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Feanor of the Peredhil 09-23-2006 06:46 PM

Oh Formy, I like that. I like that a lot. I'm very content now.

Can we hurry so I can start writing? ;):rolleyes::D

mark12_30 09-23-2006 06:49 PM

No reason you can't start now. Tell the story:


But the road proved deadly and her parents were lost to an accident upon it, and Indil was lost and alone, and she was afraid.
What accident? How do they die? Does she see it? Is she traumatized? How does she eat once they die-- from the saddlebags/ packs? She can even hide from Erebemlin's group for some little-girl-reason.

Dive in, girl!

Old timers: I've lost the date, by the way. Does anybody remember what day it was, and when it was that day...? Is it springtime? Not much for Eledhwen to eat on the roadside. She'll be hungry-- especially by the time Bergil comes by.

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-23-2006 07:02 PM

No worries about me diving in. I will. You'll want to get rid of me by the time I'm done diving in. ;)

I'm just waiting a bit, since Bergil's got to find her, but first he needs to be dispatched to find the ladies, so first the ladies need to leave.

Though if I decide that I really don't want to do the insurmountable pile of homework I've got, I might do exactly what you said and tell her story instead of waiting to do it in retrospect.

Imladris 09-23-2006 07:35 PM


How were the guys going to find out about the women leaving again? Gwyllion? Might Gwyll speak through Indil, and then... something?
I had thought that Gwyllion would kind of mention it to Aeron. Gwyl is shy, she wouldn't speak to another and the flower from the river daughter binds her to him.

I was thinking Aeron could wake up, tell Ravion, who will tell him to tell one of the elves...maybe then one of them could brush of Aeron until he dreams again the next night?

mark12_30 09-23-2006 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Imladris
I had thought that Gwyllion would kind of mention it to Aeron. Gwyl is shy, she wouldn't speak to another and the flower from the river daughter binds her to him.

I was thinking Aeron could wake up, tell Ravion, who will tell him to tell one of the elves...maybe then one of them could brush of Aeron until he dreams again the next night?

That sounds right to me, too. How about you do all that-- complete with elvish brushoff, from Erebemlin of course; then when Bergil shows up a day or three later, Aeron can have a nice "I told you so" moment-- and the elf STILL won't care.

Am I painting Erebemlin too icy-cold, Alak? Let me know if I am. I see him as sheer devotion, laser-focused on Amroth and immune to everything and everyone else except the river-daughter. Perhaps I go overboard?

Imladris 09-23-2006 11:02 PM

I will post the dream scene when the ladies leave.

alaklondewen 09-24-2006 07:27 AM


Am I painting Erebemlin too icy-cold, Alak?
I don't think so at this point, as long as he keeps his elvish qualities, such as the singing with Taitheneb. So he's not completely cold and hard, but is completely focused on the quest at hand and Amroth's return. Erebemlin will be dead set against going to look for the women as it only (in his eyes) detracts from his king's quest.

littlemanpoet 09-24-2006 04:56 PM

Raefindan? Bad dreams? Do you have something in mind I should know about?

Ædegard distracted and troubled? Missing Leafa perhaps.

I must admit to not knowing quite how to start these two characters back up again. So feel free to suggest things to me. Otherwise, I'll wait until inspiration takes me.

mark12_30 09-24-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Raefindan? Bad dreams? Do you have something in mind I should know about?

Ædegard distracted and troubled? Missing Leafa perhaps.

I must admit to not knowing quite how to start these two characters back up again. So feel free to suggest things to me. Otherwise, I'll wait until inspiration takes me.

Actually, I was working more off of Erebemlin's likely suggestion, "You're all too busy to help Mellondu at the moment." Ædegard being distracted (Yes, I am quite busy-- now what was I doing? Something important...?) and troubled (Amroth never had a problem with Echo. What's this kid's issue? And what is it that Echo doesn't like about him?)

Raefindan's "bad dreams"-- oh, just more of the same stuff that haunted him and Mellonin, I assume.

I'm quite focused on Mellondu vs Erebemlin at the moment, and am probably neglecting the rest rather shamefully. There it is.

If you're uninspired about Raefindan and Ædegard--what's Tharonwe up to these days? And isn't it about time Jorje started missing good old Raefindan? Maybe Marigold needs a few heart-to -heart talks with the old hounder.

littlemanpoet 09-24-2006 07:14 PM

Yes, I had just thought of Tharonwe. How much time should the men be gone before he makes his escape? Surely the women should leave Minas Tirith first? Or does he shadow them? Oooooh! :eek: That would be interesting!

I'm ambivalent about Jorje. I want to have him come in as a surprise to rescue someone out of a seemingly impossible fix. Of course that means I need to wait for a seemingly impossible fix. Jorje miss Raefindan? I suppose so. Marigold have a word with the old hound? Yes, I could arrange something like that. Hmmm....

mark12_30 09-26-2006 08:30 PM

Sssshhhhh, I'm hunting wabbits....'s vewy vewy quiet.



littlemanpoet 09-27-2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by mark12_30's vewy vewy quiet.

I've been extremely busy for the last two days; 10 hour work days then 2 hour church meetings (at least yesterday) in between which I must fit in mowing the lawn, sleeping, eating, and thinking about this rpg, other rpgs, and my magnum opus. I need some inspiration. In other words, I need others to post first so I can have something to react to. Or else I'll just have to wait until inspiration strikes. Not to mention time allows. I guess this was a waste of a post, except to say, 'there are reasons'.

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-27-2006 11:23 AM

Immy, I love it.

Formendacil, does this count as being the appropriate time to work on that post together?

Formendacil 09-27-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Immy, I love it.

Formendacil, does this count as being the appropriate time to work on that post together?

Fea, dear, you can start anytime... but before Bergil and Indil meet in our presumably-the-post-you-are-wanting-to-work-on-here post, Bergil has to have a post in which he is sent from Minas Anor with news of the ladies being gone. And, as near as I can tell... that's not happened yet.

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-27-2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Fea, dear, you can start anytime...

You and your continuity...

I'm currently in the middle of a death struggle over writing passively and actively. I need you so that I don't go insane. ;):)

Formendacil 09-27-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
You and your continuity...

I'm currently in the middle of a death struggle over writing passively and actively. I need you so that I don't go insane. ;):)

Well, as a convicted member of the "Writing in Passive Voice" club, I'm certainly free of any struggle there... :p

Anyway... we can start on our combined post any time. I'm just reiterating that we can't actually POST it, and may have to modify it, until after Bergil's been brought up to that point in the story.

mark12_30 09-27-2006 05:22 PM

Immy-- Me too-- I love it. One minor problem -- they're riding the horses now (the walking was basically just to the South Pelennor Gate.) In a way, riding might even be better? He can fall asleep in the saddle. Then he can either fall off the horse and not wake up, or, sleep in the saddle as she 'walks' beside him. If you like, he can still park beside Gwyllion's rock &c (which I liked a bunch.)

Formie and Fea-- Post it here. Build it together til it's done.

Nuru, Aylwen, and mark12_30-- guess you ladies better get busy giving the ladies their nightmares. :p ;)

Aylwen Dreamsong 09-27-2006 05:28 PM

Who's dreaming what? Are they all having the same dream? What's going to be in the dream that's going to make them go, "Oh, I think I'll run down to Leafa/Bellyn at the Seventh Star/Someone else's home and tell them about this dream!" I'm kind of lost on that aspect, so as soon as someone explains that part to me, I'll get right to it.

Imladris 09-27-2006 05:28 PM

Sorry! I seem to be forgetting a lot lately >.<

One minor problem -- they're riding the horses now (the walking was basically just to the South Pelennor Gate.) In a way, riding might even be better? He can fall asleep in the saddle. Then he can either fall off the horse and not wake up, or, sleep in the saddle as she 'walks' beside him. If you like, he can still park beside Gwyllion's rock &c (which I liked a bunch.)
Aaaack details will be the death of me, which I hope can be excused once more if one considers that my head is already muddled with the conjugation of German verbs, fear and dread of sundry tests, work, and...Huckleberries.

But I shall edit sofort!

littlemanpoet 09-27-2006 07:25 PM

Raefindan has responded to Aeron's dream. Let me know if I put inappropriate words in Aeron's mouth, please.

mark12_30 09-28-2006 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Imladris
Aaaack details will be the death of me, which I hope can be excused once more if one considers that my head is already muddled with the conjugation of German verbs, fear and dread of sundry tests, work, and...Huckleberries.

But I shall edit sofort!

Sehr schon, meine freunde. Ich bin ..... Ich bin.... "happy". I forget-- How do you say "Happy" auf deutsch??? And note the missing unlauts. Sigh. It's been thirty years or so. Anyway your post is lovely and you handled the transition to horseback with aplomb.

What about huckleberries? They're good by the handful, also on cereal.

lmp, good to see Raefindan again.

The dreams-- I was imagining a bit of a replay of Mellondu's original departure. Some dreams/nightmares, a bit of a fever, a sudden departure in an unexpected direction... the difference being that the other two ladies follow immediately. Bella and Leafa still have horses; perhaps Mellonin can steal one-- heh! that'd wake up the city.

Who wants the first dream? I vote for levelheaded Bella-- Mellonin's already being a bit flaky & emotional. Shall we go for all three dreaming, or two? It's a tapestry, after all. Golly, that would be fun. One dreams as Mithrellas, one dreams as Nimrodel... the third dreams as who? Or of whom? Maybe she dreams of Saethryd somehow?

How about the one dreaming of Nimrodel is the one who departs (precipitously) the one dreaming as Mithrellas follows her intently; the third is simply chasing?


littlemanpoet 09-28-2006 04:00 AM

"Freulich", is I think the word you're looking for, Helen. :)

I'm thinking that Jorje will follow the women instead of the men.....

mark12_30 09-28-2006 06:31 AM

Ich bin freulich!

Shades of Huan...?

littlemanpoet 09-28-2006 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by mark12_30
Shades of Huan...?

Well, I guess that makes for a precedent. The women don't happen to be Mary Sues, to a person, and will just maybe need more aid for sheer survival than the men; besides, Tharonwe is going to be messing with them, and they'll need Jorje. Somehow...

EDIT: Poor Aeron. :( That Erebemlin is just too focused. ;) This'll be fun! :)

Imladris 09-28-2006 10:35 PM


Sehr schon, meine freunde. Ich bin ..... Ich bin.... "happy". I forget-- How do you say "Happy" auf deutsch??? And note the missing unlauts. Sigh. It's been thirty years or so. Anyway your post is lovely and you handled the transition to horseback with aplomb.

What about huckleberries? They're good by the handful, also on cereal.
Lmp was close for the Deutsch word for happiness...but not quite. "Froehlich" (the e after the o signifies an umlauted o). There are also other words as well. =)

Sadly I have never tasted a huckleberry before -- I meant it in a purely figurative be more specific, my special other. I call him my Huckleberry.

Forgive me for this not having anything to do with The Tapestry...I just hate not responding to comments. =]

Aylwen Dreamsong 09-29-2006 02:43 PM

Bella is starting to feel sick. She'll probably have funny dreams tonight. ;)

What day is it? Did we figure that out?

mark12_30 10-03-2006 04:26 AM

January 6.

How warm is South Gondor's winter? Must review atlas *again.*

P. 183, below the white mountains. Mild winter, hot dry summer. "Mild winter"... this gets compared to the Mediterranean, or to Southern California. (Sheesh, that's mild.) I think that's more along the coast. I'd say moderately mild up near Minas Tirith, getting milder as we go south.
Rohan is normally mild-- The Three Hunters found no snow in the plains of Rohan.

I guess we just put our folks through an unusually harsh winter-- unless we figure that the Anduin is coming from the cold mountain streams... bit of a stretch. But that's okay. Leave it as is. But now that we are going further south, it'll get milder and milder. I guess we can either assume we are snowless (but chilly cold at night) for the first week or more of travel, or, play with the occasional snowstorm that melts in a few days, or a flurry that melts by that afternoon.

mark12_30 10-03-2006 04:45 AM

Post # Date Location Event
481 25-Dec Passing Rauros Amroth senses Tharonwe & pursues
___ 26-Dec ….the longest day…..
481 26-Dec Paths thru swamp & over 7 streams Pursuit
486-501 26-Dec swamp Driving off the merchant
502 26-Dec swamp Seeking Bella; Ædegard seeks Leafa
___ 26-Dec swamp Seeking Argeleafa
510 26-Dec swamp Jorje sent after Ædegard
514 26-Dec swamp swamp swamp Aeron pursues Ædegard; Gwyll captured
516 26-Dec swamp faceoff: Amroth vs Tharonwe
518 26-Dec swamp Gwyll meets Mithrellas
520 26-Dec ooky ooky swamp Amroth vs Tharonwe; Mellondu surfaces
526 26-Dec swamp Ædegard misses his hand
527 26-Dec swamp Raefindan offers self in trade
531 26-Dec eeermy swamp Mellonin, Leafa, Bella return carrying Gwyll
536 26-Dec swamp Aeron fights for Gwyll; Gwyll dies
538 26-Dec swamp Raefindan sees Merlocks kill Gwyllion
___ 26-Dec swamp Battle against merlocks
541 26-Dec swamp Aftermath
551 26-Dec swamp Tharonwe and Raefindan travel.
556 26-Dec swamp RaefinRoy dreams of Imrazor & Mithrellas & Angela
557 26-27 Dec swamp Camp on the rise in the swamp.
559 27-Dec swamp Ædegard reconciled with Nethwador
560 27-Dec swamp Nethwador's response
___ ___ End page 14
___ ___ Page 15
561 27-Dec swamp Erebemlin watches over Mellondu
565 27-Dec swamp Tharonwe and RaefinRoy
575 27-Dec swamp swamp swamp Marigold extends her invitation!
577 ___ path out of the swamp Into Marigold's cottage
596-597 27-28 Dec In the cottage
600 ___ In the cottage Argeleafa discovers Liornung's hope
___ ___ end page 15
___ ___ page 16
604 28-Dec In the cottage dawn and snow
605 ___ In the cottage Amroth dreams of Maegeleb and Nimrodel
614-626 28-Dec Cottage yard Gwyllion's burial
627 28-Dec Cottage yard Departure from Marigold's cottage
634 28-Dec Cottage yard evening
636 28-Dec Cottage yard nightfall
639 28-Dec Cottage yard
640 28-Dec Cottage yard
end page 16
page 17
643 28-Dec snowy camp Raefindan's return; Tharonwe's 'surrender'
652 28-Dec snowy camp The long, long, long night continues
659 28-29 dec snowy camp ladies found
671 29-Dec Snowy camp Dawn at last
678 29-Dec Riding south Riding south
680 29-Dec Riding south Riding south
___ ___ end page 17
___ ___ page 18
681 29-Dec Road to Minas Tirith Evening
683 30-Dec Road to Minas Tirith Morning on the road
685 30-31 Dec Road to Minas Tirith Evening, camp, sleep, and morning
688 31 Dec- 1Jan "The Four Merry Halflings" Inn Settling in at the Inn
689 32 Dec- 1Jan "The Four Merry Halflings" Inn Raeindan dreams of Mithrellas
690 1-Jan Entering Pelennor Approaching Minas Tirith
692 1-Jan Minas Tirith Mellonin & Mellondu go home
693 1-2 Jan The Seventh Star Raefindan dreams of Mithrellas
694 2-Jan Mellonin's parents' house
708 ___ Mellonin's parents' house Mellondu submits to Erebemlin
709 2-Jan evening Erebemlin declares departure: 3 dawns hence
711 2-Jan Mellonin's parents' house Dinner at Mellondu's parents' house
___ 3-Jan dawn farewells &c
___ ___ Conference with the King; Tharonwe imprisoned
___ 4-Jan __________ farewells &c
___ 5-Jan dawn Departure from Minas Tirith
___ ___ END OF BOOK 1
___ ___ BOOK 2
___ 5-Jan Passing South Pelennor gate Passing South Pelennor gate
___ 5-6 Jan Camp Archery lesson; camp
___ 6-Jan …where we are now

Nurumaiel 10-03-2006 06:13 PM

Upcoming absence
Hello, all.

I'm going to be leaving this Thursday on a trip that will last nearly until the end of this month. I won't have ready internet access, nor much time even if I did, so you shan't hear from me for awhile.

I know the ladies will be leaving soon, and I completely trust any one of you to handle Leafa in an appropriate manner.

'Til then! God bless you all.

littlemanpoet 10-03-2006 06:19 PM

When the ladies pass northwesterly, I do hope "The Four Merry Halflings" gets a mention.... ;)

By the way, that was a Tolkienian load of research, Helen. :eek: Kudos.

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-03-2006 08:44 PM

To echo Nuru a little...

Whether I'm really needed or not, I feel I should mention that I might be downright missing for the next few weeks. I've got a grand scale project in the works with an Oct. 13th deadline and then I'm on break in Connecticut and I can't promise internet access.

littlemanpoet 10-06-2006 07:25 PM

HellOOoooOOOoooo??? Anybody out there? Should I start double/multiple posting? Surely there is some interest amongst the old salts to get this thing to where the eager newbies (;)) can give it a kick in the bootle? :D

Aylwen Dreamsong 10-12-2006 05:12 PM


Can the women leave now? I can get a post up as soon as possible with Bellyn having her nightmares...she can leave during the night, if that's what you want.

Oh, but before I do...where the heck would Bellyn have put her horse? I didn't even think about that.


mark12_30 10-12-2006 07:07 PM


.... same place Leafa put hers??????

Good question.

I suspect they'd have kept them close, out of sheer love. There is a stable attatched (or associated with) the Seventh Star. It's as good a place as any, at first. Maybe Leafa's horse and Bella's horse are in stalls next to each other.

Where's Mellonin going to get her horse? I think she steals one, actually. One of the Errand-Riders can donate one. THen Elessar will be doubly interested in "what happened to those girls!"

Bottom line: Fire ahead, girl. Whatever Bella does, Mellonin will do something not-too-different (she ahs to be crazy to steal a horse, so...) Leafa will be the only one with a nera-term chance at sanity.

Last time it was a crazy blacksmith. Now it's a crazy laundry-girl and a crazy mapmaker!


Aylwen Dreamsong 10-12-2006 08:00 PM

Bellyn has left the building.

Any issues, let me know. I was a little sketchy with the whole "getting Bellyn's horse" thing, I wasn't sure how that should have gone, so if I need to edit that, I'm all for suggestions. Also...I didn't know/remember exactly where the girls were supposed to be headed, so if you don't want them going towards the White Mountains, I could edit that too.

Just let me know. :)

mark12_30 10-12-2006 08:42 PM

... I like it....

Aylwen Dreamsong 10-22-2006 10:53 AM

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

(Just nod if you can hear me ;) )


Feanor of the Peredhil 10-22-2006 11:55 AM

[is lurking]

littlemanpoet 10-22-2006 03:18 PM

Let's generate a plot outline. That may help to guide us in knowing who should be posting and when. What needs to be happening? What can happen?

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-22-2006 03:24 PM

Since you guys have already foreshadowed Indil's appearance, my self-imposed limitation is to wait until Bergil finds her before expanding or introducing her more.

Which means, as I said, I'm just lurking for now.

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