mines of Moria:
Legolas:I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Gimli: Theres nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.
Legolas: You're going to die here, you know. Convenient.

zb 02-06-2004 07:47 AM

Still on my British kick... From "How to Irritate People", by John Cleese et al. Again, apologies for blatant adlibbing in my quotes:

scene: at Helm's Deep. A line of 3 elven soldiers are standing behind a single Rohirrim at the wall.

John Cleese (voiceover): Here, we have a legitimiate Rohirrim soldier. Observe the Pepperpots in action.
Elf 1: Oooh!
Elf 2: Aaah!
Elf 3: Well I never!
Elves (together): tch tch tch!
Elf 1: Oooh!
Elf 2: Aaah!
Elf 3: Well I never!
Elves (together): tch tch tch!
Rohirrim soldier looks back at elves, irritated.
JC: One of the major strategies of pepperpots is to delight in pointing out the obvious.
Elf 1: The orcs have arrows!
Elf 2: That one's aiming his bow!
Elf 3: He's shot the arrow!
Elves (together): He's shot the arrow! He's shot the arrow!
Arrow narrowly misses Aragorn
Elf 1: Did you see that?
Elf 2: It just missed Aragorn!
Elf 3: Well I never!
Elves (together) It just missed Aragorn!
RS glares at them, making a shushing motion
Elf 1: Oooh!
Elf 2: Aaah!
Elf 3: Well I never!
Elves (glaring at RS): tch tch tch!
JC: Pepperpots also tend to laugh inappropriately.
Elf 1: Gimli is short!
They all laugh loudly
RS looks like he's about to jump off battlement in frustration
JC: Observe now their response to the legitimate laughter of the legitimate soldier.
The hyena lemmings appear in all their hilarity, being driven by Boromir (back from the dead) doing his funky disco moves, flanked by downsters doing the wave
Rohirrim soldier lets out a small chuckle
Elf 1: Sssh!
Elf 2: Sssh!
Elf 3: Sssh!

(Turns out the Legitimate Rohirrim Soldier was none other than Hama, and one of his many deaths was caused by the insanity which was induced by the elves...)

Nimrothiel 02-06-2004 10:00 AM

*"Oooh! Aaaah! Well I never! Tch, tch, tch."*
Roflmao!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I've got another group of them here:

Theoden at Helm’s Deep: What do we do?
Aragorn: Well, surrounding them's out.
Rambo III

Aragorn: Who are you?
Lurtz: Your worst nightmare.
Rambo III

Frodo: All that hate'll burn you up.
Gollum: Keeps me warm.
Red Dawn

Hama: You leave your weapons with those guys over there.
Aragorn: No way. A ranger never relinquishes his sword. (The gang all point their swords at him.) Here you go.
Red Heat

Aragorn: A real man admits his fears. That's what I'm asking you to do here tonight. Who wants to go first?
Frodo: I'm afraid of spiders, Coach.
The Replacements

Frodo: We're the good guys. Why are we running?
Aragorn: We're not running. We're eluding.
Rising Sun

Frodo to Boromir: No man controls my destiny. Especially not one who attacks downwind and reeks of garlic.
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

Gandalf to Elrond: Well, I'm one of those fortunate people who like my job, sir. Got my first magic set when I was seven, blew my eyebrows off, we never saw the cat again, been into it ever since.
The Rock

Aragorn: Have you ever been in a combat situation?
Frodo: Define combat, sir.
Aragorn: Leggy...
Legolas: An incursion overland to unmake an invincible ring pursued by an elite team of Uruk-Hai carrying 15 guided rockets armed with VX poison gas.
Frodo: Oh. In that case; no, sir.
The Rock

Sauron (donning headgear): How do I look?
Mouth Of Sauron: Like a hood ornament.
The Rocketeer

Elrond: And crawling on this planet's face, some insects called the human race.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Aragorn: What have you done to Frodo?!
Boromir: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Gandalf (describing Gollum): Picture a hobbit who took a nose dive from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Saving Private Ryan

Aragorn: Shorty, if you go to class once in a while you would learn.
Pippin: I do go to class.
Aragorn: Shorty, lunch is not a class.
Pippin: It is if you got the munchies.
Scary Movie

Aragorn on seeing Balrog: I don't know about you, but I am planning to scream and run.
Short Circuit

Gandalf: Oh, you're a girl Balrog!

Gandalf to Pippin in Moria: What you are doing is the opposite of help!

Elrond: Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice…I am willing to make.

Legolas re Aragorn: You're looking at a legend.
Boromir: I guess a legend and an out-of-work bum look a lot a like.
Smokey and The Bandit

Sam in Mordor: Water... water...
Frodo: Room service... room service...

Boromir: There will come a time, boy, when you'll wish you never met me.
Frodo: Mister, I'm already there.

Gandalf whispering to Company at mountain: Saruman can see you....that's how he knows what we're doing....

Sam: I'm such a yokel. There. I said it.

Nimrothiel 02-15-2004 05:24 PM

Boromir: "And why should the people listen to you?"
Aragorn: "Because, unlike other Elessars, I can speak with a Gondorian accent."
All: "Oooo!" ~Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Miriel Undomiel 02-19-2004 04:31 PM

When Gandalf shows up in Fangorn: Hey guys, I'm back!
Aragorn: You were gone?
~the Ice Storm

Elennar Starfire 03-09-2004 09:18 PM

A backwards one for Hidalgo:

During any of the race scenes...

Noro lim, Hidalgo, noro lim!

Eowyn Skywalker 03-11-2004 11:23 PM

Okay, I was to lazy to read all of these, so if these have already been done, I beg pardon, and ask for forgivness... Wait, I haave a lightsaber... I don't have to do that.
Well, anyways...

Star Wars (Yes, I know that Star Wars and the Matrix are way overdone, but still...)
Elrond: The Force is strong with you, young Baggins.
Frodo: Coooooooool.
Elrond: He is the chosen one.
Gandalf: Must you defy the counsel again, Master?

Aragorn: Are you frightened?
Frodo: No.
Aragorn: You will be.

Saruman: You must join with me, Gandalf the Gray, and together, we shall defeat the Sith.
Gandalf: What Sith?
Saruman: Haven't you watched the Attack of the Clones?

Galadriel: The Dark Side has clouded my vision of the Mirror, I can no longer see the future clearly.

Helms Deep
Aragorn: That's no orc army, it's a battle station!
Theoden: What's a battle station?

Legolas: A fell voice is on the air!
Aragorn: That's no voice, it's a battle station!

Smeagol: Go away, and never come back!
Gollum: Frodo never told you what happened to your father, did he?
Smeagol: He told me enough. He told me that you killed him.
Gollum: No, Smeagol. That's not true. You see, I am your father.
Smeagol: Nooooo... wait... you're me, that's impossible.
Gollum: No. Not impossible. Inevitable.

The Matrix
Balrog: Are you surprised to see me, Mr. Lathspell?
Gandalf: No.
Balrog: Then you know what happened?

Gimli: Legolas, two already!
Legolas: Really? I'm on seventeen!
Gimli: What?! That's impossible!
Legolas: No, it is inevitable...

Pirates of the Carribean:

Sam: No sir...
Frodo: I am no simpleton, Sam. You knew my father.
Sam: No, I am your father, Mr. Frodo.

(I couldn't resist.)

Gandalf: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!
Balrog: Ahhhhhhh...
Gandalf: (Falls down) Remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow................

The plains of Rohan
Gimli: Just how far are you willing to go to save the hobbits, Aragorn?
Aragorn: I'd die for them.
Gimli: Ah, good. No worries then.

So, how's that? I'm sorry if some were already used, take it that they were so good as to come from more than one mind... renenber, great minds think alike. There were so many that I've used before...

(Luke: You stole my lightsaber, prepare to die!)
(Umm, uh-oh...)

-Eowyn Skywalker

The half-elven 03-21-2004 08:37 AM

In Osgiliath, Flash back in TTT

Boromir (to Denathor): But Mother...

Denathor: I'm your father.

Boromir: But Father, I don't want to go to Rivendel; I just want to...SING!

Bekah 04-07-2004 01:59 AM


I was walking her home, and was dressed as Jack Sparrow at the time that was thought up. Got sooo many weird looks for that... Seriously, though, those beads are a little annoying. They kept hitting me in the face.
Oh yeah. I dressed up as a pirate, too, only it was pirate day. But the beads did keep coming round and thwacking me in the face. Hey, Dad took some photos, so when they're developed, if you want to see them PM me.


Legolas to the Orcs during Helm's Deep: 'Aye, avast!'

Éowyn to the Witch King: 'You like pain? Try wearing a corset.'

Aragorn to Elrond: 'There's one thing you're forgetting mate. I'm the Heir of Isildur, savvy?'

During the council of Elrond: 'Sauron. That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A very long time.'

Merry and Pippin: 'We are the hobbits who say 'Ni!'
Very very funny. :D


~ Elentari II

Miriel Undomiel 04-07-2004 03:39 PM

Saruman: If the wall is breached, Helms Deep will fall.
Wormtongue: Even if it is breached, it will take a number beyond reckoning - thousands to storm the keep.
Saruman: Tens of thousands.
Wormtongue: But, my lord, there is no such force.
Saruman: Take a close look. 'Cause I rule, baby.
Wormtongue: And who do you rule, the large-dark-nipple people?

Lurtz: Ha! Face to foot style, how do you like it?
Aragorn: I'm sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: this is Middle Earth.
Lurtz: Oh yeah? Then try my nuts to your fist style!

Boromir: I have a mortal wound.
Aragorn: Where? Where does it hurt?
Boromir: Oh, pretty much around the big bloody spot.

~ Kung Pow: Enter the Fist


Elrond: [about Saruman] Did you do anything to pi$$ him off?
Gandalf: [has a flashback to him fighting with Saruman] I might've.

Sam: Thought you didn't smoke.
Frodo: I took it up recently, for my health.

~ Secret Window


Frodo wakes up in Rivendell: It was a headless horseman.
Gandalf: You must not excite yourself.
Frodo: But it was a headless horseman.
Gandalf: Of course it was. That's why you're here.
Frodo: No, you must believe me. It was a horseman, a dead one. Headless.
Gandalf: I know, I know.
Frodo: You don't know because you were not there. It's all true.
Gandalf: Of course it is. I told you. Everyone told you.
Frodo: I... saw him.

~ Sleepy Hollow

That's all... for now

Everdawn 04-08-2004 01:37 AM

Frodo: (During any of his freaking episodes where Sam runs to his side) Sam!
Sam: What is it Mr Frodo?
Frodo: I... I see dead people?
Sam: Where?
Frodo: All around... they dont know theyre dead...

(6th sense)

(extended TTT)
Faramir: Good speech, nice and short..
Boromir: The difference between you and me is, I make this look good...
(Men in Black)

Extended TTT- When Boromir is perched and giving his speech...
Boromir- There is only one church of England, and that is the Catholic church!
(Henry the 8th)

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 04:13 PM

I will give it a go...
Gollum (to Frodo and Sam as they surveyed the Black Gate): Mordor--there was never a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be careful.

~Star Wars

On the Three Hunters encountering the Rohirrim--

Gimli: You don't need to see our papers.
Eomer: We don't need to see their papers.
Gimli: These aren't the orcs you're looking for.
Eomer: These aren't the orcs we're looking for.
Gimli: We can go on our way.
Eomer: You can go on your way. Move along, move along.

~Star Wars

Pippin: Gandalf, is that a fast horse?
Gandalf, indignantly: You've never heard of Shadowfax? He made the Minas Tirith run in less than three days!

~Star Wars

Arwen: Father, this is the man I will wed.
Elrond: Arwen's hand shall be given to no man, unless he is King of both Gondor and Arnor.
Arwen: Then behold my that man--my love--Aragorn.
Elrond: Aragorn? He is merely a scruffy-looking nerfherder!
Aragorn: Who's scruffy-lookin'?

~Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Oh, and for a little change of pace...

(When Gollum overcame Sam, and Frodo came to his rescue, with sword drawn and pointed at Gollum's throat)
Frodo, grimacing: Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?

~Dirty Harry


Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 04:39 PM

Seeing the "Smokey and the Bandit" Reference above...
Denethor to Faramir: There is no way in hell that you could have been spawned from my loins!

~Smokey and the Bandit

Leading up to the wedding:

Arwen: Aragorn, you haven't bathed in 35 years. How is it you never take a bath?
Aragorn: I only take a bath for one reason.
Arwen: Then take a bath.

~Smokey and the Bandit

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 04:48 PM

Naval Intelligence Interrogating Chekov
Gandalf, furious after Pippin knocks the skeleton into the well in the Mines of Moria: Aragorn, what the--?

Aragorn, trying to calm Gandalf: He is but a hobbit, a fool of a Took!

Gandalf: Of course he's a fool of a Took! But he's a retard or something!

~Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 05:05 PM

How about some Raiders...?
At the Bridge of Khazad Dum--

Gandalf: A balrog? Why'd it have to be a balrog?
Legolas: Spawn of Melkor--very dangerous! You go last!

~Raiders of the Lost Ark

The Mouth of Sauron, to the army of Gondor massed before the Black Gate: You Gondorians are all alike, always overdressing for the wrong occasions!

~Raiders of the Lost Ark

Denethor: We should use the enemy's ring against him.
Gandalf: We cannot use it. The ring is too strong for any man to wield. We must destroy it--before it destroys us.
Denethor: If it is too strong to wield, then who is strong enough to destroy it?
Gandalf: We have top men working on it at this moment.
Denethor: Who?
Gandalf: Top men.
Denethor: "Top men"? Boromir's dead. Certainly not that upstart of a Ranger?
Gandalf: TOP men.

~Raiders of the Lost Ark

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 05:12 PM

Back to the Future
After Aragorn nearly died in the Warg attack, and was nursed back to health by Eowyn--

Eowyn, snuggling up to Aragorn on his sickbed: We're finally all alone, Calvin.
Aragorn, moving away uncomfortably: Calvin? Why do you keep calling me "Calvin"?
Eowyn: That's your name, isn't it? It's right there on your underwear--"Calvin Klein"!

and more Back to the Future...

At the Council of Elrond--

Gandalf: The only way to destroy the ring is to zap it with 1.21 jigawatts of power.

Elrond, exasperated: 1.21 jigawatts? 1.21 jigawatts! Maybe in First Age or the Second Age, you could find 1.21 jigawatts at the corner drugstore, but here in the Third Age, the only place that has that much power would be if you cast the ring into the Cracks of Doom!

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 06:05 PM

Legolas: Aragorn, why did you bring Gimli along? He cannot keep up the pace in this chase.
Gimli: I am not suited for long runs. But whacking! I am hell at whacking!

~Witness (Harrison Ford)

Merry to Pippin: What is that you're drinking? You are 3 inches taller!
Pippin, pointing at the bowl: Honey, now that's a great cup of coffee!

~Witness (Harrison Ford)

Theron Bugtussle 06-24-2004 06:58 PM

Saving Private Ryan
When Sam keeps Frodo from turning himself in at Minas Morgul--

Sam: Frodo, if your mother saw you do that, she'd be upset!
Frodo: I thought you were my mother.

When Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli encounter Gandalf in Fangorn--

Aragorn: I have some news you should know about--bad news.
Gandalf: Yes?
Aragorn: The hobbits--there were four of them. Two of the hobbits were captured when we hit Normandy. They were taken behind enemy lines. We think--well, we're pretty sure orcs ate them.
Gandalf: Oh!
Aragorn: And a third hobbit--the fat, stupid one--was, well, drowned before he could hit the beach. I--I think it was all the cooking gear.
Gandalf, the renewed life draining from him: Oh, my!
Aragorn: There's more.
Gandalf: More? Oh--oh! I gotta sit down....
Aragorn: The fourth hobbit, the one with the ring--and the blue eyes. He parachuted into Mordor with the 101st, the night before the invasion.
Gandalf: Is he alive?
Aragorn: We don't know. The last contact we had, he was in the company of a wicked, slimy creature--gave me the willies!
Gandalf: Well, if he's alive, we're going to send someone to get him the hell out of there.
Aragorn: Yes, sir!

[Next scene - Aragorn meets with his aides]
Aragorn: There is a hobbit, a Frodo Baggins, that parachuted into Mordor with a ring. He is near a-[he looks at a map of the theater]-a Mount Doom.
Legolas: What has that got to do with us?
Aragorn: I want you to take a squad in there and get him.
Gimli: But--but, he's just a hobbit!
Aragorn: He's the last of four brothers. We have to send him back to his mother. Alive, if we can. This is straight from the Wizard in White.
Legolas: But sir--the numbers just don't add up!
Gimli: That's right! One puny, simpering hobbit--we could lose a whole squad of men! Not to mention a comic sidekick dwarf and a heartthrob Leggy!
Legolas: Damn right! A hobbit just isn't worth it!
Aragorn: This one is. YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS.
Legolas and Gimli: Yes, sir!

[Aragorn turns sharply and strides away]
Legolas looks at Gimli, and Gimli at Legolas. Both say: FUBAR!

One of the Nine 07-28-2004 07:21 PM

Frodo and Sam insid Mt. Doom.
Sam: When are you going to throw that ring in? Can't we just be rid of it now?
Frodo: I'm waiting for the oportune moment.

Not exact, but oh well.

Ok, not exactly movie based, but it's ok. The Fellowship in Moria when they are surrounded by orcs.
*Gandalf's cell rings and everyone goes quiet as he picks it up*
"Can you hear me now?"

Tuor of Gondolin 07-28-2004 07:54 PM

Thrain to Dain after victory in the Battle of Nanduhirion:

"Today I settled all family business."

The Godfather.

Gandalf to The Witch King at the Gates of Minas Tirith:

"What you've got to do is ask yourself,
'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

Dirty Harry.

Sam to Frodo as they appoach Mount Doom:

"Well here's another fine mess you've gotten me into."

Morsul the Dark 07-29-2004 12:29 AM

here's one
Sam and Frodo in mordor eagles are coming an eagle spots them
eagle:Hey you guys!!!
Sam:No, not the goonies again not sloth ahhhhh!(jumps in fire)


Crebain from dunland scene
Merry:what is that?
Gimli: It appears to be a klingon battle cruiser
Boromir:Approaching at warp 5!
Aragorn: Activate Cloaking device!
they hide

Star Trek

Gandalf and Bilbo

G:There's no need to be angry!
B:well you're making me angry when I'm angry Mr. Bigglesworth is angry and Mr. Bigglesworth is angry People DIE!

Austin Powers

Frodo and bilbo

Bilbo:as light as a feather and as hard as Dragon Scales
Frodo:huhuhu You said hard

Beavis and Butthead

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-02-2004 09:57 PM

I have a few...
...but Menel would probably chuck stones at me. Oh, well. *climbs into a tank*

[The Council of Elrond]
Boromir: And that justifies sending someone into Mordor?
Elrond: To stop Sauron? Let me think...YES!
Aragorn: Hey! Get your ugly face offa him!
Witch-King: Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey.
Aragorn: Look what I got. *throws torch at Ringwraith's face*
[Ford of Bruinen]
Frodo: I love the whole water wall trick. It was beautiful.

They're all from The Mummy, but you probably knew that.

Elennar Starfire 08-03-2004 08:12 PM

Uruks marching to Helm's Deep:

*singing* For a long time we've been marching off to battle
In a thundering herd, we feel a lot like cattle...

From Mulan. I wish I could remember the rest of the song...

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-18-2004 01:22 AM

[Shadow of the Past]
Gandalf (Italian accent): You don't want ring. Me don't want ring. *looks to the East* Sauron. Maybe he want ring.
Frodo: All right, all right. I'll take it.
[The Taming of Sméagol]
Sam: This is rope, see. I'll tie you up with it.
Sméagol (sleepily): Uh-huh . . .
Sam: And you'll be sleeping there, see. Not near Mr. Frodo, not near me. Over there. Is that clear?
Sméagol: Do you know my favourite poem?
Sam: I think I already heard that.
Sméagol: Alive without breath/ As cold as death . . .

They're both from Roman Holiday. And don't ask why I watched it.

[Sometime . . . :rolleyes: ]
Bilbo: Look at this.
Frodo: Wow.
Gandalf: Let me see that *takes the ring* You know what this is? This is a Ring of Power. Found one like this when I first came to Middle-earth.
[Somewhere in the Dead Marshes]
Sam: Look! The fish are all dead!
Sméagol: The volcanic activity has turned the lake water into acid. Don't touch the water.

And these ones are from Dante's Peak.

More to come.

Theron Bugtussle 09-08-2004 01:12 PM

Can't let this thread die...
As Frodo and Sam lie down on Mt. Doom to breathe their last, out of the sky appear huge eagles. The first seems to bear...a package. He lands, dropping the present at Frodo's feet.

Frodo, with barely enough strength of will left to raise himself to one elbow, slowly but curiously open the wrapping. He finds inside...a T-shirt? Unfolding it, he reads this message screenprinted in bold over the entire front of the shirt:

I was betrayed, poisoned by a giant spider, stripped naked, and left for dead in Mordor...and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!"

~The Game

Tuor of Gondolin 09-08-2004 02:48 PM


'Well, what's to be done with it?' asked Sam. 'Tie it up, so as it can't come sneaking after us no more, I say.'
Frodo: "No. My uncle taught me to keep your friends
close and your enemies closer."

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