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Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mira
Hansy really confuses me. Is this his first game? Because he seems to know a lot more about this entire thing than I did my first game (or still do, as a matter of fact).

This is what worries me--we don't know, and however he answers it could be a lie. You're only a n00b once. Someone who joined the 'Downs just to play Werewolf probably knows a good chunk about the game and/or has played it elsewhere, but maybe not, and he's under no obligation to tell us which way it goes.

If he has played WW elsewhere, but wants to appear as n00bish as possible in order to foment confusion, then that points towards baddishness. And oddly enough, that's the impression I'm getting from him...

It's bad form to initiate someone into WW with a Day 1 lynch, but man, I'm tempted.

I should be up till deadline so I'll have plenty of time to go over all suspects.

In the meantime, Hansy, have you played Werewolf elsewhere?

Nogrod 02-21-2009 07:24 PM

The votes then.

Kath for Nerwen
I already talked about this at length in #109.

Fea for Hansy

eenie meenie miny

Because I'm not in nearly a good enough mood to be nice to newbies for the sheer sake of it, and Nog has a way of saying interesting things on Day One.
After not saying practically anything toDay she makes a "eenie-meenie-miny" -vote, which behaviour I still dislike a lot. Underlining one's vote is random alway rings my alarms. Saying you vote random doesn't mean anything as we others can't know whether you rolled a dice or not (or whatever; deciding beforehand to vote for the one who has posted just before you?). But saying you did it randomly kind of makes you less culpable of any innocent being lynched if it turns out that way and thence is perfect for the baddies. But that addendum about me there is most odd. So I'm saying intereasting things on Day1? Now what has that to do with anything? Lynching me toDay would not affect the fact that I'm able to talk toDay (Day1) in any way. So what is this? Buddying up? Sending signals to someone you think belongs to either / the other baddie-fraction?

Dury for Sally

Anyway...there's already a few people I'd like to get rid of just for the sake of being rid of them, but part of my beef with werewolf is when people simply play I'm going to go for as random as possible here.
Just looking at who has posted, anyway, I picked out her on some sort of gut-reaction thing. The typical excuse. It's like pleading the stomach told me to do it!
Oh my! She wishes some people to be lynched but decides to be as random as possible picking someone with guts and then trying to explain it away both ways (like it's nothing & sorry Sally).

Eönwë for Gwath

so I'll just go for a semi-random vote:
Because his 2 posts said nothing at all relevant.
Now what is this random-vote mania all about? I haven't seen this kind of voting for years! If you had a reason to vote for Gwath, why do you say it's "semi-random" then? What's the matter with all of you? :rolleyes:

Eomer for Sally

Exudes a sense of delayed reactions. First part of the day is the time, if indeed there is a time - something to be doubted -, to repeat the fact that there are gifted allies and enemies in the game, and that necessity dictates our discovery of one of those enemies. Frivolous, for sure, but in the least game-related: an acceptably lazy first post. Her first few posts, alas, were empty.
And then she sought something to say. Too eager to show herself.
Not the only one, it's true.
Finally someone giving reasons for his vote... Although as he said himself in the end, Sally's not the only one who has behaved like that toDay so it would have been natural for you - were you innocent - to elaborate that one a bit; who else did you consider were acting like that, from whom did you choose her? Now it looks a bit too convenient vote to my taste. You're careful not to suspect others but just imply you have seen similar behaviour around to look good and not to get anyone on you to retaliate. Hmm...

Okay. You're not all baddies... I think. But let me bet something that we have at least one baddie here already...

I seem to have crossposted with a bunch of posts...

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 07:39 PM

Speaking of cryptic - Eomer's really going crazy with those Scottish seanfhacalan.

Hansy 02-21-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 586046)
This is what worries me--we don't know, and however he answers it could be a lie. You're only a n00b once. Someone who joined the 'Downs just to play Werewolf probably knows a good chunk about the game and/or has played it elsewhere, but maybe not, and he's under no obligation to tell us which way it goes.

If he has played WW elsewhere, but wants to appear as n00bish as possible in order to foment confusion, then that points towards baddishness. And oddly enough, that's the impression I'm getting from him...

It's bad form to initiate someone into WW with a Day 1 lynch, but man, I'm tempted.

I should be up till deadline so I'll have plenty of time to go over all suspects.

In the meantime, Hansy, have you played Werewolf elsewhere?

Yes. (But I want my newbie status nonetheless :P) It is way too different from the way it is played here, though. It relies heavily on roles; I can't remember the last time I played with plain innocents/ordos before this game, for example, and there are second places (answering to Rikae, which I believe I missed before). You play almost like Mafia - and the way everyone's active, and analyse each other's posts to find which people are lying, it's an interesting approach that I wanted to experiment. I was trying to do my part on creating useful discussion - I didn't want to be misinterpeted as the cobbler or wild theorizer or whatever.

(Though at this point, I should be pretending I am the cobbler. It would certainly be more fun :p but not helpful, yeah.)

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 07:45 PM

[quote=Nogrod;586049Underlining one's vote is random alway rings my alarms. Saying you vote random doesn't mean anything as we others can't know whether you rolled a dice or not (or whatever; deciding beforehand to vote for the one who has posted just before you?). But saying you did it randomly kind of makes you less culpable of any innocent being lynched if it turns out that way and thence is perfect for the baddies.[/quote]

I think in some cases it's defensible to vote randomly and specify the randomness of the vote - for example, if it's Day One and you really have no time to vote thoughtfully, or really have no suspicions. As you pointed out, we're trusting to luck a great deal anyway. I do agree, however, that there have been an unusual number of random votes toDay. I'm not sure what I think about it yet.

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Hansy
I was trying to do my part on creating useful discussion - I didn't want to be misinterpeted as the cobbler or wild theorizer or whatever.

All right, though I'm not sure how much use the discussion itself had--no offense or anything. Probably more the fact that it occurred than anything else, and now people's reactions to it; and to those who, knowing how WW is played on the 'Downs and what's legal and what isn't, still went along with it.

I'll back off... for now. I just have to be wary of how you use your n00b status because I might be doing the same thing. :smokin:

On other notes, Nog is being ridiculously (by which I mean nothing but good) helpful, which means I'll funnel him into the same category as phantom. I definitely will not be voting for either of these toDay, but if they're still around after a couple of Nights I'll get really suspicious.

Still unsure of whom I'm actually going to vote--even though I've lurked these games for aeons I've never gotten good at Wolf-sniffing, and coupled with the fact that this is Day One it means that I'm highly likely to miss, or even worse, vote Gifted! :(

Nogrod 02-21-2009 08:05 PM

Here's my list then in just the order it appears on the player-list...

Mirandir - She should have more time to make her presence felt - but if she's not going to do it later toDay ot ToMorrow I'd be glad to vote her out. But probably not toDay.

Durelin - One of my all-time enigmas. I must say I find her vote (and especially the explanation of it) the most confusing. I think she could do a bit better as a baddie and be like that in a rush and innocent. But I don't like the vote (the explanation of it) at all. It feels foul.

Feanor of the Peredhil - She's intelligent enough to make better claims on Day1 so a frustrated innocent then? No. The note about me saying interesting things (when there were no other commnets on anyone else in the vote-post) bothers me a lot.

Isabellkya - If there is a submarine-baddie she's one of my top candidates for that role. She can be sneaky like that and devastating later. Somehow my gut-feeling just tells the contrary at the moment.

Nerwen - Hasn't posted but once and very early in the game. I don't see the suspicions around her but wouldn't trust her either.

Eomer of the Rohirrim - Speaks sense which is highly appreciated. Still his vote left me a bit concerned about his motives.

the phantom - Let's see his track-record on Day3 or something if he's still around.

Brinniel - I tend to be nervously panicky with Brinn as she's probably the best in looking innocent but somehow I'm less so this time. I may be wrong with this but she is not my top worry right now.

satansaloser2005 - Another one I'm pretty scared everytime I play with her as she looks just so cute and funny all the time but still can create havoc during the Nights. But no special alarms as yet.

Gwathagor - I always feel bad when he gets lynched early on and is innocent - but he has not always been that and my pity has backfired badly. I'd like to see him post more to be sure but will not vote him toDay.

Lariren Shadow - Careful, soo careful and general that I would like to say I really suspect her. But I'm not too sure about it. She will be on my list of "to be followed" more closely. If I'd need to make a shot in a dark she'd be one of my top choices though.

wilwarin538 - Her talk about possibly bandwagoning toDay looks very strange indeed but she hasn't been around for so long a while I think she should have a chance for another Day at least.

Rikae - I'm not going to vote Rikae on Day1 unless I have strong reasons to do so. And as now I don't seem to have one.

Eönwë - He's around and is not around. Hard to say. He seems to post frequently and a lot but there's very little he says. A hunker-down baddie who wants to make a presence or just an ordo with nothing to say?

Mnemosyne - I'm forced to take back my words a bit with her. Looking at her posts closer makes me feel better of her. I mean her alliances.

Kath - I could vote for her just because of the way she acts - and it's not only a principle at work here but also the particular way she did it this time. I'm only afraid that my principle runs over my reason if I vote her. I need to think. (For those who do not know: she's the most sovereign baddie in the endgame so you should get rid of her early on just to be on the safe side, but then again, she can be the most reasonable, observant and independent-minded ally in the endgame as well if she happens to be a goodie.)

Hansy - Maybe he's the cobbler, maybe he's not. His seeming knowledge of the game even as a newbie might talk on behalf of that interpretation. But if the only thing we suspect him is cobblery let's go for bigger prices even on this Day1. If he continues the way he has started I think we'll hear more of him to make better interpretations. *Sorry about getting your sex wrong earlier*

Back with a vote and possible thoughts to accompany it as I sure have X'd with a host again...

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 586054)

Gwathagor - I always feel bad when he gets lynched early on and is innocent - but he has not always been that and my pity has backfired badly.

Only the last time! Ha ha.

Nerwen 02-21-2009 08:21 PM

Sorry for lack of contribution– I couldn't get online before.


Hansy. Rather creepy. He seems too confused about the rules of the current game to be a wolf (are we calling them wolves?), and probably too flamboyant to be the Black Queen. Might be the Black Pawn... in fact, he reminds me a lot of Lal when she was a cobbler.

Rikae: Tries to cast suspicion on yours truly, which seems awfully opportunistic after I'd just been given the first vote of the Day, and that a completely random one.

Which brings us to–

Kath. AIIIIEE!!!! Now my head may well explode. Would an innocent Kath vote like that? But then, would an evil Kath vote like that? After all, it's been established as one of the best ways of getting oneself lynched on Day One.

And then others follow suit...


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 586049)
Okay. You're not all baddies... I think. But let me bet something that we have at least one baddie here already...

Here's the problem: last game, I think, all the random voters on Day One were innocent. And most were experienced enough to know better, too.

EDIT: X'd since Gwath at #123.

Nogrod 02-21-2009 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 586057)
Here's the problem: last game, I think, all the random voters on Day One were innocent. And most were experienced enough to know better, too.

If that is how it was, that clearly is a problem. If there is a meme that says "vote random on Day1 to be on the safe side" which is spreading right now then we could just throw a lot for Day1 and skip the Day alltogether... and face the same problem on Day2, right? Inaction and uninvolvement should be the scariest ways to try and get through Day1's and not the safest... If there was a general mood that a silent-one / random-voter gets automatically killed at the end of Day1 we'd force the baddies from their safety-holes out in the open to talk - and to make mistakes so that we could catch them.

Blaah... I've said this probably a thousand times already... :confused:

But maybe this just kicked me enough to make my decision... I need to have a cigarette before it, though.

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 08:47 PM

Looking through the last game the first three votes were all random. Two of the voters were innocent and one of them was the seer. :eek:

With that said, early, random votes do have a really good role in promoting discussion like the one that's currently going on. Nothing to make people sit up, pay attention, and actually engage in some serious talk amidst the banter than a good ole lynch vote! Voting for people just because they voted randomly is going to do nothing but give the baddies something else to hide behind.

That said, we don't have much else to go on...

Lariren Shadow 02-21-2009 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 586054)
Lariren Shadow - Careful, soo careful and general that I would like to say I really suspect her. But I'm not too sure about it. She will be on my list of "to be followed" more closely. If I'd need to make a shot in a dark she'd be one of my top choices though.

I've been careful? Good to know. And is it sad that I feel honored to be on your list?:Merisu:

And to add here is my list:
Mira: Has only said something that made me laugh. Therefore I think she is innocent and should be kept around if just for the entertainment.

Durelin: Not sure if I have anything on her yet. Much is still to be seen.

Fea: Not sure what to make of her seer comment. It could just be her trying to play a role while being a pawn. But then I also have no idea what to make of her. She’s smart and a good player, I’ll give her that. The comment just gets to me. She could really be the seer, but I don't think that's her style.

Isabellkya: Izzy? Bella? Anyway, not much to go on here either. Just a few posts. Nothing much more.

Nerwen: Hasn't said a lot and I can see that's been because of the lack of internet.

Eomer: Has said little. Not sure what that means and I have no idea what his personality was like before his apparent new one. He has been making sense too.

the phantom: Shouldn’t die. He’s smart and really good at analyzing people. He could be a lot of help later in the game.

Brinn: I have no idea. I don't think I'm good at reading her though.

Sally: Again, not really an idea about her at all. Though other’s are suspicious of her. I’m not sure what to make of that. I can’t really get a good read on her.

Gwath: I wish I had more to say about people.

Wilwa: Really truly want something to be able to say.

Rikae: Now that I think about it, the Seer banter with Fea could possibly be two Wolves trying to communicate during the game. I don’t know what that means for us. Or it could be innocents just playing around, which is entirely possible considering.

Eonwe: Nothing.

Nog: Has posted an analysis of the posting pages. From what I understand this points to guilt because it’s easy to find fault where there is none in analysis. And this pointing to guilt is based on previous games where the guilty have done long explinations.

Syne: I like this nickname. Just saying. You can totally not like it. I consider you a newbie so that means I’m not going to vote for you for awhile. I know you’re not “new” but, well, you get a free pass. I do think that you warrent watching though.

Kath: Blah stupid Day 1.

Hansy: Newbie again. See above for reasons. And I played a Werewolf game before my first game here and got newbie status(and came in as Fea’s friend). But then again the game I played was not as active as any of the ones I’ve played here and was such a newbie I’m willing to give him the same status(I still don’t under stand the Hunter role that well).

So the people that I would possibly vote for, but am going to wait a little bit longer to vote on are:

or Rikae

The problem with this list is that these players are smart and good at pointing out baddies and are intelligent and would be good towards the end. I'm entirely not sure how I want to vote. I do know this: I think I want to stay away from the bandwagons, those mess me up.

Edit: x-posted with Mnemosyne

Isabellkya 02-21-2009 08:59 PM

I don't have a mind to follow the trend and vote randomly... even though I typically do on first days. But with so many others doing it, it feels too much like bandwagoning in a sense.

There has been a lot of usual-seeming banter in the beginning of the Day, with a bit smattered here and there throughout so far. I say seeming, mostly in regards to those I haven't played with Mira, Lariren, Wilwa and Mnemosyne - so if the banter-esque things so far are typical, then okay. I've no idea.

Rikae brings up a good point/question in regards to the Cobbler. Are they on the side of general evil, or paired to a specific evil "team"?

Hansy and phantom discuss mechanics. With a little bit of rule clarifying/questioning on hansy's part.

All of this proposing on what Day Fea and Phantom should be lynched.. is banter yes, but from so many.. Why not have them pick?

#92 Mnemosyne says "Dwell too much and we either look like baddies ..... or give baddies ideas." In response to my question on what good it would be to spend a bunch of time theorizing about the White Queen.
She makes a good point that we look at both the wolves and the bear; while not at the expense of on, in favor of the other.
#116 Gwath says we ought to focus on neither/both in regards to the wolves and the bear.
- Could you elaborate on this a bit Gwath? I think I know what you are saying, but would rather see the words - than have an imaginary response in my head.

Mira and Mnemosyne wonder about Hansy's playing experience, and whether or not he may be playing up the newbie card.
Gwath comments on random voting.
#126 Mnemosyne comments and wonders about usefulness of Hansy's earlier theories and the veteran Downers contributing.

I have a question Mnemosyne. If dwelling too much on The White Queen would be baddie like behavior, or giving them ideas. Well what is bringing back up a topic from two pages ago? Wouldn't that be in the same realm? Dwelling too much on mechanics of the game, is to a certain extent pointless. However an excellent tool if you are a baddie - since it involves distracting the village. Yet, here you are bringing up a mechanical topic in regards to Hansy. Seems to be a bit contradictory to me.

On that note of Hansy. I'm not yet worried about him, and in terms of general Werewolf, the ideas are not outlandish to me. As I know what he speaks of; though they are probably "out there" in terms of this style of werewolf playing.

Edit. X'd since Nog's #130.

Nogrod 02-21-2009 09:01 PM

This is a hard one indeed.

Sally leads with two votes. I would be happy to know what she is as she always scares me but somehow I'm afraid she's the "easy lynch" this time.

Nerwen, Hansy or Gwath I would be very reluctant to aid lynching toDay either.

So maybe it's still time for a new candidate...

Kath? Fea? Dury? Isabell? Eönwë? Lari?

With any statistical probabilities there is at least one baddie in there as well as in any group six in this-sized game... :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Mnemo
Voting for people just because they voted randomly is going to do nothing but give the baddies something else to hide behind.

Random voting is a thing behind which you might try to hide. So is voting for those who vote randomly - and so is also voting along the lines of any stated principle (voting for the silent-ones, voting for the careful ones, voting for the controversial ones to know what they are so as they would not bother you later; not voting newbies, not voting your friends, not voting those you think could contribute a lot...). Everyone can pick the grounds for themselves - but we need to be able to see why they choose what they choose when there are no more pressing reasons to vote someone...

But there are differences. Certain options boost the game and force the baddies to act and others give them free-rides... and some are purely social and have nothing to do with the game itself.

EDIT: X'd with Lari & Isabell

the phantom 02-21-2009 09:03 PM

Quick thoughts...

I like the way Hansy thinks. I realize that means nothing about guilt and innocence, but I am unlikely to cast a random Day 1 vote in the direction of a Noob that shows promise.

Fea feels fine. Rikae too.

Nog is looking as he always does. Right now I would lean innocent for him.

I wish Eomer was around more, as what he has said thus far has been to my liking.

Since I've never seen her play, it is no surprise that I don't have a feel for Mnem. She certainly hasn't done anything to make me wish her dead though. Give her at least another day.

And I would hate to lynch the usually vocal Sally just because she's having temporary difficulties.

And just generally I'd like to hear more from everyone. But that is always the case on Day 1. Things should be more comfortable tomorrow.

the phantom 02-21-2009 09:08 PM

Updated voting-

Kath ++Ner
Fea ++Hansy
Dury ++Sally
Steve ++Gwath
Eomer ++Sally (2)

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 586069)

#116 Gwath says we ought to focus on neither/both in regards to the wolves and the bear.
- Could you elaborate on this a bit Gwath? I think I know what you are saying, but would rather see the words - than have an imaginary response in my head.

Oh, sure. I meant that we should focus equally on both the werebear and the werewolves.

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Izzy
I have a question Mnemosyne. If dwelling too much on The White Queen would be baddie like behavior, or giving them ideas. Well what is bringing back up a topic from two pages ago? Wouldn't that be in the same realm? Dwelling too much on mechanics of the game, is to a certain extent pointless. However an excellent tool if you are a baddie - since it involves distracting the village. Yet, here you are bringing up a mechanical topic in regards to Hansy. Seems to be a bit contradictory to me.

I knew I was being unclear in that post. I said I didn't think there was much use in the mechanical discussion itself. But if a veteran Downer began to actually take one of these and run with it, that would raise red flags for me, for precisely this reason.

So Hansy was being helpful in starting up a discussion there, simply because it was stirring the pot. Now we have more reactions to look at, and reactions to the reactions like that specific post that you mentioned.

That's why I mentioned that topic in that post--which I should add I was not the first to do. Noggie naturally mentioned the discussion when he was summarizing his thoughts regarding page 2, and I believe it was the mechanical discussions themselves that gave rise to the discussion of whether Hansy was milking his n00b status a little too much. That specific post was in response to Hansy's response to my questioning him from that discussion (good luck following that sentence!).

Rikae 02-21-2009 09:26 PM

Must vote


Seems to be talking just to talk. Lots of responses, lots of jokes, very safe... sometimes seems to be talking from the evil perspective (first post). Insubstantial but involved. Looks creepy.

Now Rikae sleep. Too old for late DL.

Nogrod 02-21-2009 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 586074)
(good luck following that sentence!).

You're nearing the sentences of myself and Legate here... :)

And good to see you Isabell back in action with a swing! You're off my vote-list toDay, definitively. We need people able to spot things to get the discussion going!

Lari looked reasonable as well and I'd hate to lose her toDay were she an innocent. Her post gave me a welcomed perspective to what contributing means with people you have not followed too closely. There sure are ones that go under her performance toDay... quite a many to be frank.

So what should it be then? I still have Kath, Fea, Dury and Eönwë there. The three first trying to slip under the radar with nonsense and randomness and Eönwë for showing a presence with nothing to say in concrete terms (and using that terrible "semi-random" -vote). All ways of trying to sneak through Day1 suitable for baddies.

Isabellkya 02-21-2009 09:29 PM

You are worrying me a bit with your short one sentence posts, Gwath

Ah, okay. It just seemed that you had a bit more focused intent behind your posts in regards to that discussion, Mnemosyne.

Right now phantom, Nog, Rikae, Fea, and Sally stick out most in my mind, because of their typical behavior.
Sally for her typical silliness, so I can't ever really read her.
phantom, Rikae, and Fea because they always seem to be the more daring.
Nog because I can always expect to see long analyzing posts from him.

Mnemosyne, Gwath, and Hansy stick out in my mind as well.
Hansy because I've played with him elsewhere, and curious to see how he does and likes this style.
Mnemosyne and Gwath because something just doesn't seem quite right. Though I think in terms of voting right this very second, I would pick Gwath over Mnemosyne.

However, since there are about 2.5 hours left until deadline. I've time to revist the pages again.

Edit. x'd with Rikae and Nog. Also left out the word 'again'.

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 586079)

Mnemosyne and Gwath because something just doesn't seem quite right.

Care to be more specific?

Brinniel 02-21-2009 09:45 PM

Gah, it took me over an hour to catch up on the Day...

Some further comments about roles:

Someone mentioned (it might've been Eonwe) that it'd be best we not discuss the gifteds, particularly the White Queen. I agree. It's better if we let the baddies attempt to figure out the gifteds on their own rather than unintentionally give them clues to who the gifteds may be by discussing them.

Rikae also mentioned earlier that we should be wary if the White Queen reveals as it could be a false reveal. But I'd take that even further and say we should be wary of any reveal. With gifted wolves, it'll be even easier for them to successfully attempt a false reveal if one of them is at risk of getting lynched.

Okay, I know the discussion has moved on to talk more about the players than the roles, which is good. I'll be back later with some thoughts I have on players so far.

Hansy 02-21-2009 09:45 PM

Now I realized I should've done the analysis bit earlier; because it's almost 4am here, and my brain is certainly not functioning how it should. So, as voting is mandatory, I'll just flat out avoid having anything to do with it.


"Revenge vote", I don't think you'll execute a veteran today anyway; here's the promise to check on Day 1 happenings tomorrow, the first thing I'll do is to re-read stuff and write my first of those oh-so-famous lists. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-21-2009 09:47 PM

[grumble]Werewolf games...[/grumble]


Originally Posted by Hansy
(Though at this point, I should be pretending I am the cobbler. It would certainly be more fun but not helpful, yeah.)

This is really, really strange... but I feel like I'm playing werewolf with myself.

Hansy reads to me like what would happen if I'd created an alias account, signed up to play two roles (myself as Fea and my alter ego as Hansy), and was sitting back watching the chaos.

It's really quite strange, playing werewolf with somebody that reminds me of myself.

I really don't know if you should take that as a compliment, Hansy.


Originally Posted by Nog
The note about me saying interesting things (when there were no other commnets on anyone else in the vote-post) bothers me a lot.

Fine. Whatever. I'll explain.

So this morning after my flippant comment about Han shot first, and then remembering Lommy's RL name, and my equally flippant comment about 'zomg, if Loms was playing, that could have been a clue!', I realized that we actually had a player calling himself Hansy.

I about died laughing when I noticed my oversight, but then imagine my surprise when I log on again and notice that you've said something about the Black Queen playing Solo.

With a capitalized S.

Which I took to mean as a reference to The Solo, Han the Magnificent.

Which I then thought... what if Nog is a seer and dreamed of the Black Queen on the very first night, and is hinting that Hansy aka Solo is the Black Queen!?!

My jaw dropped, I thought, "No... that's impossible." But then I thought "But then why did he capitalize Solo if not because of the Han stuff?" And then I was sitting there rereading all of this "But what if the Black Queen wants to help the good guys" stuff from Hansy, and what else what I supposed to do when I was supposed to be assuring my paternal aunts that I'm getting good grades? :eek:

But then, Nog, you were like "Say what? Fea, you're on crack." which made me then feel quite confident that I was, in fact, grasping at straws out of a rather desperate hope that Day Ones may, at some point in my life, prove useful.


Originally Posted by Lari
The comment just gets to me. She could really be the seer, but I don't think that's her style.

Darling, I own skin tight turquoise jeans. Do you really want to tell these people I have style? :p


Originally Posted by Izzy
Rikae brings up a good point/question in regards to the Cobbler. Are they on the side of general evil, or paired to a specific evil "team"?

Yes, I was very much wondering this too. Is the role just to wreak havoc, or is there more nuance to it?


Originally Posted by Iz
All of this proposing on what Day Fea and Phantom should be lynched.. is banter yes, but from so many.. Why not have them pick?

Well, phantom doesn't like the stress of the last day, whereas I adore the intensity of the five minutes before deadline when only three players are standing and you KNOW that one is evil, and every word you type is going to either make or break the game-

I say we let both of us live until near the end, then lynch the phantom the day before the last day, leaving me around to attempt the impossible and savor sweet victory for the team that I am on.

It sounds so dramatic when put that way...


Isabellkya 02-21-2009 09:48 PM

In terms of Mnemosyne I get the feeling of almost trying too hard. A forcefulness. However I think it can be attributed to being new.

With you, you are not new. You've made a total of twelve posts, and the longest one is four sentences long. The majority, if not all of them are in response to what other people have said. Half of the twelve are banter.

EDit. X'd with Brin, Hansy and Fea.

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Fea
Darling, I own skin tight turquoise jeans. Do you really want to tell these people I have style?

Oh, you have style, all right. It just happens to be different from most people's.

Your comments about Hansy are interesting (conspiracy theories FTW!)--specifically the part that reminds him of you. I may or may not keep that in mind as I deal with him...

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Izzy
In terms of Mnemosyne I get the feeling of almost trying too hard. A forcefulness. However I think it can be attributed to being new.


Believe me, I'm not trying too hard or even trying. I'm being spontaneous and revelling in trying out new things because they're new and the fact that, for now, no one's going to be able to lay a finger on who exactly I am as a player. I can do something and hang if it makes me look suspicious because I'm thoroughly dispensable. If I were trying too hard, I'd be covering something up. There's nothing to cover up here.

It's just me.

the phantom 02-21-2009 09:55 PM

Updated voting-

Kath +++Ner
Fea ++++Hansy
Dury +++Sally
Steve ++Gwath
Eomer ++Sally (2)
Rikae +++Steve
Hansy ++Fea

Lariren Shadow 02-21-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 586085)
Darling, I own skin tight turquoise jeans. Do you really want to tell these people I have style? :p

And would probably wear them if your hair was bright pink as well.;)

I should consider my vote some more. I have about an hour to think about it.

Edit: x-posted with the phantom.

the phantom 02-21-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fea
It's really quite strange, playing werewolf with somebody that reminds me of myself.

See? I told you I like the way Hansy thought. That proves it. Hansy is like Fea. :)

Nogrod 02-21-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 586080)
Care to be more specific?


Originally Posted by Isabell
You are worrying me a bit with your short one sentence posts, Gwath


I was already thinking of voting Eönwë until I saw Rikae's vote and that changes things a bit. I had a tingling feeling that voting Eönwë is another easy option toDay (alongside Sally) but still the way he is at the top of the posting-list and has managed to say nothing definitive or particular bothered me.

But as Nerwen pointed out Rikae's actions can be interpreted as a bit opportunistic and her vote now sealed it to me. That was an easy one and alarmed myself as well to reconsider. I have no case against Rikae, but her vote clearly fits in with a clever-baddie wishing to get away with Day1 quite nicely. So I'm not too happy to vote for Eönwë anymore.

With Kath I'm afraid I'd be going on with a habit of suspecting her (following our different ideas how Day1's should be played even if I think her performance this particular time was just terrible).

With Dury there is a problem that her voting post is just so crazy (three different and almost exclusive reasons given at the same time + trying to apologise afterwards) that it might speak more of her being in a hurry and with no stakes in the game than actually being a baddie.

Fea I would love to see around as she's always fun to read and talk to but looking at her posting just "objectively" tells me she's done actually nothing but played it very safe + there was this odd addenda in her votepost that I couldn't read as anything other than as a way of trying to contact someone she thought she could gain from.

Okay there's the post by Fea explaining it - and it sounds too fanciful to be forged... :)

I used the capital H in purpose to refer to the joke you had made earlier about Han Solo - and saying that the Black Queen is "working" Solo felt like something fun.

Anyway, Day1's have been useful already at Day1 itself. Don't lose your patience. I've seen it a couple of times - I've also seen those where the lynching of the wolf on Day1 was not triggered by a back-stabbing wolf but was due to the capabilities of the villagers...

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 586086)
With you, you are not new. You've made a total of twelve posts, and the longest one is four sentences long. The majority, if not all of them are in response to what other people have said. Half of the twelve are banter.

If you go back over my games, you will find that I am characteristically terse, and that my participation increases as the game goes on. It may not be an ideal style, but it's mine, and it doesn't indicate anything spooky going on.

Lariren Shadow 02-21-2009 10:17 PM

Alright, so I've been thinking about my vote. I know that my choices, at least I think, are Fea, Nog, and Rikae.

I don't really want to vote Fea because, well, she really hasn't had that much time to play. But there is the problem that I'm still not sure what to think of her and Rikae's seer comments to each other. There the question becomes if I believe them then who is the evil one? Or it could be pawns playing with each other.

I do still have the suspicion that giving a lot of analysis means guilt. And that is stronger in my mind right now than the whole Rikae/Fea thing. Because, well, I could see them just messing with us. Really really messing with us.

So I'm going to vote for


Now I'm going to bed to get up for work in the morning.

Edit: x-posted with Gwath.

the phantom 02-21-2009 10:19 PM

Meh- I don't particularly want to lynch anyone. But I guess someone must die, right?

Of those with votes, I have already defended Fea, Sally, and Hansy. The others I just have no feel for at all.

On one hand there is a person or two that I suspect is a Pawn, so I could vote for them in order to avoid hitting a gifted White piece. But that would be silly as voting for the person you most suspect is an Ordo is totally not the way this is supposed to work.

Gah. What I wouldn't give to get a strong guilty vibe from someone. Even if it was wrong, it would make me feel better. But I suspect that I won't even begin to find my footing until my Day 2 readthrough of Day 1 and the slayings in between.

Nerwen 02-21-2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lariren Shadow (Post 586068)
Fea: Not sure what to make of her seer comment. It could just be her trying to play a role while being a pawn. But then I also have no idea what to make of her. She’s smart and a good player, I’ll give her that. The comment just gets to me. She could really be the seer, but I don't think that's her style.

*shrugs* I have yet to play a game with Fea where she doesn't claim to be the Seer at some point. Rikae's quite fond of claiming to be gifted too. With those two, it doesn't really tell you much.


Originally Posted by Lariren Shadow (Post 586068)
Nog: Has posted an analysis of the posting pages. From what I understand this points to guilt because it’s easy to find fault where there is none in analysis.

So... how are we meant to catch anyone, Lari? I know we had analytical wolves the last few games– that's because they (we, actually) were trying to look typically innocent. As for Nogrod himself– well, he makes a very sneaky wolf and is always worth keeping an eye on... but so far I don't think he's done anything particularly lynch-worthy.


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 586069)
Rikae brings up a good point/question in regards to the Cobbler. Are they on the side of general evil, or paired to a specific evil "team"?

An odd question– the usual cobbler role-description is "on the side of the wolf-team".

EDIT: X'd since tp at #135 (had to go and do chores).

Mnemosyne 02-21-2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by phantom
What I wouldn't give to get a strong guilty vibe from someone.

Want me to start posting suspiciously?:Merisu:

the phantom 02-21-2009 10:21 PM

I already know I won't be voting for you, so it wouldn't help Mnem.

Nogrod 02-21-2009 10:25 PM

Time to decide.

++ Fea

If you were an innocent and thought I was the seer you would have stayed silent about it.

Remember your vote post consisted of the vote and the remark of my "ability to say interesting things" on Day1 (which is ridiculous as your vote would not affect my talking abilities on Day1). So you were up to something else there, trying to give a signal to someone if what you say you thought was true and you really did think that... or then you thought I was a baddie and you're the cobbler... (you could be the cobbler also if you just plain took me for a seer), or whatever.

Let's see what you said there again:

Originally Posted by Fea
I have to peace out, so here's my early vote:
eenie meenie miny
Because I'm not in nearly a good enough mood to be nice to newbies for the sheer sake of it, and Nog has a way of saying interesting things on Day One.

So you're pointing it to someone that I should be watched, maybe treated specially the next Night?

I can see no reason why you would act like that as an innocent - as you yourself agreed you had thought I was the seer... :p

So sad to say this but I believe you're up to no good this time.

And anyway, I'm not what you might think I am so just let it come baddies! The village only loses an ordo with me.

EDIT: X'd from Lari's vote-post...

Gwathagor 02-21-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 586102)
If you were an innocent and thought I was the seer you would have stayed silent about it.

Oh wow. That is a very good point.

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