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Anguirel 09-11-2005 10:01 AM

Not visibly. But Easterling hosts will be quietly disposed of. Meanwhile, the others can entertain themselves by speculating where the Ithryn Luin have got to.

Anyway, why the focus on Pallando? Alatar has a less pleasing name...

I still say we should tell Bombadil to hey merry come dol himself right off the island. And that view is currently the Will of the People!

wilwarin538 09-11-2005 11:12 AM


++ Tom Bom


Glirdan 09-11-2005 11:22 AM

Just a little info for everyone. I might not have computer access at five pm Eastern. If I don't, Wilwa said she would gladly fill in for me. I might however have a chance to do it a little earlier, so keep an eye out for it. Sorry for any inconvinience(?).

Celuien 09-11-2005 11:50 AM

Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding-dillo
I cast my vote for ++ Tom Bombadillo.

He has to go home, home to his forest where he is Master.
Horrors! He has me speaking in rhyme, we must cast him out faster!

Gil-Galad 09-11-2005 11:58 AM


it is like my never-ending quest to get rid of Sam...

Glirdan 09-11-2005 02:51 PM


it is like my never-ending quest to get rid of Sam...
I noticed Gil. It seems like you've been the only one voting for Sam for the past little while. Kind of like WW. Not going any further on the subject.

Anyway, scratch that last post I made, I will be able to, unless I don't have it done by no later than ten minutes after five Eastern time. Voting will be closed in ten minutes.

wilwarin538 09-11-2005 02:53 PM

Oh no! :eek: But Glirdan I already wrote it all out. :( Please can I do it? :D

Glirdan 09-11-2005 02:54 PM


Oh no! But Glirdan I already wrote it all out. Please can I do it?
AS IF!!!!!! :rolleyes: I'll be nice and let you take it away then. Have fun with it!! ;)

wilwarin538 09-11-2005 03:04 PM

Alright it's kinda pathetic but I still had fun. :rolleyes:

the votes:

Eomer of the....I mean Tom Bom has been chosen to be lyn.....kicked off the island. Because he sings to much, he's way to happy, and he's Sauron. ;) The tribe has spoken.

The remaining villa....contestants:

Lobelia Sackvill-Baggins
Lotho Sackville-Baggins

Men and Rohan Lady






You may now start voting. :D

Glirdan 09-11-2005 03:07 PM

Good!!! I get the first vote now!!

Anyway, I'd have to go with....


Every time he gets angry, he bursts into flames and runs through the island burning all the trees. Not to mention he almost killed Faramir with that bit of stupidity and he doesn't seem to listen to Aragron. Mr. "Meenie Pants" Denethor has to go.

Firefoot 09-11-2005 03:19 PM


He's powerful, for one thing; always using that voice of his to persuade others to vote off his opponents. Note how Gandalf was one of the first to go. He also talks people into doing his chores and letting him win challenges. Also, he's got such a long string of alliances that he can't possibly stay true to them all; someone's going to get busted. He's willing to do anything to get ahead, and he's playing both sides plus his own right now. He's got to go.

Kitanna 09-11-2005 03:21 PM

++ Lotho

AragornII 09-11-2005 04:09 PM


Lotho is alway around causing trouble and poking his nose in where he doesn't belong. He's greedy and always wants what isn't his.

Alcarillo 09-11-2005 04:21 PM

++Haldir (movie version)

What was he doing at Helm's Deep? He was supposed to be collecting firewood!

Lalaith 09-11-2005 04:24 PM


Ah, you beat me to it, Alcarillo, I was going to deal the first blow to that blond ponce.

WaynetheGoblin 09-11-2005 04:28 PM

++HALDIR we were staven and freezing that night.

Alcarillo 09-11-2005 04:36 PM

A Message From the Anti-Haldir Coalition
Haldir (movie version) is a terrible scourge to the Elf Tribe, who must be voted off the island as soon as possible. A list of reasons why:

1. Haldir is present at the Battle of Helm's Deep, a deep wound to those who love and cherish the books.

2. Haldir states: "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell", when it is known that he serves Galadriel and Celeborn instead. Such clandestine alliances have no place on this island.

3. There are too many blond elves. Now that Legolas has been eliminated, I see no reason why we should not continue purging the island of these Legolas-like characters. (mwahaha)

We at the Anti-Haldir Coalition hope you make the right choice and vote Haldir off the island.

The Perky Ent 09-11-2005 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alcarillo
Haldir (movie version) is a terrible scourge to the Elf Tribe, who must be voted off the island as soon as possible. A list of reasons why:

1. Haldir is present at the Battle of Helm's Deep, a deep wound to those who love and cherish the books.

2. Haldir states: "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell", when it is known that he serves Galadriel and Celeborn instead. Such clandestine alliances have no place on this island.

3. There are too many blond elves. Now that Legolas has been eliminated, I see no reason why we should not continue purging the island of these Legolas-like characters. (mwahaha)

We at the Anti-Haldir Coalition hope you make the right choice and vote Haldir off the island.

Good argument. I'll consider it. But what are you going to do about global warming?

Alcarillo 09-11-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Perky Ent
Good argument. I'll consider it. But what are you going to do about global warming?

Simple. The longer Haldir stays on tropical islands, the more greenhouse-gases he produces. Get Haldir off the island, and get rid of global warming. :p

The Saucepan Man 09-11-2005 05:46 PM


He keeps organising parties in the jungle for his Elf chums. But any time any of the others try to join in, Thranduil simply moves the party, leaving them confused and lost in the jungle. So all but the Elves spend all night trying to gate-crash Thranduil's parties and end up exhausted and wholly unfit for their day-time duties. Meantime, while Thranduil's around, all of the Elves are far more interested in partying than contributing and are thus perilously distracted from their duties. And all this exculsivity preventing any of the other tribes getting to know the Elves.

The occasional party is fine for boosting morale and all, but Thranduil's nightly and utterly exclusive bashes are competely counter-productive.

Boot him off and the island will be a much more productive and co-operative place.

The Perky Ent 09-11-2005 06:03 PM

I know this won't count...but...

++Children of Illuvatar

Makes things easier :D

arcticstorm 09-11-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by The Perky Ent
I know this won't count...but...

++Children of Illuvatar

Makes things easier :D

so perky you are voting off everyone except the wizards, the other, and Sauron if you count the adopted children? nice.

but I am going to vote for Legolas's evil father.

++Thranduil The sooner we get rid of everyone related to Legolas the better.

Celuien 09-11-2005 06:36 PM

There is one, and only one contestant on this island who truly does not want to be here. He spends all of his time at the shore, building ships and looking out over the water. In fact, this particular islander is so obsessed with leaving that he has covered the entire Western shore with newly built canoes. He is completely non-participatory in all island activities other than his private ship-building enterprise and just keeps saying something about waiting for the last ship to sail. Therefore, I say that we should speed things up and send ++Cirdan packing. He'll be happier and so will the rest of the contestants.

Glirdan 09-11-2005 08:13 PM

Boro, if I'm correct, is coming home tomorow and will resume his duties on this thread. So here's my last post of me being in control. The standings are as follows:


Bandwagon with me to get Denethor off!! He keeps burning the forests down and if that happens, they won't have wood for a campfire anymore and they'd all freeze to death. Do we honestly want that to happen??

The Perky Ent 09-11-2005 08:17 PM


Stupid, fat hobbitses...

Gil-Galad 09-11-2005 09:48 PM


Anguirel 09-12-2005 12:15 AM

Thranduil is quite right to ban the non-Elves from his parties. They're tedious, borish barbarians and they smell. Particularly ++GLOIN.

It's not good for him at his age. His rambling and uncanonical remniscences about Bert, Tom and Will are irritating Frodo. His beer intake is too high. And he's always being snobbish to the Hobbits, calling them grocers.

Onto the Gloin Bandwagon!

Nerindel 09-12-2005 03:50 AM

Ack! I see your game ++Sauron using that fool wizard Saruman's poison tongue to turn the others against our beloved elves, that peter Jackson disguise doesn't fool me! Mark me it will be hobbits next we must make a stand here and vote off this power hungary crazied lunatic....first the island....then what the whole of Middle earth????

Mithalwen 09-12-2005 06:30 AM

*choking on lunch*

Originally Posted by Anguirel
He may be shy and self-effacing, but his service with Orome gives him good hunting skills and a sense of adventure; he has excellent fashion sense (sea green robes!); Mithalwen discovered some time ago that he was a "swinging Maia of Love"; and he's quite good at driving off Easterlings as long as no one's watching.

I beg your pardon.... but could you explain or rephrase that?!!!!

Anguirel 09-12-2005 06:45 AM

You brought up that possibility when we were discussing poor Mrs Heren Istarion having to marry an entire order of Wizards...

Mithalwen 09-12-2005 06:49 AM

Oh yes I do remember now - but it was hypothesis not the findings of an experiment :p

As for voting - I am delighted that Tom Bomabadil has gone during my absence (ill) but I will not vote for Haldir - he is gloriously camp and has the best line in the film (The dwarf breathes so loud..) and it isn't his fault he is at Helm's Deep in that hideous frou-frou armour. Also he pays the ultimate sacrifice by receiving the kiss of death from Aragorn.

I have been convinced :


He smells.

And he has a beard.

Anguirel 09-12-2005 06:52 AM

Hypothesis is a good deal better than nothing when running a publicity campaign in favour of two such retiring types as the Ithryn Luin...but I do apologise for possible libel!

mormegil 09-12-2005 08:13 AM

Joining in on the fun
I think Movie Gothmog must go. He has far too many tumors and will probably be dead soon enough anyway. Plus he's a leader of his orcs and yet he seems to have no compasion for them. I mean what kind of a team member is he when he won't give a reassuring hug to another orc and tell him that everything will be okay.


Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-12-2005 10:38 AM

++Movie Gothmog

Because he's nasty and trying to order everyone about...and that warg thing that he keeps riding around on smells. I think it has fleas, and so does he. Plus, that face just creeps me out. He needs some serious acne cream. Get him off the island and into treatment, I say, the sooner, the better.

the guy who be short 09-12-2005 10:47 AM


For the reasons Alcarillo mentioned. Plus, he is easily confused with fauna in the forests he inhabits, hardly convenient. And there's a difference between campness and lovable campness. Haldir does not grasp this.

Boromir88 09-12-2005 12:27 PM

I'm back, ty Glirdan (and I see wilwarin too) for taking care of things during my absense. Thanks for the help.

Interesting picks so far, hmm...It'll certainly be tough. I don't know if I want Haldir to go yet, I like him.

I must say Celeborn should need to go off soon. His voice (movies) is so darn annoying (and I couldn't stand him in Kingdom of Heaven either). I'm so glad he didn't get a lot of speaking parts or I would have to rip out the VCR. It hasn't gotten any better, it would be better if he just kept his mouth shut, that voice just gets so annoying at night, especially when it gets dark. I mean the bugs already make it difficult to sleep, Celeborn's high annoying voice isn't enough?


Boromir88 09-12-2005 03:42 PM

Ok here we are, the votes go...

Haldir- 4
Lotho- 3
Gloin- 2
Thranduil- 2
Cirdan- 1
Sauron- 1
Saruman- 1
Denethor- 1
Celeborn- 1

Haldir is gone. I guess everyone was tired of him getting lost before right before the immunity challenges, the tribe has spoken.

The remaining contestants are...

Lobelia Sackvill-Baggins
Lotho Sackville-Baggins

Men and Rohan Lady






++Celeborn, for reasons in above post.

Glirdan 09-12-2005 03:54 PM

ARGH!!! I had a whole thing going on where I was going to give my reasons for wanting certian people out. Then something messed up on me!! Curses!! I'm just going to go with my...


For reasons I have already stated.

Gil-Galad 09-12-2005 04:01 PM

come on people! ++Sam!!!! hes only there for ratings, stick it too the man!

Kitanna 09-12-2005 04:03 PM

I will continue to vote as I have for these last few days.

++ Lotho

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