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Hookbill the Goomba 03-26-2012 12:52 PM

Okay! Big news!!! The accommodation is booked!! (Or will be as soon as they get the booking form through the post).

We will be staying at;
The Newark and Sherwood Holiday cottage from 6th August - 19th August.

I should explain why I didn't book the bunk barn. It was becoming a massive pain in the butt, for one. They wanted a definite number of visitors for each day, which I was unable to provide seeing as we don't know if everyone will be able to go yet. Plus, we would be sharing the space with other parties at the same time; not good if we want to get up to late night shenanigans. I did offer that we had a tent for people who were outside the number of beds booked, but that was not allowed. Moreover, they said we'd be responsible for our own luggage being kept separate from other people's and they wouldn't be held responsible for any thefts. Which worried me a lot.

The holiday cottage people were nicer with me and said they're flexible with the numbers. Technically it only houses 12, but we would be free to put sleeping bags etc in the living room and elsewhere, plus the tent if needed. Moreover, we'll be on our own and can be as loud and silly as we like. :D
They also have some included entertainment systems, stereo system, radio, DVD player, internet access (wireless broadband) and so on. We will be in good shape, I think.

The people gave me a special discount because we're booking for two whole weeks. The full price will be Ł1,600, minus the Ł400 deposit I just paid. (Thanks to all you that donated to the deposit fund!), leaving Ł1,100 left to pay by the 14th of May.
I'll reboot the Indegogo Campaign once it has run its course and we can start chipping in again. I don't want anyone to feel pressured into donating more than they can afford, so we'll try and get as close as possible before the date, but anything after will still be helpful. I hope this is okay with everyone.

I know some of you were set on the bunk barns and I tried to get them, but in the end I couldn't do it. I hope this is just as good in the end. Please don't kill me! :(

Estelyn Telcontar 03-26-2012 12:59 PM

*Applause, applause, applause!!!

Thanks for going through all that work for us, Hooky!! I for one really appreciate your planning and preparation and look forward very much to coming! The cottage looks great and it will be nice to have it to ourselves. It will be fun to explore an area of England that is new to me!

Kath 03-26-2012 02:32 PM

Bahaha this is the one I liked anyway! :D Though I now feel even worse about forgetting to send you money. *ducks* I will rectify this at the weekend when school finishes. Thank you Hook!

Lalwendë 03-26-2012 03:20 PM

Fantastic!!! I was very near here last Wednesday, I went over to Newark and Southwell. It's a lovely area with loads to see and Notts people are lovely. You'll have to accept everyone will call you 'Duck' and 'Flower'. ;) There's a very nice pub and old church in the village and it's very close to Sherwood for Ent spotting.

Street View Link

I have also done a quick look up for travel. There are two bus services in the village almost outside the cottage, the 14 (Stagecoach) which runs to Mansfield each hour and the 36 (YourBus) which runs to Retford each hour. I note, no buses on Sundays though. Retford is on the line for Kings Cross and it's a very quick trip. It's also on the line for Sheffield, Worksop and Doncaster where you can make other changes. Mansfield is on the line for Nottingham where you can change for St Pancras and Loughborough (which is 17 minutes). If anyone has travel queries I'm happy to look them up.

A Little Green 03-27-2012 05:19 AM

Yay! The cottage looks fantastic! Lal, we're probably coming from Liverpool, do you have any idea if it's smarter to use a train or a bus?

Aganzir 03-27-2012 10:01 AM

Great, thanks Hookbill! I was so keen on the bunk barn only because of a joke Bęth-b told on Facebook, but this sounds a lot better! Let me know when you need more monies.

Hookbill the Goomba 03-27-2012 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 668790)
Great, thanks Hookbill! I was so keen on the bunk barn only because of a joke Bęth-b told on Facebook, but this sounds a lot better! Let me know when you need more monies.

Any time is good, as long as I get it before 14th of May. The Indiegogo Campaign is still open, though it only goes up to Ł550 at the moment because I took a guess at how much we'd need. As soon as it finishes / reaches the 'goal', I'll restart it and we can raise the rest of the money. So feel free to donate now or later, whatever suits you. :)

Had a thought today about getting people together. If most people are arriving on the 6th August, I suggest everyone trying to get to a near-by city like Nottingham - I think you'll be able to get there from every airport with little difficulty, though Lal will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong - and spend the day there while we gather friends before heading off to the cottage in cars / buses / whatever.


If you want to see more of the cottage, there's a website here;

BIG pictures and it looks very pretty and awesome. :)

Estelyn Telcontar 03-27-2012 03:09 PM

Nottingham lace industry?! I may be the only person interested in seeing that...

It all looks very nice!

Kath 03-27-2012 03:43 PM

I'll be driving up from daaahn saaath that day so meeting at Nottingham sounds good as it means I'll have time to get to you. :-)

Lalwendë 03-27-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 668788)
Yay! The cottage looks fantastic! Lal, we're probably coming from Liverpool, do you have any idea if it's smarter to use a train or a bus?

There's an hourly direct train to Nottingham from Liverpool Lime Street! It's the Liverpool-Norwich train and goes via Manchester and Sheffield - also known as the student train because it goes through the major student cities - so is usually packed on Fridays/Sundays! It's very regular though. If you are coming from John Lennon airport then there should be a bus service into central Liverpool.

It's a very good idea for travellers to meet up in one place and move on from there!

Nottingham has lots to do, and you've also got Lincoln, Newark and Southwell nearby which are all stunning places.

Oddwen 03-27-2012 06:15 PM


The signs of historic times continue when moving upstairs with a genuine beam looming at the bottom of the stairs and is also capable of inflicting a very sore head on those who don't keep aware!
We can re-enact a popular scene from the blockbuster movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"! Yaaaaay!

Lalwendë 03-28-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Oddwen (Post 668798)
We can re-enact a popular scene from the blockbuster movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"! Yaaaaay!

Heh. Might as well make use of NHS concussion checks while you're over here :D

Hookbill the Goomba 03-28-2012 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Oddwen (Post 668798)
We can re-enact a popular scene from the blockbuster movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"! Yaaaaay!

I was thinking we should learn and sing all the songs from the animated Hobbit and Return of the King. Including such hits as, "Where There's A Whip There's A Way", "Down to Goblin Town", "The Bearer of the Ring", and "Frodo of the Nine Fingers".

On Saturday I'll compile some sort of rough guide for getting to Nottingham from the various cities with airports. Tell me where you'll be flying to before then and I'll try to get it worked out. :)

Also, I'm going to start compiling a first draft of a vague list of things what we will do on each day. Nothing solidly set, of course, but just to start the ball rolling towards discussion on what is do-able / desirable.

Oddwen 04-02-2012 08:22 PM

I found an airfare search engine that seems to have consistently lower prices than the main ones I have used.

You have to manually enter your results into another booking site....somehow. Maybe it'll help someone.

Oddwen 04-03-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba (Post 668812)
Also, I'm going to start compiling a first draft of a vague list of things what we will do on each day. Nothing solidly set, of course, but just to start the ball rolling towards discussion on what is do-able / desirable.

Is Loch Ness doable? :D

Aganzir 04-04-2012 05:49 AM

I haven't decided yet if I'm attending the Return of the Ring or not. It sounds interesting, but there's nothing that I'd really have to see, and it costs a lot. I guess in the end it also depends on who else is going.

However, I demand we have a Tolkien themed costume party at the moot. There would be one in RotR, but I'm under the impression many people won't be there, and costume parties are always fun. What say you?

A Little Green 04-04-2012 12:09 PM


However, I demand we have a Tolkien themed costume party at the moot. There would be one in RotR, but I'm under the impression many people won't be there, and costume parties are always fun. What say you?
I'm in - provided that you bring my costume. :Merisu:

A Little Green 04-04-2012 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lal
There's an hourly direct train to Nottingham from Liverpool Lime Street! It's the Liverpool-Norwich train and goes via Manchester and Sheffield - also known as the student train because it goes through the major student cities - so is usually packed on Fridays/Sundays! It's very regular though. If you are coming from John Lennon airport then there should be a bus service into central Liverpool.

Thank you Lal! An hourly train sounds perfect for us, and the students shouldn't bother us since we're probably coming on Monday or Tuesday. :D I'm assuming someone can pick us up from Nottingham. As for the airport bus, we're actually coming by ferry from Dublin, so we don't have to worry about those.

Hookbill the Goomba 04-05-2012 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 668940)
However, I demand we have a Tolkien themed costume party at the moot. There would be one in RotR, but I'm under the impression many people won't be there, and costume parties are always fun. What say you?

I agree! :D

Also, at some point, we'll need to get a comprehensive list of people with special dietary requirements so I can gather supplies before teh moot. Veggie and so on. There will be SO MUCH QUORN! ;)
Also, I'd better get some Jelly Babies...

Aganzir 04-05-2012 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba (Post 668963)
Also, at some point, we'll need to get a comprehensive list of people with special dietary requirements so I can gather supplies before teh moot. Veggie and so on. There will be SO MUCH QUORN!

We made a list before Finlandmoot, and if it's still somewhere, you're welcome to use the information there if it makes your life any easier.

I should be able to provide you guys with some bread anyway, assuming someone helps me with the kneading because it's tedious work. ;)

A Little Green 04-05-2012 06:07 AM


We made a list before Finlandmoot, and if it's still somewhere, you're welcome to use the information there if it makes your life any easier.
I have it, so Hooky give me a cry if you need something from it.

Hookbill the Goomba 04-05-2012 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 668966)
I have it, so Hooky give me a cry if you need something from it.

Can't believe I didn't think of this! Of course you clever people have a list already! :)
Mind you, there are some coming who were not at the Finny moot...

A Little Green 04-06-2012 03:09 AM

Done! Although my internet died during the process of sending it so I'm unsure whether it actually worked or not..

Pomegranate 04-06-2012 06:15 AM

Add me to the list, I'm a veggie and especially nono fish.

Oh, and Greenie and I had a wonderful discussion of costumes, I think we might even end up having something despite travelling with minimum luggage for over a month before that. We shall see.

Hookbill the Goomba 04-06-2012 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 668979)
Done! Although my internet died during the process of sending it so I'm unsure whether it actually worked or not..

Got it, cheers!

Just reminding everyone that we still need folk to pitch in for payment for the cottage. I realise those of you coming from abroad will be paying for more travel expenses than us natives, so I won't demand too high a price of you. But please chip in what you can. I don't want to go bankrupt. :(

Use PayPal, send to:
Or the IndieGoGo site;

Sorry to harp on about it like some harping harp, but we need to get something together by the start of May. Eeek!

Aganzir 04-07-2012 05:25 AM

There should be a cheque winging it's way to you at the moment Hook. Does depend on a) my mother and b) the British postal service over Easter so let me know if it hasn't reached you by the end of next week!

EDIT: Oops, this is Kath! Don't expect a cheque from Agan!

Guinevere 04-07-2012 02:14 PM

Is it confirmed that there will be 13 people staying at the cottage? If there are 1100Ł left to be paid, that would make about 85Ł each, right?

Originally I planned to stay only the few days in the second week until RotR begins. But if I look at flight prices I probably will have to come in the middle of the first week.

Bęthberry 04-08-2012 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 668790)
Great, thanks Hookbill! I was so keen on the bunk barn only because of a joke Bęth-b told on Facebook, but this sounds a lot better! Let me know when you need more monies.

What! I made a joke! Heavens! ;)

I think this place is also much nicer than the bunk beds. You should have lots of fun without the spartan accommodations.


Originally Posted by Oddwen
I found an airfare search engine that seems to have consistently lower prices than the main ones I have used.

You have to manually enter your results into another booking site....somehow. Maybe it'll help someone.

Thanks! The charter airlines are several hundreds of dollars cheaper than my regular national airline, but they don't give me much flexibility about the dates. And the good old national airline is several hundreds of dollars more expensive suddenly after May 31st. *grumbles some more*

I don't know quite how close you will be to Yorkshire, but there is a lovely little museum that is under some financial pressure due to cutbacks which has a bit of literary history to it. Some of you might be interested in it.

Red House Museum Gomersal

Aganzir 04-08-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Guinevere (Post 669005)
Is it confirmed that there will be 13 people staying at the cottage? If there are 1100Ł left to be paid, that would make about 85Ł each, right?

I'm not sure about the numbers, but we might have to take into account that people will be staying for different periods of time. I'm not sure if it's fair to make those who only stay for four nights pay as much as those who stay for the whole two weeks.


Originally Posted by Bęthberry (Post 669030)
What! I made a joke! Heavens!

See, your sense of humour influences the choices I make in real life. ;)

Hookbill the Goomba 04-10-2012 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 668999)
There should be a cheque winging it's way to you at the moment Hook. Does depend on a) my mother and b) the British postal service over Easter so let me know if it hasn't reached you by the end of next week!

EDIT: Oops, this is Kath! Don't expect a cheque from Agan!

Got it today! Though one of my siblings opened it as his initial is also 'J' :rolleyes:

Guinevere 04-15-2012 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 669035)
I'm not sure about the numbers, but we might have to take into account that people will be staying for different periods of time. I'm not sure if it's fair to make those who only stay for four nights pay as much as those who stay for the whole two weeks.

And since there are only 12 places for sleeping in beds, I wouldn't think it fair that those who have to bring an air matrass and sleeping bag and sleep on the floor should pay the same amount...
I wish things weren't so vague!!

Hookbill the Goomba 04-15-2012 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Guinevere (Post 669205)
And since there are only 12 places for sleeping in beds, I wouldn't think it fair that those who have to bring an air matrass and sleeping bag and sleep on the floor should pay the same amount...
I wish things weren't so vague!!

Sorry for the vagueness, it's not intentional; I can only give you the information and ideas I have - and there's not much of either.

As I posted on FB...

Those of you wondering how much you might need to pay for the accomodation, I've tried to find a good way of working it out...
According to the page we've got 13 people coming. We need Ł1,100, and there are 14 days in total, which means each day will cost the group Ł78.57. Assuming all 13 people are present on any given day, that'll mean each day will cost the individual Ł6.04. But since not everyone will be present on each day this presents a problem. I'm thinking of saying everyone pitch in, say, Ł10 per day or something? Meaning the most someone would have to pay (for both weeks) would be Ł140... I think.
If you're going to RotR, then that's only 10 days you'll be staying at the cottage, so Ł100 should be enough to cover it. (Anything over the total to pay will go towards food and fun times, but we'll work all that out once the accommodation is sorted).
I do feel kind of bad for asking so much money of people, especially those coming from abroad with added travel costs. But if we don't rais the money either I'll have take the hit or we cancel.

As for the beds, there are enough to sleep 12 people, plus there's a sofa bed. I will also be bringing some air mattresses (2 of them), but I'd suggest bringing a sleeping back just in case.

Aganzir 04-16-2012 08:27 AM

Is Ł100 pounds from me next week okay? Because Annina will be back in the UK by then, and I'd prefer that to online transfers. I can also do IndieGoGo if you need the money earlier though. :)

Speaking of beds, I don't mind sleeping wherever there's room, be it a bed or a mattress on the floor (that's how I sleep at home too, anyway).

Hookbill the Goomba 04-16-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 669232)
Is Ł100 pounds from me next week okay? Because Annina will be back in the UK by then, and I'd prefer that to online transfers. I can also do IndieGoGo if you need the money earlier though. :)

Speaking of beds, I don't mind sleeping wherever there's room, be it a bed or a mattress on the floor (that's how I sleep at home too, anyway).

Whatever you're able to donate should be fine. As long as we get enough by the 12th of May

Aganzir 04-18-2012 03:48 PM

Just sent you money on IndieGoGo - after reading that they will charge you more if you don't reach your goal. :)

A question - how far is the cottage from Loughborough? Because even if I go to Rotr, it would be nicer to stay at the cottage. Except it's too far, isn't it?

Hookbill the Goomba 04-20-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 669364)
Just sent you money on IndieGoGo - after reading that they will charge you more if you don't reach your goal. :)

A question - how far is the cottage from Loughborough? Because even if I go to Rotr, it would be nicer to stay at the cottage. Except it's too far, isn't it?

You're a star, Agan. :D

I think it's a bit far; there's a train from Newark to Loughborough that takes about an hour. Might be plausible.

Bęthberry 04-20-2012 06:54 PM

There are banquets and evening activities planned at RotR, all part of the registration costs, so it would be a shame to miss them. It might be a good idea to check times for trains. (I don't know how late/early yours run.)

Another alternative might be to find a B&B in Loughborough.

Lalwendë 05-03-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 668950)
Thank you Lal! An hourly train sounds perfect for us, and the students shouldn't bother us since we're probably coming on Monday or Tuesday. :D I'm assuming someone can pick us up from Nottingham. As for the airport bus, we're actually coming by ferry from Dublin, so we don't have to worry about those.

I'm a bit jealous. Sailing into Liverpool is utterly awesome. The P&O ferries come in at Bootle/Seaforth which is north of the city centre. You'd need transport into Liverpool centre, but I think you shouldn't be far from Seaforth & Litherland station, which will take you right into Central station. Stena Line come in at Birkenhead, which should mean you can take the 'Ferry across the Mersey' (very cool).

Hookbill the Goomba 05-17-2012 01:45 PM


I've sent off a cheque to the Homestead people to pay the final payment for the cottage. We managed to raise about Ł500 together, but the other Ł600 had to come out of my own savings account, so if you've not paid yet please contact me and let me know when you can. :(
I don't want to go all loan shark, but I don't want this to end with me marching you to a cash point in Nottingham. :p

Morthoron 05-17-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba (Post 669957)

I've sent off a cheque to the Homestead people to pay the final payment for the cottage. We managed to raise about Ł500 together, but the other Ł600 had to come out of my own savings account, so if you've not paid yet please contact me and let me know when you can. :(
I don't want to go all loan shark, but I don't want this to end with me marching you to a cash point in Nottingham. :p

Youse guys betta not be "on dah hook" to Hookbill. He'll break yer kneecaps with dah spine of a one-volume edition of Lord of the Rings. Dah Goomba is like dat, eh paisan?

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