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Mithadan 09-03-2003 08:40 AM

Priorities, Lush! Priorities!

What's more important? A fresh, new, creative RPG or some stale old derivatives that a million people have done before?

Thenamir 09-03-2003 10:31 AM

Another fine post, O Man-Of-Stovetop-Cookware. Everyone seems to handle the Gateskeeper character better than I...

An ever-so-small nit-pick, though -- McRoneld's is the large dining concern of Muddled-Mirth, not McDonelds.

Estelyn Telcontar 09-03-2003 05:19 PM

Whoopee, we have added class to our RPG with our very own cheerleader! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img] Go, Lush!

Saucy, what a wonderful post – and well worth waiting for! It seems that you have used bits of yet another MM language – Legalése! The Pé-Är efforts made me laugh the most! - and of course, the purpose for which the army was bred… [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Whew! BW – what a relief (and how unexpected!) to see that Orogarn (Two, of course) survived and is on his way back into the main plot. Hmmm, that police report looks so convincingly genuine – where would you know about those?? [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Kuruharan, once again you manage to destroy a location – this time before we even get there! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] Let’s hope our cameo star wasn’t hurt in the process…

Mith, Grrralph is starting to scare me! He wouldn’t be contemplating turning traitor on the Itship, would he? [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

I’ve put up a save for a dream sequence I wanted to squeeze in – it can be deleted or moved if it doesn’t fit.

Bêthberry 09-03-2003 05:54 PM

I am amused, much amused. Stupendously amused even. Really, rumours otherwise notwithstanding. Proceed. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

"Dêthderrydol the Half-enigma"

Mithadan 09-03-2003 06:15 PM

All in good fun, Bethberry!

I've edited my last point to take care of a very small detail...well maybe not so small... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Why, Estelyn! I'm shocked. Grrralph is harmless. Wouldn't harm a fly. *looks for the angel smiley and curses when he can't find it.

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]

Estelyn Telcontar 09-03-2003 10:55 PM

Hmmm, Mith - "She", then "him"?? Mithteriouth indeed! Even more strange - Orogarn isn't with the Whatevership yet...

Oh, and congratulations to Saucy for an absolute novelty - first time ever someone has posted a "save" on a discussion thread!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: Estelyn Telcontar ]

Mithadan 09-04-2003 07:15 AM

Whoops, edit underway...

The Saucepan Man 09-04-2003 05:27 PM

Why thank you Thenamir, but you are the undisputed Master of the Microsoft pun. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I thought that the Master of the Hidden Valley Ranch was Roneld McDoneld, hence McDonelds, but I can edit it if not. Heck, it is soon to be re-named MögDönelds anyway. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]


With almost depressing predictability someone’s greed had become inflamed at the sight of the golden roof of the hall on the hill ...
[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I love depressing predictability, Kuruharan. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


It seems that you have used bits of yet another MM language – Legalése!
Yes, Esty, but it remains an obscure language, for it is one that even conphirmed philologists quail at the mention of. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

So, Mith, Grralph wants to cut a deal, does he? Well, we shall just have to see what he has to offer ... I love the confusion over Jjjohn's prophecy. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Diamond18 09-04-2003 05:33 PM

Sorry for my delay in filling in my save. Further apologies for filling it in with such a short nothing of a post. But right now I don't have the time or energy for a truly creative post, so this will have to do (don't worry, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just rather busy with other writing commitments). Anyway, I hope to try working in some kind of post about Pimpi's Sorethingingham childhood eventually, I just have no idea what to write... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Thenamir 09-05-2003 04:39 PM

You are quite correct, O Bearer-of-Sauce-Preparation-Equipment. My memory, as is becoming all too frequent, is playing tricks on me. My mistake.

The Barrow-Wight 09-07-2003 05:48 PM

I've filled in my save, and Orogarn Two is in Improvas. Feel free to integrate him back into the group.

Estelyn Telcontar 09-08-2003 04:20 PM

Merisu's Dreme may now be read - gradually, the saves are being filled in! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] It would be nice to get the story moving along this week, since I will be away for a couple of weeks as of next Monday. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] (Closer to most of you, since in the US, but lacking PC and internet access for the most part, alas! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] )

Question: Would you all like to keep going while I'm gone? At our present pace, we needn't worry about too much plot progress, I imagine! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] You should manage enough sidetracks, pauses and saves to fill the time, [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] and if anyone gets inspired and creative, more power to you! I hope to be able to look in often enough to keep up with developments. [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Mithadan 09-08-2003 06:19 PM

Your wish is our command, Lady Estelyn!

Hopefully, Underhill's clue will be a good one! It seems that while the Itship has tarried on it's journeys Mogûl has not been idle.

As for Grrralph, he is now doing his sums and trying to put two and two together. Unfortunately, he comes up with 6 3/4 as an answer but he's working on it...

Mister Underhill 09-08-2003 07:59 PM

Quite a -- *ahem* -- revealing dream, Esty.

Sorry for the delay on filling in my save. I should have a post up by tomorrow around lunchtime-ish.

I could drop the clue at Horse Head and then get the Itship all the way into the Goldlamé Hall -- or we could take things slow and toss in a sidetrek or two before meeting Théboleggen King.

If I take the group to Goldlamé, I should probably shift my post down after Mith's latest.

[ September 08, 2003: Message edited by: Mister Underhill ]

Mister Underhill 09-10-2003 11:21 AM

I know, I know... almost twenty-four hours late on his promised deadline and he's posting again? Who is this upstart cameo punk?

It seemed natural to break the post I was working on up into two pieces -- Horse Head, then Goldlamé, and the first part got away with me a bit. I'll get the Whatevership to the Hall with a short post within an hour or two. I swear. No, really.

Mithadan 09-10-2003 11:38 AM

Indeed it did get away with you a bit, Mr. Underhill, though well worth the effort both of the writing and the reading. Rimbaud's temporary departure from BD resulted in the early retirement of the Pun Wraiths. It appears that they are needed again. We await your next installment, sir!

Mister Underhill 09-10-2003 11:59 PM

What can I say? I'm apparently a congenital overwriter. It was clearly overly ambitious of me to aim to provide both Horse Head Inn color and get the Itship to the Hall in one round, but now it is done.

In any case -- breathe a sigh of relief! Unless I miss my guess, here endeth the cameo. I expect that Soreham will be a dot in the rearview mirrors of the Gallowship by the end of the next round of posts (a burning dot seems most likely).

Thanks for having me aboard. It's been great fun!

[ September 11, 2003: Message edited by: Mister Underhill ]

Rimbaud 09-11-2003 05:57 AM

The pun-wraiths have not retyred, although one of them has a flat.

Estelyn Telcontar 09-11-2003 07:28 AM

”I wonder, shall we ever see Underhill again?” Merisuwyniel asked wistfully.

“We may yet, Miss Merisu, we may yet…” answered Lord Etceteron.

Undé, thanks for those wonderful posts – it’s been our privilege to have you along for the ride! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] You may not have known it at that time, but when you chose your personal title, you were predestined for an equine-noxious RPG appearance! Your account of the night’s activities at the Inn is smashing, not only for its humorous narrative but also for your expert handling of the other characters – true for your second post as well. Your description of the Soreham culture of performing arts is quite fascinating. The Shakesbeere play... And you introduced us to yet another great character of the Riding Hoods - Hámanchese! The Bouncer’s attempts to be authoritative are so hilarious. Then the scene in the Goldlamé Hall, Grimy, the King, Éowhine as serving wench – there is no way I can mention all of the funny parts of your posts. You can get carried away with writing on this RPG any day!

BW, you started something with those billboards, and came up with a great name for the nonexistent river! Nice to have Orogarn Two back with the Anonymous-Ship.

Mith, great job of picking up that cue and making something sinister of those billboards. The poem adds to the dark mood of pending destruction, as does Grrralph’s uncertain status as a reformed character.

Charming new post, Birdie! That puppy description was so touching, so reminiscent of Bambi; if our readers aren't sobbing now, it's certainly not your fault!

For those of you who ask themselves (and me) if there is method to this madness, I reassure you, there is. Not much, granted, but this is a quest with a purpose, you know! So for those who continue with the next posts, we need to have that audience with the king (exorcism, anyone? This is turning into more of a movie parody than one of the books!) and procure the pieces of the Ent-That-Was-Broken before anyone destroys the hall or burns down the city, please! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] Finding those wooden pieces shouldn’t be difficult (if you didn’t catch Underhill’s clue, contact him or me), but retrieving and transporting could…

Rim, nice to see that Halfullion's ghost is still hanging around!

Mithadan 09-11-2003 08:00 AM

A Pun Wraith appears in a puff of green smoke. His hands are black with grease and road grime. He appears to be in a foul mood.

He taps Rimbaud on the shoulder and hands him a citation. Then he looks around before speaking. "Now where's this Underhill dude?" He waves a stack of citations meaningfully.

Uh, Estelyn, are we now going to need a wagon for the various Entish body parts?

Bird, a fine post! I am sending you a PM. Seeing as you are the critter cameo specialist I may need your assistance...

Mister Underhill 09-11-2003 08:21 AM

Thanks for the compliments, and backatcha to all players on all counts. The writing in Gondor is top notch, I must say, and sets a formidable challenge to rise to.

I'm not sure what sort of scheme Hamstrung is caught up in, but I've a feeling it may include a cadre of loyers and certainly a word or two from "our sponsors" during the audience with the King.

And no one ever said that rebuilding an Ent was going to be easy.

Well, got to keep one step ahead of those Pun Wraiths, so I'm off.

* Underhill slips on a Ring and disappears. *

[ September 11, 2003: Message edited by: Mister Underhill ]

Birdland 09-11-2003 10:33 PM


* Underhill slips on a Ring and disappears. *
I slipped on a banana peel once, but I didn't disappear. Wish I had.

Diamond18 09-12-2003 01:25 AM

I've updated the Glossary. I just need to know what, if anything, "Quexchinmike" means. Thanks. (And by the way, even if you guys never looks at the G, please lie and tell me that you do).

You're all very funny, and I thank you for keeping my characters alive. I look forward to the Sorethinghhim Idolization. I mean, really, it beats having to go to the dentist and work tomorrow, it will brighten my day when I stumble home in the evening. Yes, Thena, this is pressure to have it written by then. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Remember Pimpi can play the penny whistle. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Estelyn Telcontar 09-12-2003 02:01 AM

Diamond, I do check the Glossary every time I'm not sure if we've already done a parody name for something, (or I know we have, but I've forgotten it! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] )and I know others do as well. Thanks for the hard work of keeping it up! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Mister Underhill 09-12-2003 08:35 AM


I slipped on a banana peel once
Do people really do that? I'll bet you've also been in a custard pie fight. C'mon, give, Birdie -- are you really one of the Stooges?

Diamond -- if it's any consolation, I made frequent use of the G during my stint. It was very helpful. 'Quexchinmike' was just a play (admittedly a rather long-reaching one) on 'Riddermark'.

Mithadan 09-12-2003 09:19 AM

At the rate things are going, we may need a pronunciation guide as well. I had to look at 'Quexchinmike' three times before I figured out the pun. Of course, I'm notoriously slow on the uptake.

Regarding the pie fight issue, please see the first party scene at the Green Dragon in the Shadow of the Star RPG. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

The Saucepan Man 09-12-2003 10:51 AM

Diamond, the Glossary is essential reading and well worth the admirable effort. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] One suggested addition: the Mire, from where Soregum's Old Toothrot pipeweed was smuggled.


I had to look at 'Quexchinmike' three times before I figured out the pun.
Um, I'm still looking at it. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I have added in the next stage of Soregum's journey. Alas the Trackers are no more (I got bored of them [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] ).

Mister Underhill 09-12-2003 11:08 AM

Mark > Mike > Quexchinmike (Question Mark). Sheesh. Even Babe Ruth only connected on three out of every ten pitches. Sometimes one goes off the end of your bat, okay?

Mithadan 09-12-2003 11:20 AM

[img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Jerry Springer is shown in England? [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] No wonder the Europeans think we Yanks are idiots.

The Saucepan Man 09-12-2003 04:55 PM


Even Babe Ruth only connected on three out of every ten pitches.
Um, Babe Ruth? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]


Jerry Springer is shown in England?
Hey, where else do you think we're gonna learn about American culture? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ September 12, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]

Diamond18 09-12-2003 06:53 PM

Feel no shame, Mith, they gave us the Osbournes, not to mention the fact that 80% of Reality TV shows originated in Europe (and the other 20% are spin-offs and copycats of those shows). I made up those statistics, but hey, I'm sure it's something like that.

Aaaah, Riddermark > Questionmark > Quexchinmike. Ahahaha. Ha. (Am I convincing? [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img])

Mister Underhill 09-12-2003 11:07 PM

It's a tough room.

Kuruharan 09-13-2003 09:16 AM

I have added in my latest piece of inanity.

Moving along to the actual plot, were we supposed to be drifting to the GAP of Soreham?

I have a semi-amusing idea for an intro to that if and when we get there.

[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: Kuruharan ]

Estelyn Telcontar 09-14-2003 11:00 PM

I'm on my way out, leaving you on your own for the next weeks. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Please take good care of Merisu for me. Should you desire to carry on with the plot, consider following matters:
1) We need the parts of the Ent-That-Was-Broken before leaving Soreham.
2) If we completely destroy *every* city through which we travel, it's gonna get boring.
3) Before we head for the GAP of Soreham, we will detour through the Forest of Canned Corn. That is not the direct route, but when did that ever stop us?!
That should keep you going for a bit, and I hope to be able to take a look and perhaps write briefly sometime in there. Have fun!

Diamond18 09-16-2003 01:43 AM

Kuru and Squat: the off-topic nature of your posts is nothing short of scandalous. You are both very naughty boys. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Kuruharan 09-16-2003 07:37 AM


If we completely destroy *every* city through which we travel, it's gonna get boring.
Not if we do things right. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]


Kuru and Squat: the off-topic nature of your posts is nothing short of scandalous. You are both very naughty boys.
A fine example of the pot calling the kettles black. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

We do seem to have cut the plot loose to fend for itself, though.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-16-2003 07:58 AM

It isn't a post; it's a save. Did I neglect to mention that? Actually the translator's note will remain, but there will be some storyline once I know what happened three posts earlier.

However, if the long and heroic tale of self-sacrifice that is the story of this text's translation into modern English is off-topic, then so is humanity itself. This being the case, I pronounce myself beyond the pale of this thread's topic, and throwing dead rodents over into its gardens.

Diamond18 09-16-2003 01:18 PM


It isn't a post; it's a save.
Oh, well that's rather inconvenient. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] Your post has to end with "now for a little light music..." or mine makes no sense whatsoever (not that it does now, but, you know. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img])

Yes, Kuru my fine Kettle, one could say that our plot is going to pot. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: Diamond18 ]

Mithadan 09-16-2003 01:24 PM

Perhaps we should properly await Thenamir's post before continuing with posts of our own (hint, hint).

Thenamir 09-16-2003 02:11 PM

<Thenamir almost writes a time machine into his next post before realizing that he'd once again crossed the line between fantasy and his reality...>

Mea Culpa. I'm grinding it out even now. I can't commit to an ETA, but it will be ASAP.

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