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Sleepy Ranger 12-09-2005 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man

Yes, I'm here. Sorry school has been keeping me busy. The next week is relatively easy on my schedule so we'll have some updates.

Sleepy Ranger 12-10-2005 12:10 PM

The Rest of the 1/8th Round
Match 5
Live from The Girdle

Doriath 3 - 4 Shire

This match was always going to be a close one with many goals scored and when Shire was asked to perform they answered. Merry shot in a lucky strike to open scoring in the early stages of the match, which went 1-0 into half time and towards the end it seemed Shire would go through 1-0 but a long shot by Beleg ensured that Shire would have to fight for the win, minutes from closing time Thingol scored of a header from a high cross putting Doriath ahead 2-1. The match seemed all but over and it seemed that Shire's run of luck had finally ended but a masterful interception by Gandalf was converted into a solo goal by him to level the two teams again.

It was Shire who took incentive in extra time as Pippin scored a hard and low kept goal. Not long after, Shire gave away a free kick which Beleg converted into another goal and once again put the teams into deadlock. It looked like it would end in penalties but a slip up by Doriath's defense gave Shire a penalty. Pippin had no intention of missing and scored the winner, the fans could not be held back after Shire's amazing win and they were all over the field. Shire looks set for another night of partying.

Match 6
Live from Imladris

Tol-In-Gauroth 0 - 1 Arnor

This match was held on a neutral ground for security reasons and surprisingly the fans were well behaved through out the game. Nothing note worthy really happened in the match, Arnor got ahead due to a slip up in TIG's defense which led to an own goal by one of the wolves. Arnor's attack never really looked stable but their defense more than made up for it. They managed to hold of several advances made by Sauron to see them through to the next round.

Overall, this was a rather disappointing match and I daresay Arnor got lucky. Tol-In-Gauroth always looked the better team.

Match 7
Live from The Black Gate

Mordor 2 - 0 Fangorn

Surprisingly the first 90 minutes didn't see any action at all. Both teams were on the defensive and normal time ended 0-0 with only five shots taken between both teams. Mordor was recieving boos from its own supporters as they left the field but they certainly gave them something to cheer about in extra time. Dark Lord played a fantastic game and managed two knock in two succesive goals to lift Mordor to a 2-0 win, showing Middle-Earth why they're favorites.

Overall, Mordor showed us that they can stay back and play a clean match if needed. They definately seem to be an excellent all round team, I can see them lifting the cup at the end of all things.

Match 8
Live from Middle-Earth Mirth

Barrow-Downs 3 - 0 Alqualonde

A solid win for Barrow-Downs even though they were missing one of their main players. The first half went relatively well, with the 'Downs getting several chances but they failed to convert them. The second half started off with a free kick for the Barrow-Downs, the phantom chose to send a grounded pass to Gil-Galad rather than shoot. Gil took a hard shot but the keeper managed to push it away only to have Firefoot come out of nowhere and poke it in. The next goal was scored courtesy of Saucepanman, he went on a long run and sent a high cross to phantom who headed it back to him and Suacey completed the motion with a bycycle kick.

The third goal was another fantastic effort by fan favorite, Saucepanman. He found himself in perfect situation to take advantage when Alqualonde's goalie ended up outside the box after a mix-up. Rather than gloating Saucey shot in a beauty to take the game 3-0.

Overall, this was a solid win for the Barrow-Downs and just like Mordor I can see them going all the way as well.

Alright, I need people to send in stuff for the MEFD! I'll have some stuff up myself since I'm free. As soon as I get enough articles and stuff (hoping for 4 from others) I'll have the results up. I request you get them in soon because we're running behind schedule and I'd certainly like to get this done before Christams.

The Saucepan Man 12-11-2005 06:23 AM

Yellow Boots update
Go Barrow Downs! :D

Following the Second Round matches, the Yellow Boots table stands as follows:

Beleg (Doriath): 9
Pippin (The Shire): 7
Turin (Nargothrond): 7
Azog (Moria): 6
Legolas (Mirkwood): 6
Ugluk (Isengard): 6
Glorfindel (Gondolin): 5
Sauron (Tol-In-Gauroth): 5
The Saucepan Man (Barrow Downs): 5
Varda (Valimar): 5
Dark Lord (Mordor): 4
Aragorn (Gondor): 3
Arathorn (Arnor): 3
Faramir (Gondor): 3
Gothmog (Angband): 3
Melkor (Angband): 3
Sleepy Ranger (Barrow Downs): 3
Tom Bombadil (Old Forest): 3
Turgon (Gondolin): 3
Ancalagon the Black (Angband): 2
Arvedui (Arnor): 2
Balin (Moria): 2
Boromir (Gondor): 2
Ecthelion (Gondolin): 2
Finrod (Nargothrond): 2
Haldir (Lothlorien): 2
Manwe (Valmar): 2
Merry (The Shire): 2
Quickbeam (Fangorn): 2
Tar-Meneldur (Numenor): 2
Thingol (Doriath): 2
Thorin (Erebor): 2
Treebeard (Fangorn): 2
Witch King of Angmar (Mordor): 2
Yavanna (Valimar): 2

Beleg Strongboot is still the clear leader but, with Doriath knocked out by The Shire, his place is under serious threat from the Took wonderkid and the sensational Turin. Many of the chasing pack are from teams that have already been knocked out, but Varda, The Saucepan Man (yay!) and Dark Lord are solid contenders.

Looking forward to the Quarter Final draw ... :smokin:

Sleepy Ranger 12-11-2005 01:34 PM

Quarter-Finals Draw
Match 1
Valimar vs. Angband

Match 2
Barrow-Downs vs. Arnor

Match 3
Gondor vs. Nargothrond

Match 4
Shire vs. Mordor

And I'd like to know how many people are actually following the MEFWC.
At the moment the only people I know for certain are-
Saucepanman, Fainu and Arcticstorm

Anguirel 12-11-2005 03:31 PM

I am, I assure you. I'll get some more analysis and journalism out there soon...

Formendacil 12-11-2005 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
And I'd like to know how many people are actually following the MEFWC.
At the moment the only people I know for certain are-
Saucepanman, Fainu and Arcticstorm

I'm reading it- albeit bemusedly...

I just have NO grounding in football (be it the American, British, or Gondorian versions) to make any suitable pithy comments for your edification.

The Saucepan Man 12-11-2005 07:18 PM

Fantastic! Great draw for the home team. :smokin:

The Shire v Mordor match should be an interesting one. If anyone can beat the Dark Lord's team, it's the Hobbits. I can see Frodo and Sam sneaking one or two in. :D

Glirdan 12-11-2005 09:30 PM

Wel of course I'm following it. I'm part of it. I'm just not good with whole posting something about stuff with football. But I'm still following it.

Roa_Aoife 12-11-2005 10:32 PM

I'm following it! This is too much fun reading to pass up.

Anguirel 12-12-2005 12:05 PM

Valimar vs Angband-or, the War of Wrath

Naturally, I'll be supporting Angband here. They deserve it-they've faced far tougher opposition than Valimar to reach this level, their tactics have been innovative, and with Melkor, Gothmog, Maeglin and Ancalagon their offensive line up is more than solid.

However, I fear I'll be disappointed. One-to-one, Valimar captain Varda has a history of dealing with Melkor; she alone represents Valimar's star quality (ouch) but she's an extremely powerful asset. Valimar striker Yavanna has reported that the team is feeling confident, and I expect, annoyingly, they're right to be.

Winner: Epic match, but Valimar

Likely Scorers: May go to penalties. Otherwise Varda, Yavanna, Melkor, Gothmog, maybe Maeglin.

Barrowdowns vs Arnor-or, Cold be Heart and Hand and Bone

Arnor's a decent team and I have respect for it; it was below par last match and can do much better. As the clear underdog, I will be supporting it for this match.

However, against its traditional nemesis, which has showed exceptional skill this season, I don't think Arnor have much hope, even with new striker fresh from Angle United Halbarad. Barrow-Downs will probably romp through this one to the semis.

Winner: Solid victory to Barrow-Downs

Likely Scorers: Saucepanman, Sleepy Ranger, Arvedui, Arathorn, maybe Halbarad

Gondor vs. Nargothrond-or, Vanished Glory

Again I find myself sympathising with the likely loser. Gondor has beaten Angband itself early on, so the last Elven team in the championship are going to have a hard time of it. They do have the living legend Turin and the superb Finrod, but Gondor's forward combination of Aragorn, Faramir and Boromir has not yet seen defeat.

If Nargothrond succeed in signing the famous Heart of Himlad duo Celegorm and Curufin-a deal coach Finrod has high hopes of as Celegorm was the original captain of Nargothrond City-things may be closer. But the Sons of Feanor charge an extortionate fee that may be beyond the team's resources.

Winner: Close victory to Gondor

Likely Scorers: Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir, Turin, Finrod

Shire vs Mordor-or, A Fool's Hope

Come now, Saucie must have been joking or drunk. How can mere Hobbits dream of defeating the Dark Lord? What a ludicrous idea...

Winner: Isn't it obvious?

Likely Scorers: Everyone on the Mordor team. Three times each. Honestly, let's hope the Halflings have made their wills, ha ha ha...

The Saucepan Man 12-12-2005 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Arnor's a decent team and I have respect for it; it was below par last match and can do much better. As the clear underdog, I will be supporting it for this match.

Shame on you for not supporting your local team! :( ;)


Originally Posted by Anguirel
How can mere Hobbits dream of defeating the Dark Lord? What a ludicrous idea...

Stranger things have been known to happen ... ;)

The Dark Lord may be supremely confident, but that may yet prove his undoing, since it carries with it the risk of over-confidence. If he makes the mistake of under-estimating the Hobbit lads, his team could be in serious trouble. And there is Gandalf to consider. He is quite capable of creating a diversion in midfield, feigning vulnerability and tempting Mordor to come forward in numbers. Merry and Pippin may even hold back to create the impression that they are playing a defensive game. If that happens, Mordor will be vulnerable at the back to counter-attack by the elusive Halfling midfield duo who, I believe, hold the key to the Dark Lord's undoing.

Roa_Aoife 12-12-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Shire vs Mordor-or, A Fool's Hope

Come now, Saucie must have been joking or drunk. How can mere Hobbits dream of defeating the Dark Lord? What a ludicrous idea...

Winner: Isn't it obvious?

Likely Scorers: Everyone on the Mordor team. Three times each. Honestly, let's hope the Halflings have made their wills, ha ha ha...

I don't know, Anguirel, the Shire has been the cuase of quite a few upsets this season. We started counting them out in the first round, but they've made it the Quarter Finals already. With Pippin being such a strong forward, and now Gandalf on the team, I'd say they do stand a chance of victory. It wouldn't be the first time a few halfings out smarted the Dark Lord. I'm sure they can do it again.

Sleepy Ranger 12-12-2005 12:45 PM

Sorry Saucey but I'm siding with Anguirel in this matter. Mordor is a skilled team and the Hobbits are lucky. Lets see which force is greater, skill or luck?

Anguirel 12-12-2005 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
Lets see which force is greater, skill or luck?

Or satire!

Sleepy Ranger 12-12-2005 01:02 PM

The Middle-Earth Football Show
...And heres your host Sleepy-Wan Rangeobi!

Why hello there ladies, gentlement, ladybits, gentle-hobbits, ladielves, gentle-elves, lorcs, gentle-orcs and whatever else may be out there!

First up we have some good news for Barrow-Downs supporters Sleepy Ranger has been cleared for play and will be back with the squad for the match against Arnor.

There were some really amazing matches in the 1/8th Finals and some really good and competitive teams were knocked out. Good job all the teams that made it till there and good luck to the surviviors, Valinor knows they'll need it.

Now then, lets have a look at the Quarter-Final match ups.

Match 1
Valimar vs. Angband

Theres a lot of hate in this match, you can sense it all the way from here. There'll be a lot of red on the field, in the form of cards and blood, this will certainly be a rough match. These teams have a history and despite obviously being the better team Angband has struggled against Valimar in the past. Unfortunately tickets to this match have already been sold out so if you didn't pre-order yours then you'll have to be content with watching it on TV but either way you do not want to miss this match.

Match 2
Barrow-Downs vs. Arnor

Arnor are a good team but their performance in the past week has been lacking. Unless they can pull themselves together this match will be a walk over for the Barrow-Downs who have come to this point undefeated and the return of Sleepy Ranger will definately motivate the 'Downs. I expect them to win even if Arnor pull themselves together.

Match 3
Gondor vs. Nargothrond

Both teams have just one goal in mind and thats 'Score as many goals as we can and win the World Cup'. This should be an interesting match and I doubt there'll be more than five minutes without an attempt on goal. I can see both teams winning so I really don't know who to choose, guess I'll just see how it turns out. If I had to however, I would put my money on Nargothrond. At the end of the day experience beats out raw offense.

Match 4
Shire vs. Mordor
People seem to be of split opinions on this match up but I firmly believe that Mordor will win this one. They're just too good to lose. Shire have performed well but Mordor are ages better. Maybe in a few years Shire will have a more experienced team that will actually have the quality of play to deserve winning the cup.

Orominuialwen 12-12-2005 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
And I'd like to know how many people are actually following the MEFWC.
At the moment the only people I know for certain are-
Saucepanman, Fainu and Arcticstorm

I'm reading and enjoying this very much, I just don't have much to contribute because I know absolutely nothing about non-American football.

Bergil 12-12-2005 05:57 PM

so am I

Boromir88 12-12-2005 06:00 PM

I picked the Shire to defeat Doriath, so I'll go with Sauce and pick 'em again over Mordor.

Sleepy Ranger 12-13-2005 04:09 PM

Match 1
Live from Tol Eressa

Valimar 0 - 2 Angband

Surprisingly Valimar didn't really put on much of a match here as Angband seemed to cruise past them to book a spot in the semi-finals. Continuing on in their cocky manner Melkor scored late in the first half on his first chance. Angaband's second goal came in the form of a mis-timed pass which found its way to Melkor's feet, who crossed it into the box for Gothmog to head it in.

If Angband left us any doubts after their match against Numenor they certainly cleared them after this match. Still strong favorites and they have strong chances of winning the cup.

Match 2
Live from Quoteable-Quotes

Barrow-Downs 6 - 3 Arnor

Sleepy Ranger marked his return to the 'Downs team with a hat-trick and a 90th minute goal to save the match. The crowd was behind Sleepy all the way seeing as the match was at his domestic team's stadium. Arnor started off the match rather strongly going for goal right away. In the first half Arnor scored two goals courtesy of Arathorn but the second half saw the 'Downs fighting back as Sleepy Ranger receieved a long ball sent out from the back by Glirdan and took a rather long shot that bounced off the post and into the goal to pull Arnor back one.

But it didn't take Arnor long to re-consolidate its lead after a low shot by Arvedui found its mark. At 3-1 Barrow-Downs seemed to be in deep trouble but a 67th minute goal by Saucepanman began to make things seem brighter for the World Cup hosts. The Barrow-Downs hard fought effort payed off in the closing minutes when a Fea corner was converted into a goal by Sleepy Ranger. Level on 3 - 3 the two teams headed into extra time where by a reversal of fate the 'Downs stole the match.

Saucepanman scored the first goal of extra time after recieving a pass from the phantom and it was the phantom who scored the fifth goal of a well taken free-kick. The home boy and fan favorite Sleepy Ranger signed the match with a hard curving kick from the edge of the box, it seemed to be headed high and wide but a sudden curve and drop saw it safely past the goalkeeper and into the goal.

Heres a classic example of coming back from a bad start, though it may have seemed at more than one point that this was not going to be the Barrow-Downs night, they managed to pull through. I can see them lifting the cup at the end of it all.

Match 3
Live from Dol Amroth

Gondor 1 - 2 Nargothrond

Well this certainly wasn't much of a match. Faramir sunk in an early goal but Nargothrond sealed it thanks to a double by Turin in the opening stages of the second half. Gondor's superb offense seemed to lack in this match and they were just outplayed by a far superior team. Its goodbye to Gondor and lets see just how far Nargothrond can actually get.

Nargothrond are a good team but I doubt they can make it to the finals.

Match 4
Live from Hobbiton

Shire 3 - 0 Mordor

What an upset, what an expected upset. Shire's mid-field totally out-classed Mordor and Mordor's defense couldn't touch Gondor's offense. Merry and Pippin started of by passing the ball around before a high cross to Gandalf seemed to be the first goal however it was give off-side. It didn't matter since the free kick was poorly taken and Merry scored from hardly 10m out. Not a minute later Pippin scored off a wild shot that didn't seem to be going in even for a second but somehow ended up in the back of the net. The third goal was scored by Pippin when Merry was taken down by an awkward tackle in the box. The penalty was picture perfect, the goalie dived and the ball went straight past him.

A [surprising] win for the Shire and one they can be proud of. The may make it to the finals but thats to be seen. The semi-finals draw will be tough and it remains to be seen which team has what it takes.

The Saucepan Man 12-13-2005 06:58 PM

Yellow Boots update
Here's to a Barrow-Downs v Shire Final! :D

And now the important matter of the Yellow Boots Trophy. Current state of play (full list):

Beleg (Doriath): 9
Pippin (The Shire): 9
Turin (Nargothrond): 9
Sleepy Ranger (Barrow Downs): 7
The Saucepan Man (Barrow Downs): 7
Azog (Moria): 6
Legolas (Mirkwood): 6
Ugluk (Isengard): 6
Arathorn (Arnor): 5
Glorfindel (Gondolin): 5
Sauron (Tol-In-Gauroth): 5
Varda (Valimar): 5
Dark Lord (Mordor): 4
Faramir (Gondor): 4
Gothmog (Angband): 4
Melkor (Angband): 4
Aragorn (Gondor): 3
Arvedui (Arnor): 3
Merry (The Shire): 3
Tom Bombadil (Old Forest): 3
Turgon (Gondolin): 3
Ancalagon the Black (Angband): 2
Balin (Moria): 2
Boromir (Gondor): 2
Ecthelion (Gondolin): 2
Finrod (Nargothrond): 2
Haldir (Lothlorien): 2
Manwe (Valmar): 2
Quickbeam (Fangorn): 2
Tar-Meneldur (Numenor): 2
The phantom (Barrow Downs): 2
Thingol (Doriath): 2
Thorin (Erebor): 2
Treebeard (Fangorn): 2
Witch King of Angmar (Mordor): 2
Yavanna (Valimar): 2
Brandir (Ephel Barandir): 1
Durin's Bane (Moria): 1
Earnil (Arnor): 1
Elrohir (Rivendell): 1
Fatty Bolger (Crickhollow): 1
Firefoot (Barrow Downs): 1
Gandalf (The Shire): 1
Imrahil (Gondor): 1
Maeglin (Angband): 1
Nazgul #7 (Mordor): 1
Olwe (Alqualonde): 1
Tar-Ancalime (Numenor): 1
Tuor (Gondolin): 1

With Doriath out, it looks like it's between four players. My money's on that there Saucepan Man. ;)

Roa_Aoife 12-13-2005 07:04 PM

Go Shire! I knew the little guys to do it!

And another victory for the home team! I'm going out to celebrate. :cool:

Glirdan 12-13-2005 09:30 PM

Who got an assisst? Oh, that's right!!! Go defense!! Go defense!!! I to am rooting for a Down's vs. Shire match. But we'll take it all. I know it!! With the great goalie, forwards and defense that we have. We're sure to win!!!

Captain Grishnahk 12-13-2005 09:51 PM

Could i join in ?... yall guysss are geniusesss ;)

Gothmog 12-14-2005 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
And I'd like to know how many people are actually following the MEFWC.
At the moment the only people I know for certain are-
Saucepanman, Fainu and Arcticstorm
I follow it, be sure of that. But, alas (oh I LOVE that word) I haven't got much time, as I don't have access to any computer other than in daytime, and then I'm busy. A quick glimpse on today's latest posts is all I have time for.

But this tournament is getting exciting! I've been a fan of BD, the Shire and Angband from the start, and look at the teams left now! Of course I hope for Barrow Downs, but I must say that my heart also belong to Angband. Mostly because of their main scorerer, the great and mighty Gothmog ;)

BD and Angband to the Grande Finale! :D

Oroaranion 12-15-2005 03:27 AM

Two questions -
When is the final?
Why are using FIFA 2k6?
EA's FIFA 06 is a much better game, and far more accurate in player ratings and team and player licensing. Just a thought, sorry for any negative feedback.
Also, I would like the Downs to win, but I was hoping on a different final.
What countries represent the two teams on FIFA 2k6 perchance?

Sleepy Ranger 12-15-2005 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Oroaranion
Two questions -
When is the final?
Why are using FIFA 2k6?
EA's FIFA 06 is a much better game, and far more accurate in player ratings and team and player licensing. Just a thought, sorry for any negative feedback.
Also, I would like the Downs to win, but I was hoping on a different final.
What countries represent the two teams on FIFA 2k6 perchance?

Well the finals will be sometime after the semi-finals, probably this Sunday.
Second, lets have a look at the games-
Fifa 2k6 could be expanded to Fifa 2006 and as you probably know EA owns the patent to Fifa games hence Fifa 2006 is by EA.
And now second, lets expand EA's Fifa 06, again it can be expanded to Fifa 2006 and its made by EA...
Ahem, in other words you just asked me why I'm not using the same game instead of the same game...

And in all honest Pro-Evolution/Winning Eleven is a far better football game. Fifa is just a fans game but Fifa puts on far more enetertaining simmed matches hence I decided to go with that and in all honesty who cares about licensing for a ME tournament? Its not like they actually put in ME teams... ;)

Heh, the finals haven't been decided yet... I haven't even put up the Semi-Final Card yet. And for the Finals no matter which two teams the finalists were represented by it shall be-
Class XI vs. World XI
Just to make it an epic match. And yes I will have a video of it up along with written highlights. However the video will be the entire 20 minutes (or longer) so don't donwload it unless you have a high-speed connection.

Semi-Finals Card will be up presently.

Sleepy Ranger 12-15-2005 04:00 AM

Semi-Finals Draw
The Middle-Earth Football World Cup

Match 1

Match 2
The Barrow-Downs
The Shire

Well now, it seems that a Shire vs. 'Downs final has been ruled out. One of the two teams will have to settle for a battle for third place. I don't know wether Shire's run of luck will continue but for the Barrow-Downs sake I hope not.
Angband vs. Nargothrond should be an easy win for Angaband. Nargothrond are a good team but I have my doubts on them surviving Angband unless Turin can pull off something sepcial.

Tune in later today for our special World Cup show.

Sleepy Ranger 12-16-2005 06:40 AM

Middle-Earth Football World Cup: The Semi-Final Moments
Hello and welcome to the first ever Semi-Finals of the first ever Middle-Earth Football World Cup. After a long and hard contest which began on the 13th of Novemeber. Hosted at the Barrow-Downs, with the opening match being between the 'Downs and Woodhall which the home team won 1-0.

The final four teams have gone through a lot of intense physical and emotional competition in the last month and now they're ready to reap in the rewards. Each of these four teams has a chance of winning the cup. Many teams have had their fair shares of ups and downs and there have been many surprises and maybe a few more soon.

Lets have a look at the highlights of the World Cup so far,

Nominees for the Best Moment

13th November, Barrow-Downs vs. Woodhall - Phantom's out of the stadium free-kick.

13th November, Lothlorien vs. Crickhollow - Fatty charging down the wings.

14th November, Moria vs. Rohan - The Pinball Play

14th November, Rivendell vs. Vinyamar - Elrohir's tripping goal.

17th November, Ephel Brandir vs. Erebor - Smaug playing injured.

18th November, Old Forest vs. Rohan - The standing ovation given to Tom Bombadil.

18th November, Nargothrond vs. Erebor - Crowd running onto the field after the match.

20th November, Fangorn vs. Crickhollow - Fangorn staying on the field the whole night to celebrate (?).

Nominees for the Best Goal

14th November, Rivendell vs. Vinyamar - Elladan's trip goal.

15th November, Barrow-Downs vs. Valmar - Phantom's free kick.

15th November, Nargothrond vs. Mirkwood - Turin's long, high ball.

15th November, Goblin-Town vs. Doriath - Beleg's fake shot goal.

17th November, Mordor vs. Rohan - Nazgul#7's high pass to himself header.

5th December, Gondor vs. Bree - Boromir's bycycle kick.

10th December, Barrow-Downs vs. Alqualonde - Firefoot's poke goal.
Saucepanman's bycycle kick.

14th December, Barrow-Downs vs. Arnor - Sleepy Ranger's high & wide, curve & drop shot.

14th December, Shire vs. Mordor - Pippin's wild goal.

Nominees for the Best Match

11th November, Shire vs. Arnor

14th November, Valimar vs. Valmar

15th November, Barrow-Downs vs. Valmar

15th November, Nargothrond vs. Mirkwood

15th November, Gondor vs. Gondolin

20th November, Gondolin vs. Angband

6th December, Nargothrond vs. Moria

10th December, Shire vs. Doriath

14th December, Barrow-Downs vs. Arnor

Send in your votes by PM or IM, to Sleepy Ranger before the Finals. (No, the Semi-Finals and the Finals will not count towards these awards.)

And we now leave for a commercial but don't go anywhere we'll be right back.

Sorry for cutting short but I have to leave. I'll finish it later. Vote for one in each category, send them in by PM with the subject 'Votes'.

Valesse 12-16-2005 04:58 PM

After a long absence, Movie-Arwen is back... this time with Firefoot!

Sleepy Ranger 12-17-2005 02:58 AM

...Sorry for the delay
Hello and welcome back to the rest of our show. We'd like to apologize for the delay since we had some technical difficulties and now onto the rest of the show.

First lets have a look at the Semi-Finals and the teams qualified for them.

Angaband vs. Nargothrond

The Barrow-Downs vs. The Shire

Now for a look at the performance of the teams-


Group - H
Group Standing - 2nd, 6 points (2-1)
Biggest Win - Grey Havens, 4-0
Biggest Loss - Gondor, 1-0
Top Scorer - Gothmog and Melkor (4)
Home Stadium - Fortress of Angband
Captain - Melkor
Coach - Coach
Win/Loss Record - 4/1/0
Key Players - Melkor, Gothmog


Group - D
Group Standing - 2nd, 5 points
Biggest Win - Erebor, 3-1
Biggest Loss - n/a
Top Scorer - Turin (9)
Home Stadium - Nargothrond
Captain - Finrod Felagund
Coach - Finrod
Win/Loss Record - 3/0/2
Key Players - Turin, Finrod Felagund

The Barrow-Downs

Group - C
Group Standing - 1st, 9 points
Biggest Win - Arnor, 6-3
Biggest Loss - n/a
Top Scorer - Saucepnman and Sleepy Ranger (7)
Home Stadium - Middle-Earth Mirth
Captain - The Barrow-Wight
Coach - Mr. Underhill
Win/Loss Record - 5/0/0
Key Players - Saucepanman, Sleepy Ranger, the phantom

The Shire

Group - B
Group Standing - 1st, 7 ponts
Biggest Win - Mordor, 3-0
Biggest Loss - n/a
Top Scorer - Pippin (9)
Home Stadium - Hobbiton
Captain - Gandalf the Grey
Coach - Bilbo Baggins
Win/Loss Record - 4/0/1
Key Players - Pippin, Gandalf, Merry

Match Predictions

We're down that stage of the tournament where one mistake could end it all. None of the four teams seems to have any plans of backing out now. They're going to give it their all but only two will advance to the finals.

Angband vs. Nargothrond

This has the makings of a good match. Expect to see a lot of goals scored by both sides and unless Angband slips up and makes a mistake they should have an easy win. Nargothrond will be on the search for that one mistake, that one moment where they'll be able to turn the tide in their favor and if it comes around you can be sure they'll grab it. It could go either way but Angband seem to be the favorites to win tonight.

The Barrow-Downs vs. The Shire

This one promises to blow the roof of the stadium, I guess we're lucky its being played in an open roof stadium. It'll be a solid back and forth match, these are after all two of the top teams in the tournaments. Both will give a 100% but in the the team that goes the 101 will steal the win and I can see The Barrow-Downs edging out The Shire for this win. The 'Downs have a superior defense than that of The Shire and both teams have strong offenses. I expect a win for the 'Downs.

Sleepy Ranger 12-17-2005 04:38 AM

The Much Awaited Semi-Finals
Match 1
Live from The Fortress

Angband (3)5 - 5(2) Nargothrond

When I said this match would be high scoring I wasn't talking fifteen goals but this sensational match produced just that, fifteen beautiful goals. This match was the beautiful game at its finest. Though Nargothrond may have lost they have a lot to be proud of, they went up against what may be the best team in the tournament and gave them a run for the money till the bitter end and even put a scare into them every so often.

Angaband held the reigns in the first half after both Gothmog and Melkor scored. Gothomg's goal was lackluster and he didn't seem to really have put much effort into it but [luckily] it rolled into the net. Angband look strong early on in the second half but Turin stole the ball from an Angband corner and broke away to score Nargothrond's first goal. This was followed up moments later by a penalty for Nargothrond which Turin managed to convert into a goal. The two teams kept picking at each other after that and both managed to score another goal each, thanks to Gothmog and Finrod.

Both teams resumed the match in extra time with slightly altered formations and line ups. Angaband played dangerously well but it was Nargothrond that drew first blood, a free kick by Finrod flew true and sailed past Ancalagon to take Nargothrond one up. The fans erupted at this and several supporters burst into tears of joy it was short lived however as Nargothrond got lazy and let Melkor get past them to slot in an equalizer which was followed up by another goal for him after a few minutes. Turin found himself in scoring range towards the end of the match and with a cry of desperation he took a powerful shot only to be denied by the goalie but all was not lost, Finrod took an excellent rebound leaving the keeper helpless. Extra time ended with the scores 5 - 5, it would be penalties.

N - Score! (0-1)
A - Score! (1-1)
N - Miss! (1-1)
A - Score! (2-1)
N - Score! (2-2)
A - Score! (3-2)
N - Saved! (3-2)
A - Miss! (3-2)
N - MISS! (3-2)

Angaband win a hard fought contest in penalties. Nargothrond had a chance but a poorly taken penalty was their downfall.

We hope you enjoyed the match, tune in later for The Barrow-Downs vs. The Shire, which we hope will be just as enjoyable.

Inspired by Hookbill I decided to check what percentage of posts in this thread were by me. It seems 37% of the posts in this thread were by me. :eek:

Valesse 12-17-2005 02:01 PM

Movie-Arwen catches up with The Phantom before Match 2: Barrowdowns versus The Shire.

Sleepy Ranger 12-17-2005 02:30 PM

And now for the rest of the Semi-Finals
Match 2
Live from Hobbiton

The Shire 2 - 3 The Barrow-Downs

This match may not have been as high scoring as the other but it definately wasn't lacking any of its own. The Shire did dominate early on but they found it hard to keep up with The Barrow-Downs and in the end it was neither Sleepy Ranger nor The Saucepanman and not even the phantom who won the match for the 'Downs though they did play a part. Though it seemed that Pippin would score early on it was Merry who scored the opener. A fake shot sent Barrow-Wight diving in the wrong direction and gave Merry the chance he needed to score the first in just the 15th minute.

The 'Downs however replied in the form of a Sleepy Ranger goal in the 37th minute which was followed up by a Saucepanman goal in the 43rd minute. The two teams started the second half with the 'Downs ahead by one and it wasn't till the 72nd minute that Pippin found himself in range and blasted in a beautiful volley to draw the teams again. They went into extra-time at two goals each and battled out a hard match till the final minute where the phantom sent a hard pass to Sleepy Ranger who manage to swerve past a few defenders and shoot but the keeper knocked it away only to have Saucepanman attempt a shot which was deflected by a defender but then who else but The Barrow-Wight himself decides to rush in all the way from goal and knock in the winner.

Truly a great win for the 'Downs. Congratulations to all the teams that played and the losers shouldn't be dis-appointed, they still have third place to claim.

The Saucepan Man 12-18-2005 05:00 AM

Yellow Boots update
Wow! Should be a great final. I would have preferred that the Downs meet the Shire in the final, but it is fitting, I suppose, that the two who have proved themselves the best should meet in the final. This will be a challenging game for the Downs, but (at the end of the day) I think we have enough to prevail over Melkor's boys.

The semi-final matches leave the Yellow Boots table in the following state (full list):

Turin (Nargothrond): 12
Pippin (The Shire): 10
Beleg (Doriath): 9
Sleepy Ranger (Barrow Downs): 8
The Saucepan Man (Barrow Downs): 8
Melkor (Angband): 7
Azog (Moria): 6
Legolas (Mirkwood): 6
Gothmog (Angband): 6
Ugluk (Isengard): 6
Arathorn (Arnor): 5
Glorfindel (Gondolin): 5
Sauron (Tol-In-Gauroth): 5
Varda (Valimar): 5
Dark Lord (Mordor): 4
Faramir (Gondor): 4
Finrod (Nargothrond): 4
Merry (The Shire): 4
Aragorn (Gondor): 3
Arvedui (Arnor): 3
Tom Bombadil (Old Forest): 3
Turgon (Gondolin): 3
Ancalagon the Black (Angband): 2
Balin (Moria): 2
Boromir (Gondor): 2
Ecthelion (Gondolin): 2
Haldir (Lothlorien): 2
Manwe (Valmar): 2
Quickbeam (Fangorn): 2
Tar-Meneldur (Numenor): 2
The phantom (Barrow Downs): 2
Thingol (Doriath): 2
Thorin (Erebor): 2
Treebeard (Fangorn): 2
Witch King of Angmar (Mordor): 2
Yavanna (Valimar): 2
Brandir (Ephel Barandir): 1
Durin's Bane (Moria): 1
Earnil (Arnor): 1
Elrohir (Rivendell): 1
Fatty Bolger (Crickhollow): 1
Firefoot (Barrow Downs): 1
Gandalf (The Shire): 1
Imrahil (Gondor): 1
Maeglin (Angband): 1
Nazgul #7 (Mordor): 1
Olwe (Alqualonde): 1
Tar-Ancalime (Numenor): 1
The Barrow-Wight (Barrow Downs): 1
Tuor (Gondolin): 1

Can anyone reach Turin's total? Sleepy Ranger, The Saucepan Man, Melkor and (conceivably) Gothmog are the only ones in with a chance. Let's hope for a plethora of Downs goals in the final, so we can bring home both the ME Cup and the Yellow Boots Trophy. :D

Sleepy Ranger 12-18-2005 05:12 AM


Let's hope for a plethora of Downs goals in the final, so we can bring home both the ME Cup and the Yellow Boots Trophy.
Hate to break to you Saucey but Nargothrond still have a third place match against The Shire and I don't think Turin plans on not scoring so I daresay the Yellow Boots are as good as his.

The Saucepan Man 12-18-2005 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepy
Hate to break to you Saucey but Nargothrond still have a third place match against The Shire and I don't think Turin plans on not scoring so I daresay the Yellow Boots are as good as his.

Er - good point. I had forgotten the third place play-off, although such matches often tend to be rather dull. Nevertheless, it leaves Turin firm favourite and gives Pippin an outside chance.

Sleepy Ranger 12-18-2005 02:15 PM

Third Place Play-Off
Live From The Books

Nargothrond 0 - 1 The Shire

Not really much in this match. Shire take third place thanks to a goal by Pippin.

Well there you go. Lackluster and boring is the only way to describe the third place match lets hope for solider finals. Speaking of finals I have no intention of postiing the results till I get a fair amount of votes in. Even if you don't know the sport how hard is it to determine your favorite moment...

On a sidenote I love Suacepnaman! ^_^ (Well as much as I may without Ka killing him...)

Morai 12-19-2005 11:38 AM

Random Titles Get Sporty!?
Wow, congratulations everyone. You have officially have me interested in something sports related, even if it is theorectical. Too bad one of the teams I was cheering for got knocked out. I still have two left though. :p

Sleepy Ranger 12-20-2005 06:18 AM

The Finals...
No, you don't get them yet... So far I've just recieved four votes and to be honest I'm dis-appointed. I thought more people actually wanted to see this happen but well guess I was wrong. Anyway, if I don't get more votes soon I'm not going to give you the finals. I'll PM the results to those who voted because seriously if you can't spare five minutes to respond I really don't see why I should bother. Its really dis-heartening. Back in the beginning when people used to respond I used to enjoy doing this now to be honest its boring. Theres just no interaction, it seems I'm forcing you to read (except Saucepanman who has been a great hand throughout the tournamnet. So I say thank ya Saucey!).

Well now then if you do want to see it then give it some time! I mean the announcement of the finals hasn't generated any excitement at all. I understand if you're busy or maybe I don't but either way seeing no intrest at all from anyone just plain hurts. :'(

No, I'm not going to apologize for my rant. If you really want to see this happen then show me you do otherwise I'm afraid only a few people will now how this ends. And yea, I'm trusting those few not to leak the results if they do then well... I dunno, guess I can't really do anything.

So yea, all I can say is I'm dis-appointed. I cut off MEFD because nobody was making any contributions but I thought that people are probably just too busy and writing that stuff takes time but to see that they can't spare five minutes or so is really dis-heartening.

Well ok I guess my rant wasn't quite over so I'll end it now before it gets out of hand.

Good Day,
Sleepy Ranger

WaynetheGoblin 12-20-2005 06:34 AM

i really like this thread it is cool i will give you rep sleepy.

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