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Cailín 10-28-2005 03:58 AM

I'm going to sit the next few games out, because I really would like to pass all my exams.

It seems like we don't need a Junior game this time. Does anyone else feel like the phantom's game was like, the peak of the werewolf mania and Tol-in-Gaurhoth might now slowly be fading into nothingness? It's a depressing thought, but somehow it seems likely to me...

dancing spawn of ungoliant 10-28-2005 06:54 AM

Heh, I told phantom that his game is going to be so demanding that no one is able to play for a while after it. :D

I was thinking about a very basic game of about 12-15 players. I personally have no rush to mod this game, so if there are people who need to take a breath before a new game, it's fine with me. Since last May Downers have played 14 games in a row. Maybe it's time to take a tiny break? Is it okay with those who have already signed up? Anyway, I can't tell, when the game starts before I have more players.

mormegil 10-28-2005 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Cailín

It seems like we don't need a Junior game this time. Does anyone else feel like the phantom's game was like, the peak of the werewolf mania and Tol-in-Gaurhoth might now slowly be fading into nothingness? It's a depressing thought, but somehow it seems likely to me...

No I highly doubt it. I'm still up for many more games but I just feel a need for a couple of weeks off and I think that many people are feeling the same. Some of us dedicate too much time to it so our families need us again.

Spawn if you wait 2 or 3 weeks I could probably join but I understand that this is a long time so not a big deal.

Kuruharan 10-28-2005 07:58 AM

You can sign me up for the next game, as long as you wait to start until the tail end of next week.

A week from today would be okay.

Encaitare 10-28-2005 08:06 AM

I'll be taking a break for the next couple of games... being a wolf has tired me out!

The Saucepan Man 10-28-2005 08:19 AM

I'm out for 2 weeks, as I am going on (yet another) business trip in a week's time. :rolleyes:

Gurthang 10-28-2005 08:21 AM

Well, I would also like to play again, but a break would be good. I will probably have some stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I can't play until mid to late November anyway. I would like to be in spawn's game if at all possible.

littlemanpoet 10-28-2005 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan
You can sign me up for the next game, as long as you wait to start until the tail end of next week.

A week from today would be okay.

If Kuru's in, I want to play. .... if you can hold it off until a week from today, as he has requested.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 10-28-2005 10:01 AM

I've got a suggestion: those who can't wait to be killed in a gruesome way could go and join Perky's WWJ game while we others take a little break. We could start WW XIII after a week or on 20th November. Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Kuruharan 10-28-2005 10:07 AM


I'm out for 2 weeks, as I am going on (yet another) business trip in a week's time.
Where are your priorities Man?


We could start WW XIII after a week or on 20th November
November 20 would be pushing it out a little far for me. I have no idea what I might have to be up to by then.

Boromir88 10-28-2005 10:08 AM


No I highly doubt it. I'm still up for many more games but I just feel a need for a couple of weeks off and I think that many people are feeling the same. Some of us dedicate too much time to it so our families need us again.

Spawn if you wait 2 or 3 weeks I could probably join but I understand that this is a long time so not a big deal.~mormegil
I certainly am up for more werewolf games. I just kind of feel the same, good to get a break once in a while, but now I'm unsure if I want to miss out on Spawn's game, because I'm sure this one would be another just totally fun one. :D

mormegil 10-28-2005 10:24 AM

I really wish to play with Kuru again but the 20th works for me I believe though for us Americans the 24th is Thanksgiving so we will be busy that day. So if it is that long count me in.

Boromir88 10-28-2005 10:31 AM

And I have to be the opposite of mormegil, if you do wait for the 20th I can't be around. I'll be gone through most of that Thanksgiving week, almost forgot about that.

The Saucepan Man 10-28-2005 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kuru
Where are your priorities Man?

I can imagine similar questions being raised in other quarters were I to cancel the trip to play a game of Werewolf. Unfortunately, those questions might have rather more far-reaching consequences for my career and family ... :eek: ;)

I'm back from my trip on 13 November and so would be able to play any time from that day on. My availability will be limited on 15 and 16 November, but nothing that would prevent me playing.

If people want to go ahead sooner, though, I am happy to sit this one out.

Anguirel 10-28-2005 10:53 AM

20th is fine for me. Rather welcome actually...

Kitanna 10-28-2005 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by dancing spawn of ungoliant
I've got a suggestion: those who can't wait to be killed in a gruesome way could go and join Perky's WWJ game while we others take a little break. We could start WW XIII after a week or on 20th November. Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

A break is good, but Nov. 20 may be too late for me (I'm supposed to be on a trip with no computer access) and I'd really hate to miss out on this game.

Celuien 10-28-2005 11:14 AM

I'd like to play again, but my schedule is going to be impossible again starting on the 21st and probably staying that way until February/March (other than while on vacation to London at the end of the year :D). So if the game starts next week, I'm up for a round.

Gurthang 10-28-2005 11:48 AM

Well, I guess it also depends on when Perky wants to have his game. If he starts quickly, that one could be done by the 20th fairly easily. I really want to get in another game, especially since I was only alive for a Day in my last game. Spawn's game will be priority, though.

Boromir88 10-28-2005 11:52 AM

I really should take a break, so don't put me down as a player unless you actually need more of them.

Lalaith 10-28-2005 12:01 PM


November 20 would be pushing it out a little far for me. I have no idea what I might have to be up to by then.
I feel the same as Kuru, I'm not sure I could commit to something so far in advance. A game starting a week from today would suit me fine....but of course the majority must hold sway....

Firefoot 10-28-2005 02:12 PM

Spawn - count me in for your game as long as it starts sometime after next Saturday (November 5) - since I'll be out of town that weekend, coming back on Sunday afternoon.

Bergil 10-28-2005 02:54 PM

count me in

tar-ancalime 10-28-2005 06:34 PM

Either a week from now or waiting till the 20th is fine with me.

wilwarin538 10-28-2005 07:09 PM

20th is fine for me. I would like to have a brake anyway.

Glirdan 10-28-2005 10:11 PM

The 13th until the 26th is a REALLY bad time for me. My school is putting on a musical and I'm part of the pit band and we have practice until 8 o'clock after school and then the musical starts on the 18th and doesn't end until the 26th. Anytime after that is fine and if we started sooner, it'd be even better. But by all means, start it then. My posting just won't be regualr and I won't be able to defend myself much or get much posting done.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 10-29-2005 02:16 AM

I'm now leaning toward starting the game next week (probably on Saturday, which would be NIGHT 1) but I have to still think about it a while. In the meantime, we could discuss time zones. How many of you have immense difficulties if the days start and end at 7 or 8 pm. GMT?

Cailín 10-29-2005 02:21 AM

Well, I wasn't saying I wished for the werewolf games to stop. :D

Since I'm going to take a break till at least December, even though I'm sorely tempted to just continue playing, don't wait for me - though I'm sure you weren't going to.

Also, I'd really like to try modding a game sometime after Christmas, but I'm not sure if you should let me, since I'll likely use all signed up players as psychological test subjects. :rolleyes:

wilwarin538 10-29-2005 04:57 AM

I have a suggestion that might make you all dislake me very much, But I think it would be a good idea. here goes:

I think we should stop all Werewolf games untill next summer.


- us students have a lot of homework, and WW distracts us(atleast for me it does) even if we all say we wont play any till December, its just not true, the next mod will sign up and we'll all want to play

- if the games keep on going WW will start to die out and then disappear completely, I'm already getting a little bored with it, but I still want to play

- we could still have a Christmas game, but that should be the last one after Spawns till the summer

- then summer comes along and we could have as many games going as we want, but once school starts the games stop, we have a chritmas one, then we wait till summer again

- WW is very popular, I'm afraid people are going to start registering for the Downs only for the purpose of playing WW, that would so not be fun

- I havnt been doing as good in the WW games as I had during the summer, I only have about 2 hours in the day where I can post. i think thats probably the case for most people

Soooooo, How many of you want to hurt me right now for suggesting this? :rolleyes:

Anguirel 10-29-2005 05:47 AM

I don't want to hurt you, Wilwa, but I disagree with you a wee bit.

Not all of us are students. Of those of us who are students, not all of us are industrious. Some of us are even, I would hazard, bone-idle procrastinators.

And besides, it's a proven fact that Werewolf is good for the brain!

I am a bit concerned by the idea of Werewolf registrators, but I'm sure that if they step out of line they'll be easily dealt with by the mods, and either rehabilitated into the community or fed to Sharku for breakfast...

Celuien 10-29-2005 06:08 AM

Ah yes, Ang, the joys of procrastination are numerous. I have a pile of assignments that I've been putting off on the stated basis of being busy work, although I did make up for it by finishing others for the same class a month in advance.

As for breaking until summer, I also have to disagree. It's true that not everyone here is a student. And even among those of us who are students, not everyone has a summer break. I don't. :( So I guess we'll just have to find a way to balance Werewolf addiction with schoolwork.

I think that 7-8 PM GMT works out to 2-3 PM in the eastern US, which fine with me.

Firefoot 10-29-2005 07:15 AM


I think that 7-8 PM GMT works out to 2-3 PM in the eastern US, which fine with me.
That doesn't work terribly well for me. That's right at the point when school lets out for me, so I would be voting about six-seven hours before the deadline, and it would mostly be a brief voting post. All of my real participation would be happening very early in the day. Something closer to midnight GMT would probably work better for me.

Cailín 10-29-2005 07:23 AM

Wilwa, I'm one of those so uncool people who registered in the first place to play werewolves. Since then, I've been thoroughly rehabilitated and have completely dedicated myself to the developing of a solid Lord of the Rings obsession. So far, the results are quite impressive. :p

But that as a side note. I'm a student as well, but I think that like most students, I have periods when I work a little harder and periods when I lean back, fail some exams and just see whatever will happen. Perhaps it's a good idea for students (and anyone really) to anticipate in advance whether they have time or not to join in a werewolf game. I agree, if people just sign up because they want to play, even though they don't have the time to commit, the games will grow rather tedious after a while and everyone will just participate out of habit. That's why I suggested we might limit ourselves to hosting one game at a time for the next few weeks / months.

If you feel like you will grow bored of the game if you continue signing up, then don't. As far as I can see right now, werewolves will be a part of the Downs for a while and maybe the key to keeping it fun (and active) is playing only occasionally.

But don't worry. I don't generally hurt people for making suggestions.

Glirdan 10-29-2005 07:30 AM

Now I know why I'm so stressed!! I have to stop taking so much on, it's not good for my brain. I swear, because of it, my marks have dropped, and I'm normally a really good student. So, this is most likely the last game for me for awhile. I just won't have time once my 3 until 8 practices start. And then I have to start studying for exams. And I have a huge book report to do which is due on Tuesday. No more socializing for me for awhile, which also means you'll be seeing less of me here as well.

As for time zones, I think I'm the same as Celuien. I think, correct me if I'm wrong Wilwa.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 10-29-2005 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Firefoot
Something closer to midnight GMT would probably work better for me.

I myself am living on GMT +2 zone, so midnight is out of question. Would it help at all if the voting deadline was 9 pm. GMT?

About future WW games; maybe we shouldn't take it for granted that a new game begins right after one game has ended. A new village can be set up once there is enough players. No one should feel obligated to sign up, or people will lose their enthusiasm for playing. Also, be sure to take care of your RL things so you won't lose a scholarship or something because of a WW game! :rolleyes: :)

Firefoot 10-29-2005 08:59 AM


I myself am living on GMT +2 zone, so midnight is out of question. Would it help at all if the voting deadline was 9 pm. GMT?
Yes, that would be better. I'll still be cutting it a little close, but that should work. (As long as that is 3 pm CST, as I think it is.)

Glirdan 10-29-2005 09:15 AM

If that is, I'd have a really big problem. My vote would have to be cast at like 10:30 at night. So you won't see a whole lot of me.

littlemanpoet 10-29-2005 01:14 PM

If the Ungoliant's game straddles U.S. Thanksgiving, I have to bow out. If it starts up soon and will be over by then, I'm in. And if so, I'll be the village undertaker; that is, body parts putter back together (oops, I think that was a finger, not a nose, oh well), embalmer, coffin maker, monument maker, grave digger, cemetery gardener, et cetera. I think I can have lots of posting fun with that. :D

Mithalwen 10-29-2005 01:43 PM

Apart from the stress factor, another reason that puts me off playing again is that it seems that it has become inherently suspicious not to be around ALL the time. If you don't have internet access 24/7 it makes things difficult.

I did it might be fun to have a one day game with a lynching every hour? Maybe between Christmas and New Year.... That would stop the cursed lists........

Gurthang 10-29-2005 01:49 PM

Mith, that would be completely insane. I kinda like the idea. :D

Of course, we'd have to make sure that all the players have no plans for the entire day. The wolves would at least have to be there the whole time(to pick their nightly kill every hour) and some of the villagers would survive the whole time also.

Still, that would be a lot of fun.

Boromir88 10-29-2005 04:31 PM


Apart from the stress factor, another reason that puts me off playing again is that it seems that it has become inherently suspicious not to be around ALL the time. If you don't have internet access 24/7 it makes things difficult.
I'd have to disagree with you there. I'd vote at like 6 (voting was closed 1:30 AM) and wouldn't appear for the rest of the night, and I did quite fine. The only reason I died is as Firefoot said, it was hard to defend me because I was playing dumb. :p

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