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Mithalwen 06-14-2015 02:06 PM

2 questions. Why does Phantom want me to send Lal biscuits and what was the thing Nilp said the living spoiled

Nogrod 06-14-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 699922) mistakes on the level of discrediting the Seer, I suppose...

Nothing that would have proven fatal I presume... Or did we lose something along the way? I think Nerwen came here just about the right time?

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 699925)
Nothing that would have proven fatal I presume... Or did we lose something along the way? I think Nerwen came here just about the right time?

I'll explain in my post-game commentary.

Aganzir 06-14-2015 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 699924)
what was the thing Nilp said the living spoiled

We didn't empower anybody on DAY 3 (I think) because the living took ages to settle on an informative voting plan and kept changing it (empowering Shasta was first going to mean Legate was innocent but they changed it to mean guilty after Shasta had already got votes here), so in the end we decided to try to create a tie and not empower anybody. Mind you thanks to the trolling members of the late Grip pack, we nearly sent you wrong information about Legate's alignment!

Nilp could have phrased it differently though - we only told him to yell at the living for being so late with both the voting plans and the actual voting, as Europe was heavily represented in the Dead thread and wanted to go to sleep.

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 03:46 PM

Darn it, Sally!!!!!

You just ruined the epic narration I was working on! :mad:

Back to the drawing board...

Aganzir 06-14-2015 03:55 PM

Can we still have the Megazord? :p

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 699931)
Can we still have the Megazord? :p

Not now. :rolleyes:

Lalaith 06-14-2015 04:11 PM

Kuru, darling, can I just say that I am SO confused...I can't wait for the narrative denouement that explains it all. Why did Chrysophylax have an itch?
Mith, I think I was supposed to get biscuits as a reward for telling the truth. I didn't, I told a fib and said I was a wronged ordo - so you're off the hook, dear thing.

McCaber 06-14-2015 07:59 PM

Good game, everyone! I couldn't have spent it with a nicer bunch of corpses.

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 08:01 PM


As the final title rolled across the screen the audience began talking among themselves.

"I thought that movie was in very poor taste," said Rikae.

"I thought that the dramatic tension and narrative structure of the entire work was undermined and ruined by ultimate failure of the lone anti-hero struggling valiantly against massive odds," said Formendacil.

"Funny, I agree strictly verbatim," said Boromir88. "I'm going to go buy another dragon ride."

"I liked the parts where I was telling people what to do," said the phantom.

"I disliked those parts intensely," said Mithalwen.

"I'm going to go find some Cortizone cream," said Thinlomien.

"I liked how I was right about practically everything," said Firefoot.

"I liked how I was freakin' awesome," said Nerwen.

Nilpaurion Felagund and satansaloser2005 slipped out the back for other activities.

"I liked the part where I banned everyone involved in this," said mormegil.

"Quiet please, everyone!" said Kuruharan. "We are missing the credits."

The Cast, in Order of Appearance
Outro Music

Kuruharan __________ as a catspaw, a Dwarf

McCaber __________ as a Fang Pack Wolf, a Lone Warrior and FIRST!

Nilpaurion Felagund __________ as Romeo Montague

Firefoot __________ as a Home Run Hittin' Ordo

Nerwen __________ as Yes She was a Dreamer, and She was the Only One

Rikae __________ as Prey

the phantom __________ as Phantom, THE Phantom, the Mastermind

Loslote __________ as a Grip Pack Wolf who did not go Quietly into the Night

satansaloser2005 __________ as Juliet Capulet

A Little Green __________ as the Sensible Ordo, a Victim

Mithlawen __________ as the Classy Ordo

Legate of Amon Lanc __________ as A Scholar among Ordos

Rune Son of Bjarne __________ as A Dane

Boromir88 __________ as Chrysophylax Dives, a Dragon

Eomer of the Rohirrim __________ as a Wargish Ordo

Nogrod __________ as an Ordo, yes really

Macalaure __________ as a Grip Pack Wolf who DID go quietly in the NIGHT

mormegil __________ as a Fang Pack Wolf, the One Who Bans People

Aganzir __________ as paradoxically, both the Hunter and the Target

Thinlomien __________ as an Itching Ordo

Kath __________ as the Elusive Ordo

Formendacil __________ as The Hero of the Grip Pack

Shastanis Althreduin __________ as an Agent with a Shield

Lalaith __________ as a Fang Pack Wolf, the Polite One

Similarity to persons both Living and Dead is entirely intentional.


(c) An Ancient and Imperial Lineage Production

Mithalwen 06-14-2015 08:05 PM

But it seems Lommie had the itch....

Love the narration Kuru

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 699947)
Love the narration Kuru

I'm glad you do, it was something of a horror to set up.

I was originally going to do something completely different but then Sally busted up the dramatic I changed it completely.

I had no idea how difficult setting up the credits style of post was going to be. It was literally two hours of trial and error and I'm not totally satisfied with how it turned out.

Firefoot 06-14-2015 08:20 PM

Great job, everyone! It's been a lot of fun playing again.

Eagerly awaiting Kuru's commentary...

Kuruharan 06-14-2015 08:48 PM

Post Game Commentary # 1
Firstly, thank you to everyone who played! I hope you had a good time, I know I did, even if it was a bit exhausting even for me. I can't imagine how exhausting it must have been to play it! Poor Boro in particular sometimes showed some serious signs of strain during the game. ;) I suppose having to wipe out almost all the wolves out of self-interested desperation takes its toll. In a way, I suppose the Party's rather lengthy inability to make any headway on this themselves worked out for them in the end.

I apologize again to the Europeans for causing all the sleepless nights, 10 PM Eastern was the earliest I could set the deadline and (mostly) guarantee that I would be available at said deadline. I hope everyone is able to get some extra rest the next few days.

While everyone did well, I want to mention a couple of people who really went above and beyond the call of duty and did some pretty gutsy/amazing things during the game:

Gold Stars

Nerwen: I have to start with her because she shamelessly exploited the mysterious nature of the rules for her own benefit at just the right time to save the Party, which made it all the more awesome. Good job! One of the things I was hoping would happen was somebody telling the rest of the players they had X, Y, or Z secret power and exploiting their fiction for their own ends. For the Party to win, outside-the-box thinking like this was nearly essential, and Nerwen did it. /salute o7 o7 o7

Boromir88: He had a near unerring instinct for killing wolves, which sadly for him, ended up for the benefit of the Party.

Formendacil: I've told Form this already in private but I want to say this publicly, my hat is distinctly off to him for just playing his guts out during the game even though it didn't end up working out for his team in the end. I was literally sitting with my mouth hanging open reading his play on DAY 1 I was so agog at what he was doing...and it worked at least for awhile! It was a deeply impressive performance, sir!

Firefoot: My old packmate! She had so many things figured out on DAYs 2 & 3 it literally spooked me a bit. She knocked it out of the park on multiple occasions but especially this post, made even better by her saying that her intuition for wolves is notoriously bad in a post where every person she listed was a wolf. Then there was this post where she accurately stated which pack made which kills. This post was the one that..."spooked" is the only word I can use to describe it. /salute o7 o7 o7

Shasta: Except for one NIGHT where we miscommunicated the deadline (which, by the way, was not anybody's fault), he played a stellar game, saving the Seer when she most needed saving in order to turn the tide that was running strongly against the Party and generally being on top of what needed doing in the game. I can fully believe he is psychic.

Loslote: That's the spirit! Really, what more needs to be said?

The Fang Pack: Even though it came apart for you in the end, my hat is off to you guys for pushing the Party to the very brink of defeat on NIGHT 4 and making it look so effortless. I even wrote up a set of ending narrations during that NIGHT, I was so convinced that you would be finishing up business over the next DAY/NIGHT cycle. You made it look *so* effortless, in fact, that you caused me no small amount of angst because I was afraid the whole game set up was hopelessly unbalanced. It took some very gutsy play by Nerwen and some downright monster guesses by Boro to turn the tide you guys started.

Role Selection
Wolves - All the wolves were picked by Excel with one exception. Firefoot was originally in the Fang Pack, but since she was my old packmate from ten years ago and mormegil was the Seer who nearly sunk us in that game...the idea of swapping morm for Firefoot was so amusing that I found the idea irresistable.

Seer - Nerwen was picked by Excel

Ranger - Shasta was picked by Excel and I was like, "Well, that must have been meant to be."

Hunter - Aganzir was picked by Excel

Lovers - I was a little hesitant due to the time difference when Nilp and Sally came out of the draw...but as I told them, the idea of Nilp nilping himself and it serving a purpose for the Party was too amusing to pass up. I did consider swapping Nerwen for Sally but I decided against it because a) that might have ended up being a bit too obvious, b) I thought Sally would do a good job and I didn't want to mess with the "randomness" of the selection, and c) the idea of Nilp and Sally together amused me.

Chrysolphylax - Excel initially picked Inzil for this part, which I thought would have been really awesome. Alas, he had to withdraw at the last moment which actually left me in something of a bind. A number of the Ordos that were left had requested to be Ordos and I was concerned about the small drawing pool. Still, I decided to give it a run and see who came out, I could always redo everyone. Excel drew Boro's name and I went That'll do!

Explaining Myself

The Lover rules did end up being a bit of a mess and I'm sorry about that. My thinking at the time (and I'm not convinced even now that it was entirely misguided) was that the important thing was to get the Dead Lover as much information as possible from the Dead Thread. As it ended up turning out, it made it quite chancy for the dead Lover to get back to the Living thread and a pretty long lag time that almost did render the utility of the role moot. I gave serious consideration to amending the rule mid-game, and in fact had decided to do so, but when I came back to the computer I saw that the discussion of a Lover sacrifice had begun and I felt I could not make the rule change under those circumstances because I was afraid that would be suggesting tactics and be giving away too much.

If somebody attempts this format again that would be an area I would suggest closely examining.

And lastly, a big thanks again to Mac and Rikae both for the original idea and for the advice in setting this game up!!!!!

No, this commentary doesn't contain all the info I'm sure you want to know...but I'm a bit tired and would like to do some other things this evening, so you will just have to wait. :p

I also think I've given you enough to chew on for awhile. ;)

Shastanis Althreduin 06-14-2015 09:43 PM

42 pages and I won't be able to rest until I've read them all... :rolleyes:

Nilpaurion Felagund 06-14-2015 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 699956)
42 pages and I won't be able to rest until I've read them all... :rolleyes:

But it'll be worth it. ;) (Otherwise phantom will refund you.)

satansaloser2005 06-14-2015 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 699957)
But it'll be worth it. ;) (Otherwise phantom will refund you.)

I accept in-state checks and all major credit cards. :smokin:

I'll have to read this after I get some sleep. I can't believe there are 42 pages. (Wait. Yes I can....)

Rikae 06-14-2015 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 699956)
42 pages and I won't be able to rest until I've read them all... :rolleyes:

They're going to be kind of confusing after all the copying and deleting we did...

Kuru, thanks for an awesome game! It was great to see (and participate in) the dead-thread setup living up to more of its potential, with creative ways of transmitting information, wolves messing it up, and so on. :D


what was supposed to happen when Boro died? :Merisu:

McCaber 06-14-2015 11:07 PM

This was a really fun setup. It isn't often I go an entire game as a werewolf without lying even once.

Nerwen: All the props in the world. You took what looked to us like a handy win for the wolves and turned it completely around in a matter of hours. And I loved how no one outright said you were the seer until you had died.

My Fanged friends Morm and Lal: We gave it our best shot, eh? But sometimes life has other plans.

Speaking of that, Boro: Good god you went through us wolves like a buzz saw. Absolutely nuts. The village might have won in the end, but it was thanks to you first and foremost.

Everyone: it was a blast to be a part of this first game after the Great Blackout. What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger. Let's do this again sometime.

Shastanis Althreduin 06-14-2015 11:22 PM

It was worth it. I particularly approve of Lalaith's dream. :D

Aganzir 06-15-2015 05:40 AM

I LOVED THIS GAME. Never have I willingly got so little sleep, or bought so many energy drinks since high school. And best of all, it was all worth it.

Thank you, Kuru. ♥

And the final narration was absolutely brilliant. Not gonna lie, I snorted violently when Rikae was credited as Prey. :D And why was Lommy the itching player? :D

It was a pleasure playing with you all, Living and Dead.

Fang pack - McC, Tweedlemorm, Lalaith - well played! Morm and Lalaith completely slipped under my radar (while McC is somebody I always suspect anyway).

Grip pack - Mac, Tweedleform, Lottie (really Kuru did you choose these packs because their names kind of rhyme?) - I was saddened by your early demise (but not too much!). I never really got around to suspecting Lottie, and Form was amazing pretending to be a grumpy ordo! Again, Mac is somebody I always suspect, and I just hope I'd kept hunting him beyond NIGHT 2. In any case, your contributions to the Dead thread were hilarious.

So who did you actually kill, and why?

Nerwen, that was some freaking awesome seering. You dreamed 5 out of 6 wolves. Wow. *does the wave for Nerwen the Dreamer Queen*

Boro, Mr FBI, amazing wolf hunting there! You wouldn't believe how much time we spent talking about you - we used to think you were the seer. I think we're dying (har har) to know more about your role though!

Shasta, our dear Power Ranger, well done! I can't believe you made it to the end without revealing.

Nilp and sally, that was a well-timed lynch! Also thanks for not lynching me on DAY 1 sally! :p

Special thanks to Legate (for killing me with laughter more than once), phantom (likewise, plus fab plans), Rikae (likewise, plus amazing fake reveals), Firefoot (I enjoyed playing with you and your guesses were scarily accurate), and Mith (so glad somebody spotted my Hunter hints)!

Sorry about killing you, Greenie - I know you're somebody I always suspect. (Then again my three other main suspects - two of whom were wolves - were also people I always suspect). I hunted sally on NIGHT 1 (on principle), Lommy on DAY 1 (out of extreme annoyance rather than rational suspicion), Mac on NIGHT 2 and - obviously - Greenie on DAY 2 (I considered sticking with Mac but I thought Rikae might be the seer who had dreamed him innocent and didn't want to chance it).
And if I had been less tired, I would have definitely done a fake reveal on DAY 2 (no way I was going to be a known Hunter ever again, that's the most boring thing in existence and I had enough of it years ago), but I really couldn't think straight.

Thinlómien 06-15-2015 05:49 AM

Well, that was a game.

Personally I'm really glad that after a rather useless start, I managed to spot two wolves (morm and McCaber) and be sort of useful in organizing things in the living village, plus figure out Nerwen's dreams. Still maybe not the best game I've played as an ordo. :D

Spacial hats off to Nerwen for everything. Efficient hiding, efficient dreaming and genious scheming. You were brilliant.

Poor Boro gets the hug award. But also the award fro a freaking sixth sense when it comes to bagging wolves. I'm still really impressed about Lalaith.

Speaking of which, hats off to all the sneaky wolves. From my perspective, you guys were convincingly innocent to a frustrating degree. Plus, you were the funniest in the dead thread.

Also Shasta - efficient rangering, and I'm even more happy about you rising up to the role of the village champion on the last Day. We dead were so afraid you guys wouldn't lynch Boro.

And, Sally and Nilp. You had some excellent scheming going on, and did exactly what was expected of you. Well done, babes.

Hats off to the rest of us, too. It was a hard game to play as an ordo, and I think we can all pat ourselves on the back for whatever we got right.

Thanks for modding, Kuru! It was a great game.

I still haven't read most of the dead thread or repped anyone. That's a nice to-do list for today!

Boromir88 06-15-2015 06:49 AM

Half the strain was just wanting to join the Dead thread. As I said in the game, neither of the Mandos games have I been able to join the dead...this must be the only type of game people don't want to kill me right away. :p I've just been intrigued by the concept, because I think of the dead brothers in Stardust, just observing and commentating on the plot that's happening in the movie.

I had no special powers besides killing and it wasn't only wolves, it worked as long as the Ranger wasn't protecting the person, or the wolves didn't target the same one. Night 2 I didn't target/kill anyone. The other time, in the game I said I didn't kill anyone I targeted Nerwen with the 2 other wolf packs, so at least I could make the claim I didn't, and not be completely false.

The other strain was just having to be so lonely all the time and having to survive basically on my own. There was a point if I died then one of my abilities could have taken effect (given the right circumstances and luck) that I still could have won, but Kuru asked for me not to reveal that and I suppose since he gave me such a fantastic role to play...I won't. Sorry.

But when the wolves went for Lommy and Eomer instead of me, it was too late and I now was in a pickle (I knew ahead of time if the players were down to 5 my other ability I could no longer use, because it wouldn't have been fair. And I had made it that far on my own, I needed to finish it! :) ) , being revealed as the person night-killing wolves, but also someone who couldn't win with the village. I thought at the point I revealed after Nerwen, if I made myself a big enough threat to the wolves, they would kill me, but it got to the point where I was much better as a lynch target for a last surviving wolf.

I had a hunch of the 3 remaining unknowns it was McCaber, so I accepted Mith's plan, and stuck with it, despite it probably sealing my fate because I didn't have much more fight left in me to try to make it look like Kath killed her. At least my aim was better than Smaug's, and I had no special knowledge, either, except the night the Dead gave the signal that Form was a wolf. I was considering going for sally, but I decided to be a dragon of my word and kill the one the Dead signaled and really thinking it would be best to get the game down to 1 wolf pack.

Basically I had to keep killing wolves at a pace that kept the game going, because if the village number got too small than there would have been no chance. And I probably shouldn't have revealed when I did, but I was thinking I couldn't get lynched at that time, because I took a gamble with killing Lalaith (had no confirmation she was a wolf, I just thought she looked like she knew too much information about wolves and I was all-in believing Nerwen was the seer) in my head if I was lynched, with still a possibility of 4 wolves, it was over for the village and me.

Thinlómien 06-15-2015 08:45 AM

Reading the dead thread
Why am I not surprised about all the sport talk early on? Also very amused about the phantom flirting with the ladies and Nog trying to steal the thunder by confessing his love to the phantom.

The Dead Europeans meme is killing me. Hats off to Kath for being the last European standing, btw. :D

I can't say how happy I am that the living seemed to have figured out what Nerwen was doing before the dead did. Take that, you smug corpses!

Also I understand why Agan keeps saying Legate made her laugh way too much. Napoleon, Julius Caesar etc? Crazy.

I'm kind of disappointed the dead thread is actually like 85% serious talk. Most of the craziness was in the last couple of Days and Nights. You guys totally mislead me.

PS. It's too funny to think of Legate as Han Solo and Mac as C3PO. (I'm pretty sure there is a - somewhere in that droid's name but I can't fathom where. C-3PO??)

PPS. Dear kawaii Nilp, I learnt that word all by myself, ages ago. And I'm baffled that you consider it weird that I know it. Isn't it a fairly normal word? Anyway, very descriptive of you. :Merisu:

mormegil 06-15-2015 08:49 AM

I can speak briefly on who we killed and why.

We debated for a long time on the first night trying to get some idea of a potential seer. We knew early on with two dreams this would be our biggest threat, we had no idea or Boro-Wolf Hunter at the moment. We also didn't want to target wolves too much at night knowing it would help if we had somebody to look to lynch during the days. We decided to kill phantom, not because he looked over seerish but because we didn't see anybody that did and he was trying to organize the village. On a personal note it was nice to thin the thread a little too :D

Night 2 we went for Rikae. We felt it would implicate others and we thought she seemed a bit off with the comment of somebody suspect me. It was a thought that she could be the seer, but again Nerwen was hiding so well we didn't see her.

Night 3 we went for Nerwen, assuming there would be ranger protection but not daring take the risk.

Night 4 we finished the job and yes I claim that our pack got the kill :cool:. Form, I believe, also decided to go for Nerwen.

Overall it was challenging being a wolf in this game because you knew that you didn't want to kill one lover without the other known but the fear of ranger protection on one of the lovers was challenging too. We didn't really want to kill the ranger too early because super ranger would come back. With two dreams the seer was a deadly threat and she lived up to the potential *glares at Nerwen* :) then add on a crazed wolf killing dragon to boot. It made it very difficult.

Well done all, it was very enjoyable to play again.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-15-2015 09:20 AM

Great game everyone. Many excellent performances. Particular congratulations to Kuru for modding with such flair.

Kuruharan 06-15-2015 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by mormegil (Post 699969)
Overall it was challenging being a wolf in this game because you knew that you didn't want to kill one lover without the other known but the fear of ranger protection on one of the lovers was challenging too.

My thought on the Lovers from a wolf perspective was that if I was a wolf I would eventually need to kill one Lover for the express purpose of them coming back to try and confirm whether any of the other pack had been killed yet or not.

mormegil 06-15-2015 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 699972)
My thought on the Lovers from a wolf perspective was that if I was a wolf I would eventually need to kill one Lover for the express purpose of them coming back to try and confirm whether any of the other pack had been killed yet or not.

As our numbers thinned and Nerwen revealed that Mac and Lottie were wolves it became less imperative. Also we didn't want the ordos to know how many innocents there were it kept them guessing. Less information was better.

Lalaith 06-15-2015 09:51 AM


because I took a gamble with killing Lalaith (had no confirmation she was a wolf, I just thought she looked like she knew too much information about wolves and I was all-in believing Nerwen was the seer
You were terrifying, Boro!
Actually none of the stuff I posted was wolf-knowledge, it was all guesswork. I was careful to play as an ordo (which in terms of trying to identify other wolves, I actually was. I was just as keen to identify rival wolves as any ordo would be!)
The only thing I actually knew was about Cabbie and Morm and I just studiously avoided talking about them at all.
But what really hurt, even more than my untimely death at the hands of Chrysophylax, was Firefoot saying I was the type "to follow orders". That comment would cause a ROFL or two among my friends and family, I can tell you...

It was a gloriously baffling game. Thank you Kuru, and thank you my dearest partners in Fanginess....

Lalaith 06-15-2015 09:54 AM

Oh and I think it was me who suggested killing Rikae. I am really, really scared of her WW capabilities, you see...I haven't forgotten Duelling Wizards 2, when I lost the game by making the mistake of letting her live...

McCaber 06-15-2015 10:14 AM

And I killed Lommy when I was alone, because she was both confirmed innocent and unlikely to be protected.

Aganzir 06-15-2015 10:24 AM

So I started playing The Wolf Among Us today, and when two particular fairytale characters appeared, I had to pause to collect myself from the floor. It was freaking Tweedledum and Tweedledee!

Firefoot 06-15-2015 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Lalaith (Post 699975)
But what really hurt, even more than my untimely death at the hands of Chrysophylax, was Firefoot saying I was the type "to follow orders". That comment would cause a ROFL or two among my friends and family, I can tell you...

I guess I need to get to know you better? Sorry, no offense meant. If you want a compliment to go with it, I never saw you as a wolf, so great job acting ordinary. :)

Lalaith 06-15-2015 10:53 AM


Sorry, no offense meant.
Oh, none taken, fear not.

Kuruharan 06-15-2015 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by mormegil (Post 699973)
As our numbers thinned and Nerwen revealed that Mac and Lottie were wolves it became less imperative. Also we didn't want the ordos to know how many innocents there were it kept them guessing. Less information was better.


I will get a final (maybe) commentary post up this evening.

Legate of Amon Lanc 06-15-2015 12:38 PM

Can't add much more to what has been already said by everyone and what I am sure we all feel - what a game! What a comeback of WW! What a play from everyone!

Maybe I would like to point out the fact that it was great to play in such numbers and in a game that allowed people to stay around after death, because this way every single one of us had the chance to make ourselves memorable part of the game in one way or another. As in, in a normal game, if you are for example lynched in the very beginning, your participation can easily pass without notice (unless your lynch involved a particular fuss). But here everyone had their moment in the sun... or in the dark.

So many thanks to our esteemed Mod for the idea(s) and for making it work, cheers especially to the Seer and to the Itchy-Killer for splendid play, similarly to Lovers for making it through (all with the coming back from the dead stuff), high praise to Wolves because they also did a great job, to all my fellow Dead for both hilarious and deeply grimly serious times on the Dead thread, and to all other innocents contributing in one way or another.

May this be a game long remembered.

mormegil 06-15-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 699990)

Maybe I would like to point out the fact that it was great to play in such numbers and in a game that allowed people to stay around after death, because this way every single one of us had the chance to make ourselves memorable part of the game in one way or another. As in, in a normal game, if you are for example lynched in the very beginning, your participation can easily pass without notice (unless your lynch involved a particular fuss). But here everyone had their moment in the sun... or in the dark.

I think the dead thread was a nice touch too. You always felt somewhat cheated when you were killed early on.

Kuruharan 06-15-2015 08:15 PM

Post Game Commentary #2
So, contrary to my initial decision, I think it best for me to go ahead and explain the whole of Boro's role as Chrysophylax. If I ever mod a game again I will just have to come up with a new surprise. ;)

My thinking is maybe somebody else would like to utilize this idea sometime to get some more mileage out of it, although it is not original in any of its parts, just this particular combination of factors I think hasn't been done before.

To get the self-evident stuff out of the way: the Chrysophylax role was a loner weredragon role that could only win by itself with one twist that I will get to in a minute.

Aside from being by himself, Boro also had no protection from wolf kills (unless the Ranger should incidentally protect him) and he had a unique vulnerability to the Seer. If Nerwen had ever dreamed of him, she would have received a full explanation of Boro's role and his powers. Boro would also have been an exception to the no roles revealed on death rule as his death would have been narrated with some kind of distinct hint in it.

The Chrysophylax role had a NIGHT kill, which was evident throughout the game and the wolves had no special protection from it.

The fun thing that did not happen in the game was the ability to turn another player into Chyrsophylax in the event of Boro's death. This ability would have functioned as follows:

1. This ability became active on NIGHT 2. I referred to this (and will refer to this throughout the post) as the Successor Pick. If Boro had been lynched on DAY 1, the ability would not have activated and he would have lost the game completely at that point. This also meant that if he had been a NIGHT kill on NIGHT 2 his pick would not have taken place and he would have lost. In short, he had to make a pick and survive NIGHT 2 in order for the pick to take effect.

2. A NIGHT that he made a Successor Pick he could not make a NIGHT kill. I did this to provide him with some camoflage...and also to not unbalance the game too much.

3. Boro could only change his Successor Pick if his initial Successor pick had been killed and he could only choose a replacement Successor pick once. Also, (and I made this rule during the game) once the Living Thread population dropped below five (or was projected to do so) the Succession would not take place and he would have to win on his own.

4. The Successor Pick had to be an Ordo or the pick ability would have been lost.

5. As it turned out, Boro picked Lommy as his Successor. However, she was not informed of this but it was alluded to in the narration. Lommy was the person who had the persistent itch, although she didn't know it. Also, when Nerwen dreamed of Lommy she was told that Lommy was an Ordo (which was mostly true at the time)

6. If Lommy had become Chrysophylax, she would not have had the Successor pick ability.

7. If Lommy had become Chrysophylax and had gone on to win, it would have counted as a win for Boro too.

8. Boro and Lommy had no ability to PM with each other during the game.

I think that was about it as far as the role was concerned.

There was something else I wanted to mention about the game, but now I can't remember what it was.

I hope that if somebody tries this type of format again, they will give serious consideration to the mechanics of a Visitor role as that will help with the information flow and (probably) make the game more exciting.

I also think that this type of style would be well suited to a Republic style game, with people elected to participate in the Legislature thread which would determine the lynchings or something like that. Obviously would need a lot of thought but I wanted to throw the idea out there.

Aganzir 06-16-2015 04:23 AM

That's a brilliant role, Kuru.

But the funniest thing is that Lommy persistently called Boro The Itch-Man. She knows who she contracted it from, doesn't she? ;)

Aganzir 06-16-2015 05:03 AM

Best of the dead thread
I put together a little post listing some of my personal favourites in the Dead Thread. :smokin:

25 The narcissist
27 FBI
28 This level of empathy

100 Agan and Greenie are dead
135 Somebody hacked me
175 I know how to make them talk

179 Love doesn't last forever (scroll down)
192 Not the way Agan suggests
223 New rule (scroll down for...)
225 Link please
226 It sucks
227 Like seriously?
228 Rumours
426 We're all dead
531 The Third Wheel

103 Searching for the culprit
200 Who counts?
209 Ethnic cleansing
239 Jawohl!
440 Who's responsible
1078 I will end him
231 Several paragraph analyses
236 The seer is dead
279 Having a party here
331 Wait till she hears it
408 I'm not a wolf look at these theories
423 I'll pretend to believe it

438 Galadriel55
441 They had it coming
443 Eat that!
449 Actually lovers
475 Your mom
478 And your mom
493 Word with you
495 Quid rides?
496 And your mom too

532 A present
569 I give up
621 Kath's reasoning
630 Last man standing
646 Bye bye living thread
662 morm's avatar
686 No brakes
720 His intention
721 Face hurts
723 Strangle someone closer to home
727 Legate = wolf
730 So problematic
750 Violent vocabulary
757 Confidence booster
764 Shut him up
771 I envy the man
773 You're limiting my freedom
780 If Nilp gets empowered
783 Too perfect

713 Can I?
751 I will
769 Not a threat puppy eyes
781 You can't
851 Found your house
812 It died
861 Kawaii
873 Guarhoth
877 Why bother?
882 Shut him down
885 What Nerwen said about Boro
888 Aaaaah!


692 Lommy is poetic
770 Morm and Form
904 Nerwen's dreams
911 Tweedledum and Tweedledee
930 Rodney the Hamster
1009 How did you get together
933 Wish they rhymed
1011 They could rhyme
1133 The Orms
1134 Phormal and Normal
910 Lottie's filibuster
936 Dads are evil
939 Dad Thread
943 Phantom hitting a wolf
964 Modly wrath
989 We need to get a mod here
1014 Simbelmyne 1
1015 Simbelmyne 2
1031 What do you fear?
1038 Nerwen's new avatar
1054 Go Boro!
1055 End of filibuster
1067 Be nice, Mac
1069 Grip, let's make a deal
1081 Mith is phantom
1127 Upon the wolf the Form is red

695 I could give you my number (scroll down for...)
698 Success tp success!
702 Superior genetics
723 Wiped from the face of the earth
1115 Phantom texts Legate
1122 All the players!
1123 I have a phone now
1151 Text me too?
1152 I never knew I wanted it
1163 Feel special?
1167 Very special!
1174 You can do it Lommy
1176 Power Rangers of the north
1222 Penguin taming a bear
1228 Vote with the werewolves (scroll down)

1248 Bans of varying length (scroll down to see cupcake)
1250 Fatal Nilping
1257 Easy choice
1263 Varying lengths indeed
1275 Never apologize
1279 No cake
1307 What is Nerwen?
1309 Missed chance
1312 Uncloaking

1298 Could we reveal Kuru?
1301 DWARF
1302 The food chain
1311 ++
1318 Up and down
1325 Mod not responsible
128 Kill the noisiest
214 Ooooo!
163 Predator
1314 The Downer from Down Under
1317 Shasta
1323 Willkommen
1346 Crack the whip
1347 Let's talk behind his back
1357 Sweetie
1349 Bidding war
1351 Lommy swearing
1362 Dead inside
1365 Flip-flop
1371 Retrospective
1377 Bring him down
1378 You'll think less of yourself
1479 Megazord
1489 The 88 Plan
1545 Macalaure trolling

1558 Let's all team up!
1562 Nicolas Cage as Orcs
1567 Tweedlemom and Tweedleform
1573 Merry and Pippin
1616 emPowering the Ranger
1635 Nicolas Cage as Gandalf

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