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Roa_Aoife 01-23-2006 05:39 PM

You know, I posted in the other thread that I would be unavailable for most of the day....

Also, I'd like to point out my rather embarrassing mistake yesterday when I assumed that the roles were decided upon the whim of the Mod God, rather than random designation. I thought this because I was assigned the role of Ordo, and I assumed it was due to this being my first go round (give the newbie an insignifcant role- perfectly logical.) I am, therefore, innocent.

As for lynching votes, I thought Shelob was guilty yesterday, and today has done little to change my mind. My dear madam spider, a calm reasonable defence of oneself is far less suspicious of a desperate cry. If you are trying to throw suspicion from yourself by voting for yourself, a repeat of Fea's tactic yesterday, you have failed.

++Shelob, as before, since I felt it was justified then, and I feel it is more than justified now.

EDIT: I'm a girl.

Garin 01-23-2006 05:41 PM


Garin: I don't understand. If he voted for me how can he have lynched a wolf?
I have problems with days.
Ang voted for you today but voted for Thin yesterday. Am i right?

Kath 01-23-2006 05:42 PM

*sigh* Well I guess that's it. No chance of saving her now. Shelob, I hope you're a wolf because if not this is going to cause some serious discussion tomorrow.

My vote will stand. I'm going to bed to recover.

EDIT: And yes Garin that's right, but Ang retracted his vote.

Garin 01-23-2006 05:45 PM

G'night Kath
You've just been acting strange and I still have a couple hours, as does the suicidal one, to change my vote.

Garin 01-23-2006 05:53 PM

It seems to me that, perhaps, Kath has just dealt a hell of a double bluff. Maybe, Kath and Shelob are mates? Can lycans be this crafty? The female mind, even the canine kind, is some trick to untangle and I am far from mastery. The hour draws near.

Roa_Aoife 01-23-2006 06:01 PM

Don't be to sure of yourself, Garin. Much suspicion still rests on you. So much that if you are not A wolf, I doubt you will die tonight, for you take the suspicion from any true wolves. Therefore you will surely be re-examined tomorrow.

Garin 01-23-2006 06:07 PM


Don't be to sure of yourself, Garin. Much suspicion still rests on you. So much that if you are not A wolf, I doubt you will die tonight, for you take the suspicion from any true wolves. Therefore you will surely be re-examined tomorrow.
As a wise old sage once blubbered: BRING IT ON!!
Wise wolves would kill me when the eve comes, for I am their threat. I am an ordo and have no gift but the nose Eru gave me for the Lycans. They arre desperate.....and smell bad.

tar-ancalime 01-23-2006 06:09 PM


tar - Shelob is trying not to take thigs to heart anymore and I think will retract her own vote.
Yes, and I think she was probably typing her post to that effect at the same time I typed my perhaps overly-tart commentary.

However, it may be too late.

I'm still deciding my own vote for the day.

So far Garin, Gandalf, and Wayne are bothering me the most. Gandalf and Wayne seem to be playing some kind of meta-game with each other in which they log on only to exchange votes. This in itself is troubling--what if they're BOTH wolves? We'd never gather enough evidence on either of them!

Garin, on the other hand, is behaving quite strangely to my mind. He votes VERY early for Anguirel, saying it's "random" (yes, Garin, I noted the irony). But why would he do such a thing on Day 2, when we've got so much more to go on, and when he knows he'll be around for the rest of the day to see what happens? Is he just that enamored of the idea of retracting?

Then, when the Shelob discussion really got underway he changed his vote. He was the first to vote for her, true, but it wasn't hard to see which way the wind was blowing--if he thinks it's a done deal then what better way to protect himself than by getting in early and looking like a leader? But then, all I've really got is a nebulous bad feeling that I'm trying to substantiate. And we all know what happens when you go looking for a certain result, right? So I think perhaps it's better I lay off Garin...for now. If he gives me the same feeling tomorrow I may not be so inclined.

On the other hand, there are some people who definitely won't be getting my vote. I think Anguirel and Fea are likely innocents--Anguirel because he not only voted for Thinlomien, he cast the deciding vote that took her down with eonwe, and Fea for the same reason as Shelob--for now. True, it's entirely possible she and Thinlomien worked out the whole Eomer thing as a setup to make Fea look innocent, but if so they had to know that voting last for Eomer meant Thinlomien was not long for the world--sacrificing a wolf on the very first day seems foolhardy and risky, even for Fea, so with that roundabout logic she gets on to my list of likely innocents.

Whom to vote for? Whom to vote for? Right now I'm leaning Wayne but for no good reason.

Roa_Aoife 01-23-2006 06:49 PM

Just to update, the votes currently stand thus:

Anguirel - Roa
Gandalf - Wayne
Garin - Shelob
Kath - Shelob
Mith - Fea
Shelob - Shelob
Wayne - Gandalf
Valier- Shelob
Roa- Shelob

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-23-2006 06:54 PM

I like your logic, tar-a. I'm not sure that even I'd bother with that super-uber-mega-bluff. Too many possible ways for it to go wrong.

In any case, sorry it took me so long to get back online. It was a loooooooooooooooooooooooong day. Though this is a bit pointless of a vote, since it's so late in the proceedings.


Because I didn't stop having the funny feeling (don't you love the empirical evidence?:rolleyes:) and I've been too busy to get a decent idea of my gut instincts for anybody else. Except that I'll be very upset if either Kath or Ang are lupine. They don't strike me as the type.

tar-ancalime 01-23-2006 07:19 PM


It's coals to Newcastle at this point, I'm afraid--I was actually considering abstaining, because absent an eleventh-hour mass retraction the outcome seems certain for today. But rather than put the spotlight on ME for not voting, I decided it would be better to shine a little light on someone who's not sitting right with me.

AbercrombieOfRohan 01-23-2006 07:30 PM


suspects Shelob simply because she lived past day 1.
This is long standing joke between the two of us because of the other werewolf games. I didn't mean anything serious by it.


Tolkien would be disappointed, he always clearly defined his good and evil.

I'm pretty sure he'd be disappointed by this whole thing then, since for "good and evil" to be "clearly defined" the wolves would have to either tell us they're evil or be wearing the previously mentioned signes...somehow I don't forsee this happing, this side of reality anyway.
I meant this too as a joke. Sorry that sarcasm doesn't come across so well in print.

Oi vey, today's been trying. I was ready to vote Shelob earlier today, but her insistance of her innocence has lead me to believe that she is just that; innocent. So, this brings me back to square one. Shall I vote for Garin, who I'm simply suspicious of because of his unreasonable (IMHO) suspicion of me? Or shall I vote for Gandalf or Wayne because their silence and unhelpfulness is unnerving? I also really don't want to cause a double lynching. So, let me go review the posts and I'll be back with a vote in a few minutes.

AbercrombieOfRohan 01-23-2006 07:40 PM

Whoops, didn't realise that Roa had posted a handy dandy little list right there. But now I can't have the excuse of another two or three minutes...

I think I'll go Wayne. I'm sorry, but your lack of evidence in your very few posts irritates me. Plus, you're a huge unknown and it's much better for the village to have an understanding of something about each player.

So with a heavy heart, I vote:


Roa_Aoife 01-23-2006 07:45 PM

It may be a bit late to say this, but I think one should vote for whom reason has lead one to suspect, not one that everyone else suspects. That's how the wolf band-wagoning strategy works, or so I understand.

If you suspect Shelob, by all means, vote for her. If you do not, then don't vote for her simple because everyone else is. I almost want to retract my vote, because so many poeple are on this train. I do, however, trust my initial instinct regarding her, and I will follow through on that.

My vote will stand, and I will likely not be on for the remainder of the day. I apologize for my lack of activity today, but I must return to prepare any salves that may be of use in coming days. ((Read: I have homework.))

Good night, my neighbors, and I bid you take care.

Roa_Aoife 01-23-2006 07:48 PM

And just to be helpful

The vote stands:

Anguirel - Roa 1
Gandalf - Wayne 1
Garin - Shelob 1
Kath - Shelob 2
Mith - Fea 1
Shelob - Shelob 3
Wayne - Gandalf 1
Valier- Shelob 4
Roa- Shelob 5
Fea- Shelob 6
Tar- Garin 1
Crombie- Wayne 2

Garin 01-23-2006 07:57 PM

So we have Shelob: Garin, Fea, Shelob. Roa, Valier, Kath
Fea: Mith
Garin: Tar
Gandalf: Wayne
Roa: Ang
Wayne: Gandalf, Crombie
Am I right?

Garin 01-23-2006 08:12 PM

Anguirel, my first target. You talked me into Shelob and voted for someone who has no chance of dying. Explain, please.
I think Kath and Shelob seem most entangled, and if she pleads her case I shall retract but...

Valesse 01-23-2006 08:55 PM

Well... it looks like nothing is going to sway me again toDAY.

Maybe its frustration. Maybe its a feeling. Maybe its just bad goat's milk. Something just doesn't seem right about Garin. It feels strange that he is really the only person truely demanding answers and is twice has passionate as the rest of the villagers when accused... with exception of Shelob, that is.

However I said I wouldn't vote for her and I stick by that... not that it makes much of a differance with that slew of people voting her head off. Literally. My vote is not for influence (obviously... because most everyone has voted already) but because its my vote. I tried to pawn it off for some new hidden lines since Thin broke my other one, but apparently they are non-refundable.

Thats life for you.


By the way... keep the hidden line thing a secret, won't you? Bad publicity.

Glirdan 01-23-2006 09:33 PM

Please stop voting. I'll have the death up shortly.

Glirdan 01-23-2006 09:46 PM

It was another long day for the villagers. After burying poor Eomer, their beloved doctor and protector, they went back to disscussing on who they were to lynch next, yet none were sure of whom they wanted to lynch. Finally, after being questioned and accused all day, Shelob got fed up. "That's it! I have had enough of this!" she cried.

"We all are!" Gandalf yelled at her. "So what are you going to do about it!?" he demanded. With that, Shelob ran to her shob and grabbed her scciors and ran back out to the village square. "You want to see what I'm going to do!?" She yelled and as she did, she stabbed herself in the leg. Everyone stood there, mouths wide open in shock and fear. And she continued up until she reached her chest. "This is good bye my friends. I really do hope you catch those lupines." With that, she stabbed at her heart. Blood poured forth, in a pool of blood all around her, and she fell, face first, into it. The villagers couldn't look away form the horrid incident the entire time. Tar was the first to come out of the daze and she wept, for Shelob was a dear friend to all of the villagers, even the two cursed villagers. However, she did not transform. Shelob had sacrificed her life for the villagers.


Glirdan(Mod) - Night 1 - Beheaded and then reheaded with a sax
Gil-Galad(Mod) - Night 1 - Bled to death.
Eonwe(Ordo) - Day 1 - gallows collapse on top of her
Thin(Wolf) - Day 1 - strangled to death, by Valesse with a hidden chord
Eomer(Ranger) - Night 2 - stabbed through his stomach with own sword
Shelob(Ordor) - Day 2 - killed herself with her scciors in sacrifice


It is now Night 3. I need a name from Wolves, Seer and Hunter.

PS: Names included in deaths have nothing to do with their actual roles. So don't go accusing people for having their names in a death.

Gil-Galad 01-25-2006 11:55 AM

It was a murky morning, the sun not yet risen, tar-ancalime was up and about after a restless sleep due to a dream she was walking near Feanor's house where she heard some rustling and tumbling, she wewnt to make sure Fea was alirhgt, when she opened the door, a spear went right through her chest and she fell down with her eyes glowing and her trinkets falling down her sleave

Feanor got up after a loud noise shook her up, she got up and entered into the kichten, but she began too smell wet dog, it did rain a little bit that night, she looked behind her and there was 2 shadowy figures, Fea knew exactly what to do and she jumped and rolled into the living room with the fireplace right as on of the wolves jumped for where she was. Feanor grabbed a spear and looked around for one of the wolves, she saw one by the door and threw it, the door opened and there was tar-ancalime, eyes wide open about what was happening, right after tar-ancalime fell down, Feanor was jumped on and mauled by the other wolf by the side.

The remaining villagers woke up and pondered about the morning's events as the rooster cock-a-doodled-doo in the background to signify the next day


Glirdan(Mod) - Night 1 - Beheaded and then reheaded with a sax
Gil-Galad(Mod) - Night 1 - Bled to death.
Eonwe(Ordo) - Day 1 - gallows collapse on top of her
Thin(Wolf) - Day 1 - strangled to death, by Valesse with a hidden chord
Eomer(Ranger) - Night 2 - stabbed through his stomach with own sword
Shelob(Ordor) - Day 2 - killed herself with her scciors in sacrifice
tar-ancalime(seer) - Night 3 - stabbed by spear through the heart
Feanor of the Peredhil(hunter) - Night 3 -Mauled on both sides


It is now Day 3. Wolves stop pming.
posting begins now/

Mithalwen 01-25-2006 12:06 PM

What an eru-awful mess.....
I was fairly sure Tar was innocent but to lose two gifted in a night.... aieeee this is bad....

Obviously we need to look at the posting in the light of this....

but I will just mention something I noticed while reviewing the posts since I left. I did wonder why Kath when she listed bandwagons posted my name after hers in the "Eonwe" one. I voted for Eonwe first. Yes I was wrong but my reasoning was an awful lot more substantial... if anyone a was was Kath. I suppose it is natural to try to put oneself int eh best light but in that context it seemed dishonest...

Roa_Aoife 01-25-2006 12:11 PM

Our hunter and our seer in one night! Now none stand to protect us except ourselves. Such a blow to our village.

If tar was our seer, it makes sense to look at her posts.

She seems to shine quite a light on Garin, who was really under quite a lot of suspicion yesterday, and had things gone a little differently, he might have been lynched instead of Shelob.

AbercrombieOfRohan 01-25-2006 12:12 PM

Oh man, this is not good. I had Tar pinned as the seer too, and I just kept hoping that she'd make it... ah well...

I'm off to review Tar's posts. I just wanted to let y'all know I was here.

Anyone know what time day will end?

Mithalwen 01-25-2006 12:12 PM

superficially she seems to have exonerated Ang and so ironically Fea and gunning for Wayne and Garin... comments?

Anguirel 01-25-2006 12:13 PM

Lord. At this rate, you'd think the wolves had hired a seer of their own...

I shall reviewe this tragedie anon. Alas, courtly scholaireshippe detaines me for a while.

Mithalwen 01-25-2006 12:19 PM

I think we must have at least the full 24 hrs from now .... With all the gifteds dead and presumably the cursed villager still a factor .... after teh good start getting Thin..this is rapidly turning into worst case scenario..

Kath 01-25-2006 12:30 PM

Wow this is not good. Shelob dead yesterday and now Fea and tar as our gifted's! With the first a needless death we are not doing well.

Mith to answer your concerns I was reading the thread backwards when working out who had voted, and there was probably no order in particular to the lists as I don't often think about that, I just find the names and stick them in.

Now, unless Garin comes up with one hell of a reason not to vote for him today that's where I'll be headed with mine. Arguing with him about Shelob last night, well, the second she voted for herself it was obvious she was not a wolf, and he kept on and on at her, and then tried to include me in his arguments! The whole time looking for support from Ang, though if Garin turns out to be a wolf I would be inclined to think that Ang isn't and that it was an attempt to ally himself with an innocent. I realise that there were others (including myself) who voted for Shelob, but Garin was there while all the arguing was going on. Perhaps it was just that he didn't see how stupid it would be to be a bluffing wolf at that point, but somehow I don't think he's that dense.

Anyway, there's fair warning to you Garin. Get defending.

Mithalwen 01-25-2006 12:31 PM

Now we know we have 24 hrs I am going to leave for a while sinceI will be able to return at least 2 or three times. Just as well I checked before placing a provisional vote for Garin..... still top of my list due to TA's hints... but I will watch..and wait..

Roa, I am inclined to think innocent .. her regret about the Shelob train of events seem sincere and unwolvish...

Valesse 01-25-2006 12:38 PM

Oddly enough I had Garin pinned for the seer before he cast his vote for Shelob. Obviously, I'm still wary of Garin today... more so now than ever, and unless he is able to weasel his way out of this I don't even have to tell anyone that my vote will not change from the previous.

But lets disect the situation before conclusions are drawn.

Roa_Aoife 01-25-2006 12:41 PM

Indeed it is Mith. And I agree- we need the full time. After reading back through tar's and Garin's posts, I am more suspicious of our carpenter than before.

On the first day, he started off with a fast vote for Ang, which drew a lot of attention. He was really unable to provide a reason for it, e xcept randomness, and refused to back down.

On the second day, he persisted in his vote for Ang, with no real reason at all, only to change quickly when it was seen that Shelob's fate was all but decided. He defended this vote by saying:


I should explain: in the world of retractable votes I want my vote to count, so if I must change it to seal someone's fate I will, just give me a good reason.
Having had the first vote for our hatmaker, how is he sealing anything?

Also, while he doggedly held to his change of mind, he continued to spread suspicion and accusations. He did very little acknowledgement of Shelob after that. If he really believed her to be a wolf, why not continue in that line? Why the darting around?


EDIT: Thanks, Mith, for the vote of confidence. I provided a rather (in my opinion) solid defence of myself yesterday with my first post, after Ang had voted for me.

Mithalwen 01-25-2006 12:44 PM

Well Apart from Tar's hints which aren't to be sneezed at .. I have reread yesterday and he just looks plain shifty.. He is very keen to know what other people think and associating with others right, left and centre which is a bit wolfish...... to my mind.

Kath I am somewhat reassured ...that is plausible.... if I am not totally reassured it is becasue I know you are good at this lark!!

Anguirel 01-25-2006 01:15 PM

Just popping back in as I'm starting to fear my slots for discussion this evening will be perilously few.

If you ask me, tar-ancalime dreamed first of Eomer of the Rohirrim, then of Shelob, and finally of Garin, though this last dream was intercepted by Fea's unlucky spear. I say this in the light of re-reading-I did not have her down as a possible Seer in the least. I thought she was talking sense, but then, she usually does...didn't spot the difference...

I say: firstly Eomer because of tar's frustrated/terrified exclamation-"That's one naked Seer tonight!" Also I believe he was at the top of her meta-dream list. If I were the Seer. Indeed.

Then of Shelob-the only one that came into play, though alas the voters did not stop it because she couched it only in terms of reason. I thought her defence of Shelob sound and rational-sounding and was unwilling to vote for her, though eager to draw her out a bit. Alas, she was having a hard day and her defensive outbursts incensed others as much as they reassured me. In retrospect I should have made more of a concerted effort to defend Shelob; it was cowardly of me to sit on the fence by quietly voting Roa_Aoife.

And then of Garin-I think her vote and more tellingly her "spotlight" comment make that fairly clear. What's so frustrating is that the wolves were as much in the dark as I, clearly, and had it not been for Fea's hypersuspicion we would know if Garin were man or beast (if tar-ancalime had revealed herself). Better that Fea had taken down Kath or I than our Seer.

Like many others I await Garin's defence with trepidation.

Garin 01-25-2006 01:50 PM

I imagine Roa_Aoife dreamt of me last night and found me innocent. We will never know, I wouldn't kill Fea because by photos she appears to be one of the hottest things on the Barrows. I still feel manipulated by Ang but he did vote against Thin so I imagine him innocent if not diabolical.
I can tell you that my death will lead to a victory for the lycans.
So, this explains my reasoning.
As for Shelob, I was the first voter, and thought her innocent near the end but found nor heard no reason to retract from others. Others are silent, too silent . She was harshly defensive and I never respect the suicidal.
I am intrigued by the votes against Wayne and still wish to see an explanation besides him being quiet and unreasonable and useless to the cause.

Anguirel 01-25-2006 01:54 PM

Oh dear. I do believe stress has driven this fellow quite mad.

Or is it the madness within?

Garin 01-25-2006 01:56 PM

It would be crazy if dear Kath was a wolf but I wish those who voted for her would explain more.

Garin 01-25-2006 02:00 PM


Oh dear. I do believe stress has driven this fellow quite mad.
Ang if you are a wolf you deserve to win. I have yet to decide my vote until I hear more from others. Including you....

Roa_Aoife 01-25-2006 02:02 PM

Garin, I'm not dead, and I haven't dreamt of anyone.

Maybe tar dreamt of you before yesterday, and found you guilty. Indeed, we can't know for certain. You changed your mind so quickly from Ang to Shelob.

How, might I ask, is your death a victory for the Werewolves, beyond one of them not being killed? You've done a poor job finding them out, I must say. I hardly think you're a threat to them. Now, granted, I have done poorly myself, but at least I don't claim to be more than I am.

Anguirel 01-25-2006 02:02 PM

Garin, just to make this clear-

Feanor of the Peredhil is dead, mauled by the two wolves. She was however our Hunter and took with her

tar-ancalime, who turned out to be our Seer. Roa _Aoife is alive and well.

Kath 01-25-2006 02:03 PM


I imagine Roa_Aoife dreamt of me last night and found me innocent.
Oh indeed? And here was me thinking it was tar who was the Seer!

With that little 'slip' I think perhaps we should be looking at Garin and Roa as potential wolves.

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