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the guy who be short 08-15-2005 01:23 PM

Well, I'll admit it's a little odd, but my latest dream was about GlingleglingleglingleFairy. I have no idea who it is, but somebody mentioned him/her in the Which Downer Am I? quiz.

I was next to a forest talking to a friend when three little toddlers, aged 3-4 maybe, came out of it with their hands on each other's shoulders, like a conga. They were very cherub-like and kept chanting "glingleglingleglingleglingleglingle" as they conga-ed along. Odd, no?

Mithalwen 08-17-2005 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Orominuialwen
I've had two BD dreams lately. The first I had several days ago. I had gotten up early to post in WW, spent some time on the 'Downs, then turned off the computer and gone back to sleep. When I was sleeping I had this dream. In it, Mithalwen was an elementary school teacher who looked exactly like Eowyn in Lhunardawen's avatar. She was teaching a bunch of very unruly kids, and she was outside on the playground supervising recess. The children were constantly writing annoying little poems about her and reading them aloud to her. Anyway, she made a costume of Eowyn's shieldmaiden dress, but was too nervous to wear it to schoool for a while. Somebody finally convinced her to wear it, and she did, but the neckline of the vest was too high and the sleeves of the dress were wrong. (I think this part was influenced by the fact that I had been reading the What LotR Costumes/Clothes Have You Made? thread.) Anyway, one of the male teachers at the school apparently had a crush on Mith, and her students were the first ones to figure it out. They wrote an annoying little poem telling her this, and so the other teacher finally confessed his feelings to her while they were standing in the parking lot. My apologies Mith, for my bizzare subconcious!


Just found this... I like the idea of looking just like Eowyn, dislike the teaching (the ones I "taught" were beyond unruly - more into assault), wearing LOTR costumes as an adult other than as a joke at a fancy dress party for me is a pecadillo that should be confined to the privacy of one's own home. Sounds terribly like my sewing skils though!!! Main question: was he cute?

the guy who be short 08-17-2005 01:51 PM

I dreamt that Lhuna and Nilp were arrested for accessing BD - illegal in the Phillipines! Yes, my dream self knows even less about Phillipinean politics than I do (and all I know is that most of the government recently resigned or something like that).

Orominuialwen 08-18-2005 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
Just found this... I like the idea of looking just like Eowyn, dislike the teaching (the ones I "taught" were beyond unruly - more into assault), wearing LOTR costumes as an adult other than as a joke at a fancy dress party for me is a pecadillo that should be confined to the privacy of one's own home. Sounds terribly like my sewing skils though!!! Main question: was he cute?

Actually, I can't remember. I believe he had glasses, but that's all I can really recall. It's odd, because I can remember certain bits of that dream very well now (you standing on some steps wearing the Eowyn dress and the mistake in its neckline), and other parts only barely. My mind works in odd ways...

the guy who be short 08-19-2005 09:06 AM

Last night I dreamt Eomer sent me a long PM about football (Soccer), his favourite teams, etc. etc. It must've been at least two A4 pages and bored me stiff. For some reason I could also see him - he actually managed eyeliner on both eyes.

I also dreamt that Kath updated her MSN Space. I went to read it and it was all about her fantastic time in Jamaica - even though she's actually gone to Spain. :confused:

Odd subconscience, no?

18 people. :D I'm getting there, Lhuna!

wilwarin538 08-19-2005 11:09 AM

Wow, I can actually post on my own thread.
I had a dream last night. :)

I was walking down the hall at my highschool when suddenly the new student from Australia bumped into me, knocking all my books on the floor. I picked them up and looked at who had knocked me down. He was wearing a Barrow Downs t-shirt. I smiled and asked him if he was a member on the forum. He said yes. I told him I was wilwarin538 and he said he was Eomer. So I asked him, very confused, "I thought you were from Scotland?", and then the dream was over. :(

There were a few things wrong with this dream. First of all, the Barrow Downs t-shirt was purple, second of all Eomer looked nothing like he really looks, and third, I know very well that he is Scottish but my dream made him Australian. :rolleyes:

Orominuialwen 08-19-2005 01:43 PM

I had a BD dream this morning. I got up, ate breakfast, read for a bit, and then fell back asleep. In my dream I was looking at at a thread that only had two posts on it. The first post was by Starbreeze, but her (I think Starbreeze is a her) PT, instead of saying "Ghost of a Smile," said something (maybe "Ignorance"? I think it started with an I) "of Sauron" and her avatar was of Nazgul on Fell Beasts flying around Mount Doom. I don't remember who the second post was by, but that persons name started with "Ash" and had 2 z's in it. That person asked a question, and oddly enough Starbreeze replied to it in the first post, as if the thread was backwards. I think the question may have been about PT's, and then Starbreeze said something to the effect of "That's only for us oldsters." It's funny, because now that I look at her profile, I see that she has fewer posts than I do. I think in my dream she had many more.

Lhunardawen 08-21-2005 04:16 AM

Thanks for (finally) including me in your Werewolf game, tgwbs.

I am inclined to think you're blowing the present situation in the Philippines out of proportion. But at least you have the slightest inkling on Philippine politics. ;)

As for me, the other night I dreamt of Michael...

Oops, sorry. Wrong one. :D

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-21-2005 06:03 AM

By Gorlim!
^ Daga, you really posted it! :eek:

Enedwaith, while waiting from a text message from someone, I confused my alter-ego into thinking I'm going into deep sleep stage. So I got my light sleep, and its attendant dream.

In the dream I was in front of the computer, rummaging through some threads, and I saw that Kath had changed her sig:


I will be away for another week. Be back at 29th August.
I was shocked! Then I realised it was time for my first class. So left the computer centre. Not a few steps away from the building I bumped into . . .


My brain froze!

You have a brain?!

Shut up.

Oh, right. That's what happened. Adam spoke for me:

"I thought your government said, 'Enter the Philippines at your own risk'?"

She smiled in a weird way, and replied, "I'm a Ranger, remember?" Then she slashes some werewolf's head off.

My phone beeped. Four in the morning. My dream ended.

NOTE: Contrary to the abovementioned, there are no werewolves in the Philippines. We do, however, have a weird version of the centaur--it has the upper body of a horse and the lower body of a human. I don't what that has to do with anything. I should stop now.

the guy who be short 08-21-2005 09:21 AM

Kath seems to be the new, er, Person Everybody Dreams About... the Peda, to coin a new word.

Yes, Another Kath dream. I dreamt that she was at my school and we were learning Quenya together - except she had morphed into my friend Victoria! We sat there going over the Future And Aorist tenses and saying odd sentences in Quenya.

I also vaguely remember another dream where I was reading through a post written in 2003 (when I was a complete idiot) and thinking how stupid I was. A little down the page, Eomer agreed with the point I was making for some reason. That makes 4 Eomer dreams, I think, making him my Most-Dreamed-Of-Person, or Mdop.


Shelob 08-21-2005 09:51 AM

I had a Barrowdown-werewolf related the dream two nights ago, the one before I had to post the lynching result for Oddwen. In my dream I was supposed to wake up between 7 and 7.30 so that I could have time to write up the lynching before 8 (around the time Oddwen usually posted Deaths/Lynchings). Well, -still in the dream remember- I woke up at 7 and decided that I could get in a few more minutes of sleep, next thing I knew it was 11 --3 hours after I should have posted the Lynching-- and my mom was waking me and rushing me out of the house somewhere. Needless to say I was panicking, "But I have to go kill someone! It'll only take a moment! Please!" that sort of thing...

...I did actually wake up at 7-ish kind brother stuck his head in the door and hollered for me...but it was a strange sensation waking up because I was momentarily convinced it was 11 and made a mad dash for my laptop before realizing that I was not in fact three hours late but right on schedule...All in all it was a disturbingly realistic dream which made me wake up feeling really guilty...

Orominuialwen 08-21-2005 10:39 AM

I had a dream the night before last about Morm. In the beginning of the dream, I somehow accidentally called him on the phone, and then realized who he was (how, I'm not sure), so we talked on the phone, and afterwards I wrote the conversation down on a postcard. There then followed much in the dream which was not BD-related. I ended up in Germany with my brother, and we were driven around by a friend of my dad's trying to get to Harvard, which had somehow ended up in Germany and looked like a place from a previous dream of mine. I believe we were looking for Lord St. George (from the Dorothy Sayers novels). Anyway, at some point we got out of the car (which my brother forgot his shoes in) and were wondering around some shop, where I was looking at watches. While we were there, we were kidnapped by Morm's evil brother, who took us to some other place, and was about to try to knock us out with a small club, when Morm and his wife showed up and stopped his evil brother. All in all, it was a very strange and rambling dream.

Hookbill the Goomba 08-21-2005 11:06 AM

I had a dream last night in which I went to my Laptop and looked on the Downs to find that the background colour had been changed from black to blue. I was confused and so pmed the Barrow Wight to ask why and he just sent me a load of negative reps saying "Don't ask questions!"

Mind you, if it was blue you’d be able to see this smilie better... :confused:

WaynetheGoblin 08-21-2005 06:37 PM

Well the worse it could possibly be is pink with purple polkadots.

Oddwen 08-21-2005 06:48 PM

Wierd Shelob...I had almost the exact same dream. I got up Saturday morning at 2:30 to go to a bird swap, and didn't get to bed 'til late, so I wasn't quite sure I could get up in time today.

I dreamed that I turned my alarm off at 7, and when I next looked, it was 10:30. The Barrowdowners would be furious! Furious!

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed the WereBear hadn't sent in its choice yet, so I had to ring in the next DAY completely ignoring the Bear. A lot of people were very curious, I can tell you.

Kath 08-24-2005 06:44 AM

Well I must say being the Peda is really good for an ego-boost!

I too had a few dreams whilst on holiday because I think I was having withdrawal symptoms from the site! I dreamt that I missed a PM from Nilp and he got really cross with me. He then negatively repped every post I made until I was in minus reputation (is that even possible?). I PMed the Barrow Wight to ask him to make Nilp stop and he killed him! That is, the BW killed Nilp. I woke up in shock but that was only half to do with the dream and half to do with the fact that I'd fallen asleep with the phone next to my ear and a text had just come through. Luckily said text was from Nilp and so I wasn't worried.

I also had a dream about the werewolf game as it's been a while since I've not been involved. I dreamt that I was an ordinary villager but somehow had inside knowlegde about every character. I kept trying to tell people who the wolves were but someone, I think it was Oddwen, kept telling me to be quiet because it would ruin her plan. She wasn't a wolf though so it was a bit odd. I've no idea how that one ended!

Finally I dreamt that Fea's dad deleted the Barrowdowns off the Internet by accident and the site was lost!

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-24-2005 07:19 AM

Re: Peda's dream.
Me, get cross?

May it be far from you.

At you???

May it be far from you.

And give a neg-rep???

May it be far from you.

Many neg-reps?????

May it be far from you.

To you?????

May it be far from you.

And can His Wightiness kill me?

May it be far from . . . wait, this could happen. Well, the chance of him killing a clone of yours is better, but he could get lucky.

Or, he could delete you account, which would kill you. And after seeing this post of yours, believe me, he would.

*sigh* Right.

the guy who be short 08-25-2005 06:36 AM

This was an odd dream, combining BD and HP. But HerenIstarion likes HP anyway. :)

I was on MSN when suddenly I got sucked through and ended up in Georgia. H-I was working on a computer, typing away, looking just like he does in the photo album. He was at a long desk with a woman typing on his left and a man on his right. He also had the BD site open, but whenever anybody came near he minimized it, and since his workmates didn't know how to minimise, that was all good and fine.

Another interesting note is that I was in the USSR. Don't ask me how I knew. I just did. H-I and his office were in the modren day - but the USSR still existed in the dream.

H-I apologised to me, because he had the old version of MSN and couldn't transport me home through it (evidently he was a wizard). However, one of his workmates, Hansi, would do it as soon as he finished work.

I got bored waiting around and stepped out of the offices. Outside, there were stairs to go down, but also about twelve massive dogs (I have a phobia of big dogs). I wanted to go down, but I wasn't allowed out of the office (it was unproductive) without some dogs. So two dogs took me down, but there was nothing there, so I came back up.

Upon entering the office, I found that something had happened to Hansi (he was either dead, fainted, or taken to hospital). I got worried that I wouldn't be able to get home, but luckily H-I transported me using Hansi's computer.

Hookbill the Goomba 08-25-2005 08:30 AM

I had a Downs related Dream last night.

Me and a company of Downers were travelling through Moria. For some reason. We got to the Bridge of Kazad-dum and found it broken (Because of Gandalf fighting Mr Balrog) it then chanced that, for some reason, Gil-gallad was on the other side. We asked him to help but he decided to break the rest of the bridge as well. Needless to say, most of us were unhappy with this and we found some wooden planks that went across the gorge.
When across the gorge we chased Gil to Lorien where we found that he was planning to build a new bridge, one that would not break by the tap of a staff.

It was immensely strange.

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-25-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
Finally I dreamt that Fea's dad deleted the Barrowdowns off the Internet by accident and the site was lost!

I'd be very much honored that you dreamt this of me (actually, Dad), if it didn't seem like such a possibility. :rolleyes: But then, you know my Dad's feelings towards The Barrowdowns. Just last night "You know that you aren't going to have any time for this sort of nonsense in college. You're going to be working night and day. You should give it up now and get some work done."

I actually had a mini-dream the other night involving Georgia and Heren. See, I've been sick (*Fea sends allergies to Mordor*) and I have odd dreams when I'm sick, but here's what it was:

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and learned that he lived in Georgia for a year! This wasn't a dream, this actually happened.

In the dream though, we had the same conversation as in reality and then I found out that he knew Heren, which definately didn't happen in reality. I was just about to ask him who-knows-what when I woke up and had to blow my nose, cough a lot, take some head-ache medication, and moan melodramatically about the evils of the third cutting of hay, the tassling of corn, three large dogs, and gutting rooms beneath my bedroom thus sending dust to it. And ice cream. I complained about that to the spirit of sleepless nights too. :)

arcticstorm 08-25-2005 05:09 PM

I had an interesting dream about the wearwolf games. I do not remember any details, except that the saucepan man was one of the players as was firefoot, but I remeber a little about the lynchings voted on by the players and wearwolf deaths actually happening. Because at the end I was lynched.

the guy who be short 08-26-2005 06:51 AM

I've had far too many Werewolf dreams for my liking. I no longer bother posting them. *Shudders*

Unless they're really cool. :cool:

The Saucepan Man 08-26-2005 07:19 AM

I have been saving this one until the latest Werewolf game was over.

I was the Hunter in Werewolf IIX, and spent far too much time well into the early hours pondering over who to Hunt each Night and making copious notes (sad, I know, but the result of a very competitive nature).

After one such session, I retired to bed to enjoy only a few hours sleep. When Mrs Saucepan woke me up the next morning, I was still half asleep and apparently muttered something like:

No, I need to work out who to kill. :eek:

Which might have been rather alarming for her had I not previously told her about the game. :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-26-2005 08:59 AM

You're not alone, Sauce. I always make notes when playing a game. As a result, I once had a dream about scribbling down some Werewolf notes in front of my PC. It wasn't a particularly interesting dream, as you may be able to tell. :rolleyes: :D

Orominuialwen 08-26-2005 02:12 PM

I had a dream the other night about H-I and Mrs. Istarion. I dreamt that they were going to go on a road trip across the US. They had decided to drive through northern Illinois on the way, and I tried to convince them to take a detour into Wisconsin to come see me and my family. They didn't want to, so we agreed to all meet somewhere along their route in Illinois. For some reason, we decid to meet by the side of a highway, and it was agreed that my family would come in a tractor-trailer with WARG painted on the side in big red letters so that they'd recognize us. Somehow we missed meeting up, so we were stuck waiting at some sort of rest stop, while my brother (who cannot drive in real life) drove the "Warg Truck" around.

Oddwen 08-26-2005 07:30 PM

I had a dream the night after I posted this, that the post got forty reps and I shot up to third in the member's list sorted by reputation. I remember that I was saying "Whoa, I shot up over Bęthberry??"

Shelob 08-28-2005 09:55 AM

I had a dream last night that I was walking down the main street in our town, though in the dream the street was much longer and had buildings I had never seen. Eventually I was walking past a pretty boring builing, one of those concrete blocks, when I happened to look up to see what was in it. Well the only sign on the building was one which said "littlemanpoet: dentist", I remember nothing about this really seemed strange in the dream I was just a little surprised because I hadn't realized LMP lived in the same town. I went inside just to say hello and introduce myself but had no sooner entered the office then found myself in the dentist chair about to have my teeth cleaned...all in all very strange.

Orominuialwen 08-29-2005 02:00 PM

I had a dream yesterday afternoon (yes, afternoon--I fell asleep on the couch doing over-the-summer English homework) about Lhuna. I dreamt that she wrote a book, and once it was published my brother wanted to call her on the phone to talk about the book. (I have no idea why I always dream about calling BDers on the phone.) I told him that this was a bad idea, since everyone else would probably be calling her on the phone about the book, and that we should visit her in the Philippines instead. We went there and ended up at her house. She was very nice, and we spent a lot of time wandering around her house. (which had very interesting-looking windows that had bamboo around them.) Nilp didn't really come into the dream, except that Lhuna showed us an odd-looking cartoon of him. Their brother (who, as far as I know, doesn't belong to the 'Downs) kept wandering around, moping because he couldn't go to Saudi Arabia. The rest of the dream had absolutely nothing BD-related, so I won't bore you with it.

Lhunardawen 09-01-2005 02:07 AM

Wow, Oromin. I could only wish I can write something decent for Creative Writing. :rolleyes:


She was very nice...
I'll have to burst your bubble on this, though. :D

Kitanna 09-01-2005 09:53 AM

I had a dream that Oddwen's Tom Servo avatar came alive and was walking through different forums talking to people. I thought it was real until I signed on this morning.

Glirdan 09-01-2005 10:12 AM

Oh my Eru! I just had a wierd dream the other night. It started out with me going to an informal banquet for all the music students at my school. I was just walking around with my friends and chatting away when, out of absolutely nowhere, someone who reminded me of Bęthberry came up and said " We have to go around a lock all the doors and windows so the spectre doesn't get in!" At the time, I was with a few friends and Wilwa. When Bęthberry told us about the spectre, everybody panicked and ran around. Only a few of us (Wilwa, Bęthberry, myself and others) ran around locking doors and windows. However, when I got to one door I was knocked backwards and the spectre came in! And the specter was actually the Barrow-Wight! And that's when I woke up.

Encaitare 09-10-2005 10:44 AM

I had a dream in which THE Ka came to my house with a bunch of my RL friends... it was really weird because she didn't look like what she really looks like. She had brownish-blonde hair rather than black, but it was still her. I forget what exactly happened in the dream, although I think her mom was there too.

Meneltarmacil 09-11-2005 07:13 AM

I had a dream about Nuranar last night. In it, it was Halloween and I was going to ask the phantom if I could join a Werewolf game that was starting around then. Somehow I wound up in front of this big white house and the street was lined with some tall grass and these lantern-like things sort of like those miniature pagodas you see in Japanese gardens. I looked at one of them and saw that the name "Nuranar" was written across the front. Then I realized that these were actually little houses and that she was some kind of tiny person who lived in that one. However, when she came out of it, she was normal-sized. Eventually we wound up having to keep these wild animals from coming out of the tall grass. It was kind of strange, like most of my dreams.

Not sure why Nuranar was in it, though, as the only time we'd really done a whole lot together was on an RPG a while back and she doesn't seem to have been around here much lately. In my dream she was somewhat shorter than me and had long, dark hair.

EDIT: Actually, she has been on here lately, I just hadn't noticed.

the guy who be short 09-11-2005 07:18 AM

I dreamt about Wilwa last night. We were floating downstream on a river together (plus my mother). It was really cool, the scenery was beautiful and lush, there were bushes laden with fruit in fields, and the water was pure and delighted in rushing along musically.
I vaguely remember Wilwa as being dressed in blue (surprise, surprise) with long hair. I'm not sure whether we were speaking in English, most likely, or the shambles I call French.

Nilpaurion Felagund 09-11-2005 07:43 PM

A dream.
(I sneaked one on Adam again. Hah!)

In this dream, I saw that Sauce and Kath were . . . father and daughter!

Understandably, this brought the entire dreaming process to halt.

Oddwen 09-11-2005 08:14 PM

I don't remember what night it was now, but I dreamed the phantom, Fea, and SpM came to my house for some sort of BD'er meeting.

Phantom was extremely egocentric, as is normal, and pretended he was ill so he could take my grandfather's bed. In fact, he took my grandfather's whole room.

All I remember was that he was very tiny and extremely petulant. Fea sat beside the bed and tended him, looking very like a waif.

Lhunardawen 09-12-2005 05:15 AM

I dreamt of Eomer of the Rohirrim the other night. I was hurrying towards my next class in a building in my university when I saw Eomer sitting in the corridor, in front of a classroom. (He looked the way I originally imagined him and not like his picture in the Downs photo page, so no eyeliner. :D ) I sat down beside him and chatted him up, and all I can remember is that I encouraged him about this book he was trying to write. Then I stood up and said bye and continued hurrying towards my next class. I arrived late and was scolded by my prof, quite needless to say. But for a chat with my big bro, it was all worth it. ;)

Too bad it was only a dream, though. :(

I think the guy who be short was also somewhere in that dream, or in a separate one that I can't remember.

Alcarillo 09-14-2005 06:57 PM

My First Barrow-Downs Dream
Last night, I dreamed I was on the steps of a large museum, although it looked more like an observatory. It's name was Italian, but I don't remember what. So I was standing on these steps up to the door (accessible by climbing up several large blocks of concrete. It was a weird door; sort-of knob-like), and Kitanna and Wilwa were standing near the edge of the steps, by some large trees. Kitanna said that she thought I was a girl, and Wilwa said that the museum was closing soon. And that's pretty much it. There was also some sort of political rally in a forest with torches and pitchforks, but Kitanna and Wilwa weren't there.

Kath 09-15-2005 02:40 AM

Oh wow I completely forgot to post in here but I will now tell you of my exceedingly strange dream.

It started off in Nilp's house in the Philippines and Nilp and Lhuna were there except that Nilp was about 12 and Lhuna was her normal age. Lhuna gave me a huge hug and then disappeared in the way that those pesky dream people do. The dream then (you know that this where you're in one place and then another? I call that flashing) flashed to Nilp and myself being in a funfair. We saw this mime guy and he was miming the Balrog Wing Debate, I remember that his way of miming a Balrog without wings was to clamp his arms to his sides and fall sideways off his box!

Anyway then the dream flashed again and now I was Nilp-less and was walking down this path. A guy, who might have been Eomer, told me that I had to be careful because there was a wasps nest on the side of the path and if they stung me I would turn into a frog. As I (very carefully) walked past a frog jumped into my path and somehow I knew that it was Menel (I think because his avvie reminds me of a frog).

The dream then flashed again and I was back watching the mime who then did the entire story of LotR. I actually remember sitting there and watching the whole thing and it taking so long that a whole day had passed before he had finished. And then I woke up.

So yes, weird dream, and because of the miming LotR thing I was exhausted when i woke up because I thought I hadn't slept for a day!

WaynetheGoblin 09-15-2005 05:56 AM

I dremt that I was the bear in the warewolf game and I destroyd swankytown.

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