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Kitanna 06-05-2005 12:16 AM

Gil-Galad, that's lovely attire...really, I'm very jealous.

Gil-Galad 06-05-2005 09:46 AM

Why thank you Kitanna...don't want to give m ysecret identity away you know...

Kuruharan 06-05-2005 10:57 AM

Thinlomien's picture is pretty neat.

Gil-Galad 06-05-2005 11:01 AM

The babe count is rising, i really like Mad Baggins pic...

davem 06-05-2005 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by AbercrombieOfRohan
Out of curiousity Davem, but are you in Bath Abbey or Exeter Cathedral in that picture? It looks like it, though I'm no expert at British Cathedrals. (18 days till I go to England! Bath Abbey and Exter Cathedral included in my tour!) .

I put a quick note on the pix page itself. Its York Minster & the pic was taken by Lalwende

AbercrombieOfRohan 06-05-2005 01:37 PM

Sweetness! I'm going there too... (in case you haven't noticed I'm very excited about going... 17 days!) I knew it looked familiar...

Elennar Starfire 06-05-2005 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Tigerlily Gamgee
Where is this Beltane celebration?
All I know about Beltane is from what I read in The Mists of Avalon, but I'm sure that it's not all that anymore. Haha. At least, not in public.
It'd be fun, though, to go dance the night away.

Here it's just me and a few friends wearing flower crowns all day. *sigh*


It reminded me of Labyrinth.
For some odd reason, it just does...

And I'm starting your portrait today! ... and it might be Labyrinth in the foreground and background. It just feels really prevalent in your photo.
*grins* I want to see when you're done!

Knight of Gondor 06-05-2005 04:17 PM

Cool, it's great to put some faces to these names! Yes, it's me, KnightofGondor. ("WHO?!") Been a while since my sprite has graced these halls. All of my posting time has been diverted to, which, for a news/politics junkie like myself, is amazing! Plus, the LotR stuff has somewhat died down since the movies have wrapped up. :(

I may look at sending my picture in, too! Is there a page two of these pictures, or are these all there are?

Encaitare 06-05-2005 05:05 PM


Everyone is beautiful. No one is "more beautiful" than anyone else.
Well said, Tig.

Gil-Galad 06-05-2005 07:00 PM


Everyone is beautiful. No one is "more beautiful" than anyone else.
in the honourable words of Strongbad "No two people are not on fire"

alatar 06-05-2005 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tigerlily Gamgee
Everyone is beautiful. No one is "more beautiful" than anyone else.

Just have to add my two cents here as I'm a bit older and older people feel the need to ramble on now and then.

Took the kids recently to an amusement park which was attended that day by high school alumni, present schoolpersons, etc. Ran into some old friends and acquaintances, and of course saw a bunch of young people whom I'll never know.

Anyway, remembered when I was back in high school and concerned about how I looked, and how I'd wished that I was more like the football star or whatever. Was like those young people that I saw, looking to be hip/cool/ whatever it was called, concerned about the hair, clothes and not looking too stupid or too different.

Now, you might not believe this from where you're standing, but the football star is aged and bald, and some of the hot crowd are middle-aged, overweight, overbaked, overmade maxed-out lifers. Some of the people are miserable, as it seems to me that for them it was all about the outside. Others changed on the outside, but were the same person that I'd known years ago. Weird thing is, now that the all important 'cliche' is no more, alumni who would not look at me back in the day now share stories about their kids.

When we walked that park as teenagers we never thought that we'd ever be like those older people, but here I am now.

So anyway, not that I was making a point, but enjoy who you are - life's too short. You're going to age, you're going to change, and my suggestion is that if you have to get wrinkles anyway, get them from laughing with good friends. :)

P.S. And my son already knows the story of Narcissus...

Strider 06-06-2005 01:51 AM

Amen. -is enlightened-

Snowdog 06-06-2005 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by alatar
Now, you might not believe this from where you're standing, but the football star is aged and bald, and some of the hot crowd are middle-aged, overweight, overbaked, overmade maxed-out lifers. Some of the people are miserable, as it seems to me that for them it was all about the outside. Others changed on the outside, but were the same person that I'd known years ago. Weird thing is, now that the all important 'cliche' is no more, alumni who would not look at me back in the day now share stories about their kids.

yeah, I noted the same thing when I went to my 20 year re-union several years ago. The hot, barbie-like cheerleaders were divorced, fat single moms with lots of kids, and the homely plain janes were the beauties. Stoners were cops, and Brains were in AA... I agree with alatar... be happy with who you are!

Mad Baggins 06-06-2005 04:15 PM


The babe count is rising, i really like Mad Baggins pic...
Yes, I am rather sexy, aren't I?

Gil-Galad 06-06-2005 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Baggins
Yes, I am rather sexy, aren't I?

quite so... bootylicous even(though i myelf am referred as Bootylicous and i rarely share the word)

Orominuialwen 06-06-2005 04:54 PM

There must just be something about being a BDer that makes everybody more beautiful. None of us are bad-looking whatsoever, and some are downright gorgeous. :smokin:

Encaitare 06-06-2005 05:00 PM

It doesn't matter to me what any of you look like, and I imagine everyone else feels the same... so no one should be worried about sending in a picture! I've found that people are a lot more beautiful, even appearance-wise, when you get to know and like them; personalities shine right through onto faces.

wilwarin538 06-06-2005 05:53 PM

Very well said Enca. :)

But I agree with Oro, I think its the downs that makes everyone so good looking. :smokin:

The Saucepan Man 06-06-2005 05:53 PM

Is it just me, or does this thread seem to have turned into some kind of mutual adoration society ...? :p ;)

Orominuialwen 06-06-2005 05:56 PM

Exactly. My point was that we all look so nice because of the wonderful personalities here. One's friends are always much more beautiful when they are friends than if they were people one didn't know at all because they are people whose souls one knows to be beautiful. Sorry if my last post was confusing.

Edit: Cross-posted with Saucepan Man and wilwarin

alatar 06-06-2005 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
Is it just me, or does this thread seem to have turned into some kind of mutual adoration society ...? :p ;) time I think that I'm going to have to post more on Narcissus and less on aging. :confused:

Mad Baggins 06-07-2005 10:26 AM

I just went to the photo page for the first time...looks awesome, Tig! It's great to see all the Downers' faces...well, almost all. *cough cough GIL-GALAD* :p

Gil-Galad 06-07-2005 04:17 PM

for the last time i was not shut down by a bus stop! wait that was another conversation....oh yea, i don't want to reveal my secret idenity...besides the Ka's pic isn't showing her face either...

Elennar Starfire 06-07-2005 04:27 PM

But, Gilly, if you don't let us see your face, I shall have to paint you with a Strongbad head.

For Ka, I shall use...umm...Sarah. Yes. Hair colour matches, sort of.

THE Ka 06-07-2005 04:31 PM


For Ka, I shall use...umm...Sarah. Yes. Hair colour matches, sort of.
Ha! Have fun, that's not my real hair colour by the way. You can blame my friend's camera and computer for that one! If you're feeling resourceful, or just creative, how about striped? I like striped things.

~ Ka

THE Ka 06-07-2005 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Gil-Galad
for the last time i was not shut down by a bus stop! wait that was another conversation....oh yea, i don't want to reveal my secret idenity...besides the Ka's pic isn't showing her face either...

Have you ever taken to thought that maybe some of us don't have faces? It's a pretty reasonable theory for half of the photo page. :p

Just giving a possible answer.

~ Ka

P.S.: Ha! Look what I found! Somewhat of an irony of our predicament. (Thanks Encaitare)

personalities shine right through onto faces.

Encaitare 06-08-2005 05:32 PM

Or hair, or cape, what have you... :p

THE Ka 06-08-2005 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Strider
No kidding. You really all are a gorgeous bunch, not to mention all Caucasian. -is Asian- w007. Anyway, Tig, feel free to heed Larien's words and just treat us like the n00bs we are.

I hate that term. 'Newbies'. If you're a member, you are a member. And besides, It's time we had some fresh faces around here.

Also, just because we've been here forever doesn't mean we're the most popular, or most 'barrowish' (Is that a word? Correct me if I made it up.) some of our most recent members have such effort and assertive participation that I could only have dreamt about when i first came... And I can imagine others who would say the same.

Amoung members there shouldn't be any monarchy or hiarchy (except of course, for the Barrow-Wight and his/her selected Moderators), just the fact that we've found other wights who delight in the same topics as we do, and want to have a enjoyable time.

Okay, I am done with my rant.

~ Ka

Formendacil 06-08-2005 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by THE Ka
I hate that term. 'Newbies'. If you're a member, you are a member. And besides, It's time we had some fresh faces around here.

Those fresh corpses tend to be the ones that stink the most... :p

Strider 06-09-2005 08:53 PM

Oh, so now I stink? The nerve of you dead folk! Point taken, Ka. Good to feel welcomed.

HerenIstarion 06-10-2005 02:31 AM

Show me the way to the next parfume bar...
I gather as Formendacil meant himself, Strider.

Formendacil 06-10-2005 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by HerenIstarion
I gather as Formendacil meant himself, Strider.

Of course, I'm still a relatively fresh corpse myself.

Which might explain the lack of any picture concerning me...

SonOfBombadil 06-10-2005 06:44 PM

just a random thought Tigerlilly, but it seems rather redundant that the logo at the top of the picture page says "Ghouls of the the Barrow-Downs Revealed". Slightly repetitive. But otherwise, the page looks great! good work!

Tigerlily Gamgee 06-10-2005 10:54 PM

Yeah, that has been pointed out already.. but when I asked if I should change it, no one really answered.
I didn't really notice that the logo already had "the" in it... worked fast.
Don't know when I'll get around to changing it, though, because it involves redoing it, and my life is extremely complicated at the moment.

SonOfBombadil 06-10-2005 11:10 PM

OK, don't worry about it at all. I was just wondering if you saw it there.

VanimaEdhel 06-12-2005 01:06 PM

My picture...
Hey, Tig, I haven't been on for a little while, but think it would be okay for me to send you my pic too?

I always come back to visit on special days. Why is that? I think last time was around it's my 18th birthday.

THE Ka 06-12-2005 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Those fresh corpses tend to be the ones that stink the most... :p

Everyone loves the newest brand... :p ;)

~ Fashion bores me ka

Lathriel 06-13-2005 06:22 PM

I will try to send a picture but I will have to dig one up. And it will be after exams too. I am suposed to be studying and yet I find myself on the downs. (Hate when that happens :D )

It is neat to see you all, now I actually know what you guys look like. No more wondering about that.

The baby page;cute idea but you might get repetitive remarks. Everyone will be saying "AAAWWW, he/she is so cute!"

alatar 06-13-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lathriel
I will try to send a picture but I will have to dig one up.

Is there a pun in there somewhere?

Forget studying; posting at the BDs is much more important. ;)

Good luck with those exams!

Kuruharan 06-13-2005 09:00 PM


Forget studying; posting at the BDs is much more important.
Truly, you will be a responsible parent...

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