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Tevildo 02-14-2006 03:11 PM

I have started the fire and the evening meal, and made a place for the women's bedrolls close to the fire so they will be more protected. (I'm not sure if Vaenosa will like this.)

Eowyn Skywalker 02-14-2006 07:18 PM

Eostre and Meghan hate each other... (crosses eyes) I never meant for this friction to occur between the two female members of the Bregoware party, seriously, I didn't. But it's amusing and may at least cause for plot strife as things carry on...

...hopefully they won't continue acting like such... brats... for the rest of the trip, though. Lack of trust is not good.

I think my computer issues have resolved themselves. Think. Must run spyware or something. (kicks computer)

Naria 02-14-2006 07:43 PM

I've put my post up! Yeah I know, finally :D

Arry 02-15-2006 01:40 PM


I've gotten the group settled in for the evening. Incana, Vaenosa, & Dorran go ahead and make your own finishing up the evening and getting off to sleep posts.

Naria, how about mentioning to brand before you go off to your own bedroll about the deer track you saw.

& who wants to post as taking the night's first watch?




If no one's gotten your group to the night camp by tomorrow morning real time - then I'll figure out someway to get you there.

Then, Undóme, please bring your carry along character into the camp.

-- Arry

Farael 02-15-2006 02:09 PM

Sorry Arry, I'm on it... some RL stuff came up but it seems to be over now. My apologies if anyone was waiting for me to write it, we'll get going as soon as I finish writing the post up.

EDIT: Fellow Bregowares,
Given that I'll be chumping quite a bit of time, I hope you won't mind if I borrow your characters a little bit. Let me know if you would like any corrections to be made

Edit#2: Good, we are camping for the night now. I would not want to have deer for dinner as it'd sound as if we were following Wulfham's story too closely. How about catching some rabbits? It might even force us to work as a team, one scaring the rabbit towards the other two who will (hopefully) catch it. What do you say?

Naria 02-15-2006 06:09 PM

I know that this isn't the place to post about a rep, but I thought maybe I'd get a better response here than in the rep thread. I find it difficult to thank somone for a rep when there is no name attached. So if it was from somebody here, please let me know. :) Thanks

btw the rep was for this thread

Eowyn Skywalker 02-16-2006 12:38 AM

Right... I'll permit the godmod of my character in the light of this being a lot stronger of a story-based RPG and that we needed to move forwards greatly, but I really don't like being godmodded at all. I look at it in the light of Eostre (or whoever else) being my character, thereby I'm the only one who'll know how she thinks to get her to respond.

Fortunately she doesn't mind being used to suggest getting supper. She says she would've phrased it a bit differently, but wasn't so dirastically out of character that I'd require a rewrite of that line. Heh. She's not usually one to first suggest something, though, just to remember. She's more... quiet. Think before acting. Annoying, really. (smacks her) But it was close enough to in character I'll survive

I'll get a post in once we decide how we're going to do this. Maybe we could get some fish if there's a stream nearby? And I think both of us girls brought archery gear... some of the men might've too... maybe we could bag a duck/goose or three?

I also suggest, since we're getting near the river, it could be getting a bit wetter, seeing as Rohan's fairly flat and flat lands tend to get boggy even a ways away, depending on the season. We might be able to pick up some interesting root vegtables or herbs, maybe some wild strawberries for desert? We should also consider discussion watches before night falls IC, and in OOC any possible nighttime perils, just to hike the drama a tad...

A question. Approxomately what season is this in Terran months? Just so we know how late it'll be before night falls and the sun rises...

Arry 02-16-2006 01:30 AM

From the Discussion Thread:



This game takes place in the Third Age, very late autumn, of the year just prior to the start of the War of the Ring. (The War of the Ring begins in June of 3018 TA).
Specifically - it's mid-October.

As a reference, sunset here in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. for that time of year is around 6:30 p.m; sunrise around 7:30 a.m.

Farael 02-16-2006 03:39 AM

Eowyn, I'm sorry if I used your character a bit, but I needed to chomp a lot of time in one post and it would have not worked if EVERYTHING had been Osmod's ramblings and second-thoughts. If you can think of a better way for me to phrase Eostre's request, please let me know. I think of all the characters she is the most likely to make such statement. Unless I'm reading her completely wrong, Meghan will not do it and I'm not sure I get a read on Fionn yet.

I'll try to limit using other characters in the future. For further reference, Osmod can be 'borrowed' if needed be just as long as
a) Whoever borrows him does not go too deeply into his thoughts and reasoning
b) He does not say anything that would be out of character and most importantly,
c) The borrower ought to be willing to change/delete Osmod's part in the post if I think it's not quite right.

Point B is a little complicated so point C is most important. If you are ok with that then I'm ok with you using Osmod (note, I often use "you" as a general "you all" even right after being talking to a specific someone. just clarifying as the list was a case of a 'general you')

Another thing we could do if time allows is to put the possible post on this thread first and see how we work it all together. After all, this is a 'team' effort, right?

Still Eowyn, if you think I should change it, let me know. I could make it an unidentified grumble or maybe someone else will volunteer for it. I wasn't sure if I should have used Eostre as I don't want her to be "the bad guy" of the group but at that moment and given that I did not have time to discuss it with everyone, she seemed the best fit.

Valier 02-16-2006 10:21 AM

Wulfhamers: I have decided that Vaenosa should take first watch(She wouldn't have it anyother way would she?) Oh and the salve is supposed to be horseradish or something like it! Oh if someone would approach Vaenosa soon to get her to wake them next would be good. I will wait till Telvido does his nightly post then I will post the first watch. I have an idea I would like to try, to open Vaenosa up a little bit. Let me know if this is ok! :D

Eowyn Skywalker 02-16-2006 06:09 PM

Farael: No, she's the cynic of a group, so remarking "I thought you promised us a fire, at any rate" or something like that's fairly IC. But, yes, I agree. Meghan's too... at the moment, too naive and nice to be pushy (that's how Eostre reads her), and Fionn's too "happy days slashed with evil angst etc so let's just be Luke Skywalker instead!". If you know what I mean. If you want to plug in a bit of an edit and indicate that she thought that no one else would've even considered that they needed a fire and dinner before they could have breakfast, curse it all... or something like that... just to explain why she spoke up.

Thank you, Arry. I knew it was late fall, but I didn't know what timezone you were basing it on... heh. I wanted a Terran view for translation.

Farael 02-16-2006 06:22 PM

While you are right and I should add what you say, my post is still focused on Osmod. I'm not sure I could show any insight into Eostre's thoughts in the middle of it with any sort of credibility. Why don't you add it into the last post you wrote?

Edit: and sorry, I'm not a big fan of star wars, I have no idea what you just said about FIonn

Eowyn Skywalker 02-16-2006 08:43 PM


Oh, that's fine. I'm not demanding an edit... trust me. Don't worry about it. If this wasn't just a one-thread RPG, I'd have a fit and insist on an edit, but as it's plot based I'll tolerate bunnying. And basically I was implying that Fionn seems to be a bit of a typical hero type... a bit naive, etc.

Envinyatar 02-17-2006 02:57 AM

* Riders of Wulfham *

Through the good graces of your game founder, there is now a 120 lb, angry and hungry female cougar stalking your horses.

You're trespassing in her range and to be honest she doesn't like two-leggeds on general purposes.

The female of the species . . . 'has a distinct scream that has been described as "nerve-wracking, demoniac, terror-striking, a trilling wail" '.

Good luck!

Arry 02-17-2006 04:04 AM

OK - I've gotten us on our way to encountering what's attacking the camp.

She's a large, determined predator . . . let's start the battle against her . . . but please, no one kill her off all in one post.

Give Envinyatar another chance to write for her.

There is a chance that there will be injuries to at least one of the horses and possibly to the characters. If you are willing to have your horse or characters hurt in some way - please go ahead and write that at some point in one of the battle posts.

-- Arry

piosenniel 02-17-2006 01:55 PM

Arry & Envin

Just to let you know I added the Wulfham banner to your posts.


Farael 02-17-2006 06:56 PM

Should I let the 'battle' scene with the cougar finish before I post again? I would not want to 'disrupt' the pace of the other part of the story.

I could get a post up tonight, or tomorrow as well.

Valier 02-17-2006 10:11 PM

I'm making this post at 10:11 pm Please let me know what time it says that I posted on this box in your time. Then We will all know what times we will be posting because it seems to me that most of you post when I am sleeping.:D

Envinyatar 02-18-2006 12:23 AM

So . . . while you are bickering, mama has circled round and driven off one of the horses :eek: -- yours, in fact, Arry.

In the meantime, mama's little boy (actually a nearly full grown male - he's one year old and weighs about 120 lbs himself) is planning on taking out Incana. Cougars normally stalk their prey until they are very close to them and then make a very quick dash and a high leap for the throat or back of the neck.

Arry 02-18-2006 01:19 AM


Go ahead and post for Bregoware.



Do you want to take a first blow at the male cougar who's got his eye on you?



Poor Lady! Well, let me see what I can do with that situation.



Your post time shows at 8:11 p.m. here in the Pacific US time zone. I generally post very late at night here - I'm a hopeless night-owl.

Farael 02-18-2006 01:39 AM

I guess that explains you being around when I PM'd you at 3 AM... I'm a bit of an 'evening person' myself... or rather, a vampire

Guess what time it appears to me? Go prairies!!!

Hunting party from Bregoware
Should I take us back? Raewald is already on camp and it's not fair that the other guys are getting all the fun with the big kitten while we chit-chat and hunt wabbits. No, I don't mean Valier as the big kitten, I mean the cougar.

Anyway, try to get me a reply, I'll probably post tomorrow morning (around 10 AM Central Time, GMT-6)

Arry 02-18-2006 02:17 AM

Well, Vaenosa has pushed Brand to his limit . . . :eek:

Nogrod 02-18-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Farael
Hunting party from Bregoware
Should I take us back? Raewald is already on camp and it's not fair that the other guys are getting all the fun with the big kitten while we chit-chat and hunt wabbits. No, I don't mean Valier as the big kitten, I mean the cougar.

Take your time to chat at the fireplace as long as you will. I still have one more "riding-post" coming - that's a night post. I could put it in sometime when you are getting to sleep / deal with night watches etc.

I guess Sythric will reach you guys around 2 or 3 am. Should I then PM with the night watcher about my coming in, before actually coming to your camp? We could make some deals about what happens (f.ex. watcher sending a post first when she/he hears something coming, how she/he reacts etc?).

Nice to be coming into the real game at last...

Arry 02-18-2006 10:03 AM


Don't pre-arrange your post with the night watch, please.

It will be more interesting to see how that responding gamer handles your character's entrance in a more spontaneous way.

Nogrod 02-18-2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Arry

Don't pre-arrange your post with the night watch, please.

Point taken. I will not.

Good stuff going on, all around.

Valier 02-18-2006 05:01 PM

Does anyone mind if I kill the male cougar? I thought it would be fitting. Vaenosa could gain some trust from her fellow riders.

Naria 02-18-2006 06:41 PM

Valier--I think that you would have to do a bit more right now than kill an animal to gain trust in our group, but it may be a good start. :p :)

As far as my character goes, I don't think she could do to much unless the cougar were to actually attack and land on her knife or something. Her rock thrower is still by the horse packs. I don't mind if Valier kills it if the rest of the group doesn't mind. If not, I am sure I could come up with an interesting post for the cougar fight scene.

Arry 02-18-2006 06:45 PM


It's fine by me.


Brand will need to go after his horse.

"Dorran" - you want to come along?

Tevildo 02-19-2006 12:48 AM


Sure! Take the lead and Dorran will follow.

Arry 02-19-2006 03:15 AM

OK - Brand and Dorran have left Vaenosa to take care of the young male cat.



I've started us off - let me know if and what needs to be handled in my use of 'Dorran'.

Get us as far as you want - start the attack against the cougar if you'd like.

I sort of see Lady backed up against something and rearing up and slashing at the cat. She can be injured in some way . . . and I'm certain she's gotten a few licks of her own in at the cat.

-- Arry

Tevildo 02-19-2006 01:54 PM

Thanks, Arry. I've got a save up and will hope to do that late tonight.

Farael 02-19-2006 02:48 PM

Hey guys,
Sorry, I said I'd put up a post this weekend but I'm struggling with an organic chemistry assignment that's due on Wednesday... I really don't know how much I'll be able to post this week, given that after this assignment I have to do a lab-report. If you feel I'm holding us back, feel free to use Osmod for a bit.

I really apologise for it, but I rather not post at all than post a hurried, short little post.

Nogrod 02-19-2006 07:49 PM

Please Bregowarians, do something! :p

And if Farael is out for some time + he has given allowance to use his character, so go on with it, anyone of you. Take responsibility!

I mean we Bregowarians are one day short in this game with regards to Wulfhamers, and they are posting actively all the time. It should just be the other way around. We have less days (game-time), so we should have more posts! Otherwise, by the time we meet, they will have a good storyline & familiar characters and we wouldn't.

And of course, I would really like to come into the real game at last :rolleyes:

Eowyn Skywalker 02-19-2006 09:01 PM

If this is going to carry on, I'll narratorially mod a bit, and see if I can get a bit of action going in the Bregoware area, if no one minds. I tossed in a brief post, just to make certain people knew we still lived, but if we, say, want to have an attack, or something else...

(has a few ideas, but isn't going to talk until they're executed)

A curiousity/idea. Basically we're leaving the trip to be a fast paced battle to get to Edoras, right? Well, we ought to get some subplots working. I suggest putting in both a traitor... someone who's not for us... and I also suggest that this person not be Vaenosa, who is the immediate suspect for her sharp temperment, and not Fionn, who seems too farmerly to be possibly dangerous in this manner (unless he gets turned in the middle). I would also suggest a bit of a love story interwound if we want to take one set of characters and get them to fall in love. Just a couple ideas.

I can half-lead Bregoware if Farael's out of commission for any length of time.

Farael 02-19-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Eowyn Skywalker
I can half-lead Bregoware if Farael's out of commission for any length of time.

Good news, I should be able to post tonight after all (G'd bless Google, I felt so stupid when I found an example that resembled what I was trying to do closely enough that I could figure out the rest on google after spending two days looking at my book and any other "scholarly" source)

I don't know how my times will be this week, I'll keep you up to date as much as I can (no matter how busy I am, I always sneak into the 'downs for a bit when I take a break).


Originally Posted by Eowyn
A curiousity/idea. Basically we're leaving the trip to be a fast paced battle to get to Edoras, right? Well, we ought to get some subplots working. I suggest putting in both a traitor... I would also suggest a bit of a love story interwound if we want to take one set of characters and get them to fall in love

I think sub-plots should get going, but I'm not sure a traitor could be worked out. Dissention between the two groups and even within them may happen and some minor (or major?) back-stabbing as well. Yet how could we explain someone trying to boycott a mission that is set to help their villages? we have all left family behind, so it makes it hard to find a plausible reason for a betrayal. From the profile of our characters, I don't think that money or power could work to tempt anyone.

Love story? well, that would be easier to work in, but we need some more interactions! it's far too early to start on that, not even two nights into our journey. We should let our characters interact by themselves and see where will lead us to. It would be nice for a Wulfhalmer and a Bregoware to fall in love while the rest keep on arguing over little nonesenses, but we shall see how things work out. In any case, let's not get ahead of ourselves... and Arry.

Naria 02-19-2006 11:18 PM

Don't know if this is a Bregoware conversation, but I agree with Farael. The traitor idea would be hard to do at this point. Someone should have been one from the start and not let us know about it, then just started working with it as the story went along. Maybe one of the 'carry ons' could be a traitor and turn things uside down for awhile? My character does not have that in her so I couldn't be one. As far as the love story goes I think it sounds good. I also agree that we should keep on with what we are doing in our travels and just wait and see what happens. :D

Arry I have put a small post in closing the gap from when Brand and Dorran leave. I thought I should set the scene instead of just leaving it the way it was.

Valier 02-19-2006 11:21 PM

Well I have killed the beast and am now waiting for the men to return. So I hope you guys can post soon!!! This is getting good!:)

Farael 02-20-2006 12:05 AM

Well, up went my post and off I go soon. I would REALLY appreciate some help with my first paragraph though, there is something wrong with it and I can't put my finger on what it may be.

Also, something I forgot to ask on my last post:
Arry, is it OK if two (or more) of us PM each other to prepare a surprise for the rest of the group? and if we do, should we keep you in the loop?

Arry 02-20-2006 12:34 AM


Yes, you should definitiely be keeping me in the loop. :cool:

and . . . I don't really see anything wrong with the paragraph you were talking about.

-- Arry

Farael 02-20-2006 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Arry

Yes, you should definitiely be keeping me in the loop. :cool:

and . . . I don't really see anything wrong with the paragraph you were talking about.

-- Arry

We are all a bunch of owls, are we not? I was not expecting answers until tomorrow.... but then, I think you are an hour or two behind me.

Now, does your answer mean that we can plot 'secretly' as long as you are informed?

And also, about my paragraph... it just doesn't seem to flow properly, I don't know... it's probably gramatically correct but I don't find it smooth enough.

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