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Kuruharan 06-16-2015 07:29 AM

Good grief that must have been a lot of work. :eek:

Aganzir 06-16-2015 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 700006)
Good grief that must have been a lot of work. :eek:

Well, it took less time than it would to go back to find all the jokes every time I need a laugh. :cool:

Mithalwen 06-16-2015 08:18 AM

Having now read a bit, I have been laughing and growling that the Fin(n)s of all people were calling me fishy all the time (my surname is a type of fish and Fishy was my dad's nickname in the army), and that you were so surprised that McCaber was a wolf.. not that I wasn't delighted to see that having been terrified by Kath's non appearance that she was in fact the last wolf, The deal with Boro was my best bet at self preservation and I am touched that he killed me when it would have been much easier for me if he hadn't.

The "Mummie loves you no matter what" to Nilp was simply even if he voted to lynch me as seemed possible.

A Little Green 06-16-2015 08:58 AM

For once, I thoroughly enjoyed being killed early on! Kuru - thanks for modding, this game was brilliant. My fellow corpses - thanks for the company. The living - thanks for the entertainment. :p

Thinlómien 06-16-2015 12:32 PM

So Boro wasn't the Itch Man but I was the Itch Woman... oh my.

May I ask, Boro, why me? I am flattered but I'm not sure I should be. :D

Boromir88 06-16-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 700011)
So Boro wasn't the Itch Man but I was the Itch Woman... oh my.

May I ask, Boro, why me? I am flattered but I'm not sure I should be. :D

I wanted to have a Successor picked early but it was basically a once chance shot. It would only work if I picked an ordo and if I didn't than that was it.

Not sure if you should be flattered or scared I know your WW habits...there was one post on Day 1 of yours that I said "yep...ordo Lommy"...and you were picking up suspicion so I wasn't worried about you getting night-killed early. Then on top of that the seer confirmed you innocent, so I figured if I was killed I had about as good of a chance at still winning as I did at making it all the way :)

Nogrod 06-16-2015 01:51 PM

Having been super-busy the last days I haven't been able to say thanks to everyone involved for a well re-awaken game. It was a lot of fun! A bit too much actually looking how it affected my sleeping hours... :)

With the Dead Thread it was nice to have everyone around for the whole game - that was perfectly fitting for a game of such many reunions and joining players one hadn't met in a long long time.

I'll make my special thanks in the Arda Cup style by dealing stars...

Three stars go to:

Nerwen for absolutely bold and superb seering - that was one of the best shows I've seen with all "these PM's you just got from somewhere"...

Boro for deadly accuracy and grace in the end with a role that was such an impossible one to play with this kind of flow of events.

Two stars go to:

Mac & Lottie: for being such good sports and fun fellows at the Dead Thread. It wouldn't have been half so much fun without you!

One star goes to:

the phantom & Aganzir: for keeping (especially) the Dead Thread going and providing a number of laughs and a bunch of smiles.

Lalaith & Shasta: for playing their roles in an impressive fashion.

And the joker-trophy of course goes to:

Kuru: for the most confusing game-idea that seemed like an impossibility to start with but which after all turned out to be both playable and enjoyable. *bows*

Thinlómien 06-16-2015 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 700016)
I wanted to have a Successor picked early but it was basically a once chance shot. It would only work if I picked an ordo and if I didn't than that was it.

Not sure if you should be flattered or scared I know your WW habits...there was one post on Day 1 of yours that I said "yep...ordo Lommy"...and you were picking up suspicion so I wasn't worried about you getting night-killed early. Then on top of that the seer confirmed you innocent, so I figured if I was killed I had about as good of a chance at still winning as I did at making it all the way :)

This mostly makes me sad my once infallible bororadar has fallen rather out of order in the past couple of years. I was getting very mixed signals this time, and at least that makes sense in retrospect...

I'm actually not very sad I never got to inherit your legacy. To be quite honest it sounds more like stress than fun. :p ;)

Galadriel55 06-16-2015 06:02 PM

Way to go village! And great job wolves! It was probably very tough to compete against the innocents, another wolf pack, and a freaking bear!

I will admit I did not read everything. You guys were too talkative, especially in the early stages of the game. But I reveled in the confusion of the Living thread and got a kick reading the Dead thread (the Dad thread? :D). I love how everything got a nickname. I remember at one point, just as I was getting over Grip, Fang, Macpack, and the Tweedleorms, Agan through out a Wolfgang that made me crack up all over again. I just looked through the posts that Agan so helpfully linked in her summary and I have a stitch in my stomach. You guys are amazing! (but I suppose that Nerwen is lucky the Tweedleorms came about after she was accepted as innocent, or else she might have been called Nerworm! :eek:)

I was going to post on this thread earlier just to spite phantypants, but then you guys made a post race, then I was busy again, then you were trying to hint at 88, and I felt like it would not be fair to alter the post count, even for such a reason. Speaking of the post race, geeze people, how do you have time to read all those posts AND watch all the videos? (No, I did not watch most of them). I did make the mistake of clicking on Legate's Good Night link, and it's been stuck in my head ever since... ding ding ding ding ding... But the C3PO pictures were amazing!

Also, I learned something new in the realm of philosophy this game, which makes it worth it even without all the other wonderful stuff.

Kuru, that game was genius! And your narrations had just enough sarcasm syrup smeared on them to go down as deliciously macabre.

Most of the players have been mentioned already, and I'm not going to repeat all the remarkable things you've done, just that it was definitely a great comeback from the Great Blackout. Well done all!

One person who I want to mention, though, is my dearest Mama Wolf who was probably the most sensible person the entire game, and whose innocence I never doubted, even after the questionable stuff just before her death. *hugs*

Aiwendil 06-16-2015 06:10 PM

Like Galadriel55, I was an enthusiastic spectator to this game. It was quite entertaining, and it rather made me wish I had time to play Werewolf again.

Galadriel55 06-16-2015 06:59 PM

The other thing I forgot to mention is that the set up of the game, with the Dead being, well, alive, provided a possibly unique opportunity of camaraderie between "baddies" and "goodies". It was fun to see the wolves and innocents interacting in a really friendly and sportsmanlike was on the Dead Thread. Honestly, I think that this could be a fun addition to any WW game - a "dead" thread for dead players of all alignments to discuss the progress of the game. Though perhaps a thread pretty much just for chatting about this and that and once in a while discussing a game that is mildly related to Tolkien is... questionable, but I think it would be a fun addition to some regular games.

Kuruharan 06-17-2015 09:52 AM

I edited the opening posts of both threads to link them with each other, and I also added a link to Agan's post...linky page thingy for the convenience of people in the future who wish to review the threads of this magnificent...dare I say glorious and epic game. :D

the phantom 06-18-2015 04:13 PM

Two threads is double the fun, but when you're trying to work on other things simultaneously it makes it so that it's all you can do to keep up with what is happening on the threads. :D

Basically after Day 2 I was only half-playing- I was keeping up with everything but no longer able to read carefully for suspicions or hints and no longer making charts etc. So while being dead was fun, I'm not certain it helped me play well if you follow (though the concrete knowledge sort of makes up for that in terms of providing guidance).

Anyway, fun game Kuru and all the players. Well fought.

Rune Son of Bjarne 07-08-2015 11:42 AM

Hey Kuru, I am so sorry about my lack of participation. I actually tried to catch up a few times, but it simply was not possible.

The short time I was able to participate I had tremendous fun, even if it was mostly banter on my part.

I have never abandoned a game like this before... obviously we went on to lose the election by one freaking seat in parliament.

Kuruharan 07-09-2015 01:18 PM

Some things do have priority.

Still, years from now when this game has passed into legend you will still be able to say, "Hey, I was there!"

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