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Morsul the Dark 08-16-2004 06:57 PM

well it was a cloaked figure but it didnt come out right then i tried a different M didnt work so here i am back at the black M getting Avatars off google isnt really that great....sorry to waste topc space

do RinFan

paavo 08-17-2004 08:42 AM

Rinfanawen, or Rin, is as old as I (16). She loves softball and cheerleading. She likes to watch college basketball and is a fan of Duke. Her favorite food is pizza, favorite actor is Elijah wood and fav. actress is Julia roberts. She has put together a collection of all her writings since the 4th grade. She has 79 different pieces alltogether.

Morsul the Dark 08-17-2004 09:35 AM


is 16
likes volleyball
and aikido which is something I have never heard of

paavo 08-17-2004 09:53 AM

look page 3 :)

(do morsul)

Aylwen Dreamsong 08-17-2004 09:53 AM

Morsul will be turning seventeen very soon (if I've done the math right...), is interested in world domination, and makes a lot of posts in not a lot of time. Morsul has been a member not more than three months (I think) and has almost as many posts as I do in...two years?

Wait...I forgot my deathday! second deathday was last Friday. :rolleyes: I forgot...



Firefoot 08-17-2004 09:59 AM

Aylwen runs both track and cross-country. She recently went on vacation and came back quite sunburned.

Sapphire_Flame 08-17-2004 10:06 AM

Firefoot dislikes slash, and is very cool to have given me reputation points. Thank you! ^ ^

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

The Perky Ent 08-17-2004 10:07 AM

Saphire_Flame has a pet named xenomorph, and plays in Mirkwood!

Gil-Galad 08-17-2004 10:19 AM

Perky has surpassed me in posts and taunts me about not having a personal title...i don't see yours!

Sapphire_Flame 08-17-2004 10:40 AM

Perky, my xenomorph (you know, those are the aliens from Alien) is a male and his name is Dave.

*(Do Gil-galad next, not me!)*

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morsul the Dark 08-17-2004 12:25 PM

Gil-galad likes computer games
was born October 30, 1989
and is annoyed because perky passed him in posts and teases him for not having a personal title

Esgallhugwen 08-17-2004 01:37 PM

Morsul has made 17 post today (when I checked, however that number could double in no time at all)
He has made 947 post in total
He fancies himself an evil lord that can take over the world and I get giddy around him *claps hands and giggles* ;) :p
And he is currently in Moria no doubt trying to recruit Balrogs for his evil plans.

Imladris 08-17-2004 03:39 PM

From her many signatures about vampyres and the fact that she once lived where vampires played, I'd say Eswen likes vampyres.

Sirithheruwen 08-17-2004 07:15 PM

Imladris is a huge fan of Harry Potter (see profile and siggy) and is a very fine Fan Fiction mod! :)

The Only Real Estel 08-17-2004 07:49 PM

Sirithheruwen is a self-proclaimed 'Teen Titan', has started 7 different threads, is confusticated & bebothered by the lack of the evil smiley, and once (at least once) pronounced the word 'token' 'Tolkien' during class :).

Sapphire_Flame 08-18-2004 12:45 AM

The Only Real Estel is 16 years old and is a referee/coach.

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

HerenIstarion 08-18-2004 01:13 AM

S_F is 'aspiring author'. So far she have written three [published] poems and stories (there may be hundred more in her desk, for all we know :)):

Escape to Arda (poem)

A Dark Mind (story)

Vanya Sil (poem)

Her taste in music makes her listen to Enya, Linkin Park, Evanescence and many things more (would she mind me advising her to try Nightwish too? Having in mind the list given, I suppose she may like it. There are demos on the site)

Besides, she may have been seen *shaking fist angrily at writers of slash fics*

She was born in 1986 (July 2), so her horoscope must be Cancer (European Astrology) and Tiger (Chinese). Not that I think one has to pay heed to that stuff :D

She lives in Riverton,Utah, USA. Speculating from the town name, I must assume there is a river near her dwelling, so she may be a good swimmer too (but that latter is my assumption, as it is, I do not have source to rely on :))

edit: with regards to the post below, my apologies, Diamond

So, both S_F and Di are named Sarah in real life

Diamond18 08-18-2004 01:21 AM

H-I just stole, stole I say, all the things I was going to post about Sapphire, save for the fact that she and I have the same first name (in reality).


He recently bought some Star Wars DVD's, and has scored a respectable 31.3% on the Inner Geek Test found here. He used to have one of my favorite signatures at the Barrow Downs, something about it being the fate of all bannisters worth sliding down to have something nasty waiting at the end. He currently has the third highest Reputation on the Barrow Downs.

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-18-2004 02:02 AM

She would have her book- stories? poems? My sources doesn't tell - published under the name "Sarah Rose", which is, after all, her real name. She celebrates her birthday on the same month as I - yay! Belated Happy Birthday! :)

She once was obsessed over the song "Unwell" by Matchbox 20. Great song, great band.

Does this fall under the Espionage Act?

Lhunardawen 08-18-2004 05:05 AM

Nilpaurion Felagund is my brother. He is the son of Finrod and Amarië of the Vanyar, and will be celebrating his 18th birthday on September 16. He joined the Downs on April Fools' Day of 2003. He wouldn't have known about LotR and the Downs if not for Lhunardawen. Or so I think. :)

The Only Real Estel 08-18-2004 08:55 AM

Luhnardawen: Started reading lotr in 2002, gets a 'wierd feeling' everytime Sauron's eye appears, envies her brother, and was upset that RotK didn't show near her until January.

Firefoot 08-18-2004 09:40 AM

The Only Real Estel originally messed up his email when he was registering, and he meant for his nick to be just Estel. He added the part "The Only Real" after that, and it shouldn't be translated as "The Only Real Hope."

Morsul the Dark 08-18-2004 10:44 AM

Firefoot has founded four topics
and has for her last 500 post mostly in the quizroom

Sapphire_Flame 08-18-2004 10:53 AM

Morsul is one year younger than I. The Darkest of Dark Lord's birthday is in four days. :D

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

edit: :p

Mithalwen 08-18-2004 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphire_Flame
Morsul is one year younger than I *nyah! :p*, being that the Bean-ish Dark Lord will be turning 17 in four days. Also, Morsul would do well to acquire a grammer reference book. No offense to your Dark Lordship, but your grammer (or lack thereof) really bothers me.

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy, the natural-born copy editor ~

You might like to correct your own spelling and acquire a dictionary before you advise others to correct their grammar.

Diamond18 08-18-2004 08:36 PM

Mithalwen's name means "Grey Tree", not "Grey Maiden" as one might suspect. Her signature means "seize the jugular". Her first post ever was made in the Quiz Room, in the thread "20 Questions in ME", and at the time her brain was hurting. Apparently, she finds the mental image of Jim Morrison in a kilt appealing.

Nil: my obsession has not abated, see location line. ;)

Sirithheruwen 08-18-2004 08:37 PM

Saphy is somewhat of a perfectionist (the good kind). She also has spare shields and rep points (for which I am very grateful). :p

EDIT: Whoops! Diamond was reportedly raised by swamp rats ( :eek: ) and just barly posted before me. ;)

Morsul the Dark 08-18-2004 08:55 PM

Sirith likes Teen Titans and is a tree hugger
and supports the no C.A.R.B. diet

Rinfanawen 08-19-2004 12:44 PM

Morsul the Dark is a face seen often around the quiz and quotes room. He has, I believe, set the record for the highest average posts per day, and now also for the highest average avatar changes in one week. Being just a few months older than I, he will turn 17 in 3 days, and will from then on continue in his quest for world domination. Yes, as Master of the Underworld, and, according to his avatar, one in league with the Ringwraiths, he is definitly counted as one of the most evil and "dead"ly downers around nowadays.

The Only Real Estel 08-19-2004 07:11 PM

Rinfanawen has started all of her threads in The Movies, was very disappointed when Kansas pretty well killed Duke in the NCAA Tournament two years ago, has frequented Movie Quotes & Actor's Quotes pretty often, & would be a hobbit in the Shire if she had the chance/choice.

Gil-Galad 08-19-2004 07:49 PM

Estel and Morsul are currently having a little Avvie Compitiion...though mine would know...just saying

Edit: Estel is a peaceful person who randomly changes Avatars

The Only Real Estel 08-19-2004 07:52 PM

Gil-Galad: I thought you had to say something true about the person above you ;).

p.s. post on gil-galad, not me

The Perky Ent 08-19-2004 07:55 PM

Child of the Seventh Age is currently watching over an RPG in the Shire called Seekers of Truth :D

Elennar Starfire 08-19-2004 08:03 PM

The Perky Ent likes sushi.

Gil-Galad 08-19-2004 08:06 PM

Bah you missed me with perky's thing about child when it was suppose to be me!

Morsul the Dark 08-19-2004 08:09 PM

Gil thinks his Avvie would win against mine (HA!)

and is Burnating in the country side

Gil-Galad 08-19-2004 08:10 PM

Burninating the Country Side... Burninating all the Peasants...Burninating all the people including Morsul cause hes easy to Burninate....sorry where were we? btw do Morsul...

The Perky Ent 08-19-2004 08:13 PM

Woah! Cami isn't there? I could have sworn she was there!

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-19-2004 09:42 PM

Perky Ent
He lives in/near New Orleans - I think. He had the cheek of crossing swords with Finwe in the Familial Ties thread. I'm surprised he's still alive - or dead.

Off Topic


Nil: my obsession has not abated, see location line. (Diamond18)
Sorry. I forgot to check that. :o
I distinctly remembered a post of in I - PA concerning this song. Ah, here it is!

Diamond18 08-20-2004 12:02 AM

Nilpaurian Felagund
His birth name is Louis Allen Ortal. His aspirations are to finish his novels, collect enough Lego to rival the US Navy, and finish college. He claims to be a procrastinator, liar, loudmouth, and sloth, which I find very interesting because this begs the question whether he is a two or three-toed sloth -- I hear the two-toed ones have their verbose sides and the three-toed ones are given to coloring the truth (and drunkeness, but we'll not go into that here).

His favorite books are ones by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Tom Clancy, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Philip Yancey, in addition to The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, and The Little Prince by Exupery.

He has good taste in music, being a listener of Alt Rock and similar artists, and has an extensive list of these and other favorites listed on his home page.

His avatar is of Ada Lovelace, and I used to think he was a girl because of that and his former Legally Blonde Legolas avatar. Sorry, mon.

His screenname on is Widower. My condolances.

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